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This game got me invested, i love the characters, ofc Fit Jack, Mike and Aiko are the best imo, genuinely good story and loved the experience 5⭐

Thank you so much!

(1 edit) (+2) really hit a homerun with this AVN. Best story, perfectly spaced scenes, choices that actually matter. I'm in awe finishing this and seeing how amazing it was. It's a true shame that it's finally over, and though eternum is superb as well, I prefer this one above all others out there. Maybe a future OIALT direct sequel? A man can dream. Also, Jasmine best girl.


As much as I love this game, I still love Eternum more.  This game is fantastic but Eternum is just one step more refined.  One thing for sure. I do not think it is possible to beat Caribdis when it comes to making games.


Agree to disagree on game pref, totally agree on Caribdis being the goat. I just connect more with oialt. It might sound weird but I like the graphics of it more than eternum.

Thank you so much!

And yeah, I consider this game finished, and I'm working full time on Eternum now. When Eternum is done, I'll start a new game!

i was gonna ask this in the discord but im not a patreon member but i need to know who to get the scene after the first 3some can somone help me pls?

(1 edit)

That's a lewd scene with Aiko, you need to be on her path and admit the threesome to her when she asks you about it. It takes place at the gas station on your way back from the village.

(1 edit) (+1)

From rus

I just tried it a second time, and it caused me such emotions that I did not have this from any other game, I felt joy, sadness and feelings I did not understand from the second passage

I think this is one of the best if not the best game I've played in general

Thank you for this game, as soon as possible, I will immediately support you on patreon

and what do you think, should we start eternum now or wait for the release of 1.0?

Thanks again, it was great.

Thank you so much!!

You should start Eternum now! There are a lot of hours of content already!


Is this the final version


Yes, a finished AVN! Crazy, right?


Created an account to comment. This is the best story game I've ever played hands down. Aside from the slightly annoying "path lost" feature, the main character isn't ugly as fuck and the design for all the characters are really nicely done, both personality and looks. Not to mention, the comedy is on point. 雪花飘飘was what prompted me to come onto this website to create an account. Truly one of the games of all time.


Thank you so much!

Why is judie lost path in my game

The moment you make a wrong choice you straight up lose a path. It's kind of annoying.

Sometimes it can be like that but most of the time, there is leeway for mistakes. There are many ways you can lose Judie's path, I can't help you based on the limited information you provided.

I've been there before too! If you don't like losing paths, I can recommend you a mod I made; it can predict path loss early, eliminating fomo while still letting you make your own decisions. There's also an "Accumulative Guide" which can help you troubleshoot your playthrough without you having to start over.

(1 edit)

I came across Eternum at first but finally I decided to leave my comment here,you are absolutely a GENIUS at telling stories and combining H scenes with the whole plot!!!Though models seemed to be a little bit rough due to its time,this game still provided me with such a unique experience.Your stories made me feel like I'm the hero of this fantastic travel,and I haven't had that feeling except Elder Scroll V and Dark Souls series!

9/10 and Good job bro!I can't wait to see the next epic travel you are leading us to in Eternum!

Thank you Yanchuan!!

Amé este juego, me cautivó su historia y personajes, su final me hizo derramar algunas lagrimas de tristeza por que había llegado a su fin, pero de alegría igualmente. 10/10

Old but gold.

Although the visuals are a bit below average due to its old age, the story and the comedy are incredibly good. A game where every option has a lot of impact. 9 out of 10.

Thank you so much!

I made an account just to leave a comment here. This game was absolutely amazing! I loved all of it! The story was amazing, the characters were captivating, and I loved the ending! Thank you for making such an amazing game! Can't wait to try Eternum!

Hope you like Eternum!

I just got to the end of what's been released and I love Eternum just as much as I love Once in a Lifetime! They're both so amazing and I can't wait to see what comes out in the future!

Will there be another game like Once in a Lifetime ? please! :(


Have you tried Eternum yet?

As Tanxui says, there already is. There is a giant pic of it right above the download button. Kind of hard to miss.


Hey, I found this game by pure chance and I saw a lot of people praising it so I wanted to give it a shot.
I've completed this game twice, first time I did it blind, the second one I used the walkthrough to get all the scenes. I gotta say, this game's story was pretty good and engaging and I really liked it. Awesome work on this!

Thank you very much!

Hi Caribdis, I really enjoyed "Once in a Lifetime". In my opinion one of the best adult games. 10/10. Keep on the good work! :)

Thank you!!

This game is awesome!

Man Caribdis I could really feel how you found your style of game in this game, the humor starts creeping in this game little by little until you find yourself having a full on laugh from something stupid "Jack" said? I think it's Jack I'm bad at names but when he becomes your "best" friend it is pure comedy gold

Glad you liked it!

How do i go on with judies path cuz there are 2 options and both of them are path lost ( right before the secret couch place)

You haven't gotten enough points with her up until that part download the walkthrough to get the points you need 5 points with her for when you reach the scene where you get stuck in the shower and then you should say nothing and then I think most of it should make sense


You can lose paths due to low affection points; you might have lost Judie's path long before the game actually acknowledges her path as lost. gudrald is partially correct, you need 6 affection points to avoid losing Judie's path at that point. Seeing the bathroom lewd scene helps but is not required.

