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This is just a random Idea but what if you were to make the archive a launcher that then would download the game & keep it updated? that way the size limit in would be a non issue, and the players still could install & launch the game from the Itch app...

Just download it from google. Mega turned into fucking trash+scam, so I see why you can suggest that, but downloading at 100MB/s isn't as big of an issue.

The issue is not download speed, it is about organization & version control, one reason Steam is so big is that is a central hub for most of our games, easy to install, keeps our games up to date, and even stores saves in the cloud, my hope is that the app could do the same, in this case, what I want is auto-update feature.


im trying to find a good game whilst eternum updates, damn, it's a sturggle. Nova best girl.


i see you to are a man of culture

It's hard to live without Luna my waifu

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

Thats the exact one i downloaded and asked about lol,  I just figured out the problem. Uninstall the game and make sure to remove the archive.rpa from the folder you put it in. Now I'm not sure if you did this as well but I  added "game directory" like it says to do in the Read me folder.  documents/Ixalon/com.caribdis.eternum/game directory. If you did as I had done and added a folder game directory, delete it. The folder "game" in documents/Ixalon/com.caribdis.eternum/game is where you want to copy archive.rpa to. 

I hope this made sense

(1 edit)

I didn't make another folder bro

just copied it here. Documents/Ixalon/com.caribdis.eternum/game/archive.rpa

Still @cardibis pls help it ain't working I've got 10gb+ storage on my phone and 3 gb ram?..

hey dude so this is so random but I beg you please add me on Snapchat and show me how to do this shit because I’m so slow I don’t understand I’ve tried the last 2 hours I have absolutely no idea on how to do this please sir help me out my snap is racecargofast69

yo dude could you help me understand like is there any chance you could add me on something like Snapchat or insta and you show me what to do please sir


Hey, guys! Can you suggest similar good novels like this one?


nah, u just played S tier novel. But there are some which can give emotions like Eternum(but less) : Desert Stalker, Erastorm 2 , Genessis Order.  These are A tier so enjoy


My God, it's a shame there are no novels like Eternum. This game gave me a lot of bright emotions, for a while I really became happy. And thank you very much for the recommendation of other novels

I would also put Agent17 and Fates Collide both are a bit raw but also great

Caribdis has an older novel, "Once Upon a Lifetime", that's honestly just as good writing wise if a little less on the graphical side [But really only a little less].

"We Were Just Kids" is a VERY raw, but also VERY good VN, I'd say on par with Eternum, just the exact opposite of light-hearted, feels like a real story.


Hey there, Caribdis! Playing 0.6 rn and as always, it gets better and better.  Keep growing and blessing us with such wonderful AVNs. I wanted to ask if there is any way to have the soundtrack of the game? All the bgm and songs are soo soothing, I would love to have a playlist of them. So is there any way to get them over a Spotify playlist or something?

(1 edit) (+1)

You can find one here!

Thanks mate!


I installed this game few days ago and God Dammit it's so good, it's probably first game like this that where i'm so drawn into the story and i feel interested about it. In most of these types of games i skip a lot of the dialogues but here i don't know why, but i read almost every text, story is great in my opinion. Someday i don't know when, but someday i will probably donate something to the creator and if anyone who's reading this is wondering if it's worth to give this game a try, yes it is so worth it. 

Thank you so much!

I just finished reading the novel and IT WAS OWSOME 

can't wait for the the 0.7 update 

I hope it doesn't take long the be released 

Thank you!

Ok, nadamas esperar medio año para continuar este jueguito, no pensé que tenia tanto lore.

Esta en español?

se supone que si,

acá tienes la "ultima versión" (6.0) en español, es segura. la ultima versión de todas es la 6.2.

Is anyone else having an issue where there heart points wont add up, like I picked dalias brownies instead of alex's bagels and I previously had 2 points with her but when I went to check if i got the heart point  -  there was nothing added on, i still had 2? And I heard if i dont have 4 points for the roman roleplay, she gets greyed out. I fr dont want that to happen with her or any of the girls so does anyone know why this is happening?


I'm copying my response from earlier:

The hearts on a girl's overview screen do not indicate the precise number of affection points you have with her. Instead, a scale is used; e.g. having 2 hearts on Dalia's screen means that you have 4+ points with her, 3 hearts means you have 7+ points, and so on. The scales are different for each girl and they seem to be somewhat arbitrary.

r/eternumAVN - 😏[Game - Ripples by Jestur]r/eternumAVN - 😏[Game - Ripples by Jestur]r/eternumAVN - 😏[Game - Ripples by Jestur]collab?

