I need to say that i created this acc literally seconds ago just to say that I just finished it and its absolutely AMAZING!!! I checked it out after i played eternum and its one of the best game ive ever played. I loved the girls, the story, everything. Thank you for creating such a masterpiece 🥲
It's either a decision you messed up in the past or you don't have enough affection points with her. Check the game's official walkthrough, it's among the downloadable files.
I also made a mod that provides early warnings for these kind of things, it seems like you could benefit from it.
Hi -- just started playing the game a few days ago and am enjoying it. But I notice that my "Judy path" terminates sometime during the visit to abandoned house, but I can't figure out why. No matter what choices I make her path is lost by the time we find the underground tunnel leading to the church. Help anyone?
You don't have enough affection points with her; you need to load a save and rethink your past choices. If you suffer from fomo, I have a mod that can alleviate that!
Hi - thanks for the mod. I am playing the game on a Mac, however, and I don't see where to install the mod file. I found a RenPy folder for the game but the only thing stored there were saved games. I haven't been able to determine where actual game files are stored. If you happen to know I'd appreciate it. :)
I don't have a Mac device, so I can't tell you for sure. Doesn't Mac OS have an Applications folder where all your program files are in? It indeed sounds like you just found the secondary save location.
Yep, Macs have an Applications folder, but they don't force games to install there. I checked the RenPy docs and it looks like Mac games are indeed installed as a single executable file. So I'm assuming your mod can't be used in that case. But it was worth a shot. :)
I didn't know that, thanks for the info! ...Though I didn't want to give up so I figured out that "app" files are archives that you can open with programs like 7zip. In the directory "Contents/Resources/autorun/game" there's the same folder structure as in the Windows version and you can copy the mod file into it, though it takes a while to process. Would you mind testing whether the game actually runs afterwards on your Mac device?
I can't guarantee that this won't break the executable though, so either make a backup of it or prepare to redownload it. I'd be very thankful if you could test this for me but you don't have to :P
Just finished the game. made several saves to see the different endings. Wow the ending quite awesome. loved the song. Very enticing game. wish i could have had more fun with the teacher. maybe made the fiance a cuck. missed some plays so will have to find out which. but unless i missed would have liked some stepmom, stepdaughter play. or teacher combo play. 10/10
hello there. i am a blind gamer and i just started playing this game yesterday. it is one of the best games that i have ever played. i have a few things to say though and i hope you will see this comment and respond. there are aspects in this game that have pictures but no text labels. if you can, i would appreciate it if you could label them and make them readable by screenreaders or the self voicing feature in renpy. i have not downloaded the next game yet due to my internet but i am sure it will be gooood. thanks for everything and please consider my feedback because it will make it easier to play as a blind gamer. also if you could make the fights more accessible by making tom for example have audio cues to know where to block or parry. thanks again and sorry for the long post.
First, I LOVE your games - I have played 100's of hours of Eternum and I can't wait to play it all over again. Once in a Lifetime is so great - totally different so I won't waste your time (and everyone else's) by comparing them - you shouldn't. They are both amazing. Enough said. There are a couple of things that I would like to see - sexually - that I haven't seen you do (or at least there's not enough in the games)
1. Anal - anal play, especially eating ass (some of the girls are so hot you'd have to...), and some good old anal sex (straight sex)
2. 3 somes - whether 2 guys and a girl or 2 girls and a guy (I think I only saw this once in Eternum)
3. Light bondage or a bit of spanking - not crazy about hurt or hardcore, but a little slap now and then never hurt anyone ;)
Last thing - most of your women have very large breasts - could you have a few that were like nice B's or even A cup size - it's just normal - and your Butts and thighs are very thick - I love model-type bodies (tall, slim, nice butts but smaller with smallish breasts)
Anyway, I am probably the anomaly in all of what I am saying, but I just had to throw it out there - even if you didn't add any of the above I will always play your games and will remain a TRUE FAN... your games are head and shoulders above most every game I have played. Thank you for continuing to make amazing stuff.
