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So far, I'm really enjoying this experience! Great Storytelling, Great visuals, just top-notch across the board. This is something I would actually purchase. Heck, I might just join the patreon to help keep funding it!

That being said, there is something odd I would request. A "Skip Scene" Feature for certain scenes. Now I know there's different strokes for different folks, so I would never ask for anything to be removed from the game! And I know the creator put lots of hard work into all their scenes.

However, I just hit a scene that made me go "Nope". I won't add any spoilers, I'll just say it's Egyptian scene with the red-head. That was uncomfortable. I would rather just void my relationship with her entirely than have her endure that. Now, some people are cool with it, so I would say keep it in! More power to ya! But.... the opportunity to get around some of the more 'intense' stuff would really be appreciated.

I can understand what you are saying. It's true that it may be uneasy for some people but honestly, i think renPy's skip feature would already do the job.


I think you misinterpreted the scene, you have to read between the lines a bit more. But even then, I'd undestand if you don't like it. You can't skip the scene after you learn what it's about but you can load a save from before you got there and skip it then, at the cost of her path. 

Deleted 305 days ago

There's one, check the heart icon on the top left corner

I know this is a strange request, but would it be possible to add a way to download  your games through the App? Hate having to update without it.  Thanks for your consideration!

Unfortunately not, because I reached itch GB limit

So I changed versions on my phone and it doesn't let me load the game any longer do I have to start over?

I think it's because you download it from different sources 

(1 edit) (+1)

Luna best girl... for now... I hope there's more of her scene in the future, also the threesome from the first game or orgy...

Sorry author... just my fantasy, your game is just so good, it just can be made into a legit film/hentai material, it have story, humor, character build and sex scene.

Have 2 suggestions to make the game even better, but that means more donation required

1. Animated orgasm/climax

2. Squirting, maybe for certain character only since not everyone does that irl

bro what


I gonna say that it includs humor and sex,that  is incredible,damn, it make me laugh lol


Yooooo I just came across something interesting. Caribdis surely has  gotten inspiration for his characters, right? For example Ana De Armas looks very similar to Annie. Could this be someone which Caribdis took for inspiration for Annie? This might mean that each character has their own IRL look alike...but it's just a thought, could be wrong. Use this information wisely...

maybe not the best screenshots to use, but surely you see resemblance

yeah I can kinda see it! The only one I immediately saw a resemblance for was Dalia, who looks like Jenna Ortega to me.


one question though, actually two, firstly id wanna know what wouuld be your guess for how long it'd be till the completion on the story? and secondly does the progress load when installing updates

(4 edits) (+5)

dw fam, i gotchu. just gotta calculate the average time between each release (go to the very bottom for TL;DR explanation)

so, from september 16, 2021 to august 22, 2023 (this year), we have had a total of 5 updates so far. according to what is shown in the development log, the time between each increment/update varies, especially toward public release 6.0. ill put them all below:

  • Public Releases 1-2 (Sep. 16, 2021–Dec 24, 2021): 100 days/14.3 weeks
  • Public Releases 2-3 (Dec. 24, 2021–May 05, 2022): 133 days/19 weeks
  • Public Releases 3-4 (May 05, 2022–Sep. 05, 2022): 121 days/17.3 weeks
  • Public Releases 4-5 (Sep. 05, 2022–Feb. 14, 2023): 165 days/23.6 weeks
  • Public Releases 5-6 (Feb. 14, 2023–Aug. 22, 2023): 190 days/27.1 weeks

for the "formula", ill just be using the days to clarify an exact calculation of how long it may take, seen below:


getting the result: 141.8 days/20.2 weeks

obviously this time might be at least slightly inaccurate, as it may take less or significantly more time than what is suggested, but i did my best (in reality i have no idea what im doing, please point it out if i did this wrong)

TD;LR: we will have to wait a calculated average of 142 days for the next public release, BUT WE CAN DO IT BOYS 🔥🔥🔥🗣🗣💪💪💪💪

edit: didnt address the second question, but i think it does; gotta ask someone else, sorry man


also, merry christmas


Merry Christmas fam but I meant asking the final update or the end of the story types. Regardless,  the calculations are pretty credible considering I looked into it a little aswell and obviously I appreciate the effort put.

Okay so if you download a new version you are able to load your progress, but im not sure if you can deinstall the old version after that.

But if you do i gues you should play the new one at least one time. I am pretty sure about that, but not entirely.

