Wow, just wow. I regret not playing this sooner. The whole game was a trip of emotions and I genuinely enjoyed every second of it. I also enjoyed seeing it improve throughout as you became gradually better at developing games. Shows that you put a lot of effort into it.
The story was pretty good and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Nice bit of mystery, nice bit of horror, a couple metric-fuck tons of romance. And I found that it was quite good and unique overall. I also enjoyed the little unique puzzles here and there.
I genuinely regret not playing this as soon as I saw it. If anyone's looking for a nice and simple story filled with wackiness, horror, and a LOT of romance, then look no further.
Great job with this game. Looking forward to playing Eternum next!
What made this game special for me was the humor, plus the story and relationships were really well intertwined! Other AVNs suffer from mainly consisting of "dates" where nothing really remarkable happens. In OIALT you get dates in your story segments and story segments in your dates; not once was I bored. And at the end of it all you feel like you really bonded with the characters that joined you on your journey, and the (best) ending was really sweet. Though I agree with the moral concerns you have, I didn't like that part either.
Eternum might overshadow OIALT, especially once it's finished as well, but to this day I haven't seen a finished AVN better than OIALT. As for graphics and music: Yeah, it's noticable how Caribdis got better and better while he developed the game. The beginning can be indeed quite rough for spoiled AVN consumers ;)
I think you judge by the standards of now against what the world was tech-wise when the game was created. Yeah, the division of character traits is better in Eternum, and there is less squick (even accounting for hosting rules imposed during development) but I find your critique of little merit.
This game is evolutionarily relevant. If you know of a finished game even remotely similar that is even half this good, please share with the class, as all of us would love to play it. If you don't get WHY this game appeals to people (which seems likely, given the wording of the critique) even across non-appearing kinks, then you just don't get it, and never will. And that's fine, but don't undermine the game.
OIALT was Carbdis' first game right? I'd view it as his skills developing over time then, especially if you're comparing it to Eternum. You can even see his skills develop in OIALT. The lighting changes, the scenes get longer and better, environments become more unique, etc, etc. Especially the scenes and lighting.
Eternum was made using everything he's learned from OIALT. And from what little I've played of Eternum so far, he's learned a LOT (Eternum's been pretty good so far, definitely an improvement)
This has to be one of the greatest games I've ever played. Just finished my first play through. The comedy is honestly too good. I feel as though it would be a complete game without the segs. My only regret is not checking on the paths with the girls because I feel that I missed out on some more quality story and... well... you know...
Went back and played after finishing the latest Eternum and my biggest issue is that the buildup with the characters is fine but the payoff scenes are so short and sudden.
Like you spend all this time to win them over and bam, a super short scene. A little unfulfilling.
C'mon dude. This game was finished by the time the other games you even like hit update 3. This game is all that, and the bag of chips, and its existence is why many games are better than they would have been.
I still rated it 5 stars and that was my only criticism. I think that's pretty good. It's not like I railed it. It's definitely a great game. It's possible to have a small critique and still love the game.
Maybe this visual novel doesn't have the best branching or the best models, the story of this VN left me in my thoughts feeling the desire is not fulfilled, this is one of the greats.
I just finished the game, and every part of it was fucking amazing, came for the nut, stayed for THE FUCKING GOOD HISTORY.
This game is fucking awesome, before playing this I was not so into visual novels, but this game turned out to be such a fun experience that I just played more and more.
Great history, great scenes, AMAZING funny moments (Stabby Mike is the best!) and for free!
I will remember this game forever in my life, the ending was amazing and I almost cried with the music. Loved all the characters and the plot.
I imagined it would be a generic visual novel, but I received a very amazing and funny game. The brilliance of this game for not taking itself too seriously makes you never get tired of playing it! I don't even care about the NSFW scenes anymore, Stabby Mike is the MVP of this game.
this game is now become one of my fav games man i love the and the best is comic timing i played many games but this game have the best comic timing and the real life references and my fav character staby mike thanks for making this free and now all ready to paly your next eternum
Can someone tell me how to access the save files of the game in pc and android? im trying to open it since in the dc server someone sent a save file for all the endings but i dont know how to place it anywhere.
Ok so first of all I want to state that I know that there has been a lot of work put behind this game. Nevertheless I would like to say that there are a lot of off-putting situations. This feels like a distorted version of the world as seen by someone who does not participate in a lot of social interactions. Some of the situations depicted here are also on the borderline of being creepy, mostly because there's a tone of "grooming" in some of decisions. Anyway, that's just my two cents on the matter.
