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(1 edit)

This game is absolutely phenomenal. Never though an adult visual novel would evoke such an emotional response from me lol. Writing was really good with a fun and engaging story. Glad the game doesn't take itself too seriously and its all the better for it. Ending scene was perfect.

Thank you very much!!


This game is spectacular I have never played any game with such an impacting end, even some of the rated best triple AAA games didn't hit this hard. The detail in the dialog is insane despite how large the game is. I just can't fully put into words how amazing I found this game.

Thank you very much!!


Is there any way to take all the girls with you at the end of the game or can you only take 1 other?

you can look through Walkthrough

You need Stabby Mike


I love this game it made me giggle so many times!


Just finished the game like 15 minutes before writing this comment. I originally just thought that it was going to be good for the animations and what not but the story was my favorite part in full honesty. I just started playing it for the plot. (No spoilers ahead btw) when I got to the ending it started playing a certain song, which so happened to heavily remind me of my late adopted mother, I cried for like 15 minutes and I have tears running down my face right now because of both the ending and how much it reminded me of my memories of my adopted mother. I never grieved or cried properly until the ending of this game of all things, thank you to whoever created this, you've made me remember my late mother and properly cry for her. She was truly the sweetest and most gentle person I ever had the pleasure of having in my life. To the creator, if you're reading this - Thank you, thank you, thank you. You've helped me become a better man in the strangest way possible... my mother loved the type of music you played at the end of the game (Josephine) . If anyone is still reading this. Please love your mother while she's still around, she could be taken away from you in an instant and it hurts more than you can ever imagine.


I’m so happy to hear that JJ, thank you for your comment 💗

respect you

Deleted 1 year ago

You need to be in both Judie and Iris paths, and to have bought “Embers moan” at the apothecary (at the old village)

Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you!


This creator only makes bangers!👌


Cool game


Love this game, but when will we see a new update?


I really understand how you feel but unfortunately if you finish the game or look through walkthrough you can see that the game have 5 ending for its and it means the the game has been end for 1 year ago. So we don't have more story or new update for it.


you can try Caribdis's new project in his personal page on 

(9 edits) (+1)

                        " Some things only happen... Once in a lifetime "

                              And that like somehow i can find this game.

it will be a missing part of my life that i don't find your game. Your game is so good and meaningful. have a mysterious and alluring story, it make us think and speculate about it. a litte humor a little hornor a litte romance a little s*x:) . i think your success in this game is all lyrical character you made. they are like in real life, look at each character's emotions so real  ( i think i fall in love so bad with 2 characters of imagination- Lauren and Judie.), all of The dialogue is so real like some situation need to shout or some hesitation by using "...", using everyday words also make we feel close to normal day. you built your characters very lively and soulful, meticulously every expression on their faces(most is 2 lyrical character that i fall in love). You also mix the music into the game very well, it evokes every emotion in every situation. About the game i think you should throw the button "back" to make the players confused about them must decide to choose the right path to go that all of the choice is valuable also the ending, consequence than just turn down their choice and just go back the last scence then choose again. also need more decision choice that make the game difficult. about game content that i want to make a question about stabby mike "how he can do that", "erm... WHAT", that is a funny character and also a lions. And i also confused about kill asmodeus or not, i can't do that with him then It leads to bad  ending. the cemetery end somehow in my mind it is both the saddest ending but also the best and most meaningful ending.In the end, I'm really hooked by your game, your first product .... hmm 

graphic: 7.5/10 yeah i know is your first product and you go to the plot more right !? but i like this graphic. Don't worry

story and lyrical characters: I can't describe it

music: It's also an important part of evoking emotions [can you give me name of some music in your game;) ].

And the last.... i had hoped that you somehow and at some point will make the session 2 of this game (because I want to see more of the plot and love story between the main character and the girls especially Lauren and Judie) but now i think i recogzined you need to do a new project and also this game is end that can't write more story for its. Thanks you for making this game that make my life have one more memorable memory <3 !!!


Thank you 💗 I’m glad you liked it so much!

