bro, I've never seen Arabic in a game like this and never will. I mean, no one from Arabia plays games like this. just play with English even though we are still not fluent in English like me for example :D
You could make your own translation, if you're willing to put in the effort. I can offer you technical guidance if you're up for it.
(EDIT) Update for everyone else: We won't start working on an Arabic translation. But if anyone else would like to step up, my offer still stands as of October 2024.
trust me make a arabic ver trust trust it would make it more popular cuz most games don't have arabic translations so basically making eternum special in a way
The animation, this graphics. Its perfect... but why there not moan sounds from the girls. I hope that in future updates we can get more realistic sounds like moan <3
When you download the zip file you need to go to the directory that the game tells you to go to and put the RPA file (that is in the zip) in the directory
Eternum is so good that it got referenced in other visual novels, it's insane yet amazing how much effort they put into this. Take your time on the updates! This shit is peak! Looking forward to what's next.
For some reason they have the game files all hosted off platform at other hosts, so you can't install the game from the installer you have to go to the third party websistes and download it there
Thank you, but I'm having a new issue. After that, I tried a third-party download, but I couldn't run the game after unzipping it. In detail, nothing happens after running the app: the game doesn't run, there are no error alerts, the game doesn't start in compatibility mode, and it doesn't start in admin mode. Can you help me, bro?
yo, Caribdis i'm a huge fan of your creations, they introduce me to this type of games, and I just finished MBML and i saw a lot of cameos and easter eggs of Eternum and Once in a Lifetime so, my question is, are Eternum and MBML happening on the same universe?
No, it's quite common for AVNs to contain cameos, nods and easter eggs to other titles in the genre but that doesn't mean they're all in the same universe.
I believe I recall him saying several times that Eternum happens after Once In A Lifetime, and has implied Eternum's events happen as a direct result of OIAL. I know I certainly have more than a few theories!
OIAL takes place in the same continuity. MBML does not. Plus there's a lot of inconsistencies that MBML has with its cameos that essentially make it non-canon (such as Alex appearing fully grown in her cameo despite Eternum recently being released (in her flashbacks with her Grandma she was still a kid when Eternum was on the verge of being released)).
Fuck you creator of this game for giving that ending to my boy
But 10/10
(my beautiful creator please in the following updates take out some program for pc/phones to save the process if possible and don't let my boy die like this)
It's Roman, not Greek :) You probably lost Dalia's path due to low affection points. Here's a walkthrough; use the third download option; it highlights all decisions related to Dalia.
Just realized I didn't gave you my feedback on the seventh chapter, so let's say it's time to do this. But sorry folks, it probably contains heavy spoilers, if you didn't play you'd better stop reading NOW.
'cause I'll start by the end, and by the sad news: the final scene of this chapter is the first and for now only thing I really disliked in your work. Let me explain.
First of all, it was really cliché. From the first image of the place, the first dialog line of the thug, I was thinking “No, he isn't going to do THAT?”, and that was exactly what you did. Even if I do like anticipating sometimes, this wasn't the good way to have it.
Then, I can see why you did something like that, Orion was indeed becoming too arrogant and all, and that would probably have positive outcomes. But this coming from random thugs while going to order pizzas sounds… disconnected? Not a huge fan of important lessons learnt from randomly chosen bad ways in your home town. Plus, Kredon feels suddenly way less enjoyable.
Finally, I don't think that works that much as a cliffhanger as, with the talk with Idriel and all, it made me feel like “Okay, so it's how the story ends” way more than “OMG I want to know more!”, which was supposed to be the aim of the sequence. Plus, of course I know he won't die, but, on the opposite of previous ones, it feels like there's no really “good” way to continue from this point. I mean, suddenly discovering magic works in the real world just because it's needed would be really weird, and conventional medicine would probably take time and thus lead to fail the pirate quest, which would be a shame.
(Could be a good thing that the rest of the team fulfills this quest while Orion is at the hospital, but as he was the only one having the map, that doesn't sound very plausible. I'd say, while being a literal Deus Ex Machina, Calypso finally finding a way to come in the real world could be the most elegant way.)
Now, to conclude on this point, probably have to say that I may have been a bit overreacting and trying to rationalize after that. Being autistic, I may be more sensitive to such things that you'd expect from usual players. But I had to write that down.
Well, and now that it's done, let's rewind to the beginning of the chapter and highlight way more positive aspects as, except for this final scene, you did a great work as usual.
Story developments are really cool. You managed to make things even more interesting with W. Bardot and the Founder, so now about this I can't wait to learn more. The details about the true nature of Eternum are really intriguing, and continue to shift us away from the thought premises.
In a way, it remind me an old game I played when I was little, called Breath of Fire Ⅲ, but in a reversed way. The old game starts in med/fan settings, and the more the story goes on, the more we discovered there's technology everywhere, ending in a complete SF environment. Your game starts with advanced, futuristic technology, and then we discover that's more something magical, which is very promising.
Story developments on Ekabar are also promising, I tried both the werewolves and vampires things and both were really fun. Villagers starting to reject magic and launching some crusade is intriguing, while still fitting the settings, so I wonder if it'll be a major plot thing or something more secondary.
It's still really fun to see how the characters react. The more or less inner monologues are a really good point (Alex's one was cute, and it was a good thing to have Orion's thoughts at the end of the class). The talk between Nancy and Dalia was really fun too, and I also especially loved Nancy's reaction about the need to pause a bit between the sessions. Just what was needed at this point.
