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Just finished this masterpiece today and I want to say thank you

Thank you for playing!


Hi hey first of all lobe the game, Fr the best one I've found, now for my question, is there a 1.0 android version? The file says 0.10 so I don't know if it's just a name thing or android doesn't have a 1.0

It's the same version no worries

Chhay best man, and the humor is great, on top of it being good. Great work, I love it!


I demand a fully written VN of Stabby Mike and his adventures.


I may be 2 years late saying this, but this is one of the best Visual Novels i've played. Finishing this game only made me more excited for the completion of Eternum. I was not expecting one decision made pretty early on changing the entire ending! I will always be grateful to President Stabby. When I saved him I was just thinking, "hey he doesn't seem like a bad dude. Sure a bit of a temper but fuck it I'll save him". But at the end all I could do was to chuckle to myself and be grateful for the AMAZING story telling. 

Thank you so much!!

Just got into this game this week based on youtube recommends and finished it.  Hope its not a spoiler saying S.M.S. is the real MVP. Great story. Amazing humor. Great "story". Definitely want to support more content like this. Eager to see Eternum complete.

Thank you for your support!!

tried to run multiple times didn't work. does it not work on windows 11?

(1 edit)

Absolutely FANTASTIC.  Phenomenal. I made this account just to say I was not expecting to get this amount of enjoyment. Downloading Eternum as I write this.

Hope you like it as well!

I finished it yesterday. It was incredible. Looking forward to the next update.


(2 edits) (+1)

I created a damn account just to provide feedback...

This game is one of the AVN masterpiece.

-Well the story is a bit unexpected, but it doesn't feel weird.

-The jokes are EXCELLENT, not some dry drama cringy joke.

-The character looks different than other AVN, for me CK, BaDik and LoF all look closely similar but this one, different feeling, I like Jasmine's character and trait design btw.

-The animation, although it looks fake but I like how I can change angle and most scene gives me nice sensation, Jas is the hottest one because her attitude toward MC

-Gameplay, basically what you'll expect in good AVN, choices, puzzles

-Bonus, I like those memes used in the game, give me a feeling that I'm playing a game made by enthusiast, not 3A gold sucking company...

Imma going to try Eternum, I hope this author keep the passion and enthusiasm, only with them can create masterpiece.

Finishing the game feels like finishing a really good series, I feel empty inside now


Thank you for your review! I hope you like Eternum!

I'm not even trying to exaggerate

But for the first time I can admit,the story the plot the humour and the characters were downright amazing man(and I played because of them rather than just the scenes)

Stabby Mike is just a G ,the story was very well played out ,not rushed just great

The plot twist was honestly perfect

Good game overall 11/10


Thank you very much!


Eternum was a fuckin 12/10 hoping it's 11/10 on it's worst day if it comes from the same legend that goes by the user caribdis. Commenting as it's installing at the moment 

is there gonna be a viewer for all the NSFW scenes? Or is it because they're "once in a lifetime"? XD

I do hope we can more easily revisit them than having saves scattered through the game...

Deleted 1 year ago

Load back the save and you'll see “Gallery”

What is path lost means

(1 edit)

Means no more scene or close moment with her anymore, you did something wrong and she not close with you anymore


Quite possibly one of funny, plot twisting, and just overall really fantastic game. First time ever commenting on a game, but man this game is just amazing. Best character Stabby Mike all the way. 10/10 

Gonna try out Eternum see how it compares.


Thank you!! I hope you like Eternum too :D


This is the first time I'm commenting on a game, I just felt like I had to. I came here for the boobs but I stayed for the plot and the comedy (and the boobs). I 100% recommend the game to anyone, even if it is Caribdi's first project the quality is amazing. I will definitely be playing Eternum next.


Thank you!

I hope you like Eternum!

Eternum is now my favorite game in this whole platform. You deserve every dollar and u also have my full support.


There is a build (.exe) with an alternative icon? I don't like this ev!l one

(1 edit) (+2)

Bro i love this game, the comedy is top notch, started playing eternum just now and i already love the comedy, also i love the mike reference, he is my favourite character

Once in a Lifetime maybe me laugh very much, looking forward to laugh to eternum as well

When i get some money i'll make sure to donate


Thank you so much!!



Played eternum and im coming here to play this, saw some comments about this game and looks good, eternum ending made me cry like ending an anime XD, excited to see what this game has to offer :)


Keep it mind it was my first game, so it might not be as good technically!

