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I really can't hold myself playing this game because the MC is identical to Ezra Miller

no they don't

they really don't


dude, the only difference is that the mc doesn't have a square mandible lmao

the game just closes after about 15-20 seconds or whenever i want to start a game (I'm on android btw)

hey. how do you run the game after unzip the files?

I've played through this game a couple times now and I have to say that it is easily the best NSFW game I have ever played. The writing is solid, both comedic and emotional, the art and models are great, and the premise is really fun.

download mega link

Thank you very much!

mmm... the game won't start 

just download the mega link apk

apk ? but i'm on pc 


Да извините но когда на дискорде в вашей группе можно будет еще раз написать ато сеичас там можно только фотки

heyy, I just finished the game, and DAMN!!! All I can say is this game is phenomenal, like the art style is magnificent, the plot is thicc like those girls, mah man. This is 10/10 game forever and ever. 

Although even though I finished the game my gallery isn't complete, I am missing 2 parts the mexican feast and the emergency stop. How can I still unlock those parts? Should I create another load by now taking the walkthrough?


Thank you so much!

It might be your best option, it depends on when you lost their paths. Those are Luna's and Nancy's scenes

So by taking the walkthrough path, I can now unlock those 2 scenes?

Here is a tip without spoiling anything. For the emergancy stop say that you want to continue what you have with her. For the mexican feast, DON'T push it. (it will prompt you to go farther with her but don't do it.) I hope this helps :D Also. if you want to, make another save file and do all the things you haven't done already. I did this and still had a lot of fun!

the problem in my case is that I don't have that option, that's is why I think that the optimal way is to restart. 

And thank you for the tip. It may not help me, but the others will. 

Deleted 1 year ago

Okay, I walk the path of going thru what the walkthrough said. And I now unlocked all the scenes in the gallery. It really is the optimal path, thanks again. And thank you Caribdis by giving us the walkthrough to unlocked all the scenes. 

Arriving back in Kredon, Orion feels a mixture of excitement and nostalgia. The cityscape has changed since his childhood, with new buildings and technological advancements, but the familiar streets and landmarks evoke a sense of homecoming.


It feels surreal being back in Kredon, my hometown. So much has changed, yet the memories of my childhood are still vivid. This is my chance to reconnect with my roots and make new memories in a place that shaped me.

Orion settles into his new school, where he quickly becomes known for his skills in computer graphics and his enthusiasm for technology. His classmates are intrigued by his international background and eagerly befriend him. Among his newfound friends is Emma, a talented programmer with a passion for gaming.



Orion, you have to try this game! It's called ETERNUM, and it's the talk of the town. Everyone's playing it. It's a virtual MMORPG that's so realistic, you won't believe it. Want to check it out?



Sure, I've heard about it. But I've also heard rumors about its dark side. Have you experienced anything strange?



There have been some incidents, but the immersive experience is like nothing else. Trust me, it's worth trying. We can explore it together.

Intrigued by Emma's enthusiasm, Orion decides to give Eternum a chance. He downloads the game and enters the virtual world. As he puts on the neural implant, his senses become heightened, and he finds himself transported into a fantastical realm, surrounded by vibrant landscapes and incredible creatures.


Whoa... this is unlike anything I've ever experienced. The sights, the sounds, it's all so real. But I can't forget that there's more to this game than meets the eye.

As Orion delves deeper into Eternum, he discovers a thriving community within the game, filled with players from all walks of life. However, he also encounters disturbing elements, witnessing instances of exploitation, illegal activities, and an absence of consequences.


This is exactly what I feared. Eternum is not just a game; it's a reflection of the real world, with its dark side left unchecked. It's time to uncover the truth and bring about change.

Orion begins documenting the injustices he witnesses within Eternum, meticulously collecting evidence and testimonies from affected players. He collaborates with Emma and a group of like-minded individuals who share his vision of a safer and regulated virtual world.

Together, they create a movement called "Virtual Reform," advocating for governmental intervention and stricter regulations within Eternum. Through social media campaigns, public awareness events, and organizing protests, they raise awareness about the dangers lurking beneath the game's surface.


(standing before a crowd)

We cannot turn a blind eye to the suffering and exploitation happening within Eternum. It's time for accountability and change. Together, we can reshape this virtual world into a safe and inclusive space for all.

Their movement gains momentum, attracting the attention of influential figures and media outlets. The outcry for regulation within Eternum becomes too loud to ignore. The government, forced to take action, establishes a committee dedicated to overseeing the virtual world and enforcing regulations to protect players' well-being.


We did it. Our voices were heard, and change is finally happening. Eternum will no longer be a lawless realm. It will become a place where players can truly enjoy the game without fear or exploitation.

