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Why does it takes so long to make a update?


'Cause it's a shitload of work, my guy! Writing and re-writing. Setting different paths and dailogue for choices you made or didn't make. Creating and animating everything. There isn't a whole ass company behind this and quality takes time. Even just rendering such detailed characters is time consuming.


It doesn't. This is actually one of the games with the fastest Updates. Especially considering the quality. 

can you tel l me when the update gonna be release

how would i go about updating the game without losing my current progress

you shouldn't lose your progress, just save and download the newest version.

Just extract the contents of the new version into your current installation.


Это на удивление охуенная игра, понятно что это в большинстве своём создана для дрочки, но с другой стороны... Да сюжет в этой игре это смесь кучи замечательных произведений, но это не делает его плохим, всё равно интересно что будет дальше, потому что не всегда это очевидно, например как в аналоге игры в Amugusus). Мой респект разрабу, нажаль я ограничен финансово и не могу задонатить, но надеюсь, что есть такие люди которые могут поддержать проект финансово. Отдельное спасибо переводчику на русский язык, за адаптацию некоторых моментов под реалии СНГ.

This is a surprisingly awesome game, it is clear that it is mostly created for jerking off, but on the other hand... Yes, the plot in this game is a mixture of a bunch of wonderful works, but this does not make it bad, it is still interesting what will happen next, because This is not always obvious, for example, as in the analogue of the game Amugusus). My respect to the developer, unfortunately I am financially limited and cannot donate, but I hope that there are people who can support the project financially. Special thanks to the translator into Russian for adapting some points to the realities of the CIS.

(2 edits) (+3)

Thank you so much :D

As soon as the game starts it crashes again.
I am playing on Windows.
Do you know how I can solve this problem?

i need your help caibdis i cant re-download the game i have 0.5 version but when i download 0.6 mediafire isnt working and on google drive it says no permissions and download gets cancalled every single time i am a big fan and i really want to see this update

Try logging in with a google account in GDrive

my google account is already loogged in

Please tell me where exactly the authors make the animation? I would be very grateful for a hint, I tried to find at least some information about this, but I only saw the game engine, not a word about animation. Would be very grateful if anyone could share their thoughts! Authors - your game is brilliant, I am very grateful to you!

Deleted 258 days ago
(1 edit) (-1)

Why is the app not able to well keep the game? I thought this would at least be a little bit similar like steam

How would I keep my saves if I always redownload the games?  Oh and what do you recommend google drive or the other one?  

Mega seems bad with bigger games.

You now what, please explain to me how I probably download or update this, I don't do it often and got help with the download once. 

I just had bad experiences with  some stuff a few years ago that kept me from learning this stuff for a while.


Both drive and mediafire would work, use any of them. Download, extract, and play.
When you redownload a new version, all your saves will still be there, no worries.

Okay thank you just in chase, can you somehow actually play it with the app?

I mean you download it and don't delete anything or how does it update without you losing the save?

I mean I started to notice something when I simply tried it out for myself but fully understanding it is probably a bit different.

Do I have to restart if I download 0.6, because I have a save file at the end of 0.5.

So with most of these kinda games the saves are also somewhere in your %appdata% area I think and it usually carries over no problem. I will say from experience some games may give you trouble backing up an old save if you reinstall windows. Idk why. IIRC this one was fine though. 

(1 edit)

Look for something called renpy or something I think? If you have the trouble I did with the other game anyway. To just download a new version of this game you shouldn't have to worry about saves at all though. Just unzip and launch the new version without doing anything else usually. 

(1 edit)

TLDR for what else I said, no you're fine. Just unzip and launch the new version and everything is there. The old version should be safe to delete if you're on a Windows computer, as the saves are elsewhere already. Other devices though, I don't know where the saves go.


Why is one of the girls white out for and i got it to work on my phone 

(1 edit) (+2)

I've played many -  and i mean many - AVN's and only four have truly impressed me and made me care as deeply as I have about their characters and story. Being A Dik, Once In A Lifetime, Ripple, and now Eternum. 

