This is such an incredible game. I always look forward to an update and playing it. You're sense of pacing, world building, character writing, and humor are all top notch!
I did have one question regarding Nova however, was it your intention to make her trans at some point? Because in the scene where she gives MC a manga she seems to be packing but later that's completely not the case. It would've been fine if you had in my opinion I was just wondering cause it was really out of place otherwise.
99% jamming to the banger music, laughing, and even at some point my eyes started sweating (I definitely did not cry) during some of the scenes, I mean this game being called a masterpiece is an understatement and the animated scenes are top notch I'm honestly surprised my potato of a laptop didn't combust. all in all, I'm having fun playing and can't wait to play once in a lifetime as well. :)
(also, I forgot to mention that eternum kinda hints to actual irl senarios which makes playing even more immersive)
Just coming here again to sing your praises. I've just started my fourth playthrough. I play it all the way through each new update and your writing skills are to be commended. It's almost like seeing old friends, when the characters pop up on my screen for the first time. If you haven't played this and are going through the comments, I can only recommend you give it a try. Like so many others you see here, you'll come for the lewd but stay for the story and characters. Well done once again Caribdis!
Made an account just to comment here, but this is my first AVN and I'm really glad I jumped into it not knowing literally anything. I'm just blown away by the level of care and detail to create an immersive world. I only played like an hour, but I was just that impressed so quickly haha, and I'm excited by the prospect of more to come as well. Happy to support projects like this on Patreon.
I have downloaded 0.6 but it doesn't allow me to load my saved progress 😔 it says that an exception has occurred l. Exception: couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script has changed in an incompatible way?. So I don't understand and I actually want to play the game 🙃 so please can anyone help I'm on android
Version change issues... Try other saves too, maybe only some saves are affected. If none seem to work, you have to start over. I always recommend playing Eternum again, but you can also speed through by making liberal use of the skip feature; the "Skip unseen text" option in the preferences helps too.
just a small question. its been almost 6 months since i played this and i really find this amazing though i wanna play the full game of it's entirety without any waiting so pretty much just to sum up what im saying is that is there a specifc thought when or possibly when the game will be finished??????
Same problem here. Not only I redownloaded and re-extracted the game, but also tried reinstalling Windows, installing Python, installing other runtimes, deleting save files, ...and it stil crashes after the first sound of launch. Here's the log:
Tue Sep 19 01:27:17 2023
Bootstrap to the start of init.init took 0.19s
Early init took 0.02s
Loader init took 0.07s
Loading error handling took 0.14s
Loading script took 4.46s
Loading save slot metadata. took 0.44s
Loading persistent took 0.44s
Importing _renpysteam: ImportError('No module named _renpysteam',)
Set script version to: (7, 4, 6)
- Init at renpy/common/00images.rpy:52 took 0.33500 s.
Running init code took 0.55s
Loading analysis data took 0.13s
Analyze and compile ATL took 0.23s
Index archives took 0.00s
Dump and make backups. took 0.00s
Cleaning cache took 0.00s
Making clean stores took 0.00s
Initial gc. took 0.49s
DPI scale factor: 1.104167
nvdrs: Loaded, about to disable thread optimizations.
nvdrs: "Couldn't load nvlib." (can be ignored)
Creating interface object took 0.00s
Cleaning stores took 0.00s
Init translation took 0.55s
Build styles took 0.01s
Load screen analysis took 0.00s
Analyze screens took 0.03s
Save screen analysis took 0.22s
Prepare screens took 0.20s
Save pyanalysis. took 0.00s
Save bytecode. took 0.00s
Running _start took 0.01s
Performance test:
Interface start took 0.61s
Initializing gl2 renderer:
primary display bounds: (0, 0, 1600, 900)
swap interval: 1 frames
Fullscreen mode.
Vendor: 'ATI Technologies Inc.'
Renderer: 'ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4500 Series'
Version: '3.3.11672 Compatibility Profile Context'
Display Info: None
Screen sizes: virtual=(1920, 1080) physical=(1600, 900) drawable=(1600, 900)
Maximum texture size: 4096x4096
Total time until interface ready: 10.2751700878s
You reinstalled Windows? That's commitment. So you've essentially replaced everything but it still doesn't work... This might be above my area of expertise but here's what I think: Your log looks fine actually, none of those warnings seem to be of critical nature. I still suspect that it might have something to do with the savefiles...
