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(1 edit) (+1)

i mean idk if it is healty to be honst, but i´ve played through this game the 4rth time now, and the last round in 2 nights and one morning :D

cant wait for 0.7!


Just started this game yesterday, and I'm loving it so far! Interested to see if it can top my undoubtedly favorite VN game. (Harem Hotel). Loving the characters a bunch!

(1 edit) (+1)

Played both of them! Harem Hotel is a great AVN without a doubt! Somewhat similar looking characters with Once In A Lifetime but very different and different unique stories (Caribdis' previous game before Eternum is Once In a Lifetime)

But Eternum? No offense to other AVNs but THIS is without a doubt one of the best AVNs you'll come across, it's really rare to come across an AVN with great plot, great characters, great progression, and most importantly, frequent updates.
And oh boy, Eternum checks out and MANY MORE! And even the design of the characters was a massive improvement compared to Once In a Lifetime and Harem Hotel! It's so unique!

I promise, you really won't regret playing Eternum^^

(1 edit) (-2)

My bully is a Lover can match Eternum. Has a better story. But these 2 are easily the best.

Definitely give Projekt Passion a try. Just as good, and in some ways better, than Eternum. Excellent models/animations, well done cutscenes, great story with hilarious writing and best of all characters and situations that are very relatable.

It's for sure an incredible game, but I'll see how it unfolds and compares overall to HH!

First time playing any visualnovel game but due injuy not able to much so decided to scroll almost all visualnovels on website and was going to settle with once in lifetime but saw about this one came with pretty low exception that only effort put on "hot scenes" and i would stop playing but after 5 mins and meeting michaela i knew this game is something special and it was wow what a masterpiece cant wait for full release story was just insane thanks for great experience need to play that first game if story is as good as this one

Thank you!

(1 edit) (+1)

Jesus Christ.. What a journey.

( I was a bit late on writing this because I played it quite late (Around 1 months after release of 0.6) due to schedules from work lol)

from someone who has followed late on the development of Once In A Lifetime (0.8 version), to someone who has been staying from the beginning of Eternum to the most recent and up coming updates, it's unbelievable on what you have to offer, Caribdis. Both OIAL and Eternum are absolute masterpieces, but seeing the improvement from each update is just absolutely breathtaking, it's like you never run out of creative ideas each update! it's unbelievable!!

0.6 was absolutely stunning, I can't even make up a word from the dictionary on how good it was. From the scenes, to the character development of each girls, the uniqueness of the story compared to other adult visual novels is unparalleled. You created this game with your absolute heart and soul Caribdis, and all of us who enjoyed each update can say the same. You've made the girls' personalities so unique from each other that it's impossible to say which one is the best lol, but to me? They're all the best. And cheers to an even better developer, Caribdis.

Always remember to work on your own pace and don't overwork yourself too much.  And I wish you, and everyone that means a lot in your life good health and I wish a bright future ahead of you!

You've always surpassed my expectations with these updates, I expect nothing else but perfection from each update. 
Keep up the good work! I'll be here waiting for 0.7 and beyond, Caribdis. I will without a doubt leave another review on the next update.

-Sincerely, Sheik.

Thank you so much, Sheik!

Привет извини можно спросить как продвигается работа над версией 07 интересно что сделает отец алекс с парнем 

(1 edit)

Hello, after playing your "Once in a lifetime" and "Eternal World", I feel very good, want to sponsor you, but because there are restrictions, there is no way to sponsor you through the website, but I think of a way is to sponsor you through steam csgo jewelry, although the money is not much but my little mind. (steam friend code )


Unfortunately I don't play csgo, so I don't know how its commerce works

But thanks for playing anyway!

