I am so sad now that I reached the ending. I never wanted this to end 😭🤧
SO GOOD! SO fkn good. I Invested my heart into this, and now...
How am I supposed to feel?? Angry!? Depressed..? Maybe even Betrayed?
I feel... Lost. Empty. Like I've just gotten dropped in the woods 50 miles from civilization with nothing but the shirt on my back. Like a newborn fawn, who just opened their eyes after leaving the safety and warmth of the womb.
But no... NO! This isn't the end... This CAN'T be the end... Too many people need me. I won't die...
You cant help it when you're moved by a story. Its okay to have feelings, friend. We are inherently drawn to aspects of things we enjoy. Its not about the game, its about the emotions behind them.
" ah i see, a man of fine culture as well". Sir I don't know which point of the game I am, but chan heist trigger, just made me spit a lung. GG in every possible way mate
Has the developer said anything as to when he expects the game to be finished??? I loved playing once in a lifetime (his other game) and I REALLY wanted to play this one too but I hate playing unfinished games because when they finish/release a new update I have to replay everything again to remember the story just to enjoy a few more chapters.
Idk if you guys a have already planned the story but i have a story that i would like to share, imagine this after orion died he magically got transported in the eternum world because remember idriel happened to be by his side i think she teleported to him he trys to figure why and how shes at eternum and he tried to go to the exit portal but after he tried to go to the exit portal it causes an error and then the founder comes and btw its a hologram then he tells orion that his also an immortal that can teleport to the eternum world but since he died in the real world he becamed an npc and the founder tells orion if he gets all of the 10 gems of doom he will bring orion back safe and sound again then there would be two options. Option A okay fine but promise me that you bring me back to life, Option b no i already know your plans i wont let you get all of the gems of dooms if you pick option A orion and the founder work together to get all of the gems and if you pick option b orion will try getting all of the gems of doom and trying to learn how to manifest it. thats it i just wanna share my side of the story :)
I have a theory that orion is still alive remember when luna touch annie she mentioned us even though she only touch annie and also she was blushing i think that they had a threesome or something and currently we haven't seen orion, luna and annie having a threesome because its in the future ORION IS ALIVE
May I ask how you made your models and graphics for the game? I saw one Japanese game with similar graphics, can someone tell me the name of this game?
It's an amazing game truly, It's like a 400% leap from your previous one which was also pretty damn good, And after replaying that end scene i've finally noticed the futurama reference.. Man of culture
Every time I tried to download this game, it always said download fail, and the worst part is, it failed when there was only a little MB left to download and it always failed, it really fcking frustrated me
- try one of the other sources the dev provided (sometimes some vendors crave for payment and stop download on purpose at the very end to make you spend money) - try switching the browser (Chrome/Firefox/Edge) - try using a premium link downloader [with the permission of the domain owner of course XD] - try downloading with VPN (use VPN Proton as it has a free mode and not being as slow as others), if it works it was a problem related to IP adress ban - try finding downloads on other sources like archive.org
I bet, one of those methods will work for you! I can assure you, 'download other games now' is shit, because NO, REALLY NO VN HENTAI GAME IS BETTER THAN "ETERNUM"!
simply an amazing game, no wonder its the most voted game in this platform because it deserves it. from the graphics of both caracters and the scenary, the imersion, the plot, the development, the comedy, the romance, the drama, the choices ,the interaction of characters and of course the description and detail oriented lines. everything is outstanding. i understand that it might be a stretch to call this and indie game since its produced by a larger team but nonetheless one of the best games i played in my life!
i want to personally congratulate the team(obviously) for creating such a compelling story and thank everyone who suports this game and its current and future devolopment, this game could easily been p2p and heftly costly so i big shout out to the team for allowing the game to be free for everyone to enjoy.
if i had to rate the story itself i would put it way up there with the likes of naruto, one piece and attack on titan. one thing this game does very well is the pursuit of truth, unlike games such as assassin creed(for example) it really feels like you are learning about this world and you wont stop untli then. and for an erotic game creates such an ambience that you never feel that you are just fucking some whores but actually makes you believe that the female cast have character and feel like you want to marry or even put your life on the line for them
question 1) i have some minor complaints about the ending at 0.7.5, but i supposed some sort of cliffhanger was necessary and oh boy is it a big one that will leave you on the edge of your seat. i just wonder if by making diferent choices it would "end" differently?
question 2) once the new patch rolls will we be able to use the same saves?
question3) ive read somewhere that new patch should arrive in winter, is there any confirmed date yet?
question4) how many more patches can we expect? the story has so many plot twist that it feels like it could really end next patch or even take several more years(either way would be fine but there is so much more that i want to learn about this universe), is there any road map for this?
anyway i feel like i have so many questions do you recomend joining the discord?