And, of course, I can't wait to learn what Luna really saw about Annie (I may have a few ideas). Moreover, hearing the non-team players talking to each other about the development of the story (the Andromeda case, Orion's nickname…) adds to the life of the universe, which is pretty cool.
And, I have to say, even if I found the previous ones a bit boring, you made me laugh with the for-now-last appearance of Chop Chop. Wenlin is a good addition, and now I wonder where you're going with those two.
Outside from the story and characters, I really loved your choice of musics again. Shostakovitch Waltz №2, especially, was one I know for a long time and I really like, so it was a pleasant surprise to hear it there (just made me wonder something, but I'll say it later). Music themes from the pirate server were also really good. Now my playlist “Eternum OST” is up to 3h30, starts to be a bit long, but worth it ^^
Silverware is especially a really great song I discovered thanks to you, and hearing it coming again in Nova's scene made me wonder how much you're planing to re-use some of the previous great songs. For instance, it feels like “If I had a tail” could be a really cool recurring theme for Alex.
Also, a point about which I didn't talk enough in my previous reviews is how stunning some background renders are. Did especially notice it in the ruins of Ekabar, and later in Tortuga, but then it made me come back to previous sequences to look at them again, and some of the outsides of Blackridge cabin, or the castle in Warthogs, are also really cool. I even took some screenshots of scenes where we don't see anyone to use them as wallpapers.
Now, as usual, there's some things I liked less (but not disliked of course). I'm not really into car porn, for instance, so Penny's scene wasn't really for me (some things were fun, thought).
I also think Orion is a bit too muscular now. You know, really buff people are a typical male fantasy, so, as a woman, it pulls me a bit out of the story to read that all the girls in the group are fangirling about that. One or two of them could find it extra sexy, but it shouldn't be the whole team.
Even more with the difference between skin colors, in the scene with Nova it was a bit looking like she was fucking with a statue, which is a bit weird.
And, aside from those taste respects, there's some points I don't know if I'm just overthinking them or it's there's possible inconsistencies. Raised an eyebrow about El Coyote, but why not, just made me a bit perplex.
If I'm not wrong, the talk between Nancy and Dalia took place in Ion. Which mean the robot was looking for alien's infections in another server than Andromeda. Is it possible (without Calypso's help) to go from a server to another without logging off first? I was thinking it wasn't, but that would mean being alien infected isn't cured by the automatic full healing at logoff? That's a bit weird, isn't it?
Even more knowing about the astral projection thing: it could have explained this full healing by the fact that, while logging off, you just dismiss the previous projection and recreate another while logging in the next time. But then, the infection would have vanished too… except if it's parasitizing the inventory mechanism, maybe?
And well, the said thing with Shostakovitch. With the vampires, Orion immediately notices when the word “Romania” is said, as it's something from the real world NPC shouldn't known about. On the werewolves side, it's the same with “Egypt” and “Anubis”. But there's just no reaction at all when the names “Strauss” and “Tchaikovsky” are said, and no more when the waltz is chosen. So I wonder how they could unsuspiciously know about real life music and compositors, but shouldn't know at all about real life places or mythologies.
(Also, even if it's fun to see Mortimer throwing a sword at the first vampire, wonder if that's a really good think to do if they're supposed to be cursed people that may be saved.)
Then again, those are minor points, and it's perfectly normal to have such in a big story like this one, doesn't stop Eternum from being globally really great, of course.
Hope those thoughts can help! :-) Thanks again for the game, and I'm sure I'll like the next chapter!
Just one request, thought: it starts to be a big thing to download, wouldn't it be possible to have a “just update” file, to just get new content we don't already have downloaded?
I’m not as eloquent as you but i really would love to be. Well i was pleasantly impressed seeing your “work of art” as i would say.
And i wanted to ask you how can i achieve such a great level of creativity in speech (if i can say that). May be it seems like i’m stupid or like a cave man but the truth is i didn’t spend enough time reading which i regret so much I could “die” right now.
If you could give me a few minutes of your time just to explain me How or give some suggestions i’d be overly grateful 🥹
So In conclusion (i know i may sound ridiculous and annoying but..) could we stay in contact somehow, just to chat time-from-time ?
P.S. BTW My native language is Russian so I humbly apologize for my mistakes if there are some
Well, judging by the other answer I got, I'm not that good to be understandable. Also, my way to talk comes probably highly from me being autistic, and I can't learn you that. Which is probably better for you.
Don't worry too much about your language, thought. I'm not a native English speaker either, and I started my first post here by denying any responsibility for eye injuries about my own language, but it seems like no one got hurt from that ^^
Don’t underestimate yourself. By reading your comments that were made a while back I realized you’re a very interesting person. The one thing you really have - your individuality.
Did u forget about how others think and act? Don’t judge yourself by the other people’s opinion. I may be younger may be older *I’m 20btw* but I know for sure that other people can never be satisfied and nearly everyone is almost as subjective as possible. You’re amazing - objective view :)
As i said earlier you somehow caught my attention. Not as many people can do it. I was completely amazed by your thoughts and the way you express yourself so, you should know that you have a uniqueness. At first when saw your big comment a brief thought came into my mind like (..Nah i don’t wanna read this essay..) and then suddenly something captured my attention . I started reading and didn’t even notice i reached the end. And That’s how it happened :p That was like a breathtaking roller coaster
And the easter eggs you use. Have i mentioned the other anime’s or art works? *Like that one from Gnome Ann :p* Not to talk about how they all completely fit into the whole picture.
