Like I said in comment section of OiaL that most likely in few days I will finish and write someting about your next masterpiece. So here I'm writing freshly after finishing 0.3 version.
For the background: Few days ago I finished OiaL and later decided to do all the endings. Than I decided to try ETERNUM because I had high expectations (after such a good game that OiaL was) and ohh boy does it deliver. OiaL was amazing but this... THIS is a new league. I don't know how did you manage to improve your work so much. Plot is even more engaging than in your last game. Characters are even more unique and the graphics, my god how I love everything that changed. Animations are top notch compering OiaL to this is like heaven and earth. I don't know how or will you even try to link together some of the endings from OiaL but non the less even the hints in some of them are more than just great on it's own. I suspect you wrote two hole games in one sitting just to link them in some ways later. Finishing my toadying, I'm not sure If i'm right but it seems that updates are released every three months. I hate the feeling that I have to wait so long for the next version of this geme(If I'm wrong and updates are released in other time stamps just let me know). I'm speechless and again I will just tell you to keep up the excellent work but it won't change anything because no matter what I write I know your work will suprise everyone in this community(I hope in a good way ofcourse XD). And one last thing will there be some kind of gallery that will show you which ending have player already done?
This game is amazing. Love the story, mini games and scenes. For sure the best adult game I have ever played. Great job on this masterpiece. Can't wait to play the full thing once its done. Will you guys be completing the full game?
I like how you manage to make a game totally have alot from a movie called Ready Player One iam actually surprised not gonna say the same story as the movie but it has alot from it and its so freaking cool damn i love this game
AAAHH, the struggles of wanting to play every single update blind but also not wanting to damage all the progress I've managed to make by using the walkthrough... Why you gotta torture me like this?? (Seriously, tho, I love it)
This is my second playthrough of the game and Alex's backstory has me literally in tears every time 😭 guess I've got a thing for the tough exterior type 🤷♂️There's just so much depth to the story and character building. I've definitely laughed out loud a few times too. Best game I've downloaded on this site BY FAR! Keep up the amazing work 👏 thoroughly looking forward to future updates 😁👍
This is the first time I have commented (not to mention this account was created solely to comment on this game), but wow, just, WOW!
Where to begin? This game is jam-packed with adventure, action, lust, comedy, romance, you name it! The developer deserves significantly more praise than the majority of the games around, and those who are bothered by the update cycle have seemingly never created something of this sort before.
Story flow is very solid, I found myself starting after work at 9-10 and somehow sleeping at 4 - something not even YouTube can make me do. The events are extremely memorable, humorous, exciting, and every primary character is so thoroughly established, but even the secondary characters (like Jerry, for example) have a great sense of depth to them (I love that he dies so often to be honest).
References galore! I couldn't even keep up with how many references were made. Obviously, SAO - I honestly thought we were in for a clone in a game format, but much to my pleasant surprise, this is a hot, fresh take on the genre, and although it has been a while since I've seen it, the anime does not hold a candle to this because of the interactive element and a completely new, enthralling storyline. There's a hint if Fallout, Harry Potter, and a few more (but you'll just have to play to find out, eh?).
Character design is magnificent. Caribdis, my man, you have truly fucking outdone yourself. Every character seems to have been toiled over for days, and I would not be surprised if it took weeks. Alex is my favourite (probably because I'm inked and relate heavily with her & Nova), but also because even the ink is spectacular. I will be completely honest, unlike many of the other players, I had to put Once in a Lifetime on the backburner because I was extremely bothered by the characters, they just gave me chills; in retrospect, it was all in the eyes. However, having just completed Eternum (0.3), I have opened OiaL because I simply cannot get enough of your writing.
