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Umm, I have a question. Does pregnanting carla affects the path in the  next coming update? Cause im kinda scared to lose her path.


It doesn't affect it, you can follow her path regardless of pregnancy 👌

So when is V0.9 comin ? Im really invested in the story 10/10

Thanks Roco! There's no date yet, but it's currently at 50% 
You can check patreon/subscribestar/discord to track the v0.9 progress bar 😀

Your game is awesome and I like in how many different areas you have knowledge in(or googled). How do I unlock the Jasmine Path? Also I want to be rich why can't I be rich :(. The prophet girl said I can write my own story and choose my own path, but I can't become rich...

Thank you SOMAT! 🙏😄
You can check Jasmine's path in the walkthrough attatched! Her scenes so far are the party in his dad's office, and the train before going to Japan. 
And about the prophet girl... maybe she just said what you needed to hear 🤫

Just curious, but does Jasmine's path end after the train scene. I noticed the path was lost after that scene and I have gone back three times so far to try and keep it going.

It doesn't. Be sure you have seen her first sex scene at the party and you're hiding in the last car of the train

i just loved this game its the first time i binge played all the game at once awesome story with humour and amazing graphics no one can ask for any better and now i just cant wait for the next update please make it soon i am eagerly waiting for the next update 

Thank you!! Next update is on the way 😁


can't wait 😍

I love this game, and the plot has me so hooked, but is there a way to transfer data from one game to another?

Hi Will! Thank you very much!
What do you mean by transfer data? From one OS to another?

I mean from one game file to another. Like is there a specific file that contains your data/progress that you could switch for yours from another game so as to retain your game?

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh, yes, you'll find all your save files in Once in a lifetime/game/saves
Just copy them in the same folder when you want to transfer data 👌

Hey! Love the game and everything about it. My question is do you know where i can get the character models from? From what I've noticed some of these scenes are based in a HL2/GMOD backgrounds.  I have somewhat of an attachment to the characters (Not in a weird way) and would like to experiment with them on Gmod. Thanks for the amazing game and i cant wait to see more content from you!

Thank you very much Achilles!
The characters (and the game) are made using HoneySelect. I shared the character cards for my patrons to be used in the game (In Honey Select). If you noticed HL2 backgrounds, it's because they were ported to HS!

Ah damn i've got no money rn for pation. money is scarce in these times. I'll try in thr future. Thanks!

Late reply, I just finished the game. It's great I really liked it. Were those cards ever ported to HS2?

Only HS1

love the story and comedy on this one! also GJ on mike's character, man he adds flavor on the scene whenever he appear hahaha

Hahaha I agree! Thanks Zainon!

(1 edit)

Hey Cardibis, I loved your game, can't wait for the next update! I'm starting to make visual novels thanks to you, I'm also using Honeyselect. 

Can I ask if you created the background/map by yourself or you finded them on the internet?

Greetings from Brazil <3

(1 edit)

Hey! Thank you!
I created some of the maps, but I downloaded most of them from the internet! From different sites (reddit, forums, discord...) and pastebins.
Good luck with your game!

La verdad es que este juego me a encantado, no había visto nada igual y me encanta, el humor es bastante agradable y me a sacado unas carcajadas, y ni hablar de la música que es estupenda, muy buen juego recomendable. Saludos desde Colombia

Jajaja muchas gracias "Simpdecaribdis"! 🤣

(1 edit)

How much time will it take till full game release?

When is the next update coming bro

BTW I like your game man

Full game will take some time.
Next update is probably coming in late February for patrons. And the public version on a month after that 😄

Can you release in early feb for both patrons and non patrons..

Please ~_~



Im gonna be honest this game is perfect, good animation, good characters and story also the erotic scenes are very well made. Even if its a dating sim the story and the music manage to scare you a bit but that makes the game even better. Honestly extremely well made game and I cant wait to see how the game continues. OwO

Thank you Raul! 😍


Hey Bud :D i need more yes :D 


On the way 😄

okay can somebody help me out. I got to the part with lauren where i have to give her a massage. However no matter what i do i lose her path. This kinda sux seeing as she was the path i wanted to follow most. I tried looking for a walkthrough nothing, so if anybody has any info it would be appreciated. Also so far i'm having a blast playing this game.

At that moment you need 9 or more points with her to continue.
Check if you have enough! 

If not, take a look at the walktrough to find out where you lost points:

(Maybe at Jasmine's party? You get +2 points with her if you win the game against Tom)

thank you and it sux cuz i only have 8 so looks like im starting over oh well.

