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caribdiss brother this is the best fucking game I have played in my life, it has an incredible story in which if you get into it you get hooked on the game, sometimes I forgot that it was like a porn game xd, however I think that It should have different languages and it would be perfect, the new game you are making eternum looks very good, I don't think you will disappoint us !!


Thank you Pola!

(2 edits) (+4)

Came for the Scenes, stayed for the Story (and the scenes).

This game combines the very best of both the Adult-Genre and the VN-Genre: great scenes, fantastic story and choice-complexity.

I've missed it so much to play games where your choices actually matter and (after looking at the script of the game after 2 Play-Throughs) this game does it just right. If you're frustrated after Mass-Effect-3's Ending and how none of your mid-game-choices matter: THIS IS THE GAME FOR YOU.

The game has a great cast - and I'm not just talking about the girls - surprisingly wholesome character-development and a plot so thrilling that it's hard to put away.

Looking forward to Eternum.


Thanks Lucoire! 🧡
I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Wow, what to say...This game is amazingly crafted with it beautiful story and great quality of images and scenes. I first installed it not having a clue as to how breath taking and intriguing this would end up, to how the we can get the girls to slowly fall i love with us, to it's funny secrets like Tom taking someone out behind us and even the music. I fell in love with this game, There was never a dry moment in the entire game, every step of the way you would feel immersed in the gameplay. I won't lie, the ending scene with everyone at the end made me she'd a tear. I want to congratulate you as a creator for making this excellent game, I can't wait to follow and see what other games and stuff you make.


Thank you very much Jon! 🧡

Deleted 2 years ago

That was a wondeful review, thank you very much 🧡
I'll do some extra scenes in the future yeah, it depends on what Patrons want to see


Great Game! Any plans on adding any more Carla content to this version in the future?

Sure, it's very possible, it depends on what patrons want to see


love the game when can we expect another?

He said that the next game, Eternum, will be available in next month or something like that i think


I'm currently working on Eternum, you can check the progress bar on Patreon, SS or Discord

(2 edits) (+1)

hi,this is my first time playing this type of game, I want to say I really enjoy the story and so a deep connection with the plot, I m Chinese but I can read the story well, I love your game, you are so great. I want to let u know not only the English speakers support u and the Chinese support you too! I am looking forward to more games from you!    Thank you for creating this. ^_^ 


Hi momo! 
I'm glad to hear about the Chinese community, thank you!

(1 edit) (+1)

I must create an account just to give my comment about this game !!! 
Dude !!! Really !!! I keep repeating those words after finished the game and you know what? I'm fucking sad now :< Because your game is a masterpiece bro, this is the first time I laugh so much in an NSFW game !!! Love your idea, your humor, and your art !!! Keep up the good work, you deserved to be famous !!!  

I'm looking forward to hearing more stories, new girls, new character paths, more harem content, and maybe some gangbang scene with Stabby Mike, Horse Dick Jack,... 
Last but not least, I really hope you could expand this game, I really want to play more but the game is too short which make me upset for 3 weeks, I really miss Lauren and Judie bro :< So I hope you could update the game often and thank you for this amazing adventure.

Thanks you very much!!
I hope you like the new game too :P


DEFINITELY WILL !!! I have introduced your game to all the members of my FB group about NSFWgames, and they hunger to see more games from you !!!! 

(2 edits) (+1)

Hey, mate. Why am i losing Rebecca's path after the wedding? I have 17/20 in her path. I thought i havent missed anything( Ah, nvm, figured it out with a walkthrough. Really good game btw, keep it up. Cant wait for your future projects)

(4 edits) (+1)

Just finished the game..... Man, i dont even know who u are or like anything about u but dude, you are a magician. U somehow managed to turn a nsfw game into one of the best game i've ever played and i've had played A LOT of them.  Tbh i even skipped some scenes (they are extremely good tho) to just advance that story. I've got that feeling like when u finish something u really enjoyed, hate this feeling in some way, but u did this, u've created something i want to replay and something that i will, like, remember. Last time i've got this feeling from completing kotor 1 and i truly love that game. I felt like i've witnessed something beautiful and fascinating. Humor, references, characters, art, music - everything is just perfect. What i wanted to say, u did a fantastic work, i dunno how to describe it properly but its incredible. Wish u best in your life and please keep doing that, you are doing extremely good. And again thanks for your work, u are the best) Your game is forever in my personal hall of best games

Damn, thank you so much sk1doo!! 😍
It means a lot! I was happy to read that


(1 edit) (+1)

Just dont take that book earlier when u have to choose take the book or go help girls) I guess it is in the mansion where u meet creepy creature. Hope I helped u)

Deleted 3 years ago



I can't download MEGA either. It says 'full browser storage'. Can you reupload the drive link? Thanks and awesome game btw :) I love it


I will reupload it, use this link in the meantime:

what's the computer code?


