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Glad you liked it!


Honestly one of the best VN's I've played to date, such a good story packed with so much good drama and comedy, great visuals, amazing script. Big hopes for Eternum, I know Caribdis won't disappoint.

Thank you very much!


First of all, I love the game. Honestly cried during the ending sequence.

But I'm here about the technical part. I'm a software developer, and I was wondering if you could shrink the game package size without losing quality. The animations are stored as separate images, so I thought compressing these to a video format would be a good start. But it turns out that the videos take only ~1/3 of the space, AND it would require some changes to the scripts.

So, instead, I converted all the images to webp. They look just as good, and take about 3x less space. I've uploaded a repacked 'webp' version here:

Only the archive.aar is different.

The only likely downside is that loading times for new scenes (esp. animations) can be slightly longer. The difference was not noticable on my 8-year-old PC, but on Android it could be an issue. Haven't checked.

@Caribdis, I would strongly suggest that you use webp as the image format for Eternum as well. Also, feel free to share this version if you like. On the other hand, if you have any objections, let me know and I will remove my upload.


Thank you very much for that!

And not at all, don't remove the upload, please. I'll run some tests on android as well, and see how that plays. 

Thanks again and take care!


This VN is amazing, i would hope like this kind of game ETERNUM have in real life than Virtual reality, it's interesting while playing this VN and excited at the same time don't know why. LOVE THE GAME! 

Glad you liked it!


I tend to check the comments of the stuff that catches my eye, this is probably the first one I have just seen an overwhelming amount of positive remarks for. Used to seeing folks ask how to do X, or that X is broken, among other things.

Been constantly seeing the other game at the top of the popular list while trying out various ones on my Galaxy S22, and saw this was advertised and is listed as finished. Will give it a try with high hopes because of all the folks in the comments lol.


Keep in mind that the beginning of the game is far from perfect (renders/animations/music design) since it was my first game, so sorry about it.

I hope you like it, though :)


Honestly? Much better than I was expecting. The early stuff only had minor model clipping, particularly with clothing like skirts, but you seem to have addressed that later on. And there were actually very few text errors through it. The biggest one being the Judie and Iris sleep over where it says Iris' name instead of Judie's when it's pretty obvious it was a Judie line lol.

I can also safely say I now see why a lot of comments say this could very easily be a show series. Each major act could be it's own season with just how much you packed in there! And then you could even have a pseudo spin off season for the alt endings. Honestly, I went into this with relatively high hopes from the comments. Now I plan to go into Eternum with great expectations lmao. Especially with how you seem to have gotten better through this one. Can't wait to see how great that will be in comparison!

Also, saw a comment saying there could be tie ins with the 2 being in the same world and what not. I honestly have some hopes for at least a few references, if not outright cross over content :)

P.S. what ever happened to the people Tom took out for his best friend? The dude he choked out and dragged in the bushes outright slayed me with how it made me laugh lmao

Yeah I was wondering what happened to Tom's victims 

The world may never know!~

Props if you are old enough to know that dumb reference lol.


Absolutely amazing VN. Expertly crafted, from beginning to end. I've seen some pretty pricey VNs that don't look this good! Honestly, I kinda feel bad for not paying for this one now. I love that it's free, but dang. This is so good.

I came for the adult stuff. Stayed for the amazing story and amazing scenes.

Keep up the awesome work!

(1 edit) (+2)

If you enjoyed my work you can always donate something!

In any case, thank you! Glad you liked it :D

Dude, I've never commented here before but this just forced me to. I never expected this much entertainment from a fucking adult VN. It was just so good. The characters (especially the background ones) had so much of thought put into them. The Japanese tour guide, the prisoners,  the clss students and almost all of the interact-able characters had so much personality. The humor and the dead-pan face shots were actually funny and the story was intriguing to say the least. Thanks for creating this work of art.

PS: Stabby Mike is the best character. Fight me...


