This has to be one of the best Visual Novels I have ever played and I've played a lot but I'm currently having a problem with Alex where no matter what choices I do her character gets greyed out at the end of the scene and I don't know how to get past that. If anyone knows how please let me know. Other than that what an amazing game and I cant wait to see more
First of all... HOLY CRAP, the story telling is amazing I would have never expected it to be this good and I can't wait for 0.7. Also when 0.7 comes finally comes out, do I have to start from the beginning or can I import my save file? If so how can I do that? thanks if anyone can help me with that I would appreciate that a lot (I use apple btw)
There are lot of things I found in eternum that resembles my bully is my lower first thing Thanotos's house is exactly the same house that is in My bully is my lower in Emma's Solos ending .there is a girl in my bully is my lower and she look likes Idriel wearing piece of White cloth . And why the hell young Alex exactly looks like young Emma and the same prince thing . I also saw Moon ( character from my bully is my lower) .My question is are these both games are going to connect with each other at some point? Sorry for bad English this isn't my first language
There is more than these 3d models. These boths games are in the same universe and caribds also took some dialogues from My bully is My lover.😁both are great btw.
I downloaded this thinking I was just gonna play it cause I'm horny BUT HOLY FUCK WAS I WRONG while yes I loved the sex scenes and the chase you have to do leading up to them What got me the most was this story THIS WAS ABSOLUTELY MIND BLOWING AND I NEED 0.7
I really enjoyed your game, besides the NSFW content.
I will miss it but I have to move on in my life.
I have decided to put an end to my addiction.
I'm sure this news will come across as over the top to some, but I've always really looked forward to a new update and the progression of the story in Enternum.
I´m honest with you. This game is fucking GREAT. The story is better than everything I have seen since years in the games I played so far. Maybe Battlefield 4s Kampange can catch up with it, when it comes to how complex the storyline is. So far I just have 3 Points.
I want more of Penelope.
I want more of Alex and Carybis (since they are both pretty similar i count them as one character style)
And: I WANT MORE OF MAAT. Jesus that girl killed me. Would be great to see more sex with Maat. I really enjoyed her.... session.
So far... I´m impressed of this. For free on the internet? Apart from graphic this can stand up against any triple A title. Very good work, when I have some more cash at hand I will donate you something.
I've been playing since update 3.0 and I love the game it's fantastic very good story and the H scenes are a bonus the game looks beautiful and and it gives me a feeling of joy every time I play it, I'll be waiting patiently for more updates.
But I do have a question when buying one of your big patreon subs like God or demon lord do we keep some benefits or we have to pay every month to have them?
When you sub to a certain tier, you get access to all the previous content released for that tier up to that point, as long as its benefits for a month
Rather confused as followed the walkthrough on V6 and got to Blackridge. Clicked on Dalia to 'go with her' and she insisted on going by herself so I returned to the town....and ended up eventually with story ending with (spoiler alert) being in Alex's flat with her father threatening me. HOWEVER, walkthrough refers to I should have met Gertrude/Charlotte/Praetorian and Idriel/Micaela/Dalia and then a refernce to sex and more??! Help.
Kudos, Cari! Its super rare you find a game with as much effort put into as this one, a ero game nonetheless too! I genuinely had a fuckin' blast enjoying the raunchiest of build ups scenes, into lighthearted/goofy sub plot shenanigans. The story flowed decently naturally, the dialogue was actually pretty good, the choice system??!?! underrated af. LETS NOT EVEN GET STARTED ON CUTSCENES THAT BE PUTTIN' AAA GAMES TO SHAME WITH THEIR INSANE CAMERA PATHS, GREAT SCORE/SOUND DESIGN, AND IMMACULATE USE OF 3D SPACE TO ADD DEPTH INTO A SCENE. Still tempted to restart so I can try out all of chop chop's options. Loved the variation in gameplay with psuedo quick time events, mystery stories, and even 20 questions of all things (more Raul in .7 pls, fuck the Jerry redemption arc.) To anyone reading this to see if its worth their time, play this shit. It's insanely slept on and an excellent example of what passion & perversion translated into the digital medium looks like. The story is so enthralling that you will genuinely be grabbing popcorn and wiping your hands off just to watch it. To Caribdis, thank you for creating such an awesome experience and sharing it with everyone completely for free; please go on to create even bigger things with your visions and talents!
