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I have been waiting for another update! Unfortunately I did save the game 2 frames before the end, but for now only thing I can do is go back to zero hour. No save game load. Could you help me?

Game says "an exception has occurred"

While running game code file reply blabla line 479

Couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?

Would love to hear what I did wrong, and how to continue this awesome  series..

Much appreciation from the Netherlands

You can try the (last) auto save(s). Go to 'A' on the load screen. Than you have at least not start from the beginning.

As usual I need to come here and congratulate you Caribdis. You are one Beautiful, Brilliant Genius!
Another patch, another piece of art. Your writing and animation quality keep getting better and better. When I think I have seen peak, there you are to break it even further!
Like always, the narrative is top notch, humour is second to none and the animations... the animations are just PEAK! No spoilers but the animations at the end of the chapter were just the better I have ever seen! Caribdis, you are THE GOAT

Thank you!!


Man I wish I would've discovered this VN way into the future when the full version would already be finished. I found Eternum at the tail end of v4 when v5 was about to be released.

I was lucky with Once in a Lifetime and that was a masterpiece and also what got me into VNs. 

But this.. Eternum.. Is far from a masterpiece. It's ABSOLUTE PERFECTION! Every version is better than the last. My emotions are never in one place, it's like a rollercoaster, but a fun one. Even if it takes years more to complete, I'll always be checking back, waiting for the next version to be released.

Thank you so much :D

I just continued playing chapter 5. But I notice something odd Dalia talks about giving a bj to MC, but in my play through of chapter 4 this didn't happen (because I didn't want anything in return in chapter 3).

So I think there is a missing check for this event in the dialog (daliablowjob).

I'll check it out, thanks

Thank you also for this great VN.

Maybe a other sentence in chapter 5 that should not be used when the blowjob didn't happen: "For several reasons...":

    if daliapath:
        mct "Hmm, Akira could have access to a private server just like Dalia, it's very possible. Although, I prefer Dalia's."
        mct "For several reasons..."

At least it feels to me that MC is referring to the bj again?


Or something like that? I mean, I love strong women. I've been looking forward to Nancy pushing Orion down and riding him for ages. So, why are these strong women suddenly so weak?

You've been writing a great story with strong and loveable women that are as dear to me as a set of renders can be. Why are they devolving into violent sociopaths with the mind of a twitter freak?

What is "Badass"? Is it slaughtering a bunch of incompetents without resistance? If a person is measured by the caliber of their opponents, what does it say about a character if they need to face off against noobs, and still would have died three times over if their opponents hadn't refused to take the shot? How about strong girls facing strong enemies and struggling to overcome them? You could do it for Chang's heist. A competent opponent who was three steps ahead, but the team won by being four steps ahead and utilizing all their strengths. Why not for the ladies?

Then there'a the matter of gratuitous violence and torture. Frankly, I found that obscene display of cruelty extremely disturbing and out of character for this cast of ladies that I adore. Making the opponents into misogynists to justify this sociopathic rampage isn't really helping either. How deranged do you have to be to enjoy torture? There is nothing that can excuse torture, no matter which words you put in the enemies mouth to justify it. I just can't see the cast as the loveable women they originally were after this.

Another issue is consistency. Nancy was a strong woman struggling to support her family, relatable and admirable. Then, she starts facing off against cardboard-thin foils ranting about women in leadership positions, which is just lazy. But I can tolerate a bit of sloppy writing, eyeroll and continue. What broke the camel's back was how this strong woman, who takes what she wants and does everything for her family, sees Gertrude falsely accusing Orion of transphobia - and immediately throws him under the bus to appease her. That's not strength and leadership, it's cowardice. She's not just not defending him, but outright betraying her loved one and siding with the bully out of fear that she might be the next victim. That also made the following interlude with Cicero so much more farcical. Where is the strong and caring Nancy that I loved so much? 

The spread of weakness is further observed when we see how no female character is held accountable for their actions, whether it's Maat, Regina, or the cast of heroines. Rape, sexual assault, torture, murder, invasion of privacy, sexism - all is permissible for the ladies, while men are fated to die a horrible death at the drop af a B-word. However, a strong character is one that faces the consequences of their actions, amd that acts with the consequences in mind. This bigotry of low expectations is more demeaning to the female cast than any of those cardboard misogynists could ever be.

But it's not just demeaning to not hold the women to basic standards of human decency - it actively creates hate. It's a common method of punishment to give one person unjust leniency, and see them isolated and punished by their peers. For authors, the more undue favoritism they show a character, the more they will estrange them from the reader. As paradox as it might seem, you need to be merciless to the characters you love.

