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This is the most amazing game and story at the same time i have ever played or read. It´s amost magical how easily you get soaked into this game! And i do think that this is also easily to explain. I mean you get a much deeper connection to the caracters if there are some sexual activitys. That in combination with the fact that this could be a real live story (you dont just fuck all the time) and also the animation of the caracters is so extremely well done is really ending up in you developing a litte bit of a deeper understanding in the cracters. 

I also wnated to tell you guys that you can atualy play it with a controller too :D

If you want you can just lay down on your bed because you odnt have to use your mouse (if its wired) 

i even would donate some money, if.... (wont tell resons, i am definately 18!)

And PS: The game is so much sooo well done details that it is an amazing experience every time you play it. I mean i have played through it at least 10 times and it keeps being just fascinating. And I am definatley not just talking about the sex scenes! 

Caribdis, You are truely amazing, keep doing what youre doing! 

Love u :P

Thank you so much Nutsthan!





Happy New Year Carybdis and Devs!!!!

Happy new year!


ngl I cried during Alex's backstory. Amazing game btw <3



Not to mention that scene where young mc and Penelope and Dalia play and Penelope chooses not to go to the party 

Really wholesome stuff


Um dos melhores jogos renpy que já joguei... Sem exagero. Recomendo 100% para quem pensar em jogar. Só toma cuidado pq vc vai viciar na história e ela ainda não tá finalizada....

Darn so good animations and story line is just perfect cant wait for next update plz tell when the next update comes out!!


Caribdis this game is aaaaaaaaaawessssssssssoooooomeeeeeee, I can't wait to play the next updaaate QwQ)/ the saucy scenes are cool as heck, but the story itself is so fleshed out you might think its not an adult game





Petition for caribdis to make a youtube channel where they make SFW stuff with the eternum cast. (QnA videos, sketch animations, etc.)

Hey downloaded and installed on android phone. Game opens but only goes as far as the very first image. Am I missing something?

Read the readme.txt file. After install you have to move some files around.

thanks I'll try that now

Deleted 1 year ago

You can't, unfortunately iPhone doesn't support Renpy or Adult games in general


I thought about commenting for a while so I figured I should just go and do it, but this is absolutely an amazing 10/10 game, it is great in so many different ways and honestly unmatched when it comes to games like these. It really feels like it takes the weakpoints of Once In a Lifetime and improves upon every one,  with Oialt itself also being incredible in it's own right.

What I'm trying to figure out now is when the games are set (assuming I didn't miss it being stated).  Given the Birds of Prey reference, Prison Ending, and Stabby Mike being the  47th President; I assume they are 2020/2021 and 2035/2036, but wondering if anyone knows the Years for sure.

Thank you!

Those years seem more or less accurate, yep!


I wish to see more of Nova scenes! (the praising her for her hacking skills, not the seggs part.)


I loved this game when i find a job i will  suporting this project  you have a talent if you want you can be a true specialized dev for this kind of game or other 🤩❤️

Thank you!!


Hey dev i really enjoyed your games a lot .once in a life time and eternum. Story is so awesome and i hope you keep planning for making more games like this you so talented and if you have news for us please tell us and thank you <3


Thank you <3


this is honestly one of the best games i have played  story wise and is more like a movie than a game 11/10 


Hi,  i really loved eternum, every part of it is perfect,  the story, the plot, animation, style, graphics, characters and i also loved that you was able to execute different genres perfectly like the comedy,romance, action,fantasy,horror, and mysteries in this game, the plot twist is also insane really every details and part of this game is perfect. I wanna show my appreciation by this comment, though i wish i have money to donate and to support this game maybe in the future i definely will. Also i kinda interested i you have discord i wanna join for some updates. 

Thank you!

You can find a Discord button right above the "Downloads"!


I recommended the game to another friend, so far, he said “is Micaela dateable” since he LOVES buff women. He then almost fainted when seeing Dalia and Alexandra, I love recommending the game to my friends, and them actually enjoying it. I also can’t believe that in one more month and a few days, it’s going to be one year since the first time I played Eternum, man, I’m so proud of you.


Thank you so much :D


Alright I'll just be honest

The thanatos reveal and the heist were honestly so good

The creator could legit have made a mainstream show 

The story is so complex and well developed.

I came for the cheeks and stayed for the story(I know that doesn't rhyme)


We were looking for copper and found gold

Deleted 351 days ago

Thanks <3

Is the game completed


Not yet, Still updating.


Caribdis, this is a fucking masterpiece. I plan to support the game development either here or on Patreon but I legitimately can't believe we get to play this for free. As for any potential players trying to decide if you want to download Eternum: DO IT. DO IT NOW!