*Easter eggs used here*:p (I know you will get it)
Beg my pardon... I wanted to ask you about your disorder and how is it expressed. All I know is that it affects social life somehow and many people don’t even know they have it. I might have it to some degree, who knows😜🤛🏻
May be it’s a little bit rude to ask but my curiosity won.. And again my apologies young Lady
0.7 ending feels apt tho if you're familiar with Greek Mythology (which this AVN has a lot of references to), particularly Orion's namesake. Man was a literal giant and one of the best hunters there was, and was also boastful about it...but he eventually got himself killed after getting stung by a scorpion of all things (tho I suppose in other versions he got accidentally killed by the goddess Artemis who had a thing for him).
Well, I'm sorry, but it looks like you missed my point there ^^"
Greek mythology (about which I talked in some of my previous feedbacks) is about symbolism, and I said that, symbolically speaking, I thought that was a good thing (indeed, Orion becoming arrogant to the point he did such a mistake, then becoming better after that, is a way more interesting character development than not becoming arrogant at all).
But what I wanted to point there, which has nothing to do with symbolism nor Greek mythology, is:
– That the way the mistake happened (bad talk with random thugs in a creepy street, which can't be compared to a scorpion) sounds like a cliché we already saw everywhere, far from the way Eternum usually plays with expectations, and also gives an unwanted sight about Kredon, as for now the danger there came from rich people like the Bardot, not from daily life (Alex's new neighborhood was sounding “creepy but rather safe” until her father came there, for instance).
– That the narrative mechanism is broken, as it's supposed to have us craving for more, while it looks more like a way to end the story, with Idriel's talk and all. On the sixth chapter, for instance, we didn't know what happened to Alex and had a thrill from W. Bardot knowing who Orion was, so it was a good cliffhanger. Before the heist, we stopped just at the “Open the door” pseudochoice, so we knew something was about to happen, but we didn't know what and how the plan would be changed. There, we don't know how Orion will finally survive, but there's huge probabilities that either it will break the current rules (with magic happening in the “real world”) or we will miss something fun we could have been expecting (the pirate quest), so it's harder to wait for more (I'm still curious about what would happen next, of course, but that's more from previous dialogues than from the supposed-to-be cliffhanger).
– That, even if it's possibly an overreaction due to being autistic, so I'm just highlighting this to allow other people to know something they couldn't anticipate, this scene made me feel bad, which isn't supposed to be a point of such a game. Didn't feel the same with the Thanatos encounter at the beginning of the third chapter, as it happened as a part of the action, so we saw what happened next while our mind was still processing the event. Here, we have the violent thing and immediate stop for months, so it's way harder to process. I think it's a good thing to know some people would react this way, to be able to chose what you want to do next time.
So, it's not at all about being or not familiar with Greek mythology, it's about how the story is told to us and about how some of us react to such things. Doesn't stop the game from being great, and I'd say it's a bit sad you choose to answer precisely on this part rather than on the two thirds of the post where I was emphasizing the really good aspects of the chapter or wondering about what we know of the lore.
(Also, Caribdis, when you'll read that, sorry for having to add an extra development to the bad point, I had to let you know how I reacted, but didn't want this to be the major point of the feedback, that's why I put it at the beginning, before talking more about the other points.)
Hm… Was about to say that I was just calling it the same way than Orion and the others, no matter how much more real than the others it is, even if the story looks going “all the other worlds are real too” more than “this one isn't either”.
But now that you put it that way, it could also be possible that the next screen just after the 7th chapter end would be the Eternum death screen, and thus Orion waking up in another world, not having been knowing he was “connected” at this time. That could explain some things, such as excommunicated players dying “in the real world”, as they're now not allowed to go in this one too. Then again, that would cause some difficulties, as Orion would need to come back there anyway. And Thanatos' situation would become really weird, I think it works better if he's dead in “the real world” but still able to wander on the others, than if he left one of them, back to the “real real one”, but then join again the other ones without coming back in the “fake real”.
Anyway, all of this is about setup and payoff: nothing in-game that I can think about gave us anything to expect such an issue, just as nothing prepared us to having wounds magically cured in the “real world” (even if we technically already know magic can happen there: Luna's vision, at least, is something magical, but that's not the same kind of magic there). For instance, the reason why I said that having Calypso saving Orion would be an elegant issue despite being a Deus Ex Machina is because we did have some setup about that (previous talk about the exit portals, and the fact she asked not to be bothered at the beginning of the chapter because she was feeling she could soon be able to reach other places).
But, it could explain how he is 100% compatible and how his body changed so much in such a short time. Plus when we first see the founder he looks at you.... Though you could be right about him being dead in the real world but alive in the matrix.( Just easier to say it that way) Though he could be a NPC now and the girls have to use one of those boxes to try to get him back to being a "real boy" again.
You could follow Caribdis to get notifications about updates. There should be a button for it at the top right or the bottom, depending on which device you're viewing this site on.
I like the game but the sex scenes are way too low in the game Although the story is good and I don't want those scenes every 10 minutes but in this game they are so low
Best game ever man. 11/10 game. The plot, the character development, the quality of the design, the animations, and of course the sex scenes to every sound effect and soundtrack, everything has been excellent. This is definitely my favourite VN ever which is never going to change! Good job Cari (and Dread)!
i got a problem with the game, i played the game a long time ago before patch 0.7 (i think...?) and waited for the updates. After a few months, the update was out and I downloaded it but i keep having this problem about the game not founding images so I literally have the dialogue of the characters but a black screen all the time. I am from Android, how do I fix this problem? Would love to keep playing the game.
