I downloaded this game expecting to jerk off. I'm crying right now, this story was absolutely beautiful. Everything about this game was great, from the unique and funny characters like Stabby mike that made me laugh, break my heart and cheer when they came back. To the absolutely stunning visuals of the surroundings, sex scenes, character models and more. This story made me cry and come back for seconds, thirds and fuck even 10 times. 10/10 game, i definetely reccomend you play this game for yourself. Thank you developer for making this masterpiece.
IM sorry but if this kind of stroy moves you to cry, then i have to laugh. Ive never seen or read any story that has ever made me feel much of anything at all. I cannot and do not understand all of you who can somehow connect to stories and feel things. The most i migh tever do is a brief chuckle or two.
I want to be special, I want attention, please, I need attention, I want to be stand out, I want to proof my point even tho no one asked, I want to be unique, please spare me some attention, please please please I really need it
Does anyone know if there is another ending? No matter what decisions I make, it always ends up with the MC dying after the talent show to go to Japan.
Man, this was a journey. Not the best out there if you want to yoink it (not that it's bad in that aspect either, it has good stuff), but it's funny as hell, sometimes actually really scary, and the ending almost made me cry. Really good story, and actually written in mostly flawless english, which is unfourtunately not a given. Though I'm guessing Caribdis is a native speaker from the setting, but that doesn't guarantee competent spelling and grammar. I really loved this. Gotta move on to Eternum now, although that one's still unfinished. Solid fucking 9/10 on this one, if not a bit higher.
come on man, everyone in the comment section does enjoy it and ur the only one who keeps bashing these comments. Based on the comments u left on the others' I'm assuming you haven't played or finished the game yet, so I think u should shut the f up man. OIAL and Eternum are some of very few game that in this gerne I have ever played, but both are so good that I'm now having that expectation on every new game that I play, but I couldn't find something that even near the standard for me now. So I think u should stfu.
11/10 nothing more to say just a great story almost made me tear up especially the ending , the music (I'll be right there behind you, Josephine is just wonderful)
The game actually does have one short rape scene, which was controversial back when it came out. You can easily avoid it by simply not selling Lauren. The choice in question has "bad idea" written all over it, so I doubt that anyone got the scene by accident.
Agree. The only reason to sell Lauren is to see the scene on a side save, and it seems unlikely that anyone that liked the style of this game would make that choice. I don't think even Scarlet Law quite gets there, but I didn't get too far in. Strive for Power maybe?
There's a walkthrough among the game downloads! Alternatively, if you wouldn't mind playing from the start again, I have a guidance mod that can predict the consequences of your decisions for you.
Honestly, love your writing and characters. Please continue making some of the most fun and interesting stories on the platform and in the genre itself.
SPOILER ALERT! I really thought mike was dead and reloaded the game, did the mission alone but at the end I couldn't bring all the girls with me and the ending felt empty. Then I thought I saved Stabby Mike he should have been here to help me with this so I tried the mission again with mike and finally realized how silly that was of me I completely forgot clarice gave him a cross to wear. But getting the happy ending felt much more rewarding after all the confusion. It was a great game thanks for giving an awesome experience.
Controversial, but since OIALT is a complete experience with closure and Eternum isn't (yet), I agree. Though both games by themself are better than any other AVN that I know about.
I could make a list of excellent games but I'm pretty sure Eternum won't make it to OiaL level with me. I don't like the game in the game - like the mini worlds you visit inside the game. If I could when the girls said "Hey want to play Eternum tonight", I would say no. So I'm afraid it's a bit of a miss for me.
Wow, ok. For me, it's quite the opposite tbh. When I started playing Eternum, I just imagined the potential this game has. Anything is possible! I was surprised by how much the game actually turned out to play in the real world.
The only problem I'm seeing is that Eternum does a lot of things and provides great variety but it does none of those things as good as a dedicated work. My main example is the heist: It was a cool segment, but it didn't really capture the thrill of a good heist movie imo.