-P.S. EPIC, SAGA, EDDA, RP1? .Hack reference next maybe? :3
Causes for losing Dalia's path on the beach server (SPOILERS)
- You didn't attack Dalia's opponent at the gym after she leaves - You didn't ask Dalia for something spicy in prison on Semper Invicta - You told Chang the password to her server
When i first downloaded the 0.6 version for Android, 2 of the 4 saves wouldn't work so i had to start from a not so far point. But now the app doesn't even open. What can i do?
Also, just my own pure speculation/reasoning here...
Working through my full playthrough with the 0.6 update (gotta say, love the updated early dialogue to make things concurrent with recent world events, really appreciate that), and I did not realize that some scenes happened earlier than they did in my brain (Space Oddysey specifically, when we got the Midnight Cookies scene my brain was wondering why Cari was doing so many Annie scenes in a row, but upon replay, yeah, that was 2 updates back...).
Based on progression of each girl, as well as what has been hinted at occurring soon in the last couple updates, I think we can surmise what scenes we're going to get in the next two updates.
Each girl has had a scene approximately every other update (0.3 and 0.5, or 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6). Looking back at each girl's scenes, as well as where each one has been left off;
Annie has stated that she's ready for it "next time" but just had a scene in 0.6, which makes me believe we'll sleep with her in 0.8.
Nancy has only had two scenes, but the elevator was one of those. With her insatiability, I'm guessing we'll get a scene in 0.7, and I'm guessing we will release inside, if you catch my completely unhidden drift.
Dalia in 0.6 admits to herself she wants you to be the one, but like Annie, just had another scene, so probably 0.8 (I'd bet something to do with "the hunt").
Penny is a little harder since she's really only had the one intercourse scene (yes, she had the photoshoot, but that was more of a tease, like Dalia's Shower Show). I'm guessing we'll get her next scene in 0.7, but I don't know if it'll be full intercourse.
Luna. Sweet, poor, neglected Luna. Why, Cari? Why does she only have one scene?! She's overdue another scene, so I'm betting we'll see her in 0.7. However, based on her progression, I can't see this being full intercourse either, which slightly scares me for how late into the game we'll finally sleep with her.
Alex, I mean... We all finished 0.6. She's probably pregnant if y'all selected pregnancy options. I'm betting we'll get another scene in 0.8, maybe even a threesome with Dalia at that point? She's a shapeshifter, so her, Dalia, and MC teaming up for "the hunt" and it getting steamy is high on my list of scenarios that could play out.
Nova is a guaranteed hit for 0.7, full intercourse, probably going to lead to her getting pregnant. With you going to her house for "Netflix and chill" as well as her and your progression, this is the one I'm most sure of.
Now then, those being said, what about side characters (Sadly Calypso being considered one of those)? We've gotten one in 0.1 (ngl, this one was probably just to keep people around and not have the first 2 chapters only be teasing and the like, which fair enough, Eva is great, gave Cari time to develop the characters for the main girls), one in 0.3 (Still conflicted on how Ma'at's story is left, obviously we don't want anyone excommunicated, but Nova or someone (probably Nova) mentioning that Ma'at's account was banned permanently or something would be nice closure), and finally Calypso's in 0.6, which feels like the beginnings of her being our central "Other" girl. With all that, I could see Calypso getting a 0.7 or 0.8 scene, then finishing off with full intercourse with her in 0.9 or 1.0. With the story, I'm kind of doubting she'll be an endgame prologue girl, what with not existing in Kredon but I'd love to be proven wrong about that. Now that we've seen Eva again as well, I could see Cari slipping her in one more scene before the game is done.
There's also a trend Caribdis has set for number of scenes per update. We got 2 scenes in each of 0.1 and 0.2, 3 scenes for 0.3 and 0.4, and 4 scenes for 0.5 and 0.6. This gives me hope that 0.7 and 0.8 will each have 4 scenes, and 0.9 and 1.0 will have 5 scenes each, giving us 18 scenes total.
