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trully a master peace everything is perfect the humor the scenes the events it made me laught a lot, made me sentimental, and made me want more you trully are a godtier storytelling writer my respects

Thank you <33

Terminei esse jogo três vezes, e sempre me divirto com a história e os personagens apresentados, esse é um desenvolvedor que definitivamente merece nosso apoio.

I agree

just finished the game for the first time and it is a masterpiece! now time for the psychopath route.

Thank you!!


Can someone explain how to correctly do the Lauren massage scene? I completed it on another save file before but can't repeat it again. No matter what I pick, I always lose the path with her. (Can't get the end result).

Back , legs , back , lower back , legs , ass , pussy 

You can still download the walkthrough if you want

Same, I did correctly, still lost path

Aside from the obvious feature, this is a masterpiece in every aspect. The story is funny, thrilling, and wholesome. This is a top tier game and I wish I could rate it higher than 5 stars.

Thank you very much <3

(3 edits)

Thank you for making a masterpiece, I'd love to support your patreon but I'm currently broke. The humor and visual/sound fx are beyond perfection, keep up the great work!! I was saddened when I saw eternum's To be continued. Tyt brother, have a good one!:)

I'm off my way to Aruba, farewell.

(1 edit) (+1)

Glad you like it!
If you wish to support the game you can always recommend my games on other platforms or sites!
Thanks in any case :)

Sick game, came here after playing through Eternum, and while it is not as good (Nothing is as good as Eternum), it definetly isn't half bad, would recommend to any fellow horny bastards


does this game have a free roam?? I'm playing it for more than 1 hr and it still doesn't let me do what I want to

It's a VN, choice-based. Only free-roam it has are small sections 

Best game ever. The effort and the story line outclasses many of the big company games made nowadays. 

also exquisite characters.

Thank you!

(1 edit) (+1)

why does the main character look like an actual goblin? :D Great game tho. Was not ready for the horror section in my ero game :O

Oh and one more thing - I just wish there was more sound in this game. Actual voices for the scenes and stuff. That would move this from an A to an A+!!

wow, FUCKING WOW, i have been playing this game for A WEEK and now that i have finished it the only thing i can say is BRAVO, GOOD JOB MATE THIS WAS AMAZING!!!! 5/5!!! Cant wait to play your newest game


I hope you like Eternum too!

I CAN´T WAIT!!!!!!


Great work. Had some genuinely scary moments in Magnus manor and some legitimately funny interactions throughout.

I really enjoyed the background interactions that nobody else seems to comment on. My favorite would be either the random guy breaking his spine at the public pool or maybe post-amnesia spray Tom choking out a guy who insulted you and dragging him into the bushes. 

Also, bug alert: When checking the gallery, sometimes the "return" button will play a scene instead seemingly at random. Which isn't that big a deal... except there is no way to exit the scene and it can also play scenes the player hasn't unlocked yet. I went to the gallery shortly after the second visit to teachers house where she's blindfolded to try and see what the option I didn't pick would do, and when leaving I was forced into a scene with Carla in a bath in Japan (before i knew i would go to Japan) and then into a 3-some scene with Aiko (who I hadn't even met yet) and Lauren. Spoiler'd some future events for me. 


Glad you enjoyed it, thank you!

Hello the game is great but i have a question i completed the main story and is it possible that in the future are we going to get and more update in onceinalifetime game??

and in the game i can also see a discord option but when i click on it . it shows me that the link is invalid and my question is that is there any discord server for this game ??

Incredible experience, thank you very much Caribdis 🙏

Glad you liked it!

i wanted to ask why i can't open the game in the Itch Launcher and if its completley undoable with the itch Launcher bescause then im just gonna downlowd it normaly but still i would like to know


The game is too big and I can't upload it directly to itch because it has a 5GB limit

oh ok i mean i downloaded an 11gb game yesterday but i guess its tricki then. And thank you a lot for the reply.


I just finished it, and I'm sad that Eternum is not even close to being completed. Your works are way too good to stop playing.

Thank you!

When will the next update be or is the game over with??

It's complete, yes


Wow, wow, wow! What an amazing game! I loved that Eternum reference near the end. Interesting that they mentioned "gameplay footage" though, considering that's not possible... retcons are fun.

I digress, what an amazing story overall! Definitely one of the best porn games out there in terms of story (mystery, thriller, horror, comedy) and characters (actual relationships, sensible choices, etc.), and just in general (comedy, directing, music & sound design, animation, etc.).