Try this: Delete/move the saves folder of the game AND open your Windows search, type %appdata%, find the RenPy folder, then delete/move the Eternum-[Numbers] folder. Or heck, try deleting/moving the entire RenPy folder if you need to.
Renpy keeps a second set of saves in the user folder, maybe those cause trouble. If that's not it, I'm out of ideas. Maybe a driver problem of some sort, idk. EDIT: Make sure to tell me if it worked, I'm curious :P
I have checked. Even the previous version of Eternum which I had fully played doesn't run anymore. There are two other Itch games that I have the same issue with: MurMur and My Bully Is My Lover. I guess it relates to some Windows update or something like that, because it's just after a unknown date that this problems appeared and doesn't go away no matter what.
Sorry to hear that. Then this is a general RenPy problem I guess. I'm definitely out of my area of expertise here, you should escalate this to general RenPy forums. :(
I ran into a similar problem, with the same games. I ended up modifying some of the renpy files to add audio channels and got each of them to a point where I could 'ignore' my way through the audio issues. It is sub-optimal, but it works. I figure there's an import or two missing on the restart code versus the initial run code. But I don't have the actual source so ... One series of errors were related to audio files and images that seems to have skipped distribution or something; I ended up copying audio files and images into place--hey, it worked.
Had a friend recommend this to me about a month ago and I gotta admit that I enjoyed the story extremely. I'm looking forward to what comes next, haven't played 0.6 yet, I believe, and I wish you luck on writing the story you wish to create!
Beautiful story,great art,...i feel like this is top of the bill, but for my personal liking there are too few lewd-scenes and it feels more like a movie with minimal player impact instead of a game. Nevertheless i need to add that the story and the immersion is like wow... a piece of art, congratulations.
I like to start by saying I mean this as a way to make the game better I like this a lot now idk what going on here but at some point, the story is not right or gets translated badly to English when you find the first doom why would they think it even possible and/or feasible that the game would give you a fake doom I am sorry but you can't just drop that out of thin air well you can it's just bad storytelling it breaks the game immersion so bad for me idk if you can or care to fix it but why would a hardcore player think the game NPC would give out fake doom they never said was reported that it ever happen so why would it even be said I understand why you have the story this why it adds to it but please just don't drop game breaking nonsense when the hacker girl told you she can locate the now somehow ppl can't even find them but now a fake one or the game create fake a one
when Nancy picked us up at the train she told us she did yoga when we first looked at her body then when she asked us to join her both she and he forgot that not even 2days ago she told him she had done yoga Why did her body look so good The inconsistency of the characters not knowing what their conversation was about break immersion The main character even states that he has a good memory, but he. can't remember a conversation from two days ago.
Please understand I love the game and story so far I just want to help with the small things that I hick where missed
Well, I guess everyone has distinct points of view, but the team finding it really weird to have a gem of doom and thus wondering if it's real or not sounded really logical to me. I'd say that the opposite (assuming without an hesitation that they now own such a rare thing) would be way more of an immersion breaker.
Yes, I would agree with you if it was some random mission that they beat they. clearly stated this mission. was a mission that thousands. of other characters could not figure out. this mission was difficult. If they just found it under normal circumstances.
what would be more rare. to get get 1 of the 10 gems or to be the first to get a fake gem. if they where fake gems you would get it from a trader not the reward box it would be online post saying some others getting fake gems from a reward box and they would know its a chance
I am a Chinese gamer and I like your work so much that I personally even want to praise it as art.
I've played a lot of visual stories, and there are only a few that stand out to me, and yours [Eternum] is number one, even super number one.
Your game makes me feel like a drug. I feel like I'm flying on a cloud when I try it, and I feel empty when I finish. Of course, this is a good comment.
I checked your Patreon and Subscribestar websites, and I'd like to see a wechat or Alipay payment option or a Chinese sponsorship channel.
I sincerely hope that there can be channels that I can easily access to support you. I very much suggest that you open sponsorship channels in China, and I really, really want to support you.
After playing "Once in a Lifetime" and "Eternum", I was very eager to change from an illegal player to a legal player.
Well, my English is very poor, this is the translation tool repeated translation, hope to make you understand.
