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The opening killed me

(5 edits) (+4)

So glad I decided to give this game a shot in the dark. Even in some of my favourite japanese's comedy visual novels, have I never laughed so hard and I played this for 5-days straight! Plus the refences in this game go so hard! I honestly picked this up because I liked the designs of the female character models, but I didn't expect to love ALL of them as characters, with my fav's being Jasmine (just gotta love the queen B) and Judie who is just an absolute cinnamon roll!

I often found myself going back for Rebecca since I kept getting her path closed but the final day with her while a certain anime track was playing and her beautiful smile just made me cry so much. This game has such powerful serious moments that can hit you out of nowhere and it's honestly so good. 

The author has mentioned that despite the game being finished more scenes will be added later and I look forward to jumping back into this world again in the future and hope even that "Solo" Girl Endings are updated to give them a more personal feel if you just love only one girl in this game.

There are very few VN's on this site which can hit a good vibe between being genuine comedy and seriousness but this game just nails it, character expressions play a big part in this as even wordless moments can sell a scene.

And with that I look forward to playing ETERNUM next! But I'll give it a while to cook before diving in!


Thank you so much!

I hope you like Eternum too :D


One of the best game I've played. Mike best boy.

I agree


Is there any way to keep Judie after Azazel's confrontation?

If I tell him where to go, he shoots me and game over.

If I go for the gun it advances the scene...and fine so far.

At this point I still have both Judie and Aiko's path open.

If I choose to shoot, Aiko does instead, both paths are still open. If I choose not to shoot, Aiko does instead, still...both paths are still open.

Next option(s): If I ask Aiko to come that point, both paths are still open. As soon as I go to check baths, I keep Aiko but lose Judie.

If I say goodbye to Aiko, I lose her path immediately, and at that point I still have Judie's path open.

I go to check baths, look, and Judie's path is now closed.

With Judie's path at 20/41, she is all happy and loving, even at the festival. Sit down for fireworks, things move along and Judie kisses the MC.

Where did I fuck up?

Aiko is one of the side stories, so yes I'm sad if/when she goes, but not all is lost. However, Judie is part of the main story. So I'm pretty upset that I lose her no matter what I do.

(1 edit) (+1)

Ah, I get your problem man. In fact, I've had a similar problem, that's why I'm developing a mod right now that can automatically warn you of such situations, named 'Causality'. ...But you'll prbly be finished with the game before I get to complete it :)

Anyway, here's where it went wrong: Right after the fireworks scene, there's a relationship threshold for Judie: 21 points or more. If you miss the threshold, you'll miss something special and you'll inevitably lose Judie's path the next day. Looks like you're one point short, you can clutch one more by getting all 5 questions right in the quiz about Judie during the festival if you didn't already. If you already did or have trouble doing so, you need to check out the official walkthrough on page 13 and work your way backwards, there's 26 Judie points reachable up to that point.

Hope this helps! Judie's path is not necessary to finish the game (no path is) but let's say you're missing a lot if you do. Same goes for Lauren. Good luck!


Yeah I was afraid of that.

Does her affection work like that for other quizzes? I aced the festival, and the one before that I wiggled though by trial and error, at least I think there was only one more. I might have missed one somewhere.

Aaaaaaaand I'm a bit of a of a completion whore, even for these. So it looks like I got more save-diving to go.  XD

Thanks for this btw.


Not sure what you consider quizzes here. Check the walkthrough, page 13 and before, it tells you everything you need to know. It's correct most of the time :) If you wanna catch 'em all I'd recommend checking the walkthrough regularly anyway and going back if you messed something up. That's how I played. It reduces immersion and is a spoiler minefield but until I'm done with my mod, that's the best we have. Still, I enjoyed it very much this way :D

kk, thx

I know this is finished, but I just wanted to say the music bouncing back and forth from the Music and Sound sliders.

I normally set the music low for the background, and the sound kind of high so that I can hear it through the music.

The music at the Yakuza's meeting came through the sound side of things, and well, it was just as loud as it would have been maxxed out.