TLDR: Thank you, Caribdis. Thank you so much, for making me laugh, bust, and need a cigarette in one package. Usually, the post-nut clarity be hitting diff after a VN, but I could not put this game down. This game joins the short list of the few special games that stay with you long after you put it down, such as Pinkcake's work, The DeLuca Family, City of Broken Dreamers, and so on. I look forward to future updates, and as I am finishing this post, will head right to subscribe star (since the game is geoblocked on patreon for me until I go home). - Sar
Again the new update makes me even love this game, bro like I swear maximo, if I have a chance to punch him I'll do it rn jk, just maximo's timing is 10/10 lol, btw 10/10 this new chapter waiting for the future versions of the game love you dev💎☄️❤️
YES finally i was waiting for a New Vegas rerference, now all thats left is getting to pat that damn cat shes so cute then you shall forever have my udying respect and gratitude
I made an account just to comment here. Don't get me wrong, there are very good games on this site, but your two games are well above the rest in my opinion, especially Eternum. I don't want to sound impatient because I understand how long making these games might take and the last update came out very recently, but do you have any idea when the next update might be ready? I need more Annie and Dalia in my life ;_;
Damn, what a top piece, the author seems to be not from our land, this is an excellent work, head and shoulders above even the last game, which was also incomparable. The humor is just on top, you can laugh, enjoy the plot and characters and masturbate at the same time)) All the girls are just fire. Updates come out a bit long, but it's worth it. Huge respect to the author, what a thrill to play your games !!!! Keep up the good work, it seems that you are capable of anything)
Bruh as soon as i finished Once in a Lifetime (Great VN btw best i've played) i decided to play Eternum and its amazing just finished it today and damn i love the plot and the characters, whenever i see Chang and Chop-Chop i know imma start laughing cause they are freaking funny. Continue with the great work because i love OiaL and this game.
I literally named the mc Krvnik in OiaLT cus he looks like some fucked up villain.
Krvnik means executioner in Croatian. And i have to say it is my headcannon that his name is Krvnik. Pronunciation sounds like Curve-Nick
Also i haven't seen the official name of the mc in OiaLT. In Eturnum the mc is called Orion by default if you don't enter a name, but i think that in OiaLT i couldn't let it default to anything.
I usually rename main characters *Wanka'* unless their default name fits them or they look like a schmuck, if so i call them Fappa' as a joke that they are bootlegged Wanka's. -I kept Orion, fits him
I truly, legitimately believe with my whole (shriveled, black, nearly nonexistent) heart that nobody else makes R-18+ visual novels quite like you do, my friend. I played Once in a Lifetime many a time over, and am now working my way through Eternum. The H-scenes aside (they're great, make no mistake), no other VNs have made me cry, made me laugh, made me rage and wanna punch an asshole, or get up in arms and absolutely destroy anyone who would seek to do harm against some of the most memorable characters in OiaL and Eternum (and no, I speak not of just the womenfolk. Stabby Mike and Chang are part of the harem and Astaroth help any who seek their demise) and I thank you for the wondrous experiences that are your games. Anywho.....
If you wanna cry try NiiChan's MyBullyIsMyLover and LifeChangingChoices
They don't have the overall quality OiaL and Eturnum present through every moment but you will love the characters, maybe not the player characters but ay. Try it.
I legit registered only to fucking comment how awesome your games are! Like I remember when I downloaded once in a lifetime it was only for... Other purposes... But the story oh my god! I dove so deep in the story amazing!! I just finished eternum 0.3 and again omg! You're so creative and how to make a good story! I can not wait for next part to come out! No worries I understand it takes time but I'll wait as long as it needs for this masterpiece!
Caridbis you are an AMAZING storyteller and I really want to support this game like OIALT, I REALLY do but I'm sorry, a couple of games like milfy city scarred me, people spent hundreds of usd and then those got abandoned. You are one of the best story teller I've ever seen and your stories are something I get mentally invested into so I wont get this game unless its complete because I can't explain how bad it would have been if OIALT ended in a cliffhanger, because of how good it is and how much invested I was in it, so I hope I can get this game asap after its complete. Hope you will understand,wishing you all the best and keep being the amazing person that you are.
Just wanna say that your an absolutely amazing storyteller. You storytelling rivals most of the AAA VNs. The adventure, suspense, humor, drama and everything else [not just the adult stuffs] in your work, its just priceless. Your one of the two best indie authors who's work I've had the pleasure of reading.
If it makes you feel any more comfortable their only other game was completed and is highly rated and praised on here. You can even download the full version of it free on here.
I know dude, I have the patreon version of the gemstone of a visual novel once in a lifetime[OIALT] and saying that its a great one would be an understatement. But dude recently 4 of the games I backed got abandoned and it stings. That's why I haven't downloaded this game yet, because I bet you know how amazing Caribdis games are and I seriously wont be able to take it if something happens midways because how invested I will become in it if its anywhere near as good as oialt is. And anyways I can always get the game after its finished right? :D
I really need to relog in in my account to say this...But your works are always good started with 2.0 because IDK you released a new visual novel and what can I say??? It's really good...It's a lot more different than your last project as if ur last project isn't good enough this looks a lot more cleaner than ur last project...
I really like the theme here ngl...I wonder how many years it'll take to reach this kind of technology but u take me in that future to witness this stuff and it's amazing.