(I stopped at the part where MC is at Alex house, and where he has a conversation with William, after that, all the new images of the update are literally black screens)
Since you managed to install the game back then, this shouldn't be too difficult for you. Your old archine.rpa file is in the "Documents/Ixalon/com.caribdis.eternum/game" directory. Replace it with the archive.rpa that you got in the newest version.
First of all, let me just say this, there HAS NOT been a game where it made me think about it 24/7. I LOVE THE Story, the characters, the scenes, the music choices. Everything about Eternum is literally the itch I've been craving my entire life. Fantasy, sci-fi, reality. All in one story. Heck, it's crazy that I've immersed myself into the game. Ain't that crazy!? Caribdis, I owe you my heartfelt thanks. Can't wait for 0.8!
Question: how do I move my save files onto 0.8 if it drops out?
I want to continue my progress to my phone but I dont know how and I tried to paste it onto my mobile game file but it didnt work. PLEASE HELP, CARIBDIS!
First of all, you shouldn't have any save files on your phone when you do this. So clear everything except the "game" folder itself and clear the app's data in the settings. Then paste your saves next to the game folder, not into it. You'll get a warning that the saves were made on a different device, but that should do it.
Know that the progress on your phone can't be transferred to your PC, at least for now.
Hm, I just followed my own instructions and it worked. And the save files don't even show up in your game? Are you sure you followed the steps correctly?
Ok, I've played through a couple of times and I can't figure out how to get to talk with the guy on the Rockefeller server at midnight. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
For anyone who hasnt tried once in a lifetime after you completed eternum i really recommend it its made by the same author is also involves the same stuff as eternum but kind low i guess still please try once in a lifetime its has a great ending if you have stabby mike also orion is much handsomer than i forgot his name..
I’ve created a website where you can generate and download PDFs of the story of Eternum, chapter by chapter. The PDFs come with properly formatted text and a cover image for each chapter. If you’re interested in having your own Eternum story PDFs, feel free to check it out!
I'm probably getting close to the end now but i just gotta say this game is something else and i wasn't sure about Nova at the start but now I'm leaning 1000% to her Alex would be a close 2nd
I just searched a few that I can read so I'll list them down. Fate's Collide, Chasing Sunsets, Ripples, Deviant Anomalies, Life Changing Choice or Sicae, My Bully Is My Lover, and Marked For Eternity. That's all.
hey, you there, i got a reccomendation for ya cause it seems like weve got the same tastes. try out superhuman, its almost in 1.0 and has got a hell of a story. (tip so you dont softlock, save every chance you get and ALWAYS train, also choose the horn)
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Yo caribdis i have a question about languages will you be able to add arabic translation this update
bro, I've never seen Arabic in a game like this and never will. I mean, no one from Arabia plays games like this. just play with English even though we are still not fluent in English like me for example :D
Im arabic but im fluent in English just want my friend to play it its that good can't let my bro miss this
You could make your own translation, if you're willing to put in the effort. I can offer you technical guidance if you're up for it.
(EDIT) Update for everyone else: We won't start working on an Arabic translation. But if anyone else would like to step up, my offer still stands as of October 2024.
sure if it's not to hard and not to much inconvenience to you you can add me on discord it's harith0465_91464 and thank you
Translations are usually fan-made so it's not up to me which ones are done, but sure it'd be nice to have it!
trust me make a arabic ver trust trust it would make it more popular cuz most games don't have arabic translations so basically making eternum special in a way
The animation, this graphics. Its perfect... but why there not moan sounds from the girls. I hope that in future updates we can get more realistic sounds like moan <3
I said the same thing when i played for the first time 😅
Does having a demon lord tier more events.scence or just an early release?
Read the description of the support tiers. If something is not mentioned there, then you can't expect it.
No much words but WOW!!!
It says i need an rpa file, cant do anything else
When you download the zip file you need to go to the directory that the game tells you to go to and put the RPA file (that is in the zip) in the directory
Eternum is so good that it got referenced in other visual novels, it's insane yet amazing how much effort they put into this. Take your time on the updates!
This shit is peak! Looking forward to what's next.
Lots of AVN creators hide little nod Easter eggs to other AVN's in them.
Duh duh duhhhhhh..... Stabby Mike will make an appearance in the update. Maybe as his ER doctor, would be good no?!?!
Now that you mentioned It, are there any other ending beyond the One we've seen?
I haven't been able to find a different ending so far
Ok, thanks.
So, i think that the story had to go this way.
Hope in the next chapter ASAP! 😁
help plz
For some reason they have the game files all hosted off platform at other hosts, so you can't install the game from the installer you have to go to the third party websistes and download it there
Thank you, but I'm having a new issue. After that, I tried a third-party download, but I couldn't run the game after unzipping it. In detail, nothing happens after running the app: the game doesn't run, there are no error alerts, the game doesn't start in compatibility mode, and it doesn't start in admin mode. Can you help me, bro?
At least for the android version, you need to move the .rpa file to another folder. I don't know if this is the same for PC.
yo, Caribdis i'm a huge fan of your creations, they introduce me to this type of games, and I just finished MBML and i saw a lot of cameos and easter eggs of Eternum and Once in a Lifetime so, my question is, are Eternum and MBML happening on the same universe?
No, it's quite common for AVNs to contain cameos, nods and easter eggs to other titles in the genre but that doesn't mean they're all in the same universe.
Didn't Cari confirm at some point that these three games share a universe?