But it makes sense, I can't expect Cari to be a master of writing in every conceivable genre. He is trying his hardest though, and his results are still very impressive, he's still a legend in my eyes.
Coming back to your critique: I can't really relate to your experience. It seems like what you dislike is not the game per se, but its central idea. To you, there sometimes can be too much variety. -- But I'm guessing at this point. Feel free to elaborate if you want to.
It's not really the variety itself, I just don't like any of those segments. It's like having a hot girlfriend (or girlfriends in this case) who are super into a video game you don't like and the only way to hang out with them is to pretend to be into the game. Maybe it would have worked (for me) if he'd focused on one? I don't know. I like the way it works in Between Two Worlds but not in Eternum.
This game is a genuine masterpiece. It really does justice to the novel aspect of the AVN genre. The characters are immensely memorable, and the plot is intriguing. The erotic content is awesome, but it seems more like a bonus added to a story that entirely stands on its own. All the various elements, the action, adventure, paranormal mystery, the romance, comedy, and erotica, they all flow together so well. Truly excellent work, and I'm looking forward to trying out Eternum next. 11/10
Great game. I didn't finish it yet but it is so good I decided to check if it's available on Steam but instead I found it here. I didn't expect it to be free so I decided to throw in a little bit more money than I originally planned. Can't wait when you will finish your next game.
I've seen way to many AVN who forget the Visual Novel part and have an empty story line vaguely present between adult scenes.
This is clearly not the case. You could remove the adult scenes and you'd still get an amazing story to read. This is clearly what an AVN should be.
The only minus point is the fact that one single incorrect choice can bring you out of one of the girls's path... which can happen a lot of the time. It can be understood for some choice but the other should have be more a matter of "reputation score" in order to allow a few "incorrect answers"
I don't really like the subscription model of Patreon so I'll do a one time payment here (on itch) and I plan to do the same for Eternum when it'll be completed (story is also amazing).
I fucking loved this game. The characters, story, animation and humor was amazing. If I could erase my memory to play it again I would. I'm gonna start playing Eternum once I'm done with other routes. 5/5 would reccommend💖
Eu nem sei por onde começar, mas já é bom avisar que eu criei esta conta apenas para poder deixar esse comentário e prestigiar o criador e todos os envolvidos, um jogo maravilhoso, eu não queria que acabasse nunca, instalei procurando alguma diversão momentânea e encontrei uma jornada cativante digna de eu encher a boca para dizer que é o melhor jogo mobile que já joguei, os personagens, os desenvolvimentos de relação, as tramas entre as garotas, os diversos finais, os plot-twists, a produção nas cenas tanto as sexuais quanto as comuns, foram poucos jogos que me fizeram sentir essa sensação quando os terminei, um certo vazio pela dor de ter finalizado uma jornada incrível, mas também a realização de ter alcançado o final que eu desejava, é sinceramente entristecedor pra mim que eu sequer possa colaborar monetariamente, porque esse jogo definitivamente merece, mas justamente por isso senti que o mínimo que eu podia fazer era deixar aqui essa mensagem, seu jogo genuinamente alcançou o meu coração brasileiro, parabéns pelo trabalho inestimável.
Como é bom saber inglês nessas horas, imagina quantas pessoas daqui não tem a oportunidade de aproveitar uma obra prima dessas porque não fala nenhum idioma que o jogo tá disponível. Eu joguei esse jogo já tem um mês e pouco também, e logo em seguida fui jogar Eternum, se você não jogou ainda, JOGUE! Pare tudo que estiver jogando ou fazendo de lazer e jogue! Você não vai ser arrepender, a única parte "ruim" é que ainda está em desenvolvimento mas já está próximo do final então já tem muitas e muitas horas de conteúdo.
I've already made a comment about the newest game, but This game is also a top tier. I don't know what it is with Cari's games and stories but, I only have two thing to say. I'm glad I played this game, I'm glad I discovered Caribdis.