(1 edit)


(I didn't know where else to put this)


I was playing on MOBILE and got a weird bug.

I went to the gallery and viewed a scene, but when i tried to leave it didn't let me, but instead started playing the locked scenes in order and unlocking them.

i got only about three until i came to the conclusion that it wouldn't work, so i closed the game.

(This actually happens every time i view a scene, so you might want to patch that so no one gets the gallery without playing the game)

im here after playing eternum, that was my first experience and it makes me excited for this game and any more you put out


i just played the entire game in one sitting and i only have one thing to tell you Caribdis, you sure know how to make one hell of an ending... (im literally crying)


I'm glad! Thank you!


Just want to say that this really is a remarkable game. Literally one of if not the funniest games I've ever played. 



Think the Android version might have grandfathered out or something. Says there was a problem parsing no matter what else I do. Don't suppose that's an easy fix?

Amazing story and game. I wasn't able to get the (no one left behind) ending, Is there something you have to do to achieve that ending? In all amazing game, can't wait to see how you take Eternum forward.


Download the walkthrough! You need all the girls paths active and Stabby Mike


Everyone needs Stabby Mike.


This is the best game i have ever play , The experience is amazing , The story is one of the best ever and the characters story development is insane Also stabby mike the goat

Thank you!

I honestly enjoyed this game. such a fucking good VN, one of the best out there


stabby mike a real one fr

(1 edit) (+2)

You are insane. I am grateful for this experience. This explicit graphic novel invested so much into characters and story development. It was a pure pleasure to enjoy it. I can only imagine how much you spent creating this.


Thank you!


ok but tell me how tf did this game made me care and invest into characters and story

Its a porn game god damn it


dude, honestly I just completed the best ending for the game I'm legit smiling.  Game made me laugh a good few times.


Haha I'm glad!

I play all my porn games for the plot. I didn't see it coming either!

(1 edit) (+1)

how many profiles can be achieved with dr.monroe's tests? it's too funny.

i got psicopatic, compliant, sex addict.

Haha there's a 4th one

yeah, got it! natural leader.


After playing through all of Eternum up to its current point, while waiting I've played this, and man, you're a fuckin genius and I honestly kill to see a follow up game to this in the future or something, like maybe The Grimoire it's more than a Legend and it's an alien artifact or something and you have to escape more than just cultists and need more problem solving things and put more possible game enders or something like I have a lot of ideas for multiple things and wish i had the skills to program things like these games


Thank you very much!

And I can't wait to see what other mystical stories you come up with in the future! Your characters and story are honestly my favorite parts, the humor and everything, I swear I'm sometimes laughing my ass off at things 

(1 edit) (+1)

Folks, can you recommend me visual novels like this but an action adventure one with multiple endings. I really like the story of this VN.


Not sure what you mean by action adventure, but as far as I am aware, there are zero games like this one making games that require a double-digit staff.

I see, thank you for the response. But what is double-digit staff?

I mean, this game was made by one person. It sounds like what you want is the kind of game made by 20 people on salary with a server room. 


Caribdis taking literally nothing but Ws from both this and Eternum.  The absolute GOAT.




Hi! Loved the game (plot and music especially). Was wondering if you were planning to make a DLC for this ever? I know you're probably REALLY busy with Eternum, but I was just curious.


Unfortunately not, after Eternum I'll work on a new game!


I've completed the game yesterday, first run. I liked it. In fact, I liked it a lot. There are not too many LI, and you can build relationship slowly while learning about them. The graphics are well done and varied. The story is engaging. There are so many choices in the game that it is truely one you can replay a few times. Bravo to the team.
Since I've read so many positive reviews of Eternum, I will now buy it and start playing it today. If those comments are true, it should be as good if not better than 'Once...' 


You are in for such a treat when you play Eternum if you enjoyed this!


Thank you! Hope you like Eternum!

4 hours in and, ya, I love it. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Un buen juego la verdad,Caribdis tienes una gran mente amigo.

I played this game 2 times. First without the guide, then with it. I have to say, it was really hard without it and i didn't even fucked once but when i played it with the guide it was a way better experience because i was able to focus more on the Story. I love this game, because it doesn't focus too much on the sex scenes. I love the Storyline because its not just about fucking. I will play Eternum next, once it is finished :)

You did a GREAT job Caribdis <3


Thank you <3

Deleted 1 year ago


The earliest point at which you can lose her path is not checking her grades on Rebecca's laptop. I'd recommend you a mod I made which makes sure you're not losing the path of a girl you like.

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