Thank you very much! He is 😆

(10 edits)

Dear Caribdis,
I just had to register an account to write this. This game is awesome. I came for the lewd content and wasn't expecting much else. But I had some good laughs and liked your use of humor very much. I especially loved the small stories playing in the background while the protagonist was talking. That kid slipping at the public pool, Tom handling that rude guy in front of the school, that priest being consoled by his pianist... Damn, I laughed way too much at these. And it added atmosphere to the world. In general the second row characters were awesome. Wholesome Tom, Fit Jack, Hiromi and of course the one and only Mr. Stabb...

Others have written about how well the main characters are written and I can only agree with them. I even somehow felt myself being involved in the story at some point and wanted to know what happens next. Something that doesn't happen to me a lot with these kind of games.

The graphics were good, each and every girl is a beauty, though the girls all had the same proportions somehow. A bit more variety wouldn't have hurt here, I think.

I just wished there were a bit more dominating routes interacting with my girls. I seem to have messed up Rebecca's path since I wasn't able to stop her from getting married, so I don't know what I missed there after the beach scene, but I think it would fit some of the other girls as well. At least I can see that  bratty Jasmine is practically begging for a good spanking, Lauren liking the physical challenge of it, Iris being crazy in general, probably dragging Judie with her as always, and Carla is such a naughty step-mom that she earned herself a punishment too, I'd say. Anyway, that's just me and my preferences speaking, it takes away nothing from the awesomeness of the game as it is.

That you made the game available for free is a precious gift for all lewd gamers out there and in my case shut up and take my money. You deserve it and I hope you keep doing your thing.

 Thank you for the ride.

Now I can't wait to check out Eternum.

Edit: Spoilers ahead. Just checked the Walktrough and I have to say it's a bit far fetched for my taste, that taking the Magnus book made me loose Rebeccas path. I mean it's consistent somehow, but I thought the priest in that chapel was just foreshadowing of me being partly demon, damn I guess I have to replay that part. Also it would have been nice if all of the potions of the apothecary had a use. Like the healing potion easing Magnus' suffering or the blue pill potion having some use at all. Adding useless, but not obviously useless, items just for the reason of giving the player the "chance" to miss out on the relevant ones is a bad choice imo. Just my two cent, though. Have a great day.

Fair points, thank you very much, glad you enjoyed it!

Deleted post

There is one

(1 edit) (+1)

It's with aiko the feet scene


Ok, after finishing the the game i just had to create an account so I could comment.

The story is surprisingly awesome, i got involved to the point i forgot i was playing an adult visual novel (which led me to go like "oh yeah, there's this kind of stuff in the game too" multiple times)

Awesome story, awesome characters, awesome balance between thrill, comedy and lewdness and, less importantly but equally impressive: made me stay up to 5am for the first time in my life (tanks to my lack of self-control also). 10/10 strongly recommend

I can't be the only one thinking this would make an incredible movie or show if you just remove the explicit scenes


Thank you so much!

P.S. I think so too :P


Bro i went into this thinking it looked a lot like other games I've played before, but it's a big step up from that. The writing is very humorous (And even memey sometimes), and even though a lot of the assets are reminiscent of other games it's overall just refreshing to see the differences. On top of that there was waay more content than i was expecting

Glad you liked it!


This game needs a new update but aside from that it's fucking awesome


There's a scene I don't have yet I need help getting it can u help me 





Wish we could see Astaroth rape Lauren and Julie :(


Excuse me, but WHAT THE FUCK



Thank you very much!

man why I can't download this game, it says "app not installed" everytime I tried to install even tho my storage is not full

does anyone has the same problem like this ? or just my device is the prob here

if it on android , go to setting and allow your browser to download unknown app


bruhh I've downloaded Eternum before but it was working fine, idk man

By far, absolutely my favourite game out of all visual novel style games <3

Happy to hear that!

Thank you for created a masterpiece for me, it was a once in a life time experience. Deserve an award of some kind!

