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I just want to say this game is amazing . I freaking loved Once in a life time and loved everything  abt it U have no clue how excited i am for eternum with its new characters and the story  since i saw eternum i been wanting more. Keep the Hard work Caridis with this beautiful game and hope its suceeds even bigger 

I hope so too! Thank you!


I love this game, I've been a fan of yours ever since Once in a Lifetime. I could go on and on how much good there is to this game, so I'll just say one pet peeve I have about it instead.

Dalia's supposed to be a gym nut but her arms are "broomsticks" (according to MC). I know you pretty much address this in the game by having Dalia say her real strength is in her legs, but I'd at least expect to see some defined muscles in her arms. I've just noticed all the characters' arms pretty much look the same, so I think it'd be better if Dalia had at least more noticeably muscular arms than the other girls.


Fair enough, I'll keep it in mind!

(1 edit) (+1)

First of all thats one of the best games i've ever played.
I really enjoyed playing and hyped for updates.
Really considering to subscribe on Patreon!
Thank you really much for the game


I'd really appreciate the support, thank you in any case!

Hi - first up, great game - loving the characters, they're all adorable and hella sexy. Great story telling and sense of humour too!  I loaded up a save game from 0.1, and for some reason it won't progress to 0.2 - unless I'm doing something wrong - last scene I get is the teacher telling everyone Benjamin wannabe rapist is dead, and then the credits roll - not sure if I've missed something here..

Any ideas?  Thanks in advance for any help! Cheers


don't worry - just did a re-install and now it works for some reason..


Holy! I love it! Is 0.3 already on Patreon? If yes, i will go to Patreon and subscribe to it. You deserve it!


Not yet, currently at 25%
I'll announce when it's ready!


This person has pretty good humor or at least that's what I think, I can't see that there made by the same person. Also, I think this game portrays the creepy parts better than the other one.

Will the update be on Or will it be released on a different game engine?

It will be released on my Patreon first, and here after some time for free as always :)


and one more thing will I be able to use my old saved data? Or will I have to start a new game?

You can continue your old saves, yes


I really like your game but can you make a data game with less space. My computer is really out of data!!!

God damn I really like this Game. Caribdis you really did a great job so far and I'm sure you will keep doing one. I really like the One Piece Easter egg, and the Dark Souls reference. Can't wait for 0.3.

Thanks man!!

This is the most immersed I've ever been with a VN, easily a favourite! Can't wait for future updates! <3


Thank you!

Really cool to see this game  being as cool as the last one with more improvements. Nice job Caribidis! <3


Is the second part published? Where can I found it if it is? And thank you for your efforts. If I had money, I'd support you as much as I can.


0.2 is already published yeah, and it's the last version available


I have figured it out. thank you very much! Amazing scenario, I will do my best to support you in near future.

I appreciate it!

I've had 1.0 for a while and haven't opened it, but I did the other day and today I got to the 1.0 ending and let me tell you holy fucking hell was this amazing man. The story is fucking great, the sex scenes are the best I've seen in a game like this- like- holy shit man. I just got it for porn and now I'm using it as partial inspiration in fucking stories.


betterthenhentai/10, would play again.

Thank you very much!

(2 edits)

In those three hours since I posted that I binge-played 2.0 from my previous save. Its now six thirty nine in the morning but to be honest I don't regret shit other then finishing it as fast as I did since I'll have to weight until 3.0 comes out. ALAS, perfection isn't easily mass produced so I'll wait 'till its out and then the second I get it im binge-playing that sonuvabitch again and using my "save/load/back button" technique to get everything done. Also lemme tell you, something I've noticed is some decisions you can make may seem like nothing at first, but when you get farther into the story it becomes important, and honestly that's something I find fucking amazing. Oh and the way you use ren'py is really good, usually its just "shmexy shmexy porno games with near no story" but this feels like "high quality story with a bit of shmexy shmexy times" and as horny as I was when i first got 1.0, as I've finished 2.0 I can help but think "damn Caribds knows what hes doing".

summery: I'm a lifeless loser who just finished the entire update in under three hours whilst taking the time to do anything in it that i didn't do. its an amazing game and I'm gonna play it again.

P.S: Its beautiful. And very comedic. I like how you used what from my knowledge is a dark souls reference.


12 "I asked"'s/10, will play again.

edit: I checked and just learned it's a reference to "The Dancer of the Boreal Valley" from Dark Souls 3 which, if my memory from watching theory videos is correct, is a hard-ass fucking boss even by dark souls standards.

edit 2: I'm going to play Once in a Lifetime the second I take a piss break. Also its 6:56 now.


This is the first game of yours I have tried and now I am trying Once in a Lifetime. Once I get paid I will be donating to you, you deserve the success and recognition. Not only were the sex/lewd scenes well done but the story was so compelling, job well done. Makes me wish VR nerve gear was real and this game you made was a thing irl. I was captivated from early on and love the easy flow and nature of the game. Thank you for your hard work, I am truly a fan and look forward to the releases as they come.

Thank you so much for your support, siggi 😍


Gonna play this because of Once in a Lifetime game you made , completely invest to your games man , Good Job!



Best I've seen and I was laughing myself to death your humor is incredibly funny. Keep up the good work! 


I will! Thanks!


by far the best adult visual novel I've ever played, I really love the story, the characters and the adventure, this is one of the few games where I am really invested in the story its like watching an anime and I cant wait for the next episode.


Glad you said that! Thanks!

favorite girl?


The game is really good. I love the comedies and the story. Can't wait for new version




Amazing Visual Novel Want to play v0.3




This is the BEST one can't wait to play v0.3




Best adult visual novel I've seen in quite some time. Definitely looking forward to more content!

