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any news on an update?

Join the discord server, there are announcements, that Cari posts regularly and also the community there is awesome

i got banned from it and cant get back in i hope they will add a appeal/request so you can get unbanned. 


How the hell do you get banned from a porn game's discord?


i reacted to a gay guy and said kys fag and i was going to delete it but i got banned before i could do anything 

I have played/read so many other of these types of games here on itch, but yours is hands down the best in literally every category.  The visual concepts and actions and the environments are top notch. 

Thank you!!

Yeah, me to, this game is the best of all i played with a nig gab between 1st and 2nd place! I know I shouldnt write this in a comment about a game, but u can recommend any other? Bc i cant find good games anymore. You would help me pretty much.


I've always loved your games, they are of amazing quality, and the story makes me really laugh, surprise, sad and scared. I'm very supportive of you doing more in this industry, and I'm looking forward to the fact that in previous versions there are a lot of choices that are suspected to influence the plot for a long time. I'd also like to ask if you would add NTR to Eternum. You know, like most people, I don't want that kind of plot in reality. But when it comes to the game, the feeling of immorality gave me greater sexual excitement. For example, you added the NTR section of sister and Sopranos to Once In a Lifetime. Although it was short, I felt more excited than ever when there was a huge deflection in the whole pure love session. I'm sure there are others who will be like me. Considering that some of the players didn't like it, I wondered if you would add more NTR plots to the game in a selectable form, which I think will deepen my attention to the game. Hope this question is answered, thanks!

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NTR content is not planned, sorry about it 🙏🏻

Thank God!

I don't like that too. The game is perfect as it is.

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You heard what they said, congratulations bro

Thank you for your answer. That's okay, because the content of the game itself is enough to amaze me! I can't wait to play with version 0.6!!!

Thank God there is no ntr.

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I wish it has a zip instead of others.

it has!! i have mine on zip sooo

Im new to the game 😅 and I’m at the part where they come back from the Halloween party is it close to the ending ? Or is there still more Ik it’s dumb 😭

Nahh, its not even kinna dumb! And i am sorry i got to tell you- it will be over soon. But on august 22 the next version 0.6 will come put, ypu dont have to wait that long. Not ebeven a month- u got this! Keep strong!😁


Guys this is a game game dont go into it thinking its just a typical H game. Eternum is filled with humor and story. lots of dialogue and choices. the world is so fleshed out the creator put so much thought into this i wish i had their brain. when the h scenes come theyre intense and hot, really turned me feral a couple times lol. 

Thank you very much! 


First of all, Eternum is absolutely amazing in every single way.  Story, music, characters and humour are 10/10, same as art and animations.  It almost makes me feel sad, not exactly sure why.... Maybe kind of how endangered animals make you  sad by how rare they are. I can't explain it. I almost never want to play full release, so I can know I can still play it for the first time at some point.

Second of all, Caribdis, is there a playlist anywhere with the music and songs you use in the game? And is it royalty free? There's a few really nice ones that would be great for background noise for my streams. Thanks for any reply!

Looking forward to 0.6!

Thank you Liam!!

You can find a playlist here

Is there Chinese translation patch in eternum0.6?



There will be, yes



couldn't put the game down I loved it and can't wait for it to be fully released so I can get the whole story.

I wonder when this game can support multiple languages🙃

Can i ask you a few question about how can i start my own game like this and which app is reqired to make one?

If you bring out such a game, let me know

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is there any way i can see updates without having to go on here every time because im banned on the discord for some reason. id just like to play the game and support it as much as i can.  

Well the best way is my Patreon and SubscribeStar pages

Lmao. "For some reason". High five brother.  

ima join this bandwagon lmao, i cant plead my ban cause i dont got contact wiht the discord mods

Get another dc account bro, this is the 3rd comment ypu left abput this!😁

No offense, i understand you!


Лучшая игра в своём роде. Что удивительно для игр такого жанра, Eternum позволяет забыть об начальной причине своего запуска. 

 Тем не менее, несколько удручает маленькое количество сцен и зацикленность на весьма ограниченном количестве главных персонажей. Есть второстепенные персонажи, которых хотелось бы побольше, типо Калисты и Идриэль. Хотя бы эти двое  явно тянут на добавление в турнирную таблицу (Там где твоя статистика и галерея). Однако это уже мои желания. 

 Возвращаясь к теме, хочу сказать, что даже захотелось поддержать разработчика. Правда жаль, что связи со санкциями и прочими трудностями в моей стране это тяжело сделать или я просто не знаю как. 

 Anyway, если игра выйдет на удобной площадке наподобие steam, то обязательно куплю. А пока ждём, когда игра перестанет быть сырой. Ко всему прочему и сцен с Калистой).

