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Let me preface this by saying I've never so much as commented on any of the games on this site... but I can't not tell you how incredible this game was. from the story with its twists and deep emotion to the hilarious humorous parts to the incredible detail and animations of both the story and NSFW scenes. this game was truly a work of art. and the ending was perfect. it gave me a real sense of accomplishment while still making me sad it was over. this was also the first ero game where every character grew on me, even the ones I was sure I wouldn't choose. I honestly cannot congratulate you enough for designing this game and cannot wait for Eternum


Thank you so much!! 😍

I hope you like Eternum too! It will be released very soon!
I'll announce the release dates this week!

I freaking love this so much, such an amazing story and game. Great job Caribdis! Can't wait for Eternum!

Thank you very much Hoody!

I'm sad.. Please add file to Mega to download for Android...

I'm always failed to download 😢😢😢

I'm sad really really sad  the game size is getting bigger...

thank you ❤❤❤

Hey man great game liked it a lot and, all the endings are just perfect, even the bad ones 😂😂. Was hoping for u to drop another game like this with the same humour and great story. Are u planning on something?


Absolutely, Eternum.
It will be released this September!

sooooooo f-ckin' grreeeaaaaatttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVED IT!!!!!

The story, the humor, the characters, everything so lovely. 



Thank you! 😄
I'm glad you liked it so much

My man... what a wonderful game... I downloaded this game for free. I am playing on chapter 0.8 yet and I had to come back and pay you at least a coffee. This game is awesome, very well made, lots of content, very very fun... loved every bit of it. To bad I can't pay much more money for it. My respect for you.

Thank you so much man! 😍😍
And don't say that, any amount of support helps! Thank you!

(3 edits) (+1)

Hey caribdis hope you still remember me I've been in this comment box before Oh seems like there's a new update better to reinstall the game, definitely S++ tier game, very very very great👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

Too bad I need uninstall this game to free up space to try to run the game 'sisterly lust' but still failed

The game called waifu academy reminded me of this masterpiece the mc on both games look almost the same, I just finished that game so I need to find more games

hey spoiler alert!!!

The scene when the clans meet up together still give me goosebumps for a reason, specially when 'Song for Denise' is the background music.

Haha yeah I love that scene too!
Thank you very much again Bobby ^^


I actually feel really satisfied after playing this. This was a ride, you actually pulled off the mystery adventure and comedy troupe amazingly! The plot never suffered, it was just what it had to be at every point!

Also love to see how you improved your art throughout the game! Must I suggest you redo (or have someone redo) the first half of the game with the newer models and shaders. For the players who go it the game blindly and end up missing up the gold that is hidden.

Can’t wait for your next game! Cheers and bless you!

Thank you so much!!
Yeah, I know the first half of the game looks kinda bad, maybe one day I remake it, but for now I prefer to focus on new content!

Why isnt this a film yet? 

Not gonna drop any spoilers but god damn this game has it all. Holy shit take my money! Thank you Caribdis!

Thank you so much! 😍

This was a sick game. Cant wait for the next my guy

Thanks Code!
I hope you like Eternum too

(1 edit)

Is it out or is it in production because I'm not sure how old this game is? Also is it continuing from this game or is it completely different? And I'm sure I will enjoy mate you did a cracking job on this one. 


It's a different game, and it's in production. The first update will be released this September

I look forward to it!


I loved this game so much! The story and the characters are very well written and the humor is genuinely good. I will most definitely be watching out for Eternum!

p.s. Stabby Mike is best boy. <3

Thank you very much YaBoi!

(1 edit) (-1)

Absolutely phenomenal game, the horror was well implemented and not forced and edgy like LiL plus the characters arent 14 unlike LiL lmao and the Characters are well written and the ending was amazing, Stabby Mikes a legend.

Thank you so much! 😍

Hey, Caribdis. I just needed to say that I left your patreon because I'm extremely tight on funds this month but I feel really bad about it. I will be back and I can't wait for Eternum. Keep writing gold, mate.

Don't worry about it Phat, don't feel bad about it! 
Just the fact that you supported the game means a lot, thank you so much! 🧡🧡

(2 edits) (+1)

I just now finished the final update. I won't lie, I cried like a baby through the entire final montage. Bravo sir/ma'am (no assumption, no judgement) you are a phenomenal writer and I can not freakin wait for Eternum. 

Glad you liked it!!


This is my first review I've written, but since this is my favorite game on this site, I thought I should leave some feedback. 

This game is extremely good, and a lot more than I ever expected. The story and characters are great, this was the first time I was really invested in an adult game. There were funny, happy, sad, and exciting (in more ways than one, if you know what I mean) moments, and the story has a great variety of things that happen. 

The only thing I think could be improved would be a better epilogue, like maybe a chapter more that focuses on the new life you get; maybe a bit more stuff about the pregnancies(although that might just be my personal preference) and maybe a bit more interactions between the different girls, because some girls, so that the characters feel a bit more connected. 

But again, wonderful game and I can't wait for your next one! 


Thank you Orin! 😍

THE BEST VN I have ever played so farrrrrr, thank you carrdiss for this masterpiece. Can't wait to support your next project Eternum 🥰🥰

Thank you very much Almond 🧡
Eternum is almost here!

