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when i got in the mansion of magnus, my heart skipped a beat for the tension a jumpscare that were there. btw wholesome game, i love the story,  the characters and everything, even the locations of the game. btw i have a question: how did Moloch died if we didnt kill, but only sprayed him in with the amnesia spray?

Samael killed him


For a porn game I wasn't expecting much, but as I played I actually got a bit attached to the characters and found myself sucked into the silly story, which thankfully it never really takes itself too seriously. 10/10

same here

Glad you liked it!

(3 edits)

The first half of the game kept me interested because the game focuses on the taboo nature of the relationships you enter. 

The second half of the game lost me a little since no one cares about the taboo anymore and the relationships and H-scenes become way too romantic, wholesome, and consensual (f.i. the girls get off on the threesomes more than mc does, no profanity in H-scene dialogues, in fact the H-scenes seem so women centric it wouldnt surprise me if the dev turned out to be a woman).

Astaroth ending could have been a little more fleshed out. I would have loved to see all girls in the princesses of Astaroth style.

 I may be a little degenerate since I'd say the game is overall too vanilla for me, its a good game though so 5 stars nonetheless. However maybe i should take off a star since the semen is yellow in the game, wtf is that about???


That's fair, thanks for the feedback!

OMG this game was amazing! 10/10  I loved the ending I got and I can't wait for you to complete Eternum. Please keep up the amazing work! Lauren best girl!


Glad you liked it!

The Final is in the Village?

No, it's not


This was such an amazing game, loved every minute of it. I'm looking forward to more of your works.


Thank you! Be sure to check out Eternum

Hi I hope you can help me Im stuck in the Scary House and it say to pute a code that is White,Red,Green,Grey,Black and can only put numbres please help

32084 Download the walkthrough for more info

thaank you mate



This was a top notch game. The story is great and it had just the right mix of humor, drama, and action. The transitions and sound effects were spot on.

Thank you!

WOW! I wasn't sure if I would like this game at first, but let me tell you it is worth the cost. I was riveted and ended up playing way into the hours of the morning. Just putting it out there, Jasmine is the hottest girl.

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it

really well written, hot, and funny game

Thanks :)

Hi, I juste finished the game and damn it was so fucking good. The story, the character, all the reference ,the humor and the good ending. Everything was so perfect.

Thank you for making this game and I'll definitly try Eternum and give you my support.


Thank you very much!!


The ending of this game, man... It made me cry. A fucking porn game made me cry. Good job, and I mean that in the best possible way.


Thank you Ezra!


Took awhile to beat this game but here we are.. lets begin.

This game starts out rough, this is mainly personal preference but the mc wasn't much of a looker, of course the main purpose is for the girls to look appealing but the guy has to at least be decent for it to make a lick of sense. then we go to his behavior which was unbearable, the reason it took me so long to finish this was mainly due to the mc being the worst character on screen... how am I supposed to root for the worst character in the room? It takes way too long for him to become likable but even when he becomes better he's still somewhat unlikeable. I'm not asking for some demigod chad who turns women's vaginas into waterfalls but at least make him a decent human being. I feel like the latter half of the game should have had more cult stuff, maybe exploring more of the mc and his connection to all that jazz (no spoilers). There is like 2 scenes where the mc is doing the cool thing with his eyes and that feels like a waste somewhat.

Visuals are good

The sex is alright (but seeing the mc makes me die a little inside I'm serious he looks like a ghoul from fallout 3) the haircut was the best thing to happen to him.

Character were alright, non of the main characters were amazing are new concepts but its a porn game so it isn't this huge travesty. The side characters on the other hand... probably the best in the game, when you see a fat guy in this game, he'll instantly become your favorite... no joke.

overall the game was good, looking forward to version 3 of Eternum which started off way better than this so I'm glad the creator has learned.