I think it's really the ninth art
———— from an ordinary small town in China does not speak English player
yep, Carib u have many Chinese fans there. They definitely are willing to pay for this game, or support ur dev. The only problem is the payment channel.
I've played so many avn games and basically this is one of my most favourite. The story, the girls, the animation on some scenes are perfect. The game is so good even if there is no sex scenes you will still have fun and enjoy your progress. I admit I wank a couple of times on the scenes but this game is not the average adult game where you can wank anytime since the story is so immersive. Hope we can get more content in the future and even some scenes from Calypso haha.
Just a question tho is there a difference if you accept the artifact from the founder or not?
Another question if you didn't go to Alex's new house will it still trigger the last scene with William?
One of, if not, the best visual novel game I've ever played! Loved the character designs and the story it's building. Can't wait for future releases, I will definitely be supporting this game <3
it's not letting me download the latest version. do you have an idea why? i just deleted the old version from my files and it still didn't work. it says
"Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator."
okay i got it working. apparently i just had to install it from media fire and not google drive. can't wait to play. first story game that had me hooked from start to finish. (:
I've played a lot of Visual novel games and this easily is the best one, the story, humor, characters, music, art, everything was a masterpiece. What I hated most was that it ended, It's a game I wish had no ending because the moment I had playing it was too enjoyable. Can't wait for the next update, may I know when you plan to release it?
I joined that on Discord at "Caribdis Games" but to my disappointment only Patreons can post there. All other players are locked out. Since I play several games I dont want to register and pay a monthly fee for everyone.
Discord won't let you join unless it knows you're an adult. Bringing up the Family Center in the Discord settings will make Discord prompt you to enter your birthday, that did the trick for me.
i just wanted to say thank for this game and plz tell me who wrote this story it's story that tells what is the life means if you didn't do all you can for the one you love and everyone can take the moral that he want from this story for me it's more interesting than anime like my hero academy if this game get more advertising it will be more popular maybe Twitter page or something I would like that .
and anther questions is the writer of this story is the same who wrote once in a lifetime and does he has other projects or books or something 🤔
Hey Caribdis, I read the news about unity is gonna implement a pay-per-download pricing scheme that would charge developers a flat fee any time a game using Unity software is installed. I am pretty concerned if that new rule would have any troubles with your game?
Each update gets even better than the last. I am really dumbfounded by the amount and quality of work behind this. Possibly the GOTY of erotic games even if it is just a couple updates through each year. Caribdis should be the standard all devs should be having as an example. Excellent work once more! If only the cliffhangers weren't so damn brutal!!!
Hello question for the dev. This is one of the first porn games ive played and I want to make a contribution because of how good the animations are, but im a little confused. Is this really a porn game or just an actual story based novel? Ive played up until your recent update, and notice that about half of the current erotic scenes are in v 0.5 and 0.6. Is this on purpose? Ive never played a game like this so is that something people like? I find it odd to stuff most of the sex scenes near the end of the game. Although I understand the need for character development, I found it extremely stagnant at times when it didn’t need to be. I apologize if this review comes off as critical, you are a master story maker as i’ve noticed in your writing, however I was just hoping if I could get some sense of direction on where you plan on taking the game. The only other porn game ive played was Being a Dik which ive heard many call the best game of its genre, so unfortunately thats the only game i am able to compare this one to. Again apologies for any offence to the dev, clearly you have a good following so I know im in the minority. Thanks for the answer if you give one.
I'm not sure what qualifies as a porn game to you but story based novel is a good description for the game. There are indeed less erotic scenes at the beginning because you have to get to know your LIs first. The scenes become more intimate/kinky as your relationships and the story progress.
As for the pacing, let me be blunt with you: This is not a game you'll pull up when you want to masturbate. There's a gallery for unlocked erotic scenes, but the game generally prioritizes story and then throws occasional erotic scenes into the blend. Since those scenes are rare and have a lot of setup behind them, they feel more special and rewarding.
I'd recommend abstaining from porn for a few days before playing this game since you'd otherwise be too numb to notice the nouance put into it. When you're playing Eternum, you're in for the long haul. The story has a way of distracting you from why you started playing the game in the first place.