Well, because I'm a student and I don't have a credit card this is the only way to sponsor you. Translation software translation

One more question: Will Eternity have a harem ending like once in a lifetime


还有一个问题请问永恒世界会跟一生一次一样出一个后宫结局吗ʕ ᵔᴥᵔ ʔ

It will, yes

whaat its the best fps game u should give it a try


I've played for just under five hours now but this is quite literally the best visual novel I've ever read. I actually love the artstyle the creator chose for the characters, its actually pretty funny sometimes (chang and the shopkeeper are the goats), and holy shit, the soundtrack. Those sounds have been infused with crack or something, and every single scene is elevated with them. The story itself is actually well written too, and the scenes fit in perfectly and don't feel excessive or crammed in. One of the very very few visual novels where I actually cared about the plot. And the only time I've ever left a review for a game like this lmaooo 😭 shoutout caribdis


Thank you! I hope you enjoy the rest of it

Deleted 1 year ago

I have to say this, One in a Life time was Sooooooo Good, But this?  OMG Its Perfect, now Im simping Luna Because of you Xd, Im excited the release of 0.7 update ,And please...More Luna Scene.

Thank you!


Welcome, fellow Luna worshipper. We have matching T-shirts and coffee mugs.


Luna's a goddess. XD


I have to say this game and once in a lifetime are the best games I have every laid eyes on, no regrets and the scenes were done amazingly good also my favorite part's were the catchy music 


wich one do you think is better?


*gulp*….. no comment 

Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you!!

Where/how do u get your models?

HoneySelect 2

(3 edits) (+1)


This game is way better than any Porn-video i have ever seen, or every book i have ever read. It is the story, what makes this game so irresistable, i just cant wait to  play 0.7(17.august.2023, if i am right) 

The Story: its like i just said irresitable. i even skipped faster throu the sex scenes, then i do in other games, just get further in the storyIve had a lot of sleepless nights because of this game! And when i read the other comments here, i think im not the only one ;) I love how such a story, with so much kreativity  is put together with porn :) 

The sex- scenes: The scenes are better than in every game i have played bevore, i also love how they are intigraded in the story! They all need the perfect amount of time, to not cum and play to the next scene, wich i like a lot, because if youre horny, the game is more interresting, then it is if you just came. Its just some kind of other athmosphere, somehow :D

The Caracteres: 

My favourite is  Nova, idk exactly why, but i think its because she is pretty cool, but also cute, in a specific way, i dont see often in games- love it :P

But i also love, how all caracters have a perfectly divided screen time, you clearly can see that the producers made all caracters nearly equally relevant.

I do know that there are audios in the game, but i can only play this game at night, so i nearly cant use it. But the bit i heard was very good, i´d say the audios are nice too.

This game is an easy 10/10, no question. It would deserve to be available on more known platforms like steam or epic, really unfortunate that its a porn game ;P 

I can really, really reccoment this game to everyone, i hope that i can pay you some money for it one day, when i have a credit card :D

Btw, whats your favourite Caracter? 

Cant wait to get to see 0.7- do your best, i know it can only be good!

There really is a reason i cant find any bad comment here!

Thank you for your review, Nutsthan!


Played v0.4 in November '22, was hooked, just now played v0.6, it's totally awesome.  Your artwork will never be in a museum, but it deserves to be.

Thanks :D


dude you are theeeee best

Deleted post

Thank you!


Man, I have never seen a VN written so well. This was a masterpiece of a game that has had me crowing on about it to all my friends that play these types of games. I mean, by the end of it the sex scenes were just a blockade in the way of reading more of the story. I can't wait to see what the end of this will be like. Kudos to you for making this and best of luck.

Thank you so much <3

any info on the release date for the next update?


Morning! I was wondering if you would ever consider submitting your game to the Multimedia Games Site? :) I'm a streamer on Chaturbate and I would love to stream your game there!

I'm not familiar with it

(1 edit) (+1)

The last game I immersed myself in was the Mass Effect Trilogy. After finished the entire game, I felt a deep sense of loss and sadness because the story and the portrayal of the relationships between characters were so good that I didn't want it to end.  This game gives me exactly the same feeling, so I force myself spend only 1 hour on this game per day to extend the playthrough, but this 1 hour playthrough brings me great relief.  All in all, A MATERPIECE TO ME.  

Thank you very much!!

Keep going dude!  Sad that as a student, I can't just pour cash on you :( , but I have still become a follower on Patreon. Although it may not be much, I still want to express my appreciation.   And a quick question, is the soundtrack downloadable? The song which in Penelope's(I'm using chinese version not sure if it's the right name :) ) memory scene touched me.  I wanna add it to my musiclist. 