He definitely gets better I agree


This game is one of the best that exists, I only have one complaint, the endings lack development... I know you are busy making Eternum which already looks like a masterpiece but please take the time to give it a little more content at the end of this, it deserves something better than just images, apart from the fact that the final stretch also feels a bit rushed... For everything else it's an excellent job please never stop making visual novels, you and DrPinkCake are the best devs


I agree it might feel a bit rushed, but I didn't want to stretch it further, I think it would have been worse in the long term

Just consider it, maybe when you finish Eternum... but definitely Once in a LifeTime deserves an ending more in line with what the whole game was... And take this as an example and don't rush to finish Eternum, when the games are as good as yours are worth the wait


Just finished this game. I REALLY enjoyed it, was a blast from start to finish. I really like your writing style, especially when it comes to individual characters. Sense of humor is amazing too. All the Stabby Mike scenes had me audibly laughing like a maniac. Thanks for the awesome experience, I can't wait to play Eternum. :)

Hope you like it!


I just finished and man I feel like crying now, I got too attached to the characters. Loved the endings, harem ending best ending for me.

Stabby Mike best girl btw.


Thank you!

I have to say, your games are simply amazing. Can't get enough. So badly want to donate and i definitely will when i can. Will recommend this to everyone. Amazing work and can't wait for the complete Eternum 🙆‍♂️🙆‍♂️🙆‍♂️

Thank you so much!


Mike Stabby is the best period.


Hi sir will there be a new update??BTW Thank you, sir, your game is wonderful have a good day 

For now I'll focus on Eternum

Okay sir thank you for replying have a wonderful day 

(4 edits) (+3)

I started this after playing Eternum v0.2. At first, the I didn't really like the art style as much but it grew on me as I continued playing. I'm not good with words so I'm just going to get to the conclusion; I love this game. Thank you for making it. It would be cool to have an after story to see how the characters lived together after everything.

I can't wait for more Eternum!


Thank you very much!


This MC is so fucking ADHD and I love it!

I can't install it :( any idea why it happens? (android version)


i'm past the part when they get lost in the forest, when does the main character become likeable? alright game besides that (some of the choices are kinda eh though)


This is by far one of my close favorites!! The end made me cry and im not an emotional person 😅


Happy to hear that! :)


This game is a work of art! The comedy is phenomenal and the story beats are expertly done! I am absolutely in love with this game! Well done y'all!


Thank you so much!


Having just now finished the game, ((Full binge because I couldn't stop this is amazing!)) Everything was phenomenal and the music additions were truly amazing! Thank you for an amazing story!

Deleted 2 years ago

Right?! XD I was crying at the end it was so wonderful!


Sorry i deleted the message by accident 🤣 

I missed the edit 🤣🤣🤣


I definitely agree 🤩


I haven't quite finished the game yet, but I'm far enough along to hear that little teaser for eternum. Might I say sir that that was a beautiful piece of advertising. I don't know if you plan to have a cameo from this game in eternum, and I don't want you to tell me, but I'm excited to find out for myself when eternum is finished. Keep up the fantastic work. Your games are seriously some of the best out there.


Thanks Holy!

I have download the game and put it in the app folder and it does not show up. I can launch it from the .exe found in the folder but the itch app doesnt see it. Anyone know how to fix it? I have already done the scan in preferences. All the files in it are not zipped so i unzipped it before i put it in.

It's probably because it's not uploaded to itch directly. I can't do it because of file size

I have just about finished the game and I have to say you did a fantastic job. Having more sound with the animations would be nice But the story and characters have me hooked! I for sure plan to check out Eturnum next.

I hope you like it too!

(1 edit)

Oh man, that was an epic journey. Thanks for the story. I am more than amaze how you make it all by yourself. 

Edit:*May I sugest that when we have finish the game once, we get some hint about locked scenes. Or been able to go back to make another choice.*

Actually you did it, I didn't realize. This is great once again !

Anyway, I wasn't able to unlock the last scene aftet 3 times so I give up. I am not visualising what I missed.

I will follow your work, keep making great stories. Cheers

There's a walkthrough you can check if you want to know why you're missing the last scene. It's definitely worth it imo
Thank you for the kinds words!


Warning. I will make no considerations for spoilers below here. Do not read this if you have no finished the game. It is worth it, absolutely. It is freely available and genuinely one of the better stories I've recently had the pleasure of experiencing. Do yourself a favour and PLAY THIS GAME.

Alright then!

Game finished, game bought. Time to tell you my thoughts. Don't worry, across the board I loved it, though there are a few things I'd like to note.