Now, this will probably be downvoted to hell and back, because this story started as one of the best, and there will be many who don't want to acknowledge the flaws that are leading to its decline. Others might just not care about writing as long as the animations stay awesome as they are. Ironically, that manner of thought is going to accelerate the decline even further.

But I'm not writing this for the fans. I'm writing this for Caribdis, who started writing a wonderful story, and is hopefully wants to keep doing that. I hope this gets through whatever is clouding your mind right now. I love this story, and want it to be as great as it started, all the way to the end. Make your ladies strong again, make them human again, and make your story fun again. 

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Ah, a fellow novel writer. Just to simplify your critique

You didn't like...
1. that Nancy threatened to torture someone.
2. that the girls are trampling all over weaker opponents which is a sign of bad character
3. ...and while doing so, they almost get killed
4. that men in the story are held to much higher moral standards than women
5. that Nancy conceded to Gertrude when she accused Orion of transphobia

Now, here's what I think:

1. This scene was intended to be funny since it's indeed so out of character for her. I get that when she's your favorite character it leaves a bad taste in your mouth, questioning her morals... This might not be the only time she does this. Selective cruelty might be part of her personality now which would not make her the strong character you hoped she would be, sorry about that. But know that noone claims that what she's done is ok, she also knows that herself.

2. I mean... Eternum is a game and they want something. If they're not getting it the simple way then they'll make use of their strengh to get it. What were the girls supposed to do? Not get the gem out of pity? They could've surrendered at any time.

3. Their performance certainly was theatrical to be entertaining. This wasn't inteded to be serious.

4. Noone thinks that what Regina, Maat or Calypso (at the tavern) did was morally ok. What do you think should've happened?

5. Gertrude is an idiot. I'm not even sure what she accused Orion of exactly, she just spewed out words. Nancy somehow ended the confrontation by leaning into it and Orion obviously didn't mind at all. A good reputation with Gertrude isn't worth much, there's no point in clinging to it.

To summarize: You feel that the game sacrificed some signs of strong personality/morals in favor of funny/entertaining moments. You were prbly vibing with Nancy and then the bubble popped. Unfortunately, most players are not as invested in the girls' characters as you are and consider this a good balance between serious and humorous. The game expects you to lean into the ridiculousness a bit more, sorry if that's not what you wanted the game to be.

I'd be happy to have a civilized discussion with you about this!


0. I did not write this for you, and my opinion is not up for debate unless you are Caribdis. I will merely point out what you got wrong.

0. b) Your numbers don't line up. That's not conductive to proper debate. So, replying to both sets...

1. No, I am referring to the several accounts of actual torture of actual human beings that occurs during the war scene. Luna is literally demeaning and torturing a fellow human, inflicting pain for fun. But yes, Nancy's threat of torture is another point of contention. And if she knows it's wrong, and still stoops to doing it, then what does that make her but a hypocrite too weak to meet her own standards? 

2. I am appalled at the way they trample over weaker characters, but moreso at the pleasure they take in inflicting pain and humiliation. I didn't say they should not get the Gem. I am criticizing the manner of combat. That was not efficient combat in pursuit of a goal. It was showing off, in a cruel and inhumane way that was not necessary to obtaim the Gem of Doom, seeing how Orion just appears in the enemy base anyway. Do you need to torture and humiliate humans for a military distraction? No. In fact, it would be far more effective and less dangerous to bind the enemy forces in a defensive battle.

3. a) I am not criticizing that they almost got killed, but that they acted in a way that should have resulted in death, and that Caribdis chose to bend reality and make their enemies completely incompetent so they would not have to face the consequences of failure, rather than let them overcome a real challenge through struggle and competence. 

3. b) There is nothing theatrical or funny about torturing a human being. Do you consider war crimes comedy?

4. a) You are reversing my argument to detract from the fact that safe for a few exceptions, women are not held to moral standards at all, and how that makes their characters unsympathetic and weak. That is not civil debate. The bizarre joy Caribdis finds in killing, torturing, and humiliating male characters is a seperate issue that is quite honestly not as important as the fact that he's making the female characters less likeable by letting them get away with all the misdeeds and crimes they commit.

4. b) If no one thinks what they did is okay, why is Caribdis so reluctant to hold them accountable? Benjamin got killed, for real, after attempting to rape a girl. Maat has been habitually raping people, and no praetorian showed up to kill or even just ban her. Why the double standard?  So many men were intentionay portrayed as sleazebags as a pretext for inflicting inhumane levels of pain and humiliation on them before they even commit any misdeeds. But when you have a female sleazebag luring you to the locker and taking non-consensual dick pics, nothing happens. Why the double standard? It shows barely contained hatred for men, but moreso a deep contempt for women. After all, the only ones you would exempt from responsibility are the ones you do not deem capable of bearing it. It's clear nobody gives a damn about the demonization and abuse of men, but I'd expect people to have an issue with blatant misogynistic coddling of women.

