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Animations are incredible. Even just the small things like screen transitions during phone calls. Easily my favorite VN. Hands down. Can't wait for more!

Thank you so much <33

Где я могу найти руководства по поиску секретных сцен? Буду благодарен за ответ

Deleted 2 years ago

Thank you! Noted, glad you liked it

dude.....I gotta pay u for this game XD honestly I like the fact you had alot of comedy and story I'm still not done with the current update I legit just started but bravo so far

Thank you! Glad you liked it!

Thank you for your great work! Oialt was one of the best AVN i have played, with its humour and story. Just started eternum today and wow, i already love the story and laughed a lot. The small animation  give a next level to your work. Cheers!

Thank you so much!

Caribdis, you proved once again you are the master of this genre.
I love this game and look forward to the next update.

Only a question, I take it you are using a different engine than "Once in a Lifetime" correct? In your previous game i had no issues with the animation
performance, but unfortunatelly this game animations (even though they
are perfect) are laggy as hell :(. I am not sure I am the only one, but I wanted
to ask, if there is a way to improve the performance of the animations.

Keep up the great work my man. Thank you for your great stories. Once my
financial situation gets better I will donate you something to show my
appretiation. For now the only thing i can make is to give you my respect and
love <3

Thank you!
I'm sorry about the lag, do you play on PC or Android?

no need to thank me, I thank you!

Sorry for the late reply, i play on Mac. It isn't the newest machine (its from 2009) but as I've said, Once in a life time ran without any lags. I realize this isn't your fault in any way, it must be the machine hw. I just wanted to know, if there is a possibility to make it run bit smoother even on older machines. Thank you again for your time to male this reply ❤️

Hmm I'm using a newer version of Ren'py for Eternum, maybe it lags on older Macs.
I don't really have a way to solve it, sorry about it >_<

Sorry for my late reply. It is o.k, I thought it must be a newer version. Well, I cant do anything about it. just play the game then. :)


how do u make games so good once in a life time was good and eternum

(1 edit) (+1)

If a horse has a miscarriage would it be called a horse carriage?
(Game's great BTW. Very funny story.)


I like CALYPSO. Can't wait version 0.4

Haven't played once in a lifetime yet but this game looks beautiful, and of the pictures i can see that eturnum sure is a uppgrade to your last game in my books. Can't wait to play the 0.4. love it!


I really like this game, the story is interesting and all the girls are very beautiful

thank you for making this game, I'm looking forward to the next update

cheer up and don't forget to take care of your health Dev :3


I will, TYVM!

i just finished 0.3 and it was great! I'm already excited for the next update. I'll stay until the game is finished, this is just too good to get bored of. Keep up the good work caribdis you're one of my favorites ♥


Thank you!

Great game. Engaging, funny, with unique characters and set in a well developed world. Story telling is top notch. A classic in the making.

Only downside are some of the 3d models of the girls during some scenes. I've seen better and it took me out of the action at times. Mosty during blowjob scenes where mouth and jaw seemed 'unhinged' to me. But that is just a minor complaint.

Glad you liked it ^^


Excellent game! The humor is genuinely hilarious and I've been caught off guard by several of the jokes! Really great job.


Best on here absolutely love the latest update and man you know how to set up a cliffhanger.

(1 edit) (+2)

bruh solving the case for the little girl annie was fkin scary 
i was covering my phone screen with my hand the whole time lmao


How can i freeze myself until 0.4 is out? can't wait :D


I noticed something during the call with Nova when they invite Chang as well and I saw they said the name "Boyle" and this reminds me a lot of that one Dishonored and i was wondering if this is a reference or just a coincidence?


Haha yeah it is, I like dishonored a lot

Nice! I liked it a lot too. 


if you guys enjoyed this game, play his previous game - Once in a Lifetime. Play with a walkthrough if you want 100% clear tho.


Your games are both beautiful and fun. Are there any plans to release them on Steam perhaps? I am unable to support you on Patreon for now, but I would like a way to properly purchase "Once in a lifetime" and "Eternum".


Thx! Unfortunately, I can't because of copyright issues, so I rely on Patreon/SubscribeStar/itch ^^


Well, then I will hope for a time when I will be able to return to Patreon. )


really great game bro,what do you use for the character model? the girls look so beautiful and hot



Know more games using hs2? Cant get enough of it


My Bully is My Lover (MLBL)

Life Changing Choices (LCC) 

the models are made from honey select 2...