Hope i could help somehow :)

(2 edits) (+2)

dude im not even kidding it is the greatest piece of work ive witnessed by far and the concept and storyline is just beyond greatness. its better than any webseries that i can think of even and just..... YEAH MAN LOOKING FORWOARD TO THE UPDATE. and just do the audio and animate it to sell it to netflix in the end maybe its just too good of a concept to be confined to a virtual novel. dunno if "The founder" like money but this shit is worth a few mil. If hypothetically I had a bunch of money lying around, trust me i'd have not hesitated one bit in giving a good donation but for now I can only be sorry. I'd end it with more of a genuine heartfelt congratualtions and anticipating a soon update.

Thank you very much!!


Just finished the game and holy hell you got me hooked on the story. cant wait for the next update.



(1 edit) (+3)

Bro finished the game to its final update and i cant wait for the next update. I am so curious as to what role Bardot actually plays in the story. AND I HAVE TO JUST ADD, YOU ARE A GENIUS WHEN IT COMES TO MAKING VISUAL NOVELS BRO. I thoroughly enjoyed this game just like i enjoyed Once in a lifetime.

And one more thing, i loved the fact that Falazio was in your game looking for girls lol

Keep up the great work.

P.S. i hope there will be more Luna content soon, she is very cute.

I love Luna so much too. Her story really pulled at my heartstrings. 

Thank you! More Luna soon!


Holy shit.  Absolutely insane worldbuilding

Thank you so much, what an amazing experience 11/10

couldnt agree more:)

(1 edit)

Luna is the best girl! I have really crushed into her! Why her path is so short? And why I can’t throw away all the plans and stay with she at her uncles house for another few days? That’s sad

i just downloaded the 0.62 update and i cant access penelopys character profile is that supposed to happen?

If her portrait is greyed out, you lost her path. If you want to stay on her path, you can only load an older save and change some of your decisions. Play alongside a walkthrough or with a walkthrough mod if you want to avoid this in the future.

(1 edit)

I personally would recomment to play it through without a guide at first,  exept if you lost a path, but then i would still just search after the moment you lost it and continiue by your own. You should use the guide the second or third time, it just lets you get soaked into the game a little more if you play without a guide;)

Yeah, it's a preference thing of course. I too enjoy the challenge of making good decisions but I'm wary the negative consequences that failiure could bring for the rest of the game, even on the first playthrough. I end up checking the walkthrough every now and then to make sure I'm on track.

Will 0.7 version come in the next month (01.2024?)

Most likely, yes

i think it would be approximately late Feb

The full res version didn't seem to work apparently so I'm guessing it might be a little bug, just informing.

Did you follow the install instructions properly? Just installing the APK is not enough!


nevermind it just happened to be a bug from my side and i redid it all and it worked, matter of fact it was so engaging i almost binged it and just got done. DAMN.

(1 edit)

bro how can i join the discord pls someone reply to me ☹️

well if u scrolled up a bit u would see but heres the link

thank u bro :-)

What year does this take place?


2022 but in world  without lgbt, wars,  black lives matter and feminists. Just eternum


I don' t really want to download it from mega cause unless i pay i can't download the newer version. I really do like the game but if i can't go  to the next ver ig it's the end of the travel for me :(


What about the Mediafire and Google Drive links? Don't they work?

Mediafire try to make me pay or wait 10 more hours. The g drive dont want me in

Try downloading from F95 Zone. It's got some other links there that you can try.

Unfortunately, the site won't allow me to link it for you.


thx it worked.


Glad to help!


Love this game!

Hi, build 0.6.2 isnt opening for mac. Downloaded from media fire. pls help i like this game

help! im on android and i cant use my 0.3 save for version 0.6, i copied 0.3 save from data folder and have copies it back for the 0.6, when i try ro load any save file i have the game show error screen


It won't load mate..that's the issue in android..just start from scratch or you can just fast forward 

So what exactly is the difference between the normal and the full res version fr android

Also another question eternum and only eternum no other visual novels of any kind show up on my device as malware it says it has a malware containing File I suppose this is not true but just want to know how to fix it


Full res has better image & audio quality and a copy of your saves gets stored in your file system, so you can export and import saves from other devices/sources.

As for the malware, that can only be fixed by the antivirus devs. Some of them allow you to send them files for closer inspection; if you do that, they may find and fix the false positive in their software.

How I get the magnetic sandstorm scene?


You need to follow Dalia's path (her portrait mustn't be greyed out) and choose to join her on the ride from Blackridge to the shed.

What happens in it?