I was hesitant with playing this game as I usually go for 2d more then the 3d graphics but I loved this game. Had to play it twice cuz it was so nice and I realized I didn't make some the best choices on my first play through but the second one was phenomenal.
Nobody claimed that all nazis are not racist. The joke was that this particular gang that call themselves "Nazis" are actually the least racist people there.
Wow, just wow. I regret not playing this sooner. The whole game was a trip of emotions and I genuinely enjoyed every second of it. I also enjoyed seeing it improve throughout as you became gradually better at developing games. Shows that you put a lot of effort into it.
The story was pretty good and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Nice bit of mystery, nice bit of horror, a couple metric-fuck tons of romance. And I found that it was quite good and unique overall. I also enjoyed the little unique puzzles here and there.
I genuinely regret not playing this as soon as I saw it. If anyone's looking for a nice and simple story filled with wackiness, horror, and a LOT of romance, then look no further.
Great job with this game. Looking forward to playing Eternum next!
What made this game special for me was the humor, plus the story and relationships were really well intertwined! Other AVNs suffer from mainly consisting of "dates" where nothing really remarkable happens. In OIALT you get dates in your story segments and story segments in your dates; not once was I bored. And at the end of it all you feel like you really bonded with the characters that joined you on your journey, and the (best) ending was really sweet. Though I agree with the moral concerns you have, I didn't like that part either.
Eternum might overshadow OIALT, especially once it's finished as well, but to this day I haven't seen a finished AVN better than OIALT. As for graphics and music: Yeah, it's noticable how Caribdis got better and better while he developed the game. The beginning can be indeed quite rough for spoiled AVN consumers ;)
I think you judge by the standards of now against what the world was tech-wise when the game was created. Yeah, the division of character traits is better in Eternum, and there is less squick (even accounting for hosting rules imposed during development) but I find your critique of little merit.
This game is evolutionarily relevant. If you know of a finished game even remotely similar that is even half this good, please share with the class, as all of us would love to play it. If you don't get WHY this game appeals to people (which seems likely, given the wording of the critique) even across non-appearing kinks, then you just don't get it, and never will. And that's fine, but don't undermine the game.
OIALT was Carbdis' first game right? I'd view it as his skills developing over time then, especially if you're comparing it to Eternum. You can even see his skills develop in OIALT. The lighting changes, the scenes get longer and better, environments become more unique, etc, etc. Especially the scenes and lighting.
Eternum was made using everything he's learned from OIALT. And from what little I've played of Eternum so far, he's learned a LOT (Eternum's been pretty good so far, definitely an improvement)
This has to be one of the greatest games I've ever played. Just finished my first play through. The comedy is honestly too good. I feel as though it would be a complete game without the segs. My only regret is not checking on the paths with the girls because I feel that I missed out on some more quality story and... well... you know...
Went back and played after finishing the latest Eternum and my biggest issue is that the buildup with the characters is fine but the payoff scenes are so short and sudden.
Like you spend all this time to win them over and bam, a super short scene. A little unfulfilling.
C'mon dude. This game was finished by the time the other games you even like hit update 3. This game is all that, and the bag of chips, and its existence is why many games are better than they would have been.
I still rated it 5 stars and that was my only criticism. I think that's pretty good. It's not like I railed it. It's definitely a great game. It's possible to have a small critique and still love the game.
Maybe this visual novel doesn't have the best branching or the best models, the story of this VN left me in my thoughts feeling the desire is not fulfilled, this is one of the greats.
I just finished the game, and every part of it was fucking amazing, came for the nut, stayed for THE FUCKING GOOD HISTORY.
This game is fucking awesome, before playing this I was not so into visual novels, but this game turned out to be such a fun experience that I just played more and more.
Great history, great scenes, AMAZING funny moments (Stabby Mike is the best!) and for free!
I will remember this game forever in my life, the ending was amazing and I almost cried with the music. Loved all the characters and the plot.