Just letting you know...heading back to sucker-punch Mike.


Just finished this game not gonna lie the plot, the humour, the scene are all top notch. The varies character and there is Mike. At first I hate Mike and hoping there is no more Mike in future but boy that where im wrong. His personality and character really suit well to become the beacon of hope for our MC and that makes the plot more interesting. Kudos to Caribdis for the awesome game and jokes (The one Tom kill a student for MC really make me laugh out loud). 

Glad you enjoyed it, thank you!

Hey Carbdis, was just curious if you could link the music that you used for this project, all sounded pretty good


You can find the Once in a Lifetime soundtrack playlist here:


Hey bro, I would like to tell you that you really make a great work of art, thank you for your work which brings us so much joy.

However, may I ask you some questions about your thoughts of the ending of this game? Actually you made it to show us the true love between the hero and girls, but when it goes to the bad endings such as the hero being caught in the prison, the girls will be in sorrow,  while eventually go back to their own life without the hero. Does that mean even if you own the most intense love with someone, the feeling will still fade? And the happy ending is just a coincidence, which only means you did the right choice?

I would appreciate it if you can answer my puzzle. And thank you again for your work.

The 'Cemetery ending' might interest you, it's quite heartbreaking. Keep in mind that the pictures you get sent in prison are probably sent by Astaroth to taunt you, they're not sent by them.


Wow, many thanks for your reply. What you said is a way to understand the ending that I failed to come up with. But here is still one thing I don’t understand. If the pictures are sent by Astaroth,  doesn’t it mean that the the hero is left in the prison with no one caring?

Very likely, yes. The thing is that we don't know the circumstances under which you got imprisoned. We only know that Astaroth is very powerful and able to control people. Your family might not even know that you're alive. Astaroth hates you intensely and this is how he wants you to suffer.


Thank you sooo much :D. I have figured it out with your help.

Hey bro i dont now how to win the tv show i had all right but it doesnt go well

There's a downloadable walkthrough among the game downloads. The gameshow is mentioned at the bottom of page 10.

(2 edits)


I had a very sad ending at the end of the game, where i only was able to go to the end scene with Mike, and both of us died....
I guess there is a better ending, but what did i do possibly wrong?

Thanks in advance for your help!

(1 edit)

Check out the walkthrough!


Well, I made it back, when i had to kill Asmodeus, and did it now, and of course the end was how it supposed to be, i guess.
Thanks for making this huge and awesome game, Eternum is good as well!

Came for the sex scenes, stayed for the genuinely engaging story. This is the only porn game that I can say I actually gave a fuck about the plot of. 10/10

Glad to hear that!

im in japan and the guide says i need to go to the festival to continue Judies path, but for that to happen i have to have viewed a couch scene. But i dont have a save that far back. is there a way to go back or do i have to start from the beginning all over again?

Unless you have a save in the autosaves tab, that might be the only solution yes >_< Sorry I don't have a better way

I got a very good ending .. where all the girls followed me .. also I managed to keep the path of all female characters .. very good game 11/10


Thank you!

based on my feelings who have replayed 7-8 times. I think Caribdis has a slight bias towards Lauren. Lauren has a lot of scenes that I feel are really romantic with the main character while her sister has a few scenes that seem to be not romantic enough. let me give you an example

lauren has a few scenes with the MC like in prison, massage, bath, yakuza.

MC shows his love by protecting Lauren from the Yakuza at all costs and the two watch the moon while holding hands later, in the prison when the MC says he misses Lauren while sleeping, scenes I just said it doesn't need too much action, dialogue, but it is enough to show us how deep the feelings of they are.

Judie makes me feel like I have a little sister that I have to protect, although it's very good, it really doesn't leave a good mark as


This may be my 9th time, i lost my count

(1 edit)

I always thought Judie had the more romantic interactions. Personal preference is a mayor part in this judging this; what matters are not the interactions themselves but our emotional response. If the community is split 50-50 on who's the best girl, then that's great character design. There must be at an old poll about this, right?