Hello again, just wanted to say thank you for the quick and informative reply and to the dev for replying as well. Being honest, yes I was just really looking for a game to masturbate to as this is just my general view and use on porn games, thus leading to my confusion on this game as i played it. Abstaining from porn would be a good idea if i wasn’t very vanilla anyways haha, but now I know to move on to something a little more intense for my tastes. However with all that said, and the dev clarifying that this is a story based novel, you have done a fantastic job my friend. As someone with a masters in English and currently writing my thesis for my phd, I am thoroughly impressed with your story telling. Im not sure how many games you’ve made but I can tell this isn’t your first time. I decided to contribute anyways because although this isn't the game I originally thought it was, I absolutely love seeing new writers expand, improve and work on their passion. I can literally see your use of comedic relief, timing for action, use of climax buildup and wind down improve as you write. Sorry for the rambling, but as an academic this is better than porn for me haha. Again WELL DONE, bright future ahead in story writing.
We're talking about different genres of adult games here. It's the same with 'normal' generes: Some people love horror, some hate it. Personal tastes vary, there's nothing wrong about that.
<"Is this really a porn game or just an actual story based novel?">It is not an porn-game. Since I played several other games from NLT which are really porn games I agree with you that Eternum is lacking some things but it has a great story with some erotic scenes. Thats why I still stick to it. Let's take the scene with Nova in the Egyptian adventure with Maat. I think Nova loved that and is fascinated but seems not to be interested to have more sex with the MC . This actually makes no sense to me.
Hello I just wanted to give a quick criticism here. As I had said in my reply above, I'm grateful you and the dev clarified that this is a story based novel, not a porn game. However with that decision made, this is one piece of writing I definitely think the dev could improve on. It’s important to note that while in fiction when sexual acts are performed with characters, the immediate time after the acts are performed are crucial for character development, as this is typically the time when two people are at their most vulnerable. The dev clearly understands this and capitalizes on it, however I found that here is where he suffers slight indecisiveness. He wants to create an erotic aura with the woman; they perform sexual acts, realize what they've done, immediately deny them and create further sexual tension which can be exploited further for an even greater and more satisfying reward. Very smart as a writer, however(and this is very nit-picky), you have to be careful what characters you do that to, as it doesn't make sense with some personality wise and doing it too frequently can take away some of the sexual tension.
This was a solid update Caribdis, love all the references put into the game. I am wishing for more scenes with Annie and Dalia! Waiting to see the plot deepen even more, this game nailed all of the elements included here and fits the genre. Truly one of the best immersive games I have ever seen; all the best and good luck with the next updates! Oh, before I forget, many thanks for blessing us with those wonderful SCENES! P.S. Axel had that Bleach moment there for a second.
Sorry for my English. I don't even know if you'll see this post, but, thanks for a fantastic game. I wasn't going through an easy time, and the references, the humor, the characters, everything made me laugh, and a lot of good. You are creative, fantastic ideas, and I thank you for these moments of fun that you offer me. THANKS.
This game has become one of my favorites in this genre. I won't be able to list everything I like about it because I won't have enough characters on the keyboard. I want to convey my gratitude to the developer and best wishes . I am upset that I will not be able to support him with a monetary resource, since a resident of Russia and all Internet platforms block my attempts to transfer money to support this game. I only hope that the developer is doing well, he is in good health.
I would just like to say, that this game makes me so mad that they have created such an amazing game but its not real. Bro they game you created here has to be one of the best stories I've ever read. This story and world building is absolutely Incredible. Everything about this game is top tier. every chapter is full of new and incredible details and plot twists. The world itself is incredible and I wish it was real. HANDS DOWN the greatest Visual novel game of all time. The only thing and I mean the only thing I will say about this game would be adding voices. I know voice acting / Casting is really hard to keep up with but voice acting on top of how dam good this game is would make it insanely good.
PS the last 3 chapters have had me staring at a wall in pure amazement and disbelief on how good this game is. Keep up good work
← Return to game
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i can't enter to the Discord Server :(
Discord Settings 🠖 Family Center 🠖 Enter your birthdate 🠖 Retry the invite link
This is such an incredible game. I always look forward to an update and playing it. You're sense of pacing, world building, character writing, and humor are all top notch!
I did have one question regarding Nova however, was it your intention to make her trans at some point? Because in the scene where she gives MC a manga she seems to be packing but later that's completely not the case. It would've been fine if you had in my opinion I was just wondering cause it was really out of place otherwise.
