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I just started this and I'm loving it so far. The story, the humor, and the drama is eexquisite. And the assortment of beautiful women almost makes a guy wanna simp. I can wait for the sexy time parts.

I just have one question though.......when do I get to beat the slime outta Axel?

(1 edit) (+1)

You'll get a few chances to do it haha

Oooh I can't wait.

Bonus question: approximately when does the sexy stuff happen. I wanna know so I can be prepared

Depends on what you understand by sexy and with what girl, but... soon enough

Hello, I'm your new loyal fan!

I was so immersed. I lost track of time & my surroundings! 

& I got so invested in the characters.  This is how I know that you made something very special & well put together!

I never thought I would say this, but I don't think I want to go back to 2D visual novels anymore! ;P

I just have one suggestion. Is there a possibility to add an option to increase the font size? especially for playing on Android ?

Thank you & good luck with the next updates!


I'll add that option in the next update ^^


Oh man   same here... I lost track of time so many times! Can't wait to see what happens next episode!

@Caribdis You are awesome keep it up   please!

(1 edit)

I just created an account to praise you for this amazing project you created. Which it funny because I found you by accident! I was searching something with a similar title to once in a lifetime but clicked yours by mistake. Mission failed successfully I guess given the quality of your first work. Laura best girl fite me

Then I discovered you upto something with eternum and joy oh joy this shit is perfect! 

The horror/thriller was an absolute improvement from your first game(not that lifetimes horror was bad mind you). If you do continue to improve I may get bricks in my panties while playing the game. 

I've always been a fan of ready player one since I read it a long time ago and I gotta say, you're fucking nailing it! with your characters feeling natural and real is a perfect combination. Alex best girl! And ye I have a thing for tattoo sue me

Maxine McThundercock's adventure shall continue in .3! Good luck and good job

Thank you very much!! 

im genuinly so excited for 0.3 the art is amazing and the story telling is so good. any chance you could give a rough date for the next release?

Can't give a date yet, sorry. But thanks!


amazing! Cant wait for the next release!



very good combination of story and visual

Thank you!

(1 edit)

This game is amazing from the visuals and animations to the story and depth of the characters and so far this has been an amazing game. i didn't think you'd be able to make something batter than Once In a Life Time but boy have you proved me wrong with this stunning masterpiece keep up the good work!

Edit: where can i get my hands on the soundtracks? they're dope


Thank you so much!
You can find them all here

I just created this account just now so I could just stress my profound gratitude to you @Caribdis ! I had just just finished Once in a Lifetime after I finished your new project "Eternum" and damn... You and your team all deserve high praise within the visual novel community because the talent you project is unreal!  From artwork to storyline dialogue, it's just all perfectly blended into; what not only in my opinion but I'm pretty sure a majority of the players opinion is just a work of art. The VN community is extremely lucky to have someone like you creating projects and I hope you can find yourself successful off of this because you and your team deserve it! Cant wait for what the future holds!

Thank you very much <3

Caribdis, Man!!! Any idea when are you going to reveal next update


This game is amazing,I came to this after completing once in a lifetime and I do not regret a second I spent playing either of these,hope you are doing great and we can see the finished game soon, cannot wait to see where this goes


Thanks ^^

Great game.  Only problem is everytime I try to save, I get "an exception has occurred"  The exception is  no valid save locations.  How can I fix this?

Weird, I have no idea sorry. I'll look into it

Deleted 2 years ago

I came for the sex but stayed for the story. Goddamn this visual novel is an experience. I already loved this vn but when i saw the PTA joke it was just icing on the cake cause im from Pakistan. I would love to know how you came up with the joke.


Haha glad you liked it!

Thanks but how did you came up the joke tho?

(1 edit) (+2)

I googled things with the same acronym haha

lmao just as i suspected.

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man this one sure turned around pretty damn quickly for me.  not going to lie was getting kinda bored with all the school type stuff and what nots.  was starting to feel like i was playing Being a DiK  (once was enough for me on that one) and was starting to lose interest.  but i pushed on through to the end of 2.0 and WOW just fucking wow am i glad i did.  gimmeh dat mystery, gimmeh dat conspiracy oh and umm i'll take some boobies/milf action on the side please =)  

thanks a ton for making this game free to play for us poorer bastards of the internet to enjoy 

PS.  thanks for the easy to find walkthroughs so that we can play it first without then check the walkthroughs to see where we (fucked up) no pun intended 

Thank you! ^^

Will there be a path to 1 specific girl eg (my personal favourite being Luna) where you can basicky be friendly with the other girls but intimate with just her? Also love the game so far keep it up also it has 1 of my favourite songs I want to get high on you so good call on that one too

(1 edit)

There won't be any extra scenes if you do that, but you can lose other's girls paths, if you wanted. (You'll miss content, though)

Sorry perhaps I missworded it I mean in the foreseeable (hopefully not too far future)

Luna is certainly the sweetest!


Yeah I worship her so much I would be happy just to hold her hand in a scene (although there is one where you hug her already)


me, after finishing once in a life time and see this game.

"aw shit! here we fap again"


I love the game so much, what is the music called that plays at eva's scene?


No one knows but me - Torii Wolf 


Had to make an account just to write a comment for this! Its soooooo good! I'm not going to lie I came for the romance scenes but I finished the 0.2 and the plot almost made me forget that was a part of the game! One question though I tried every option with Alex(I'm fairly sure) and she is still greyed out, is it possible to get back onto her "path" later?