Your sense of humour throughout this game was honestly just impeccable. -37 Will to Live will probably be a meme I keep repeating and no-one will ever understand it. You have a very good sense of humour that you apply with a nigh expert precision. The right moment, with the right editing, and the right timing. I can tell that you worked very hard on it, and I'll have more to say on it in a little bit. In particular, Todd knocking out the student and dragging them behind the bushes was fantastic and had me tearing up from laughter.

I'll alternate positive feedback and negative feedback. But I want to ask you to remember that this game had me hooked. You'll read soon to what degree as well. Please don't let the negative sides dominate your mind. You deserve to feel good about what you've achieved here.

One of the things that bothered me was, frankly, the fat shaming. Fat Jack was a comedy relief character and had it stayed with him it'd have been... not amazing, but overall great. Then Ruth happened. Every scene she was in was used to illustrate how the male characters would be unlucky to end up with her in a romantic or sexual sense. Heck, Oliver has a comedic scene that fell completely flat as he genuinely struggled to choose between a stone statue of an elephant and Ruth, in a skimpy dress, standing in front of a bed. It's just... rude. I can't call it anything else. Had you made Ruth ugly to the point of it parodying the ugly girl trope, that'd have been something else. But no, she was just fat plus not conventionally beautiful. Not cool. Young women do not need this in their lives. Perhaps the engine limited you, but it was still your choice to put her in the game as she was.

Okay, that's rough to read... Sorry. Quickly, let's move on to a positive thing!

The personalities. So, this is the big one for me! GODS I love these characters. You set them up expertly; in no time creating easily distinguishable characteristics and personality traits that were all also entirely reasonable and believable. Lauren wasn't just the jock and science girl. Judie wasn't just the nerd girl. No-one in the main cast was one-note. Not even Aiko, and she got oh so little time. Having the girls already be comfortable, and very friendly, with the main character was such a sight for sore eyes. That made for such a wholesome and good feeling place the start the story in. I am not exaggerating when I tell you now that, all sex parts aside, these are some of my favourite characters in storytelling from the past decade. The attention to consistency, the individual quirks, not relying on tired tropes. Chef's Kiss, Caribdis. Take this kind of writing into the professional business and ... you'll probably be forced to adhere to tired tropes for marketability sake, but that's mainstream media's fault. If they just let you do your thing, I know that whatever you made would be good. And I'd be right there for it. Moreover, you made me believe in the fantasy that these girls were being charmed, ever so slowly, by the MC, in a somewhat realistic way (more on the somewhat in a bit). They didn't just fall all over themselves to get dicked just because it's a porn game and COME ON LETS START THE PORN ALREADY. I could believe the romance aspect wholly. The denial, the slow growth of emotions, breaking down inhibitions over a long period of time...

Yeah, loved it. Next point!

So here's a negative one. There were no "good" male characters aside from the main character.
Todd and Jason were assholes, (no the spray on Todd does not count, being forced into being nice is not a good look),
Jack was okay but was just a comic relief character start to finish,
Oliver was introduced for the purpose of being a pathetic playboy with no redeeming qualities, and to reinforce how into the MC the girls were, so he definitely doesn't qualify as a likable male character.
Every other male character is either scummy, a criminal, a villain, a drug dealer, a mass murderer (sorry Mike, I love you!), or has 1-2 scenes in the whole game.
I know, limited time, and male characters aren't important in a porn game, but I think it is important to not fall down the trap of making every male side character serve an antagonistic or comedic relief character. What's sad about this is that you already have a character who could have filled this role; Jason! In this iteration he's a less-violent version of Todd. But imagine if instead Jason was Todd's best friend, but also trying to slow down Todd's violent tendencies (before getting swept up in them). Once Todd got sprayed, the violence stopped being important anyway. Jason didn't serve a role anymore. There were a lot of opportunities to tell a background story with him, maybe involving Olivia, and so doing presenting a positive, traditionally likable male character who is not the main character. Being a good person without being the main character shouldn't be an oddity in my opinion.

Yikes, that went long. Second to last positive note I have, then three minor things I just wanted to mention, alright?

