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I've been wanting to ask you for a while and i keep forgeting but what is the name of the song that hits when you are in Japan in the Yakuza reunion?


the song is named  song for denise it,s the same song for the wide putin meme

Thanks man!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey~ I left a comment not too long ago about how great it was without even really delving into it.. Definitely one of if not the BEST games I've ever touched (honestly even if it was a SFW game I'd still say the same things). I have a few questions though that I'd very much like to discuss. Is there any email I could reach you by?

P.S. if not that's totally fine I have no problems with that. 

This is the GOAT

You can reach me on Discord :)


Like Cerms, I usually don't leave reviews. But oh man, this game.

Lets start of by saying I play AVN'S for their story, as the adult themes speak to me more. The titties are just a nice coincidence.

And this story had me hooked. It took many unexpected turns and features a lot of great characters each with their own (fun) backstory.

The adult scenes were decent as well. Could've done with a *bit* more depth for a secondary girl as Yasmine or Aiko.

Overall, amazing game and worth to play! Can't wait to dive in to your next project.


Thank you very much!!
I hope you like Eternum too


I'm not much for leaving reviews but I felt this VN deserved it.

Continued playing for hours after post-nut clarity, got hooked on the story, laughed multiple times on certain scenes, the pacing was great, ending didn't let me down (the route I chose helped). Nothing but a great experience. Your VN definitely exceeded my expectations for what I expected coming in.

And Mike, he's a real one.


Thank you Cerms!

Where can I get that Once in a Lifetime Theme Song. It's Dope.

Mysteries by Dan Lebowitz 

If you've ever enjoyed a VN before, give this game a shot.

Admittedly, near the beginning, I wasn't too into the style. The characters' eyes were weirdly piercing, and the MC looked like a real gaunt motherfucker. Throw in a step-family, make it in Ren'Py, and distribute it all for the low, low cost of free, and you have just another eroge that you open for a few hours, maybe rub one out to, and eventually delete from your computer without even recognizing it from the sea of H-games you've downloaded over the years. But no, this one was actually really solid.

The characters had actual personalities (and not just at a shallow archetype-level), the main character isn't an insufferable horndog, the overarching plot is intriguing, and, obviously, the character models and animations themselves are all great. The writing had me laughing more often than I would have thought, and I certainly didn't expect to have a favorite character when I started, but there definitely was one who grew on me unexpectedly.

The best part is that this game is finished! You don't have to wait however long for a new cocktease to be released to the public like with so many others -- you can just play the whole thing right there, which is something I absolutely recommend doing!

TL;DR: Play it. It's not as generic as you think. (But, like, I don't mean that in an ominous way. It's just really good.)

Thank you very much for your comment!

Is there any chance for a Harem Sex Scene 🥺?

(8 edits) (+3)

I made an account to leave this review.

This game is one heck of an amazing masterpiece, if there's one downside then that would be the story as it is pretty linear and I wish there was more interaction such as a map or free time.
Damn the story was fkn great though, if the creator doesn't mind then I would love to create a written fiction through book-writing.

The characters and their personality gives the player that sense of realism where it isn't like any other H-game where you just senselessly "frick" girls for the hell of it or just to be an excuse for it, it actually gives you the pressure to choose the "right" option (depending on how you play the game or on how you proceed with the story) also, the main character itself doesn't feel like an empty husk, unlike other H-games where the MC feels non-existent to the point where the dialogue is nothing but "yeah" "sure" "uh huh". The MC of this game is a one heck of character.

The unexpected hilarity from the game itself had me laughing for numerous times, sometimes even passing a certain amount of time and I would still find myself laughing like a madman, repeating moments from the game just to keep having reason for that laughter (trust me it was that freakin good).

The girls of the game are also sensible and not just some mindless frickdolls, needless to say they are all great.

The H-scenes for the game are also highly appreciated and it feels like the player has really earned their right to do such actions with one or multiple of the girls.

And oh boy, don't get me started about that one unexpected BEST friend of the character, I nearly lost the motivation to finish the story when that happened and right at the very freaking end too, and there was that unexpected result that was one hell of a twist too and it depends on how you play or go with the choices of the game (haven't felt such emotions for a character from a game like this, boy the attachment is real).