Unfortunately not, but you can find a playlist here !
And thank you for supporting! <3

Thanks! That would be more than enough !

gonna be fr imma need a playlist link for every song in here!!!!!


rn im in that hour when u dont know what to do with your life after you just finished something great


I feel you bro, I recommend you visit my profile, my collection of games is not private, so..maybe you will like them..

(Follow me too heh)



Best. Visual Novel. Ever.

Honestly this is a piece of art. I came for the girls, I stayed for the story.

Story (9/10) Only reason I'm giving this a 9/10 is the genre, I ended up skipping several of the erotic scenes because I wanted to get back to the story. It's better then any series, anime or movie I have seen in recent days, constantly kept me engaged and wondering what would happen next.

Erotic scenes (8/10) All of them were rather enticing, although a lot of them also felt mild. Can be easily solved by the time the story is finished, guess I simply wished a little more from my favorite girls. (The blue balling at the end of Nancy's first scene was gold btw)

Humor (9/10) Honestly the humor in this is one of it's selling points, perfect pacing, made me laugh out loud on so many occasions. Chang is the true MVP when it comes to humor, haven't had a scene with him in it where I didn't end up laughing.

Sound (8/10) Great use of music to create atmosphere. Only downside might be the music occasionally betraying when the next sex scene comes up, but even that has been used to subvert expectations. The stops for comedic value were implemented perfectly as well.


An amazing visual novel to enjoy and you even get erotic scenes with the characters. Keeps you engaged with the story, great humor and I would (as the game does) recommend you to play it with sound.


Amazing story that keeps you wanting more

Great sex scenes, very emotional and intimate

Good humor, with great timing. No over exerting on it tho.


Story too good, makes you skip sex scenes

Nova needs a proper sex scene

Not enough screen time for Chop Chop

Honestly, again, a piece of art, best of it's kind. I'm a supporter now because I will die if I don't get to see the end of this story.

Thanks for making this.


Thank you for your review! Glad you liked it!

(1 edit)

The update was amazing 🙉 minor grammar issues in the new scenes but it was soooo funny and hot. The MC is super swoll ❤️ Im scared to see what happens next. Also the animation was sooo cuute for Calypso's tale. Excited for the next update ‼️

Thank you!


Since the update, I have been having nothing but problems getting into the game. I keeps telling me that it's missing (I can't remember what exactly at the moment) but basically none of the pictures are showing up at the startup. I did what the thing said about copying the file and everything but it's not working right

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

Debo decir que yo usualmente no leo las historias de estos tipos de juegos y salto directamente a la acción.. ya que casi siempre parece relleno y me terminan aburriendo por lo simple que son. Pero, Dios la historia y misterio de este juego es demasiado increible, así como el desarrollo de las relaciones basadas sobre la elección del jugador, son pocos los juegos que en verdad me he leído completamente sin llegar a saltarme nada, y este está entre esos. La única sugerencia que se me pudiera ocurrir es que sería genial si añadieran más escenas, sé que sigue aún en desarrollo, pero seria increíble ver mas escenas h con luna, nova o algún side character como lo es Eva. De la historia no tengo nada que decir, pues me está gustando mucho y no soy un guionista profesional, por lo que me quedaré a la expectativa.

Pd: Que increíble esa ultima escena de Alex, si añadieran mas de ese tipo con otros personajes no me quejaría XD


Literal yo, Soy el "vine aqui por el porno y me quede por la historia"

I had a great time playing this game. The fact that it mentions Cambodia got me thinking if there were Cambodian contributors involved in its development. One standout aspect for me was the nuanced class themes and the clever infusion of humor throughout the gameplay.

(1 edit)

You get alot of well deserved praise, The setting is stellar, costumes/outfits are always hot and feel well chosen, Models while imperfect(I'll get into that) all do their job and look 10/10 in the perfect angles and still great in the less flattering ones.

The sex scenes(Especially the last one in 0.6) are incredibly well done writing wise and the animation is extremely serviceable for an indie CGI work.