The endings were awesome! I just wish there was one more intimate scene with everybody (altogether as well as respectively with the chosen girl) at the very end. The final confrontation felt a little bit anticlimactic, I wish we would've seen and possibly fight that demon creature in the doors vision, and that the Grimoire choosing the MC was more fleshed out, but great ending either way.


Thank you very much!


One of the very few games I was genuinely sad when it was over. Great job with the "true" ending.



does Rebeca leave even with all the good choices?

no, you can still get her

Thank goodness, I saw the choice "the final goodbye", I thought I did something wrong.

as an older guy I loved Rebecca and her resolution 

Honestly, her story was top tier, I am so glad she didn't marry the dickhead and went with the MC


Dude, what a game. I didn't know that an nsfw game could hook me so much, and it's thanks to such a well-developed story, the humor,  and the love with which you made this. And I know I'm not the only one who feels this way.

And a small opinion :) for those of us who in the end decided on one of the girls, I would like it to be more complete, I mean, in the final harem you taught us what happened to all the others, I felt it more complete, but in the other ending there was only a small scene. I think that soon you can work in the final not harem for eternum.

Okay, so, congratulations on such a masterpiece, keep making games that apparently you are very good at. 

Thanks Caribdis 


Thanks! And yes, Eternum endings will be more developed 


Great game. Is there a way to access the Gallery from the main menu without opening an old save file? Or fast forward scenes from the Gallery? Thanks!


No, you have to open a save, sorry about it!


man this game is great and very funny! This made me laugh a lot of times.


Wow, I loved this game, who knew a porn game would have such an engaging story, right? I must say, thank you for making such a great game, it was a great experience. I came for the porn but stayed for the story. (Just out of curiosity, what is the name of the hentai manga Judie was reading in the attic right after Asmodeus died?)


Thank you!

Honestly, I don't know I'm sorry 😥 I just grabbed a random one from the internet and I didn't save the source


One of my fav game, i hope there are many more visual adult game like this


Thanks! Check out Eternum if you haven't yet!


Thoughts and criticisms as I played up to half-way(?) through 2nd Tuesday:

Have you considered making a dark-skinned MC option? 👀 If you do, don't go overboard with additional changes.

You should probably clarify that the MC is a highschooler in his late teens. Some people may prefer an older MC. I was not expecting the setting and all, but I'm rolling with it since this shit's so enjoyable. 🤤 Honestly didn't expect to have to work for da horny, but I'm here for it now. 👍🏿

The fact that the V button activates self-voicing (the text reader) should be clear. Like, put it in the Preferences or something.

Just realized the scroll wheel is a quick way to go back-and-forth with text you've already read. Same as above.

Oh shit, that Friday evening surprise was hilarious. 💀

Didn't care for the fatphobia, btw. ("I guess I'll just have to settle for marrying a 120 kilogram woman")

(1 edit) (+5)

Other skin colors and such would be impossible as it'd mean doubling the size of the game and development time because of the extra renders

(1 edit) (-9)

Ah, in that case maybe have it as an alternate version? It'd be appreciated, but it's not that big of a deal.

More thoughts and criticisms as I played up to 2nd Monday:

"Tell that to my gypsy roots, woman."
Might wanna replace every instance of 'gypsy' with 'Romani' instead.

Gonna point out the fatphobia in the spin-the-bottle scene and say I hope you aren't continuing that trend into you other games... like Eternum. 😐
And now I'm seeing the Fat Jack scene. 😑

Just finished Dr. Monroe's test and the homophobia not sitting right with me.
"The results also show an increasing homosexual tendency, up to 40%. (...) But don't worry, I can help you manage your emotional disorders."
Having the MC think to himself "WTF?" would've been better than having him not react and say "Sure" later. Seriously. 😐
Alternatively, having re-read the scene, making it "your [aforementioned] emotional disorders" instead would clear up the waters if your intention wasn't homophobia.


lmao are you trolling bro.... 


I'ma have to agree with yarow here. The fatphobia is not only in the spin-the-bottle scene and Panzer IV Jack, all of the girls are borderline anorexic and conform to socially constructed beauty standards. That's by far not the only problem though. The game is also ableist, why can't the player be with a girl in a wheelchar for example?? As yarow also mentioned: skin-color. Not only for the MC but also the other characters. Why are so many of them white? Also the whole setup of the game objectives women, just say the right thing and they'll all fall in love with you and don't even care that you're cheating on them all the time. Only a privileged, heteronormative, sexist, racist, while looser could have made such a game.