5. a) I am not just mad that she conceded, but that she betrayed Orion out of weakness. She was not just abstaining or mediating, but actively talking bad about him. And if Gertrude is an idiot who is not worth clinging to, why would Nancy go so far as to turn on her own loved ones just to stay in her good graces? You say that it's okay because Orion didn't mind, but that's just another issue. He just got betrayed by a person he loved and trusted since he was a kid, and he's not hurt by it? He sees her cave in and turn on him out of weakness, but then goes along with her "strong woman" spiel and calls her his queen? If a loved one turns on you, it hurts. The whole interaction doesn't check out unless you are so deeply contemptuous towards women that you don't expect any sort of integrity or loyalty from them. Which simply can not be true for a strong mother figure that you love. 

Your summary is also false. This is not a matter of morals versus comedy, it's about Caribdis turning lovable characters into insane sociopaths, turning desirable women with good human motivations and a strong, kind personality into two-dimensional monsters that have no empathy for their fellow humans if it allows them to satisfy their vanity. He's defiling the characters he poured so much effort into building, and it pains me to see him do it.


Ok, since you don't want to argue I'll swiftly wrap this up.

Unfortunately, Caribdis will most likely not engage with you; reading, thinking and writing all this takes a long time. If you want to be heard I'd recommend you to keep it short or include a tl;dr.

Here's what I assume is your main point: "On the battlefield, Luna is unnecessarily cruel, which makes her less likeable." I just replayed the scene and I found it genuinely funny. Yeah it's somewhat cruel if you think about it but you're taking this more seriously than intended.

I'm having trouble seeing all this from your perspective, it all seems overdramatized to me. Sorry about that.


Funny how you say that after you posted a straw man summary that blatantly twists my words, isn't it?


Misrepresenting your point was never my intention and I've been transparent enough to summarize how I've interpreted your arguments. I don't care about being right, I'm just curious. But since this discussion is becoming toxic, I'm backing out of it. The stage is all yours.

(2 edits)

Hello. I'm having some issues installing Eternum on android. First link doesn't install and the full res install but when I run the app the main menu image isn't finded and some other stuff too. I try to ignore, then game starts with text and options but no image at all. Can someone help me please?

yeah im having a similar issue myself witch sucks because i LOVE this story! 

Not much to do at this game is meant for those on PC rather than Android


Omg jst finished 0.6 and that last scene tho alex best girl!! Thank you carybdis for this amazing game, cant wait for 0.7 i hope for luna scenes next time.

Thank you for playing!


My man! Whenever this guy releases a new chapter it is like an entire anime season! Definitely worth the wait and each bit this guy writes should be weighted in gold!



(1 edit) (+1)

You deliver once again. We just got .6 but .7 can't come soon enough. Keep up the great work

! C:\Users\Downloads\ETERNUM_0.6-pc (1).zip: Checksum error in C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$DRa5924.26987\Eternum-0.6.2-pc\game\archive.rpa. The file is corrupt

! C:\Users\Downloads\ETERNUM_0.6-pc (1).zip: The archive is corrupt

can anyone help me please 

Does anyone know how to unlock Nova scene with the dildo? Ive been wanting to unlock it for a long time.

First, go to the left part of the place where the party is happening, do the beer challenge with nova, and at the moment choose the option "Don't drink anymore", then go to the right part of the party and again choose the Right arrow, after the dialogue, go out again and go into the lockers, which is the left door, talk to Penelope and she will give you a bra, then go back to Nova and that's it. the rest is inertia

I cant get this game to install on itch. says all downloads are on unsupported 3rd party sites.

Download it from browser

(3 edits)

Hey, I love the game but for some reason every time I download eternum on my phone it's always infected with a virus both in the normal apk the zip version is perfectly fine, the evo gen 1 to be precise, i don't know if it's a me problem or a game problem so I'm just gonna check my other apps on my phone just to be clear of anything. 

If anyone gets this same problem can you pls respond tnx and have a great day whenever you read this. 

To clarify I'm on android (in a Huawei to be precise, pre Google nullification) 

My antivirus flagged eternum as malware once i installed the 0.6 update and granted access to local files. First time any of the versions has flagged like that for me. Android "low res" installer.

Scanning the apk file with a separate antivirus also resulted in malware alert.