This may honestly be the best Ren'py game I've ever played. It's funny. It's smart. The "correct" answers are not always obvious. It's unpredictable. It's legitimately hot, but the sex is, at best, just a side dish to a very delicious meal. SO MUCH CONTENT! Loved it. You've made a fan of me.
I just finished the game a few minutes ago and saw this comment and you're right about Eternum being much better, though we can see Caribdis' improvement from the art to the story itself.
The option for pregnancy is presented at the beginning of the game. Afterwards, you have to "arrive" inside every chance you can. The pregnancy content is only showcased in the good endings (solo or harem).
I gotta say this game was a masterpiece i just finished it and wow im amazed i was already amazed by eternum and this game made me amazed two times? Really appreciate the music at the end this game was a 11/10 i would rated it 10/10 but stabby mike was there in my playthrough and also for eternum i cant rate it until its finished but im aching for the new update i know i want you to release it fast but its okay take your time im just very excited for eternum because of luna and chang. Eternum and once in a life time was very amazing and also gotta say its one of the very best 18+ games i have ever played please keep up the great work i really want you to make more of this kind of story its very interesting and i really like the puzzle solving although i used the internet for answer... Still it was a great experience to play both of your games idk if you have more games or not mhmmm maybe im gonna check thank you for creating this masterpiece Caribdis im grateful to experience eternum and once in a lifetime :)
Promissed nothing.. Delivered simply one of the best NSFW games I have played and I played many, this is my top 2 for sure (TOP 1 if considering just the story aspect). If I were a bilionare, I'd give this guy all the money he needed to make eternal sequels of this game just so I could play and have fun.
Finished the game just now and gonna start again, don't know why but I couldn't get enough points to proceed on Lauren's route (no bath house scene). Gonna focus more on her this time maybe, also the teacher (God damn grimore fucked up that storyline haha)
Don't think twice before downloading and playing the hell out of this game, it is top notch and you will laugh so much!
This game went way above my expectations and is really well written. The story is awesome and has some great jokes and fun moments in it. I'm normally not a visual novel guy, but this one got me so well captivated.
Hey, buddy, I know it might sound a bit emotional, but when I read the line "You... you can only find that kind of love once in a lifetime, my friend," I actually got teary-eyed. Thank you so much for your game and the music you found to accompany it.
← Return to game
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Após ler alguns relatos me deixou curioso para fazer o download pra jogar
I downloaded this game expecting to jerk off. I'm crying right now, this story was absolutely beautiful. Everything about this game was great, from the unique and funny characters like Stabby mike that made me laugh, break my heart and cheer when they came back. To the absolutely stunning visuals of the surroundings, sex scenes, character models and more. This story made me cry and come back for seconds, thirds and fuck even 10 times. 10/10 game, i definetely reccomend you play this game for yourself. Thank you developer for making this masterpiece.
bom saber
IM sorry but if this kind of stroy moves you to cry, then i have to laugh. Ive never seen or read any story that has ever made me feel much of anything at all. I cannot and do not understand all of you who can somehow connect to stories and feel things. The most i migh tever do is a brief chuckle or two.
I want to be special, I want attention, please, I need attention, I want to be stand out, I want to proof my point even tho no one asked, I want to be unique, please spare me some attention, please please please I really need it
Why though?
thats a sarcasm
Oh. Well, silly me...
Man, you gotta escape reality sometimes...
This is exactly how I feel...
Does anyone know if there is another ending? No matter what decisions I make, it always ends up with the MC dying after the talent show to go to Japan.
Check out the walkthrough, it's among the game downloads.
Nah man, that's how it works... 0.8 is still under construction...
eternum, this is awesome. There is no sequel yet. I would like to get acquainted with this work. Is there Russian language in the game?