You could callit a porn game but its just so much more. After a few minutes playing it you will see, you will stay in that game for the story. The sex scenes also give you a way deeper understanding for the game, wich is really not common, its really great. And the grapics are just.... wow. expecially for a free to play game :)

If you like good, and i mean really good stories, i can  recomment you this game more than any other. 

theres a strip dart game

(1 edit)

I ended up on crying at the end, seriously, one of the best games that i have ever played and not only porn games... Thanks you all who made this, im installing once in a lifetime rn, excited!


Thank you very much!

Yeah this piece of art is almost magical. The sex scenes just give you a way bigger understanding for all the caracters, you dont find such games often! 

I cried a little too btw :)

(1 edit)

Good day devs! I want to know and ask when will be the 0.7 update and I'm really excited for that. Really.

You can join the discord server to get progress updates!

(1 edit)

Ah yes! Appreciated that.

(1 edit) (+6)

I recently released a novel walkthrough mod that doesn't spoil the fun of making your own decisions. It's great for first time players too! If you're suffering from fomo, this might be just what you need~

(First and last repost because my initial post got buried by 10 consecutive fanfic posts :)


I endorse this mod myself for those interested in a walkthrough!

Thank you Tanxui :D


Hi can u plz send me a link for 0.3 and 0.4 versions for android

(1 edit)

really high quality👍especially since  your a indie dev (or are you guys a team 🤷‍♂️)really good animations blew me away when i first saw them  and very nice world building! and also wanted to know is it when enough bad options that have been selected that a girl drops you or is it specific choices? also Lily best any other opinion is wrong. 

Both, there are affection point thresholds and there are critical decisions you are not allowed to mess up when it comes to preserving paths.

(1 edit)

What is the name of the song in Annie's scene in A Space Odyssey? Someone tell me, pleeease.

Halo by Loving Caliber (instrumental)



I'm having a blast with this game! I really loved the scene with Maat.

Thanks for making this game and thanks for making it free! I'll support you on Patreon ASAP!!!

Thank you so much for supporting!! 😍

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello I just donated to receive the game :) - The download page on shows that it will be downloaded from an external source and the contents can not be verified due to being hosted outside of  Is there somewhere else I am supposed to download it? Seems I have to subscribe to your Patreon just to ask a question in Discord  about this :(


You have to download it from browser, yeah

Unfortunately itch doesn't allow me to upload it directly because the filesize is too big it seems

So which one do I choose since there are so many lol? Also what about the contents can not be verified part?

It's obviously safe to download, and I'd go with Drive or Mediafire

(1 edit)

Good day. I want to thank you for taking the time to respond. Although obvious to you as this is your creation but to me it's not as obvious when there are warnings that the content cannot be verified. I am sure you can see my concern. Much appreciation to your attention in this matter :) 

You don't need to be subscribed to the Patreon to ask any question in the discord you should be able to just join at least that how I got in there


Can anyone help on how to install the 0.6 full res for android? The guide is so vague, the textures are not loading for me.

I install using ZArchiver, i ust install the apk file, it says on the guide i need to copy and paste the large file, but i dont know where to paste

Pretty sure there is where to paste on the guide(i also read it to install lol)

We've delved into the story of Orion, Annie, and Chang as they embark on their journey to Kredon. The narrative introduced these characters, detailing their backgrounds, the anticipation surrounding their arrival, and their connections with their host families. Annie's excitement contrasts with Orion's reflective nature, especially about their impending meeting with Nancy, their host. There's a sense of mystery and tension introduced through a cryptic phone call received by Orion, hinting at something unknown related to finding "Calypso" and the "doors of Acheron."

Throughout the story, we've explored different scenarios involving the characters, their interactions, Chang's anticipation versus reality concerning Micaela, and various humorous situations. The tale has elements of anticipation, humor, and intrigue, adding depth to the characters' personalities and relationships.

Overall, the story has a mix of anticipation, mystery, and humor, painting a vibrant picture of the characters' lives and their forthcoming adventures in Kredon.

As Micaela steps closer, her towering presence causes an unusual unease in the surroundings. Her towering figure seems to cast an imposing shadow, causing the sudden flutter of birds and the eerie eclipse-like effect.

Orion and Chang exchange uncertain glances, noticing the curious reactions around Micaela. Their initial surprise gradually gives way to a mix of awe and confusion.

Orion: "Wow, your shadow really caught us off guard! The way it stretches across the park—it almost looked like an eclipse."

Chang: "Yeah, it startled the birds too! I've never seen anything like that."

