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Hi, getting an error towards the end of the game because of couch.mp4 being missing, but can't find its reference in the code or the script.rpy file. Does anyone know about this?

I faintly remember something like this, yes. Are you playing with a mod or translation installed?


I did have the cheat script py file to look at variables, but don't think that was it. I just reinstalled and it worked again


Honestly, I came to jack off, but this game is truly worthy of more than that. I was awestruck by the storytelling in a way that i did not ever expect from a game like this. I is hard to describe how the game pulled me in, got me laughing at the screen and made me feel compassion and attachment to the characters, almost eerily so. Its obvious that  the Dev has poured in some serious effort, and more importantly, some genuine love for his project. 

I wish I was in a position to spare some money for this work of art, however im not in a position to do so unfortunately. To make this masterpiece of a  game available for free is admirable and the least I can do is leave my highest praise here. 

(3 edits) (-1)

Great game, good storyline but why set it in the UK? As a British person it comes off as really jarring with the Japanese school uniorms, the dodgy american style motels and gas stations rather than the dodgy Travellodges and petrol stations, the sunny beaches with the white sand rather than the needle strewn pebble beaches with cloudy skies threatening to rain any moment, the shitty road cutting through dark redwood forests rather than shitty country roads through acres of green fields. The only parts that are vaguely accurate to the UK is the village full of creepy weirdos, teen pregnancy and the knife crime near the beginning.

I'm sure it's fine if you're not British but it reeks of uncultured, unresearched Anglophile trash if you are. SEXY uncultured, unresearched Anglophile trash but uncultured, unresearched Anglophile trash all the same.


Hey so I'm currently playing the game (spoiler) and I just got shot by Azazel in Japan and died. I'm kinda confused. Is the game not finished or did I go somewhere wrong? I saw more content in the gallery and that makes me even more confused. Can y'all help me?


Yeah you messed up somewhere, you're supposed to continue after that, just follow this walkthrough if you're stuck.

Same happened to me, something you did bad wrongsome of the girls

umm can anyone help me about lauren i always lost her path after that massage thing... and if the points is the problem i have 9 atleast but still lost.


You need 8 or more points for that (not 9 actually) and one possible massage order is back, legs, back, lower back, legs again, ass, and pussy. That's all the conditions.


Thanks man i already figured  it out after downloading the walkthrough and it was my mistake i thought my points is 9.. it was 7 lol. anyways thanks for the reply i appreciate it alot.

I followed these steps:
Massage her back | Massage her legs | Massage her ass | Massage her back | Massage her lower back | Massage her legs | Massage her ass | Massage her pussy

Just finished this amazin game, and i dont have any words! It was amazing to play it game me so many emotioans and i almost cried at the end, this si more than just a game. its a masterpice! Thank you  Caribdis for making this masterpice, and i hope that you'll add more to it until thenill have to check out ethernum!


*slight spoiler

no shot this game has me crying over a dude named "Stabby Mike"


Bigger spoiler: future President Stabb is the best thing that can happen to you that doesn't involve dick.

(1 edit) (+2)

I must admit I downloaded this game to jerk off and shit but I have to say that this masterpiece has such an amazing story and I enjoyed every moment of playing this game I hope to play more games like this. Outstanding 10/10

Does anyone know the software used to do animations and poses ?

Was it StudioNeo from HS ?


Deleted 65 days ago

Woah, someone gave my favorite AVN a 5/10, time to do some defense. (Use paragraph breaks next time pls!)

First, if that's a 5/10 I'd like to see the AVNs that you rated better and (if possible) are completed games.

I'm no fan of the MC's actions in the early game either, he's highly manipulative. But he does get a lot better over the course of the game, that's character development, right? And if you really don't like it, you don't need to stay on Carla's and Rebecca's paths. OIALT is not like Eternum, there aren't huge exclusive segments dedicated to one love interest.