Man, this was a journey. Not the best out there if you want to yoink it (not that it's bad in that aspect either, it has good stuff), but it's funny as hell, sometimes actually really scary, and the ending almost made me cry. Really good story, and actually written in mostly flawless english, which is unfourtunately not a given. Though I'm guessing Caribdis is a native speaker from the setting, but that doesn't guarantee competent spelling and grammar. I really loved this. Gotta move on to Eternum now, although that one's still unfinished. Solid fucking 9/10 on this one, if not a bit higher.
Thank you so much, glad you liked it!!
Ill nevr understand how any fiction can possibly be scary.
come on man, everyone in the comment section does enjoy it and ur the only one who keeps bashing these comments. Based on the comments u left on the others' I'm assuming you haven't played or finished the game yet, so I think u should shut the f up man. OIAL and Eternum are some of very few game that in this gerne I have ever played, but both are so good that I'm now having that expectation on every new game that I play, but I couldn't find something that even near the standard for me now. So I think u should stfu.
Man, you gotta try Dogma by W.M I've played those before but nah, ETERNUM is far superior... But the storyline is also good though, try it man...
One of the best VN. Made me laugh countless times.
Happy to hear that!
I played this game twice.
Its one of the best game i have played and eternum is even more amazing
Thank you very much!
11/10 nothing more to say just a great story almost made me tear up especially the ending , the music (I'll be right there behind you, Josephine is just wonderful)
Glad to hear that! Thank you!
I cant instal this game. I download it for android, but them mobile said:" cant be instaled for this divice".
I played Eternum and this works OK = my mobile can normaly instal game like this. Where could be the problem?
did the game got rape and if yes how to avoid?
The game actually does have one short rape scene, which was controversial back when it came out. You can easily avoid it by simply not selling Lauren. The choice in question has "bad idea" written all over it, so I doubt that anyone got the scene by accident.
Agree. The only reason to sell Lauren is to see the scene on a side save, and it seems unlikely that anyone that liked the style of this game would make that choice. I don't think even Scarlet Law quite gets there, but I didn't get too far in. Strive for Power maybe?
There's a walkthrough among the game downloads! Alternatively, if you wouldn't mind playing from the start again, I have a guidance mod that can predict the consequences of your decisions for you.
You better lose yourself in the music
The moment, you own it, you better never let it go
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes ONCE IN A LIFETIME, yo
(sorry, couldn't resist XD)
I would slap the shit out of you, but this actually slaps
Haha TYVM!
All I can say is: "This is MASTERPIECE!!". Good plot, good story, and different endings based to your decisions.
i dint knew you were the creator of eternum, its a master piece (i dont speak english, sorry for my grammar)
incredible, i hope it gets a sequel in the future lulw
try eternum, same creator and spiritual successor
Honestly, love your writing and characters. Please continue making some of the most fun and interesting stories on the platform and in the genre itself.
Thanks a bunch!!!
Thank you so much!
SPOILER ALERT! I really thought mike was dead and reloaded the game, did the mission alone but at the end I couldn't bring all the girls with me and the ending felt empty. Then I thought I saved Stabby Mike he should have been here to help me with this so I tried the mission again with mike and finally realized how silly that was of me I completely forgot clarice gave him a cross to wear. But getting the happy ending felt much more rewarding after all the confusion. It was a great game thanks for giving an awesome experience.
Glad you liked it! :D
Thanks for replying. I'm honored. Keep making awesome games. Wish you the best.
This is better than Eternum.
Controversial, but since OIALT is a complete experience with closure and Eternum isn't (yet), I agree. Though both games by themself are better than any other AVN that I know about.
I could make a list of excellent games but I'm pretty sure Eternum won't make it to OiaL level with me. I don't like the game in the game - like the mini worlds you visit inside the game. If I could when the girls said "Hey want to play Eternum tonight", I would say no. So I'm afraid it's a bit of a miss for me.
Wow, ok. For me, it's quite the opposite tbh. When I started playing Eternum, I just imagined the potential this game has. Anything is possible! I was surprised by how much the game actually turned out to play in the real world.