Given that Alyssa has Once in a Lifetime on her laptop, and Judie appears (fully rendered) in the phone store before the scene posted, one would have to assume yes.

What game Is this one?



By whom ?


Jestur, here's a link for you

Its the best your so genius i cant wait for the version 0.7 to release im waiting for it

Can i ask i download android 1GB and i just done playing and i like it but I saw android full version zip 2GB what of different of those two version 1GB and 2 GB i download already 2GB but i cant install it just look like a file or sometime can you help me

The 2GB (full-res) version offers higher image quality but contains the same content as the 1GB version. The full-res version has a more elaborate installation procedure, it comes with a txt file that explains what you need to do.

(2 edits)

Please do you have i guid how can open the zip 2GB

A zip file is essentially a folder that contains multiple files, but in compressed form. To use these files, you need to extract/decompress them first. If your Android device can't do this by default, then you need a dedicated app for it. There are a lot of apps that can do it, but if you need a recommendation use ZArchiver. 

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

delete game and intsall agan

Hi im just done playing your game an i really like it☺️ can i ask when gonna come out new updates new episodes i really like your game☺️ 


Updates get released when they are done, which is usually every 4-6 months. You can check Caribdis's Subscribestar page, where he has a progress bar for the next update.

(1 edit)

Ok thank you. 

your game its soo awesome

我的好兄弟,  他汉化链接失效,  可以修复吗?



Eternum is all the better for focusing on story rather than sex. The best AVN's are story-focused.

The story and girls themselves are amazing, the only gripe I have is that there are 4 actual sex scenes throughout the game, I was blueballed through half of the playthrough, I mean come on man, I was hoping for the Jinx scene so muuuuuch :(


Even if everything  sexual is removed it would still be a solid game! 

I just have 2 suggestions: 

1. Hide names of gallery scenes until they are completed because they spoil what's coming next.

2. Hide nipples better. It feels like the girls nipples are always poking through their shirts no matter what they are wearing and that kinda ruins the suspense.

Hi, I'm tring to download the korean version, but it says I can't. If you see this, can you please fix it? tysm

Try logging in with a google account!

Ah, it worked, thanks! Also, from time to time, the upper half of my screen flickers when transitioning from one dialogue to the next. Does this usually happen, or do you think I should redownload the game?


Hands down one of the best NSFW games ove played👍🏾 The cliffhangers are lethal but it makes me want to read it that much moreT^T Keep up the amazing work, can't wait to see what happens next!


Thank you!

(2 edits) (+5)

Im still gonna play this game even without it's sex scenes

That's how good this game is


Finished 0.8 and my thoughts never changed

You are a great storyteller. 


Just to say i love you so much Caribdis for making such a perfect game. With perfect balancing of humor, storytelling and even character. They all have their own personality and lovable. The horror, ost, oh much to praise.

Been your fan since Once In A Life Time and dear god, what a good game. Both of them. Keep up the good work and stay healthy.

P/s: can i know the estimated 0.7 release, you're killing me with this cliffhanger T-T

2nd P/s: will the final version gonna be like OIALT (1.0)

Thank you very much!

No ETA yet, sorry!

hey, im on the latest update and im currently starting from scratch but i can't seem to earn any heart points with some characters especially dalia because evey choice i pick with her (the right choices) i still dont get any heart points unlike with nancy or annie.

(2 edits)

The hearts on a girl's overview screen do not indicate the precise number of affection points you have with her. Instead, a scale is used; e.g. having 2 hearts on Dalia's screen means that you have 4+ points with her, 3 hearts means you have 7+ points, and so on. The scales are different for each girl and they seem to be somewhat arbitrary.

tl;dr: Everything is working as intended

А що робити якщо алекс заблокована як знайтт керівнтцтво по грі де силка ?

Я так розумію, що на це впливає вибір між Алекс і Далією. Там буде вибір хто краще готує. Я можу помилятися. Посібники можна знайти онлайн, або за підписку на патреон автора.

Гарної гри!



Chinese translation patch - PC - [0.6]

My god, where do I even start? Absolutely phenomenal story writing, the atmosphere, the suspense the sound design, and the music,  just everything was on point everything hit when it was supposed to make you feel an emotion! This is how you are supposed to write VN even AVN. It is not the boring story plot everyone is used to, if this were to become a VR game I would absolutely buy it! You have set a bar, a proper bar at that for other AVN game creators. A bar all be it that isn't hard to reach but certainly demands proper story-writing and world-building aspects. When I can I will for sure be supporting you! I am extremely proud of your work because you've come a long way and have outdone yourself each time. I cannot wait to see where you take this story too. Maybe one day you will consider making a game similar to Treasure Nadia, The Genesis Order games like that, that tells a story as well. Do not ever think you can't take a break don't burn yourself out we need proper story creators like you who do AVN justice for not just being all about, where the choices you can potentially make carry a weight to them.