(2 edits)

If it turns out that the super beefy guy in eternum (thanatos or something like that?) is Stabby Mike - all my dreams will have become true. As much as I love the salesman, I need more stabby mike in my life.

Only thing I'm not a fan of in this (and eternum) is the strictness of decisions. That is, the binary nature of each decision being [proceed] or [end path], without any obvious indication of such. Would be nice instead if there were multiple good options and multiple negatives. As well as making it more like "you need 9/12 proceeds" rather than 12/12. Worst part though is when it doesnt show you the path has ended till much later when a scene runs a check to see if you meet the requirements to trigger it. I recall one example in eternum where I missed one decisiom (bathroom cleaning), and thusly had a path end at the gladiator arena bit - MUCH LATER.

A way some other games have dealt with this is by adding a "gameguide" option IN GAME that will show the effects of impactful decisions (as subtext in paraphensis next to the option). Id much rather that than needing to tab out to read a guide to find out i messed up a decision an hour ago. Needing to do so really breaks my immersion with the story.

Actually I do have one more issue with both of your games. You have set the bar so high that only a few other games can even compare to yours. 

Seriously though, no amount of praise could sum up how good your stories are <3

Sorry if this is the wrong page to post - i know I've mentioned eternum a lot. But was already on this page because I'm redownloading it to play through again. Figured most feedback positive and negative applied well to both anway

Thank you so much!

About the decisions, though, the system is already like “you need 9/12”, you don’t need to get all the choices right, except a few crucial ones

(3 edits)

I expected a story-deprived harem game and got probably the best VN I'd ever played. It made me laugh more than any other game had, and it managed to pull on my heartstrings pretty heavily, particularly at the end. The music and imagery were beautiful.

[Spoiler] I only loved one character romantically, Lauren. Watching her grab my hand at the pier and look into my eyes lovingly made me melt and tear up. I’d have wanted to be with only her but having impregnated 6 other women, I was relieved that I could have them all. It did require too much suspension of disbelief, though, to accept that I alone could satisfy 7 girls without anyone feeling neglected. I did try getting monogamous with Lauren at some point in the story, but watching Oli take Judie and Iris for a drink made me go back and decide to lie to Judie that I loved her romantically as someone else would do worse to her otherwise. And I realised that I had to snag all the other women too for giving them the best outcomes. So as a romantic I was a bit disappointed with that predicament, although I still enjoyed the harem ending.

The only major downside was something that I find in almost every VN - having to be calculative in your decision-making to achieve certain outcomes or a certain ending. It takes you out of the story - and there's no way around that. You end up either needing a walkthrough (which can be found easily for free with a search), or you end up needing to keep replaying parts of the story and redoing choices until you get the outcome that you desire. Trick questions, dead-ends, game-overs, etc don't hold much value if the player simply rejects those experiences and goes back in time to steer clear of them. I do like puzzle games and skill-based games that assault you with failure until the end of time, but definitely not in VNs (although in certain minigames within the story it could be fine).

My suggestion would be to use choice as a mechanism to understand the player, i.e. preferred character interactions/relationships, personality traits like power-hungry or otherwise, creepy or otherwise, etc - and serve outcomes and endings accordingly. Or just create an alternate playing mode that adds transparency to what choices take you where exactly, for those who hate being taken out of the story.

I almost never take time to complain about a game, but this one was incredible. It was so good that minor frustrations  stood out way more. I loved the experience and felt bummed out having to leave the game behind after seeing some of the endings.

I'll definitely buy all future games.

That’s a very fair point, noted.

And thank you very much!! Glad you liked it!

@Caribdis I did add an additional paragraph marked with “[Spoiler]”, not knowing you’d replied already. I know it’s a lot, but I was still processing my thoughts a bit.

(1 edit)

Harem games will always require some suspension of disbelief of course, good thing is that it’s up to you if you want to end the game with all of them or just 1 girl ^^

trying to download for mac but say website link not supported. third party site. 


came for the porn stayed for the story 

same! we had to change the way we look at this game. it is more valuable than another 18+ VN games, at least until now


Just finished this glorious masterpiece of a novelle and holy molly mother of fucking Christ, Caribdis! I'm speechless.