I'll use the word "update" for what you call "patch":
1. 0.7.5 ends the same regardless of your choices. Though what happens right after, in the next update, might depend on your past decisions.
2. Most of your saves should work in the new update too, yes. It hasn't been 100% reliable in the past though, so please keep at least a few of them if you want to purge some.
3. There is no update schedule, instead the dev has a "progress bar" that he updates every 1-2 weeks. Only when nearly done, the update release dates for all the different crowdfunding tiers are announced. When looking at the rate of progress so far, a winter release seems most likely, yes.
4. The current update is 0.7. The dev himself isn't sure about the exact number of updates, though he estimates that it might end somewhere between 0.12 and 0.15. Time between updates has been ~6 months with a rising trend. So yeah, we're still talking years here.
With your level of enthusiasm you'd fit in well on the Discord server, yes :) Though because of spam problems in the past, only crowdfunding supporters or ex-crowdfunding supporters can write any messages there.
The sex scenes with Maat, Penelope, Nova, and Nancy are very hot, though the elevator scene with Nancy currently stands out as my favorite. It's a good example of what sets the sex scenes in games like Eternum apart from much of the competition: Excellent visuals, including the movements; sexy sound effects (bodily sounds); great soundtrack selection; and a good storyline to go along with it. Most adult VN games are lacking one or more of the listed elements and thus fall short. I have enjoyed it so much that I made a second small donation. Though hoping for more with Nancy in particular, looking forward to seeing more with Annie, Luna, and Calypso.
Dude,literally no one asking you to play this game, and no one cares about your privacy. If you think there is something shady in the APK file, you can just simply f off.
More than a thousand people have downloaded it and have commented that it is one of the best visual novels, what do you think we are, bots? Are you that paranoid? Lol.
Okay, first of all, I played this game on PC and I can say it’s good and it runs smoothly. Then I tried to download the APK to run it on my phone, but it always asks for access to the image storage and continuously refuses to run the program and it had trojan when I scanned Android version(PC version didn't have). This doesn’t happen with other games I download on the itch platform. Finally, I just commented on itch to find an explanation. That’s all :v. Sorry if my bad English made the game’s fandom uncomfortable. Just use GPT for translate.
Hi. I just want to thank you for creating this masterpiece. But I still feel bad that I missed Alex's scenes. I don't usually replay the visual novel game because it will take so long to fix my mistake. I also missed "Daring challenge" with Nova and the first "others" scene as well. I like the plot of this game so much, but I am not sure that the protagonist is getting better not. He literally just mess with a gangsters in real life with arrogance. It just so painful to watch his stupidity, I always selected a choice which won't hurt or kill anyone if it doesn't necessary. But after I see the protagonist attitude at the end of 0.8... I feels like.... this is not "me" I want to become in this game.
Hit tab and turn on "skip seen content" in settings. If you aren't sentimental like me, you'll get through the majority of the game in minutes rather than hours. The walkthrough is a free download if you want those scenes.
Hi Caribdis, i'm a big fan of your work. i'm working at my own project and i wanted to ask you what program do you use to export videos from honey select 2, also in the creation of maps do you use unity ? thank so much for your amazing game.
Could you add something like a chapter selector or a way to jump directly to new content? My phone broke before I finished the game and I was very far into the game.
I don't think the base game should have a chapter selection since that would make the in-game decisions have less weight.
If you really want to, I have a mod that can do it as a side feature, just tap the big N on the title screen five times after you installed it. Afterwards, if you don't want any help, you can disable the mod in the settings or uninstall it again.
Hi Caribdis! I really love your game it's the best one I've ever played. I wanted to ask whether the video parts were created using HS2 or a software like Blender :)
Lmao this is legitimately so fucking good. It exceeded any and all expectations I could have for it. Has made me laugh out loud multiple times with all the jokes, puns and references. 11/10 would recommend
The best game ever. The NSFW scenes are a huge bonus for sure, but the story & character development & relationships take the cake for me. Very well written. Never a dull moment. I always look forward to the next update. Thank you for all that you do, caribdis.
Really hoping next update continues the story with Alex. She's the most interesting by far. But if we're going to be fair, then I guess NSFW scenes with Dhalia is overdue!