The characters all do their job, either being likable, despisable, scary as shit or enigmatic, the mysteries never have me eye rolling, even when I knew reveals ahead of time, Using foreshadowing strong enough for us to understand but with context that explains why the MC would take awhile to figure them out was very smart and well done.

The girls are all super so lovable, and Alex has risen to the top of my list as of 0.6 & i'm sure is the case for others, beating out Annie & Luna in my case.

You only keep getting better, Now that i've used alot of your time with praise, I wanna shoot some slight critiques in hopes of making the game a bit better.

You got the poses & angles down, The animation will never be perfect so i'll skip that, but the models don't need that texture on their elbows and knees, it's in contrast to the rest of their young skin and the shape is already good, I doubt you need it, i'd feel it'd be better with it gone and just detracts from their visual appeal.

Further more the situations are all great, and im not saying this because I want the MC to be more escapist, he's great as is, likable & somewhat independent as a story telling tool but still relatable to be escapist, very well done, but I feel the dialogue can sometimes have strange prose, Maybe read some books? I don't mean that sarcastically either, like I said, situations, pacing etc are all great but once in awhile the word choice is strange/feels chosen out of a random box then things these people say.
Typically when people speak, they use the same preset sayings/words, it's consistent with "them" what they say. I'd try writing down their favorite sayings, how they moan specifically during X, favorite swears for anger vs banter etc. It'll just add to the already great foundation you have for them.

In my case instead of choosing from "shit,Fuck,Cunt,Dick etc." each person will have one they gravitate towards, when mad enough, some might haphazardly combine them together in anger as if throwing paint at a wall with their hands, some might prefer the word Cock vs Dick and visa versa, some might even call it penis(annie at first probably would.) but it typically doesn't wishwash once they've been in a situation enough, they choose what they say or how they like to convey something and consistently do so through those means unless given a reason not to, we're creatures of repitition but also adaption is what im saying, in dialogue it's the most noticable.

You don't do a bad job in that regard, just not always good either, and I think you could rise up cause I feel the love, You nail this in the comedy most of the time actually if not more so with their actions then dialogue so I have confidence.

Otherwise I feel improvement in everything, including the environments and outfits which were already massive draws for me, so I have no doubt you'll just keep getting better and using better resources/individuals.

Lastly, the girl's modesty doesn't seem too realistic at first, as it goes it would make sense they wanna attract the MC and the outfits are issued to the ones who would look best/be most likely to accept but it'd be hotter if they gradually wore skimpier clothes, Like how in the beggining og 0.6 Dalia chose the outfit she did however it would be awesome if the girls that're more attracted to you/outgoing & slutty chose sexier outfits, seing annie slowly become more revealing would be alot of fun, but that'd be something for a 3rd property if you ever wanted to add that as all the girls are already 4 <3 or more I believe and going back and doing over already great outfits just cause they don't perfectly fit the context or redoing the dialogue sounds like a nightmare. 

Sorry for taking up so much space here, love the game, you're doing great and I look forward to every update and every game you will make.

Take care & good luck.

Also, I see that the finesse/skill getting better in facial expressions, whether that's you or outside help its appreciated and will never be appropriately appreciated as it's so discreet but never stop, I think you understand as well if not better then me how important it is.


Thank you so much for your feedback!


all sexuality aside, this game has a very very great story. it's like sword art online remake

Chop-chop is fucking legend!

He's like the guy from fet


lmao true

I'm wondering, if caribdis used him as reference.


Homies >> Hoes


Hey Caribdis, absolutely love the game you've made! I was wondering how do you make your environments? I'm currently trying to make my first game thanks to playing both your games and got inspired to try my own. Also do you mix softwares up? Like use daz, blender and hs2 or strictly hs2?

It's all done with hs2 :)

Thanks for the reply! Means alot the last scene was spectacular so pretty shocked it was all done in hs2. And the story is absolutely engaging. I honestly hope to create great games like you do. There are few artist out there that can create truly wonderful games like these! 




