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I gave this 5 well earned stars, and posted the following review. AS SOON AS I HAVE FUNDS TO SPARE I will do what I can to support this masterpiece...


I'm not sure where to start... this game is incredible on so many levels...

Humor - often unexpected, well timed, and heartfelt belly laughs... often and cleverly executed!

Characters - Deep, unique, lovable, and sexy... this game really delivers beautiful, intriguing women!

Plot- You'll be hard-pressed to find a story line that delivers as much mystery, intrigue, action, and genuine emotion... and lets not forget all the lewd...

Lewdness- it's not often it's done like this: classy with a touch of innocent exploration one minute, raw and powerfully passionate the next... fortunately only one hand is required to play...

Renders and artwork- Absolutely stunning!

Soundtrack- A lot of love went into the search for this amazing soundtrack... every one of the tunes seems to accentuate the story perfectly, adding to the already entrancing atmosphere!

 Overall- Play this, buy it, support the Dev... you won't regret it!

Thank you so much!! 😍

Just a quick question, idk if I miss anything but, How do I get the "Fancy Evening" scene?


You should be following Alex's path when attending Eternum's dinner at the mansion, check out the walkthrough not to miss anything!

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind

Question if a girl is greyed out in the character screen is she locked out forever or can she still be won back?

I believe she is locked forever and you have to load up a previous save and try again. I always take a look at the walkthrough just to make sure I got the right choice

(5 edits) (+2)

TL;DR, Love it. Loved it for a while. One of the best AVNs out there.

Spoilers for 0.6 below

After the revelation at the end of 0.5 and between what we've found out, Axel's conversation, and the sit down with William at the end of the chapter practically confirming everything, I am on the edge of my seat when it comes to the world of Eternum itself.

The philosophy of Thanatos, the fucked up scene with the guy and the kid in the barn, and the general idea behind the NPCs having any self awareness is coming across very Westworld and I love it.

The Collector's murder mystery was fun - I genuinely thought the twist was going to be the robot did it but I was pleasantly surprised. Looking back, it should have been obvious from the minute we saw what the artifacts could do but I didn't put 2 and 2 together.  I liked seeing Annie coming out of her shell a lot more while still being cute af. The Wild West scenes as a whole were great. I liked the little Eva callback in the saloon and when I heard that the Deputy was at the general store I was hoping for another Chop Chop appearance... but then the man got obliterated and I was thankful it wasn't. The fairytale story of the elven queen with Calypso was a highlight and very well done. The scenes with Dalia and with Alex later were hot as almighty fuck and although no-one asked I still think the Praetorians are insanely sexy too.

Overall, just like a lot of others are saying, I came for the girls and I stayed for the story. I genuinely can't wait to see where all of this is going.

P.S. I want one of those Chang's nine shirts.

Thank you so much Rook!

(1 edit) (+1)





Thank you!

(1 edit)

Please answer me it just my cellphone or game just not have sa smooth animation... I've been thinking to quit playing this for a while until i have a new better phone.. please answer meee!?

btw,this is the best game I've play so far.. it's really hard for me to..quit playing it


Pretty hard question to answer when you didn't actually say what phone you have.

(1 edit)

Hey can you help me something with in my phone the game is cut of on both edges it's not full screen and it's not only this even my youtube and some other games as well how can I make it full screen my phone is oppo f23

Thats screen is cut on both edge too

I think it will be a full screen if ur on a pc

Sorry for that..i use oppa A5s

Mind if I ask, why are your games not hosted directly in app? we have to download it externally and as such the game will never show in the Itch launcher library, thus we can't run the game from the launcher either.

Why? just why?

PD: Great game so far.

Because itch has a GB limit, and it doesn't let me upload bigger files than 5GB

That's a shame, the app can't keep track of the version nor launch the game, stands to reason why Steam dominates the market...

After updating the game in android for 0.6...idk how to load for me to play 0.6 version...what to do?


I came here to say what an amazing game this is even tho I could kill you for leaving cliffhangers. Also hyped for more Chang content in 0.7 ;). Hope ya keep making awesome content :3



Quick question, did you make the girls using honey select 2 and is it possible for you to upload the cards for them? 

He did use Honey Select to make the characters, but I don't know about the cards. Maybe he releases them on Patreon or in Patron-excluse channels in Discord? But I don't know.


They'll be eventually available on my Patreon, but they're not yet


I started playing Eternum with the release of v0.5 and immediately fell in love with the incredible quality of your work. The art is awesome, and your writing is amazing. I'm completely engaged in the story and mystery, so when v0.6 was announced I was counting the days until release, finishing the game in a single siting right after it became available.