Thank you so much 🥰🥰

It took me awhile but I FINALLY got to the cliffhanger ending in Eternum- now to wait until the next one. LOVE the game so much, you did a amazing job

11/10 for best story, amazing characters, locations and of course the awesome sex scenes


Thank you!


This is definitely the best AVN I've played. Man's has improved so much from Once in a Lifetime, too.

Keep up the fantastic work!



Специально пишу на русском, чтобы показать , что фанаты данного  шедевра везде.

Игра прекрасна. Я явно не ожидал такого сюжета от, как мне казалось, посредственной хентай игры...

Боже... Как же я ошибался.

Куча смешных моментов, интересные сюжетные повороты, продуманный сценарий.

Всё это описывает данную игру. И скорее всего даже не до конца.

ЧАНГ - самый главный гигачад на районе. Поэтому я сразу отказался от сюжетной арки с Энни ради него. 

Ведь кого вы выбираете, сексуального азиата с великолепным чувством юмора или подругу детства? Я думаю, выбор очевиден.

Жду версию 0.7🥺

(1 edit)

Any info on why anti viruses on android says the game contains malicious code/malware? 

No clue honestly, I've played it on my Samsung with no issues. I'm not sure if I also got that same warning on my phone when I downloaded the file, I might have but can't remember. I have since moved to pc just cause I prefer it though.

Eternum and Once In a Life Time are probably some of my favorite games, pretty much in general,  there's a bunch of funny shit in it and this game is so FUCKING good, it's an upgrade in quality and story from Once In a Life Time but i still love both, and now i got an emptiness since you haven't made any other games to fill it, so i'll wait till 0.7 and i'll probably replay Once In a Life Time since I haven't gotten every scene since your choices matter hella in that one. Thank you for making the game, I don't think any other games come close. 🙏

Thank you very much!


this is great, and it only gets better with time. stoked for 0.7 whenever it comes out

i just finish the O.6 version of the game, and just, wo

(2 edits)

This game has legitimately gotten me to LOL for real on multiple occasions and I'm still only at the very beginning school intros! Haven't even seen anything lewd yet haha. 

Felt it nessesary to go outta my way and create this account to say  LOLOL very well done so far! Def try!!

i envy you... you have a great game ahead of you :) it also made me create an account

Hi Carib, I have a question, is it possible to download the older version of the games? I would like to try and play every version from 0.1 so i could experience how everyone at the time felt with every cliffhanger from each version while being eager waiting for upcoming version like how i felt on the end of 0.5, I started on 0.5 so i've missed out the previous experience. Ive managed to find 0.1 and 0.2 on patreon but not for 0.3 and 0.4, i think it was either removed, updated or maybe i missed the option to download for pc, let me know if its possible.  While playing on 0.5, I've experience the epic cliffhanger at the end of it, but I never knew which part is the cliffhanger of each previous version's ending, i don't recall there was any cut off part in the story stating which part is the end of which version so I could'nt tell, I would imagine if that's the case, to enjoy the full experience like how the earliest Eternum players started off from 0.1, i think playing every version will be the best to relive that feeling. Awesome masterpiece of a game, much love from Malaysia, will support through patreon soon.


0.2 -

0.3 -

0.4 -

Keep in mind that I improve some renders and minor things as I progress, so the best version will always be the last one though!

(1 edit)

Thank you so much Carib! supported through patreon as well! Much love! No worries about the lacking parts of previous versions, we'll be able to experience just how much everyone have gone through since the start and how much you've improve too, not to mention how much effort you've put in since the start. Big thanks again!


Absolutely amazing. I don't even play VN games, I was just looking for something titillating. Instead I got totally addicted. 

I love the storyline and I could see the main plot doing amazingly well as a sci-fi television show. Maybe with a bit less sex though. (A bit.)


what, less sex? tsk.


I mean unless youporn wants to get into original drama programming?

XD oh god that would be a disaster


Thank you very much!

Honestly, I couldn't even fall asleep the first night I was so busy trying to figure out what Eternum really is. And that's saying a lot considering how sexy all those other scenes are.


I'd love if you could make certain plot scenes replayable like the sex scenes. Esp a certain fairy tale?

help it doesnt launch

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