About the Yakuza thing... it was hard to watch but the whole decision had "bad idea" written all over it. I think the consequences could've been way worse for Lauren. Still, it was very dark and I'm not sad that we won't see this kind of thing ever again. You mentioned Stormside, I love that game but I never had the guts to see what the slave routes entailed, the description of it kept me at bay.

And what do you mean there's "no consent involved" at Rebecca's wedding scene? She does agree after some teasing. Overall not good enough for real life standards, but for porn standards this is more than fine.

Deleted 65 days ago

Ok, I've read the posts and sure, you've proven your point that you're not the only one who dislikes OIALT. And if you read my post here you'll see that I partially agree with the points you made here, except for the "no consent involved" part at Rebecca's wedding. I would've liked to see you justify that one better.

I'm sorry that I caused you to interpret my first post as a "confrontation", that's not what I was going for. This is all about opinions and we both know very well that the opposing side will never change their opinion if they simply don't want to.

(1 edit) (+1)

I just finished this game tonight, and I must say it has a great story paired with excellent adult scenes—something not every game manages to achieve. The unpredictable plot twists added depth to the experience, making it even more enjoyable to complete. As a fan of themes like incest and pregnancy, I found it particularly appealing.  

However, I can't say the same about the graphics. That being said, I understand this might be your first project, and you're likely still honing your skills in that area. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the game—the story, the adult scenes, the fetishes—it all resonated with me.  

Rating: 8/10

And here's my favourite line in this game.

Graphics griping? Are we taking into account how long this game has been actually finished? Find me another game this good that is complete.

I would love to see your review on Eternum.


The game does not have sound in the +18 scenes or is it bug? I already played eternum and I loved everything, even the very interesting story, but here the only thing that fails me is that


One of the Best Novels! Thank you! Donated, Game Earned its Title:)


Esse est deus.


wanted to install, but couldn't because of "this title is hosted on an incomplete third-party website" please fix if possible so installation is possible. This applies to your other game as well, wanted to install to play but couldn't because of the same issue. 


Try download the game on the itch website, it will open the download website, the itch app doesn't support third-party website download. 


Bro I just finished this game and idk how to feel lol. Like I absolutely adored it, it made me laugh, made me feel other things lmao and it dang near made me cry at the end fr. My only issue is I feel like now that it's over I have this pit in my soul lmao. Loved the story man. Loved seeing everyone get that happy ending. And I was freaking jazzed that Mike didn't die lmao. Eternum just finished download as I'm typing this. Looking forward to it! 

(13 edits)

I really want to say something bout this game and confess a bit bout the experience ive been through bout this game. First of all, I just finish the game and shout out to the developer of this game (Caribdis)I really addicted with this and your other games (Eternum) and I'm started to think that there's nothing bad about this game at all and maybe that's because this game has a good graphic, or maybe good animation, or it can might actually because of the story was 100% keeping the path of the story that we choose was actually affecting until the end, and i dont think this is a regular game like the other Visual Novel game, they be like choosing a different choice but still made the same scene. And the fact bout me is, this is actually not my first time playing this game.....I've played this game like 2 years ago but I couldn't finish it, cuz maybe that time i wasn't understand the story or the main of the story, and it started to feels boring and i stop at one of the episode tht time(cant sure if this game actually has an episode). But after I understand and manage to not skip like I've played last time, I can finally enjoy the game. Secondly, I actually feel and maybe kinda hope this next update going to be more Amazing i hope it will be absolute cinema🙌  Oh! and i almost forgot how i actually excited about the plot was fking amazing and make sense this whole time!! I even started making a theory about each episodes or scene before actually knowing the truth, and what actually crazy is some of it turns out to be accurate as i thought it would be🔥(not much though)...and i was wrong about the main characters dad that was actually not one of the Astaroth son but it turns out to be better than i expected... (can't tell you guys though, i could've spoil anything to a beginner). And the end was a BADASS!! And for the Third, i am glad and happy that i find the missing path of the girls, it feels wrong to actually finish it with something's missing....and i actually need to rewind the game for 4+ times from the beggining or in the middle of the game and sometimes I couldn't skip even though I already save the scene (idk why actually, i already play the same scene like 4 times just so i could find the missing path but i still cant skip it😭)....for example, the Rebecca's path, i need to actually save so much scene just to figure how to get Rebecca scene....but I'm so glad that i could find the path and I'm glad to actually see her at the end of the game living with the main takes me for fckin hour though....but at the end, it actually feels like worth it...and i couldn't lie, it was very enjoyable though, and it finally feels COMPLETE! even if I need to find all the girls path for more than 6+ hour!! But yeah, I'm telling the truth, its actually worth for me just to see they live happily with the main character. Also, I feel glad and happy after solve all the riddle and the missing path. And yeah, last but not least, if you got any more games or an update, I would love to try that and i have no doubt that your fans would love it too. And a little bit more thing i could say here is tht i actually looking forward to you (shit, kinda feels unnecessary commenting this game more than i could in google play store game🙏😭)....kinda have feelings that you can make the next episode or maybe a new game even more interesting like Eternum(haven't played it for a while, I might wanna play it again too)....and that's it from me. I need to mention your both Eternum and OIALT game is a masterpiece. And fuck, i even made a scenario in my own head about both of this game(im cooked😔). And im glad that your game doesn't have any payment. I might say you're the best developer here. Thanks for both games of yours....