I agree, it's probably my only criticism of this game. Some of the MC's actions definitely fall into morally ambiguous at best and outright refusing to take no for an answer at worst. I have to fast-click through those scenes since the game is otherwise amazing.
Could you please change the download link for the Chinese version of "Once in a Lifetime" to MEGA or Google Drive?
The current download link for the Chinese version of "Once in a Lifetime" only allows for a daily limit of 5GB of free downloads. If only the free quota provided by this link is used, the download will only reach 4.8GB. However, the overall size of the game is displayed as 5.35GB on the website. This means that it's impossible to download the entire game!
Furthermore, after downloading and extracting the 4.8GB content, only the in-game options are in Chinese, while the character dialogues remain in English...
I've never heard of this game nor it's creators but after downloading it 14 hours ago, I played it to its completion NONSTOP. It was such a great experience. Like yea I was just looking for a good wank, but let me tell you,, LET ME TELL YOUUUU!!!! I couldn't have been more taken back by the beautiful, amazing, funny, corny (in a good way), horny, action-packed, thrilling, spooky, and epic story I was spoon fed through a silver spoon. The girls are beautiful yea, the animations are amazing, the sex exciting, but listen to me. The STORY was so enchanting that at times I forgot I was playing a harem style game. As much of a horndog I am, I couldn't stop but feel so wholesome over a game that has a tag labeled "masturbation, oral, vaginal and anal sex". Phenomenal work Caribdis and I am extremely excited for any more content you have to add to this beautiful story! I would give some suggestions on what more could be added in future content, but I know I should probably voice that through the patreon. Regardless, to anyone who's reading this who hasn't played or someone who has played but hasn't romanced everyone/ didn't get all the girls for the ending, I would extremely suggest taking the time to collect all these infinity stones of fictional women/ and one wholesome cellmate.
TLDR: Amazing game amazing game amazing game. Came into the game with an erection, left the game with wholesome tears and a full heart.
BTW: I didn't have an account on but after playing the game I just had to create an account and leave a review.
Now that you have completed this game, you should definitely download and play the next game "Eternum" by this dev!!! And let me tell you, it is even more amazing than this, with a lore and all!! YOU SHOULD JOIN DISCORD and look at the memes for the games the users create and share 😂😂
Anyway, good to see you have enjoyed this amazing game as well.
There are many different ways you could lose a path, but they normally come down to just one specific decision you made. Even if you want a blind gameplay without using the walkthrough, it should be pretty easy to figure out by just rewinding until you find the moment you lost it. And obviously, save-scumming helps too.
bro Caribdis, this game is so damn funny, like i several times felt lightheaded with how much i was laughing, and to avoid saying spoilers, the story was just awesome start to finish, hands down the best game i ever played on this site, no contest.
also, i tried joining the discord but when i click join, it keeps saying "unable to accept invite" do you know of anyway to fix it?
I did not expect this game to be as good as it was but goddamn. Not only was the writing godly, nearly shit myself laughing, but the story was interesting and had me invested.
Wow, what a banger of a game. Kinda glad I discovered Eternum first because finding out about this game right after is an absolute blessing cause its completed. Now I wonder if the threesome with the sisters are the last scene or there are some that I'm still missing yet?
What is the h manga that judie is reading in the attic?
on to the real review
I havent played very many avn's and coming from acting lessons and the absolute emotional tearfest that was I was not very sure I would like this but I gave it a chance because you could get girls pregnant and was pleasantly surprised. This is not your standard fck everything. The story is so well developed nothing is left too open that you're left scratching your head. It's an epic story with a side of sex and Eternum is making me lose sleep because I want to keep enjoying the story, it's like a book that you just can't put down. Initially I was not gonna make a profile but I had a question and this dev is just amazing in his art form and since I did make a profile deserved a glowing review.
I tried downloading the game on Android and the base game was downloaded but whenever I try to install the game from my files, it won't let me even though I have enough storage for the game.
When you say that it won't let you, does a message pop up with any extra information or anything like that? I know for a while I had issues because games from "unknown sources" like APKs aren't allowed to be installed unless you go into settings and give what is trying to install the Game permission to do so.
Alright. I have had previous comments about this game. Now that I have cooled down, let me sum up my thoughts. It's just a legitimately awesome game. Downloaded it for lewd stuff, but was pleasantly surprised- not only it is great, the story is really good too. I had very strong emotion right after finishing the game (as my previous comments show), and now I remember the game just as I remember The Witcher 3 (no, I'm not kidding), because of how it made me feel. It also reignited the flame in me to create games, so who knows, maybe it'll be a beginning of something bigger in my life. I said it a 1000 times already, but I'll say it again- Caribdis, thank you for that experience!
