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Wow, I don't know what to say, thank you for everything, this is a good game, I like the story of Penelope, we both give up some things for family

Thank you!

I cried lol the music enhance this scene a lot too thx @caribdis


(1 edit)

It's a fucking good game! In last time I play a lot of this kind of game, but this one is unique! It almost sucks you into it! I played through this game in less then 4 days! I just finished, and i really gitta say- I didnt sleep more then 15 hours in the last 4 nights, and in 2 i didnt sleep even a second! This game is not just a porn game, for me its about the story, but the little... scenes are also fucking hot! There is only one thing- I would apreciate it, if you could add the function, to go back further into the story with the back button or the mousewheel, after you enter a scene you already saved! It would be pretty helpful to get acces to backstorys to scenes you didnt save. I know about the gallery, but there is no backstory in it. But i love this game! I'm really sad i cant show this game to anyone because... I think you know why. 

Btw, whats your favourite Caracter? Mine is Nova.

Caribdis' Discord portrait is Nova, and his Discord animation background is Nova holding Dione so...  I guess his is Nova too lol

even if nova is his favorite, i respect that he gives all the girls equal screentime. outside the slight hint that is his discord pfp and banner, i would have absolutely no idea who his favorite girl is. even with his discord profile,  im pretty sure it used to be a different girl, not nova. my mind might be playing tricks on me though lol

Thank you so much!

I think the rollback thing depends on Renpy, not me, but I'll check it out

(4 edits)

minor spoiler warning for those who care:

I dont usually feel the need to comment on erotic games because I admittedly play them to have a fun time, but my god I love the fact this has so much story and world building. Nancy is by far my favorite romance in any of the erotic visial novels i've played, I remember in my first playthrough I messed up and let Kai take advantage of her and the way that scene played out hurt me so much on the inside, it felt like leaving her behind. I hope there is a way to play this game and have a monogamous relationship with nancy without getting a bad ending once it fully releases! I dont mind completing the harem, but this is one of those cases where I would like for monogamy to be a possibility. I also love the dialogue, I personally find it to be very realistic(to an extent) and genuine :) I look forward to .06!


Thank you very much!!

You'll be able to complete the game with 1 girl without a bad ending, no worries :]


thank you so much for the reply! Keep up the good work!


Will they get married and have children?That would be wonderful。

Is there a way to download the game on a mobile iPhone?.

Unfortunately not, IOs doesn't support Renpy games, sorry


Been playing for a while now, and all I can say is, this is royalty amongst visual novels. One of the greatest of all time.

Thank you!

I played the game and absolutely loved it. Was way better than I could have expected. I plan on playing again cause somewhere along the was I lost Alex. Also the blue-haired girl where do you meet her?


Early on, your first trip with Annie, should be able to wander around by yourself a bit, accept the offer for "a good time" despite the high cost.

Ohhhh- i was so sure id just get robbed so i didnt even try! Man, i gotta do sth now! 

(3 edits) (+1)

ive been playing for a few hours now and man this game is much better than it should be. i already regret going cheap on the whole "name your price" thing. ill definately throw some more in, take my money!

i constantly keep forgetting that i came for the badonkadonks, because everything going on in eternum is so clapping interesting. i draw my hat before thee, for creating an erotic game that is actually interesting and fun to play. it looks great, too. although i havent seen any "action" so far, so i cant speak on that.

love it


Thank you so much for the support! <3

the clerk / barrista is a fuckin smokeshow, honestly thought we'd get a scene sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Where would the save data be? I seem to have lost my saves and am trying to find where they would be. 

u can find it in android/data/com. caribdis. eternum/  but if u deleted the game or erased the game data u cant get ur save data again and u have to play the game from beginning or u can just dm me on discord and i gonna send u a save date from the point u stopped in the game

If you're playing on PC, you can find a backup of your saves in Windows > Users > (your user) > AppData > Roaming > Renpy

Aaaaa... F.... Can't wait for 0.7..