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yall wanna be careful ripping bungie assets theyre on a lawsuit grind atm i would remove the image underneath the 3 girls with the sunshot in it

Please Tell me When will the next version will be released?

Please! Please! Please............... 🥺❤️


This week on my Patreon and SubscribeStar :)

When will the next version will be released?

When will it be released in public?


You can simply look at dev's answer in almost any post below, you are not the only one with this question. Public will be 2 weeks after Patreon/SubscribeStar release by the end of the month. So expect it to be mid-August at the very least


This is a work of artistic brilliance. The rendering and writing are beyond what anyone could hope for in this type of game. I am so hooked on the characters and plot I stopped caring that what drew me to the game was the sex (of which this game is hours and hours of being a cock-tease with a very satisfying weekend at the end of .5)  I genuinely don't think there has been a game that rendered sexual content so perfectly before now. I've been playing it non-stop for days and I'm so sad there's not more.  I would drop cash right now if there were a complete version. It's worth it.


Thank you very much!!


I know you've heard this a lot, but I have to say, your game is a fucking masterpiece. The story, the comedy, the choice of music, the plot, the characters (both in design and personality), the models. It's just perfect. My only "complaint" would be the lack of new mechanics but for goodness sake that's far from an issue to not give your game a 10/10.(Also, I don't have the money I'd like to support your game right now, but here's a selfish request from a fan, bring Dalia's original hair more often please!) That's all, thank you, good luck and good work with your game production!


Thanks Moita! And I'll keep that in mind !

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Your game has no business being that good. Like honestly, I was expecting something mid, but from the very start I had so much fun enjoying it. The dialogs, the goofy comedy, the lore, the characters, the pop culture references in many of the mini-stories, the top notch storytelling... This could be a tv show I'd watch. I've spent the whole week having a absolute BLAST like few games ever provided. I got the end credits just today, and damn it felt too soon . I can't wait for the next release ! 

Thank you <3

The game is top tier. Probably the best I played on this platform. The story, scenes and everything overall is just amazing. I'm just wondering when the next update will come out. Keep on going legend.

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New update next week on my Patreon/SubscribeStar!

ITS TOO DAMN GOOD, I went in fully expecting a normal romance web novel but the story is actually hella good and funny.

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Hi Caribdis, I just have one question. Do you write the story and all the dialogue by yourself? 

I have an editor/proofreader, but yes I do :)

Honestly, I find your writing inspiring. This is the only Visual Novel I've ever read so I honestly don't know how well other ones from Japan or whatnot compare but I was shocked and impressed by the dialogue and how comedic and authentic it was at times—The way you utilized the medium to elevate certain story and character moments is amazing. I'm an amateur writer myself, but if you ever needed some free help I would love to contribute in some way to your project. Regardless, you probably don't need it anyway but I look forward to your future installments. Thanks for creating something so fun!

Thank you <3

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Bro i came tantalos home and my game finished, is ter a problem, ?


No, it's just that that's the end of the game but Caribdis is making a update and said that the release date will be announced in about a week. 

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This game is too good. The quality of the animations, the transitions, the music, the dialogues, the mystery, the comedy, the sexual elements... is too damn high!
Really, I made the terrible desition of trying the game yesterday at 10 PM, and ended up binge playing the whole thing  (I already played Once in a Lifetime, so I should have known it was gonna be amazing).
Seriously, I've played some other popular games on this platform and they have a boring narrative, typos, bugs, lazy transitions, lame attemps at making you laugh... and this game is just on a different level.

Glad you liked it! Thank you!

Ahm hi dev can I ask why your game is always crashing  please replay

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I just played this game, and my mind is blown! the plot and story are amazing, and the characters are great also.  I didn't even want to play it for the porn because just around the start I thought it was already amazing.  i wish I could see more but I don't have the money to support you right now sadly. but if I did, I would hope to give you it so you could speed up the progress. I can't wait for the full game to release! i also just wanted to know but why is Alex and dalias cards greyed out did i do something wrong?

Deleted 1 year ago
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Same thing happened on my first playthrough, and reading the Walkthrough is looks like you need to be more forward with Daliah, and play unreachable with Alex

thanks man ill make sure to do that next time but im going to go play his other game first before i try to go make another playthrough. 


And yeah, you lost their paths and romances. Check out the walkthrough!

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I just played it again with the help of the guild and wow. just wow. there was a lot that I missed but I'm wondering how you do all of that, I'm not looking into making a game myself, but it takes someone very talented to do something like this, I can't wait to play the next updates when you make them. and I just wanted to ask will you be planning on making any anal scenes, or no? if you don't its fine because I'll still play and enjoy the game. but now I'm going to play your other game later tonight to see if that's half as good as this one. Edit: I just remembered this, but I got banned for some reason on the discord server and it didn't specify a reason I just got banned. idk if it was something I said to someone or if someone was abusing their permissions, the only reason I want back is to know when and what the updates are so I can experience this game even more. I'm not asking you to unban me but if you were going to plan on doing that then my username is elimdz2. if you don't then could you contact a mod to do it? I know you are working hard to make this game and also have a personal life, but I was just asking if you could take a moment to unban me. 