Is there incest in this game? Because I don't want to download the game if there is.


There's no blood-related relations in the game

What does that mean though, are there like adopted-related relations? Because I'm cool with that.

Stepsisters and stepmother

Thanks, I'm really looking forward to playing your game

I hope you like it :)

i absolutely love this game, by far my top 2 favorites. the comedy in this game is amazing. but i have to ask on what you used to make the characters? i love the design 


Thanks Mokoto!
I used HoneySelect, and I moved the sliders until I got a look that I liked 😁

they look amazing. i installed honey select and now i made 1 character. gonna try and make more. then all i gotta do is figure out how to put them in a game lol. im new so idk what im doing XD

Best of luck!

Do you know where I can find an english version of honey select cause I have it but only some of the menus are english the rest are in chinese or japanese.

(1 edit)

This game is fuckin awesome! This game is an S Rank game!  I never touched my chicken while playing games but that iris scene is something else 10 /10

Haha, thank you so much!! 🙏🧡

Hey Dude , Huge Fan Of Your Work , When Will The Next Update Come ?

Thank you Khatri 🙏🏽
It'll probably come out in February for patrons, and March here!

How to view your works on patreon ?
Here! But only patrons can see patron-only posts 


hey man, my cousin is also a huge fan of your work, and he told me to ask if you could add some anal scenes in the future updates?? Thanks and keep up the awesome work!!!


Hey Poseidon! Thank him! 

Short answer: yeah, there's something planned 😏

As I see we can ask for thing for some future scene, I wanted to as- the son of my father asked myself* if you will add futa ( a girl with a dick) ? Of course if you think, and have time, to add someone else before finishing your game. (Don't know if you want it to end, but as there is less and less son of astaroth... )

And please, don't think I am that weird, as you made Lilith ( after giving the AAR ). Or did you wanted to make her scary, and I am the only one finding her body sexy ? In that case...

Ho and, as the story is interesting and funny, and with the choise (keeping relationship, making, all (?), the girl pregnant,...) I suppose it take you time. But also the picture, and about that it sometime say "image not fond" ( as exemple, I played it on phone, with Lilith, it say 'image "Lilith 56" not found'.) And just out of curiousity, who many people are dead in the background ? (See one at the pool, and another one at school, with tom)

*I not that good in english, but if I remember correctly, if someone ask me, than it is "asked me" and if it is me who ask me, than it is "asked myself".

Hi Setib, thx!
I won't be adding any more characters for the game, since it will end in a few updates. However, I'm starting a new game after that, with many more new girls, and a new, bigger and better story!
And I don't know how many people have died in the background, but quite a few 😆

(1 edit)

Two last thing, at last, I think :

-about your game, you say youself it will end soon, but do you know if it will be more likely 2 up-date or 5 up-date ? And I suppose, of what I see on your other answer, it will be 3 months by up-date ?

-About your next game:

Just out of curiousity, I was wondering if it will be more "real" world, like here, or more "fantesy", a bit more of magie.

But mostly, you writed

"with many more new girls" only girl ? Or there will be futa too ? Sorry, I don't know if you are into it, but better ask at the beggining rather that at the end :). And if you wanted to add a Threesome (on one girl, not on one man) better a man girl looking than a boy looking*.

"and a new, bigger" with all the choise, and I suppose, the ending as well (following all girl, only one,... And make them pregnant or not, or just some. try only one path, don't really know if you really make it possible.) I understand why it take time to publishe up-date, but if it will be bigger, in one hand, I want to see it. In the other, I fear the time it will take between up-date...

And "better story!"

Well... good luck with that, because when a game give you name choise like :

'Horsedick Jack'

'The fapping Jack'

'Panzer VI Tiger Hairy Tank Jack'

'Optipute Prime: Autobots, Roll Out Jack'

And the name are keep until the end of the game ( do you think it is possible ?), you can hardly do better.

*I know, why is it better a man girl looking than a boy looking, when you can have a girl with a strap-on ? Well... Lets me answer by that: "meh"

And sorry, I know I should make shorter comment, but to défend myself, it is not my first language, and yes I may not have writed like I wanted.

Hey setib,
Probably 2 more updates till the end of the main story.
The next game will be set in the real world, but it'll also have more fantasy (You'll see!)
I don't think I'm adding futa, at least for now. 
The next game will be bigger, but the time between updates will still be the same as now.
And thanks for your comments, you can ask whenever you want!