Love u Caribdis 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘


(1 edit) (+2)

current version is 0.6 so yes, just not public yet

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+1)

Just a comment to say that your game fucking rocks Caribdis, I love watching you progress update after update despite having already achieved such a good quality. The humor is always on point and I can see that you put a lot of reference in your game ! 

I also have a quick question, pardon me in advance if it's a little "strange" but can you tell us which are the LI who are virgins at the beginning of the game because I saw on a certain forum speak about it and even arguing so i thought it would be a good way to end speculation (it's totally fine if you don't want to answer it)


Ok so, I downloaded this game for the same reason as everyone but man... I totally stayed for the story, the jokes and the characters, the universe and the scenario got me hookep up so much and the characters are all so endearing and man I laughed so much  (the "chang'd" is my favorite one so far), thank you for creating this game, it's really beautiful and pleasant to play !

Thank you very much! 💗

Yeah, i played the whole geme in less then 4 days now, it nearly sucks you into it! 2/4 days passed without any sleep!

if i become a patron right now do i still get that tier's early access?


Will depend on what tier you get on their Patreon!

For example, you bought the Eternumite Tier. Then you'll get the early access on August 4!

Hope this helps!

when will version 0.6 be released free?


august 22nd


AAAAAARGHHH! FUCK! I've never had a game like that before.. I hardly ever game in the first place...

Jokes aside, came here a while after completing OIAL so the expectations were high. Anyway, what you managed to create here has such potential and is already so captivating, I can only see forward to what you planned for Eternum and its universe.
I know it's gonna be great and I'll have to join your Patreons shortly. I wish I had the practice and knowledge to create something like this. Hats off once again.


Hahaha nice reference

Glad you liked it! Thank you so much for your support!!

Sorry but when is .6 going to be out?

(2 edits) (+1)
  • Demon Lord Tier - July 27 - 03:00 PM (UTC)
  • God Tier - July 29 - 03:00 PM (UTC)
  • Eternumite Tier - August 4 - 03:00 PM (UTC)
  • Master Tier - August 10 - 03:00 PM (UTC)
  • Supporter Tier - August 16 - 03:00 PM (UTC)
  • Public Release - August 22 - 03:00 PM (UTC)

is what is written in <a href="<a href=" https:="""" eternum="" devlog="" 565120="" 06-changelog-release-dates"=""></a>

(1 edit)

Thank You
i will have to Play it Again as it has been over 3 Months since last Play.
Looks like you have a Few Glowing Comments.
Yes Like the Game but I will have to Check and see if Current.
would also Like a Walk-through. As I Keep forgetting to save and it ends. and have nothing but end of version Save .


когда 0.6 заебали уже

22 августа

это только на англе, а так еще перевод ждать



I am so impressed that I felt the need to write this comment.

This is a work of art, I simply can't believe how incredible it looks, especially within the game world of Eternum.

Thank you for creating this wonderful game, I was also amazed with your first game "Once in a Lifetime"

Thank you!!


yo if I comment any other time after this could I know if you are a man or women because I keep on just avoiding saying he or she because I have no clue if you are a man or a woman. anyways have a good day and keep up the good work, hope to play the update soon. 


Just say the name if you're afraid of using pronouns


I aint afraid i just aint tryna spell out caribdis every time and I don't know his or hers actual name so i have to say caribdis

(3 edits) (-1)

Can't wait for the update don't even care if I'm unbanned from the discord or not! But I am almost done with your other game, and I just wished it was longer! It really had no sounds but I'm glad you have improved so much since your other game. Hope you can keep on making updates for this game!

Hi caribdid, is the final published on monday? And can we play it for free? Cuz i don't have money rn. If i have i would definitely support it's an awesome game.


The free public release is august 22. but if you have a donation rank depending on the rank you get it earlier.

i really like the story of this so far, and the the female characters look great and are interesting. Need more of my girls daila and Alex tho. Great game I look forward to everything you do from now on.

Thank you for playing!


Thank you so much Caribdis for doing that albeit unknowingly

Happy birthday!