For anyone who doesn't know if the game is worth playing or not- it is. Download it right now and experience a good fking product
this game made me create an account just so I could comment and say thank you so much for this masterpiece, the ending song made me shed tears... if anyone knows it or has a link i'd appreciate it.
the thing i love about you caribdis, the story is one of the best i've ever read, but the interactiveness you feel you make in character's lives, even like Tom, Jack, Oli, and the Tour Guide, those little addins that you don't need but make it evermore better, and your humor is fucking outmatched! XD
Also, appreciate how it's not just h-scene after scene but it's seamlessly woven into the story with perfect amounts of serious plot, comedic relief and winding down climaxes lol.
Definitely keeping this game in my "Best of the Best" folder
← Return to game
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Wow, just wow. I regret not playing this sooner. The whole game was a trip of emotions and I genuinely enjoyed every second of it. I also enjoyed seeing it improve throughout as you became gradually better at developing games. Shows that you put a lot of effort into it.
The story was pretty good and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Nice bit of mystery, nice bit of horror, a couple metric-fuck tons of romance. And I found that it was quite good and unique overall. I also enjoyed the little unique puzzles here and there.
I genuinely regret not playing this as soon as I saw it. If anyone's looking for a nice and simple story filled with wackiness, horror, and a LOT of romance, then look no further.
Great job with this game. Looking forward to playing Eternum next!
Thank you so much! I hope you like Eternum!
What made this game special for me was the humor, plus the story and relationships were really well intertwined! Other AVNs suffer from mainly consisting of "dates" where nothing really remarkable happens. In OIALT you get dates in your story segments and story segments in your dates; not once was I bored. And at the end of it all you feel like you really bonded with the characters that joined you on your journey, and the (best) ending was really sweet. Though I agree with the moral concerns you have, I didn't like that part either.
Eternum might overshadow OIALT, especially once it's finished as well, but to this day I haven't seen a finished AVN better than OIALT. As for graphics and music: Yeah, it's noticable how Caribdis got better and better while he developed the game. The beginning can be indeed quite rough for spoiled AVN consumers ;)
I think you judge by the standards of now against what the world was tech-wise when the game was created. Yeah, the division of character traits is better in Eternum, and there is less squick (even accounting for hosting rules imposed during development) but I find your critique of little merit.
This game is evolutionarily relevant. If you know of a finished game even remotely similar that is even half this good, please share with the class, as all of us would love to play it. If you don't get WHY this game appeals to people (which seems likely, given the wording of the critique) even across non-appearing kinks, then you just don't get it, and never will. And that's fine, but don't undermine the game.
Great to hear that you had a good time! And: Right back at you, you're very friendly and helpful as well :D
To my knowledge, there is not. I'm on Caribdis's Discord server, you can find me there and start DMing me.
Heh, piling up minus signs because peeps think my response was to you, not the deletions. All good.
OIALT was Carbdis' first game right? I'd view it as his skills developing over time then, especially if you're comparing it to Eternum. You can even see his skills develop in OIALT. The lighting changes, the scenes get longer and better, environments become more unique, etc, etc. Especially the scenes and lighting.
Eternum was made using everything he's learned from OIALT. And from what little I've played of Eternum so far, he's learned a LOT (Eternum's been pretty good so far, definitely an improvement)
I really loved your game, just continue creating us that kind of content you're a pro !
by the way, I received a bad it the same for y'all? If not so.......pls help me
Either use the official walkthrough, which you can find among the downloadable files, or use a mod that guides you while you play.
This has to be one of the greatest games I've ever played. Just finished my first play through. The comedy is honestly too good. I feel as though it would be a complete game without the segs. My only regret is not checking on the paths with the girls because I feel that I missed out on some more quality story and... well... you know...
Edit: Stabby Mike is the absolute goat
Went back and played after finishing the latest Eternum and my biggest issue is that the buildup with the characters is fine but the payoff scenes are so short and sudden.
Like you spend all this time to win them over and bam, a super short scene. A little unfulfilling.
C'mon dude. This game was finished by the time the other games you even like hit update 3. This game is all that, and the bag of chips, and its existence is why many games are better than they would have been.
And it still rocks.
I still rated it 5 stars and that was my only criticism. I think that's pretty good. It's not like I railed it. It's definitely a great game. It's possible to have a small critique and still love the game.
Had to go back and play OIAL again, while waiting on the next chapter of Eternum. Still Love It!!!
PLEASE tell us there is going to be a Part 2....🙏🙏 Can't leave Rebecca with that secret society tool a bring her back into the fold.