Glad you liked it!

first off: loved the game, but explaining what I loved (and the few things I disliked) would take too long here, since my following theory is already fking long enough


I have a little theory: once in a lifetime and eternum might take place in the same universe. this is of course supported by the little teasers for eternum in this game: judie and lauren talking about the upcoming release of eternum, the secret no-girl-path ending and, for my theory most importantly, the prison ending. now, what if this ending was actually the canon ending of the game. I know, very depressing thought, but it would tie in pretty nicely into eternum, since astaroth tells us to help him with calypso. quote: "calypso, [name]. that is the only thing that could become a hindrance to my plans." This is all just speculation, but I think astaroth might actually be thanatos in eternum. for one, their names are almost anagrams of each other, only replacing an "r" with an "n". also astaroth's goal seemes to be some sort of world domination or something similiar, so trying to find all the gems of doom to become the new head of the most powerful company in the world (like thanatos seems to do) would definetly be in line with that goal. anyway, thanks for reading my ramblings, I know this is isn't really a strong theory supported by a lot of evidence or anything (and all references to eternum were most likely meant as advertisement), but I would lose my mind (in the best way possible) if this ended up being anywhere close to true.

Thank you for playing!

Won’t confirm or deny anything :)


Quite Possibly The Best Written "What are you doing step-bro" simulator ever made.

You might call me a connoisseur of adult content along with video games in general, and I can say this is without reservation one of the most hilarious and intricately plotted examples of either I've ever had the pleasure of enjoying. Stabby Mike has to go on my Mount Everest of favorite all time video game characters with John Marston, Cryptosporidium-137 and The King of All Cosmos! Thank you for making this veritable masterpiece, I will be donating as soon as I possibly can! 

That means a lot, thank you so much!!

(1 edit) (+1)

So I played this game over the summer, and have been meaning to write a review on it ever since I finished it, because this game is a SHOWSTOPPER! For the low, low, price of free, free, FREE, this game delivers and doesn't stop giving.

A likeable protagonist who is adventurous enough to feel like a hero, but also have that VN protag horniness written into his DNA. 

I cannot stress enough how much I loved the main character in this game, he's the perfect combo of goofy and capable and it fits in so well with the atmosphere of this game.

Speaking of the atmosphere, I didn't really know what to expect going in this game, but I love it. I started off thinking the main focus of this game was going to be figuring out how to get our damn grades up, and maybe get some play along the way, but man once the story starts rolling, grab the popcorn, put it on auto mode, cause it's a whole FILM. 

Now, I decided to go for the "I don't want to fuck my stepsisters or my mom" run cause I'm personally not into that, and I was worried that by doing that, I wouldn't get as much as I hoped from this game. Was I wrong in the best way. Even if you don't decide to sex them up, your stepsisters are greatly written, they bounce off each other and the main character very well, the banter was some of my favorite parts of the game. It contributed so much to the game's humor.  Speaking of the humor, GOD this game is fucking funny. I have around 130-150 screenshots of just funny ass moments from this game. The only other VN I remember playing that was this funny was Majikoi. The characters are the lifeblood of this game, and they are full of personality and charm. The hairdresser, the crime boss in the purple suit, ASMO-FUCKIN-DEUS these characters had me in stitches and really added to the staying power of this game. Another thing to note, even if you're not into the whole sterpsister/mom thing, there are plenty of baddies in this game to enjoy. Definately one of the best parts of this game.  Character design in general is on fucking point. Also, big shoutout to the fashion choices, I have a whole folder of screenshots of just hard fits from this game. 

Speaking of game, your choices feel like they have genuine impact in the story, when I fucked up, it felt like I fucked up and IT MATTERED. I gotta give Caribdis props for how you did the card guessing game. Easily one of the best moments of the game. 