You've outdone yourself again with your consistency, Caribdis, a true master at work. In most AVN's, writing almost always takes a backseat which, in turn, hurts the sex scenes because you're simply not invested in their characters. You've got everything here; a blockbuster story, a clear narrative structure, character development, intimate emotional scenes (which are treated with the utmost respect), punchy dialogue, maturity, humour, and intriguing lore. 

Eternum is both serious and campy in the best way possible, just like its spiritual predecessor. And not to mention, the animations, the rendering, the facial expressions, the lighting, and the creativity in the settings are second to none. Polished is the word I'm looking for here.


Thank you very much!

i need your help caibdis i cant re-download the game i have 0.5 version but when i download 0.6 mediafire isnt working and on google drive it says no permissions and download gets cancalled every single time i am a big fan and i really want to see this update

check out Leap of Faith.  but yeah im liking eternum thus far as well, and once in a lifetime will likely be next for me.

how do i get this game cuz it saying this title is hosted on an incompatible third party website

Tried different download mirrors?

i try it it didnt work


Download it from the browser

I have been playing this game since V0.3

I love the game so far, however it seems that my gallery keeps getting reset. I've done the Devious Games and Egyptian plunder scenes but they still say locked. Any help with this?

when is the next update coming out?

Pretty much no-lifed this whole thing straight though. I'd have gotten on the subscribestar in a heartbeat if I wasn't living paycheck to paycheck atm. Story is well paced, a great mix of bonding with the girls and just plain wholesome fun with action and plot. And goddamn the spicy scenes are SPICY. That shit gets KINETIC. Love it. Wanted to leave some support at least since I can't throw any significant amount of money at it (yet.)

Thank you very much!


You're welcome, man! I'm pretty sure I've called several big twists but even if I am right those ideas are very very interesting and I'm hype has hell. The wholesome moments made me cry and that last scene with Alex was insane. Can't wait to see that sort of thing with more of the girls (if we're living out fantasies might as well go a little crazy, right?). Keep it up. Probably gonna be showing up in the follower discord once I'm not surviving on like 10 bucks.

At this point you're making visual novels with sex scenes more than porn games with a story. Even if the adult content is the good kind of over the top. :P

Hi! - Man I can't tell you how much I am inlove with this game (cos' I wouldn't stop, and I know you are bussy) but My Oh My if this ain't the finest piece of art i've had the honor and pleasure to enjoy!

Could you please provide a link to the previous Walkthrough v0.5? I am still getting there and changed phones so I lost the pdf and now it only shows the latest (but the previous one had a great feeling for me as it gave me options to mess it up, and the new one is just too straight up for me - which takes a bit of fun out of it when im reding it,) - Preatty please mate.

Thank you!

You must be mixing things up, walkthrough for 0.5 was the exact same format!

OK I am so blown away by this visual novel. I love the characters and the whole virtual reality experience. Quick question though- if you actually went into Eternum and had the option to pick a server which one would you join?

that is kinda a hard one to pick, because all gamers would want to do all of them, but after checking them all out picking a fav would be easy


When I intalled this, I was expecting the typical visual novel where the only real choices you have is if you want to fuck the girl now or later. Altough, I'm very invested in the plot, I now find the plot more intresting than the sex scenes to be fair, the porn-game that doesn't come down to only porn. I'm so curious about discovering what is going to happen as the story continues and, most importantly, who is the founder and what exactely is eternum. Is there any indication to a possible public release date for the update?


Thank you!

I'm working on the new update, when it's finished, there will be a few weeks of early access for patrons and then it'll be available for free here as always

will you lose all your progress on the game when 0.7 comes out if you accidentally deleted the game and save files?