It's not the case, the scene you mention must be just a weird shadowing
my experience with eternum so far-
1% trying to complete it.
99% jamming to the banger music, laughing, and even at some point my eyes started sweating (I definitely did not cry) during some of the scenes, I mean this game being called a masterpiece is an understatement and the animated scenes are top notch I'm honestly surprised my potato of a laptop didn't combust. all in all, I'm having fun playing and can't wait to play once in a lifetime as well. :)
(also, I forgot to mention that eternum kinda hints to actual irl senarios which makes playing even more immersive)
Glad you liked it :D
Just coming here again to sing your praises. I've just started my fourth playthrough. I play it all the way through each new update and your writing skills are to be commended. It's almost like seeing old friends, when the characters pop up on my screen for the first time.
If you haven't played this and are going through the comments, I can only recommend you give it a try. Like so many others you see here, you'll come for the lewd but stay for the story and characters.
Well done once again Caribdis!
Thank you <3
Made an account just to comment here, but this is my first AVN and I'm really glad I jumped into it not knowing literally anything. I'm just blown away by the level of care and detail to create an immersive world. I only played like an hour, but I was just that impressed so quickly haha, and I'm excited by the prospect of more to come as well. Happy to support projects like this on Patreon.
Thank you for your support! ❤️
This is not just a game, it's also art. Thanks to the Chinese translation patch.
This is the best game 😀.there is no bugs for me and the only problem is put more updates in it
if you don't headcanon James Wong voicing Chop Chop then there's something wrong with you /s
I have downloaded 0.6 but it doesn't allow me to load my saved progress 😔 it says that an exception has occurred l. Exception: couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script has changed in an incompatible way?. So I don't understand and I actually want to play the game 🙃 so please can anyone help I'm on android
Version change issues... Try other saves too, maybe only some saves are affected. If none seem to work, you have to start over. I always recommend playing Eternum again, but you can also speed through by making liberal use of the skip feature; the "Skip unseen text" option in the preferences helps too.
just a small question. its been almost 6 months since i played this and i really find this amazing though i wanna play the full game of it's entirety without any waiting so pretty much just to sum up what im saying is that is there a specifc thought when or possibly when the game will be finished??????
Two years is the absolute minimum, but it might as well take three or more. Not even the dev is sure.
Seems to take about half a year or so for each update, so if the dev remains consistent and isn't delayed, probably in about two years, give or take.
After i finished version 0.6 my game start crushing everytime i launch in
Any ideas why?
Corrupted game or save files maybe? Have you tried redownloading/reinstalling? Do you get an error message?
Same problem here. Not only I redownloaded and re-extracted the game, but also tried reinstalling Windows, installing Python, installing other runtimes, deleting save files, ...and it stil crashes after the first sound of launch. Here's the log:
You reinstalled Windows? That's commitment. So you've essentially replaced everything but it still doesn't work... This might be above my area of expertise but here's what I think: Your log looks fine actually, none of those warnings seem to be of critical nature. I still suspect that it might have something to do with the savefiles...
Try this: Delete/move the saves folder of the game AND open your Windows search, type %appdata%, find the RenPy folder, then delete/move the Eternum-[Numbers] folder. Or heck, try deleting/moving the entire RenPy folder if you need to.
Renpy keeps a second set of saves in the user folder, maybe those cause trouble. If that's not it, I'm out of ideas. Maybe a driver problem of some sort, idk. EDIT: Make sure to tell me if it worked, I'm curious :P
I have checked. Even the previous version of Eternum which I had fully played doesn't run anymore. There are two other Itch games that I have the same issue with: MurMur and My Bully Is My Lover. I guess it relates to some Windows update or something like that, because it's just after a unknown date that this problems appeared and doesn't go away no matter what.
Sorry to hear that. Then this is a general RenPy problem I guess. I'm definitely out of my area of expertise here, you should escalate this to general RenPy forums. :(
I ran into a similar problem, with the same games. I ended up modifying some of the renpy files to add audio channels and got each of them to a point where I could 'ignore' my way through the audio issues. It is sub-optimal, but it works. I figure there's an import or two missing on the restart code versus the initial run code. But I don't have the actual source so ... One series of errors were related to audio files and images that seems to have skipped distribution or something; I ended up copying audio files and images into place--hey, it worked.