With all of these observations we can come up with the following rough completely theorized and hypothetical timeline for the next scenes;
0.7 - Nancy, Penny, Luna, Nova, ???
0.8 - Annie, Dalia, Alex, ???, (Probably Calypso)
0.9 - ??? x5
1.0 - ??? x4, (Probably Calypso)
If this holds true, we will have fully slept with Annie, Nancy, Dalia, Alex, and Nova by 0.8, Penny and Luna being left to have intercourse with. Assuming that, I'd guess all of the girls we've slept with by then would be pregnant (of the main girls), else they'll get pregnant the second time we sleep with them (presumably most of their second times would include multiple girls).
We've also been given a lot of hints as to the threesomes and beyond we will likely get, mostly between the sisters and Nancy, but with others thrown in as well. Annie and Nancy have a different bond, I could see that happening as a threesome, Annie and Dalia weirdly keep getting thrown at each other in conversation, mostly by Annie. Annie and Nova were very briefly hinted at by Harley, but that's it. Nancy has been hinted at multigirl scenes with her daughters left and right, there's Nancy and Dalia (rub it in Kai's face), Nancy and Penny, or Nancy, Dalia, and Penny (Rub it in Kai's face even more). I can see Nany initiating a lot of these as she herself has been the one flirtatious bringing them up. Dalia and Penny is just a parallel to the Lauren and Judie final scene from OIAL. Dalia and Alex has been heavily hinted at by both girls, so is almost a guarantee, as is Penny and Nova. Again, this leaves Luna as an outlier, but so was Rebecca in OIAL, so whilst I would like to see her getting involved in some scenes with other girls, her condition also makes it an easy way for Caribdis to explain why she wouldn't.
Again, sorry for the ramble, this game is just too good not to invest time and brain power into. I said it on my last post after just finishing 0.6's new content but Caribdis, keep it up, you're easily the best VN/ero writer/game maker out there at the moment, take your time with your updates to keep things getting better as they have been, just don't make us wait too long (I'll give you a year, maximum).
When nova talks about the wheelchair guy from outlast i remembered when i first played it and i almost shited myself i used to watch my older brother play 1 and i played the sequel when i grew up a little but it was still terrifies me i just wanted to thank you for reminding me of the good ol days and for makingthis masterpiece called eternum I can't wait for 0.7 but it will take a hot minute and I wont rush you take your time to make it as good as possible keep up the good work and much love
Created an account just to say that it's the best porn game i've ever seen! Incredible story line, character development, and character designs!!! Can't wait for the next update!
Honestly this game is one of the greatest things I've ever found. Everything is perfect, from the music to the plot to the sex scenes. As good as the scenes are, they pale in comparison to the story of this game. If someone asked me about this game, I'd say it was a mystery game with hints of sex, because that's how good it is. To be honest, up to this point my favorite girls have been Nova and Luna (really hoping for some more content with her in the next update!!), but 0.6 (or as I like to call it, the pussy eating update) really bumped up Alex in the rankings, even before the home run scene at the end. Anyways, keep up the phenomenal work, and please don't take too long to release 0.7 (but not at the risk of anything less than what you want it to be at)
I'm in the Heist part, and only now i noticed i lost the path with Dalia. I don't know how, but can anyone can give me some advice on how to "regain" it?
Hi, once a path is lost you cannot regain it after, if you have a save that was made before you lost the path you can load it and try to find the choice that made you lose the path
Greetings from Russia! Author, as always you are on top! Thank you so much for this masterpiece! When 0.6 came out, I was waiting for another translation of the game into Russian and did not regret it. This is worth the wait. Also thanks for the twins from the atomic heart game. I am delighted) And in general, all the secrets are very cool. I really like it when you move with the trends, it's cool!)
(sorry, I'm writing through a translator, I hope everything is clear)
← Return to game
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This has to be one of the best Visual Novels I have ever played and I've played a lot but I'm currently having a problem with Alex where no matter what choices I do her character gets greyed out at the end of the scene and I don't know how to get past that. If anyone knows how please let me know. Other than that what an amazing game and I cant wait to see more
Check out the Walkthrough!