Use paragraph breaks please. And it's too late for you now, but I made a mod that could've saved you hours of backtracking. But great to see that you had a good time regardless!

Sorry for that, i always type with so many dots just because i dont want to use comma so much. Kinda feels awkward using it several times, my bad. And bout the mod, what do you mean by backtracking? Is it a mod that can skip any scene you want? And yeah, i do have a good time before i actually stuck for an hour in the same scene😭

With backtracking I meant you rewinding or loading old saves to patch things up because you made one or more bad decisions along the way. It's a guidance mod that gives you an early heads up when you make a mistake of this kind.

And I wasn't talking about commas, paragraph breaks are empty spaces between blocks of text to organize it and to make reading large amounts of text less daunting. This for example is a second paragraph, reading the whole text is more appealing when it's split up like this.

(1 edit)

shit, my bad. And what da fak I didnt know that this kind of mod exist....i should've check up on you earlier🙏😭.....and is it still working if i use it for the next update? Cuz i already delete the game🙂.

Once in a Lifetime is a complete game, there won't be any more updates.

There's a bug happening which causes the gallery to fail? Did anyone face similar problems? Or is it the Chinese version that has this problem?

Not an expert on the Chinese version but anyone that could help you will prbly need more details than that. What do you mean with the gallery "failing"? What did you do and what happened exactly?

Basically when I try to play a scene in the gallery, it just shows an error page 

Can you make a screenshot of the error page? There should be a lot of text on it to give a hint on what went wrong.

Hm, did you enter the replay right after you started a new game? Because replays don't work if you didn't name the MC yet.

yo! where did I go wrong for rebecca? I lost her path at the wedding. no matter how much I go back for that part I dont seem to find the solution. someone help me please.



You need 15 points with her when the vows are spoken and you need the priest on your side, which won't happen if you grabbed the grimoire.

Deleted 83 days ago
Deleted 83 days ago

After playing Eternum first I decided to also play once in a life time and I just finished it now so here are my thoughts.
I loved this game , plot was interesting , characters are amazing  and the H scenes are great also there are a lot of choices that matter and changes the endings and I value a lot when changes matter in a VN.
If I had to choose , I still prefer eternum , even do it's not finished yet but both games are a masterpiece and I enjoyed once in a lifetime.
VN where choices matter with interesting plot and the H scenes are the cherry on top.
Thank you Caribdis for this amazing games and hope after eternum is done that you will still create a new project in the future. 
Love your creations and keep up the good work