Oh last thing is I hope you don't mind this but I'm not kinda big fan of that execution more specifically when Alex killed an Praetorian using dragons breath...I feel like it doesn't match the rest of the executions in the series...
But anyways I hope u can finish this project because this stuff is gud!!!
Waited until 0.3 to give it a shot, because I love to binge on stories to get the best context, and man was that a mistake. There's enough content here to get completely hooked but I know this level of writing and design will take foreeeever. I'm going to go drop by the Patreon to help this grow!
Oh dear it's the best Western 3D game I've ever played, the art style suits my goute, much more than other games in the genre, also I have to mention the plot, with a good sense of humor here and there!
This game has honstly been the best I've ever played in this genre. The plot is very well done and adds a lot to the game. The characters feel somewhat real and their interactions feel natural. Totally unrelated to the review but, the other day I was thinking that it would be sweet if this game was in VR seeing as the game concept is about a world obsessed with VR. Honestly, great job and keep up the good work.
I played "Once in a Lifetime" as well and let me say. if you made a game just story based and didn't do sex scenes it would be just as good as this game and "OIALT" I remember starting that game and I got so lost in the content that I literally spent the whole night playing. It was 5 am before I realized, and I think I was like halfway done. I cannot express how amazing your games are!! I'm becoming a patron asap. if supporting you means more games like these then take all my money!
Dude, Once in a Lifetime was amazing. I'm really excited to see you're working on another game.
Edit: Downloaded and played through the current version shortly after posting this comment. All the characters are pretty good, but I can see why you chose Luna as the sort of poster girl of this (at least on the wallpaper here on definitely best girl in my book.
Here I am, once again, to let you know how epic of a story teller and game dev you are. I have played many many games like this, but never quite like this. Just like "Once in a Lifetime", Eternum has it all, engaging story, mystery, awesome humor that cracks me up every time, super awesome and lovable characters that make it so hard to chose a favorite... And ofcourse, the scenes are just Masterwork!
Caribdis, I have been a Patreon supporter for over a year now, and every single cent was more than worth it for the awesome work you make.
Une démonstration vraiment très impressionnante, très fluide, aucune fermeture indésirables, aucun message d'erreur, aucun bug et aucun affaiblissement du contrôle tactile, c'est vraiment très rare.
C'est vraiment dommage qu'il soit disponible seulement en anglais. Nous avons vraiment hâte de voir la suite.
Félicitations à tous ceux qui travaillent dessus 🎉👋
← Return to game
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Like I said in comment section of OiaL that most likely in few days I will finish and write someting about your next masterpiece. So here I'm writing freshly after finishing 0.3 version.
For the background: Few days ago I finished OiaL and later decided to do all the endings. Than I decided to try ETERNUM because I had high expectations (after such a good game that OiaL was) and ohh boy does it deliver. OiaL was amazing but this... THIS is a new league. I don't know how did you manage to improve your work so much. Plot is even more engaging than in your last game. Characters are even more unique and the graphics, my god how I love everything that changed. Animations are top notch compering OiaL to this is like heaven and earth. I don't know how or will you even try to link together some of the endings from OiaL but non the less even the hints in some of them are more than just great on it's own. I suspect you wrote two hole games in one sitting just to link them in some ways later. Finishing my toadying, I'm not sure If i'm right but it seems that updates are released every three months. I hate the feeling that I have to wait so long for the next version of this geme(If I'm wrong and updates are released in other time stamps just let me know). I'm speechless and again I will just tell you to keep up the excellent work but it won't change anything because no matter what I write I know your work will suprise everyone in this community(I hope in a good way ofcourse XD). And one last thing will there be some kind of gallery that will show you which ending have player already done?
Thank you so much <333
I'll think about the endings when the time comes, but a feature like that could be nice yeah
This game is amazing. Love the story, mini games and scenes. For sure the best adult game I have ever played. Great job on this masterpiece. Can't wait to play the full thing once its done. Will you guys be completing the full game?
It'll take a while, but yeah for sure
a cliffhanger?
why good things take time T-T
whatever let me play once in a lifetime's other endings while you are working on Eternum.
Should we be expecting 0.4 update in September?
I am wondering the same thing
someone is copying your work and releasing it as their own on itch
called : gbepatch
I reported it, thank you.
I hope they don't take too long to take it down. It's probably malware
Looks like it was already deleted.
