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How do you feel about this game being the 2nd highest rated adult game in this platform and when is your next game comming out? (Can't wait)

I'm so happy about it! 🤩
I'm working hard on the next game, the first update will probably come sooner than you think :P


Caribdis, I just make an account here to say: thank you very much, man, for making this game. The game is absolutely beautiful! She has everything I need, I played all week, it really made my week. This is by far the BEST game in adult 3D genre that I have ever played in my 35 years! Incredible job! I'm looking forward for the next game. You're the best)

Thanks cyberpex! 😍
You are the best 😁

(2 edits)

(1.0 SPOILER) 

is the path with the teacher meant to be lost? i replayed but it always ends up in her getting married to that guy and me not being able to stop that.


You must not have taken the Grimoire at the mansion or Astaroth's hand at the dream!

Download the walkthrough for more info

this is one of the most detailed and immersive visual novels i have ever read. the H scenes are incredible but what truly makes this game is the story. its perfect right down to each of their own personalities and how easy the stroy flows. 

please make many more!!


I will!
Eternum is on its way! :P

Honestly. I had to make an account to just leave a message here. I can safely agree with the rest of the comments and say that this was just amazing. I've played a ton of other visual novels and most of them have always been a bit boring, unrealistic and down right laughable. But this right here is an absolute gem.

It's one of the only visual novels that I've actually had the patience and effort to finish and go back to check out other endings as well. Like some others, initially I didn't think too much about the visual appearance of Judie and Lauren, but they did grow on me. And I had a difficult time picking between them in the end. In my first playthrough I mainly had scenes with Lauren and was wondering if I'm missing something because I couldn't go back to get scenes with Judie while also doing Lauren, but when following the walkthrough after the initial playthrough I got what I was looking for and got the multi-ending.

The story was great, it delved into the supernatural, without being too overbearing and I got really invested in the story, this was actually the first time I've really chuckled at jokes in these types of games, such as a random character slipping and falling into a pool and drifting off scene. -30 will to live points and so on. The animations were great, though inconsistent in some parts, without jiggle while going on the fastest speed. And a few options here and there where I was expecting a different outcome than what I got, which made the ending irreversible (but such is life) I wont go into too much detail as to not spoil the story for anyone looking to play the game, MINOR SPOILER let's just say that pretty early on you're granted an option by a nasty looking figure and I assumed I could rule with him, but I was wrong. SPOILER END

I think that route could've been something to explore as well.

All in all, I've never written a review like this for any of the games I've played, but I just had to. And I'd like to end it with some scales.

Characters: 8/10

Story: 9/10

Animations: 9/10

Replayability: 8/10

All in all, definitely a must check for any adult visual novel player and I would go as far as saying any aspiring visual novelist.

Looking forward to the new game which I will definitely check out as well.

Thank you so much, man! 😍😍

You're making me happy today reading these comments :P


i went into this expecting a porn game with some anime demon influences. Having just finished the game (literally played it start to finish) all i have to say is....




Caribdis, if you were to start a game studio making more of this kind of shit, id do just about anything necessary to personally fund you. Hell i wish i was in that position, you would get a business proposition by tomorrow morning. ive played a few games of this type but goddamn man this is easily the best one by FAR.

onto the game itself. not gonna lie, my initial impression of the character design was not al that great, but progressing thru the game showed me why such a design was necessary, and it grew on me over time. Iris is the best looking imo, with carla being a very, VERY close second. honestly having a hard time deciding between the 2, but redheads win in my book lol. Anyways, the story was well written, hit hard at all the right points and aside from a couple of minor inconsistencies here and there, was absolutely stellar. didnt think stabby mike would amount to much, but damn what a guy. if theres a sequel, i hope he makes a return. audio design was also very good, all the pieces fit perfectly into the scenes. Great use of comedy as well, legit had me lol at a few points. 

all in all, if this is the product you came up with using a basic ass game engine, i cant wait to see what you can do with some professional tools and a dev team under your command. jeff bezos needs to yeet his space plans and give u a blank check, u have some serious talent here my man. please, dont stop making these masterpieces and never change bro. the world needs more creators of ur caliber, and i cannot WAIT to see what u come up with next. forgive my inconsistent rambling, its 1 30 am here and im trying to stay alive lol. i hope that your next project surpasses what you have here, as insurmountable as it may seem. but hey, u said it urself right?

this is only the beginning


Thank you so much man, that made my day!
Be sure to check out Eternum when it comes out! As I said, more of the same, but BETTER!