(1 edit)

I really love this game and it's great so far, but after aiko and Oliver get introduced to the class my game crashes, im ont android btw. 

Hope you can help me with that, thanks in advance.

Hi! That happens in android version if you didn't see Jasmine's train scene.

Please, try this version:

I'm not that used to android, sorry about that problem. I'm not sure if this version solves the bug for everyone, but please, let me know if that's the case!

No problem, I read some comments and just unlocked the Jasmine scene, after that it worked, but still thank you for your hard work

I'm glad 👌😄

If you lose a path, can it be restored?  I lost path to older sister at the message, don't know how I did it?


It can't! Be sure to follow the paths of the girls you're interested in!
You can check out the walkthrough attached to see what you missed.
(In-game, the paths screen is updated after every wrong decision that could lead to lose a girl's path)

Hey man I found another issue, right when Oliver finishes his introduction the game kinda crashes and I can't continue reading, here is a screenshot of it

Its the 0011 version btw

(4 edits)

That happens because you're not following Jasmine's path (you didn't see her scene on the train, just before going to Japan). You could solve this loading a previous save and watching that scene (I assume pressing "ignore" doesn't work)

But well, that's a bug, and that shouldn’t happen, obviously. I'll try to solve this. Sorry about it 🙏🏽

If u're talking about the scene where u open a door in the train and see Jasmine there, I don't actually remember if it's before or after getting a haircut, than yes I did see that scene!!!

But then you're supposed to have sex with her too (if you're following her path and go to the last car)

Oh, than yes I didn't see that

Your game is so good, love the story and the characters. Iris is the best!

What did you use to make the scenes and animations? 

(1 edit)

Thanks piruletaa!
The game is made with HoneySelect by Illusion :)

Love the story so far, but my one complaint is that it sometimes feels like you're writing for the correct path, and other paths where a player messed up just has sections removed. I don't mean where a player didn't make the prerequisites for a scene, but how a scene changes when the player's choices wouldn't influence it. A prime example is from the new update. Mild spoilers, but when you have Aiko come with you back to the states, at the baths, she basically runs interference so a character doesn't see an event happening. If she doesn't come back, instead of that character stumbling on that event, they simply don't go there, even though Aiko's presence shouldn't affect that.

Not every branch needs to be fully-developed, (A good example is the game over from after the yakuza event) but sometimes, when stuff seems removed for no apparent reason, the player feels a little cheated, like their clever manipulation of triggers and events was just hand-waved away.

Other than that minor gripe, (which can honestly be solved with a flow chart seeing where these unique anomalies are) I've really been enjoying the game!

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Hi Talvert! I'm glad you're enjoying the game.

I know what you mean with the Aiko interference, and that makes a lot of sense, I'll improve that scene changing what happens when she isn't there in the next version.
I'll try to keep an eye on other "paths" too.

Thank you! 

Yay, more Iris!


The new update deleted all my saves on android 😲😲😲

Maybe because it was 0011's or wills's port 🤨 

If you played 0.7.1 (0011's)  try this one:

If you played 0.7.2 try this one:

Hope one of the two works 😅

Ok I'm gonna try them, thanks

Deleted 2 years ago

😂😂😂 You gotta love Yi Jian Mei


Surely you haven't forgotten about us brother😆

Bank seems to be declining my card for whatever reason☹

I haven't 😂
Coming out tomorrow at 6:00 PM (UTC)!

(2 edits)

i always get stuck after i attended the meeting in japan i tried other options but i still end up getting stuck and i also can't access the hot spring :/ i literally can't do anything in the game. i was wondering if this is a bug or no

Are you playing 0.7.1? That should be solved in 0.7.2

thanks i didn't notice i downloaded an older version. and really great game btw really looking forward to the next update :D

Thank you Jierra! :)


Hey, I loved the game and enyojed it a lot, I hope more people get to play it, so I did a video on it.


That was absolutely great 😍
Thank you so much for your review, man!

Dude..I'm a huge fan of your game, the scariness, humor things are way better. than any of the trashes out there...Pls add more girls and sex scenes..Looking forwarsd for the update.Keep up the good work XD

Thank you hercules! I will 😁

and also dude pls create more games XD


I plan to! Haha 😂

Hey man how are u?? When's the next update??


Hey man, coming out next month!


Ok thx, can't wait for it!!!

Next Month as in December..?

December 5-10 (probably) for patrons

Late December here :)


Dude, my internet always crashes before I can finish the download. Can you make compressed versions?