That was fast 🙏
I like how you manage to make a game totally have alot from a movie called Ready Player One iam actually surprised not gonna say the same story as the movie but it has alot from it and its so freaking cool damn i love this game
AAAHH, the struggles of wanting to play every single update blind but also not wanting to damage all the progress I've managed to make by using the walkthrough... Why you gotta torture me like this?? (Seriously, tho, I love it)
Haha both options sound good to me
This is my second playthrough of the game and Alex's backstory has me literally in tears every time 😭 guess I've got a thing for the tough exterior type 🤷♂️There's just so much depth to the story and character building. I've definitely laughed out loud a few times too. Best game I've downloaded on this site BY FAR! Keep up the amazing work 👏 thoroughly looking forward to future updates 😁👍
This is the first time I have commented (not to mention this account was created solely to comment on this game), but wow, just, WOW!
Where to begin? This game is jam-packed with adventure, action, lust, comedy, romance, you name it! The developer deserves significantly more praise than the majority of the games around, and those who are bothered by the update cycle have seemingly never created something of this sort before.
Story flow is very solid, I found myself starting after work at 9-10 and somehow sleeping at 4 - something not even YouTube can make me do. The events are extremely memorable, humorous, exciting, and every primary character is so thoroughly established, but even the secondary characters (like Jerry, for example) have a great sense of depth to them (I love that he dies so often to be honest).
References galore! I couldn't even keep up with how many references were made. Obviously, SAO - I honestly thought we were in for a clone in a game format, but much to my pleasant surprise, this is a hot, fresh take on the genre, and although it has been a while since I've seen it, the anime does not hold a candle to this because of the interactive element and a completely new, enthralling storyline. There's a hint if Fallout, Harry Potter, and a few more (but you'll just have to play to find out, eh?).
Character design is magnificent. Caribdis, my man, you have truly fucking outdone yourself. Every character seems to have been toiled over for days, and I would not be surprised if it took weeks. Alex is my favourite (probably because I'm inked and relate heavily with her & Nova), but also because even the ink is spectacular. I will be completely honest, unlike many of the other players, I had to put Once in a Lifetime on the backburner because I was extremely bothered by the characters, they just gave me chills; in retrospect, it was all in the eyes. However, having just completed Eternum (0.3), I have opened OiaL because I simply cannot get enough of your writing.
TLDR: Thank you, Caribdis. Thank you so much, for making me laugh, bust, and need a cigarette in one package. Usually, the post-nut clarity be hitting diff after a VN, but I could not put this game down. This game joins the short list of the few special games that stay with you long after you put it down, such as Pinkcake's work, The DeLuca Family, City of Broken Dreamers, and so on. I look forward to future updates, and as I am finishing this post, will head right to subscribe star (since the game is geoblocked on patreon for me until I go home). - Sar
Thank you so much for your review and your support <333
Please when will the next version of Eternum be updated because I am looking forward to it very much.I love it
No matter what I did, Alex got greyed out after I went to her house for the project. Is this on purpose, or could it be a bug?
You're probably missing points. Download the walkthrough to see the correct choices
Again the new update makes me even love this game, bro like I swear maximo, if I have a chance to punch him I'll do it rn jk, just maximo's timing is 10/10 lol, btw 10/10 this new chapter waiting for the future versions of the game love you dev💎☄️❤️
YES finally i was waiting for a New Vegas rerference, now all thats left is getting to pat that damn cat shes so cute then you shall forever have my udying respect and gratitude
Haha I'll keep it in mind
Nice update, cant wait for v.04 to finally nail the Milf
I made an account just to comment here. Don't get me wrong, there are very good games on this site, but your two games are well above the rest in my opinion, especially Eternum. I don't want to sound impatient because I understand how long making these games might take and the last update came out very recently, but do you have any idea when the next update might be ready? I need more Annie and Dalia in my life ;_;
Keep up the great work, your content is amazing.
Thank you so much!!
I can't give a date yet, but you can check the progress bar updates on my Patreon, Subscribestar or discord!
This game is amazing so far, Once in a Life Time was amazing, but you've stepped up the quality for this one by a long shot. Keep it up!
Thank you! I'll try my best
Damn, what a top piece, the author seems to be not from our land, this is an excellent work, head and shoulders above even the last game, which was also incomparable. The humor is just on top, you can laugh, enjoy the plot and characters and masturbate at the same time)) All the girls are just fire. Updates come out a bit long, but it's worth it. Huge respect to the author, what a thrill to play your games !!!! Keep up the good work, it seems that you are capable of anything)
Thank you so much! <3
Bruh as soon as i finished Once in a Lifetime (Great VN btw best i've played) i decided to play Eternum and its amazing just finished it today and damn i love the plot and the characters, whenever i see Chang and Chop-Chop i know imma start laughing cause they are freaking funny. Continue with the great work because i love OiaL and this game.