Had a friend recommend this to me about a month ago and I gotta admit that I enjoyed the story extremely. I'm looking forward to what comes next, haven't played 0.6 yet, I believe, and I wish you luck on writing the story you wish to create!
Thank you!
Beautiful story,great art,...i feel like this is top of the bill, but for my personal liking there are too few lewd-scenes and it feels more like a movie with minimal player impact instead of a game. Nevertheless i need to add that the story and the immersion is like wow... a piece of art, congratulations.
Thank you very much!
I like to start by saying I mean this as a way to make the game better I like this a lot now idk what going on here but at some point, the story is not right or gets translated badly to English when you find the first doom why would they think it even possible and/or feasible that the game would give you a fake doom I am sorry but you can't just drop that out of thin air well you can it's just bad storytelling it breaks the game immersion so bad for me idk if you can or care to fix it but why would a hardcore player think the game NPC would give out fake doom they never said was reported that it ever happen so why would it even be said I understand why you have the story this why it adds to it but please just don't drop game breaking nonsense when the hacker girl told you she can locate the now somehow ppl can't even find them but now a fake one or the game create fake a one
when Nancy picked us up at the train she told us she did yoga when we first looked at her body then when she asked us to join her both she and he forgot that not even 2days ago she told him she had done yoga Why did her body look so good The inconsistency of the characters not knowing what their conversation was about break immersion The main character even states that he has a good memory, but he. can't remember a conversation from two days ago.
Please understand I love the game and story so far I just want to help with the small things that I hick where missed
Well, I guess everyone has distinct points of view, but the team finding it really weird to have a gem of doom and thus wondering if it's real or not sounded really logical to me. I'd say that the opposite (assuming without an hesitation that they now own such a rare thing) would be way more of an immersion breaker.
Yes, I would agree with you if it was some random mission that they beat they. clearly stated this mission. was a mission that thousands. of other characters could not figure out. this mission was difficult. If they just found it under normal circumstances.
what would be more rare. to get get 1 of the 10 gems or to be the first to get a fake gem. if they where fake gems you would get it from a trader not the reward box it would be online post saying some others getting fake gems from a reward box and they would know its a chance
I am a Chinese gamer and I like your work so much that I personally even want to praise it as art.
I've played a lot of visual stories, and there are only a few that stand out to me, and yours [Eternum] is number one, even super number one.
Your game makes me feel like a drug. I feel like I'm flying on a cloud when I try it, and I feel empty when I finish. Of course, this is a good comment.
I checked your Patreon and Subscribestar websites, and I'd like to see a wechat or Alipay payment option or a Chinese sponsorship channel.
I sincerely hope that there can be channels that I can easily access to support you. I very much suggest that you open sponsorship channels in China, and I really, really want to support you.
After playing "Once in a Lifetime" and "Eternum", I was very eager to change from an illegal player to a legal player.
Well, my English is very poor, this is the translation tool repeated translation, hope to make you understand.
I think it's really the ninth art
———— from an ordinary small town in China does not speak English player
I'll look into those options for support, thank you!!
yep, Carib u have many Chinese fans there. They definitely are willing to pay for this game, or support ur dev. The only problem is the payment channel.
I just finished it, i cannot wait for the next release. also you should definitely add more scenes with Calypso lol
I've played so many avn games and basically this is one of my most favourite. The story, the girls, the animation on some scenes are perfect. The game is so good even if there is no sex scenes you will still have fun and enjoy your progress. I admit I wank a couple of times on the scenes but this game is not the average adult game where you can wank anytime since the story is so immersive. Hope we can get more content in the future and even some scenes from Calypso haha.
Just a question tho is there a difference if you accept the artifact from the founder or not?
Another question if you didn't go to Alex's new house will it still trigger the last scene with William?
Thank you!
There's a difference, you shouldn't take it
And yes it will trigger, although in a different way
Thanks for the fast response. You're a great game developer and a great guy!!
One of, if not, the best visual novel game I've ever played! Loved the character designs and the story it's building. Can't wait for future releases, I will definitely be supporting this game <3
Thank you for your support <33
I just made this account to say that I cant believe what Im playing, I loved it so much
and I still love it, also a lot of success with the game (I keep playing and it surprises me more and more)
Thank you!
Honestly, one of the best games I have ever played. I can't wait for 0.7! Great stuff!