好吧 就在刚刚 我以最好的结局 和所有女孩一起完整的美好的结束了这个故事 在我内心深处的感情无法用语言表达 我只想感谢作者做出这部杰作 我的眼睛在流泪 它们不停的在流泪 我会非常想念这个游戏 剧情 人物 性格 塑造 转折 幽默 甚至配乐 每一个方面都会有意想不到的收获但是看起来又非常合理 感谢你所做的一切 我会一直支持你下去


Alright, just finished the game this night and I Must Say, this is the greatest VN experience I've ever had 😭

Going into the game was like all other game for me was just not expecting for the best, but ohhh how was I wrong. The story, humor, music, characters, plot, and plot twist. Every one of them is really beautifully done, the story was very intriguing to me and even though i know this is supposed to be an NSFW game, I just couldn't wait to see what happens next with their journey.

And with that said, I'm here to appreciate all that. Thank you for sharing your passion and talent with us, it has been a great experience.


go check their eternum game. on god its 1000x more immersive fun and hot to play.

yeah for sure, i know but i think i'll wait until it's fully released lol


feel free to wait but thats gonna be a while. youll miss nothing by doing the first chapter. id say if you stop at them going to the spoopy house your good as a demo. 

I loved the game and playing the Eternum now (0.8). I played a lot of games in my life including V-novels and this one is in my top 10.

Are there any plans to publish the games on Steam? I'd love to purchase them and get the collection in my Steam account.

The character Staby Mike is my fav. I am curious how did you get the inspiration to create him? Is based on somebody IRL? The humor of these games made me lose it several times!

BTW whoever chooses the music for the games of the team has great taste!!

Steam does not allow games based on HoneySelect, as Steam considers those mods. So, unless and until Steam changes its policy, then no, neither game will be on Steam.

I just finished the game with the best way possible and the best ending with all the girls. All what i am gonna say is THANK YOU!! thank you Caridbdis for making this masterpiece! , my eyes were tearing and they still tearing. I will miss this game so much, i I can’t even force myself to delete it even after finishing it . You made a masterpiece and i know how much time, effort and money this game took from you and everyone to make it because i am in the same major in college too . I can’t wait to see what you’re hiding for us in Eternum and i am sure that it will be more amazing than anything else!

Same. I can't and will never delete this masterpiece, I just can't hurt my waifu's haha

INDEED! , i would never do such a thing to my girls haha . And i must say that Eternum is way more amazing and better, the storyline and characters are amazing! . Can’t wait for more updates

Same bro. I don't know how Caribdis made me like all his characters, like i played some AVN's and there will always be LI's that i will not like but in the case of OIALT and Eternum damn i love them all that's why it's harem ending i always aim for, nobody will get left behind.

FR man , no one will be left behind !

I just finished the game but there’s something weird . In the plan the pilot didn’t let me take them all , only one girl. He made me choose between (Lauren , Judie , Iris and Aiko) and in the last sense it was one girl in that mini bus . Shouldn’t it be all the girls in the bus while they are pregnant?

This game is good, the waifus sexy, the animations are solid, the story interesting, and the COMEDY is hilarious.. Well done!


idk why but i almost cried at the ending, would recommend and would play again

Hey, would it be possible to add "high contrast font" to the accesibility features of renpy / of this game? Love the game, but the white texts gives my eye strain... (many other renpy games have something like this, white font, but black background of the text lines)

Is this game finished? Cause what is that ending I got? I got the ending of that guy in the altar

Is that an altar? I forgot😭😭

Yes, the game is finished. There are multiple endings: Dead, Harem, Prison and Secret.

Ohh, so that's why, okay thanks for the infoo

No problem!