Honestly bro, I have no intention of checking out the game until version 1.0 drops, simply cuz I'm impatient lol. I'm the kind of guy who will wait 26 weeks for the last episode of an anime I'm interested in to drop before I watch. I definitely have high expectations for eternum, and story based blue balls suck xD imma wait till I see the final version drop and once it does leave another review. Hopefully one that's more coherent lol. Best of luck man, can't wait to see what u come up with next :D

Oh ok, fair enough. See you in a few years then! xD

Facts, into hibernation I go


I know I've already made a comment, but I just finished 1.0 and I wanted to make another one lol
Wow. Just WOW. This game is sooo good!! The animations are amazing, the story makes you want to keep playing, and you made endings that I certainly didn't expect. It's very clear that you worked hard on this! Thank you. I've had so much fun playing and I would definitely recommend everyone to at least try it out, 'cause it's great!

I absolutely CANNOT wait for Eternum!! Do you know how much it will cost?

Thank you, and keep up the great work mate! :D


Thank you so much, man! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Eternum will be free (after a couple of weeks of early access for patrons), same as OiaLt 😄


First of all, Thank you for making such a well-crafted game that is a cut above the rest.

This game has been a blast to play for a multitude of reasons and I'm glad to have been one of the people who got to play such a masterpiece.

Please keep doing what you're doing and continue making such wonderful games in the future, never lose the passion for making extremely detailed games such as this one.

Looking forward to your future projects <3

Thank you Kibanana! 🧡
Be sure to check out Eternum when it comes out! :P

Deleted post

Thank you!

I just finished playing through the newest update and may I just say, what a masterpiece. The tension, drama, humor, song selection, romance and sexiness is all on point! I actually teared up at the ending and got attached to so many characters! I can't wait to see the extra scenes you have planned and to play your next game. I'm so grateful to you for sharing your imagination and vision with us!

Thank you very much! 😍
Working hard on Eternum! 💪

You know you did a great job when you can't even find a bad response

(1 edit)

Wait is this game finished now ?by this i mean completed

I'll add some extras in the future, but yes, the story is completed.
Working on my next game right now!


i made an account just to say that this game is a fucking masterpiece.. 

cant wait for eternum

Thank you Jae!

will this game have a sequel? Because it's fun


Who knows, but right now I'll focus on my next game, Eternum


I have to agree with the general consensus here. This game is a fucking masterpiece. After finishing it in around 17 hours, it left me emotional and with a big grin on my face.

The renders and especially animations start out good, but become even better as the game progresses. The animations with their different viewing angles are top notch for AVNs. I love the art style. All the girls are super beautiful. And that signature grin that is often used is so damn sexy.

I also liked the characters of all the girls. Achieving the harem end (although by using the walkthrough to occasionally check if my decisions were correct, without it I definitely would have made some wrong decisions) felt really good and some of the scenes were truly emotional.

I enjoyed the extensive use of background music and sound effects. It really helped setting the mood for the scenes.

Best thing about the game for me was how diverse it is in its settings and moods. There are romantic scenes, there are dramatic scenes, there is a lot of comedy, there is suspense and even horror (even though the horror was occasionally a bit too much for me, I really don't need disfigured monsters and slashed corpses in my porn games). Especially the humor is great. There are so many funny characters and moments. To just name one example, there is this one scene where the members of a certain meeting are introduced (don't want to spoil anything) that I watched multiple times since I found it so funny. The combination of the visual presentation, the character designs and the music is fantastic (I liked it so much that I searched for the music used in that scene and listen to it outside of the game now).

All in all a great game that you should definitely play.

To the author, thank you so much for creating this and for sharing it for free. I will subscribe to your Patreon now since you really deserve payment for this masterpiece. And also thanks for creating that official walkthrough, like I already said, it helped me a lot to achieve the ending I wanted.

P.S. Just one thing, the main menu still says it's version 0.10 which made me think I downloaded the wrong file at first. But it is the final version 1.0, so don't be bothered by that.


Woah, thank you so much Grollen 😍
That was a beautiful review, I'm glad you enjoyed it so much!

i loved the game, i cant wait for eternum. i am definitely going to get it once it comes out. i noticed a little easter egg around the end of the game. when you are heading back from magnus mansion, once you stop at the gas station. the chemistry bench in the background is the fallout 4 model. and i also have a question. how did you come up with esse est deus?

Yes, it is! 😁
And about esse est deus, I don't know, some Latin texts I found and translators. If you ever try to translate the Latin sentences that appear in the game, they're probably not accurate at all 😅😆



Fucking awesome, I just finished the game it has a unique story, characters and I like stabby Mike he's a real friend even in the past he did something that can get him to the prison he's a real friend I cried twice when stabby Mike got (I don't wanna spoil it) and when I see stabby Mike is (same here don't wanna spoil it play it yourself) at the end of the game I give it a 5/5 like I gave my review to hiromi anyway looking forward to your next game and it's remastered dialogues it's really rare for me to write something about the games I downloaded but damn your game deserve it 

Thank you very much man! 😍

I just finished the game and I must admit that I loved it, the story is cool and I laughed a lot at times, thank you Caribdis

sign a french fan 😉

Thanks Armus!!