Thanks :D
Fuck sex or fucking or rape in this game
Story is fire and that's all I need 🔥🔥🔥🔥
it's not letting me download the latest version. do you have an idea why? i just deleted the old version from my files and it still didn't work. it says
"Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator."
will it ever work? ):
okay i got it working. apparently i just had to install it from media fire and not google drive. can't wait to play. first story game that had me hooked from start to finish. (:
Im a little concern, is your game made in unity? Please response, if it is will you still continue the game?
It's not, no worries
Oh thank you. 🙇🏻♀️
Carbidis, I'm a smaller game developer. I have a couple thoughts, do you have maybe a business email?
I've played a lot of Visual novel games and this easily is the best one, the story, humor, characters, music, art, everything was a masterpiece. What I hated most was that it ended, It's a game I wish had no ending because the moment I had playing it was too enjoyable. Can't wait for the next update, may I know when you plan to release it?
Thanks! There won't be an estimated date of release until the progress is at +90%
I joined that on Discord at "Caribdis Games" but to my disappointment only Patreons can post there. All other players are locked out. Since I play several games I dont want to register and pay a monthly fee for everyone.
I believe that ex-Patreons can chat too. Putting a small pricetag on chatting privileges keeps most troublemakers out.
Can any one join the discord I cant
Discord won't let you join unless it knows you're an adult. Bringing up the Family Center in the Discord settings will make Discord prompt you to enter your birthday, that did the trick for me.
oh ok thanks
i just wanted to say thank for this game and plz tell me who wrote this story it's story that tells what is the life means if you didn't do all you can for the one you love and everyone can take the moral that he want from this story for me it's more interesting than anime like my hero academy if this game get more advertising it will be more popular maybe Twitter page or something I would like that .
and anther questions is the writer of this story is the same who wrote once in a lifetime and does he has other projects or books or something 🤔
Yep, OiaLt was my first game :)
wow that's unbelievable, good job my friend
Hey Caribdis, I read the news about unity is gonna implement a pay-per-download pricing scheme that would charge developers a flat fee any time a game using Unity software is installed. I am pretty concerned if that new rule would have any troubles with your game?
It shouldn't, no worries
Quick Question: Impregnation?
Optionally, but that's for later in the game.
Each update gets even better than the last. I am really dumbfounded by the amount and quality of work behind this. Possibly the GOTY of erotic games even if it is just a couple updates through each year. Caribdis should be the standard all devs should be having as an example. Excellent work once more! If only the cliffhangers weren't so damn brutal!!!
Thank you!
I love this game! Keep up the good work dev!
Hello question for the dev. This is one of the first porn games ive played and I want to make a contribution because of how good the animations are, but im a little confused. Is this really a porn game or just an actual story based novel? Ive played up until your recent update, and notice that about half of the current erotic scenes are in v 0.5 and 0.6. Is this on purpose? Ive never played a game like this so is that something people like? I find it odd to stuff most of the sex scenes near the end of the game. Although I understand the need for character development, I found it extremely stagnant at times when it didn’t need to be. I apologize if this review comes off as critical, you are a master story maker as i’ve noticed in your writing, however I was just hoping if I could get some sense of direction on where you plan on taking the game. The only other porn game ive played was Being a Dik which ive heard many call the best game of its genre, so unfortunately thats the only game i am able to compare this one to. Again apologies for any offence to the dev, clearly you have a good following so I know im in the minority. Thanks for the answer if you give one.
I'm not sure what qualifies as a porn game to you but story based novel is a good description for the game. There are indeed less erotic scenes at the beginning because you have to get to know your LIs first. The scenes become more intimate/kinky as your relationships and the story progress.
As for the pacing, let me be blunt with you: This is not a game you'll pull up when you want to masturbate. There's a gallery for unlocked erotic scenes, but the game generally prioritizes story and then throws occasional erotic scenes into the blend. Since those scenes are rare and have a lot of setup behind them, they feel more special and rewarding.
I'd recommend abstaining from porn for a few days before playing this game since you'd otherwise be too numb to notice the nouance put into it. When you're playing Eternum, you're in for the long haul. The story has a way of distracting you from why you started playing the game in the first place.