On PC you won't, your saves will be there

(1 edit)

but i accidentally like completely factory reset my pc lmao


i love this game so much. like many others, i was first interested in the spicy scenes since the graphics are astounding! however i'm so invested in the story and the girls now, i truly enjoy each and every one of them. i have a sweet spot for nova and alex though! great plot and great storylines for every character, it's awesome how you can actually connect with them. i also really like how you can have relationships with all of the girls, and it doesn't interfere with the gameplay. i'll be waiting for 0.7 💕 


Glad you liked it!


I love your games, I played Eternum first and I really liked it, and now I'm playing the first game you made and I'm surprised by the difference from one game to another, it shows that you learned a lot, I'm waiting for the new Eternum update.




is there any news on update?


update is on 29%

6 months per update?


Totally Worth it

(1 edit)

Не вказана  мова (


Any news on an update? This has to be the best porn game i have ever played i cant wait for the story to be continued


There's a progress bar on the Subscribestar page. It gets updated every 1-2 weeks.


William looks like Sofyan Amrabat lmao


This game seriously destroyed my taste ... Now I'm not having fun playing  any other  adult games .. The creator seriously did a awesome job .. It's an absolute masterpiece .. Now just waiting  for the update .. Bring 0.7 soon please

Thank you_!!


The story is really amaziiing!, 

I'm stunned at the end 😦.(0.6)

Caribdis is the definition of doesn't miss 💯.

Thank you😽caribdis..


Thank you for playing!

(1 edit) (+1)

I literally had chills when William pulled out a 4chan on me

Do you know any references in this game? Cus they got me thinking cari copied them...or not.


I don't know, I guess it takes a bit of inspiration from sword art online for the setting, the hyper-realistic/New real life game and the mysterious figure of the founder. Other than that I have no idea, there are a few references here and there about other games and stuff but it seems original to me


Came for the sauce stayed for the plot.  Wasn't expecting it to bee this good since I'm new to this. What a masterpiece. The romance, dynamic, music, plot, humour, dramatic pauses and of course most importantly the SEX. Expecting more kinky scenes with Nancy. Cant wait for 0.7!

Keep it up!

Thank you very much :D


In all honesty. and I truly mean this. BEST. VN. EVER. I finished this and immediately started looking for others that are even close to on par with this but I've come up completely empty. I feel like after this I'm just chasing shadows. I cant wait for the next update.

Have you tried

My bully is my lover, Sicae or OIALT 🤷🏾‍♂️

Yo dude, looks like u have collection. Please share some of best with me

Try Being a dik

That is my second best ✊🏾.

Oh can I get more? I have finished DIK

Play Hardcoded: 

i have an open collection called Quality Vn's where i have some rated if you wanna take a loo

ive tried all but sicae but thats on the list

Thank you so much <3

Try once in a lifetime- its also an incredible story!

But ur right this game is the absolute king. Havent played any other game wich was even close! Eternum for live! :)

how long will it take for me to finish the game?


That heavily depends on you. I'd say that a full first play at a relaxed pace takes about 25 hours. That's an estimate though, I never measured it.

I see thanks for the respond!

It took me to 47hours and 27minutes to fully enjoy the game. But I can speed up procces by skipping which makes it about 30mins long. And u can come here and complain about game

i needed around 3 nights. no skipping, no sleep: id say i needed around 24 hours.  And this few hours were the best of my life! :)

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

It looks like your game can't find the archive.rpa file. Are you sure that there aren't any typos in your folder & file names? Your file size looks ok, it should be 2.59 GB, which is 2.41 GiB.

Deleted 1 year ago
(2 edits) (+1)

I first went to this site some time ago looking for adult games, preferably with ulocked gallery from the start as to not actually play the game but get the "good" stuff right away. One of the first games i downloaded was "Onec In A Lifetime". When i foud out that the gallery is locked and i had to actually play the game i almost removed it from my pc. But for some reason i started to play. And boy was it an amazing decision. I got so hooked with the story and characters that i finished it in couple of days, playing many hours in one sitting. I didn't even care for the "adult" part. The sex scenes are amazing, animations and graphics are awesome, but i just wanted to continue the story, to deepen my relations with girls and all that. I played the full 1.0 version, and when i finished it i was so sad that it was the and. I've completed it again few days later. I was in love with the characters, with their relations and interactions, the story was intriging and well thought. 