Then happy birthday in advance! You wont get any sleep that night😜

the close chat button has stoped working for me and i cant click on some dialoge, is there a work around?

its made it so im stuck in the game, i cant go further, sorry about breaking your game 

Will there be a translation into Russian?



Fantastic game Caribdis, all your work has been fantastic. Can't wait till the update

never really been a big fan of visual novels...until now! 😍

if I click on the download button it leeds  me to the 0.5 version..where I can get the 0.6 version ?


a I saw it, wait until aug 22..🧘‍♂️

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+1)

I dont know the reason but I knew taking it was the wrong choice because if you play with sound turned on there is an audio only dialogue saying the founder is lying to you and you cannot trust him.

Sure, but even without the walkthrough, would you trust the creepy voice?


i'm a woman that's kinda gay and playing this was SOOOOOO fun!! like i love the mc so much!! he's sweet, kind and MY FORTEEE. he's super handsome too :pp. i love how there's actually a plot and it's not always about sex and horny stuff. i so love the great animations, the beautiful women and just.. EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS GAME. the heist? i loved that so much!! it's MY ALL TIME FAVORITEEE AAAAHHHH!! whenever there's a thrill event going on, i'm getting the feels all the time.  SO YEAH, i've been playing this for a week? i think? i'm still not done with it but i've been rly rly enjoying it!! i love luna a lot, i'm pursuing her out of all the characters hehehehe. though nova and penelope are my other favorites too. alex as well!- EVERYONE, i'll just say everyone lmao

Glad you enjoyed it, thank you!


Shit game


For real man why say that


are you saying that cuz this game actually has a plot and is fun to play other than just having sex with pretty women?


Is it that hard for you to read dialogue?

Only if i played through the nighr and my eyes are tired😅

I think the dialoge is pretty good, i mean i also learnd a few words i didnt know before, pretty cool. Definately pushes your english skills.

Only people with nasty eyes and filthy percetions see everything as shitty.


What the fuck is this?????


Just play a few hours and ypu will notice: its not just about sex- its a incedible story!


i just started your other game and there is like no music so far just sounds, this just shows how much you have improved in this game since your previous game.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey, Caribdis. I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate all the little detail in your game. I played this other game that seemed to be trying to do something similar to this one, but it was so bad that it wasn't even worth playing (or worth remembering the name of for that matter.) Everything about it was so choppy. During scenes was choppy; in between scenes was choppy. Everything that anyone said or did just felt like something was missing. It was super fast paced, but only because it was rushed and needed more writing.

Your game never does that. The pacing is perfect. Nothing feels excessive and nothing feels like it's missing anything. I don't really know how to describe it well, but I'm guessing you know what I mean since you're as skilled of a writer as you are. (Maybe you even know a name for it, idk.) But every time someone talks, it's like he or she both says the exact right number of words and conveys the exact right amount of information. You write the exact right number of filler words in  between key words and filler sentences in between key information, and the exact right amount of inaction in between the action. And every sentence flows naturally into the next and feels right when you read it. It's all just so perfect. You have a gift and I love that you're using it to entertain us all.


Thank you so much, Psychic <3


I saw the update log and the first thing on my mind wasn't to get excited about more H scenes, but for the possibility of more Chang. 😏


(2 edits) (-1)

I was banned on the my bully is my lover discord just because I wanted advice on how I could get unbanned in caribdis's discord server. didn't know that was a reason for me to get banned. and I just followed niichan on twitter so I could get updates on that instead of discord. I was just thinking you should also make a twitter and post updates on there as well as your discord server if i ever get unbanned. but if you already have a twitter than you should put it in your links section but if not, you should make one. 

I do have one

if i would have known that i would have not gone through all the trouble before hand  


What will happen to the progress I already have when the new update comes out? Will it all be gone and will I have to restart or is there a way to save progress?

On PC all your saves will always carry over, no worries

 And For Androids?

Im on mac so does this still apply to me?

(1 edit)

im going to go play your other game but damn august 22nd holy shit but i cant wait for it i hope its as good as the rest of the game so far. and who ever has the demon lord must have bank to be doing that monthly 

Nice to see an update - at your speed! :)

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