Happy to hear that!


The game is super cool I love its humor its story and drama and even the fact that decisions affect the course of certain parts of the story, I hope much more content because I'm hooked and dying of laughter with the references and dark jokes


Ohh btw the things that you buy inside the game that is inside the game 

U know what I mean haha

Does this affect in something ? I mean things like the tools and the pets for sure not for now but in the future ?

It will affect yeah!
And thank you!

Also u have to make Chang more powerful cuz he is already omnipresent entity haha


Hi! I'd like to know if the game has any sex scenes. I got to the end of the current free version and the most I got to see was A*** naked at the snowy place.. Did I do something wrong or its meant to be this way? I'm loving the story though I am really intrigued. Thanks!

Yeah, you missed a few.
Currently, there are full 2 animated scenes and you should have seen 5 or 6 of the girls naked already. Download the walkthrough!

(2 edits)

my only idea is you add a number system for relationship levels, just seems like it'd make more sense so you can compare them with others. when you meet Alex you're relatively close with Dalia yet they're on the same heart level so numbers would be better for comparison and knowing if you made the right choices or not

oh other than that amazingly made game, my favourite part is its honestly pretty funny which i always have to love in a game, its a good balance of serious content to humour and obviously sexual content too

Thanks! I'll keep working on the relationship levels

nice to see a creator that replies to community feedback, thanks for considering it, if you never do it that's fine of course, your main priority should be completing the game or doing things you enjoy, hope those two go together well

I've played this game the whole way through twice now, this is truly one of if not the best game I've ever played. One thing though, in the scene after you get done playing Eternum with Luna and you ask her about her gloves, in the part where she says it's like touching a table or a coffee mug, the way her hair falls makes her neck look really weird.

I'll take a look at it, thanks!

Whoa, just finished 0.2 and WHAT A RIDE! Especially that last scene. Amazing!!! Can't wait for another update! Also the mystery puzzle was great.

Thank you very much!

dude, Once in a Lifetime is in my top 10 VN (including not porn), this seems to be going in the top 5.

Seriously, your last game was great, and this is even better.

As many people said, the story and the girls are amazing, but the humor tho. Like, if it follows OIALT style then it could perfectly use jokes as an actual plot point, to the point that you could argue that we could fuck an actual cat (or at least its videogame avatar).

Haha thank you so much!


I really hope the story doesn't end after the update though this is by far one of my favorite story telling games.

There's still a lot of updates left no worries :)

Whew! Thank you!


This is my all time favorite game on, The characters are well portrayed and they have so much detail and effort put into them that I feel like I know them in real life! I could spend hours upon hours playing this game and never get bored, The story is well thought out and every little detail is so good that I would have thought that this was a AAA game if not for the you know... Sexy stuff... but besides that I can see this game growing further and further and i'm very excited to play the next update!

Amazing game and can't wait to play more, Thank you for making such a good game for all of us to play!

Thank you so much 💗


I just want to praise the creator of this game for making it so fun to play... I have only been playing for 2 days but I already love the game... The fact that you can play a game inside the game... the concept is too good.

The story so far is interesting coupled with the premise of eternum game, you just know that the creator put so much effort in this game...

Love the character, it interactions and especially the comedy... the comedy is always on point and often gets me off guard and it makes me laugh over and over...

To be honest I didn't expect it to have a mystery/horror vibe in some gameplay. Personally I am not a fan of horror games or horror elements but I will try my best to sit through the jumpscares cox its just too good  of a game...

O fcourse we can't forget the adult part of the game... everyone looks beautiful and sexy.... loved everyone...can't wait to see how weird the sex goes into this game

Thank you creator.

Thank you!
Happy you liked it


What's the status of new update? Can't wait 😁

(1 edit) (+1)

It's on its way :P

Hate to be that guy buttttt how long is that gonna takeeeee I love this game so much the characters feel real and I really enjoyed playing this I just can't wait for the update so I can continue my journey because I NEED to know what happens next!!!


I am amazed at your imersive story telling capabilites, I really am, Once In a Life Time is a masterpiece and now we have this magnificent addition to the collection.

What a cliffhanger! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

Amazing, amazing work, I am so excited to  see what the coming updates bring.


Thanks man! Glad you liked it

(3 edits)

Absolutely blown away by the way you seemlessly integrate short stories and character interactions with a fascinating main storyline. The cliffhanger is a testament to your storytelling abilities.

But I think the most amazing thing about this game is what you've accomplished by building so many interesting worlds to explore that all are interconnected. 

Also, the art is amazing

Literally can't get enough  <3

Thank you so much! <3


I have many words I could say but all I will say is your first game (Once In A Lifetime) was excellent and one of the better games I have played especially the story, humor and questions. This one looks like it will be even better. 


Thanks <333


All hail President Stabby! :D


Hail! Hail! Hail!

I lost it when I saw that line in the game! 😆


Oh my god that cliffhanger!!!

Srsly tho it would be an understatement to say this is one of the best game I've playd because it IS the best game I've played. Honestly words can't describe how good of an experience that was i'll be eagerly waiting for updates.


Thank you very much!!

hmm where is the blue hair girl in 0.2?

Doesn't appear


wow wow can't wait for 0.3 really one of the best I 👀  


eternum 3 ?


Seriously fantastic. Binged Once in a Lifetime, and binged this as-well. May have kept me up until 4am for multiple nights in a row, but it was oh-so worth it! I am very (but patiently) excited for more! Thank you for making this gem, especially for free, your work is genuinely appreciated.

Thank you! I'm happy to hear that


I cannot believe how good of a storyteller you are! I loved your previous game to the core; I am so looking forward to how the story continues. Keep up the amazing work you're doing!!

Thank you so much!

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