I imagined it would be a generic visual novel, but I received a very amazing and funny game. The brilliance of this game for not taking itself too seriously makes you never get tired of playing it! I don't even care about the NSFW scenes anymore, Stabby Mike is the MVP of this game.
← Return to game
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The Chinese patch is so big?
My mistake, it wasn't just a patch
I need to say that i created this acc literally seconds ago just to say that I just finished it and its absolutely AMAZING!!! I checked it out after i played eternum and its one of the best game ive ever played. I loved the girls, the story, everything. Thank you for creating such a masterpiece 🥲
Thank you for playing!
We found it, one of the only completed free H-Games with more than 5 minutes of playtime
When I took the url of the download file at Virus total it says there is
Activity related to AGENTTESLA - according to source Cluster25 - 9 months ago
and Anti-AVL Malicious
so am I getting Viruses after downloading the game?
What's the 3 digit number password on the computer with Julie?
It's random. There's a walkthrough among the downloadable files, use it if you need help.
i want to ask,before leaving japan,what should i do for lauren for the path,i've been trying 20 times but i can't stop form path lost,so help me :)
It's either a decision you messed up in the past or you don't have enough affection points with her. Check the game's official walkthrough, it's among the downloadable files.
I also made a mod that provides early warnings for these kind of things, it seems like you could benefit from it.
Thank you!
Until now, Lauren has never been topped.
Hi -- just started playing the game a few days ago and am enjoying it. But I notice that my "Judy path" terminates sometime during the visit to abandoned house, but I can't figure out why. No matter what choices I make her path is lost by the time we find the underground tunnel leading to the church. Help anyone?
You don't have enough affection points with her; you need to load a save and rethink your past choices. If you suffer from fomo, I have a mod that can alleviate that!
Hi - thanks for the mod. I am playing the game on a Mac, however, and I don't see where to install the mod file. I found a RenPy folder for the game but the only thing stored there were saved games. I haven't been able to determine where actual game files are stored. If you happen to know I'd appreciate it. :)
I don't have a Mac device, so I can't tell you for sure. Doesn't Mac OS have an Applications folder where all your program files are in? It indeed sounds like you just found the secondary save location.
Yep, Macs have an Applications folder, but they don't force games to install there. I checked the RenPy docs and it looks like Mac games are indeed installed as a single executable file. So I'm assuming your mod can't be used in that case. But it was worth a shot. :)
I didn't know that, thanks for the info! ...Though I didn't want to give up so I figured out that "app" files are archives that you can open with programs like 7zip. In the directory "Contents/Resources/autorun/game" there's the same folder structure as in the Windows version and you can copy the mod file into it, though it takes a while to process. Would you mind testing whether the game actually runs afterwards on your Mac device?
I can't guarantee that this won't break the executable though, so either make a backup of it or prepare to redownload it. I'd be very thankful if you could test this for me but you don't have to :P
Hi caribdis,
Are you planning to put oialf on consoles ? (Like Nintendo switch, Xbox etc.)
As far as I know, this would require support from the respective brand. And they don't want adult games on their platforms.
in the church how do you not lose rebeccas path?
You must...
Thank you, my man
Damne good game 🎮
Hi Caribdis,
iam currently playing oialt and planning on playing eternum and i have some questions.
Can you master all paths in one go in oialt and do you happen to be interested in a translation for the games?
i would be happy about an answer
Yes, you can complete the game following all paths
And I don't work with "official" translations atm, but if you know how to do it on your own feel free to reach out to me on Discord !
sent you a friend request on dc yesterday
Just finished the game. made several saves to see the different endings. Wow the ending quite awesome. loved the song. Very enticing game. wish i could have had more fun with the teacher. maybe made the fiance a cuck. missed some plays so will have to find out which. but unless i missed would have liked some stepmom, stepdaughter play. or teacher combo play. 10/10
Thank you for playing!