The only problem I'm seeing is that Eternum does a lot of things and provides great variety but it does none of those things as good as a dedicated work. My main example is the heist: It was a cool segment, but it didn't really capture the thrill of a good heist movie imo.
But it makes sense, I can't expect Cari to be a master of writing in every conceivable genre. He is trying his hardest though, and his results are still very impressive, he's still a legend in my eyes.
Coming back to your critique: I can't really relate to your experience. It seems like what you dislike is not the game per se, but its central idea. To you, there sometimes can be too much variety. -- But I'm guessing at this point. Feel free to elaborate if you want to.
It's not really the variety itself, I just don't like any of those segments. It's like having a hot girlfriend (or girlfriends in this case) who are super into a video game you don't like and the only way to hang out with them is to pretend to be into the game. Maybe it would have worked (for me) if he'd focused on one? I don't know. I like the way it works in Between Two Worlds but not in Eternum.
You don't like any of the MMO-Eternum segments? Damn. Well, unfortunately we can't choose what we like. I might check out that game you mentioned.
This game is a genuine masterpiece. It really does justice to the novel aspect of the AVN genre. The characters are immensely memorable, and the plot is intriguing. The erotic content is awesome, but it seems more like a bonus added to a story that entirely stands on its own. All the various elements, the action, adventure, paranormal mystery, the romance, comedy, and erotica, they all flow together so well. Truly excellent work, and I'm looking forward to trying out Eternum next. 11/10
Thank you so much ❤️
Great game. I didn't finish it yet but it is so good I decided to check if it's available on Steam but instead I found it here. I didn't expect it to be free so I decided to throw in a little bit more money than I originally planned. Can't wait when you will finish your next game.
one of the best games I've ever played. 10/10
Excellent game.
I've seen way to many AVN who forget the Visual Novel part and have an empty story line vaguely present between adult scenes.
This is clearly not the case. You could remove the adult scenes and you'd still get an amazing story to read. This is clearly what an AVN should be.
The only minus point is the fact that one single incorrect choice can bring you out of one of the girls's path... which can happen a lot of the time. It can be understood for some choice but the other should have be more a matter of "reputation score" in order to allow a few "incorrect answers"
I don't really like the subscription model of Patreon so I'll do a one time payment here (on itch) and I plan to do the same for Eternum when it'll be completed (story is also amazing).
Keep the good work.
Thank you for donating!!!
And fair point, thank you for your feedback!
I fucking loved this game. The characters, story, animation and humor was amazing. If I could erase my memory to play it again I would. I'm gonna start playing Eternum once I'm done with other routes. 5/5 would reccommend💖
Thank you very much!!
Eu nem sei por onde começar, mas já é bom avisar que eu criei esta conta apenas para poder deixar esse comentário e prestigiar o criador e todos os envolvidos, um jogo maravilhoso, eu não queria que acabasse nunca, instalei procurando alguma diversão momentânea e encontrei uma jornada cativante digna de eu encher a boca para dizer que é o melhor jogo mobile que já joguei, os personagens, os desenvolvimentos de relação, as tramas entre as garotas, os diversos finais, os plot-twists, a produção nas cenas tanto as sexuais quanto as comuns, foram poucos jogos que me fizeram sentir essa sensação quando os terminei, um certo vazio pela dor de ter finalizado uma jornada incrível, mas também a realização de ter alcançado o final que eu desejava, é sinceramente entristecedor pra mim que eu sequer possa colaborar monetariamente, porque esse jogo definitivamente merece, mas justamente por isso senti que o mínimo que eu podia fazer era deixar aqui essa mensagem, seu jogo genuinamente alcançou o meu coração brasileiro, parabéns pelo trabalho inestimável.