I will! Thank you very much!
This game.. Doesnt deserve to be as good as it is. Am actually fixated. I applaud you 10/10.
0.3 was amazing, great update! The quality of the dialog, animations, and story always blow me away!
10/10 would recommend.
This is the first of your stories that I’ve went through, but my god you have a new fan for life.
Can’t wait to check out Once in a lifetime after I finish the last part of 0.3
Once in a Lifetime was my first game, so expect rougher graphics (especially at the beginning)
That makes sense man,
But if the story and characters are even half as good as in ETERNUM, then it’s gonna be a great ride
You're gonna have a blast. You NEED to release Stabby Mike from prison
society tells me I probably shouldn’t release someone from prison who has “stabby” in their name lol
Oh trust me, releasing Stabby Mike pays off big time. Over and over. Plus he's pretty much the greatest character ever.
I literally named the mc Krvnik in OiaLT cus he looks like some fucked up villain.
Krvnik means executioner in Croatian. And i have to say it is my headcannon that his name is Krvnik. Pronunciation sounds like Curve-Nick
Also i haven't seen the official name of the mc in OiaLT. In Eturnum the mc is called Orion by default if you don't enter a name, but i think that in OiaLT i couldn't let it default to anything.
I usually rename main characters *Wanka'* unless their default name fits them or they look like a schmuck, if so i call them Fappa' as a joke that they are bootlegged Wanka's. -I kept Orion, fits him
If i don't see president Stabb i will commit bio-chemical terrorism and eat babies
Once in a Lifetime is a MASTERPIECE! My favorite VN ever! Eternum might take it's place one day :p
From what I’ve read here it seems like it’ll be fucking amazing!
Can’t wait
You are in for a ride of a lifetime *no pun intended*
Aaaaaah, Caribdis.....
I truly, legitimately believe with my whole (shriveled, black, nearly nonexistent) heart that nobody else makes R-18+ visual novels quite like you do, my friend. I played Once in a Lifetime many a time over, and am now working my way through Eternum. The H-scenes aside (they're great, make no mistake), no other VNs have made me cry, made me laugh, made me rage and wanna punch an asshole, or get up in arms and absolutely destroy anyone who would seek to do harm against some of the most memorable characters in OiaL and Eternum (and no, I speak not of just the womenfolk. Stabby Mike and Chang are part of the harem and Astaroth help any who seek their demise) and I thank you for the wondrous experiences that are your games. Anywho.....
To Patreon!!!
*cue the Batman transition sound*
Thank you so much for your support Moon 💗
I'm glad you enjoyed all aspects of it!
If you wanna cry try NiiChan's MyBullyIsMyLover and LifeChangingChoices
They don't have the overall quality OiaL and Eturnum present through every moment but you will love the characters, maybe not the player characters but ay. Try it.
I legit registered only to fucking comment how awesome your games are! Like I remember when I downloaded once in a lifetime it was only for... Other purposes... But the story oh my god! I dove so deep in the story amazing!! I just finished eternum 0.3 and again omg! You're so creative and how to make a good story! I can not wait for next part to come out! No worries I understand it takes time but I'll wait as long as it needs for this masterpiece!
Thank you very much!
Caridbis you are an AMAZING storyteller and I really want to support this game like OIALT, I REALLY do but I'm sorry, a couple of games like milfy city scarred me, people spent hundreds of usd and then those got abandoned. You are one of the best story teller I've ever seen and your stories are something I get mentally invested into so I wont get this game unless its complete because I can't explain how bad it would have been if OIALT ended in a cliffhanger, because of how good it is and how much invested I was in it, so I hope I can get this game asap after its complete. Hope you will understand,wishing you all the best and keep being the amazing person that you are.
I can assure you Eternum won't be abandoned! I still have a lot to tell 😁
Just wanna say that your an absolutely amazing storyteller. You storytelling rivals most of the AAA VNs. The adventure, suspense, humor, drama and everything else [not just the adult stuffs] in your work, its just priceless. Your one of the two best indie authors who's work I've had the pleasure of reading.
If it makes you feel any more comfortable their only other game was completed and is highly rated and praised on here. You can even download the full version of it free on here.