And I want to say, why is the male protagonist's face so obscene
It was a little jarring for me too at first but then I really grew to love the character. He's hilarious.
In fact, when I played this game for the first time and didn't use the Raiders, everyone except my sister's storyline was broken
hello there. i am a blind gamer and i just started playing this game yesterday. it is one of the best games that i have ever played. i have a few things to say though and i hope you will see this comment and respond. there are aspects in this game that have pictures but no text labels. if you can, i would appreciate it if you could label them and make them readable by screenreaders or the self voicing feature in renpy. i have not downloaded the next game yet due to my internet but i am sure it will be gooood. thanks for everything and please consider my feedback because it will make it easier to play as a blind gamer. also if you could make the fights more accessible by making tom for example have audio cues to know where to block or parry. thanks again and sorry for the long post.
Thank you so much for playing!
Eternum has more "descriptive lines" so that should help!
Thank you so much Architect 🙏❤️❤️❤️
First, I LOVE your games - I have played 100's of hours of Eternum and I can't wait to play it all over again. Once in a Lifetime is so great - totally different so I won't waste your time (and everyone else's) by comparing them - you shouldn't. They are both amazing. Enough said.
There are a couple of things that I would like to see - sexually - that I haven't seen you do (or at least there's not enough in the games)
1. Anal - anal play, especially eating ass (some of the girls are so hot you'd have to...), and some good old anal sex (straight sex)
2. 3 somes - whether 2 guys and a girl or 2 girls and a guy (I think I only saw this once in Eternum)
3. Light bondage or a bit of spanking - not crazy about hurt or hardcore, but a little slap now and then never hurt anyone ;)
Last thing - most of your women have very large breasts - could you have a few that were like nice B's or even A cup size - it's just normal - and your Butts and thighs are very thick - I love model-type bodies (tall, slim, nice butts but smaller with smallish breasts)
Anyway, I am probably the anomaly in all of what I am saying, but I just had to throw it out there - even if you didn't add any of the above I will always play your games and will remain a TRUE FAN... your games are head and shoulders above most every game I have played. Thank you for continuing to make amazing stuff.
OIALT does have anal and group sex. Are you sure you didn't miss anything?
I was hesitant with playing this game as I usually go for 2d more then the 3d graphics but I loved this game. Had to play it twice cuz it was so nice and I realized I didn't make some the best choices on my first play through but the second one was phenomenal.
Loved it! Played it all day to completion!
Nobody claimed that all nazis are not racist. The joke was that this particular gang that call themselves "Nazis" are actually the least racist people there.
Wow, just wow. I regret not playing this sooner. The whole game was a trip of emotions and I genuinely enjoyed every second of it. I also enjoyed seeing it improve throughout as you became gradually better at developing games. Shows that you put a lot of effort into it.
The story was pretty good and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Nice bit of mystery, nice bit of horror, a couple metric-fuck tons of romance. And I found that it was quite good and unique overall. I also enjoyed the little unique puzzles here and there.
I genuinely regret not playing this as soon as I saw it. If anyone's looking for a nice and simple story filled with wackiness, horror, and a LOT of romance, then look no further.
Great job with this game. Looking forward to playing Eternum next!
Thank you so much! I hope you like Eternum!
What made this game special for me was the humor, plus the story and relationships were really well intertwined! Other AVNs suffer from mainly consisting of "dates" where nothing really remarkable happens. In OIALT you get dates in your story segments and story segments in your dates; not once was I bored. And at the end of it all you feel like you really bonded with the characters that joined you on your journey, and the (best) ending was really sweet. Though I agree with the moral concerns you have, I didn't like that part either.
Eternum might overshadow OIALT, especially once it's finished as well, but to this day I haven't seen a finished AVN better than OIALT. As for graphics and music: Yeah, it's noticable how Caribdis got better and better while he developed the game. The beginning can be indeed quite rough for spoiled AVN consumers ;)
I think you judge by the standards of now against what the world was tech-wise when the game was created. Yeah, the division of character traits is better in Eternum, and there is less squick (even accounting for hosting rules imposed during development) but I find your critique of little merit.