Then, recently, I went back and played Once In a Life Time, which I enjoyed a lot. That game made me appreciate your work even more, as it really shows passion towards what you do. How much your skill has improved in such a short time is astounding, and I can't wait for what comes next.

Keep up the great work, and thank you for making your content available!

Thank you so much!!

(1 edit)

Do you need anything specific like an app on the computer to make games for this site? My cousin just joined this site and he likes to make games maybe not this type of game but just in general?


Uhm, off topic but here are some pointers for you: is just a marketplace for games. You can make a game using any kind of game development software and offer it for download here.

If you're talking about making visual novels, which are actually a good place to start for a dip into game development, RenPy is a very popular engine for creating visual novels and it's easy to get into.

Though you have to keep your expectations in check, you can't create a game like this by just using RenPy. But let's not take too many steps at a time. Best of luck to your cousin!


Amazing game. Simply put the best adult game i have ever played, cant wait for more to release 

(1 edit)

Been following this game for a few updates now and gotta say it is legitimately a work of art, can't wait to see where the story leads.

Thanks, Caribdis, for making such an awesome game freely available... being on social welfare, this really is an issue for me.. Loved the story, the girls looked great, and the pace was perfect... just when you began to get bored, there was an other exciting scene. Looking forward to v0.7!


And am currently downloading Once in a Lifetime :) Thanks again, dude, you made my life a little better <3

Dude same. Had to download because this was utter perfection xd


Thank you!

I'm unable to access the data file on my damned mobile 😞


This game is insanely awesome! Thanks a lot Caribdis for sharing your incredible story telling, characters, and rendering. Also, please more Luna content, something about her drives me crazy. lol


Thank you! More Luna in 0.7!

Yayyy!! I was really sad when I realized that the one scene was all... she definitively is the most exciting girls in this game, I totally get her.






Came for the porn, stayed for the story and humor.
Seriously Caribdis, I created an account just to tell you how your 2 games are awesome. Storytelling, jokes, our sidekick Stabby Mike then Chang.
Everything's great.
I'm missing playing now I've finished OIAL and your 0.6 release.
Keep up the good work bro, love it.

Thank you so much!

Is there an update soon?

Probably not anytime soon. New version is only 35% complete as of yet.

Maybe in December or January?


This may be a long time, but it's okay. I wish you success

I have not finished the game yet and don't know how it ends but would there be any chance that you would work on a continuance? 

I just got to say you have done a great job on the game and the story I really like it and hope to see more games like it

The game is not finished yet, but after it's done, I'll work on a new one

There's content for a very long time!

Oh I'm so happy to hear you plan on making more games. These games are *chef's kiss*.

thank you I look forward to seeing what you have in store 

(1 edit)

Downloaded this immediately after playing "Once in a Lifetime" because I needed more from this author. I really love how good a job they do accounting for all the different combinations of decisions you can make, and references them later, even in small ways.

My only question to the author is if it will be possible to play a completely monogomous playthrough for each girl? So far it seems that way. I know it's designed as a harem game, but I am the type who will only date one girl per playthrough of Persona. The story is so good that I genuinely can't stop thinking about it, but polyamory isn't my thing.

Yep, you'll be able to complete the game with a monogamous route for each girl!
(Although, as logical, you'll miss some scenes)


This game is fantastic, but could we please get a Stabby Mike cameo? He deserves it. 


it was there in the first part when they announced on the tv to say President Stabby Mike

Imma be honest, I'd LOVE for a cameo or an actual relevant appearance from a character from Once In a Lifetime, maybe even the MC, it would be cool as heck.


can i get unbanned from discord i really dont know why im banned [itsagx]


Is there to delete saves on Android. I just want to keep my lastest saves. I found the file in my phone and tried deleting them myself but it reappears after I load the game

There's a document folder where all the saves are. You can delete them from there!


I did I also deleted them from the Sync folder but it just reappears after I load the game 

All the saves in the document folder + reset your app in the settings. That should do it. If you have an SD card, check the document folder there too.

Help can anybody help me with dalias on why i fail her specificly on the mission where we are in like a roman Empire server and wheve been imprisoned with her and a friend on that server ill eventually loose her path how can i avoid it?


You don't have enough affection points with her. You can use the walkthrough if you're struggling with that.


you need 2 to 3 hearts of affection to get that i think 2 is a maybe i dont remembre but 3 is certain

Oh thanks guys

Now that you mention it, yes, if you have 2 hearts on Dalia's character screen, you have enough to pass the threshold; if you have less, you don't. 3 is not even possible at that point as far as I know.