I know dude, I have the patreon version of the gemstone of a visual novel once in a lifetime[OIALT] and saying that its a great one would be an understatement. But dude recently 4 of the games I backed got abandoned and it stings. That's why I haven't downloaded this game yet, because I bet you know how amazing Caribdis games are and I seriously wont be able to take it if something happens midways because how invested I will become in it if its anywhere near as good as oialt is. And anyways I can always get the game after its finished right? :D
I really need to relog in in my account to say this...But your works are always good started with 2.0 because IDK you released a new visual novel and what can I say??? It's really good...It's a lot more different than your last project as if ur last project isn't good enough this looks a lot more cleaner than ur last project...
I really like the theme here ngl...I wonder how many years it'll take to reach this kind of technology but u take me in that future to witness this stuff and it's amazing.
Oh last thing is I hope you don't mind this but I'm not kinda big fan of that execution more specifically when Alex killed an Praetorian using dragons breath...I feel like it doesn't match the rest of the executions in the series...
But anyways I hope u can finish this project because this stuff is gud!!!
Thank you!
Waited until 0.3 to give it a shot, because I love to binge on stories to get the best context, and man was that a mistake. There's enough content here to get completely hooked but I know this level of writing and design will take foreeeever. I'm going to go drop by the Patreon to help this grow!
Tell Nova and Nancy I'll be back next patch!!
P.S. Thank you for named saves
Thank you so much for your support 💗
I'll tell them xD
Just finished up to "Thanks for playing", and I gotta say
Your work remains astounding! Great balance of comedy, drama and sexy. I'm really interested in seeing how the story continues!
Best of luck out there!
Thank you very much :D
Whenever I press a button I am afraid the next thing I see is 'Thank you for playing'
Thank you so much for the game, Caribdis. Great content as usual.
Glad you liked it
Oh dear it's the best Western 3D game I've ever played, the art style suits my goute, much more than other games in the genre, also I have to mention the plot, with a good sense of humor here and there!
Thank you!
and damn... can you not make me love every girl's personality... they all have cute moments and even touching back story...
This game has honstly been the best I've ever played in this genre. The plot is very well done and adds a lot to the game. The characters feel somewhat real and their interactions feel natural. Totally unrelated to the review but, the other day I was thinking that it would be sweet if this game was in VR seeing as the game concept is about a world obsessed with VR. Honestly, great job and keep up the good work.
I don't know why but even after updating it, the game still ends ant the end of the second chapter, haow can I fix it? Btw, great game!
I'm currently playing once in a lifetime the other comments made me download it
I played "Once in a Lifetime" as well and let me say. if you made a game just story based and didn't do sex scenes it would be just as good as this game and "OIALT" I remember starting that game and I got so lost in the content that I literally spent the whole night playing. It was 5 am before I realized, and I think I was like halfway done. I cannot express how amazing your games are!! I'm becoming a patron asap. if supporting you means more games like these then take all my money!
Thank you very much for your support, Jay! 😍
Dude, Once in a Lifetime was amazing. I'm really excited to see you're working on another game.
Edit: Downloaded and played through the current version shortly after posting this comment. All the characters are pretty good, but I can see why you chose Luna as the sort of poster girl of this (at least on the wallpaper here on definitely best girl in my book.
'hope that we'll take the weapon must be useful for future purpuses ig
Here I am, once again, to let you know how epic of a story teller and game dev you are. I have played many many games like this, but never quite like this. Just like "Once in a Lifetime", Eternum has it all, engaging story, mystery, awesome humor that cracks me up every time, super awesome and lovable characters that make it so hard to chose a favorite... And ofcourse, the scenes are just Masterwork!
Caribdis, I have been a Patreon supporter for over a year now, and every single cent was more than worth it for the awesome work you make.
Keep it yup!
----------*POTENCIAL SPOILER*--------------------------
Why do you always make us suffer with such cliff hangers?
I'm dying for 0.4!!
Thank you so much for your support, it means a lot <3
There will be more cliffhangers sorry, can't help it xD
It's your charm. Never change <3
i might hate myself if i don't say anything so I'm gon fokin say it mate, i love everything in this game and i just wanna say good job devs!!
MORE. GIVE ME MORE. god this game consumes me.
The asian shopkeeper's parts might be the funniest thing in existence
Igor best character.
👋Version Android.
Une démonstration vraiment très impressionnante, très fluide, aucune fermeture indésirables, aucun message d'erreur, aucun bug et aucun affaiblissement du contrôle tactile, c'est vraiment très rare.
C'est vraiment dommage qu'il soit disponible seulement en anglais. Nous avons vraiment hâte de voir la suite.
Félicitations à tous ceux qui travaillent dessus 🎉👋