Como é bom saber inglês nessas horas, imagina quantas pessoas daqui não tem a oportunidade de aproveitar uma obra prima dessas porque não fala nenhum idioma que o jogo tá disponível. Eu joguei esse jogo já tem um mês e pouco também, e logo em seguida fui jogar Eternum, se você não jogou ainda, JOGUE! Pare tudo que estiver jogando ou fazendo de lazer e jogue! Você não vai ser arrepender, a única parte "ruim" é que ainda está em desenvolvimento mas já está próximo do final então já tem muitas e muitas horas de conteúdo.
Is there any why to download this on an iPad or iPhone?
I need help, how can i solve the green , red , white and blue doors that i dream about?
I don't think there's much logic to it, just try stuff. The walkthrough says: third door > red door > back through white door > red door > red door.
thanks , i managed to find the way
I've already made a comment about the newest game, but This game is also a top tier. I don't know what it is with Cari's games and stories but, I only have two thing to say. I'm glad I played this game, I'm glad I discovered Caribdis.
Thank you for playing!
Thank you so much <3
This may honestly be the best Ren'py game I've ever played. It's funny. It's smart. The "correct" answers are not always obvious. It's unpredictable. It's legitimately hot, but the sex is, at best, just a side dish to a very delicious meal. SO MUCH CONTENT! Loved it. You've made a fan of me.
Glad to hear that! Thank you!
I just finished the game a few minutes ago and saw this comment and you're right about Eternum being much better, though we can see Caribdis' improvement from the art to the story itself.
This game was FINISHED in 2021. And it holds up well to anything currently in production. Keep that in perspective.
That's why I said that we can see Caribdis improvements.
One of the best games i ever played. Good storyline and great lines that aren’t sappy or overused
I didn't see any pregnancy...
The option for pregnancy is presented at the beginning of the game. Afterwards, you have to "arrive" inside every chance you can. The pregnancy content is only showcased in the good endings (solo or harem).
I gotta say this game was a masterpiece i just finished it and wow im amazed i was already amazed by eternum and this game made me amazed two times? Really appreciate the music at the end this game was a 11/10 i would rated it 10/10 but stabby mike was there in my playthrough and also for eternum i cant rate it until its finished but im aching for the new update i know i want you to release it fast but its okay take your time im just very excited for eternum because of luna and chang. Eternum and once in a life time was very amazing and also gotta say its one of the very best 18+ games i have ever played please keep up the great work i really want you to make more of this kind of story its very interesting and i really like the puzzle solving although i used the internet for answer... Still it was a great experience to play both of your games idk if you have more games or not mhmmm maybe im gonna check thank you for creating this masterpiece Caribdis im grateful to experience eternum and once in a lifetime :)
XOXO. Ewek
Thank you so much!!
The sex was literally the icing on the cake with this one. Some of the characters are actually memorable.
Awesome story started it waiting for eturnum ps stabby Mike is the shit and deserves his own spin off. Your work should seriously be a TV series.
Promissed nothing.. Delivered simply one of the best NSFW games I have played and I played many, this is my top 2 for sure (TOP 1 if considering just the story aspect). If I were a bilionare, I'd give this guy all the money he needed to make eternal sequels of this game just so I could play and have fun.
Finished the game just now and gonna start again, don't know why but I couldn't get enough points to proceed on Lauren's route (no bath house scene). Gonna focus more on her this time maybe, also the teacher (God damn grimore fucked up that storyline haha)
Don't think twice before downloading and playing the hell out of this game, it is top notch and you will laugh so much!
Thank you for playing!!! :D
One of my all time fave AVNs, well worth your time.
This game went way above my expectations and is really well written.
The story is awesome and has some great jokes and fun moments in it.
I'm normally not a visual novel guy, but this one got me so well captivated.
Thank you so much!
Hey, buddy, I know it might sound a bit emotional, but when I read the line "You... you can only find that kind of love once in a lifetime, my friend," I actually got teary-eyed. Thank you so much for your game and the music you found to accompany it.
Glad to hear that, thank you!