A review for the ladies in particular:

TRY IIIIT. This is one of the few VNs in its class where the male MC has an actual, well-rounded, likeable personality. Orion (or whatever you choose to name him) is kind, thoughtful, loyal, brave, clever, and horny, instead of only the last one. Even on the full harem route, it doesn't come across like he's just out here collecting chicks to screw; we can see that he actually cares about each of them, and we get to see why they grow to (or already do) care about him, too. While having hot nasty sexual encounters! Brilliant. Oh, and it's funny af?? I was laughing by the end of the first scene.

My only real criticism is the body shaming that pops up here and there, but it only comes up a few times, and after the first playthrough I just skipped through those moments. Obviously, there are some of the usual gratuitous panty shots, near-brokeback poses (my spine aches for these babes, but they do look damn fine), and supersexy outfits, but, I mean, that's par for the course here. Besides, the clothes generally make sense for the scene, and the few times they don't, the story and characters are still so goddamn good that it doesn't even matter. The renders, writing, and soundtrack are top-notch, too. It's not voiced, but definitely recommend playing with the sound on (though maybe with headphones, unless you live solo or are very open with your housemates).


I think it's not body shaming

Just a bit of dark humour is all ,dont forget in the end Dalia loses the weight lifting competition from the muscular girl and not to mention chang actually likes her like a lot


Oh, Micaela is positive rep, for sure! And you reminded me I forgot to mention that in my review to the dev, which I meant to do, so thank you for bringing it up. But there are other instances which are more subtle, and I don't think any of them really fall into the category of dark humor. I don't think any of the examples I can recall were meant to be malicious, they're just careless and, imo, they don't serve the game at all.


Based on the screen name, I am assuming it is the trashing of Axel's girlfriend's saggy tits (expressed in exactly that way, in the park and at the party), not Miceala, that are being referred to. That's a fairly standard reaction from some quarters on who is allowed to go where: male minion has head blown off? All cool. Female minion accused of being less than physically perfect despite being a reprehensible person who dishes worse on anyone she sees? Ohhhh, line crossed. I blame Andrea Dworkin, but I'm old.

The critique assumes, I think, a lack of agency that doesn't exist. Maybe, just maybe, Nancy is a unicorn, but outfit wise, Penny, Alex, and (at least from an athletic standpoint) Dalia dress like they do in-game and out-game because that is how they are. Luna, Nova, and Annie have been waiting to do so in-game since they hit puberty. None of them are weak or dependent, if anything, they save MC's ass time after time, because the right one for the situation is always there.

I feel like you're picking up things I did not put down.

You're right about Charlotte's saggy tits being one of the examples I noticed, though I didn't want to go into specifics here because I didn't want this to become A Whole Thing (too late ig), but your example is apples and elephants. In this case, male minion getting his head blown off served the story because it (1) showed the praetorian(s) doling out their justice in a harsh, shocking way, which (2) helped us and the MC understand why we should be afraid of them, (3) set up a huge part of the mystery surrounding Eternum, and (4) directly kicked off the change in Axel's character. As far as I could tell, female minion's tits being saggy was not vital to the narrative. Nothing would change if she had perky, or even average, melons except a subpar (imo) joke in one branch of an optional scene. If the tables were turned and Charlotte got her head blown off for attempted assault and Benjamin's tiny dick was the recurring gag, it would still be a case of vital to the narrative vs. totally optional body shaming with no narrative payoff.

Lost me in the 2nd half, though. I actually pointed out that the outfits typically make sense for the scene, and said nothing about the female characters being weak or dependent, so I'm pretty sure we agree!

And to be super clear, bringing up this kind of shit isn't about cleansing all fiction from potentially offensive phrases, or never hurting or excluding anyone, ever. That would make for boring stories. But I do think a good writer should at least be aware of what their work says--intentionally or unintentionally--about themself, about itself, about the characters, about the world it's set in and the real one, and potentially, about the reader. And I think Caribdis is a very good writer. For a lesser game, I wouldn't have even bothered mentioning it.

I'll just politely disagree.

Thank you very much!!

(1 edit)

will this game work on iPad? I see MAC and android versions in the download, will one of those work?