First of all... HOLY CRAP, the story telling is amazing I would have never expected it to be this good and I can't wait for 0.7. Also when 0.7 comes finally comes out, do I have to start from the beginning or can I import my save file? If so how can I do that? thanks if anyone can help me with that I would appreciate that a lot (I use apple btw)
Thank you!
I'm honestly not sure of how it works on MAC, but if you extract the game on the same place you should be able to load your old saves
Is there pregnancy?
Yes, optionally. But that's endgame stuff.
What's the different between android and Android (full-res version)
The resolution
There are lot of things I found in eternum that resembles my bully is my lower first thing Thanotos's house is exactly the same house that is in My bully is my lower in Emma's Solos ending .there is a girl in my bully is my lower and she look likes Idriel wearing piece of White cloth . And why the hell young Alex exactly looks like young Emma and the same prince thing . I also saw Moon ( character from my bully is my lower) .My question is are these both games are going to connect with each other at some point? Sorry for bad English this isn't my first language
They're using the same 3d models for these games, except this one is more polished and refined.
There is more than these 3d models. These boths games are in the same universe and caribds also took some dialogues from My bully is My lover.😁both are great btw.
eva >>>>
actually the goat
God dam the ending to this update, Seriously what the hell ending it like that? Absolutely awesome love the storytelling.
I downloaded this thinking I was just gonna play it cause I'm horny BUT HOLY FUCK WAS I WRONG while yes I loved the sex scenes and the chase you have to do leading up to them What got me the most was this story THIS WAS ABSOLUTELY MIND BLOWING AND I NEED 0.7
thanks for the great time,
I really enjoyed your game, besides the NSFW content.
I will miss it but I have to move on in my life.
I have decided to put an end to my addiction.
I'm sure this news will come across as over the top to some, but I've always really looked forward to a new update and the progression of the story in Enternum.
God Speed and good luck,
Hope all goes well, good luck :)
this is all that mine shows
The images aren't showing on mine it just keeps on saying [code]
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While loading < object (u'main_menu.jpg') at 0x7c5b1c4fd0>:
IOError: Couldn't find file 'main_menu.jpg'.
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "_layout/screen_main_menu.rpymc", line 28, in script
File "renpy/", line 1138, in execute
File "renpy/", line 1122, in py_exec_bytecode
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in <module>
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 35, in _execute_python_hide
File "renpy/", line 299, in interact
File "renpy/display\", line 3579, in interact
File "renpy/display\", line 4172, in interact_core
File "renpy/display\", line 2782, in draw_screen
File "render.pyx", line 492, in renpy.display.render.render_screen
File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render
File "renpy/display\", line 886, in render
File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render
File "renpy/display\", line 886, in render
File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render
File "renpy/display\", line 886, in render
File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render
File "renpy/display\", line 731, in render
File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render
File "renpy/display\", line 886, in render
File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render
File "renpy/display\", line 886, in render
File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render
File "renpy/display\", line 676, in render
File "renpy/display\", line 330, in get
File "renpy/display\", line 803, in load
IOError: Couldn't find file 'main_menu.jpg'.
I´m honest with you. This game is fucking GREAT. The story is better than everything I have seen since years in the games I played so far. Maybe Battlefield 4s Kampange can catch up with it, when it comes to how complex the storyline is. So far I just have 3 Points.
I want more of Penelope.
I want more of Alex and Carybis (since they are both pretty similar i count them as one character style)
And: I WANT MORE OF MAAT. Jesus that girl killed me. Would be great to see more sex with Maat. I really enjoyed her.... session.
So far... I´m impressed of this. For free on the internet? Apart from graphic this can stand up against any triple A title. Very good work, when I have some more cash at hand I will donate you something.
Much appreciated! :D
Can you make a part where you can use the duplication artifact on Calypso? I would die for doing it with two Calypso clones or Alex clones.