Caribdis you have a special gift and it is your duty to continue making games like this for the world. :)



(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

Dude.. I've just played for 15 mins, haven't even seen any lewd. But I'm already IN LOVE

You're the best

Edit: completed OiaL before that, ofc (loved every second). Male faces got significantly better, I should say xD


Thank you!

(1 edit)

i have eternum downloaded till 0.2 do i need to reinstall once again for 0.3 or is there a better method

If you are on PC, just extract it and play (you can delete old version if you want, your saves won't be lost.)

If Android, overwrite the app when updating the game instead of uninstalling and reinstalling.

What progress in the next version you still at, Half of the progress or just starting. Sorry im curious about the next version, if you don't have to disclose it, it's okay  btw im your BIGGEST FAN! Since when you were doing the OIAL, I was really looking forward to it, when I found out that you were already working on a new game (Eternum) I was very happy because your creativity and your team are not over yet, so I will wait for the announcement of the next version and im really really appreciated your work and im still looking forward to it.

Thank you ^^
Still early on 0.4 development

Thank you for notify me❤️

Great game. It's amazing and also the story is beautiful. I only have a question for you: I have been to the egyptian server and have all the scene with nova and maat, but in the gallery nova's scene is still locked. It's a bug or i have missed something?

Same i think its bug.

That's weird, if you've seen Nova's scene it's some kind of bug yeah

Deleted 355 days ago

Thank you!
There's a gallery already, you have to click on the heart at the top left corner

(1 edit)

I signed up for patreon for the first time to support you. I also created a new account to write comments here. Please understand me writing comments with some help of a google translator. Even though it is version 0.3, the volume of the game was large in my opinion. I don't know when it will be, but I'm really looking forward to version 1.0. Don't be pressured, just do your best. Your game made a big impression on me. To be honest, sex scenes were not so hot about to me. The characters are so pretty, but the scenes are unnatural. Thanks to the various stories, I can be absorbed in this game. Some parodies and metaverse sources made me friendly. I support you for making such a great game. Thank you :)

Thank you for your support!

You should play Caribdis finished game Once in a lifetime if you haven't already, it's great and has some hilarious stuff in it.

(1 edit) (+3)

My man Caribdis, I know you get tons of people to tell you how great this game is but I gotta leave a comment too. I’m sure you don’t remember me but I gotta say man the stuff you make and have made has really helped ease many anxiety filled depressing nights when my mind goes to the extreme. This year is really important and you’re really making it easier for me to realise my dream of becoming an astrophysicist. You probably didn’t realise how a game/visual novel could have this effect but it did xD

Once in a lifetime was a phenomenal experience back then and then you outdid yourself with eternum’s first release. Now you’ve outdone yourself again with this one. Love the characters, the interactions, their values, the phenomenal world building and I love the direction the story’s taking and it’s unpredictability at certain points. The visuals are amazing! Hope you have a great life friend and hope you realise all your dreams! Your passion shows in your work and your appreciation for the people who support you as you reply to and read every single comment. You’re lovely❤️


Thanks sol 💗
I'm happy to hear my work helped you in a bad moment 


I made an account JUST so I could comment here and I'll be honest: I won't be playing this game anymore until it's done. Not because it's bad or because or bugs on anything like that, I won't because I CAN'T STAND TO PUT IT DOWN. IT'S SO GOOD. I LOVE IT.
I started with Once in a Lifetime and I only downloaded it for obvious reasons... and then realized how good that one was as well..

So I came for the titties... and stayed for the humor, the characters, the story and for how AMAZING the MC is with his powers and all the rest, I honestly never had this much fun reading a VN.

You just might have spoiled the genre for me.

Thank you nontheless, I will look forward to you completing this project and, hopefully, to your future projects as well. 

You're awesome.

Thank you very much! 
It'll take a few years to be complete, keep that in mind!

Playing this made me forget that I'm playing a Game IN a Game, Gameception.

Excellent music to set the mood. Excellent character development. Excellent character designs and personality.