(6 edits)

Actually managed to get me more invested in the plot more than the "plot" wp mr. dev, wp.  ( ̄~ ̄;) 5/5 Hands down, the best VN I've played on itch to date.

A few of the references absolutely destroyed my stomach. Keanu would be proud.

Glad to hear that! Thank you so much!

Deleted 3 years ago

Thanks! 😄

(1 edit) (+2)

Thank you so much!


I surely can say the same, this has been the best game i've ever played and i'm so excited to see what's next


Thank you Lerowi!

Okay. Review time :) Cuz if you can play a game for free, the least you can do is leave (good) advice for the next one to play. ^^

This game was great. It wasn't perfect but it was really good. Overall i really enjoyed the game and yesterday i finished the game @ 1.30 in the night. Yeeh :) I now want to go over my points, what i liked... and the one thing that i didnt like as much :)

What i liked:
-The story. It was a great and excellent story. It had quite the plottwists here and there and finished totally different then how it started (You go from highschool love game to a save the world from a immortal demon...pretty epic :) )

-The characters:
They where all pretty good written, i got emotionly invested into most (if not all) of them. I hated the characters i should have hated, i loved what the game wanted me to love... And the side characters where pretty well written aswell ;) 

-The humor:

YES... F*CKING YES. I lolled, i giggled, i had to stop the game on some moments cuz i laughed so much. I aint gonna spoil anything... But if you want a good comedic show. Play this game

What i liked for the most part:

-The animation

This one is just a warning. If you boot up the game and start the first sections, you notice the animation.... Isn't as good as other projects. But since this is the creator's first game. You should cut him some slack there. The animation improves, the further you play, the further you come/cum :) So if you are there for the graphics... Just keep going... The start of the game and the endgame are miles apart. So just keep going on that ^^

What i didnt like as much

-I think that this is also to blame for the fact that this was his first game... But especialy in the start... The sex scenes are click click click scenes. You f*ck. You cum. Dun. Later on.... There is some choice (PoV... where to finish) but that's still following the script. I played only 2 VN's from here (same from another developer, 1 is still going) and there is more freedom in the sex scenes there. I prefer that a lot more. 

So yeah. A great game. A good game If you can improve the sexy part for the next game you're creating.... I think that game is going to be epic ;) 

Cya on the discord :) And have a great day ^^ 


Thank you so much for your review!
I'll try to improve on that aspect!

Hey I hardly comment on games but GOD DAMN DO I HAVE TO PRAISE THIS GAME. I have never laughed so hard with a game like this. This is a top quality game in all of it's aspects. Seriously, amazing!!

Thank you so much 🧡

I played alot of games in this webstie some were good some were bad but from all of the games i played this is my nost favourite game of all time. The story,the art and the sex scenes everything was perfect keep making more games because we need more staff like this

I will!
Thanks Alex!


I created an account to just say... I loved this game, its is the only game on this site that has actually made me laugh out loud. Stabby Mike was the best character 🤣. Best Girl was Carla imo.

If you make another game i will definitely try it out👍

Thank you very much!
Yeah, I'm making a new game! Check it out!

The best of the best!

This game had all that i've ever asked for - Lauren( best girl ever)

All this stuff like jokes, memes, sex, nudity was awesome. Thanks for this masterpiece

P.S. my discord account was hacked and i was blocked from server. Now i fix my account, but i can't join again, please forgive and unban me( my discord id is Verfity#3000 )

(1 edit)

Thank you!
Sure, I'll look into the Discord thing

Great characters (models and writing), intriguing story, but the ending feels very... cockblocky. I mean, I just got done assembling a 7 girl harem, about to step into a new life exploring and indulging in all the good heart-(and obviously cock-) warming feels and intricacies of that... what, 21-way relationship? At least? And then all I get is essentially a title card reading 'And they lived happily ever after.'

That end sequence was charming and all, but it was seriously like I got all my uberhot sweethearts onto the plane, and just as I was gearing up for a whole new chapter of exceptional emotional and sexual goodness, the damn thing took off without me! So many important conversations not had, tender moments unshared... So many buttplugs not unpacked!

I feel abandoned on the tarmac...

Sorry to hear about it, I might update it to improve it a bit in the future

This is a best game

Just You are looking for a designer or a video editor ?

Not right now, but thanks!


Great game except for rebecca why would you add that old hag into game caribdis??! shes just a waste of animation and writing budget like who wants to fuck a 40 yo ugly ass woman when you can fuck 18yo chicks i just dont get it maybe its because Im not into milfs but carla is old too at least she looks beautiful but my shitty opinions aside this is a really great game maybe the best avn out there idk i only played ripples and headmaster and this is 10 times better than both combined especially in character design and writing other games kinda suck at them.

Bye the way I hope you add stabby mike lauren and aiko anal sex scenes in epilogue also can i get your your opinion on the best girl in oialt please?(and no stabby mike is not an option)

I like them all 🤷‍♂️

Hi Caribdis ^^, I wonder whether this is the final version of the game or it's gonna be more updated in the future. Thank you!