I struggled with this too, so I made a mod that can predict path loss early and save you from having to reload a save you made hours ago.


thank yuo very much for the mod


I just wanted to say what an incredible game this was, i binged it in 2 days and felt the need to try different branches of the story. Comedy was really good (I cant even remember if i laughed at the comedy of a different game than this), characters were interesting and sex scenes were good. Even the story, which i dont expect anything from a porn game, was really interesting that i felt the need to take notes and translate latin. Well it was unnecessary but i was just so immersed that i felt like i could be needing to take notes. And most importantly, i felt the passion you have for this game and fun you were having while developing it. Thank you for the game, i will now try out your other game.

Thank you!! I hope you like Eternum!

just finished whats there for Eternum and i loved it. The story, everything was amazing so i cant wait to start this one. ill let you know how it was once i finished.

Keep in mind that it was my first game, so it's objectively worse in all its technical aspects!


im just a little bit in it and im in love with it <3 thank you for creating a masterpiece

(3 edits) (+1)

 I found a glitch that allows you to unlock gallery scenes without reaching them I watched a few gallery scenes then hit return but instead of going back to the menue I got to watch a gallery scene I hadn't seen yet and then that scene was unlocked I had to close the game to get it to stop opening more scenes everytime I hit return I wouldn't mind it if you kept the gallery unlocking part of the bug in just get rid of the softlock part. Its a good thing I saved before I did it

(edit I was able to reproduce the glitch easily it goes through every gallery scene after the one you watched)


bro pls use ". "and "," its so hard to understand

the download doesnt work on mac

A beautiful story, thank you Caribdis for this blast of an experience as well as well as Eternum!

Thank you for playing!


Cult Classic

I did not come for the story, but it's definitely what I'm staying for.

You know the game is a 10/10 when you are so conflicted between watching slowly the sex scenes because of how well they are made, or past them quickly because the story has you grabbed so hard that you can't wait to get more...

This is not "a great adult game", is a marvellous game, period, on it's own rights i can say i would recomend it over many AAA games without hessitation.

Also in case Caribdis reads this, first, thanks for this experience, second, any chance of you uploading it to steam? just my main store so would like having it there


Thank you so much!

Unfortunately I can't because of licensing stuff with the software I use for the renders, so I have to rely on Patreon and Subscribestar !

(2 edits)

Mann i fell inlove with this game! I hope there's a continuation of this. I badly wants to see my favorite characters from this game again. Anyway i'll download the eternum too, i know it's also beautiful as this one :)

Haven't seen them cameo in Eternum yet, but Judie (and apparently Iris) appear in the cell phone store in Ripples.

There IS a reference to (President) Stabby Mike, meaning Eternum is in the same universe.

(1 edit)

And its mentioned in OIALT aswell, in the car at the end

(Where the hell is michael mentioned I must have missed it)

Thanks! Hope you like Eternum!

Caribdis you truly make wonderful games this one is a master piece from the story the jokes sex scenes and background music this game was great and I Enjoyed every minute I played 10/10 

Thank you so much!!


Barcelona is NOT winning that CL Final 😭😭🙏🙏💯💯

BRUUH  😭😭 😭😭 😭😭

I want to know that this game does have no music in many scenes, right? I just want to check to make sure that the file I had downloaded was not damaged.

Yes, it doesn't have music in all the scenes


actual masterpiece lol i cant believe im all emotional over a porn game but here we are


Man this game is AMAZING! Loved it from the first line to the credits! I'd love to see more on this title but I'm also absolutely gonna check out Eternum as well. Keep up the good work!


Hope you like Eternum!


Hey Caribdis! Just completed it a few minutes ago and oh boy was it a rollercoaster of emotions! Came here while waiting for the next update of eternum and surely do not regret it. Though the part from Mike getting stabbed to the end of Astaroth felt a bit rushed, overall, the game was really good. Waiting for the next update of eternum. Keep growing as always! :)

Thank you so much!


Caribdis you son of a gun! You did it again I may be late to the party but it was fantastic beginning to ending was a masterpiece. Eternum brought me here after it's latest update btw f u for leaving it in such a cliffhanger. I will let it slide because of the alex scene! Don't know if once in a lifetime is fully completed. But thanks 👍.

it's fully completed with alternate endings

Thank you!


It kinda felt too fast-paced. From Mike getting shot to Astaroth just banishing and the game ends. Wish there could've been more. But cool game. A mix of Thrill and RomCom. And hope Eternum's new patch will be released soon. Really loved that game. 


What does choosing the pregnancy option at the start of the game does to the game?

It means that there might be cute little consequences to some of your actions. ;)

it introduces RTS mechanics to the game that sets you on a mission to conquer various factions that coincidentally always seem to go in the order: Poland, France, Yugoslavia, Greece, USSR.

I have to know what happened with Rebecca. Did she actually go through marrying the guy? Did she end up with the MC? That whole thread is still kind of open.


Never mind. I figured it out. Amazing game. The story drew me in after the first couple of chapters.

How do i get the file to download on Android

This is just simply amazing I played it a few months ago and honestly all I can say is this is one of my favorite if not my favorite of all time. I enjoyed it very much keep up the good work

Thank you so much!

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