You shouldn't have lost her path, download the walkthrough to see where you missed points!

okay I will try that thanks!

I've noticed that Annie's character card lost it's color, thus becoming inaccessible, after the adventure in "The Red Herring" server, even though I offered to spend the night together. Does it hold some sort of significance?

Also, a scene with Annie seems to be locked in the gallery even though I have reached the end of the 0.2 version, making sure I made the appropriate choices along the way. Soo, is it meant for future updates or.. did I miss something?

It's not, you probably missed points with her so she wasn't confident enough. Download the walkthrough to see the right choices!

I don't mind replaying it at all, but instead, I'm going to have to play it again all because of one small mistake..

(1 edit)

One more question. Can all girls get equal content with MC or someone may be special with more content than others?(well then make Phenelope's content more)


All of them will have pretty similar screentime

Already looking to be as good as, if not better than, your last game. Excited to see where it goes, keep up the damn good work. 

Thank you!

Can't wait for the next update, Good Job👍



My type of game, the humor, the plot, annie. This is a masterpiece damn it


Thank you!!


You are the MASTER of adult game industry. No developer can match with your IQ. I can't even imagine how it feels to play your game. I think this game will be much larger than OIAL. 

BTW i'm addicted to Phenelope's beauty.

"All girls are very beautiful and pls don't make any girl to away from us."

Love you MY LORD!!👑👑

It will be much larger, for sure! Thank you!

(2 edits) (+7)

Where should I start! FIRSTLY!pls tell me when is the 0.3 coming? I could've paid for this if I was earning my own money rn! No cap! Cuz this thing is worth paying for, about the novel? Everything it has is just beyond expectations and is flawless, the characters are extremely beautiful especially Penelope (she's one hell of an art), the story line is just *chefs kiss* so immersive, makes u keep going into it! Ily for creating this and pls keep updating us frequently! Kudos! P.s. i saw ppl complaining bout how plain the MC looks, bruh have u played other ones? Our MC looks way bearable and handsome than those. And I just realised u r the developer of 'once in a life time' omg! Am such a fan now! I LOVED THAT AS WELL!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK WITH CREATING SUCH BLAST NOVELS MAN.


The discord shows the current progress is at 18% and considering different tier releases, it'll probably be 3 months before public release drops. You can get it a few weeks earlier by subbing to a patreon tier.


Thank you very much! Glad you liked it!


This game is too good, have a engaging history and great escenes, I love it, I'm impatient for play the complete history


Thank you!

genuinely made me laugh out loud

It's possibly the best erotic visual on the site with a mix of deep story, different characters with flaws and real dreams and everything just feels so real

I really can't wait for the next update

Keep up the good work Caribdis! 


Thank you very much!

i fucking love everything about this game, even though its not a full release is suggest everyone play it and you will see why you want to support its completion. great work dev


Thanks, Jacob!

Best visual novel that I’ve ever played thus far. The graphics are top notch



Genuinely the best game I have played on Itch so far, been playing it for around 2 hours.

So immersed and wish the Eternum was real! I'm currently exploring the house to get the family pictures and im hiding behind my hand! 


Glad to hear you're enjoying it!


Pretty good update bro! The story seems to be taking an interesting turn, and pretty girls appear one after the other 😭can't wait for the next update!


Thank you!


Amazing game, cant wait for more content.




Hmm.. seems like a good game. I guess I'll go play it right now. Wish me luck


I don't normally write reviews but HOLY CRAP THIS GAME IS AMAZING the cute characters the story the bgm it got me hooked up. This is the visual novel game that got me hooked I finished this in one sitting because it's too good literally a train ride. The comedy the heartwarming stuff I LIKE IT ALL I JUST CAN'T EXPRESS HOW THIS GAME IS SO FRICKIN GOOD 

Looking forward to the next update my man I'm sure that I'll enjoy it.

Thank you.

Thank you very much!


Hoping to at more more scene for Penelope >.<



Damn I don't why but Penelope is so Beautiful

She is hermoine of this game. I too love her so much.🥰

And Luna is so fuckin cute. And precious. Adorable character with a golden sense of humor fr


God fuckin damn. Pure art. Again, I'm not saying anything new or foreign to comments about either of your currently publicly released games, but...

Like, words can't express how well done this genuinely is. The characters are so captivating and the character design is off the charts. The story is legit compelling and I never felt as if I was just going through some sort of formality just to see some sex scenes. About those sex scenes... there are only like a couple of 'em rn, but SHEESH, they give off a promising impression of what's to come!


Thank you so much!
A lot of sexy stuff is coming, you can be sure :P


i have a weird questions, does alex have more piercing on her body ?


Just the one on her belly for now


I don't normally write reviews or comment on any of these types of games but i feel compelled to after playing to just say. Thank you! This is amazing, unlike anything I've played before and I'm so unbelievably hooked on the story, the writing is masterful, the animations are perfect and add so much value the comedy is S+ also. Just an all around delight, the only thing better were if i could play Eternum the MMORPG after! Please, please, please keep up the amazing work and i can't way to play the rest


I will! Thank you very much!


What the heck dude! You call this a visual novel?? This... game feels less of a VN... and more of a polished second-person game! This is so good to be true. Evidently, I'm rooting for you, and waiting ever so patiently for the release of the 0.3 version.


Thanks buddy, glad you enjoyed it!

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