Since not everyone will recognize the sarcasm, I'ma say that it is sarcasm here. I respect Caribdis's games to much to actually be a troll in his comment section.

Once in a lifetime is an awesome game already and Caribdis surpassed themselves with Eternum a hundred times over. And neither Once in a lifetime nor Eternum are bigoted in any way.


You're literally just making valid criticisms. I don't understand how someone could get so close to the right mindset, and still not see the point.

Also just because people had criticisms about the game doesn't mean that it immediately isn't amazing. I personally had a great time with this game, even with my opinions about its occasionally unintended problematic tones.


Ok, I'ma spell it out for ya.

1) "fatphobia" is pretty much a made-up concept and a political combat term. Ignoring the dubious word choice (nobody is scared of fat people) Making fun of something is not bigotry. Most things leftist label "fatphobia" is are either health concerns, jokes or dumb insults. The closest thing to bigotry that happens somewhat regularly is people look down on down on fat people for lack of self-discipline or similar things(inb4 rare medical conditions: exceptions don't disprove the rule) calling that bigotry is still quite a stretch though.

2) Being slender is not being anorexic.

3) Beauty standard are not constructed. They somewhat differ from culture to culture and are generally are proxies for health, status and wealth. Them being partially defined by society is a good thing. The idea that they are "socially  constructed" is often used to delegitimize them and to relive pressure to lose weight. Weather or not this goal is a good thing or not is another can of worms, but the claim that beauty standards are "constructed" rather than socially evolved is plain wrong either way.

4) Disabilities are not sexy and not a good or beautiful thing. "ablesim" is a combat term used to bully people to include("represent") disabled people in their works of art. The demand to have disabled girls in a porn game is a  particularly vulgar example of this since the girls must be sexy and being disabled is not sexy.

5) Criticizing a piece of media because (some of) the characters have the wrong skin color is a typical example of racism. If the artists envisions them to be white/black/whatever(for whatever reason) so be it. Unless there's some actual reason for them to have a different skin color(historical figures should be their actual race in most cases, for example), complaining about the race of the characters is racism.

6) The whole thing with objectification, cheating and text choices to make them fall in love is quite literally the point of harem VNs, so if that's "problematic" you're arguing against this kind of game in general. I'm not gonna discuss the validity of this since you said you liked this game and you're here in the first place so you don't seem to actually have a problem with this, also this is kind of a tired debate, this line of reasoning has been discussed to death in the killer-games debate already.

7) "Only a privileged, heteronormative, sexist, racist, while looser could have made such a game." is a cheap insult with leftist-buzzwords, I'ma assume you don't actually think I'm literally just making valid criticisms and meant to use the word "literally" as a generic amplifier instead of meaning literally literally.

What you describe as "the right mindset" is being a hypersensitive leftist with victim-mentality. I do see the point. In fact, I'm seeing beyond it.

See how productive it is to imply that someone is not in the "right" mindset or is not seeing "the point" is? ;)

(2 edits) (+4)(-1)

its not fatphobia to have a preference for healthy body shapes. if someone wants to be fat thats fine but it doesn't mean i have to be attracted to them. its also not homophobic to make the MC straight, in fact its normal especially in the porn game scene. if you want to do big girls play fattening career or something, not everyone wants to look at bigger chicks.


1) Preference is fine. But the game did actually make fat jack into a caricature, which IS fat-phobic.

2) yarow was not saying the game is homophobic because the mc was straight. I challenge you to scour through his comment multiple times, you will not find that to be his reason that he thinks the game has been homophobic. What he actually meant by his comment was that the lack of acknowledgement that the doctor's comment was homophobic makes it seem like homosexuality is something that should be "manage(d)" by doctors, ie. something to be fixed.


phobia means fear, nobody is scared of fat people. being labeled fat jack doesnt imply fear of jacks weight it implies that jack is fat. the idea of fat phobia as portrayed by the left does not exist. same goes for those who don't like gays. MC not acknowledging a "homophobic" statement is also the most mature route cuz whats he gonna do get into an argument that makes both parties involved mad and earns him nothing is pointless. and maybe the MC doesn't care for gay people either thats his choice. by not acknowledging it it just avoids a pointless argument scene. stop trying to force bogus political views into things that you don't own. it's the devs game and he can add whatever he wants in it if you don't like it you can move on. theres plenty of games with big girls and gay or trans people in them go play one of them and stop trying to force people to clone those games.