I believe I recall him saying several times that Eternum happens after Once In A Lifetime, and has implied Eternum's events happen as a direct result of OIAL. I know I certainly have more than a few theories!
Eternum takes place more than a decade after OIAL's harem ending, which Cari confirmed to be canon.
OIAL takes place in the same continuity. MBML does not. Plus there's a lot of inconsistencies that MBML has with its cameos that essentially make it non-canon (such as Alex appearing fully grown in her cameo despite Eternum recently being released (in her flashbacks with her Grandma she was still a kid when Eternum was on the verge of being released)).
MBML? What’s that?
Yeah as people said, Eternum and Once in a Lifetime share a same universe
MBML does not, but the dev and I are friends, so we've done cameos :D
ios can not use who can help me
I came for porn and stayed for history
Fuck you creator of this game for giving that ending to my boy
But 10/10
(my beautiful creator please in the following updates take out some program for pc/phones to save the process if possible and don't let my boy die like this)
Alex is the best
that's not an ending it's a cliffhanger, there will be more eventually
Alex is great, Luna is best girl.
Glad you liked it!
The myth, the legend, The CEO of gotys, the machine, the beast, handsome man or girl?
Humor aside, you're very good at what you do! I will be patient for the next update!
Downloading on Android is confusing
Confusing, yes. Is there a guide, yes. Is this game worth it, HELL YES!!
i cant download it for some reason?
any know the name song, when u have the first scene h with annie?
i found it lol, is run boy run - snake city
Why does Dalia turn grey for no reason at the Greek server part? Anyone can help?
It's Roman, not Greek :) You probably lost Dalia's path due to low affection points. Here's a walkthrough; use the third download option; it highlights all decisions related to Dalia.
bro i had the same problem. So the point is you choose not to say about blowjob with Dalia at the Roman jail basement aaand you should have .
🤷♂️ Go backwards and redo dialogue. Everyone thinks it’s rude to say about it but turns out Dalia loves this
For me it was because at the very beginning of the game I didn't creep on her in the shower.
Just realized I didn't gave you my feedback on the seventh chapter, so let's say it's time to do this. But sorry folks, it probably contains heavy spoilers, if you didn't play you'd better stop reading NOW.
'cause I'll start by the end, and by the sad news: the final scene of this chapter is the first and for now only thing I really disliked in your work. Let me explain.
First of all, it was really cliché. From the first image of the place, the first dialog line of the thug, I was thinking “No, he isn't going to do THAT?”, and that was exactly what you did. Even if I do like anticipating sometimes, this wasn't the good way to have it.
Then, I can see why you did something like that, Orion was indeed becoming too arrogant and all, and that would probably have positive outcomes. But this coming from random thugs while going to order pizzas sounds… disconnected? Not a huge fan of important lessons learnt from randomly chosen bad ways in your home town. Plus, Kredon feels suddenly way less enjoyable.
Finally, I don't think that works that much as a cliffhanger as, with the talk with Idriel and all, it made me feel like “Okay, so it's how the story ends” way more than “OMG I want to know more!”, which was supposed to be the aim of the sequence. Plus, of course I know he won't die, but, on the opposite of previous ones, it feels like there's no really “good” way to continue from this point. I mean, suddenly discovering magic works in the real world just because it's needed would be really weird, and conventional medicine would probably take time and thus lead to fail the pirate quest, which would be a shame.
(Could be a good thing that the rest of the team fulfills this quest while Orion is at the hospital, but as he was the only one having the map, that doesn't sound very plausible. I'd say, while being a literal Deus Ex Machina, Calypso finally finding a way to come in the real world could be the most elegant way.)
Now, to conclude on this point, probably have to say that I may have been a bit overreacting and trying to rationalize after that. Being autistic, I may be more sensitive to such things that you'd expect from usual players. But I had to write that down.
Well, and now that it's done, let's rewind to the beginning of the chapter and highlight way more positive aspects as, except for this final scene, you did a great work as usual.
Story developments are really cool. You managed to make things even more interesting with W. Bardot and the Founder, so now about this I can't wait to learn more. The details about the true nature of Eternum are really intriguing, and continue to shift us away from the thought premises.
In a way, it remind me an old game I played when I was little, called Breath of Fire Ⅲ, but in a reversed way. The old game starts in med/fan settings, and the more the story goes on, the more we discovered there's technology everywhere, ending in a complete SF environment. Your game starts with advanced, futuristic technology, and then we discover that's more something magical, which is very promising.
Story developments on Ekabar are also promising, I tried both the werewolves and vampires things and both were really fun. Villagers starting to reject magic and launching some crusade is intriguing, while still fitting the settings, so I wonder if it'll be a major plot thing or something more secondary.
It's still really fun to see how the characters react. The more or less inner monologues are a really good point (Alex's one was cute, and it was a good thing to have Orion's thoughts at the end of the class). The talk between Nancy and Dalia was really fun too, and I also especially loved Nancy's reaction about the need to pause a bit between the sessions. Just what was needed at this point.
And, of course, I can't wait to learn what Luna really saw about Annie (I may have a few ideas). Moreover, hearing the non-team players talking to each other about the development of the story (the Andromeda case, Orion's nickname…) adds to the life of the universe, which is pretty cool.
And, I have to say, even if I found the previous ones a bit boring, you made me laugh with the for-now-last appearance of Chop Chop. Wenlin is a good addition, and now I wonder where you're going with those two.