If you'd allow me to vividly theorize: Judie's path relies more on affection from your side, since she's shy. But replaying the game as much as you did makes you become numb to it since you've done it so many times already. Therefore, Lauren's more active way of affection becomes the prominent one. How's that? :)


 Thanks for your idea  :D

Well, I think so, maybe my first impression of Lauren was too good. (please forgive me if I'm wrong). Lauren has more minor romantic scenes than Judie and it spreads steadily in the story while Judie focuses on certain events.

can someone please tell me how i beat the japan game show? or if i have to choose different options?


You need to choose the correct options, yes

Check out the walkthrough

thank you so much!!

There's a scene in the gallery at the last page on the bottom right that I can't unlock. Is it some kind of glitch or secret??

It's not, you can check out the walkthrough to see how to unlock all scenes. 

Thx so much

Hello i love the game very much is version 1.0 has the after story because I already beat astaroth at version 0.10

Hey! Thanks for an absolute masterpiece of a game with top tier comedy! I did start with Harem Hotel first but as some comments said, if I enjoyed HH, I'd enjoy this one and I surely did 😂 I was hoping for maybe a sequel in the future, maybe a more light hearted one like a prologue? Just like an after story... Considering that pieces Astaroth's soul can be passed down to an offspring, MC has literally split it into 7 more tiny pieces 😂 so it would be entertaining to see how they would control the babies if they accidentally activated their powers. Anyway just a piece of my thought and thank you again for the game.

Glad you liked it!

Make sure to play Eternum, my new game :D


Never expected a free game to be so enticing and rich! Many things are done just right, especially in writing: the pacing, the amount teasing before finally providing the desired event, characters feel genuine and lovable... Helps to find yourself lost in a story which, unlike life, can often end in really desirable ways. 

Another strong thing going for the game is humour and usage of memes. It's not overdone and spices things just right, often adding to the characters. 

Maybe I'm so excited because it's my first VN of this sorts, so kinda losing nerd's virginity in a way lol. But still the game is quite good. The only thing that I'd find to be an improvement would be a more down-to-earth story to feel more realistic, a believable experience would make it feel more real. But the story provided fits the overall style well because you could feel the person behind the story doing his thing and in a way it's all harmonious. 

Great game.


Thank you Plummet <3

Ph mentioned 🥳, and this game is great I'm never gonna forget this. I love the story, your the best caridbis! this one my favorite vn great work.

Glad to hear that!

Great Scenes!!! 11/10


Hello friends, I wanted to write this on Caribdis's Discord server but access seems to be somewhat restricted so I'm settling down here for the time being.

I've been thinking about my experience a lot and read some comments; I think I'm not alone with the notion that losing paths sucks. It can happen quite easily and when it does, it drops all progress with that girl. The walkthrough can help but it's also a spoiler minefield that drains immersion.

So, I'm planning to create a 100% free mod for the game, provisional name: 'Causality'. It's quite simple: After each decision, it analyzes your game state and issues a small warning if (and only if) that decision will inevitably cause loss of paths, lewds or endings; now or in the future. It's targeted at first time players and will therefore be as spoiler free as I can make it.

Right now this is just an idea but making it real should be quite straightforward. Still, I want to be on the safe side and it would help a lot if you told me...
1. Is modding even allowed? It will involve reverse engineering and I'd feel better about it if I had the dev's go-ahead.
2. Does something like this already exist? Am I reinventing the wheel?
3. Do you think a mod like this would be useful? Could it've helped you?

Sorry for abusing the comments as an impromptu forum~


I personally don't mind mods, so no problem on my side :)

THX Caribdis for everything

WELL,seems like it's end.When I reached the final"Jesus Christ"song.I know this will become My top 5 game.I really enjoy the story.the relationship with Judie Laruen Carla Iris Jasmine Aika Wilson.Best game experience I had in this one and Eternum.

I appreciate everything you made.bringing us happy and laugh.

THX again




Thank you!!

Deleted 253 days ago
Deleted 253 days ago

where did you miss her point ?

Wow, The developer has done a good job in plots, scenes, twists, animations and many things. Great Work I really enjoyed playing it.