If you want a woke game, make it yourself. Don't force political bullshit onto artists, but appreciate the art for what it is.


I reject the notion that being considerate of other people is somehow political. Maybe it is in your opinion that being kind is something that can be disagreed with, but I doubt most people actually think that way.


First, being kind is indeed subjective and very person-to-person. Ever heard of "You can't please everyone"? To say that this isn't political is downright delusional. And kindness certainly isn't an argument to force people into political correct views. For the same reason that most developed countries don't think of "insulting someone" as a crime. Because it's an easy catch-all argument to oppress free speech and artistic freedom.

If you want to be kind and considerate, consider the amount of effort has been put into this game. How demotivating it must be to have some delusional scumbag in their comments trying to bent their game to political correct views. That's why I said "If you want a woke game, make it yourself". Let's see if you still have a big mouth when you actually do something in your life, instead of doing nothing yourself and critiquing other peoples' lives and work.


V enabling text to speech is common in most renpy games as standard, if you read the renpy controls it says so


Judie is best girl, prove me wrong

(1 edit) (+1)

this game had one of the best stories. I loved it!

keep up the good work




I played this after I played Eternum; Both games are fantastic and have great stories!


Thank you!


Hey Caribdis, I downloaded the game twice but there is no sound.


The beginning of the game is quite silent, sorry about it

Deleted 1 year ago

I really  liked it, the dev has a nice sense of humor.




Great game, only one thing... Canada shares a border with Denmark now on Hans Island, so the gameshow question is wrong


Oh, good point


This isn't Talking Heads

Deleted 1 year ago

How can I stay with Rebecca, help me please


Check out the walkthrough attached!


Her path is a good one hope you found it

is there more to this game cause it seems unfinished and if so when is nex update?


It is finished


yeah i thought i had the final version but it kept ending right after killing osmodious but i found the right one and was able to finish  it awesome game


Absolutely amazing game! Boy what a roller coaster of emotions! Caribdis you are a genius!


Thank you!


any idea what is the average time to complete this game?


Hard to tell, maybe 8-10 hours on average reading speed

(6 edits)

///sorry for my broken english/// I just play it (even if i don't like the ending I think it's just end too easy i though it will be better if there a story after you choose who are going with you its should have like emm what it call? consequences? other than that the story is one of the best) i love this game so much it's have a lot of fun and interested story with great chareacter develop i love all the girl in this game and the relationship with character is one of the best i ever play and i loveeee the graphic its the first time i play game with this art style(i mean like i alway play with art style like Being a DIK)and like i said i luv it a lot its so good animation is so good and smooth and the relationship with character is one of the best i ever play for conclusion this game for me its "9/10"  its great but its still have some cons but for the most part this game is good asf thank dev for making this masterpiece(If you can make it sell on STEAM i am going to day one it for sure ) and i want to ask what app or programme do you use to make character model for this game(it is honey select or koikatsu or something?)pls tell me



I used Honey Select


Is this game finished or am i missing the complete game. I love both this game and eternium. The last version  I played from felt incomplete and I am loving the story. Let me know where I can get the latest  of once in a life time. I'll pay for it too just like I do for eternium. You make great games and I want to play them to completion 


The game is complete!


Small spoiler

||||||||||| I saw how the place in this video (i timestamped it) and the old abandoned hospital when they're looking for that one girl look basically identical. Was the hospital based of another game or a real place??


It's a Unity asset that was probably used in that game too!


This is one of those things that I have trouble with starting to write a review for, but usually the words come flowing as soon as I convince myself to do it anyways. I'd say I'm a very grounded person, but some stories just captivate me to a point that's spooky to me.
I'll keep it short just this time, since this game demonstrates how valuable your time is :D

The characters are loveable, plot catchy, sound fitting, scenes amazing. Everything seems to be so well tuned without appearing pretentious. Never thought I'd say it, but "humor is placed perfectly". Most of all, this piece of art inspired me. If I ever find the time and passion to create something literary, I now know where the bar is.

Well done Caribdis


Thank you so much for your kind words <3

(2 edits) (+1)

i played this game a looooong time ago ,than found eternum and after like a year of cycling through games with limited time i have i came back to it and finally finished it . Loved the humor,the story the scenes even after playing eternum first this game is awesome next month ill finally become a patreon.sorry for bad english and even worse grammar hope yall have a great night/day    + what's the name of the song at the end with the harem ending?


Thank you for your support!!

It's I'll be right Behind you Josephine by Josh Woodward

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