God. Damn. Your pacing. Hollywood could stand to learn from you how to use tension and release. Your pacing was spot on, you have a fantastic sense for when, and how, to increase the stakes and tension, and when to release it. When to introduce a question, add a mystery, and when to resolve one of them. I had no idea that I needed the game show scene, but I did. It came at just the right time. Your skill at alternating what is happening, where the focus lies, when to pull out the jokes and when to put them the F away is remarkable. You don't see that often. A lot of writers will see a serious situation and think you need to, HAVE TO, put in comedy relief. But you avoided this, you kept the pressure on when it needed to be there and the serious scenes, such as the hospital, were all the better for its. I have nothing but praise for you. I do think the church scene with Judie was a bit abrupt, but perhaps that was needed to hammer home that yes, this is serious, no, this is not a b-plot, this is actually happening. Anyway, yeah, you have a fantastic capacity for introducing side plots, reasons for people to be in places that keep in line with their personalities, and then introducing those situations at the right times to keep you hooked. No joke, I finished this game in just 3 days, and it only took me that long because I needed to recharge!

Speaking of recharging, damn. 

You know how to use the HoneySelect engine, don't you? Wow. 
It was unfortunate that you were somewhat inconsistent in showing what and how many alternate views were available, and honestly the "penetrate her" prompts were more an annoyance because they only showed up sometimes and I always had to move my mouse, taking me mentally out of the scene, but dang. The angles were very good. The animation was solid throughout and obviously just kept getting better. You just kept amazing me with what you could put together, and how creative you could get with it. This game would have a place on my drive even for just the porn scenes.

Okay. Time for minor end notes.

So, was the MC, uhhh, using demon powers? About halfway through I got the idea that, maybe,  it was because of his fragment of the demon soul that all the girls were flocking around him. And that raised all kinds of moralistic questions about free will. Every girl seemed to become essentially charmed and horny the moment his dick got involved, pretty much always resulting in them going further than they initially said they would. As if they weren't in a normal state of mind. I imagine it wasn't your intent to give that idea... but only because it never got addressed in the game. I think this could have been addressed near the end, with the MC being worried he's forcing people, and Judie and Lauren talking him down that they feel like they are making their own decisions, and that is enough for them.

The early parts of the game had relatively little sound. After an opening with so much (fantastic!) background music, this got weird. I ended up checking my headset a few times, see if the audio was working. I imagine that's something you learned from already, though.

Last bit: The pregnancy question at the start is a bit... weak? I didn't know what the implication was. Girls who were pregnant, full stop? Scenes of giving birth? Impregnation and consequences? Sex scenes with obviously pregnant girls? There's a lot of things you can assume there, and some you'd be okay with, some you wouldn't be. You might want to check out the game Ravager on this site, the content didn't gel with me, but the at-launch information piece/questionnaire about what fetishes you would and would not be okay with seeing was downright the best and most respectful way I've seen these things handled so far. In particular how there is context given for each fetish. Ravager proves that you don't need to spoiler things to give people a fair heads up about what's in the game.

I want to reiterate that, all in all, this is a superb game, with fantastic storytelling, lifelike characters, excellent pacing, and a truly amazing sense of humour. I enjoyed 99% of my time with it, and will remember this great gem of a game and story for many years to come. If I had friends I could recommend a porn game to, I would recommend this above all others I've found so far. You've more than earned the 20 euros I donated. I wish you all the best, and I am looking forward to seeing what you'll do with Eternum.

Stay healthy, stay safe, and please; keep working your magic.


That's gotta be one of the best reviews I've ever gotten, thank you, Kaleno! 😍

 I'm very glad you enjoyed the game that much, and I think your "negative" points are more than fair. I really liked reading it. Let me know if you play Eternum, I'd like to hear your opinion (I think I've improved several aspects, including some of your points such as having both "good" and "bad" male characters, music and sounds since the beginning, etc.

And of course, thank you so much for your donation! <3


You're more than welcome, and thank YOU for the love and effort you put into this story. I absolutely will play Eternum, though I don't know if I will wait until it's further along or not.

Also, I forget if I mentioned it or not, but it was obvious that you improved a lot throughout the project, and listened well to feedback. The quality of the game had a clear curve to it. Which makes it all the more impressive that your jokes and characterization were so on point from the first scene and on.


I created an account just for this : Thank you ! 

This game is really really good, the best I've tried on itch so far. The story is so interesting, I cared more about the story than the lewd scenes ! 

I don't know how many hours of content are available on your next game, but I'm looking forward to see it finished ! 

Keep up the good work, congrats !

Thank you!!