Thank you for playing!

Amazing game, will there ever be some sort of sequel or follow-up? 


Check out Eternum. It's by the same creator and even better than this game

I haven't played it yet, I've meant to tho. I was just wondering abt the same characters in the future

(1 edit) (+1)

Wow. This was really something special. I peeked at the walkthrough at the end of every day to make sure I'm on track and even though I'm going to play this again in a few years, I don't even want to know what the other endings are like. I don't think I could bear it. Now I need a day to emotionally recover.

Does anyone know what's up with the decision about taking the book? It seems like a very impactful decision, but why? You end up with it either way.

Update (SPOILERS): I figured out that grabbing the grimoire is not detremental to the good/harem ending, except that you can't get Rebecca. The official walkthrough is actually wrong about this. Still, I don't get the reasoning behind the grimoire decision.

Glad you liked it, thank you!

The decision will anyways lead to one or the other to come so no regret.

I loved this game so much! I fell in love with the characters (not literally lol), they had so much personality. I'm definitely playing Eternum next!!

Hope you like it!

I fell in love with Lauren (literally lol), my first and forever love with a game character, other games can't make a character as good as Lauren

I just finnished the game and it is just as good as people say if not better, I however didn't unlock all the scenes and just before i finnished the game all the ones i did unlock got locked and sure it's just a minor inconvenience but I would rather not play the whole game again since it isn't the shortest one so to say but overall the game was great and the story was just as great. Can't wait to see how good eternum is

Thank you! Hope you like it too

I came from eternum and I saw that this game from the same creator and let me tell me that like eternum, this is a masterpiece equally, I was left wanting more, so again, congratulations to the developers and I hope they continue like this, I'm looking forward to the next eternum update, thanks

Thank you so much!

I dont know if theres anything wrong with my game but ive been playing for about 3 hours now and i havent heard any music/sounds effects and my volume is all the way up can someone help?

The beginning of the game is quite silent, it gets better later.

Sorry about it

Ok thanks

Great game. Did you get inspiration from sisterly lust, or did they get from you? I see a lot of (very good) similarities there.

Well I haven't played it, so certainly I didn't haha


Oh you should. It is quite good. I guess the inspiration is out there ^_^.

And thanks again, great game !

(3 edits)

Caribdis your games are so interesting. The story, character models, texture, gameplay, and especially the animations are all well made in both games. I can't wait for version 0.6 and up of Eternum. I was wondering...

1. Do you plan to make a sequel to this game(OiaL) after Eternum or a sequel to Eternum itself?

2. Are you going to add voice acting to the full version of Eternum? It'd be awesome if you do.


1. After Eternum I'll probably just start a new game, with new characters

2. It's not planned for now, I'd require an investment of time and money that I can't afford right now

If you're searching for voice actors, lemme know. I have a deep voice and will do some work for free, so long as it isn't too much (so side character type stuff)

You can get fans to volunteer. You can put a post out  with lines  for certain characters with the  type of voice u looking for, so that it can give people an idea of what type of voice they should make. Then, have them email their voice  recordings.

I loved the different endings although the cemetery one is a bit short and also only reflect one of the character's reaction in a distant future. I hoped for a more dire scene, more character and possibly an immidiate follow up, with the current scene after it. Anyway good job with the game.

also the discord invite isn't workin

is lossing a path permeant

Caribdis I just finished this masterpiece But I noticed in the ending that the game is not complete

So my question are you planning to update the game 

In my opinion the true/happy ending was perfect 

So are you thinking about updating 

(1 edit)

I'm not, as you say, I consider the game finished

Glad you liked the ending!

(1 edit)

Caribdis, i have just One question after the amazing work you've put here, is there anything i missed regarding Rebecca not getting married and joining the mc in the end scenes? Or was that never a possibility?

It is a possibility, check out the walkthrough to know how

(You must NOT take the book at the manor)

Thanks for the help.

I came for sex

Stayed for the story like holy fuck that was a plot twist upon a plot twist(to me)

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