Joder como me encanta este juego, DIOS. Lo he jugados varia veces y siempre me sorprenden algunas cosas que no me había dado cuenta, como el hecho de que a Annie su película favorita es ready player one y cambia durante la cita con el mc al terminar de ver interestelar y así pasa muchas veces pequeño detalles que van cambiando. Y el detalles de los escenarios. La atención a los pequeños detalles junto con los personajes bien construidos es lo que hace a eternum un juegazo.
← Return to game
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How long it takes to reach the end in the current version??
Reading everything and paying attention to the story carefully it took me about 3 days on and off, so probably several hours solid at least.
But let me do you a favor, wait until it's finished... you will not like the cliffhanger it's currently at.
Real question is how to make the girls with UBE for Skyrim.
I am so sad now that I reached the ending. I never wanted this to end 😭🤧
SO GOOD! SO fkn good. I Invested my heart into this, and now...
How am I supposed to feel?? Angry!? Depressed..? Maybe even Betrayed?
I feel... Lost. Empty. Like I've just gotten dropped in the woods 50 miles from civilization with nothing but the shirt on my back. Like a newborn fawn, who just opened their eyes after leaving the safety and warmth of the womb.
But no... NO! This isn't the end... This CAN'T be the end... Too many people need me. I won't die...
I can't...
I REFUSE! Not Today, and NOT like this...
Time to touch some grass bro
You cant help it when you're moved by a story. Its okay to have feelings, friend. We are inherently drawn to aspects of things we enjoy. Its not about the game, its about the emotions behind them.
Thank you very much <3
" ah i see, a man of fine culture as well". Sir I don't know which point of the game I am, but chan heist trigger, just made me spit a lung. GG in every possible way mate
Has the developer said anything as to when he expects the game to be finished??? I loved playing once in a lifetime (his other game) and I REALLY wanted to play this one too but I hate playing unfinished games because when they finish/release a new update I have to replay everything again to remember the story just to enjoy a few more chapters.
Noone knows now long it'll take, but from what I've heard my guesstimate is 2 years minimum.
Join the Discord, theres a progress update about every 3 weeks. (0.8 is 85% complete as of now)
just finished and WOW this game was great i cant wait for updates. any other games like this? ive played ripples already
Here are recommended games that I'd call similar:
Idk if you guys a have already planned the story but i have a story that i would like to share, imagine this after orion died he magically got transported in the eternum world because remember idriel happened to be by his side i think she teleported to him he trys to figure why and how shes at eternum and he tried to go to the exit portal but after he tried to go to the exit portal it causes an error and then the founder comes and btw its a hologram then he tells orion that his also an immortal that can teleport to the eternum world but since he died in the real world he becamed an npc and the founder tells orion if he gets all of the 10 gems of doom he will bring orion back safe and sound again then there would be two options. Option A okay fine but promise me that you bring me back to life, Option b no i already know your plans i wont let you get all of the gems of dooms if you pick option A orion and the founder work together to get all of the gems and if you pick option b orion will try getting all of the gems of doom and trying to learn how to manifest it. thats it i just wanna share my side of the story :)
XOXO. Ewek
I have a theory that orion is still alive remember when luna touch annie she mentioned us even though she only touch annie and also she was blushing i think that they had a threesome or something and currently we haven't seen orion, luna and annie having a threesome because its in the future ORION IS ALIVE
the end XOXO Ewek.
May I ask how you made your models and graphics for the game? I saw one Japanese game with similar graphics, can someone tell me the name of this game?
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加QQ群:650034913或QQ群:134214241 然后打开群文件里的文档查看 有更多资源游戏 有苹果直装iOS手机版+安卓直装
Is Eternun done? Or on is there more? I haven't finished the game quite yet
No. Not completed yet. You can follow the discord channel to track update progress.
do you plan on adding dub?
Very nice game, lot of work on this project, thank you
It's an amazing game truly, It's like a 400% leap from your previous one which was also pretty damn good, And after replaying that end scene i've finally noticed the futurama reference.. Man of culture
The Chinese translation cannot be downloaded,I dont konw what's reason.
Хороший сюжет
can you do something with mac version? None of the links works, i want to play so bad tho
This is one of the best visual novels I've played so far. Well done!
Every time I tried to download this game, it always said download fail, and the worst part is, it failed when there was only a little MB left to download and it always failed, it really fcking frustrated me
It happened again!!! Why?!! Why is it always happening to me?!!
I have no problem when I download ripples that is 8 gigs size! But why am I having trouble when I tried to download this game?!!
Right, this is the 7th times? I forgot, that my download is failing, so I will give up for now and wait for the next update shall I?