Then i found out that Caribdis has another game. This one. But it was early in development and i decided to wait for a full version. While waiting i tried a lot of other visiual novel games and as thought, those type of games is not for me. I haven't finished a single one, they were just not for me. And well, couple of days ago i tried eternum, and since my experience with other games for that year betwen Once In A Lifetime and now, i didn't had much hope. And boy was i wrong. This game is as amazing if not ever better then the previous one. Again i was soo hooked with the story and the characters, that i played 2 days straight for almost 5-6 hours a day. I stopped before the end of this version, because i dont want to finish it to early and i played Once In a Lifetime again (and fell in love with the games and girls once again). :D
Both of your games Caribdis are masterpieces. Those are the best visiual novels, scratch that, best adult games in general, that i have ever played.

Keep doing what you're doing, because you definitely know how to do it. You can be sure i will support you in a near future for the experience your games have given me.


Yo, bro wrote whole essay for this

Nothing wrong with that! its interresting ;)

Thank you so much, Skitek ❤️

That is it. Not the exactly same experience because I can enjoy other adult games, but these two are the masterpieces Skitek described.


Absolutely amazing. Might be the most entertaining visual novel I have ever played. Loved every single moment of it and I love all of the characters. I'm super excited for 0.7. Thank you Caribdis for making this masterpiece.


Thank you for playing!

(1 edit)

This is by far one of the best games I've ever played, way more engaging than many huge game titles nowadays,  it has a great story and community (at least on discord) and has a decently fast development so there isn't a year wait time in between updates. Definitely a 10/10 game that I will continue to play until and after the story is finished. Graphics are great as well and each frame is extremely detailed. Eternum also has some of the greatest and most lovable and engaging characters out of any AVN currently out right now. But anyway this is a game I would recommend to anybody that enjoys AVNs!

Can't wait for 0.7 Carib! 

Thank you so much!

Mhm, no problem!


Any ideas how to kidnap developers and make them create the games like this moooreee. I really liked 2 things in this game:

1. Not only sticking to lust and sex, MC acts and communicates really normal

2. One relationship with girls don't interfere other - that is the best part.

Because in bit games like Intertwined and Being a DIK, even a smaaaalll choices can make headaches. But this one is special. Huge respect and love to @Caribdis ! 

And last thing, can you please tell us 0.7's estimated release date?

Glad you liked it! 

I can't give an ETA yet, you can check the % progress of 0.7 on my Patreon, SS, or Discord


I came for the horny and stayed for the story. 10/10

same this story is great


For the first time on this site, I'm forcing myself to put the game down and wait for the final version. This game is GORGEOUS, the characters are incredibly well done, and above all else the storytelling is phenomenal. 

I cannot wait for the full release of this, and the only reason I've stopped playing now is so I can experience Eternum in it's entirety in one sitting, and feel everything the game has to offer. 

I will 100% be supporting the development of this game in the not so distant future. You've absolutely nailed everything at once, and I'll likely be following you and any content you make. 

Thank you so much :D

What an awesome game! I didn't realize the game wasn't complete so when I got to the last scene and it said thanks for playing, my heart dropped! lol Can't wait for more!!! 

Thanks for playing!

One of the best games I've ever played! The graphics are amazing. I just wanted to know if we'll get anything more kinky. I noticed Penelope is into bondage, will we see sex scenes related to that?

Probably yes


Hey guys, Just here to say that I've been following Caribdis's eternum and finished once-in-a-lifetime and following Niichan's MBML and sicae but I finish episodes too fast, and I just wanna know if you guys have some recommendations I should try that has a good storyline.

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