Compressed versions



However, be aware that the quality of the images is reduced!


I am ok with that, thank you so much!


I'm laughing so much at the "What is the capital of Australia?" question.

You just HAD to include "Vienna" as an option!


Is it not? 🤣


Amazing game. 

This is one of few of the game on Itchi NSFW i would actually pay around 10 for, or more in the future.

Thank you so much! :')


Well since i have you here I noticed someone said something about the humor a few comments back.. I love the humor personally. Like the part where they complete the scavenger hunt at the festival and the prize is shit so they kind of stare into the guys soul until he gives them the katana. Wholesome humor is good humor in a game like this is I think you nailed it.

Thanks man! It's nice to see people enjoying the game, and I'm glad if it made you laugh 😄

Bro,,Can you pls recommend games like this one XD

(1 edit) (+1)

Great work Carbdis! Also you need a Patreon link here so you can get the support you should have in keeping this going! Good Luck to you

HAHA! I see your link  now! joining up right now


Thank you very much hawkeye! 😍

Will there be a wlkthrough for version 7.2?

Yes, I updated it to v0.7.2
Thanks for the heads up

you son of a bit-

really leaving us there with a standoff? considered me played


Hell yeah 🤩

This is a better ad for the game then anything could possibly be

Hello.  The 0.7.2 APK will not install for me.  It will download and show the install progress bar, but then displays the message: App did not install.  Any suggestions?   Thanks!

That's weird, I've tried it and it works for me. 
You can download 0.7.1 instead though, it has the same content (it only lacks a few bug fixes)

(2 edits) (+1)

Like i said in some of my previous comments, i really do enjoy this game. There's a healthy mix of humour, storytelling and horror. Compared to other nsfw games with horror elements, whose horror elements seem more tacked on and barely coincides with their game. Once in a Lifetime (OiaL) seamlessly integrates the horror with the main narrative and humour.

The humour and horror in OiaL is perfectly balanced, not many games, especially nsfw games have caused legitimate laughter in me multiple times. And the horror and dramatic elements of the game is paired perfectly with the overarching plot of the game, but isn't overbearing in it's delivery. Not many nsfw games have such an in-depth and compelling plot that isn't just centered around having sex with every girl in the game. 

I enjoyed the game, and i liked the characters, though i feel there isn't too much depth to them and they are more archetypes, but you've been able to make their lack of depth work with the story and not really noticeable until you actually start to think about it.

There isn't many flaws that i can think of when it comes to this game, the only things i can come up with, is the lack of a way to keep track of girl's scores, gallery and a couple grammatical and spelling mistakes in the first 2 chapters.

It'd be great if you added in a way to check what the score values are for each girl without having to wait for a choice that effects their values to show up.

For gallery, i think it'd be best if you make it so that players can directly access it from the main menu and maybe have it be more organised, perhaps by characters or by chapters.

And for grammatical and spelling mistakes, throughout the whole of version 0.7, there isn't many noticeable grammatical or spelling mistakes. But in the early chapters, there are a couple lines of dialogue that just have a word that's out of place or are mispelt. Nothing egregious, but being someone who's very particular over the grammar and spelling used in the forms of media that i consume, i tend to notice these things. Unfortunately, i can't name a specific scene of line of dialogue that has these mistakes, but you should go through the script of chapters 1 and 2 in your spare time and fix up these mistakes, especially before you release the final version.

In conclusion, i really enjoyed the game and give it a rating of 4.9/5, or 5/5 as i can't put anything more specific than ratings from 1 to 5 on I hope you have a good life Caribdis. I look forward to what future versions bring, especially after having seen that cliffhanger at the end of chapter 7.

(3 edits)

Thank you so much for your review HenTie, I really appreciate it 😍

That kind of comments motivates me to keep going with more desire than ever! And thank you for the feedback and suggestions, I'll look into it! 

I wish you well too ^^

(1 edit)

man, i was just going back through my first review, and comparing v0.7 to v0.8 and v0.9, i can see that you've made many improvements on the issues that i had with v0.7, and seeing a developer actively taking on criticism and working to improve their game for their audience is wonderful thing to see.

That's the key to success! 
I didn't remember it was you who gave me the idea to create a screen to keep track of girl's scores. Good advice! 😁

i have just one thing to say:

I need more of it.

Im done oh and Wow the game is nice build and intense love it 

Thank you kanzu!

Yeah number 1 on my list till now, hope there's much more to come, and for a long time lol

of hell yea um hyped for it.

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