(1 edit)

How the hell do i pass this game at the guessing thing i keep getting the same ending 
(after edit)

nvm my dumb brain figured it out this game is awesome but confusing sometimes haha

Haha thanks! Download the walkthrough if you need any more help!

Deleted 2 years ago

Thanks Frosty 😍 I'll keep doing games for a looong time, you can be sure :P

Bro this game was a journey. I can't believe a game made me cry a waterfall. Looking forward to your other projects.

(1 edit)

Thanks man! I think the next game will be just as good or even better! :P

the best game i've ever play, can u recomend your favorites games of this kind? literally you did a masterpiece. (sorry for my poor language, i only speak spanish)

Thank you very much tittus!

Deleted 249 days ago

Thanks man 😍 I'm so glad you enjoyed it so much!
Yeah, be sure to check out Eternum! :P


idk what to say man.....this is just so good what a story....ending made me tear up...the game made me have a deep connection with the refreshing.....hats off to you and your team my guy...Thank you so much for putting up a game like this for all of to play..also if anyone is just scrolling thorugh comments to see if the game is worth bro dont even flinch its more than just worth.....

  I hope your team gets all the attention it needs


Thanks man! 🧡
There's no team though, it's only me 😆

I applaud you for how hard you must be working to make this whole game as quickly as you do. You are gem in this industry. You have succeed in making a fun experience, for its equal parts of tantalizing situations and genuine storytelling and comedy. I can't say I'm a connoisseur of this genre, but I donated more to you than anyone previous and wished I could have spared more because you deserve it!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you Yotasota 😍😍😍
It means a lot 😀

Why can't you always install it?

How can i dou?

(1 edit)

I've got a lot of thing to say but since I don't want to waste our Caribdis-sama's precious time that is only spent on creating masterpieces such as this game, I'm going to make it brief, as disappointing as it is....

Shed tears at the harem ending ( tears that consisted of envy, happiness, and sadness ). Can't believe I did that on an adult game XD. But it was definitely worthy to shed tears on. Still haven't got enough of OIAL, so I'm patiently waiting for your next work. I'm too much of a peasant to be able to offer you something, so all I can do right now is give you my words of encouragement and praise that came from the very depths of my heart ❤️. BTW, that ending song was well-chosen. A good impetus to make you shed those tears.

•Kansha shimasu~, Caribdis-sama for providing us this work of art•

PS: I'm hoping for your success as a dev and also to your well-being. See you in your next work. GOOD LUCK 👍

Thank you so much ROW 🧡🧡🧡

(1 edit) (-1)

I have a question, is this set in Englamerica  for comedy reasons? Cos this version of "England" reminds me of watching Yugioh back in the day  when they "localised" Domino City by replacing Japanese food with Cheeseburgers (the dairy makes it American)

In all seriousness tho No English teen orders Pizza and Natchos.  KFC (or your local knock off)  or  Chips with Curry trust me,  that said enjoying the game thus far

I don't live in England nor the USA, so don't take that too seriously because there will surely be more mistakes like that, sorry about it 😅

Don't worry about it the only thing really knocked me outta the game me  Gordan Ramsey on Masterchef (he's on Masterchef US) and i'm a big Masterchef fan so was Kinda looking forward To John Torude and Greg Wallace (the comedy potential with either is huge). I'm fully aware you can't please everybody and you write with what you know and what you appear to know makes for a very funny and engaging game!

Small thing. Unable to download/install through the itch app. The NOPY version says it's not a valid zip file (and mega is an unsupported 3rd party site). Downloads otherwise looks fine through site. Looking forwarding to playing it.

I can't upload it directly because the file is too big, you have to use one of the 2 links. Sorry for the trouble >_<

Ah gotcha. Was unsure if it would work 3rd party since the nopy link does try to work.

Just finished the game. And I must say it's wonderful. Really great job! Loved every second of it.

Thank you anger!

(1 edit) (+2)

Created an account just to say this, this game is fucking great. The smash cut to mc in the male bathhouse with the music actually had me in tears. Also the entire prison planning scene was A1 my guy. If Eternum has anywhere near the same tier writing then that game is also a confirmed banger already.

To anyone wondering if you should give this game a try:
A) The story is great.
B) The lewds are great.
C) Stabby Mike is great. (you'll know him when you see him)
D) The humour is great.
E) The characters are great.

In conclusion, if i had funds right now i would be bombarding Caribdis with money whether the motherfucker liked it or not. 