I'll probably add an extra scene or 2, but not sure when!
In any case, the game is completed, yes!

Hi i really enjoyed this game and was wandering when the next game will be released

Probably this September

(3 edits)

Just wanna say: Some of the best 18+ vVN i've ever play ! Love your character design and story !! Really looking forward to your upcoming enternium project !

By the way, how do i use the insect patch on android ?

Thank you so much!
And I don't know about external patches sorry, you should ask where you find them

Deleted 1 year ago

You must NOT take the Grimoire in the mansion. Download the walkthrough for more info!

(1 edit)

Quick question, where exactly does one download the walkthrough? Thank you, love the game, keep it up!!!

Never mind I found it I am just dumb... LOL

Caribdis, this was really a top notch VN.  It has all the things I like in VNs, and each of them done to perfection.  Thanks for many hours of pure enjoyment!

Thank you for playing!


Hi Caribdis! I must say that I just created an account only to leave this comment. VN is one of my favourite genres of games and I played A LOT of them, both SFW and NSFW. This is one of the most intriguing, exhilarating, thrilling and funny VN I've ever played so far. Everything, from characters development to narrative ramifications, works just perfectly. The plot flows so naturally, there are no forced resolutions, and every single character is so well written and expressive! This game seriously blew me away! 

I can't thank you enough for developing it and sharing it for free! It's been such an amazing adventure, I never expected to feel so many different and emotions. I almost cried during the ending sequence! Now that it's over I'm feeling that sadness that only amazing books or series give me, that sense of bittersweet nostalgia. I really hope you can develop games as a full-time job because you're tremendously talented and I'm soooooo looking forward to your next projects! Thank you again Caribdis, you're a gem in the game dev industry!  


You made me blush man 🧡
Thank you so much!

Hello Caridbis, sorry for my poor English as English is not my main language (I am a Spanish speaker) but I had to create an account just to leave this message, I have played many VNs of this type but this one beats them all the ones that I have played from afar since it has a great and interesting story with characters that you take a lot of love and appreciation for, in turn, it has some moments that have made me genuinely laugh and praise your sense of humor like in no other game of the genre, By playing this game and seeing everything it had to offer, I went through a roller coaster of emotions and all this for a free game! I really believe that you are a person and developer with great talent, I will keep an eye on your future projects very closely since I know that you will continue to release masterpieces like the one you already did, at this point I have nothing more to say so continue with Your great work and in case it has not been clear is a 10/10 game and 100% recommended.

Thank you so much Sanchaez 😍

(1 edit)

Hello Caribdis. I wrote a post once before when 0.9 was finished and promised I will complete the playthrough. Even though my laptop died in the meantime and forced me to play the game again entirely from the scratch, I did that. And I must say that it was the best decision I could make. I will gladly repeat what I said before - this is a masterpiece. A VN of this genre brought something I never expected - hilarious moments with the best buddy Mike, scary moments, mystery, love, fear, all kinds of emotions you could wish for. I strongly suggest you becoming a full time developer, because that's clearly something you have an enormous gift for. I've never encountered a game like this, not to mention free to play. And I am looking forward to your new project as a baby waiting for Christmas, because I know you will bring another masterpiece. :) Not only this game brought me to tears at the end, it also brought back the inspiration I needed in my own field of story creating. I didn't expect something like that to happen. So sincerely, thank you. I hope you will one day establish your own development company, because it would be a great shame that talented man like you would be forgotten. I hope we will hear from you soon again. :) Take care and stay safe in these hard times.

Thank you so much Aware, that was very nice to read 🧡
Maybe one day, who knows. A man can dream! 😄

Is this still in development? Am willing to purchase this game, but not sure if it's completed

It's completed, yes

Thank you for the reply! Where can I purchase the final version?

Right here, just go to Downloads!
You'll see a "pay what you want" option, it can be 0 or it can be something if you'd like to support ^^
In any case, thank you!

I see, I was hoping if there's a one-time purchase method with Patreon rewards. Thank you much :)

(1 edit)

Oh, that too, you can pledge to the tier you want, and cancel it right after.
Don't worry, you'll still have access to all Patreon posts of your tier until the end of the month!

Great game all around, keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next one. Also, Stabby Mike is best boi

Thank you very much!

man, i have quite some, expirience with vns, the telletale ones, japense ones. but this is one of the best. 9/10. i reduced one point cos you can do more. keep up the good work. i expect great things from you

Thank you Shadow 😍

Bro...This is no doubt the best adult VN I've ever played. I can't wait to play eternum! 

Seriously tho, you've outdone yourself with this one man. Bloody brilliant mate! 


Thank you very much man!!
Happy to know you enjoyed it

Man, too bad i got sad ending, tho I'm curious about girls I've been impregnanting 😂

Haha try to get the good one!

i loved this game it had me immersed from beginning to end, i wish i could rate more than 5 stars i cant wait to see your next games and you can bet your ass im going to be looking forward to whatever updates you have in store, i thought with this being 1.0 that youd stop updating and might i say that plot twist about astaroth i loved it keep up the good wor

Thank you Kai! I will keep up working you can be sure! 💪

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