It's random between 10 possible numbers, download the WT for more info!


Now that I've beat this twice I CANT WAIT for eternum!


It's on its way!



Played through this game in 2 days.  Now that it is over I feel like a part of me died.  Possibly the part of me I liked the most.  I guess that is a danger with games like this.  The last time I felt this way was years ago when I finished playing Everlasting Summer.  The first visual novel game I ever played.  The sense of loss is far greater at the end of this game however than it ever was with E.S.  Please do not let my words of sadness mislead you though, Once In A Lifetime is by far the best experience I have ever had, with ANY game OR TV show.  My only sadness is that it is over.  It makes me think of that invention I imagined years ago to erase targeted memories so that people could experience their favorite books, games, movies, or tv shows all over again for the first time.  I understand that such a invention would inevitably be misused so it can never be, BUT if it did exist, I would use it and replay this game over and over, and again and again.  This game is simply amazing.  I found myself rushing past the sex scenes just to continue on with the story itself.  Not that I didnt love the sex scenes, without them the game would not be what it is.  To the author, I do not know if I should thank you for this magnificent experience, or curse you because it finally came to an end, but since all is darkness and void without life, I thank you for letting us all live this life even if only for a short time.   This game is a work of art, in my opinion no less worthy of admiration than the work of Da Vinci, Mozart, or Shakespeare.  Again I thank you.  l)J 

Thank you so much man!

Is it possible to get jasmine pregnant or atleast on the missions?

Yes, but it's only visual, there's not a part of the story dedicated to this as with other girls


"You... you can only find that kind of love once in a lifetime, my friend."


(2 edits)

Don't have time to replay the whole thing so just finished my previous .9 save to get to the ending. Can't way to replay the whole thing and see whats updated, great game thank you for your hard work!

Thank you Fony!

(2 edits)

Finally was able to finish the game, good job! Wish the endings were little more expanded, but apart of that, it was great journey!

Saying that, somehow I didn't make harem ending and can't really think where I did mistake... and that make me sad. :( (I assume it's something do to with pilot partner - don't tell me it was Mike)

Hahaha yeah it was Mike

(2 edits) (+1)

It was my hardest choice but I decided to not let him free... I mean... he is Stabby Mike... ah... I need to replay like half of the game now... damn... xD That's not fair at all... :)

[edit] Well, it was worth replaying, :)


Please include a harem ending 😁

Already included :P

Goddamn, let me just start off by saying this is one of the best games I have ever played. Throughout the experience I felt a deep connection to the characters in the game. I really did enjoy all the laughs and drama going on throughout the series and the references as well! This honestly has been one of the only games where I have had a ton of good laughs (a lot from Stabby Mike). Seriously though dude, keep up the good work man and I hope your next project turns out great! 5/5 stars!

Thank you so much Reese!!!
I hope so too! xD

Dear Creator

I hope you are doing great, i can't help your creations monetarily, but i've been follow this game since the beggining, and wasn't expecting a final, but that final, just touch my heart and i need to express my gratitude for you, for doing such a game that makes me feels excited (both ways), make me cry and laugh, i will seeing your future games, and i'm so glad that i meet this game, i loved it so much, i really needed to say, Thanks You! and hope that you keep safe and good, once again Thanks you, fondly says goodbye.


Thank you very much Sakten! 🧡

Also I keep losing the jasmine path. What am I doing wrong?