If it were just one antivirus thatd be one thing, but with two flagging it I dont think its safe to run.

So I lost all my data when transferring to a new phone lately so I am starting over (oh well,  an excuse to play through again) and i have to ask... Are you a Destiny Fan? Because that sure looks like the Sunshot.

Probably get tired of this question, but I gotta ask cause I just cannot find it on my own...

Who is the "Run boy run, run boy run away" song by?


Snake City... if you look up "Eternum" on Youtube, they have pretty much the whole soundtrack.

Catchy tune... stuck in my head even now...

Damn, another couple of months til the next update. 😭 I just love this game, not only the scenes are great but the story itself is so good and the graphics too. Can't wait the next update, keep up the good work, Caribdis! :)

Thanks :)

My god this game is the GOAT

Thank you Caribdis

Thanks for playing!

i forget how to move the saves over. im on windows, any help?


I just finished to play through 0.6 and I can't wait to see what happens next! I'd love to say again how much I love this game, the best Visual Novel I've ever played. Good job, really!


i love this game so much please dont stop updating LOLL


This Game is just AMAZING! Can't find anything like this around. Keep up and never stop please!

Thank you!

Is the game unplayable right now? I have updated the game from 0.5 to 0.6. I am starting the game but its just kicking me.

Should I reinstall the game?

(1 edit)

Thats what i had to do was reinstall it but im on android so i just deleted it then reopened the file still had all saves and everything

can you teach me how did you do it?

I'm also on Android btw

Also happened to me, but after delete data it  back to normal. Don't have to uninstall 

Guys any of you know what is Orion's cut from 0.5 and 0.6?


will my game save from 5.0 to 6.0? i already beat 5.0

Yeah you can use your old save. Worked for me.

10/10 Thank you for this experience caribdis

Thank you for playing!

Deleted 316 days ago

Same here. The story telling with memes is so funny



Kudos to you Caribdis. Went above and beyond as always and left  a fantastic cliffhanger to make me sit and ponder what will happen next. See y'all in 6 months.

can't update from 0.5 to 0.6 so i had to reinstall it. rip save file

hi for the 0.6 full res on android i copied the file and all but then when i loaded the game it said "file 'splash' not found" or sth and crashed can somebody help pls.

(3 edits) (+3)

bro this isn't even pr0n, this is art...

some things caribdis does really well (MINOR 0.6 SPOILERS):

- tons of transitions: characters react to almost every line of dialogue, and the scene constantly changes, keeping the story action-oriented.

- avoids exposition: this ties into the first point--because the characters / scene are constantly changing, the story can't just be endless boring monologues about things that happened previously/elsewhere. in other games, you hear about it. in Caribdis games, you see it!

- keeps "tension" building: really good flirting, costumes, poses, and the character's reactions to them keep the "focus" of the game correct.

- humorous: legit funny writing / directing keeps the story from becoming overly serious (which is hard to pull off in a visual novel anyway).

- callbacks/foreshadowing: its just good storytelling when characters acknowledge stuff that happened in the past, and you set up clues about what is the come. the latter keeps the player's mind guessing and engaged.

- relatable PC: many games try to make the PC a sort of blank slate so they don't put anyone off, but this just makes the story bland and limited (e.g. by killing character development). Caribdis' PC's are not too soy or too redpilled, and the inner monologue usually matches what im thinking.

- ATTRACTIVE CHARACTER DESIGN: enough said! not a single miss in any of C's games. This goes for personality too--even the tropes I usually don't like are tolerable and even enjoyable in Caribdis games.

- character development: obviously every good story needs some, and C delivers. notably, the "scenes" usually develop the characters personality as well, as inhibitions fall etc. and this just makes them more memorable/meaningful.

- attention to detail: in every regard, but especially with the graphics. just on another level from most VNs i have played. example from 0.6, the scene where PC is sweating bullets while two girls glare daggers at him in the background -- the subtle rendering effects really add to the humor of this scene.

- setting: the concept for Eternum really makes it really easy to have incredible variety. props to Caribdis for executing each "server" so well and having fun with the whole 4th wall thingy of characters commenting on history/scifi/fantasy settings from a "simulation" perspective. it will be hard for other games to top this!

- the "scene" animation: i mean... duh.  the best. only thing to mention is that C keeps one-upping the last scene!


i could probably keep going but my brain is getting fried typing this all out... maybe i can balance out this d-riding with a few criticisms:

- the "scene" progressions are a bit predictable: there's a similar sequence of "action" with many of the different girls which can diminish the surprise/anticipation a bit. the "side girls" scenes are a nice exception.