Don't take the hand.
Yeah I feel like thats where I went wrong lol
Oh yeah...deny the offer!!!
which offer are we talking about?
If you take the hand (you'll know the scene when you come to it) then Rebecca's priest will not talk to you later, and you lose her path.
I think you all are mistaking taking the book with taking the hand.
Maybe this visual novel doesn't have the best branching or the best models, the story of this VN left me in my thoughts feeling the desire is not fulfilled, this is one of the greats.
Your opinion leaves a lot to be desired
This is the best VN I ever played, U are a genius of the writing. Thank you, i will remember this game forever
Thank you so much!!
I will say this indirectly to avoid saying spoilers.
thanks for not killing that character. i f*king love the funny he/she was.
Best character!
I just finished the game, and every part of it was fucking amazing, came for the nut, stayed for THE FUCKING GOOD HISTORY.
This game is fucking awesome, before playing this I was not so into visual novels, but this game turned out to be such a fun experience that I just played more and more.
Great history, great scenes, AMAZING funny moments (Stabby Mike is the best!) and for free!
I will remember this game forever in my life, the ending was amazing and I almost cried with the music. Loved all the characters and the plot.
Caribdis you're the fucking GOAT.
Thank you so much <3
I imagined it would be a generic visual novel, but I received a very amazing and funny game. The brilliance of this game for not taking itself too seriously makes you never get tired of playing it! I don't even care about the NSFW scenes anymore, Stabby Mike is the MVP of this game.
Glad you liked it!
9/10 Stabby Mike is amazing. He has my vote. Comedy is top notch.
this game is now become one of my fav games man i love the and the best is comic timing i played many games but this game have the best comic timing and the real life references and my fav character staby mike thanks for making this free and now all ready to paly your next eternum
Thank you!!
Caribdis pls make update version this game is good I enjoyed the characters is good then eternum hope you notice 🔥
Can someone tell me how to access the save files of the game in pc and android? im trying to open it since in the dc server someone sent a save file for all the endings but i dont know how to place it anywhere.
Ok so first of all I want to state that I know that there has been a lot of work put behind this game.
Nevertheless I would like to say that there are a lot of off-putting situations. This feels like a distorted version of the world as seen by someone who does not participate in a lot of social interactions. Some of the situations depicted here are also on the borderline of being creepy, mostly because there's a tone of "grooming" in some of decisions.
Anyway, that's just my two cents on the matter.
I agree, it's probably my only criticism of this game. Some of the MC's actions definitely fall into morally ambiguous at best and outright refusing to take no for an answer at worst. I have to fast-click through those scenes since the game is otherwise amazing.
Hello author,
Could you please change the download link for the Chinese version of "Once in a Lifetime" to MEGA or Google Drive?
The current download link for the Chinese version of "Once in a Lifetime" only allows for a daily limit of 5GB of free downloads. If only the free quota provided by this link is used, the download will only reach 4.8GB. However, the overall size of the game is displayed as 5.35GB on the website. This means that it's impossible to download the entire game!
Furthermore, after downloading and extracting the 4.8GB content, only the in-game options are in Chinese, while the character dialogues remain in English...
I've never heard of this game nor it's creators but after downloading it 14 hours ago, I played it to its completion NONSTOP. It was such a great experience. Like yea I was just looking for a good wank, but let me tell you,, LET ME TELL YOUUUU!!!! I couldn't have been more taken back by the beautiful, amazing, funny, corny (in a good way), horny, action-packed, thrilling, spooky, and epic story I was spoon fed through a silver spoon. The girls are beautiful yea, the animations are amazing, the sex exciting, but listen to me. The STORY was so enchanting that at times I forgot I was playing a harem style game. As much of a horndog I am, I couldn't stop but feel so wholesome over a game that has a tag labeled "masturbation, oral, vaginal and anal sex". Phenomenal work Caribdis and I am extremely excited for any more content you have to add to this beautiful story! I would give some suggestions on what more could be added in future content, but I know I should probably voice that through the patreon. Regardless, to anyone who's reading this who hasn't played or someone who has played but hasn't romanced everyone/ didn't get all the girls for the ending, I would extremely suggest taking the time to collect all these infinity stones of fictional women/ and one wholesome cellmate.
TLDR: Amazing game amazing game amazing game. Came into the game with an erection, left the game with wholesome tears and a full heart.
BTW: I didn't have an account on but after playing the game I just had to create an account and leave a review.
11/10 stars
Now that you have completed this game, you should definitely download and play the next game "Eternum" by this dev!!! And let me tell you, it is even more amazing than this, with a lore and all!! YOU SHOULD JOIN DISCORD and look at the memes for the games the users create and share 😂😂
Anyway, good to see you have enjoyed this amazing game as well.