What is the song playing during the day of the dead part? I would like to have it played at my funeral someday. l)J
I've been playing since update 3.0 and I love the game it's fantastic very good story and the H scenes are a bonus the game looks beautiful and and it gives me a feeling of joy every time I play it, I'll be waiting patiently for more updates.
But I do have a question when buying one of your big patreon subs like God or demon lord do we keep some benefits or we have to pay every month to have them?
When you sub to a certain tier, you get access to all the previous content released for that tier up to that point, as long as its benefits for a month
Rather confused as followed the walkthrough on V6 and got to Blackridge. Clicked on Dalia to 'go with her' and she insisted on going by herself so I returned to the town....and ended up eventually with story ending with (spoiler alert) being in Alex's flat with her father threatening me. HOWEVER, walkthrough refers to I should have met Gertrude/Charlotte/Praetorian and Idriel/Micaela/Dalia and then a refernce to sex and more??! Help.
Sounds like you lost Dalia's path beforehand.
Thanks. Back to drawing board! :)
Can't run game on Android. Logs:
Wed Aug 30 15:08:01 2023
Bootstrap to the start of init.init. took 0.00s
Bootstrap to the start of init.init. took 0.00s
Manufacturer Xiaomi Model 22101320G
Android Version: 13
Device Arch: android-arm64_v8a
Screen diagonal is 5.42947458 inches.
Version: Ren'Py
Early init. took 0.08s
Early init. took 0.08s
Failed to sync your saves to/from stock ANDROID_PUBLIC
Android search paths: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.caribdis.eternum/files/../../../../Documents/Ixalon/com.caribdis.eternum/game /data/user/0/com.caribdis.eternum/files/game
Full traceback:
File "renpy/", line 275, in bootstrap
File "renpy/", line 566, in main
OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.caribdis.eternum/files/../../../../Documents/Ixalon/com.caribdis.eternum/game'
Before loading the script.
OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.caribdis.eternum/files/../../../../Documents/Ixalon/com.caribdis.eternum/game'
remove then add files permission again is resolved issue for me. Very strange bug.
Kudos, Cari! Its super rare you find a game with as much effort put into as this one, a ero game nonetheless too! I genuinely had a fuckin' blast enjoying the raunchiest of build ups scenes, into lighthearted/goofy sub plot shenanigans. The story flowed decently naturally, the dialogue was actually pretty good, the choice system??!?! underrated af. LETS NOT EVEN GET STARTED ON CUTSCENES THAT BE PUTTIN' AAA GAMES TO SHAME WITH THEIR INSANE CAMERA PATHS, GREAT SCORE/SOUND DESIGN, AND IMMACULATE USE OF 3D SPACE TO ADD DEPTH INTO A SCENE. Still tempted to restart so I can try out all of chop chop's options. Loved the variation in gameplay with psuedo quick time events, mystery stories, and even 20 questions of all things (more Raul in .7 pls, fuck the Jerry redemption arc.) To anyone reading this to see if its worth their time, play this shit. It's insanely slept on and an excellent example of what passion & perversion translated into the digital medium looks like. The story is so enthralling that you will genuinely be grabbing popcorn and wiping your hands off just to watch it. To Caribdis, thank you for creating such an awesome experience and sharing it with everyone completely for free; please go on to create even bigger things with your visions and talents!
-P.S. EPIC, SAGA, EDDA, RP1? .Hack reference next maybe? :3
Thank you!!
does anybody know why after beach scene dalia is greyed out? pls help i've gone back to try different options many times.
Causes for losing Dalia's path on the beach server
- You didn't attack Dalia's opponent at the gym after she leaves
- You didn't ask Dalia for something spicy in prison on Semper Invicta
- You told Chang the password to her server
What a fucking cliffhanger.. my god this has been a ride... I simply cannot wait for future updates! Amazing work!
You have ruined every other VN for me. This last update 0.6 is SO good. I can't wait for the next one. Such a great story and delivery!
When i first downloaded the 0.6 version for Android, 2 of the 4 saves wouldn't work so i had to start from a not so far point. But now the app doesn't even open. What can i do?
same problem :(
Also, just my own pure speculation/reasoning here...