Found this game on a porn games telegram channel, tought why is the name "Eternum"? And DAMN this is already good and im only on the space oddesy mission, so like only the star and damn im coming for the plot atp, i wanna know how it ends so I'll come back here when finish the game and write my opinio again, se yall and thanks again for this game


how do I download this on the iPhone14?

This game is one of the biggest yet most welcoming surprises ever. Never expected to actually be so hooked on the story and the characters and replaying it just to see more. Cant wait for the next update.

Thank you for playing!




please answer me.I don't have PayPal so I can't buy the game or I would definitely spend a lot of money to support this game.


If you wish to support the development, you can use Payoneer (, my Patreon and SubscribeStar pages, a donation in itself, or even Bitcoin (bc1qyf08awu70pclsalj5uka3q6r4lxwjnea46a07p)

All support is appreciated, thanks in any case!


In fact, when I first came into contact with Eternity, I didn’t even know about PayPal. After that I opened the vpn and downloaded PayPal. But I can't register. I don't have a bank card yet, and PayPal may not be widely used in my country. The first time I played it was a pirated version on telegram. Later I thought of buying the genuine version, but ended up not being able to buy it. . . . . I don’t know how to fill in the zip code on the PayPal registration page, and I don’t have a bank card yet so I can’t pay. I can't understand a lot of English. Good luck to you then. I will definitely buy eternity for you as soon as I find PayPal or other payment methods that can be used in my country.


Since I don't know much English, I used Google Translate. I may have said something wrong in some places. I'm sorry if this bothers you.


I was living a bad life, and in a very bad and depressed moment, I discovered the Eternum. And after playing it, I really did. . It was very uncomfortable because I was so happy. I was hopeless in life, but at the lowest point I found a ray of light that I cherished the most. Ridiculous. It's really ridiculous that this beam of light is a porn game. But it doesn't matter to me because it's a porn game, I love this game. Really love it. I'm really sad and tired. Maybe I've known about losing a long time ago, but if I really lose, why should I be given these things? Can't you just let me die?


Hey buddy, you okay? Maybe it's just random rant on internet, but if not and you are in a dark place and you have nobody else to talk to, I will listen/we can talk.

Thank you for your concern, my friend. I just have no hope in life, but I like this game very much. I feel terrible. I'm not good at expressing myself. Thank you very much for your reply.Thank you


Incase you would like to talk, hit me up as I am not sure if has private messages :)


don't stress yourself much and on this game being a porn game its not ocward or anything you can get morals and a new way to see life in everything you just have to look into everything you do


I'm just useless. Then when I first came into contact with this type of game, I thought many of them were just for sex and ignored the plot. But when I played Eternity I discovered I was wrong. Eternity is really great. It's the first time I've played such a large-scale visual game, and it's such a top-notch game. I don't know if I can play anything else. And why I have such a big feeling is because I didn't expect this game to be so good. The sense of gap made me feel that I was living a strange life. And then I am very different. Just sad. I don't care because it's a porn game. Because I always feel that this game is a light in my heart. Even if it's a porn game.

it is more than a porn game, it is like a book, in fact. like harry potter with spicy scenes. Dont see it as a porn game with good story, see it as a good story with some porn! And btw ur everything else than useless, im sure of it!

yes th mc know about the characters in eturnum being a real people what that person means the the mc doesnt know what eturnum really is as a whole . is it really a game or what is really it ? 

I hope you understand what I said  

Looking forward to eternal follow-up development

It took me a week to binge this game, I loved the story and the characters so much. I then went back and binged Once in a Lifetime in even less time, I was concerned it wouldn't be as good as it was older but found myself just as gripped and in love with all the characters. Easily the best stories I've played in games in a long time, eagerly waiting for more. Amazing pair of games.


Thank you so much!

(1 edit)

I'm having trouble with the download file it's not downloading the game so I'm currently downloading the zip file as I write this


Why does the story have me so hooked? I love the impact of your choices even if they are not readily apparent. Looking forward to the next update.


Glad you liked it!


Character crossovers are lit🔥


I never really care or bother to comment but damn I'm having withdrawals, I'm left on the edge..I neeed to know what happens next!!  (T O T)


Thank you for playing!

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