Now I've played about 3,5 hours and I really appreciate the work. The base story is some other games but it differs that much that it remains interesting. The characters are lovable and I even had a good laugh more than once or twice so I can say that its funny. Keep it up man!

does this game full release ? or its still on development ? 
still on progress to complete the game,before knowing that the game is not completed yet, i love this game so much, you good with the story,the character are so good.

the game is completed. the dev is working on a masterpiece called eternum, you should also check it out

thanks for replied me, i really need to know about it, so it's free game i guess ? or we should pay for the full content ? 

its free. currently the update is version 0.7, in january 16th they will do a public releasw for version 0.8, there will be like 12 hours of content if i remember correctly

what do you mean blud? i already got version 0.8 right now

You are in an itch channel. Free version is Jan 16. If you have 0.8 now, you are a Patron.

Damn, man, you have awesome visual novels, even if you cut out the hentai scenes. Progress on the technical part is visible in your next project, the models have become much better quality and they have more different details, because in this game the characters can only be distinguished by their hair, eyes and clothes. Perhaps the plots are inspired by other works and the main character, as usual, is not like everyone else. But it is still interesting to watch. So don't abandon this and continue to delight us with content

for real bro, this is amazing works i can't wait to get this game full release

As the new update is about to come out for Eternum, the devs next game, I have played and FINISHED Once in A Lifetime. The bit where an extremely important event happens between the mc and his father really comes out of left field (not to disparage the moment, it's a good scene). I'm kinda curious how he survives. Maybe because his mother who we know nothing about was also special? Maybe it has something to do with her death, similar to what happened with the death of Aiko's father? Idk, just guessing.

Also, big shout out for my boy Stabby Mike. Your the man, man. When I saw the choice to let him come with me, I was like "BFF's for life!"

I need help, does anyone know the right code to put in the abandoned hospital? I tried everything I could but it didn't work

32084. I dont like spoiling, but ill make an exception.

Thank you very much, I really needed this answer :D


This is the worst game of this kind I ever played. There are so many problems with it that I’d rather break it down into separate points:   

1. The graphics: If you can even call them that, since I’ve seen better animations elsewhere. The characters are extremely ugly, awkwardly and painfully ugly. It’s as if a beginner made them, or I don’t even know.. But to me, their faces are downright creepy.:') They all look the same, which makes it unplayable.  

2. The story: Trash. Boring. It seems hastily thrown together (assuming the creator actually wrote it and didn’t generate it with ai). Additionally, it’s in the adult game category, and the promo image shows a woman being fucked, but for quite a long time at the start of the game, there’s no nudity at all, just "sexy" outfits on those creepy-faced girls. It’s misleading. And dear creator, I don’t understand how you imagine a schoolboy who’s supposed to be a lazy gamer and anime fan to be thin with six-pack abs. In reality, such a person would most likely look disgusting, and ofc overweight. Ik Ik, fantasy, but bro, it's too much...XD I’m guessing you’re probably like that yourself, and you’re compensating for the fact that nothing in your real life has worked out so far by making this game.  

3. The actual content: As i mentioned in the previous point, there’s barely anything sexual for a long time at the beginning. This makes no sense, ugly and boring story-driven games are everywhere. After wasting so much of my time on this, I thought I might as well spend 5 minutes writing my opinion in hopes there will be a remake or something someday, because for me, this game is really bottom-tier.:(

Overall: if you’re a 50-year-old no-life dude, this game might be perfect for you. It has a crappy, emotionless story, a lot of boring parts, and no nudity at the start. I recommend it to those who enjoy cheap, creepy, plastic-doll vibes.  

Fan responses from weirdos are not needed. I’ve seen plenty of positive comments. For some, this game might meet their standards, but for me, a game like HoneySelect is the basic level of what’s good, not this. It’s all relative, I guess.🫶🏻


Did you just call yourself a 50-year-old no-life dude?


You seem to enjoy expressing unique opinions about a highly acclaimed game, but let me be frank, XD,you are more like the person who has failed in life.

One post in a year, and it is a complaint about graphics in game that was finished over 3 1/2 years ago?


You are entitled to your opinion of the game and not liking it but insulting the creator for no reason is low and disrespectful af, looks like your just looking for a quick jerk off game and not appreciate the story and skipped it all while jerking your little 2 incher. Scum of society

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