But beware! This is the only instance where hearts and threshold actually line up perfectly, for every other threshold you can't use hearts as a reliable indicator unfortunately.

Don't worry... you won't lose her path.

You are meant to be imprisoned there, So just keep playing.

The fact that you will end up in prison either way is correct but you can lose Dalia's path in prison if you don't have enough affection points with her. This is actually not that uncommon since mistake tolerance is unusually low and decisions involving her require you to be very bold.

I just finished this version and what a story so far awesome I also played once in a lifetime, and this is by far the better of the two stories, (I am a gamer type looking forward to the days of SAO type games). you my good person are an excellent writer with a great sense of humor, and I look forward to more of your work. May I also ask if .07 is in the works or is that the last of what we are going to see.  either way an excellent game.



Of course, 0.7 is in the works :]

Is "Sister" Ms.Baek's last name or a nun's title in the church?

A title

how do you complete the daring challenge? It's the only thing I haven't unlocked and I can't seem to figure out how


That scene shouldn't be that obscure. Make sure you haven't lost Nova's path! Make sure she attends the college party, then let the walkthrough guide you through the party.

(1 edit) (+8)

Eternum, Story is great, Comedy very funny lovin it (Chang is a good bro and funny)
Loving all the references and gameplay (especially the sp00ky parts)
The characters are very well written each girl with their unique personality and charm, i actually feel for the characters, Very nicely done

Even better is that there are horror parts in this game (loving the space station part), the ambience and the music set the mood really well for those parts, i love horror games so this is very good.

Words cannot simply describe this game, would hope for more people to play and see for themselves how good this game actually is.

I enjoyed it alot, i would thank the dev for making such great games (Once in a lifetime was really good too)


Glad you liked it!


What can I say about this game besides that I love it. Even if this game had no sex scenes at all I would still be hooked on these game. I have fallen in Love with the story, the world, and all of the characters from Chang to Thanatos to Chop Chop, I love the unfolding mystery and the growing relationship you have with everyone. The production value is above and beyond other VN I have played, the music is never a miss from the heartfelt moments to the action to the sex scenes, I have sat and tried to look up some of the songs(lol). Can't say I have a favorite of the girls because they are all so sweet and sexy in their own ways. Don't now if you plan on putting a price tag on the final product but I'd gladly pay for it.


Thank you so much <3


This game is so good that I would play it even if it wasn't +18.  Funniest game I've played and a very  interesting story. 10/10 would buy if my parents weren't able to check my transaction history.


Thanks :)


Holy crap this game is fantastic! It has literally everything. Man, fuck every other visual novel I've ever played, they will never be this good! This game is funnier than Dave Chapelle, sexier than any Bond girl (well, with the possible exception of Ling), more visually stunning than Rogue One, and the best VN story I've EVER seen. An "out of 10" would not be able to contain the sheer magnitude of value this game has. It SHOULD NOT be here. It should be available on Steam for 30 bucks a pop, and that would still be INCREDIBLE value. 

Well done.


Thank you very much!!

When is tge next update the game is getting really interesting

It's on work, would take 3 or 4 more months ig


dam alright 

I. Am. So. Addicted!! I can't get enough! The settings. The storyline. Character development. The humor. ...The sex! Seriously can not wait for the next release!! The only critique I have, is in some of the intimate/sex scenes, especially some of the earlier ones, the main characters language feels unnatural. Almost like it's forced. I feel like there are a handful of moments when he should be more tender than rough and animalistic (a scene with Annie comes to mind). Other than that...Don't change a thing (other than including another run in with Chop-Chop lol)!!


I'll keep it mind, thank you!

I have no words to describe how incredible this game is, the best of its kind I've ever played, I'm simply in love with this game, the excellent story, the incredible audio complementing the entire story, the incredible 3D of the characters, the incredible scenarios, I I became a fan. Congratulations on the incredible work.


Thank you so much!!


i stayed in once in a lifetime for the story and im doing the same for this one, i need a full release


Came for the porn stayed for the story. 10/10 would recommend.

Привет, могу ли я попросить, чтобы новая версия была многомодовой, ??тогда

My game doesn't seem to have any images inside the file please help me


wow this game is fucking amazing the writing every thing is so well put together i lost my self for hours i could have never expected that a games story can be like a drug. I really must give it to you caribdis amazing job on the story the visuals the animations fit perfectly with the world building and everything. it is good to see people that still have passion projects with these greedy companies left and right. props to you!



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