(1 edit)

I'll do a more proper thanking/purchase, and the whole bing bang later once I've had a chance to finish the game (and boy will that be a whole thing, I have a lot to say!). 

But first I have a question. I'm a bit of a completionist, and so I can't accept not having everything unlocked, but the third to last scene eludes me. Would you mind telling me what the triggers are for that? The scene is interrupted by Johnny, the martial arts teacher, and her husband. There are no choices all through the scene.


You must have used the spray on Fat Jack earlier on the game, and to be following Aiko and Lauren paths :]

... You monster... You... You tied it to a choice that long ago? I thought it was unusually cruel to do that to Jack since he was distressed and not in his right mind, so I didn't.

deep breath

I have the save. I have the willpower. I have the time.

Skip setting, here I go!

Haha it shouldn't take you too long with the skip function. And no worries, Jack's life will get far better 😎 (He has a couple of extra scenes along the way too, in case you notice them along the way)


To start with, this was one of the better H-game that I found. However, I think you might have some copyrighted material that you did not source/credit. I might not have caught all of them, but the ones that stood out to me were:

  1. The manga that Judie was reading. The "cover" is a cover spread from one of the Initial D manga.
  2. The page that Judie was reading is a page from the hentai manga なついろ (Natsuiro) by まー九郎 (Ma-kurou).
  3. The Neon Genesis Evangelion cover is done by Animenz Piano Sheets (as far as I can tell as an avid fan of his).

I checked your credits section on the main screen and none of these were referenced anywhere. I may be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure that you did not contact anybody for permission to use those assets.

I know that I'm not the most vell-versed in copyright laws, but I think you should have at least credited them somewhere even if this is a free game. Again, I may be mistaken, but I believe that a game developer of all people should understand that stealing assets without credit is unacceptable.

I'm deciding to leave this as a public comment as I want others to be aware if you did steal those assets (including those that I did not recognize) or if you actually did credit them correctly (I did not read through all of your development logs, but then again, I shouldn't have to in order to find the source).


Probably wrote the above comment too early, just wanted to add that all of the hotel movies were probably directly copied as well.

Also wanted to point out that many manga artists would "rename" brands in often creatively uncreative ways to avoid trademarks, which you could have done for the movies in the Hotel movie nights section (not sure what you could have done with for the images though). Not trying to be a stickler, but it kind of irks me that copyright is where you fall short of when you made this game.


Tbh I just used one of the first images that show up in Google images, I don't even know what manga was that. But sure, I can put those names in the credits, np at all

Why i cannot install this game? (android, p30 pro,) I press on the thing that I download form this site and don't start install. Help me, please

I have to say, I downloaded the game only well you know what, but I finally completed it, and I must say, you have done very good job, sir/miss, I dont know which are you but your game is the first game to make me cry, I think I got the best ending, everything was so perfect, it made me cry so much, so thank you so much for creating this fine piece of art

I'm glad you liked it, thank you!

(1 edit)

Wait, I just fucking realized after playing through a second time...
Did you do this shit through Gmod? I remember the data center shelves from Dr. Kleiner's lab that you snuck into Charles' office. Everything else in there looks like it too, the computer models, file cabinets, desk, fence...

You totally did this shit in Gmod... That's fucking awesome...

Not everything is from there, but that room was ported from Gmod yeah :]

(1 edit)

What software do you use? I've been developing a craving to make one of my own of these over the past several month

[If you don't mind my asking]



I have to say that is one of the best pieces of media I have ever consumed.  You can take out all the NSFW scenes and this would still be one of the best games of all time. Honestly, I forgot that it was even that type of game while playing the jokes are great the use of editing is fantastic and the main character has an amazing story and ark.

Thank you very much <3


Dude, one of the best of it's kind, the relationships feel real and beautiful, and the story gives the whole deal so much more depth and meaning that you don't even have to be into the sex to really get a kick out of this game. Probably my favorite adventure is in the prison, no spoilers, but that punchline my dude, the whole thing had me laughing my ass off but that punchline had me rolling. 

Don't stop dude, I'm looking forward to a sequel if that ever ends up in the cards.


Haha that's one of my favorite parts too

¿Es posible volver a seguir una ruta si ya se ha atenuado?


you've made both your novels(Once in a lifetime, Eternum)in my top 3.


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