Outside from the story and characters, I really loved your choice of musics again. Shostakovitch Waltz №2, especially, was one I know for a long time and I really like, so it was a pleasant surprise to hear it there (just made me wonder something, but I'll say it later). Music themes from the pirate server were also really good. Now my playlist “Eternum OST” is up to 3h30, starts to be a bit long, but worth it ^^
Silverware is especially a really great song I discovered thanks to you, and hearing it coming again in Nova's scene made me wonder how much you're planing to re-use some of the previous great songs. For instance, it feels like “If I had a tail” could be a really cool recurring theme for Alex.
Also, a point about which I didn't talk enough in my previous reviews is how stunning some background renders are. Did especially notice it in the ruins of Ekabar, and later in Tortuga, but then it made me come back to previous sequences to look at them again, and some of the outsides of Blackridge cabin, or the castle in Warthogs, are also really cool. I even took some screenshots of scenes where we don't see anyone to use them as wallpapers.
Now, as usual, there's some things I liked less (but not disliked of course). I'm not really into car porn, for instance, so Penny's scene wasn't really for me (some things were fun, thought).
I also think Orion is a bit too muscular now. You know, really buff people are a typical male fantasy, so, as a woman, it pulls me a bit out of the story to read that all the girls in the group are fangirling about that. One or two of them could find it extra sexy, but it shouldn't be the whole team.
Even more with the difference between skin colors, in the scene with Nova it was a bit looking like she was fucking with a statue, which is a bit weird.
And, aside from those taste respects, there's some points I don't know if I'm just overthinking them or it's there's possible inconsistencies. Raised an eyebrow about El Coyote, but why not, just made me a bit perplex.
If I'm not wrong, the talk between Nancy and Dalia took place in Ion. Which mean the robot was looking for alien's infections in another server than Andromeda. Is it possible (without Calypso's help) to go from a server to another without logging off first? I was thinking it wasn't, but that would mean being alien infected isn't cured by the automatic full healing at logoff? That's a bit weird, isn't it?
Even more knowing about the astral projection thing: it could have explained this full healing by the fact that, while logging off, you just dismiss the previous projection and recreate another while logging in the next time. But then, the infection would have vanished too… except if it's parasitizing the inventory mechanism, maybe?
And well, the said thing with Shostakovitch. With the vampires, Orion immediately notices when the word “Romania” is said, as it's something from the real world NPC shouldn't known about. On the werewolves side, it's the same with “Egypt” and “Anubis”. But there's just no reaction at all when the names “Strauss” and “Tchaikovsky” are said, and no more when the waltz is chosen. So I wonder how they could unsuspiciously know about real life music and compositors, but shouldn't know at all about real life places or mythologies.
(Also, even if it's fun to see Mortimer throwing a sword at the first vampire, wonder if that's a really good think to do if they're supposed to be cursed people that may be saved.)
Then again, those are minor points, and it's perfectly normal to have such in a big story like this one, doesn't stop Eternum from being globally really great, of course.
Hope those thoughts can help! :-) Thanks again for the game, and I'm sure I'll like the next chapter!
Just one request, thought: it starts to be a big thing to download, wouldn't it be possible to have a “just update” file, to just get new content we don't already have downloaded?
Anyway, thanks for your work! :-)
I’m not as eloquent as you but i really would love to be. Well i was pleasantly impressed seeing your “work of art” as i would say.
And i wanted to ask you how can i achieve such a great level of creativity in speech (if i can say that). May be it seems like i’m stupid or like a cave man but the truth is i didn’t spend enough time reading which i regret so much I could “die” right now.
If you could give me a few minutes of your time just to explain me How or give some suggestions i’d be overly grateful 🥹
So In conclusion (i know i may sound ridiculous and annoying but..) could we stay in contact somehow, just to chat time-from-time ?
P.S. BTW My native language is Russian so I humbly apologize for my mistakes if there are some
Well, judging by the other answer I got, I'm not that good to be understandable. Also, my way to talk comes probably highly from me being autistic, and I can't learn you that. Which is probably better for you.
Don't worry too much about your language, thought. I'm not a native English speaker either, and I started my first post here by denying any responsibility for eye injuries about my own language, but it seems like no one got hurt from that ^^
Don’t underestimate yourself. By reading your comments that were made a while back I realized you’re a very interesting person. The one thing you really have - your individuality.
Did u forget about how others think and act? Don’t judge yourself by the other people’s opinion. I may be younger may be older *I’m 20btw* but I know for sure that other people can never be satisfied and nearly everyone is almost as subjective as possible. You’re amazing - objective view :)
As i said earlier you somehow caught my attention. Not as many people can do it. I was completely amazed by your thoughts and the way you express yourself so, you should know that you have a uniqueness. At first when saw your big comment a brief thought came into my mind like (..Nah i don’t wanna read this essay..) and then suddenly something captured my attention . I started reading and didn’t even notice i reached the end. And That’s how it happened :p That was like a breathtaking roller coaster
And the easter eggs you use. Have i mentioned the other anime’s or art works? *Like that one from Gnome Ann :p* Not to talk about how they all completely fit into the whole picture.
*Easter eggs used here*:p (I know you will get it)
Looking forward to chat again :)
Well, I don't know what to say now ^^" Thanks!
Beg my pardon... I wanted to ask you about your disorder and how is it expressed. All I know is that it affects social life somehow and many people don’t even know they have it.