Working through my full playthrough with the 0.6 update (gotta say, love the updated early dialogue to make things concurrent with recent world events, really appreciate that), and I did not realize that some scenes happened earlier than they did in my brain (Space Oddysey specifically, when we got the Midnight Cookies scene my brain was wondering why Cari was doing so many Annie scenes in a row, but upon replay, yeah, that was 2 updates back...).
Based on progression of each girl, as well as what has been hinted at occurring soon in the last couple updates, I think we can surmise what scenes we're going to get in the next two updates.
Each girl has had a scene approximately every other update (0.3 and 0.5, or 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6). Looking back at each girl's scenes, as well as where each one has been left off;
Annie has stated that she's ready for it "next time" but just had a scene in 0.6, which makes me believe we'll sleep with her in 0.8.
Nancy has only had two scenes, but the elevator was one of those. With her insatiability, I'm guessing we'll get a scene in 0.7, and I'm guessing we will release inside, if you catch my completely unhidden drift.
Dalia in 0.6 admits to herself she wants you to be the one, but like Annie, just had another scene, so probably 0.8 (I'd bet something to do with "the hunt").
Penny is a little harder since she's really only had the one intercourse scene (yes, she had the photoshoot, but that was more of a tease, like Dalia's Shower Show). I'm guessing we'll get her next scene in 0.7, but I don't know if it'll be full intercourse.
Luna. Sweet, poor, neglected Luna. Why, Cari? Why does she only have one scene?! She's overdue another scene, so I'm betting we'll see her in 0.7. However, based on her progression, I can't see this being full intercourse either, which slightly scares me for how late into the game we'll finally sleep with her.
Alex, I mean... We all finished 0.6. She's probably pregnant if y'all selected pregnancy options. I'm betting we'll get another scene in 0.8, maybe even a threesome with Dalia at that point? She's a shapeshifter, so her, Dalia, and MC teaming up for "the hunt" and it getting steamy is high on my list of scenarios that could play out.
Nova is a guaranteed hit for 0.7, full intercourse, probably going to lead to her getting pregnant. With you going to her house for "Netflix and chill" as well as her and your progression, this is the one I'm most sure of.
Now then, those being said, what about side characters (Sadly Calypso being considered one of those)? We've gotten one in 0.1 (ngl, this one was probably just to keep people around and not have the first 2 chapters only be teasing and the like, which fair enough, Eva is great, gave Cari time to develop the characters for the main girls), one in 0.3 (Still conflicted on how Ma'at's story is left, obviously we don't want anyone excommunicated, but Nova or someone (probably Nova) mentioning that Ma'at's account was banned permanently or something would be nice closure), and finally Calypso's in 0.6, which feels like the beginnings of her being our central "Other" girl. With all that, I could see Calypso getting a 0.7 or 0.8 scene, then finishing off with full intercourse with her in 0.9 or 1.0. With the story, I'm kind of doubting she'll be an endgame prologue girl, what with not existing in Kredon but I'd love to be proven wrong about that. Now that we've seen Eva again as well, I could see Cari slipping her in one more scene before the game is done.
There's also a trend Caribdis has set for number of scenes per update. We got 2 scenes in each of 0.1 and 0.2, 3 scenes for 0.3 and 0.4, and 4 scenes for 0.5 and 0.6. This gives me hope that 0.7 and 0.8 will each have 4 scenes, and 0.9 and 1.0 will have 5 scenes each, giving us 18 scenes total.
With all of these observations we can come up with the following rough completely theorized and hypothetical timeline for the next scenes;
0.7 - Nancy, Penny, Luna, Nova, ???
0.8 - Annie, Dalia, Alex, ???, (Probably Calypso)
0.9 - ??? x5
1.0 - ??? x4, (Probably Calypso)
If this holds true, we will have fully slept with Annie, Nancy, Dalia, Alex, and Nova by 0.8, Penny and Luna being left to have intercourse with. Assuming that, I'd guess all of the girls we've slept with by then would be pregnant (of the main girls), else they'll get pregnant the second time we sleep with them (presumably most of their second times would include multiple girls).