Anyway I'm going to download other games now, see ya till the next update mate 😁👍
A few steps are worth a try I think:
- try one of the other sources the dev provided (sometimes some vendors crave for payment and stop download on purpose at the very end to make you spend money)
- try switching the browser (Chrome/Firefox/Edge)
- try using a premium link downloader [with the permission of the domain owner of course XD]
- try downloading with VPN (use VPN Proton as it has a free mode and not being as slow as others), if it works it was a problem related to IP adress ban
- try finding downloads on other sources like archive.org
I bet, one of those methods will work for you! I can assure you, 'download other games now' is shit, because NO, REALLY NO VN HENTAI GAME IS BETTER THAN "ETERNUM"!
simply an amazing game, no wonder its the most voted game in this platform because it deserves it. from the graphics of both caracters and the scenary, the imersion, the plot, the development, the comedy, the romance, the drama, the choices ,the interaction of characters and of course the description and detail oriented lines. everything is outstanding. i understand that it might be a stretch to call this and indie game since its produced by a larger team but nonetheless one of the best games i played in my life!
i want to personally congratulate the team(obviously) for creating such a compelling story and thank everyone who suports this game and its current and future devolopment, this game could easily been p2p and heftly costly so i big shout out to the team for allowing the game to be free for everyone to enjoy.
if i had to rate the story itself i would put it way up there with the likes of naruto, one piece and attack on titan. one thing this game does very well is the pursuit of truth, unlike games such as assassin creed(for example) it really feels like you are learning about this world and you wont stop untli then. and for an erotic game creates such an ambience that you never feel that you are just fucking some whores but actually makes you believe that the female cast have character and feel like you want to marry or even put your life on the line for them
question 1) i have some minor complaints about the ending at 0.7.5, but i supposed some sort of cliffhanger was necessary and oh boy is it a big one that will leave you on the edge of your seat. i just wonder if by making diferent choices it would "end" differently?
question 2) once the new patch rolls will we be able to use the same saves?
question3) ive read somewhere that new patch should arrive in winter, is there any confirmed date yet?
question4) how many more patches can we expect? the story has so many plot twist that it feels like it could really end next patch or even take several more years(either way would be fine but there is so much more that i want to learn about this universe), is there any road map for this?
anyway i feel like i have so many questions do you recomend joining the discord?
I'll use the word "update" for what you call "patch":
1. 0.7.5 ends the same regardless of your choices. Though what happens right after, in the next update, might depend on your past decisions.
2. Most of your saves should work in the new update too, yes. It hasn't been 100% reliable in the past though, so please keep at least a few of them if you want to purge some.
3. There is no update schedule, instead the dev has a "progress bar" that he updates every 1-2 weeks. Only when nearly done, the update release dates for all the different crowdfunding tiers are announced. When looking at the rate of progress so far, a winter release seems most likely, yes.
4. The current update is 0.7. The dev himself isn't sure about the exact number of updates, though he estimates that it might end somewhere between 0.12 and 0.15. Time between updates has been ~6 months with a rising trend. So yeah, we're still talking years here.
With your level of enthusiasm you'd fit in well on the Discord server, yes :) Though because of spam problems in the past, only crowdfunding supporters or ex-crowdfunding supporters can write any messages there.
Tanxui already responded to you, but wanted to thank you for your kind words <3
Glad you liked it!
nah thanks you! cant wait for continuation
The sex scenes with Maat, Penelope, Nova, and Nancy are very hot, though the elevator scene with Nancy currently stands out as my favorite. It's a good example of what sets the sex scenes in games like Eternum apart from much of the competition: Excellent visuals, including the movements; sexy sound effects (bodily sounds); great soundtrack selection; and a good storyline to go along with it. Most adult VN games are lacking one or more of the listed elements and thus fall short. I have enjoyed it so much that I made a second small donation. Though hoping for more with Nancy in particular, looking forward to seeing more with Annie, Luna, and Calypso.
100% agree! only thing to add is... Holy Shit... we need More of Luna.
Don't we always? Luna love 😊
Although I am learning English, I still have some difficulty understanding it😫. I hope to add Chinese on the Android version
安卓自带中文汉化 pc需要再下一个汉化补丁
Chinese translation - PC/Android - [0.7]
Is your Chinese browser blocking this word?
Still waiting for 0.8, greatest VN ever!
One of the best VN I have ever played... Keep it up guys!!
WOW... What a Great VN! Any idea when we will get 0.8?
I think Caribdis said before Christmas.
ayo, I download android file and it have trojan. Are u sure your game is safe??
also, I ran file apk and the game. U know what, this app asked me to grant an image storage access transmission. wtf??