I might have it to some degree, who knows😜🤛🏻
May be it’s a little bit rude to ask but my curiosity won.. And again my apologies young Lady
0.7 ending feels apt tho if you're familiar with Greek Mythology (which this AVN has a lot of references to), particularly Orion's namesake. Man was a literal giant and one of the best hunters there was, and was also boastful about it...but he eventually got himself killed after getting stung by a scorpion of all things (tho I suppose in other versions he got accidentally killed by the goddess Artemis who had a thing for him).
Well, I'm sorry, but it looks like you missed my point there ^^"
Greek mythology (about which I talked in some of my previous feedbacks) is about symbolism, and I said that, symbolically speaking, I thought that was a good thing (indeed, Orion becoming arrogant to the point he did such a mistake, then becoming better after that, is a way more interesting character development than not becoming arrogant at all).
But what I wanted to point there, which has nothing to do with symbolism nor Greek mythology, is:
– That the way the mistake happened (bad talk with random thugs in a creepy street, which can't be compared to a scorpion) sounds like a cliché we already saw everywhere, far from the way Eternum usually plays with expectations, and also gives an unwanted sight about Kredon, as for now the danger there came from rich people like the Bardot, not from daily life (Alex's new neighborhood was sounding “creepy but rather safe” until her father came there, for instance).
– That the narrative mechanism is broken, as it's supposed to have us craving for more, while it looks more like a way to end the story, with Idriel's talk and all. On the sixth chapter, for instance, we didn't know what happened to Alex and had a thrill from W. Bardot knowing who Orion was, so it was a good cliffhanger. Before the heist, we stopped just at the “Open the door” pseudochoice, so we knew something was about to happen, but we didn't know what and how the plan would be changed. There, we don't know how Orion will finally survive, but there's huge probabilities that either it will break the current rules (with magic happening in the “real world”) or we will miss something fun we could have been expecting (the pirate quest), so it's harder to wait for more (I'm still curious about what would happen next, of course, but that's more from previous dialogues than from the supposed-to-be cliffhanger).
– That, even if it's possibly an overreaction due to being autistic, so I'm just highlighting this to allow other people to know something they couldn't anticipate, this scene made me feel bad, which isn't supposed to be a point of such a game. Didn't feel the same with the Thanatos encounter at the beginning of the third chapter, as it happened as a part of the action, so we saw what happened next while our mind was still processing the event. Here, we have the violent thing and immediate stop for months, so it's way harder to process. I think it's a good thing to know some people would react this way, to be able to chose what you want to do next time.
So, it's not at all about being or not familiar with Greek mythology, it's about how the story is told to us and about how some of us react to such things. Doesn't stop the game from being great, and I'd say it's a bit sad you choose to answer precisely on this part rather than on the two thirds of the post where I was emphasizing the really good aspects of the chapter or wondering about what we know of the lore.
(Also, Caribdis, when you'll read that, sorry for having to add an extra development to the bad point, I had to let you know how I reacted, but didn't want this to be the major point of the feedback, that's why I put it at the beginning, before talking more about the other points.)
Orrrrrrrr, maybe that's not the real world???? Just another realm like the matrix.
Hm… Was about to say that I was just calling it the same way than Orion and the others, no matter how much more real than the others it is, even if the story looks going “all the other worlds are real too” more than “this one isn't either”.
But now that you put it that way, it could also be possible that the next screen just after the 7th chapter end would be the Eternum death screen, and thus Orion waking up in another world, not having been knowing he was “connected” at this time. That could explain some things, such as excommunicated players dying “in the real world”, as they're now not allowed to go in this one too. Then again, that would cause some difficulties, as Orion would need to come back there anyway. And Thanatos' situation would become really weird, I think it works better if he's dead in “the real world” but still able to wander on the others, than if he left one of them, back to the “real real one”, but then join again the other ones without coming back in the “fake real”.
Anyway, all of this is about setup and payoff: nothing in-game that I can think about gave us anything to expect such an issue, just as nothing prepared us to having wounds magically cured in the “real world” (even if we technically already know magic can happen there: Luna's vision, at least, is something magical, but that's not the same kind of magic there). For instance, the reason why I said that having Calypso saving Orion would be an elegant issue despite being a Deus Ex Machina is because we did have some setup about that (previous talk about the exit portals, and the fact she asked not to be bothered at the beginning of the chapter because she was feeling she could soon be able to reach other places).
But, it could explain how he is 100% compatible and how his body changed so much in such a short time. Plus when we first see the founder he looks at you.... Though you could be right about him being dead in the real world but alive in the matrix.( Just easier to say it that way) Though he could be a NPC now and the girls have to use one of those boxes to try to get him back to being a "real boy" again.
hmmm… now consider the circumstances I can say you may have a point about Calypso being able to save Orion 🤔
Thank you for your feedback, Atellia :D
You're welcome, even if I would've liked have at least an answer to the last question about the download size issue :-þ
Don't hesitate to tell me if such posts help or not!
idk when i had this game on a potato laptop it ran fine probably your gpu?
idk what it was but i didnt change anything and now it works ty for the help tho
is there somewhere we can sign up to get an email when the next update releases?
It should be illegal to leave us hanging like that at the end of 0.7... j/k... but not really... :-\
You could follow Caribdis to get notifications about updates. There should be a button for it at the top right or the bottom, depending on which device you're viewing this site on.
anyone know when the next update comes?
no clue but holy fuck i can't wait for it
they said it is 82% done already, maybe it will take another month or two.