Well said ^^
Hello again, just wanted to say thank you for the quick and informative reply and to the dev for replying as well. Being honest, yes I was just really looking for a game to masturbate to as this is just my general view and use on porn games, thus leading to my confusion on this game as i played it. Abstaining from porn would be a good idea if i wasn’t very vanilla anyways haha, but now I know to move on to something a little more intense for my tastes. However with all that said, and the dev clarifying that this is a story based novel, you have done a fantastic job my friend. As someone with a masters in English and currently writing my thesis for my phd, I am thoroughly impressed with your story telling. Im not sure how many games you’ve made but I can tell this isn’t your first time. I decided to contribute anyways because although this isn't the game I originally thought it was, I absolutely love seeing new writers expand, improve and work on their passion. I can literally see your use of comedic relief, timing for action, use of climax buildup and wind down improve as you write. Sorry for the rambling, but as an academic this is better than porn for me haha. Again WELL DONE, bright future ahead in story writing.
That really means a lot, thank you very much ghostrider!
You made your point and the result it, that people accept that or leave. But dont forget you expect people to pay for the game.
We're talking about different genres of adult games here. It's the same with 'normal' generes: Some people love horror, some hate it. Personal tastes vary, there's nothing wrong about that.
<"Is this really a porn game or just an actual story based novel?">It is not an porn-game. Since I played several other games from NLT which are really porn games I agree with you that Eternum is lacking some things but it has a great story with some erotic scenes. Thats why I still stick to it. Let's take the scene with Nova in the Egyptian adventure with Maat. I think Nova loved that and is fascinated but seems not to be interested to have more sex with the MC . This actually makes no sense to me.
Not everyone says what they really think right away. Nova will actually talk about that event later in the game.
Hello I just wanted to give a quick criticism here. As I had said in my reply above, I'm grateful you and the dev clarified that this is a story based novel, not a porn game. However with that decision made, this is one piece of writing I definitely think the dev could improve on. It’s important to note that while in fiction when sexual acts are performed with characters, the immediate time after the acts are performed are crucial for character development, as this is typically the time when two people are at their most vulnerable. The dev clearly understands this and capitalizes on it, however I found that here is where he suffers slight indecisiveness. He wants to create an erotic aura with the woman; they perform sexual acts, realize what they've done, immediately deny them and create further sexual tension which can be exploited further for an even greater and more satisfying reward. Very smart as a writer, however(and this is very nit-picky), you have to be careful what characters you do that to, as it doesn't make sense with some personality wise and doing it too frequently can take away some of the sexual tension.
This was a solid update Caribdis, love all the references put into the game. I am wishing for more scenes with Annie and Dalia! Waiting to see the plot deepen even more, this game nailed all of the elements included here and fits the genre. Truly one of the best immersive games I have ever seen; all the best and good luck with the next updates! Oh, before I forget, many thanks for blessing us with those wonderful SCENES! P.S. Axel had that Bleach moment there for a second.
Thank you for playing!
Sorry for my English. I don't even know if you'll see this post, but, thanks for a fantastic game. I wasn't going through an easy time, and the references, the humor, the characters, everything made me laugh, and a lot of good. You are creative, fantastic ideas, and I thank you for these moments of fun that you offer me. THANKS.
Thank you so much!
This game has become one of my favorites in this genre. I won't be able to list everything I like about it because I won't have enough characters on the keyboard. I want to convey my gratitude to the developer and best wishes . I am upset that I will not be able to support him with a monetary resource, since a resident of Russia and all Internet platforms block my attempts to transfer money to support this game. I only hope that the developer is doing well, he is in good health.
Thanks for playing :)
is there any chinese translation patch , the one provided up there cant work
可以用了, 你只需要创建一个新文件在game里并把它命名为“tl” 然后把你解压的文件放进去就可以了。
I would just like to say, that this game makes me so mad that they have created such an amazing game but its not real. Bro they game you created here has to be one of the best stories I've ever read. This story and world building is absolutely Incredible. Everything about this game is top tier. every chapter is full of new and incredible details and plot twists. The world itself is incredible and I wish it was real. HANDS DOWN the greatest Visual novel game of all time. The only thing and I mean the only thing I will say about this game would be adding voices. I know voice acting / Casting is really hard to keep up with but voice acting on top of how dam good this game is would make it insanely good.
PS the last 3 chapters have had me staring at a wall in pure amazement and disbelief on how good this game is. Keep up good work
Thank you very much!