Yea same here. I thought Once Lifetime was the apex of adult VNs, then I started Eternum... Holy smokes.
I'm now forcing myself to slowly play through it so that I don't suffer withdrawal symptoms too long waiting for the next update.
Thank you so much 🥹
I keep falling off peoples paths?

You can always select an option to see if the heart (top-left) appeared, if not just rewind and choose something else
I always do that
Just download a version with walkthrough
If you'd like some guidance, this mod can help you out.
There are many different ways you could lose a path, but they normally come down to just one specific decision you made. Even if you want a blind gameplay without using the walkthrough, it should be pretty easy to figure out by just rewinding until you find the moment you lost it. And obviously, save-scumming helps too.
bro Caribdis, this game is so damn funny, like i several times felt lightheaded with how much i was laughing, and to avoid saying spoilers, the story was just awesome start to finish, hands down the best game i ever played on this site, no contest.
also, i tried joining the discord but when i click join, it keeps saying "unable to accept invite" do you know of anyway to fix it?
What are all the answers to all the how well do you know your girl test?
I did not expect this game to be as good as it was but goddamn. Not only was the writing godly, nearly shit myself laughing, but the story was interesting and had me invested.
Glad you liked it!
Im having a glitch where things in my gallery are locked even if I have unlocked them
ive installed google drive 1 but its got an error wont let me uninstall any advice?
Wow, what a banger of a game. Kinda glad I discovered Eternum first because finding out about this game right after is an absolute blessing cause its completed. Now I wonder if the threesome with the sisters are the last scene or there are some that I'm still missing yet?
That's a spoiler and no, that's the last one
Could you please add other approaches to Chinese translation such as Google Drive?This only one always causes error in halfway.
sorry guys, there were a scene with a marriage and envangelion's song meanwhile?
i'm truggeling to find that scene again
Rebecca's marriage
Best game I have ever played. Loved the story and I love Stabby Mike, best character.
Glad you liked it!
What is the h manga that judie is reading in the attic?
on to the real review
I havent played very many avn's and coming from acting lessons and the absolute emotional tearfest that was I was not very sure I would like this but I gave it a chance because you could get girls pregnant and was pleasantly surprised. This is not your standard fck everything. The story is so well developed nothing is left too open that you're left scratching your head. It's an epic story with a side of sex and Eternum is making me lose sleep because I want to keep enjoying the story, it's like a book that you just can't put down. Initially I was not gonna make a profile but I had a question and this dev is just amazing in his art form and since I did make a profile deserved a glowing review.
Thank you for your review!!
Just need some advice on what to do.
I tried downloading the game on Android and the base game was downloaded but whenever I try to install the game from my files, it won't let me even though I have enough storage for the game.
When you say that it won't let you, does a message pop up with any extra information or anything like that? I know for a while I had issues because games from "unknown sources" like APKs aren't allowed to be installed unless you go into settings and give what is trying to install the Game permission to do so.
Alright. I have had previous comments about this game. Now that I have cooled down, let me sum up my thoughts. It's just a legitimately awesome game. Downloaded it for lewd stuff, but was pleasantly surprised- not only it is great, the story is really good too. I had very strong emotion right after finishing the game (as my previous comments show), and now I remember the game just as I remember The Witcher 3 (no, I'm not kidding), because of how it made me feel. It also reignited the flame in me to create games, so who knows, maybe it'll be a beginning of something bigger in my life. I said it a 1000 times already, but I'll say it again- Caribdis, thank you for that experience!
For anyone who doesn't know if the game is worth playing or not- it is. Download it right now and experience a good fking product
Thank you so much!!!
I can't believe Stabby Mike became Catholic Mike
President Stabb.
this game made me create an account just so I could comment and say thank you so much for this masterpiece, the ending song made me shed tears... if anyone knows it or has a link i'd appreciate it.
Much Love
the thing i love about you caribdis, the story is one of the best i've ever read, but the interactiveness you feel you make in character's lives, even like Tom, Jack, Oli, and the Tour Guide, those little addins that you don't need but make it evermore better, and your humor is fucking outmatched! XD
Also, appreciate how it's not just h-scene after scene but it's seamlessly woven into the story with perfect amounts of serious plot, comedic relief and winding down climaxes lol.
Definitely keeping this game in my "Best of the Best" folder
So happy to hear that! Thank you!!
I dont know if you've found it yet, but the ending song is "I'll be Right Behind you Josephine" by Josh Woodward
thank you !