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I was really enjoying the Android version on my Chromebook... Until it randomly stopped working. I tried deleting it and redownloading it, as well as turning my Chromebook off and on, but no change. Can't play it. However, I heavily enjoyed the game while I could! Some of the beauty standards are a bit much, but I can excuse it when the writing is this good. Sad we can't date Mikaela tho. Legit favorite character. Guess I'll just have to finish this game when I get a real laptop.


I first played Once in a Lifetime two years ago. I just played it again like half a year ago, yet the story, the humour, the scenes and the music still never failed to amaze me. The thrills of certain scenes are definitely still there like the first time. The easter eggs are also pure excellence.

Eternum has all of that good stuff, but with even better graphics. Everything is so, so good that I replayed each update just to savour the whole game slowly, and I will definitely replay it when new updates roll out. Great work as always! 

I commented something like this when I played 0.5. And god, I have to redo it to emphasise the excellence of this game. Love you Caribdis!

Might sound a little cheesy but for real, OIAL and Eternum both made me believe more in paranormal stuff. After playing the games, I like to think that this world has things that are more than natural physics. I'll definitely love to have something like Eternum in real life, haha.

Thank you! :D

This game is absolutely awesome! I enjoyed every second of it. Please keep up that great work, thank you for this experience!

Firstly: Damn everything just gets better and better. I don't know how you do it. Any way keep up the work cuz its some good stuff;)

And secondly: I was wondering if you ever tought of putting  songs you use in game, in playlist on spotify or something cuz i'd love to listen to them sometime. 

(1 edit) (+1)

There are already people who put playlists for OIAL and Eternum on Spotify. I'm a bit lazy to find the link but you could find it pretty easily on Spotify :D


Caribdis is a G and reuploads every song to a Eternum OST playlist ->

Have fun!

thank you very much

Deleted post


Hey Caribdis

Would you ever consider making a tie in comics/manga? So getting someone to help you make a a series of comics/manga that tie in with the plot. But only as a side story. 

I think it would be sick. 

Can somebody tell me what to do with the Zip file for the android full res? I can't open it or anything. Do I need another app to do something with the file?

The .5 version just worked right away

Deleted post

Oh my god....I can't download 0.6 Chinese version because of the limitation of MEGA


I used to believe in Christianity when I was a kid, then growing up I adopted an Atheistic stance. At present, after playing Eternum 0.6, I now revere Caribdis. I strive to pick up the Caribrizz. 


Bangers after bangers after bangers! What the F HELL Caribdis, how does every update tops the previous one?!
0.6 was incredible! The new Eternum realms, the sequences, the dialogues, the elven lore, the HOTTEST SCENES. This game has already been my top 1 for a while and it just keeps raising the bar (and my "bar"...)

Although that one felt more like straight forward (linear) chapter, the choices were tasteful and brought elegant changes to the narrative without making us missing too many optional dialogues or scenes. I still had to replay it with the walkthrough to get everything, so the amount of choice still feels adequate for an AVN. I'm always stressed when I see two (or more) of the girls accompany me as I fear I'll have to make a choice, but so far, you have stayed true to the harem style game and it feels so rewarding to see our multiple love interest blush at the same comments or during the same sequences.

With Delila, Alex and Annie being my top 3 girls (by VERY close margin with others), this update was an automatic favorite, but I'm still eager to see what you have in mind for the others! That major cliff hanger will have me look at Patreon daily for updates!

Keep it up!

Thank you so much, Pauly!

Hi, I have a friend who is super interested in playing Eternum after seeing me playing it. She isn't tech savvy enough to understand how to fix the files on her phone though.

(I'm still playing on the 0.5 version)

The newest update download doesn't work properly on its own with out some file altering.

Can you please update us when the file is fixed so she can play it straight from download without having to do any file altering?

If it helps, the app instantly closes the moment she opens it saying the file is missing or can't be read or something weird like that.

She's never played before so it's not like it's. A save file thing.

Thanks in advance! Absolutely AMAZING GAME and PHENOMENAL STORY! (just finished the gems of doom banquet and met the founder!)

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My saves from 5 don't work on my android and I sure as hell don't want to start/skip from the beginning, a little help nerds? 

So Orion is the mysterious ancestor of Calypso who married the original mother elf ?! Fascinating ! cant wait for the next update ! keep up the great work ! make a TV show or a movie out of this after the full game is released this is genuinely top notch stuff !


Just wow, every new scene in this update was some of the best work i have seen. truly one of your best updates plus the last scene absolutely surprised me... can't wait for the next update and hopefully some more luna!!! and possible some cat girl/ maid outfit scenes :) seriously keep up the amazing work!




I'll let harley jones beat me up



Came for story, stayed for story and waiting for new updates. Even if game will be updating for years, this is already a masterpiece.

Bro the way the MC approached the general something in the war server was really something. It caught me off guard and I just kept on repeating that scene for 10 minutes.

Anyways, good work yet again. Can't wait for the next update!!