With their mission accomplished, Orion and his allies continue to advocate for virtual ethics, inspiring similar movements in otherparts of the world. Their efforts spark a global conversation about the ethical implications of virtual reality and the importance of responsible development.

Orion and Emma become ambassadors for Virtual Reform, traveling to conferences and universities, sharing their experiences, and urging others to join the cause. They collaborate with game developers, experts in artificial intelligence, and lawmakers to establish guidelines and frameworks for virtual worlds, ensuring the protection of players' rights, privacy, and mental well-being.

Over time, Eternum undergoes significant transformations. The introduction of strict regulations curtails the illicit activities that once plagued the game. With a dedicated team monitoring the virtual world, instances of harassment, exploitation, and illegal content trafficking decrease significantly. Eternum evolves into a safer, more inclusive, and regulated environment for players to explore and enjoy.


Eternum has been redefined. From a lawless playground, it has emerged as a testament to the power of collective action and the resilience of individuals who refuse to accept the status quo. It proves that technology can be a force for good when guided by ethics and responsibility.

As years pass, Orion looks back at his journey with pride, knowing that he played a pivotal role in reshaping the virtual landscape. His efforts not only protected current players but also influenced the development of future virtual reality technologies, fostering a culture of accountability and mindfulness in the realm of gaming.


Our journey has shown that change is possible, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges. It is a reminder that we hold the power to shape the worlds we inhabit, both virtual and real. Let us never forget our responsibility to one another.

With the lessons learned from their fight for virtual reform, Orion and Emma continue to advocate for ethical technology, dedicating themselves to ensuring that progress and innovation align with the well-being of individuals and society as a whole.


Hello ask what it is there was no such thing??

This is a fan-made story!

Ок спасибо

That was cool! 👏🏻👏🏻

Thanks a lot! 👍👍

Title: "Eternum Chronicles"


The room is filled with moving boxes, indicating a recent move. The protagonist, PLAYER (late teens), and their best friend, ALEX (also late teens), are unpacking their belongings.


(looking around)

Can you believe we're finally here, Alex? The city of Kredon, home to all those incredible schools and ETERNUM!



I know, right? It's going to be amazing! Just imagine experiencing Eternum's hyper-reality firsthand.


(slightly hesitant)

But... I've heard things about the dark side of Eternum. The rumors about illegal activities, the lack of regulation... It's unsettling.



Yeah, I've heard those rumors too. But think about it, the government and the authorities must have their reasons for turning a blind eye, right?



I guess so. But it's hard to ignore the reports of what goes on in the game. It's like there's a hidden truth behind it all.


Player and Alex sit at the kitchen table, sipping coffee. They discuss their concerns about Eternum.



What if there's something more to Eternum? Something beyond the addictive nature and the financial interests?



What are you thinking?



I want to dig deeper, Alex. I want to uncover the truth behind Eternum and its unregulated nature. We can't just accept it as it is.



I'm with you, Player. We can't ignore the dark side, especially if it's affecting people's lives. We'll become the players who bring about change.


Player sits in front of their computer, researching Eternum's dark side. They come across articles, forum threads, and testimonies of those affected by the game's lawlessness.



This is bigger than I thought. Eternum is a world of its own, with its own rules. We need to navigate carefully.


Player and Alex meet again, determined to take action.


(showing a plan)

I've mapped out a strategy. We'll start by gathering evidence of the illegal activities within Eternum, documenting the injustices.



And then, we expose it to the world, forcing the authorities to take action and bring regulation to this virtual world.



Exactly. It won't be easy, but we owe it to the people who've suffered because of Eternum's lawlessness.


Player and Alex's avatars stand side by side, ready to navigate the treacherous world of Eternum, seeking truth and justice.


Our journey starts now. In a world where fantasy and reality blur, we will challenge the status quo and fight for a better Eternum.



Note: This script is just a starting point, and you can expand upon it to create a more detailed and immersive story. Consider adding subplots, character development arcs, and unexpected twists to make the game engaging and impactful.


This is literally the best game the humor is soooooo good. At the beginning i just wanted a quick wank tbh but this game is so funny has such a good story and it is so much detail In it that I had to stop lol. it's unbelievable. The Character in this game are soo good everyone of them. It's so good that everyone has there own story. And the cliffhanger is to good I want to play more of this. The developer is brilliant I played his other game too and it was just as good as this one. You can see how much love and work behind this game is. In a few months I can support you on Patreon definitely worth to play several times. Thank you for this game


Thank you very much!