Micaela, noticing their discomfort, tries to put them at ease.

Micaela: "I'm sorry if I startled you both! I guess I have that effect on people sometimes."

Orion and Chang nod hesitantly, still slightly taken aback by the unexpected occurrence. Despite their initial shock, they can't help but admire Micaela's graceful demeanor amidst her extraordinary stature.

Lucinda returns with a youthful, bright-eyed girl by her side, introducing her as Micaela.

Lucinda: "Orion, Chang, this is my daughter, Micaela."

Micaela smiles warmly, her hazel eyes shining with curiosity as she looks at the two boys.

Micaela: "Hi! It's nice to meet you both!"

Orion and Chang greet her in return, pleasantly surprised by her friendly demeanor.

Orion: "Welcome to Kredon, Micaela! How was your journey here?"

Micaela: "It was okay, a bit long, but I'm excited to be here!"

Chang: "Hey, we're all in this together! We'll make sure you enjoy your time here."

Micaela's face lights up with a bright smile, indicating she's already feeling comfortable in the company of Orion and Chang.

Orion: "Don't worry, Chang. You're making assumptions before even meeting her. She might surprise you."

Chang: "Yeah, I hope so. Just a bit nervous, you know?"

Orion: "Understandable, but let's stay positive. This could be the start of something good for all of us."

As they chat, Orion suddenly notices an odd disturbance in the park's atmosphere. Birds scatter, and a strange shadow engulfs the area, catching his attention.

Orion: *(Looking around)* "What's happening? That's strange... Where's this shadow coming from?"

Chang: *(Noticing Orion's distraction)* "Hey, what's up?"

Orion: "I'm not sure... Something feels off. Do you see that?"

Chang: *(Looking around)* "Whoa, that is weird. It's like there's an unexpected eclipse or something."

Orion's unease grows as the peculiar situation continues. A sense of foreboding lingers in the air, leaving them both puzzled and slightly anxious.

Chang: *(Excitedly)* "Man, I can't wait to meet my host family! I hope they're super cool, maybe have a big house, a sleek car, and perhaps, their own mini-mansion!"

Orion: *(Teasing)* "Ah, Chang the Dreamer! What if they're not as cool as you imagine? What if they're just regular folks?"

Chang: *(Laughing)* "Nah, I'm picturing a family with their own private chef, a massive pool, and a pet tiger! I'm Chang the Hopeful here, expecting grandeur!"

Orion: *(Grinning)* "Well, prepare yourself, buddy. You might find a cozy home, a lovely family, and maybe, just maybe, no tigers."

Chang: *(Jokingly)* "I won't settle for less than a tame elephant then! Chang the High Expectations awaits!"

Their playful banter sets the tone for Chang's optimistic yet exaggerated expectations about his host family, envisioning a lifestyle filled with extravagance and luxury. However, the reality might differ from Chang's imaginative aspirations, leading to a humorous contrast between his hopes and the actual situation.

Chang: *(Thinking to himself)* "She seems nice, but she's a bit... overly enthusiastic. Well, better be polite, though."

Orion: *(Approaching Chang)* "Hey, buddy! Everything alright?"

Chang: "Yeah, all good. Just met my hostess, Ms. Garcia. She's off to get her daughter. What about you?"

Orion: "Still waiting for Annie to check the other exit. Nancy might be there."

Chang: "Got it. Man, this place is giving me some vibes!"

Orion: "Yeah, it's kind of surreal, isn't it? Returning after all these years."

Chang: "How're you feeling about being back?"

Orion: "Nervous, excited... a bit of everything, really. I mean, the memories I have are vague, but it's still where I spent my early years."

Chang: "I feel you. It's a fresh start for all of us. Who knows what's in store?"

Orion: "Absolutely! Hopefully, some amazing adventures and good times."

Chang: "Speaking of good times, any plans once we settle in?"

Orion: "Not really, at least not immediately. Tomorrow's the first day of school, so I'd like to start fresh there."

Chang: "True. No time like the present to make a mark, huh?"

Orion: "Definitely. But tonight, I think we should take it easy, get some rest. Big day tomorrow!"

Chang: "Agreed. But, hey, let's keep our eyes open for those opportunities, right?"

Orion: "Absolutely, my man. Always ready for adventure!"

As they wait and chat, the anticipation for their new beginnings grows. Orion and Chang share their mixed emotions about returning to Kredon and their hopes for the future. Despite the nerves, they're both eager for what lies ahead, looking forward to the fresh start in this familiar yet unfamiliar town.

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