We've also been given a lot of hints as to the threesomes and beyond we will likely get, mostly between the sisters and Nancy, but with others thrown in as well. Annie and Nancy have a different bond, I could see that happening as a threesome, Annie and Dalia weirdly keep getting thrown at each other in conversation, mostly by Annie. Annie and Nova were very briefly hinted at by Harley, but that's it. Nancy has been hinted at multigirl scenes with her daughters left and right, there's Nancy and Dalia (rub it in Kai's face), Nancy and Penny, or Nancy, Dalia, and Penny (Rub it in Kai's face even more). I can see Nany initiating a lot of these as she herself has been the one flirtatious bringing them up. Dalia and Penny is just a parallel to the Lauren and Judie final scene from OIAL. Dalia and Alex has been heavily hinted at by both girls, so is almost a guarantee, as is Penny and Nova. Again, this leaves Luna as an outlier, but so was Rebecca in OIAL, so whilst I would like to see her getting involved in some scenes with other girls, her condition also makes it an easy way for Caribdis to explain why she wouldn't.
Again, sorry for the ramble, this game is just too good not to invest time and brain power into. I said it on my last post after just finishing 0.6's new content but Caribdis, keep it up, you're easily the best VN/ero writer/game maker out there at the moment, take your time with your updates to keep things getting better as they have been, just don't make us wait too long (I'll give you a year, maximum).
Thank you so much!
It'll be sooner than a year no worries 😌
Can I download this game on iphone?
i don't think so
When nova talks about the wheelchair guy from outlast i remembered when i first played it and i almost shited myself i used to watch my older brother play 1 and i played the sequel when i grew up a little but it was still terrifies me i just wanted to thank you for reminding me of the good ol days and for makingthis masterpiece called eternum I can't wait for 0.7 but it will take a hot minute and I wont rush you take your time to make it as good as possible keep up the good work and much love
0.6 Not launching!
Created an account just to say that it's the best porn game i've ever seen! Incredible story line, character development, and character designs!!! Can't wait for the next update!
Thank you!
Is there only one ending in this game ?.
It continues in 0.7. I've been following since 0.2 and it's by far the best story out there.
Hi! I recently had to get a new pc and have reinstall the game, would i have to restart the whole game or would it still be saved?
If you have the save file you'll continue, but if not then you might as well do a recap.
Honestly this game is one of the greatest things I've ever found. Everything is perfect, from the music to the plot to the sex scenes. As good as the scenes are, they pale in comparison to the story of this game. If someone asked me about this game, I'd say it was a mystery game with hints of sex, because that's how good it is. To be honest, up to this point my favorite girls have been Nova and Luna (really hoping for some more content with her in the next update!!), but 0.6 (or as I like to call it, the pussy eating update) really bumped up Alex in the rankings, even before the home run scene at the end. Anyways, keep up the phenomenal work, and please don't take too long to release 0.7 (but not at the risk of anything less than what you want it to be at)
Also when will we be able to buy Chang's Nine shirts?
Thank you so much!!
I'm in the Heist part, and only now i noticed i lost the path with Dalia. I don't know how, but can anyone can give me some advice on how to "regain" it?
ps. Sorry for my bad English
Hi, once a path is lost you cannot regain it after, if you have a save that was made before you lost the path you can load it and try to find the choice that made you lose the path
Question: How does Axel know where the MC is when he is at the bus stop? Was he following Chang to find him or was it luck?
Or he came across him coincidentally
Why does Malwarebytes say there is malicious code in this game?
Greetings from Russia! Author, as always you are on top! Thank you so much for this masterpiece! When 0.6 came out, I was waiting for another translation of the game into Russian and did not regret it. This is worth the wait. Also thanks for the twins from the atomic heart game. I am delighted) And in general, all the secrets are very cool. I really like it when you move with the trends, it's cool!)
(sorry, I'm writing through a translator, I hope everything is clear)
Thank you!
If Chang doesn't join Eternum I'm going to ugly cry
What the hell? The music in Dalia's new scene was synced perfectly to the scene, and it was free scroll. Best coincidence ever.
Fucking excited for 0.7.
Nice Darth Vader quote shit went hard asf