Overall, if I had to pick an VN to adapt into a film, I'd have to choose this one. Story is greatly written, and like others have said in the comments section, and I think this is the most important part of almost any medium. IT doesn't take itself too seriously, it's not worried about how it's going to appeal to a viewer cause it knows it's baller as fuck already.  My only complaints are that I wish the catmask girl from the town got a sex scene. Or maybe I just haven't found it yet. And that the stepsister's waists are a bit thin, but that's such a nitpick it doesn't even matter.  Seriously though, I'm going to play Eternum RIGHT NOW, I hope to see a whole lot more from you. Making this name-your-own price is easily the most significant philanthropic act in the last 200 years, to quote one of the game's choices:

"This is fucking priceless"

Customer Satisfaction Survey has been: Completed!


Thank you so much for your great review!!

I hope you enjoy Eternum as well!


I'm sure I will, after all, you're behind the helm.


This game is universally recognized as one of the greatest adult VNs of all time...

I wanted to ask the creator, would you tell me what program was used to draw the characters?

Thanks kindly


I'm not 100% sure on this, but maybe honey select? I remember seeing a shirt for the devs on one of the monday splash screens


And yep, it’s honey Select

(1 edit) (+2)

I am still playing it, and i'm enjoying it a lot.


At first, I thought this was going to be another one of those generic story games that almost always have  the same plot. I have to say that I was sorely mistaken. As it stands, this is my favorite Adult Game that I've ever played. I'd even go as far to say that this game holds a special place in my heart for various reasons. And, as always, vote Stabby Mike for president!


Happy to hear that! Thank you!


Just WOW. I got this game a few days ago and pay a sum for it.  I thought you know this was a haha cool sexy game with some cheesy story to see XXX stuff in the game. BOY was i wrong.  I really have to give it to you bro/sis. This game was completely awsome!  Ok so alot of lewd and sexy scenes but the whole story was completely bonkers and well written.  I found myself getting home and just waiting to keep going through the story arc and see where are we going next.   

And Stabby Mike? (no spoilers) He is one of the most fun, psycho, whacked out characters in any game in a long time and i loved him ( i play tons of AAA pc games through the year and there is nothing like Mike.)  

The protagonist though i wish we had some of character creator for him because you know..we are not all from the same part of the world so it was a bit for me weird seeing all the women being very western but the guys all very asian ( nitpicking) Not that i really minded .   I recommend this game HIGHLY for anyone and please support the developer on this one.  Now i am super pumped to pay and get Eternum! 

Thank you so much, Tsenng! <3

I hope you like Eternum too!


Just bought it too. Pretty sure im going to enjoy that at least just as much. Keep up the great work :) 

Thank you for donating <3


I just wanted to post here and say that I've just finished OiaL, and I loved it. Honestly my favourite adult VN I've played yet. Others have gone on and one about the things that make it great, but I wanted to shout out two things in particular:

- it's actually funny! A lot of games can't really manage that, but you use the medium for laughs really well (MC's narrowed eyes face, etc). Even the sex scenes have some giggles in them and they work well enough to not be distracting.

- it's not long! There's a plot with an ending that you can kindof see the arc of from early on. It's not meant to be updated inifintely, but I feel like I had a satisfying story with sex scenes that made sense in the plot.

Anyways. I'm off to try Eternum, maybe starting with the next update. My only hope for that game is that you keep up the good work (and maybe have a slightly wider variety of body types - I think if all the girls were lined up naked with hair and faces hidden, I wouldn't easily pick them out)


Thank you very much!!

I tried to improve that and other things in Eternum, I hope you enjoy it as well!


I'm not the type to normally comment and review things but I had to come say how much I enjoyed this game. The game is way better written than it had any business being and genuinely funny which is a really hard thing to do. Great characters, fun story, and good scenes. It's a knock out of the park!

Also Stabby Mike is possibly one of the best characters. Period.

Glad you liked it!

Thank you so much!!

When I try to download it says "hosted on an incompatible third party website" how do i fix this?