A year i think idk
I like the game but the sex scenes are way too low in the game Although the story is good and I don't want those scenes every 10 minutes but in this game they are so low
quality over quantity
Nga what 😭
Heh, if you're just playing the game for h-scenes, why not go watch porn instead. 🤷♂️
When i download on android chrome blocks the download i dont know what to do
what it says? maybe i can hel
Its just say blocked amd mothing else it happensein Middle of the dowload
Best game ever man. 11/10 game. The plot, the character development, the quality of the design, the animations, and of course the sex scenes to every sound effect and soundtrack, everything has been excellent. This is definitely my favourite VN ever which is never going to change! Good job Cari (and Dread)!
i got a problem with the game, i played the game a long time ago before patch 0.7 (i think...?) and waited for the updates. After a few months, the update was out and I downloaded it but i keep having this problem about the game not founding images so I literally have the dialogue of the characters but a black screen all the time. I am from Android, how do I fix this problem? Would love to keep playing the game.
(I stopped at the part where MC is at Alex house, and where he has a conversation with William, after that, all the new images of the update are literally black screens)
You need to replace the old archive.rpa file with the new one; just updating the apk is not enough.
Oh, I understand. Would you mind helping me? Idk how to replace it because I'm a bit ignorant on this subject
Since you managed to install the game back then, this shouldn't be too difficult for you. Your old archine.rpa file is in the "Documents/Ixalon/com.caribdis.eternum/game" directory. Replace it with the archive.rpa that you got in the newest version.
Done it and done playing the 0.7, man what a cliffhanger! Thanks a lot for your help <3
is it possible to add Russian language to android version?
To hell with that russian language. The author should focus more on the new update instead.
Can someone share the link or invite me in the discord?
Use the big Discord banner up top. The invite link works. If it doesn't work for you, you need to sort out how to access age restricted servers.
try this link bro
It says expired
First of all, let me just say this, there HAS NOT been a game where it made me think about it 24/7. I LOVE THE Story, the characters, the scenes, the music choices. Everything about Eternum is literally the itch I've been craving my entire life. Fantasy, sci-fi, reality. All in one story. Heck, it's crazy that I've immersed myself into the game. Ain't that crazy!? Caribdis, I owe you my heartfelt thanks. Can't wait for 0.8!
Question: how do I move my save files onto 0.8 if it drops out?
Ur device just adapts to it even if you delete the file/ game itself. Done it every time they released new patches
Thank you <3
Thank you so much!
Glad you liked it!
Ha! Yes, Once In a Lifetime was amazing, too. Such a talented developer.
Does anyone here want more luna gameplay?
so 0.8 will be the biggest update for eternum?
btw when will be the release of 0.8
Maybe November
I want to continue my progress to my phone but I dont know how and I tried to paste it onto my mobile game file but it didnt work. PLEASE HELP, CARIBDIS!
First of all, you shouldn't have any save files on your phone when you do this. So clear everything except the "game" folder itself and clear the app's data in the settings. Then paste your saves next to the game folder, not into it. You'll get a warning that the saves were made on a different device, but that should do it.
Know that the progress on your phone can't be transferred to your PC, at least for now.
Ty, so even tho the saves get recognized it swould still be unplayable?
the files didnt transfered even if I did what you've told me to. Still, ty!
Hm, I just followed my own instructions and it worked. And the save files don't even show up in your game? Are you sure you followed the steps correctly?
so Sexy
Ok, I've played through a couple of times and I can't figure out how to get to talk with the guy on the Rockefeller server at midnight. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
You're not doing anything wrong, you can't make that meeting.
For anyone who hasnt tried once in a lifetime after you completed eternum i really recommend it its made by the same author is also involves the same stuff as eternum but kind low i guess still please try once in a lifetime its has a great ending if you have stabby mike also orion is much handsomer than i forgot his name..
XOXO. Ewek
Hey everyone!
I’ve created a website where you can generate and download PDFs of the story of Eternum, chapter by chapter. The PDFs come with properly formatted text and a cover image for each chapter. If you’re interested in having your own Eternum story PDFs, feel free to check it out!
🔗 Eternum-PDF-Generator
Let me know what you think and if you encounter any issues. I hope you enjoy it!
that's so cool! You could share it on discord it may be appreciated.
Mostly these types of games have map to travel or roam , does this game have map or quest features
Or they will appear late in game
it has a bit of free roam but it's pretty short. No quest tho. Most of the game is linear.
I'm probably getting close to the end now but i just gotta say this game is something else and i wasn't sure about Nova at the start but now I'm leaning 1000% to her Alex would be a close 2nd
then Luna is your 3d........right?
yes luna is 3rd
I bet you 5 dollars your Playing Companion of darkness (or used to)
i did play it and finished the latest update a while back Noel obviously #1
Ngl Companion of darkness is top notch, best game I've played so far
but i am gonna replay fates collide
What are these games I need it
I just searched a few that I can read so I'll list them down. Fate's Collide, Chasing Sunsets, Ripples, Deviant Anomalies, Life Changing Choice or Sicae, My Bully Is My Lover, and Marked For Eternity. That's all.
Thank you
You could've used Google; all these are AVNs.
Thank you
hey, you there, i got a reccomendation for ya cause it seems like weve got the same tastes. try out superhuman, its almost in 1.0 and has got a hell of a story. (tip so you dont softlock, save every chance you get and ALWAYS train, also choose the horn)
Thank you G
Uhm, superhuman doesn't look like my style of game at all, sorry.
i think youd be surprised, i sure as hell was. somethin to keep in mind for a slow day
I didn't think of that just brute forced it by reading those blurry letters.
I'd rather stay on earth by cassinello :)
thank you very much
you're welcome bro:)