Not sure how should I even begin with trying to convey how many emotions your "game" made me go through, but it was such a great ride! Absolutely spectacular!

I got a first taste of your work with 'Eternum' (of course) and the way you write characters hooked me so hard - it was unparalleled! You didn't just make me have a crush on one of the girls, but on all of them! I couldn't wait for more of 'Eternum' so of course I dove straight into this piece and my.. fucking... GOD! You did it again! Or rather you've been doing it for a while apparently and I was just missing out on a colossal artistic gem! 
I fell in love with every single precious girl and I cared for them for the entirety of the story. Even the protagonist himself! Bravo! Truly astounding. 
Seeing your own improvement and the way every aspect of the novel kept getting better, as I progressed through the episodes, made me feel so happy as well! Ahhh... and oh the wholesomeness of the "best" ending... I was so scared that I would have to choose at the end! You've saved my heart with the 'harem ending', truly.  Oh and Stabby Mike! Goddamn El Mike McStabbyson. What a stroke of genius.. You genuinely made a grown ass man cry, as the only and FINAL place, where the words "Once in a Lifetime" were uttered, was just so perfect!! And again, in such an emotional sentence.. I wondered the whole time, what could "Once in a Lifetime" mean and almost at the end - when I all but forgotten about it - you bring it down hard and with a twist of the knife... Such a well placed line, my god... And when the collage of happiness rolled in - accompanied by Josh Woodward's outstanding piece - I had nothing else to do but cry, yet again.

Gosh, I am rambling incesantly, sorry about that! I have nothing but good things to say about your work and I must thank you for creating something so enjoyable and emotional. Please continue your work! I'll be waiting for every new release of yours with religious fervor. You need to keep doing AVNs, because nobody does it better! I mean, I read like 7 total... but oh my, I'd die on that hill! Hell, I'd probably haunt that hill for all eternity if I had to.

It feels like I need to make a video or some shit, about all the great things you've done with this AVN, or I might just explode from being so damn impressed and overjoyed. 

Thank you, sincerely.

Came for a wank, 
stayed for a Lifetime,
will stay for Eternity.

(1 edit) (+2)

Thank you so much for such a wonderful comment 💗💗💗

I’m really happy you enjoyed my games so much

Does this game only have title screen music or is there some coming later in the game? Have played a little and I'm missing the music slightly :/

It gets better as the game progresses, sorry about the “rough” beginning

All right, I'll play it again when I have time.
I really liked your 2nd game so far, also from the humor ^^

But the idea of adding music afterwards doesn't exist?

Will this got updated with more after story ?please do that ..i need more story of them

Probably not, you should check out Eternum, the game I’m working on right now

I finished that game today, and I came here to give congrats to creator, DAMN, I'm had looked for a experience like that for a while.

I'm so sad that ended, but the choices I made, the scenes I lived, and the characters I meet in this game. Bro, I'm crying, this was my first experience with VN, I'm excited to play Eternum and have the same emotions that I had.

Thanks for this game, I loved so much, I could play game again and again.

Graphics: 8/10

Plot: 9/10

Characters: 10/10

Final score: 9.5/10

(Sorry my English)

Thank you very much, Ortym!!

Honestly one of the best VNs I've ever played for sure in my top 3. I just have 2 issues with it. The one that bothers me the most is pacing, it's a great game don't get me wrong but even without using skip you should be able to do the story in 7 hours max if you manage to try to keep every single possible path. I just wish there was another hour or two set for world building (Some spoilers ahead) like why is it always Asmosdus who turns traitor, (Or almost always) How are the 5 children picked, if they have major connections world wide now that the main villain is gone is there anyone else with similar powers as you that can challenge you, if you have the immortal soul will you also jump around between bodies after death or can you whittle it down till it eventually vanishes with each generation and so on. The only other issue I have with it is despite being set up to get multiple possible endings the humor just isn't as good on repeat like my first play through it was awesome a time or two I was in tears from laughing so hard but the next 2 or 3 times the same jokes might of got a chuckle but that's it, it's really good content the first time when it just completely shocks you and catches you off guard but when you expect it not as funny. Overall a really good VN I see the author decided on a new one first and I hope it's really good but I wished they would of expanded on this one or made a sequel first before moving to the next project.