Downloading it from browser

(1 edit)

This game is absolutely phenomenal. Never though an adult visual novel would evoke such an emotional response from me lol. Writing was really good with a fun and engaging story. Glad the game doesn't take itself too seriously and its all the better for it. Ending scene was perfect.

Thank you very much!!


This game is spectacular I have never played any game with such an impacting end, even some of the rated best triple AAA games didn't hit this hard. The detail in the dialog is insane despite how large the game is. I just can't fully put into words how amazing I found this game.

Thank you very much!!


Is there any way to take all the girls with you at the end of the game or can you only take 1 other?

you can look through Walkthrough

You need Stabby Mike


I love this game it made me giggle so many times!


Just finished the game like 15 minutes before writing this comment. I originally just thought that it was going to be good for the animations and what not but the story was my favorite part in full honesty. I just started playing it for the plot. (No spoilers ahead btw) when I got to the ending it started playing a certain song, which so happened to heavily remind me of my late adopted mother, I cried for like 15 minutes and I have tears running down my face right now because of both the ending and how much it reminded me of my memories of my adopted mother. I never grieved or cried properly until the ending of this game of all things, thank you to whoever created this, you've made me remember my late mother and properly cry for her. She was truly the sweetest and most gentle person I ever had the pleasure of having in my life. To the creator, if you're reading this - Thank you, thank you, thank you. You've helped me become a better man in the strangest way possible... my mother loved the type of music you played at the end of the game (Josephine) . If anyone is still reading this. Please love your mother while she's still around, she could be taken away from you in an instant and it hurts more than you can ever imagine.


I’m so happy to hear that JJ, thank you for your comment 💗

respect you

Deleted 1 year ago

You need to be in both Judie and Iris paths, and to have bought “Embers moan” at the apothecary (at the old village)

Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you!


This creator only makes bangers!👌


Cool game


Love this game, but when will we see a new update?


I really understand how you feel but unfortunately if you finish the game or look through walkthrough you can see that the game have 5 ending for its and it means the the game has been end for 1 year ago. So we don't have more story or new update for it.


you can try Caribdis's new project in his personal page on 

(9 edits) (+1)

                        " Some things only happen... Once in a lifetime "

                              And that like somehow i can find this game.

it will be a missing part of my life that i don't find your game. Your game is so good and meaningful. have a mysterious and alluring story, it make us think and speculate about it. a litte humor a little hornor a litte romance a little s*x:) . i think your success in this game is all lyrical character you made. they are like in real life, look at each character's emotions so real  ( i think i fall in love so bad with 2 characters of imagination- Lauren and Judie.), all of The dialogue is so real like some situation need to shout or some hesitation by using "...", using everyday words also make we feel close to normal day. you built your characters very lively and soulful, meticulously every expression on their faces(most is 2 lyrical character that i fall in love). You also mix the music into the game very well, it evokes every emotion in every situation. About the game i think you should throw the button "back" to make the players confused about them must decide to choose the right path to go that all of the choice is valuable also the ending, consequence than just turn down their choice and just go back the last scence then choose again. also need more decision choice that make the game difficult. about game content that i want to make a question about stabby mike "how he can do that", "erm... WHAT", that is a funny character and also a lions. And i also confused about kill asmodeus or not, i can't do that with him then It leads to bad  ending. the cemetery end somehow in my mind it is both the saddest ending but also the best and most meaningful ending.In the end, I'm really hooked by your game, your first product .... hmm 

graphic: 7.5/10 yeah i know is your first product and you go to the plot more right !? but i like this graphic. Don't worry

story and lyrical characters: I can't describe it

music: It's also an important part of evoking emotions [can you give me name of some music in your game;) ].

And the last.... i had hoped that you somehow and at some point will make the session 2 of this game (because I want to see more of the plot and love story between the main character and the girls especially Lauren and Judie) but now i think i recogzined you need to do a new project and also this game is end that can't write more story for its. Thanks you for making this game that make my life have one more memorable memory <3 !!!