It depends, i suggest you to follow a walkthrough, to see and follow all the paths

Nevermind I did it haha

Wait I can only take one person on plane after everything? Thought asmodeus said u may be able to work it out but didn't have an option. In the end I had to choose between Carla, Lauren, judie or aiko.. depressing. Over all good game tho

Nope, i can suggest you to help that prisioner, it's your really and best friend, he will help ypu when you are in need

Thanks a lot

You need Stabby Mike!

ah ok got it. Started looking at the strategy guide haha. Still trying to not lose jasmine path tho

And one question, how do I get the other 2 new scenes that I already have, the one with aiko and lauren and the one with judie with lauren, I don't know what the next ones are so help them please

Theres one with Judie and Iris; you have to get "Ember's Moan" when you visit the apothecary.

As they told you, you need ember's moan for the Judie+Iris and NOT to have taken the Grimorie at the mansion for the Rebecca one.
And to be following all their paths of course!

(3 edits)

Ok a while back I said I would have a go at this game and just now recently have I actually gave it a go. I you have the time to then feel free to read my though.

This game is full of charm, from the warm wellcome form the game dev in the beggining of the game, to the zany humour and characters through the game like Stabby Mike and Fit Jack. And although I wouldn't call the characters perfect they still draw me in the story and are very likable.                                                                                                                         *Good Job there*

I love the story but I cant help but wish for more, like I just keep wondering how much better the prison plot could have been, or how I wish we had more plot between Jasmine and the fact that her dad was a son of Astaroth.    *hope that's not a spoiler*                                                          NOW, I don't take that against the game dev, this game is already great but can you blame me for wishing more. 

The rest is pretty awsome overall animation is sick although the characters models in the start of the game where slightly comical, It did improve greatly over the game. The chemistry between characters is great, my favourite being the MC and Juddie, Jasmine (the chemistry they had in the train scene in the train) and  Stabby Mike.

I have Mad respect for game devs like these who let themselvs go wild and have a good time. I want to say I had a great time playing this game and I appretiate the gesture of making your so fun for all us sigma males(& 1% female) to enjoy.

I am quite open in my enjoyment of playing nsfw games in general and while this is not the best nsfw game I have played I love spending time playing these based games of passion game devs. These are the types of games where the closer you get to the ending the less you want the game to end.

Story 6.5/10 story pretty good secret cult plot done great but I still cant help but want more ya kno, art & H scenes 9.5/10, Funny as fuck. Enjoyed the game a lot this is a solid 8.5/10 would recomend.

I just wanna say what a great game this was, I look forward for your next project Eternum XD

Thank you very much dtmr! 🧡

I'm stuck on how to get the sex scene at Iris' house. is there something specific i need to do?

(1 edit)

To be following both Iris and Judie paths and to have bought the aphrodisiac at the apothecary (at the village)!
Download the WT if you get stuck!

how do i find the mega link for the full release?

Right here, just go to "Downloads"

Seriously Awesome Game!

Hell Yeah!

Thank you!

(1 edit) (+1)

Just created this account, to say I just finished the game and GOSH this was so enjoyable ! I never ever thougth I would feel touched when I started playing this game.

Such a surprising work, combining interesting story and great comedy. And character building too, loving Stabby Mike. And the music, especially in the last parts, really add to the atmsophere. Gosh, I'm still surprised by the quality of this game man. I'm even a bit sad I finished playing it. Happy you're still planning on adding more though (got the happy alltogether ending, t'was really emotional)

Will be attentively following your next works

Thank you very much! 😍

Made an account just to show my support for this. Easily one of the best games I've played on here with its great humor and mechanics. Look forward to future projects and you have my full support!

Thanks Devinator! Glad to hear that


Absolutely outstanding. By far the best adult VN I've ever experienced. I start work again soon, will most definitely be supporting you on Patreon, you deserve it friend!

Thank you so much man!
It means a lot 😍😍

(2 edits)

Just WOW... WOW.

Best adult oriented game I've ever played.

Thank u for this experience

 It was an amazing ride and

 I made the BEST DECISION of this year of playing this game.

The scenes were excellent and the humour again was exactly what I wanted , almost perfect.

I sincerely look to support any other future projects of yours. 