World building is amazing, with references to Hogwar- I should'nt say that...(He might hear me)

When I first started playing, I wasn't used to the character models, but after playing through, I'm in love :)

This game makes the sex scenes very worth the wait xD I can't wait for the next version ahhhh


Thank you Ben! 
I won't tell professor Bundledore 😂

Hey, just wanted to ask if you could clear up something about the attraction stat for me. Alex got greyed out for me. As far as I can tell I only picked one choice which is not the "correct" one according to the walkthrough. If that one choice already determined that I couldn't go her route that would be okay. However, after picking the option in question she still appeared colored. Only quite some time later after I made a bunch of choices that aligned with the choices in the walkthrough, she got greyed out. So my question is, is this a bug or is my progress towards her only checked at very specific points in the story? Because I initially thought it would tuen grey immediately once it's impossible to go her route, but that doesn't semm to be the case.
I wrote this very undetailed to not spoil others.
Sorry for the long question and thanks in advance.
The game is really amazing btw, I'm loving it.

Hmm it might be a bug, I'll check it out. 
Be sure you've chosen the correct options (including asking her about all her interests)

I'm pretty sure the only answer I gave that wasn't the one that she wanted to hear was the one about the pen. It only turned grey after I hugged her though (which is a lot later as you know). 
I also checked that right before the hug it's colored and after the hug it's not.
I didn't try to make a 100% walkthrough playthrough yet, so I don't know if this actually always happens. Thanks for looking into it^^

I, like many others here, have made an account just to say how INCREDIBLE this game is. This is the first time I've played a game like this that was making me actually laugh out loud, and feel all sorts of different emotions while playing.

I'm really excited to try Once in a Lifetime next - can't wait to see what else you bring out!

What's the best way we can support you?

Right here, Patreon or Subscribestar are all good options!
Thank you very much in any case :D

Hello, great story. As good as Once in a Lifetime or even better with the graphics and all. I love both of the games but this one is definitely hitting me differently because of the plot. Looking forward to the 0.4 already. Stay healthy so that we fans can continue playing the game.



My fucking GOD, Penelope's memory was so fucking beautiful, dude, i cried a bit after that to be honest. And Luna God dude for real after those words of the MC i will be the one who let him fuck me  bc Damn!!! Those words where powerfull.

As always an outstanding Job dude keep going i finally get a Job and i waiting the pay day to Buy Patreon. Thx again for this Awesome game


Thank you so much for both your support and your words <3


Had to make an account to say that this game is fuckin amazing.

The characters are all great! (Chang might be my favorite, but it's hard to choose)

All the erotica is awesome! (The scene with Maat was sexy as hell, but Luna might be my best girl. I love her relationship with her dad! But again, impossible to choose.)

The Cinematics are fantastic! Really taking advantage of the wide-open potential of the "virtual world" of Eternum and the animation to not only build a sense of intimacy during the erotica but also show grand vistas and creepy corridors and tense conflicts. 

But the narrative and the meta conceptual stuff is what really blew my mind and made me hungry for more! The differing universes tied together by persistent characters is a really ingenious way to be creative and unique. The examinations of what is and isn't real, the psychology around why people would be willing to insert implants into their brains and give a corporation that sort of access/control over their bodies to play a "game". Is the game gonna get even more meta and address me as a player of a game directly somehow? Who knows! Shit's fuckin WILD, and they're not the kind of concept that much mainstream entertainment media is willing or able to REALLY dig into.

This is the first porn game that I've actually been impatient for more updates of, and I can't wait to see where the narrative goes from here. Keep up the amazing work!

Thank you so much! 😍

Awesome game.


So After i completed a OiaL I can write this. Mb im little bit drunk but less than was.
First of all i will start from the story and characters. Story is amazing and hope on connection with OiaL in the future or someting in this way. Characters in this game like characters from OiaL as i think (Carla = Nancy, Annie = Judie, Jasmine = Alex etc). But its't bad. I love ALL characters from OiaL.
Graphics are better than in OiaL. So much better. But mb im wrong but story in this game similar or very similar to OiaL. But we will see this in the future (Im about MC and HIS story and his ending). Of course jokes very good (like in OiaL). Soundtrack also very good.
And only my suggestion mb more choices in dialogues and more renders (but its hard I know, so its only my imagination about it). And as I said in prev. review I think about support but it wont help you so much. Only together we can help to speed up creating future games/updates.
I didnt see a cons as I see in OiaL, mb cus game is unfinished...
GL man! Your games are good dont stop!

Thank you so much! I won't stop!

There are so many times in the story that I just fall on my ass laughing. Keep doing  what you're doing. The creativity in  writing is killing me!


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