Hello, I would like to ask a question to the creators, for some reason when I try to download 0.5 in Itch, the download doesn't work, it says "download not installed" after trying to download the game for 1 second, no, I'm not in full storage, I have 5.8 gigabytes of storage, as for my software, I'm on MIUI 12.0.11.

I wanna try and download the game after playing once in a lifetime, so please help me 😭


When the new version come out

I always lost the interest of dalia and I don't know why 😭 pls help


Download the walkthrough and follow it!


Idek how can you lost the interest of a single girl since the game have a back option you don't even need the walkthrough

(1 edit) (+4)

(The moment I'm writing this down, I've already played Eternum [0.5] two times. I know [0.6] is coming soon, and I'm really excited for this!)
 (Sorry if this is verbiage, but these are my genuine thoughts!)

Dear Caribdis:

        I am a Chinese player of your game, studying in a college in the U.S.. I've played Once In A Lifetime a few months ago, and I really LOVEed the story, character developments, horrors, humors, and I specifically appaluded the music choice. For instance, the bathpool scene in Japan: the male protagonist was sitting in the pool "hopelessly" with some other middle-aged men, and Fei-Yu-Qsing's "Yi Jian Mei" played at that moment! THAT WAS REALLY ON POINT LOOOOOOL! You have no idea how people in China loved your game.

        Back then I said I'd check out Eternum once I'm done with the spring semester. And here I am. There are so many things to leave some positive comments on this game! 

1) Worldview and Settings

        NOBODY would have thought to combine VR and adult novel together, and you were the genius that did. I'm like "AM I still playing a AVN? This is so avant-garde!" The setup for the male protagnoist (Orion)'s exposure to "Eternum" was a little bit slow, but once he started playing Eternum with Annie, I was amazed. The transition during logging-in is so COOL! Praetorians, Weapons of Atlas, the obscure difference between Eternum and the Reality, virtual servers with different genres, etc.., were so captivating to watch. But in the meantime, I also liked your subtle reminder of "playing fire with VR might cause bad consequences", which is reflected through the main plot ( No spoilers lol).

2) Characters, Music Choice and Stories

        Similar style, similar tastes to Once In A Lifetime, but with better stories, graphics, modelings, and animations!  They for sure look better than girls in OIALF. Although some parts of the interactions between Orion and the girls are a little bit rushed, such as persuading Penelope to play Eternum, the story and the girls in general are fantastic! They resonate with us in many different ways. I know many people's favorites (perhaps worships lol ) are either Nova, Alex, or Luna. Don't get me wrong, I love them, I really do. But my personal favorite is actually Dalia since her experience resonates with mine the most. Not to mention she can F*king deep-squat 350 lbs with that slim body of hers! 

        I also love how the accurate choice of music gets us in the mood for a particular scene, and that's too much to compliment. How on earth did you discover so many unpopular but GOLDEN songs? You and your team are really amazing! I even listen to many of them while working-out or going to work. These music make me engage with the story even more!

        Lastly, the stories. I could say this is the Better Call Saul of AVNs. The story just flow naturally from one to another and somehow, I cared about the stories more than the 18+ scenes themselves: those nude scenes are jut the natural outcome of the story progression. Not to mention there are other good details involved in attracting the audiences eyes, like fine-tuned humors and horrors, camera movements, dialogues, etc.. I still remember the camera transition during Penelope's photoshoot, where we looked at Penelope from the camera, and it zoomed out so we saw the Penelope in the picture, with Penelope looking at that picture from the side (Those who have played probably understand better of what I'm describing). That was so cool! 

        I'm looking forward to see how the story progresses! That cliffhanger at 0.5 is very intriguing.

3) Lastly,  just some suggestions for something I feel that could've been better.

- Maybe this contains my personal biased opinion, but I genuinely feel that Orion's relationship with Penelope is a bit weird, like too fast. IMHO, in the college party in 0.5, their sex was driven more by lust and teasing, rather than genuine appreciations of each other ( I mean they like each other but it is just not as convincing as in the case for other six girls). I understand that Penelope may be a complex character that could be explored more. Anyways, I hope to see more of Penelope's character (0.6 maybe?)!

- And that's it! Nothing more biggie! Also, is it possible for you to add constellations for each girls as a fun fact? If not that's okay haha.

        I am really loving this game and it heals some of my wounds occured during my past relationship. Thank you so much Caribdis and keep up the awesome work!

Yours sincerely



That was a spectacular review, Pigrider

Thank you very much for this 💗💗💗


No worries! Oh, I forgot to mention two little details that I really like.

1. ¡Amo a Luna cuando habla español! ¡Ella es TAN SEXY y EXTRA PICANTE! I’m learning Spanish right now and I’m loving it. 