Overall, this game is a freakin 11 out of 10. A must play for those who are looking for great game with a decent story despite being linear.
I just wish that there was more to it though especially the end part of the game during which we get one of our ending, or maybe it's just me feeling a bit left out due to the ending but still, kudos to the maker of the game, and I can't wait to try out Eternum once it's fully completed.
(eheh this'll be a secret for now)

- Shadow


When i saw the BEST friend character in said situation i re-loaded my save and chose not to have him gone. Unbeknownst to me, it was the right choice to have him in said situation.

Btw vote for president Stabb

Or else...


Indeed, vote for the one and only.

Or else 💀


Thank you very much, Shadow! 😍

Bro, is there any way to prevent Rebecca's Marriage?

I don't wanna lose her. She's too Lovely to be given a Sad Ending.

Es recomendable la opcion de embarazo?

did you change some the scripts after the final ending was done?  the status of primary four does not quite line up wit the final cut scenes.

This game is intriguing, but I doubt my toaster laptop can run it.


It's all pre-rendered. Your laptop will not be rendering much besides 2d videos and images.

It should be fine, yes


(posting this here so my future demented self can see so he doesn't need to replay the whole thing)

I just finished the game and I can say it's a really refreshing experience. Despite the muddy flow of the story and the lack of atmosphere, the Character's quirkiness and personality all completely makes  up for it. Lol, I even have to change my protagonist's name to 'Mikhael' because it coincides with the MAIN CHARACTER'S name 'Michael Stabby'. The comedy and the banter between the characters really brings smile and joy to my heart and the Mystery parts and adventure was really fun (I kinda hoped there was more Adventures to that) 

But overall it was a pretty fun experience, if I should say one negative thing about it is the lack of replayability because once you played it and reached the most optimal ending you wanted, you're content and you feel that the story is done as it should be. The journey is a pretty linear experience in compared to the end where your actions show and anything can happen.

But that's not necessarily a bad thing, because the experience and fun I had when I played this game was genuine and the adventures should be enjoyed in the moment. It makes the whole game more cherishable because you can only play this game Once in a lifetime.



(1 edit)

Why do my gallery scenes keep unlocking?  I have been following the guide and have unlocked everything up to the last page but everytime i restart the game like 3-4 scenes relock themselves.  I keep checking the gallery and paths as i play. And gallery before  i stop playing but when i restart they are undone(currently 5 just relocked themselves after being unlocked) and checking saved all the bay back to the last unlocked one doesn't work. Does finishing in Carla mess something up? 

You're not the first person to mention this, I'm still trying to figure out where's the problem
Sorry about it 🙇🏻‍♂️

(1 edit) (+1)

okay it looks like the Scenes can still be seen if I click on the scene then the return button in plays the 'locked' scene. One time it played the last scene on the second to last page (that was 'locked') then it played the first scene on the last page that I hadn't unlocked yet, back to back. It's weird.      Also really liked the fact you referenced your Eternum game in the game 


I've only just started but I already like this game so much, I found you from Eternum, I NEED that to be finished so bad lol absolutely breathtaking work (sometimes literally).

Thank you!

Oh man I just got the secret ending and I gotta say that it was a pleasant surprise. I didn't even notice what was wrong at first XD 

Haha glad you liked it


Love both of your works dude, especially the humor. Keep up the good work!

I know Eternum is not finished yet, but I already want to play more games from you lol

Is it possible to fails all the paths near the end of the game to see the secret ending?  the others seem possible even after most of a play though due to what the choices are. Cuz the plan, after reading guide is to do them all :).

I think the fastest way would be to choose Rebecca when Asmodeus asks you to choose one girl (you'll lose the others) and then chose her path at the wedding too

cool option. thank you.

I found Once in a Lifetime because of Eternum, which I'm currenty enjoying.  My only question is whether there is more than one ending to Once in Lifetime?

(1 edit)

Yeah there's a few. Download the walkthrough if you want to know how to get them!

Sweet!  My ending wasn't the happiest. :(

Wow! Can't believe an adult visual novel would touch me so deeply! I've been into this for the entire weekend, and Caribdis, you have no idea how much this has made me forget all my worries and lightened me up, I was in tears at the end of the game, thank you so much!!!