Can i have 0.5 savedata I've broke my old phone. I don't really want to start new 


Not gonna lie, I came for the porn but the story is amazing!


Have just played Once in a lifetime... I need more lesbian action on this one too


Brooooo, they seriously don't miss. One of the if not the best visual novel games I've played EVER! Everything is top tier, from the story, the  characters, the comedy, all of it. I can't express how much I love this game. Seriously kudos to Caribdis, ya'll doing God's work. Keep it uppp, hoping for more content <3

Thank you!

Hey, any word on a fixed download file? 

My friend can't play the newest version of Eternum. She's never even played it before. Apparenty in order to play the .6 version she would have to move some files around and she isn't exactly tech savvy enough to do that.

And seeing how the file doesn't work on its own without having to move some files around even I'm afraid to uninstall my .5 version. Thankfully I still have story left to play.

Cari, please tell me where do you get those bangers you use. I'm literally using shazam at every moment of the game!

Is anyone else not able to play? I havent bren able to for like a week and a half now.  do i just need to delete then reinstall?


came for the porn, stayed for the story


I have a suggestion!!

After Eternum's storyline is complete (which I hope isn't any time soon), you should make one more bonus update where the player can explore both the real world and Eternum like an open world game! The player will be able to visit the main girls as well as some of the npc's they've interacted with (like Eva and the Sphynx lady).  And each character/npc could get their own little dialogue and h scene!

Also, 0.6 was my favorite update BY FAR!! Previously I never liked Alex all that much, but now, she's absolutely and utterly my favorite. Followed by number two, Calypso!! I swear to God you need to make her a main chick 😭

Thanks for creating such a revolutionary game Caribdis, one day your name will be immortalized through your work!


Thank you :D


Just when I thought this game couldn't be better I noticed that Annie's favorite movie gets updated after you see interstellar lmao.

Its small things like this that really make me love a story. 

I replay this one fully every update and always catch some new thing I missed.

There are only really 2 things I'd change 

--- a bigger save menu (more than just 4 options per screen, ive seen some doing like 5x4=20)

--- the walk through being built into the game 

Even these things are just quality of life as the story is gold and there is nothing I would want to see changed. Although if it turned out that thanatos was actually stabby, I would be so fucking happy.

Thank you very much!

i didn't notice the move thing and for sure i want to see stabby in this game and the main protagonist of the first game like giving the protagonist of this game advice or something that will be super cool

it actually does reference him in the beginning refering to "prior president stab" or something along those lines.

yes I remember that

Fucking love this game, the wait was totally worth it. Looking forward for version 0.7 hopefully there will be more hella insane cinematic scene and some more smooky hot scene, but after all 100 out of 10. Highly suggest people to try it out for at least once, keep up the good work Caribdis.

Thank you!

Android v.6 not working for me? Help


Gotta say you really got the energy of a football fan spot on with the pc's dad I had the same exact reaction as him when we lost to Arsenal Sunday lmao


Alex is incredible!

Just like you, Cari 


I ain't ever played no visual novel as good as this, it honestly amazed me during my first playthrough


I love this game. Thanks caribdis for doin a good job hopefully this game may not end too soon or just having a small versions. :)) Good luck to the next update and I really appreciate if you add again more interesting story plot on this called Eternum. More story, more version, more updates to look forward for us in ur masterpiece creation.


Amazing game.  Perfect. 20 out of 10 no doubt. Thank you for all the hard work that you do. One quick question. How can I delete my save files? I just wanted to start the game over and have only 1 save file.


Press the Delete key on your keyboard while hovering a save in the Load tab

Thank you, Caribdis. I look forward to the next update.


One quick comment on the latest update: In the newest Annie scene (Nighttime Cookies) protag's dong is way too shiny, like it's already lubed up even though he's only just whipped it out. It looks like the model is using a different material which has more lustre than the rest of his body. Not sure if I've just not noticed that detail in previous scenes but it really stood out in this one

Other than that, fantastic work as always. Looking forward to the next chapter!


i dont even care about sex the game is really good really funny and fun 10/10


and a another major cliffhanger


Amazing, can't find a better word to describe the game. Played it beacuse I thought that Once in A lifetime was a 10/10 game and thought that this one would be the same. But behold, the game isnt even done and its (-infinity,+infinity)/10 for me.

I just wish it was possible to close my eyes and open them when the game is finished (even if it took decades XD) so that I can play it all directly cuz the pain of waiting....

Thank you so much for this masterpiece

Thank you for playing!


Ok i've made an account just to comment on here. I've played Once in a Lifetime from the same company over a year ago and it was the best +18 game i've played in my life; until Eternum. It's one of those games that the characters felt like real people with real lore and emotions where you often sweat over how your choices could affect them. The thing is better written then most AAA games! AND IT'S A PORN GAME! ... all i'm saying is if i wasn't broke af i would be on your patreon top tier without second guess. That's art.
(also please add something crazy like the first game where Batman slayed Joker, would be 11/10)


Thank you so much! <3

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