Dude,literally no one asking you to play this game, and no one cares about your privacy. If you think there is something shady in the APK file, you can just simply f off.
I mean... it's a valid concern even tho I doubt the Trojan came from the game. Chill out, no reason to snap at someone who doesn't understand.
printfHellow the trojan did not originate from Itch or from the game, I'd suggest running a cleaner on your device
NaoyaTosho harsh man, but for the most part I agree.
BEM2002 yes
It needs needs to store the game's image files somewhere and it needs access to them ya dunce.
so stupid!
not a necessary reply...
More than a thousand people have downloaded it and have commented that it is one of the best visual novels, what do you think we are, bots? Are you that paranoid? Lol.
Okay, first of all, I played this game on PC and I can say it’s good and it runs smoothly. Then I tried to download the APK to run it on my phone, but it always asks for access to the image storage and continuously refuses to run the program and it had trojan when I scanned Android version(PC version didn't have). This doesn’t happen with other games I download on the itch platform. Finally, I just commented on itch to find an explanation. That’s all :v. Sorry if my bad English made the game’s fandom uncomfortable. Just use GPT for translate.
Hello author, I come from China and I really like the game you created. I can't wait to play the new version.
Hi. I just want to thank you for creating this masterpiece. But I still feel bad that I missed Alex's scenes. I don't usually replay the visual novel game because it will take so long to fix my mistake. I also missed "Daring challenge" with Nova and the first "others" scene as well. I like the plot of this game so much, but I am not sure that the protagonist is getting better not. He literally just mess with a gangsters in real life with arrogance. It just so painful to watch his stupidity, I always selected a choice which won't hurt or kill anyone if it doesn't necessary. But after I see the protagonist attitude at the end of 0.8... I feels like.... this is not "me" I want to become in this game.
he's gonna improve himself in next updates, don't worry
Hit tab and turn on "skip seen content" in settings. If you aren't sentimental like me, you'll get through the majority of the game in minutes rather than hours. The walkthrough is a free download if you want those scenes.
Hi Caribdis, i'm a big fan of your work. i'm working at my own project and i wanted to ask you what program do you use to export videos from honey select 2, also in the creation of maps do you use unity ? thank so much for your amazing game.
Could you add something like a chapter selector or a way to jump directly to new content? My phone broke before I finished the game and I was very far into the game.
And the game is the best, I have never laughed so much while I was hot
Same advice as above (thapat2551). Other suggestion is check the auto-save and see how far into it it saved.
I don't think the base game should have a chapter selection since that would make the in-game decisions have less weight.
If you really want to, I have a mod that can do it as a side feature, just tap the big N on the title screen five times after you installed it. Afterwards, if you don't want any help, you can disable the mod in the settings or uninstall it again.
Hi Caribdis! I really love your game it's the best one I've ever played. I wanted to ask whether the video parts were created using HS2 or a software like Blender :)
Lmao this is legitimately so fucking good. It exceeded any and all expectations I could have for it. Has made me laugh out loud multiple times with all the jokes, puns and references. 11/10 would recommend
Thank you for this Caribdis!
andate axvideos gato
The best game ever. The NSFW scenes are a huge bonus for sure, but the story & character development & relationships take the cake for me. Very well written. Never a dull moment. I always look forward to the next update. Thank you for all that you do, caribdis.
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deja de jugar al juego con la pinga en la mano
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le gente que juega esto
Buena Proyeccion psicologica pa
Really hoping next update continues the story with Alex. She's the most interesting by far. But if we're going to be fair, then I guess NSFW scenes with Dhalia is overdue!
Dalia's on the 0.8 update's poster cover. See dev's patreon post and/or discord.
I wanted to ask u if u need any assistance with this game, i,d be excited to help for free.
I would love to help you release this Masterpiece ASAP.
I’m open for offers:)
Oh hell no! We don't want Cari to be excommunicated! 🤣
He created the Founder and thus he won't be.
But who is the founder? Only Caribdis can say.
The founder???
That's you from the future...... 😉
Joder como me encanta este juego, DIOS. Lo he jugados varia veces y siempre me sorprenden algunas cosas que no me había dado cuenta, como el hecho de que a Annie su película favorita es ready player one y cambia durante la cita con el mc al terminar de ver interestelar y así pasa muchas veces pequeño detalles que van cambiando. Y el detalles de los escenarios. La atención a los pequeños detalles junto con los personajes bien construidos es lo que hace a eternum un juegazo.
10/10 besos del chef.
so careful!