This game is so wholesome, it has humour, suspense, eeriness, great plot that keeps you engaged, and not to forget, very enjoyable sex scenes. All the female characters are lovely, but I simply adore the two sisters, they are gorgeous and characterised beautifully, I can't really choose between them, would always love to have both of them ;) Not just the the female characters, but the protagonist is also so funny and you can so relate to him :) and nice funny characters like Stabby Mike, Tom and Fat/Fit Jack. Great graphics, sound effects and music... I'm having that music you have at the title card of the game in a loop right now, it touches something deep after having playing the game.

Thanks once again Caribdis, totally appreciate the kind of work, effort and passion you have put into this, you are so gifted, and indeed you are a gift to the world <3

And yeah, like many others who have commented, I created this account just to write a comment here, can't hold back from communicating my appreciation after all that this game/novel has done to me in the past two days.

I'm glad the game resonated with you so much, thank you!!

(1 edit)

Hi there Caribis, first of all I wish I knew your game earlier. This is one of the best H game experience i have ever been through, I’ve dowloaded it and played straight 4hours non-stop.

The animation and rendering was so gorgeous, love the girls, but I just wonder, if there are any sound of the moaning. Cuz u know, they all silent when the sexsence come :c

Also, i heard the fact that u did by Honeyselect, that also my fav game too. That male character look super familiar lol.

Keep doin ur stuff, its great. Hopping to see ur new game “Eternum”


Thank you!
Hope you like it too

What about the moaning sound fx when sexsences? Cuz they all silent:v

This game is so tempting. I could hardly stop playing it once it got started. Keep doing your excellent work on your progressing project/game. By the way, I'm wondering if you made those gorgeous girls, environment, graphic with the Source Engine (Ofc Ren'Py engine for all the stuff to work together), am I right?

I used HoneySelect, but I used some environments ported from Source yeah :)

This was an amazing game. I've replayed it 4 times now. It's amazing what just how much you can do and how well things are setup.
First time I played through the whole thing in one sitting. Best game I've played in a while
Mike was the Best Character Hands down. Aspire to be like Mike.

Thank you!

(1 edit)

I love this game it was amazing. (Lauren best girl) i noticed that you are active. But no dev log updates does that mean the game is fully out and i have every option to explore or are you still working on it.

Either way its an amazing story with the perfect amount of humor. I love you work and keep it up dude

The game is complete yes, right now I'm working on Eternum, my new game. Check it out!

(1 edit)

Ok thank you. yeah i already have it installed ill check it out once I'm done with once in a lifetime

I really really loved this game from start to finish I loved that you made it possible to have a harem finale. 

Well I guess its time for me to play you're next game

Hope you like it as well!

I absolutely ADORED this game. It's fun, has multiple paths, gorgeous graphics, some REAL steamy scenes, really funny jokes and a couple of memes scattered throughout, and yes, I absolutely just made an account to comment on this game and recommend it to anybody; so long as you're over 18 and a bit kinky. 

I am absolutely cursing my garbage paychecks from work because this person deserves some donos. Play this game, you absolutely will not regret it.

Thank you so much for supporting <333

I absolutely loved this game. I recently started playing more games of this style and I came across Once in a Lifetime from a youtube video (Shoutout to SexPositive Gaming). 

And this game was just pure fun and joy throughout. The humor is pretty spot on for a game like this and I honestly am surprised how often I laughed at the jokes. The characters are all pretty interesting and captivating, I don't think any of the romanceable characters are bad in any way. (Best girl is Jasmine btw. Fight me.)

The story was pretty decent, my only main complaint here is that the ending does kind of rush it a bit. I understand development has moved onto another game but I feel the game could have ended in a much more fulfilling way. And, I think it would have been a really great reward to have one final scene with every girl involved give you are building  a harem in this. If at all possible, I'd love to see an update that adds such a scene in as I feel something like that would be the ultimate reward. But I understand if it isn't something that can be feasibly done at this time. 

Lastly, the sex scenes and lewd stuff were top notch. Lots of hot and steamy content to be found and with some very good flavors as well! (Would have loved to see the pregnancy options be more fleshed out.)

TLDR: This is a very good, wholesome, and sexy game. Do pick it up!

Thank you very much, Star!

(5 edits)

a really, really good game. sweet, funny, romantic. dialogue always decent to often good, key characters are developed. the animation/art really grew on me too (as opposed to the more photorealism of BeingAdik, etc).