- a few missed opportunities: the flashbacks during annie's scene were great. i feel alex's scene (or preceding sequence) could have benefited from a similar reference to her background material.

- one way Eternum might be a slight step back from OiaL is the more "abrupt" transitions between "chapters" (for lack of a better word). OiaL had a nice flow from section to section, whereas Eternum has a bit more "adventure in server" -> "fall asleep in room" -> "adventure in server" type of flow. maybe this is just my imagination, but it could be nice to break things up with some more time in the real world.

and that's all. i'm sort of grasping at straws with the criticisms. amazing game! the only way to possibly fumble would be... not going where i think you're going with Calypso (i.e. THE BEST CHARACTER)!


Thank you for your great review!!

So in 0.4 or smth I made a list of my most to least favorite girls, which went as follows:








The new rankings are these!:

1. Penelope (idk why but her flirting hits wayyyy harder than the other girls, also she's got big milkers what else can I ask for.

2. Dalia (her interactions with the MC are always either heartwarming or hot af, also she's funny.)

3. Calypso (the 0.6 update really made me like her and her character. W princess fr fr.)

4. Luna (cute goth girlfriend)

5. Alex (that new scene goes crazy.)

6. Nova (she's a fun girl what can I say)

7. Annie (she's a little bit cliche but u still love her interactions with the mc, they always make me smile.

8. Nancy (mommy.) 


Deleted 1 year ago

I completed it in one day 💀

Great work as always, Cari! Ill continue to look foward to more amazing content from your experiences in the future.

Thank you!

(1 edit)

Why does avast flagged this as malware? Is it false positive?

i think you already figured it out but if you didn't then don't worry there's nothing bad 

i will resume my gameplay of 0.6 with only three words, I, LOVED, IT ! especially the last scene with alex, i know it isn't easy to develop a game but i hope it won't take as long as 0.6 for the 0.7 to come out

Same I can't wait for 0.7

Glad you liked it :)

(1 edit)

You always do it Caribdis, you always do it. Once again I am stupefied by the amazingness of this update. Like, seriously, don't you ever get tired of outdoing yourself everytime you post a new update? Always going for the extra mile and doing something even more spectacular than it already was? My wig is stolen everytime there is a new update!

Anyway, time for the update review!

In the first scene, at the speech during the war, I was interested. I thought it was going to be some kind of flashback from a character, like I dunno, MC's father or the Founder, or whatever. I thought it was epic, and then... IT WAS JERRY ALL ALONG!!!

I lost my shit laughing. Seriously, your humor is always top notch.

Also, the scene where Orion appears behind the guy flipping a coin is just too cool. Orion was a funny character in the beginning of the game but I didn't think much of him, but with every update his character is more fleshed out and he becomes more and more interesting!

On that note, the way he went goblin mode on that guy on the wild west server was cool as HECK!!! Seeing him just use his power to solo everyone faster than they could see was incredible. I hope to see more scenes where Orion is a total badass in the future!

But moving away from the Wild West server, the part of the Death Game with Annie and Nova (I had written Luna lmao, I just can't get that darling out of my head)  was really cool! You totally trolled me into thinking we were about to have a Nova H scene though 😡

Annie's new scene was really cute. I liked it a lot! I just didn't expect her to be so daring and say she would be ready next time, I was like 😳😳😳

Coming back to the Wild West server, I loved it. And I loved a LOT of things about it.

1- Calypso FINALLY getting a scene, and it didn't disappoint. I loved it.

2- Dalia's scene. It was really good too.

3- Alex getting a nice kiss, you gotta love to see it.

4- The way it was also serious. That whole thing with the kid NPC had me shook, I didn't expect it. It was also pretty satisfying. If you can kill a pedophile in a game, it's a very good game lol.

Also, we finally got Alex seggs, and I gotta say, to me that was the BEST H scene in the entire game as of yet.

And, of course, the damn cliffhanger you put us on EVERY update. William KNEW us? He KNOWS about Eternum's nature and people dying and becoming NPCs? More importantly, his eyes were GLOWING? Does he have some kinda powers?

You can't just come, make me crave more story, and leave us blue balled for months 😭😭😭this game is so good, I need more! Im VERY eagerly (and not patiently in the slightest) awaiting the new update, and hopefully it comes before I have grandchildren lol.

Love ya Caribdis, you're definitely one of the best Devs out there.


Thank you so much, Kura <3

(1 edit)

great update as always still my  favorite vn. Hey Caribdis will be great to have a ``In the last chapter of Eternum´´ at the begining of new updates i always play almost the full game anyway, but still will be nice. Keep the amazing work. 

༼⁠ ⁠つ⁠ ⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠ ⁠༽⁠つ


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