Fair points! Thank you very much, glad you liked it!



This might be my favorite visual novel. Great, interesting story. Commedy is just brilliant. And every girl have something special about them, i especially like Lauren, Iris and Rebecca. Thank you for an amazing game. Looking forward for your future projects, already downloaded Eternum, hope someday there will be Once in a Lifetime 2.


I hope you like Eternum too! Thank you for playing!


I could make a very long review of everything I liked, but I will summarize by saying what is necessary: Play it, you will not regret it.
P.d: Love SNK references

Happy to hear that! Thank you!


Hi there sir, Just finished the game and just wanna say that this game is one of the best game I ever played it made me cry when i thought stabby mike gonna die but it's good that he still alive and I also can't wait for eternium update, I hope you have a great day.

Question: Can anyone tell me how to bring the teacher (Sorry I forget the name) to the ending? I already restarted my load over and over almost from the beginning but I still can't find a way so that I can bring the teacher to the ending.

Thank you ❣️

Glad you liked it!

If you have trouble with that check out the walkthrough!

I'm sorry for bothering you but where exactly is the walkthrough?  (I'm playing on Android if you need this information)

Thank you 


You can find it in the downloads section as a pdf file


I understand that right now you are with Eternum, and that this will last a while. Will surely try it when the time comes.

But I can't deny that if one day you wanted to release a "Once in a lifetime 2", I would be very happy just like others.

Between the script and the characterization of the characters, you managed to make us all very fond of them.

I know the script is kind of open ended and doesn't have a sequel-enabling ending due to decision making, but there are several ways to go about that, either with everyone fine (ignoring other endings) or picking one of them all and choosing that as main, but I really want to continue seeing this universe with which I became very attached, congratulations for all your work, if I had some money to be able to support you I would, but I am from LATAM.


As you say I’m focused on Eternum rn, I’ll probably start a new game after that!

Don’t worry about money, recommending the game and leaving a good review also helps! Thank you!


When will you make this game downloadable on the app


When allows me to upload files bigger than 5GB

(1 edit)

Harem Hotel is more than 10 gb.Idk why you cant do the same.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey, I have already played Eternum (waiting for more amazing content), but I wanted to ask you something. This is also your game, but is it finished? Eternum dissapointed me, because it ended quickly without reaching all character stories (its not finished,so its understandable) but what about this one? Thumbs up btw, I know I will enjoy this too.


This was my first game, so yeah, it’s finished

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Imagine, playing an unfinished game and being upset that it isnt finished. And for the record, there's plenty in the current release to justify partial beta releases. High quality art, animations and the story is very well done imo.


I literally only made an account on here to tell you how blown away I was by your game. As an nsfw game this is amazing but the story actually made me emotional when it ended truly a 10/10 masterpiece.

Thank you so much <3


Simply phenomenal, this game has everything. Intrigue, romance, horror, humor, and of course, amazing sex scenes. All characters have their own lovable personality, and you're sure to find it hard to choose (but happy you don't have to!). The pacing is perfect; the story will have you on your toes, the humor will have you on the floor, and the sex will have you on your dick. Yes, I am aware that sounds weird but you see what I tried to do.

All props to Caribdis for making this amazing game, and continuing in this same fashion, but bigger and better (check out Eternum!)

Absolutely amazing

Thank you for such a great review, Prod 💗


mike is the best Bro in all fiction love him and he derves the ending he got.


What a twist MC dad is astaroth. too bad the game is finished I like game 5/5 star. I wished you would continue this a new adventure and more mystery to solve. And dude stabby mike is very funny and that Oliver scene the asprodastic one wtf who did he F the stone elephant or ruth hahaha. Nice game if I have a job and money I like to donate but I'm still a student and don't have a job. Keep it up sir/ma'am and your team who developed this game. For now I well try to download eternum I just have to delete some of the file and apps that I don't use anymore.