Thank you 💗 I’m glad you liked it so much!

(2 edits)

If it turns out that the super beefy guy in eternum (thanatos or something like that?) is Stabby Mike - all my dreams will have become true. As much as I love the salesman, I need more stabby mike in my life.

Only thing I'm not a fan of in this (and eternum) is the strictness of decisions. That is, the binary nature of each decision being [proceed] or [end path], without any obvious indication of such. Would be nice instead if there were multiple good options and multiple negatives. As well as making it more like "you need 9/12 proceeds" rather than 12/12. Worst part though is when it doesnt show you the path has ended till much later when a scene runs a check to see if you meet the requirements to trigger it. I recall one example in eternum where I missed one decisiom (bathroom cleaning), and thusly had a path end at the gladiator arena bit - MUCH LATER.

A way some other games have dealt with this is by adding a "gameguide" option IN GAME that will show the effects of impactful decisions (as subtext in paraphensis next to the option). Id much rather that than needing to tab out to read a guide to find out i messed up a decision an hour ago. Needing to do so really breaks my immersion with the story.

Actually I do have one more issue with both of your games. You have set the bar so high that only a few other games can even compare to yours. 

Seriously though, no amount of praise could sum up how good your stories are <3

Sorry if this is the wrong page to post - i know I've mentioned eternum a lot. But was already on this page because I'm redownloading it to play through again. Figured most feedback positive and negative applied well to both anway

Thank you so much!

About the decisions, though, the system is already like “you need 9/12”, you don’t need to get all the choices right, except a few crucial ones

(3 edits)

I expected a story-deprived harem game and got probably the best VN I'd ever played. It made me laugh more than any other game had, and it managed to pull on my heartstrings pretty heavily, particularly at the end. The music and imagery were beautiful.

[Spoiler] I only loved one character romantically, Lauren. Watching her grab my hand at the pier and look into my eyes lovingly made me melt and tear up. I’d have wanted to be with only her but having impregnated 6 other women, I was relieved that I could have them all. It did require too much suspension of disbelief, though, to accept that I alone could satisfy 7 girls without anyone feeling neglected. I did try getting monogamous with Lauren at some point in the story, but watching Oli take Judie and Iris for a drink made me go back and decide to lie to Judie that I loved her romantically as someone else would do worse to her otherwise. And I realised that I had to snag all the other women too for giving them the best outcomes. So as a romantic I was a bit disappointed with that predicament, although I still enjoyed the harem ending.

The only major downside was something that I find in almost every VN - having to be calculative in your decision-making to achieve certain outcomes or a certain ending. It takes you out of the story - and there's no way around that. You end up either needing a walkthrough (which can be found easily for free with a search), or you end up needing to keep replaying parts of the story and redoing choices until you get the outcome that you desire. Trick questions, dead-ends, game-overs, etc don't hold much value if the player simply rejects those experiences and goes back in time to steer clear of them. I do like puzzle games and skill-based games that assault you with failure until the end of time, but definitely not in VNs (although in certain minigames within the story it could be fine).

My suggestion would be to use choice as a mechanism to understand the player, i.e. preferred character interactions/relationships, personality traits like power-hungry or otherwise, creepy or otherwise, etc - and serve outcomes and endings accordingly. Or just create an alternate playing mode that adds transparency to what choices take you where exactly, for those who hate being taken out of the story.

I almost never take time to complain about a game, but this one was incredible. It was so good that minor frustrations  stood out way more. I loved the experience and felt bummed out having to leave the game behind after seeing some of the endings.

I'll definitely buy all future games.

That’s a very fair point, noted.

And thank you very much!! Glad you liked it!

@Caribdis I did add an additional paragraph marked with “[Spoiler]”, not knowing you’d replied already. I know it’s a lot, but I was still processing my thoughts a bit.

(1 edit)

Harem games will always require some suspension of disbelief of course, good thing is that it’s up to you if you want to end the game with all of them or just 1 girl ^^

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