11/10 - The only game i have ever played that made me nut and laugh within 10 minutes of each other


Haha I'm so glad to hear that man, thank you so much!

No problem Chief, keep up the good work!

(4 edits) (+1)

Man, this game is a masterpiece. Finishing it without walkthrough is totally worth it. Luckily i got the happy one.

I didn't get the harem ending tho (or there's no harem ending in the game?), bc i lost Rebecca (when i take the grimoire) and Carla (when i visit the hospital/clinic). But all i need is Lauren, so it's not a big deal 🤣.

Oh yeah btw, what about your new game, has it been released? I forgot what it's called but I'm looking forward to it!

It's called Eternum! It hasn't been released yet, but it's on its way!
And yeah there's a harem ending :P

dev please use ''Mega' for the windows download cause this happened

Error 403: Download session is invalid

Done, I uploaded a MEGA link too

Just as I uninstalled the game on my phone, I recalled reading somewhere that there are plans for bonus extra epilogue scenes. R.I.P

Did anyone do the Secret Ending? I was curious so I looked at the other endings. However, when I was starting on the secret ending, I can't do it. I can't be a dick to my precious girls 😭

So in conclusion, what is it? Sorry for asking for spoilers

It's an easter egg (and some sort of connection) of my next game, Eternum :P

Hey , i just finished the game and it was just AMAZING... probably the best one that i have played yet...also i lost rebeca's path in her marriage , did i make a mistake or is it is impossible to complete rebeca's path ? Please answer me because if its possible i am gonna play it again .....also looking forward to eternum ....i hope it will be a blast too🙂

Yeah, it is possible, you must NOT take the grimoire in Magnus Mansion (if you don't, the priest will help you at the wedding)
More info on the walkthrough attached

Ok Buddy , thanks for the help 

Wow. Just wow. I didn't think that I would ever sit down and play a porn game all the way through in one setting like I just did. I managed to get the harem ending on the first try without the walkthrough or anything. I was just missing Jasmine(soo of course I downloaded the walkthrough to figure out where I lost her afterwards). When the end scene was playing I just sat there with a huge happy grin on my face. I'm not a fan of horror so when some of those elements came into the story I was worried but you didn't overdo it at all! Overall I loved this game!!!! Once I get my feet back under me financially you best believe you have yourself another patreon. Very much looking forward to Eternum! Fantastic job Caribdis!!  Also is there anything special for maxing points with the girls?

Thank you very much adogrocks 😍
I'm happy that you enjoyed it! 

There's nothing extra if you max points with the girls, don't worry :P

(3 edits)

I think I got the bad ending where the MC ends up in prison. Is this because I didn't get full points on the character paths? (If there's a good ending, I wanna make sure I get it LMAO) 

But other than that, this game was really REALLY good. Loved the suspense, the music, the plot, and especially stabby mike. Can't wait to see how the next game will be. also that secret ending was really interesting. im glad you put it in ;)


Yeah, you probably took the Grimoire in Magnus Manor! You must not!

Download the Walkthrough for more info!

Such a good game! The animations were fun to watch and the plot was fun to play through! Jump scares got me everytime and I'm excited for your other game! 

Thank you!

I just finished the game today and I really enjoyed it :)

Thank you Ghosty!

thankyou for this masterpiece. Waiting for this upcoming new game..  10/10❤

Thanks Edge!

This game is so awesome!! 

It contains all of the feelings, I cant even describe it in words. Judie and Lauren are so adorable and I love them so much! And at the time when Mike is dying, I almost burst into tears that I have to find the walkthrough and see if I did pick a wrong choice. 

When I finished the game, I was so fulfilled and satisfied. Man, I really cant say it in words how much I love your game. 

Incredible game you have made there!! 

Btw, can you let me know where can I rate your game for 5/5 stars, sorry for my poor English though. 

Looking forward for Eternum!! Really appreciate your works! 

Thank you  very much! I'm glad you liked it!
You can rate it right here, at the top right corner of the game page :P

I Love This Game so Much!!
All the scenes all beautiful and I like the story.

You can get all kinds of feeling in this game.
I was a little scare in the hospital and the mansion.
Every time I met Mike,always make me laugh of loud.
I really like the face like:Oh My God I Fuked Up.
And most importantly, every choose really affect future.
I do enjoy in this game. A 10/10 Masterpiece.
Thank you!!

P.s:Sorry about that my mother language isn't English.
And can somebody helps me to not to lost path of Rebecca?
I just can't get the last scenes on wedding(My point is 17/20 in that time)

Thank you very much!
You must NOT take the Grimoire in the mansion. Download the walkthrough for more info!

I get it!! Thanks for your help!!

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