Glad you liked it!

Hope you enjoy Eternum as well


Im mad that most of the real life classes i got as a student actually paid off playing a damn porn game XD!! im done bro


(2 edits) (+1)

What a wonderful game.
For new players: Enjoy the ride. The sound design in the beggining is not one of the best, but it keeps growing better and better. My recomendation is: take the harem route (for your first route, if you want to replay the other routes later, it's upon to you). All the seven girls (Rebecca, Carla, Aiko, Iris, Judie, Jasmine and Lauren) have different personalities, backgrounds and character designs that will make you love them a little bit more every dialogue. Their interactions is also great. For those who doesn't like jokes, this game has a few (and some that don't really hitted me well), but, when it wants to be taken serious... man, the game REALLY takes itself seriously. The mystery, the art composition, the music, everything blends so well that EVEN without the great sex scenes, the game would be a great VN.
Hint: Leave the WALKTHROUGH open. It's not necessary, but, for those who doesn't have that much time to play, it's a powerful tool to have in hands.

Opinion (with some spoilers): What a wonderful game (x2). I fapped in some great scenes, specially in those with Judie and Iris, feared by my life in the Magnus Mansion and the Hospital, and almost cried in the ending (harem route). This surprised me, because the only other AVN that i had played before is Aurelia, and as much as I love Aurelia for its fresh and really fun gameplay and characters, Once in a Lifetime expands what i thought to be a great adult game: great characters, great story, great art, great scene composition and great sex scenes. After this masterpiece, I will play Eternum for sure. Thank you for that fucking amazing game.


Thank you very much for your review, Watcher!

I hope you enjoy Eternum too


Aside from the hawt scenes, I thoroughly enjoyed the story overall! Some scenes are too funny, and I felt attached to characters like Stabby Mike for one 🤣


Thank you! Glad you liked it

(1 edit) (+1)

Supporting my man,, take my moneh.


Thank you so much for donating 💗

(1 edit) (+2)

 Normally I don't like VN or mystery games and at the beginning of this game I was a bit disappointed of the humory part, but  after a while the story was really funny and I enjoyed this game till the end. 

Caribdis Just want you to know that you make some of the best games I have played in the last 25 years. Eternum's plot has become my favourite, I can't wait for the next update. :)


Thank you so much!!


my first 3d h game and was one of the best h games I've ever played


Glad to hear that!

I have been playing for about hour and a half now. So far there was no music besides main menu theme. is this normal?


All good now it has music.


Yep, sound design gets better as the game progresses, sorry about it

didnt try the game but i love ur amazing game cant wait to try this one out


Nah ma man i should be the one apologising this game is now in my top 10 games of all time even with the low amount of bgms present in the game and i have played over 200 games . I will definitely make a donation when i get my pay check this month.

Just a question. How long is eternum in 0.4 update and how long will the finished product be for some one who wants to follow all paths


Thank you very much!!! I appreciate it a lot!

Eternum 0.4 is easily 7-8 hours, depending on how fast you read/play. After 0.5 release, it will already have more content than OiaLt, and I plan it to be much longer!


yeo i'd just like to second this guys opinion in that this game is otherworldly man, im talkin beyond the sex and allat, this game is just a good game with a awesome story, made a nigga cry frfr shits top tier and everyone should support and play it even if your not into VN's shits fantastic and could prolly win over Elden Ring for GOTY, and im not dick riding im just plain sayin facts my man, GG!!!!!


I made an account just to say, this game was amazing. I have never really had interest in the "daz3d" type visual novels/games, but I kept seeing this recommended and I am not disappointed giving it a shot. Great game!


Thank you very much!!


Does this game has NTR content? It would be cool so was just wondering


It doesn’t


This game is amazing ! But I have a question, is Judie or other girls can get pregnancy ? I can't find the route for. 


Yes, she can get pregnant

Deleted 1 year ago
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