I'll tell the mods, but if they have any reason for the ban they probably won't, sorry

Yes, there will be anal scenes

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ok thank you i would appreciate it very much and if i did get banned for some reason i would like to know if i could, i would like to make a appeal or whatever they call it so i could get unbanned. i just want to get regular updates without having to go on websites and check regularly when i can just get a notification on discord.  you have a amazing game and i would love to support it by playing the game. if you don't want to do any of the discord work then could you please put me in contact with a mod. anyways i hope you have a great day and love the game, can't wait to play the next update. 

Hi there! I love your works and I am looking forward for upcoming content from you, also I have one question, I am planning on making my own visual novel, how long is each "episode" (like an each update), in terms of word count? Your games are amazing and length of each update and each "section" of the game feels like a "sweet spot", not too short to leave the reader with the feeling of emptiness, and not too long to reader be overwhelmed by the amount of it. Thanks in advance.

Maybe around 50K words


I'm curious, will there be any references to the characters of OIAL? Judith was really exited to get Eternum, so will we ever see a further easter egg of that?


This is the best visual novel game I've ever played in my life! Thank you very much

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Hi can I ask what device are you playing?

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I gotta say, I need to see that soundtrack! Never found a VN with half the songs being recognizable from my own playlists, and some that I need to add!

Simply the best VN I've had in awhile, and I just got back into the swing of playing them after some time!

I've played MBIML and I saw Moon and Garrington, Let me guess you are close friend with Niichan? Both of you had the same art style but Your music sir is better, Both had a good story and I love both games. Hope you two will do more cameo characters. And I notice Luna and Aine looks Identical. Hoping more future updates and I'll keep supporting you sir.

Yeah we are :)

You don't know how Happy I am, both of your games and Niichan made me cry.  Hoping that Emma and Luna will meet in the future, I saw eternum in MBIML  I was shock and surprise.🤣


Annie isn't real, and now I am depressed. :(


What do you mean

Maybe he got a platonic relationship with the character

Man if that's the case, I feel bad for 'em. I did for my playthrough. She was everything that I wanted and more!


Dalia and Nova also can't smother me with their thighs, I feel you brother.

I know I'm being pushy but when is the 0.6 coming out?


he says less than a week for paid subscribers to his patreon or subscribestar and he'll post definitive release date for free players in less than a week


Thank you, this game i think is one of the best because of the sci-fi element to it, really top tier

Aug 1st caribdis announce the date

noice, I'm hyped!!

hi may i ask for a way to plead my ban from the discord server? i didnt know spoiling a scene was a bannable thing, so I would really like to rejoin the community as I really support you as a creator. I've been following your games ever since once in a lifetime was still in a development. I've learned from my mistakes so I'd really like to be able to support you again even further. @Caribdis

I don't know anything about that, ask the moderators on the discord server

I Currently Don't have a way to know who or how to contact the moderators on the server, So I'd appreciate it if I can atleast get a user I can try reaching out to, thanks.

I'd say tonymack21 man

hey does anyone know what the song is that plays on the first encounter with Eva i cant find it anywhere and its super good

Torii Wolf, No one knows but me

thank you, greatly appreciated!

Been following your progress since once in a lifetime, and only just now realized I could comment here😭. Anyway, I just saw your sneakpeek and I'm really glad that you're putting so much effort and work to create a story that truly immerses me in your universe :D You have my thanks for an excellent tale, and I hope you a bright many years :)

Thank you very much :D

I wonder if  the heist in 0.4 was inspired by Persona

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this game is an absolute masterpiece. it has an amazing story, amazing characters and character development, and most importantly the choice is yours how you want the harem of your dreams to go.  i played this right after i found out about it from playing the developer's other game once in a lifetime which i highly recommend as well, they both have so much love and care put into them; show the developer some love will you wait for v 0.6 to come out... so excited

Thank you!!

25/10 I can't believe Cod thinks their game is worth $70. This was one of THE BEST visual novel I have ever played. I played my first one a week ago, this is my fourth, and Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk when I hit the "Thanks for playing" I cried a little. You moi dr'ug are a saint! I will be following you on Patreon until I see the end! :) <3 thank you for the hours of great content, not just the emotion but the humor had me bellowing out loud at 3 am. Have a great Tuesday to everybody that see's this.


Thank you for your support!!


No no! Thank you! I am playing Once in a lifetime now. And I can't believe the massive amount of content you put into your work! You deserve praise! Keep doing what you're doing :) much love I am sending your way~ 

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