Probably not because Apple. As far as I know to even get a non-appstore app you'll need a Mac and the source code and build it yourself. Even then the app will only be valid for 7 days

Gotta love that Apple superiority 

Caribdis this game is phenomenal as was OIALT! Thank you for all you do. From a design perspective, I have noticed that your renders, along with "Stray Incubus" by Flynn and a few others, are head and shoulders above many other games (not to mention the story). If you don't mind me asking, what programs and mods are used for Honeyselect 2 to create them? I am interested in making a game myself and want to learn a lot about coding and rendering as well as any software used to keep your story straight. Both to make the best game I can and for personal growth. If this has been asked and answered anywhere else please let me know. 
Thank you again for all you do. 

Thank you very much!

Almost all the mods I use can be found in screwthisnoise's betterrepack :)

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I hope you can enter the top spot on the butter ranking after the 0.7 update, come on! You will succeed. I think the game you made has the potential to become a classic work.

The CG capture of dynamic images must have the effect of horizontal rotation or stretching back and forth of the lens, combined with soft moans. (Compared to the silent dynamic CG with a fixed lens angle, it is a dimensionality reduction strike)

Promise us to further utilize the camera in capturing the CG paragraphs of the dynamic image. The rotating or stretching shots in pornographic dynamic images CG showcase the female character's body shape, chest sway effects, and hip sway effects, all of which are very profound and excellent.

If your pornographic game has soft moans or soft gasps. It's a super perfect masterpiece.





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Promise us that the capture of moving image passages will be used further with the lens. The rotating or stretched shots in erotic moving images, the display of the female character's figure, the shaking effect, and the hip swinging effect are all very profound and excellent.

Thank you very much!!

I already download the file at pc,how to open the aplication?



Till date i think this is one of the best games I've ever played

How in fucks name did you even come up with this😭 If i where to rate it id give it a 10/5 

I remember I was skeptical about downloading it but the instant I did I haven't regretted it. Like others said the game is ABSOLUTELY MIND BLOWING because literally don't have what else to describe it as.  And the artttt!!! The whole game is honestly just as good as I corrupted kingdoms but I'd prefer corrupted kingdoms due to the fact that I can control the mc ABSOLUTELY

It would've been more fun if the mc could choose where he wants to go, play eternum when he likes etc giving him that sovereignty



Thank you!!


holy shit. i mean holy shit!!! this game is absolutely mindblowing.  i have no other words... this game is... wow.



I wanna say this is definitely THE BEST game I have ever played, which can beat the ass of those 3A ones. I literally love EVERY girl inside of it, especially Alex and Darlia. To be honest at first I only downloaded eternum as a dirty adult game, but it turned out that the sincere feelings and emotions I got  from the game simply melted my heart and purified  my soul. Apart from characters, the story, the pictures, and the music selection are all PERFECT. Really hope that in reality there is  a small town called Kredon, wanna live there forever, enjoying the endless rain. And thanks again for all the effort on this wonderful game, hope 0.7 can be released out sooner. Jiayous and all the best, Caribdis!

Thank you King!

this game was f*cking phenomenal i was hooked as soon as i started playing, can't wait for the update

wait what? theres 0.7? how to update the game?

version 0.7 is not ready yet. still have to wait



Remove the save file when updating then put it back again lol

If you playing on PC you can play after extract the new version right away, let your device do the magic

So there's two practical ways to go about this:

When a new version drops, unzip it and drag the zipped game files into your old installation, overwriting anything it asks you to. Like, I just have a folder titled Eternum, each new version I extract the zip and drag all the actual gime files into it and overwrite the previous version.

Or, you go into the current version you have installed, inside the "game" folder, there's a folder titled "saves". Copy that folder into the new version update, also into the "game" folder.

This game is so baddass all the twist, the realization and the s3x scenes were astonishing, annie is so cute though im addicted to her and lastly the ending tho, alex is really hot to be f*ck that way.. I got hooked on this game the moment i downloaded it.. Can't wait for the next update


sex animations and story is crazy tho its there different ending and not a man shooting me?

Just read the walkthrough. It tells you what choices to select to get all the girls and such

I think your misconception is that the ending of 0.6 (which is not described accurately btw) is the ending of the entire story, even though there are still game updates coming in the future.

Definitely the best adult VN I've ever played.


been playing since once in a lifetime but only now finished 0.6. i can't even describe how amazing this is, its unbelievable how i always go in to just get a quick one but end up actually surprised at the quality of everything. can't wait for 0.7!

Thank you!

WTH is this update. The animation was already top tier but now!

caribdis, i'm lovin this game ive been playing since the early days. I cant get past Luna's eyes they make me think she is part Drow (dark elf) or part demon

(1 edit) (+2)

Great game

The developer has a good sense of story telling,I'm actually impressed that he managed to make me feel warm to the characters 

I'm glad!

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