( and that neon genesis evangelion Cruel angel's thesis theme, just wow it gave me goosebumps. Thanks for putting that in)

And once again thank u.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks Eden! 💗
I'm happy to see you enjoyed it!

is there a way to download it for mac because the google thing doesn't work and the mega thing doesn't work

(2 edits) (+3)

Hello Caribdis, this was unexpectedly an incredible game! I loved the horror, humour, and mostly the character-building. I'm looking forward to your future games and I honestly would LOVE a continuation of these characters if possible. Even if it's just a short DLC haha. Whatever you do next, I really hope that you keep the character-building above all else. I genuinely mean this, you may have a real gift for storytelling. 

Also, what is the song at the end of the good ending? 


The harem ending song is "I'll Be Right Behind You, Josephine", I believe : )

Thank you!!!

Thank you so much!
I appreciate it!

Hella funny, imma call my dad and recommend this to him.

He'll love it

this game is wonderful! i really like it ! thanks Caribdis for create this game. Besides i think it's will be better if in the end there are a little scene about they have son, maybe 1,2 ,3 with his girl :)) Thank you so much !

Thanks Kien!

it would be awesome if there was a little scene added after the harem ending where like 2 months later or somethin they all got married and the marriage happened


really great game all characters were really great detailed over all story was amazing would recommend this being on steam for sure . cant wait for the next game caribdis

Thank you Frost!

is there a way to follow jasmine path it seems to get lost no matter what

there is a walkthrough......

Yes, I don't know where you lose her path, try downloading the walkthrough!

Is there another way to download the most recent update? 

It's been days and the Google download doesn't work, always saying it's exceeded it's quota. 

MEGA has never worked for me. It always says I've reached my browser download limit and wants me to pay for it. Not sure how to download this to finish this game at all :(

Ditto, would Caribdis be willing to break the game into different parts with smaller file sizes like some other content creators have? It's just a shame a great game is hidden behind a pay wall where the money isn't going to the creator. 

Actually, I have some bad news, itch support told me that they won't increase my maximum file size...
So I don't know, you can try this link and see if it works Evil


This worked! Thank you very much for this extra link! 


This game is a masterpiece.

Thanks Caribdis.

I cried at all the endings, whether it was joy or sadness. The cemetery ending hit me really hard.

About new scenes in future updates, could you put some scenes about the Astaroth ending? It seems promising.


I'll keep that in mind.
Thank you sniper! Glad you enjoyed it!

(Spoilers) IMO, the cemetery ending was not nearly as painful as the scene where he goes crazy in an institution/jail (probably the Astaroth ending you were talking about). He rots in there for decades and the girls all move on without him. That one stuck with me for days after finishing the game. It haunts my memories.  Damn the creator for making us feel things lol. 

Thats the Prision Ending. And i know what you're talking about, i felt the same way.


Astaroth Ending is the ending you grab the hand and slave every girl. I think it's a nice plot to explore (What motivates the "new"MC. Maybe he tries to fight back...)


yeah, prison ending still has me messed up. Finished the game a week ago. Glad i didn't keep that ending but still, damn...

(5 edits) (+2)

I just finished playing 1.0 and its fckn great!!! You didn’t let me down Caribdis, the ending is satisfying af! The music fits so well it feels like an ending from a movie. Im glad that you didn’t forget about the side characters like Jack the thot slayer and Oliver. And man, Mike is the best bro. I really thought that he was going to die cus of what happened to Asmodeus. Im glad he’s still alive.

Tho i enjoyed the ending and how the story went. I just wished that you made us fight Astaroth, its kinda anticlimactic. I was expecting to have a fight like when I fought Tom in the alley. I think that would’ve been great. But still its ok, it didn’t affect my enjoyment in this game that much.

I was expecting to see an orgy too at the end but oh well… maybe it’ll be on the extra updates that you mentioned at the end? I hope so.

Also what’s the sauce for that Cultured Book that Judie’s reading? wink* wink*

Anyway, I love the game man! I love the ending too. I still love the humor in this, still makes me laugh out loud. I hope I can support you on patreon but im still an unemployed student. Maybe on your next game I’ll be able to support you on patreon, for now I’ll just express my appreciation through words I love your work Caribdis (not really sure if you’re a guy or girl lol). I’ll be waiting for your next game, I hope to experience the same laughter and attachment to characters on Eternum. It was a wild ride, For me you made an amazing game and I wish to see your future works soon! Thanks for everything that you did in this game!


Thank you much man! It means a lot!
I don't know the sauce sorry haha

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