I'd buy this (and also buy it after the fact) is if was more easily purchased say off a platform like steam. i'll have to catch you on patreon, though, although i don't like their politics (i recently stopped supporting via them).

You mentioned subscribestar? are they a fair platform, in your opinion? you prefer them over patreon?

(1 edit)

SubscribeStar policies are a lot fairer when it comes to adult content, yeah.
Also, I post exactly the same on both platforms, so if you'd like to support my games, I 100% recommend it!

Thank you so much in any case!!

Deleted post

The beginning of the game is quite silent, it gets much better as you progress through the game
Sorry about it

Deleted post

Thank's For this Game Ot's Not only a game but ITS GAME that you experience you are inside the realistic game with beautyful Ladies Step sister step mom i like tha game verry much i wish we have a part two i can not watch her 2 beautuful sister and mother 😁 by the way thank you caribdis more game please

Check out Eternum if you havent!

done Eternum and Once in A Lifetime Verry Good Story its like a Novel in korea i like it so much i hope to more update please and more cute girls....and the control is verry good.... SeaMonster.😅

Deleted 2 years ago

I'm afraid not

Доброго дня по играл в "Вечность" , это потресающе!!! Огромное спасибо! С нетерпение жду когда будет готова полная версия, решил, так же по играть в "Один раз в жизни" скачал, но там всё на английском, есть ли русская версия

(1 edit) (+1)

I know this will sound weird since it's a AVN but i cried at the end of it.

That means it made you feel things, so I'm happy of it :D

Sorry for leaving a comment again but can you suggest a nsfw game with the same artsyle as your games?


eternum. Made by same person

already played it

Deleted post

Like many people in the comment, I just can't leave before adressing you a sincere thank you for your work. I started playing adult visual novel a while ago and yours is among the best I could play. The story is amazing and so well written. That mix of comedy, daily-life, adventure, horror and hard choice to make is excellent ! Trully I had a great time playing it. Sometimes I even forget there is sex scene in this game still the story is captivating. Thank you so much !

On the other hand I wanted to ask if you have place where you talk about how you started working on that kind of game, what made you started, what you would say to begineers in that field.

I'm a 3D Artist that freshly graduated and I would like to work on that kind of project so if you have any tips for me I would be happy to know them.



Thank you so much!
Well I was just a player like anyone else who enjoyed AVNs, and I've always been quite imaginative, so one day I thought of creating my own game... and now here we are!

Man how i love that harem finale! Btw anyone knows the name of the song that plays in the end?

I'll be right behind you Josephine, Josh Woodward


Thanks man i watch the video and it has a ton of comments of your game! Lmao!

can you please provide it in ipad?please!!!!


Thanks for the replies man, Your games are goat but I suggest new updates of ur games would include moaning 

Thank you!

Is there a compilation of all the sex scenes in OIALT? If so I'd really love to download it . 

I don't think there is one except for the gallery inside the game


This game was so good, I had to play eternum after this and I even made an account just to tell you how good of a game experience you made. I immediately played eternum after my first playthrough of this game and both games are top notch, but I can see the hard work you're putting as well! Man I just really am happy with what you made, your games are so good, thanks! 

Thank you very much, Jump! <3


Hold on you made Eternum as well???  This is insanio you're actually goated. Keep up the fantastic work!

Haha thanks!!


played for the horny, stayed for the journey.
great game, fun characters, and i actually got invested in the world and was trying to figure out who the Sons of Astaroth were while also enjoying the spicy scenes. Lauren best girl.

also found the nod to the current project Eternum a nice touch, hope we get to see some of the OIAL characters appear at some point in eternum!

Glad you enjoyed it!

(1 edit)

I love the game. It is perfect. I played this game from 8am to 5am in two days. I just couldn't resist to play this masterpiece. And I love the ending with a perfect family and a perfect song. I must say Caribdis you are a true genius. You really know how to make people to laugh, sad, amaze, happy and love. I played Eternum too and although it is just a beginning it will become a second masterpiece of yours.

Thank you so much, Rudolf!

(1 edit)

I played this game 3 times but it seems i cant f*ck Iris any tips? Caridbis pls. reply

Download the walkthrough and follow it since the beginning!

Is there a compilation of all the sex scenes in OIALT? If so I'd really love to download it . Tnx for reply

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