This game is evolutionarily relevant. If you know of a finished game even remotely similar that is even half this good, please share with the class, as all of us would love to play it. If you don't get WHY this game appeals to people (which seems likely, given the wording of the critique) even across non-appearing kinks, then you just don't get it, and never will. And that's fine, but don't undermine the game.
Great to hear that you had a good time! And: Right back at you, you're very friendly and helpful as well :D
To my knowledge, there is not. I'm on Caribdis's Discord server, you can find me there and start DMing me.
Heh, piling up minus signs because peeps think my response was to you, not the deletions. All good.
OIALT was Carbdis' first game right? I'd view it as his skills developing over time then, especially if you're comparing it to Eternum. You can even see his skills develop in OIALT. The lighting changes, the scenes get longer and better, environments become more unique, etc, etc. Especially the scenes and lighting.
Eternum was made using everything he's learned from OIALT. And from what little I've played of Eternum so far, he's learned a LOT (Eternum's been pretty good so far, definitely an improvement)
I really loved your game, just continue creating us that kind of content you're a pro !
by the way, I received a bad ending........is it the same for y'all? If not so.......pls help me
Either use the official walkthrough, which you can find among the downloadable files, or use a mod that guides you while you play.
This has to be one of the greatest games I've ever played. Just finished my first play through. The comedy is honestly too good. I feel as though it would be a complete game without the segs. My only regret is not checking on the paths with the girls because I feel that I missed out on some more quality story and... well... you know...
Edit: Stabby Mike is the absolute goat
Went back and played after finishing the latest Eternum and my biggest issue is that the buildup with the characters is fine but the payoff scenes are so short and sudden.
Like you spend all this time to win them over and bam, a super short scene. A little unfulfilling.
C'mon dude. This game was finished by the time the other games you even like hit update 3. This game is all that, and the bag of chips, and its existence is why many games are better than they would have been.
And it still rocks.
I still rated it 5 stars and that was my only criticism. I think that's pretty good. It's not like I railed it. It's definitely a great game. It's possible to have a small critique and still love the game.
Had to go back and play OIAL again, while waiting on the next chapter of Eternum. Still Love It!!!
PLEASE tell us there is going to be a Part 2....🙏🙏 Can't leave Rebecca with that secret society tool bag...got a bring her back into the fold.
Don't take the hand.
Yeah I feel like thats where I went wrong lol
Oh yeah...deny the offer!!!
which offer are we talking about?
If you take the hand (you'll know the scene when you come to it) then Rebecca's priest will not talk to you later, and you lose her path.
I think you all are mistaking taking the book with taking the hand.
Maybe this visual novel doesn't have the best branching or the best models, the story of this VN left me in my thoughts feeling the desire is not fulfilled, this is one of the greats.
Your opinion leaves a lot to be desired
This is the best VN I ever played, U are a genius of the writing. Thank you, i will remember this game forever
Thank you so much!!
I will say this indirectly to avoid saying spoilers.
thanks for not killing that character. i f*king love the funny he/she was.
Best character!
I just finished the game, and every part of it was fucking amazing, came for the nut, stayed for THE FUCKING GOOD HISTORY.
This game is fucking awesome, before playing this I was not so into visual novels, but this game turned out to be such a fun experience that I just played more and more.
Great history, great scenes, AMAZING funny moments (Stabby Mike is the best!) and for free!
I will remember this game forever in my life, the ending was amazing and I almost cried with the music. Loved all the characters and the plot.
Caribdis you're the fucking GOAT.
Thank you so much <3
I imagined it would be a generic visual novel, but I received a very amazing and funny game. The brilliance of this game for not taking itself too seriously makes you never get tired of playing it! I don't even care about the NSFW scenes anymore, Stabby Mike is the MVP of this game.
Glad you liked it!