2. I like how in the beginning Orion mentions “Former President Stabbs” is from Kredon. That’s a really funny Easter-egg reference to Once In A Lifetime!

Thank you and take care!


Haha gracias!

¡Por nada!


Soo good


Awesome work, can not wait till the next part

How can I download? it says it is hosted in an incompatible 3rd party website... is there something else I need to download beforehand?


You need to download it from browser

Thanks, how exactly? (I am using Google Chrome)

Just go to "Download Now" and use any of the first 3 mirrors to download the Pc version. Then extract it and run the application


Wow i love it can't wait for 0.6 one of the Best that i have seen second time playing it


Same :D


Thank you!

It's absolutely amazing this game, the best I've played in years. I need to know when the 0.6 comes out

Where is Update process on Eternum 0.6 ??? . And Release date is ???. Tell this things please.


It can be checked on Patreon, Subscribestar, or Discord


next level shit!! 

can't wait for 0.6

the best game like this i've played so far the lore is amazing

can't wait!! 

im such a loser for saying this but god damn im inlove with luna


Glad to hear that :D

your not alone bro!!! 😆😆😆😆

This game just keeps getting better and better. I've been following it for close to a year now and I've enjoyed everything it's had offer. Can't wait for 0.6! Keep up the good work!


Thank you Toast!

I like it so much when will 0.6 be released?

Okay... Wow! I didnt expect something like this. I thought it was going to be along the lines of some of the other vn on here but no. It took my expectations and blew them out of the water! The visuals? Peak! The story? Easy to follow along with! Keep it up! 9/10!


Thank you!

(2 edits)

btw on your patreon, it say that the build on itch is still 0.4.

Itch build is already 0.5 wdym?

that's what i mean, on his patreon it say 0.4 for Itch

(3 edits)

It says 0.4 under the about section. "Current public build [0.4]: ITCH.IO". Caribdis probably just forgot to change the number in the brackets, but it still could add additional confusion.


Oh, yeah, I forgot to change it

Fixed, thanks!

well since you guys have already mentioned there will be like 12 to 20 more updates and as with each update the game size is increasing.. currently it's 4gb maybe after 12 to 20 updates it'll crosss 10gb.. so if possible can u guys can create a compressed file for this game too.. 


Quality will have to be reduced, but yeah, an alternate compressed version will be something to consider if the game gets bigger for sure

it is nice to have something like that for other players so they wont miss a thing about eternum. But for some players, it  wont be a bother even if the game size reach at 10 or 20gb Sir Caribdis as long as its going to be so good 😆😆😆


One of the nicest and best games the game is just a super bomb


Thank you!


Been a few versions since I've checked in, and I'm happy to see that Caribdis still knocks it out of the park with Eternum. I really don't have a lot to say, objectively, that I haven't already said in my previous reviews. So we'll just dive right into subjective accounts and nitpicking minor things, lol.

-Luna's grandma looks like a 30 year old cosplaying as a 60 year old. This is probably an engine limitation more than anything else though.
-There were a few times when the backdrop on a scene didn't quite fit with what was going on. Not immersion-breaking, but somewhat noticeable. The one that stands out is when driving with Luna and her dad; you're hours away from a city in Washington, and you're passing by what looks like a boardwalk. I've lived in WA, and you're not gonna be driving by a paved sidewalk with a railing and light poles that far out of any city. Hey, I did say I was nitpicking. lol
-Every time the MC says 'perfect' I cringe. But I can't really criticize this because it's very true to human speech patters to have words you overuse.

And that's it. Wow. Scathing criticism, surely. Anyway, I've had a miserable fucking year and decided to check in because OiaL and Eternum have proven to make me smile, and Eternum continues to deliver there. I love all the characters and the humor, and the story keeps me interested enough to want more. Right now. More specifically, I'm very happy you've started giving Dalia hairstyles that show us her face more. The whole athletics competition 'scene' was fantastic; seeing her vulnerable side made her much more relatable. Every scene about Empress Nancy is amazing. It's always nice seeing a 'MILF' character sidestep the 'lonely and desperate' trope, and doing it by leaning into the 'desperate' part really hard, comedically, and from a different angle is refreshing. Annie is adorable and silly and sweet, but she might be the only character I think is starting to feel flat. Originally she was introduced as this Eternum badass, but every time we've seen her there since she's done very little but be afraid. She's kind of the Worf, I guess? Even during the heist, where she accomplished something of importance, all we really see is her popping up going 'I did it'. Without that badass side to balance her out, she ends up coming off as little more than 'the girl next door'. Luna, Alex, Nova and Chang continue to be simply awesome. I still want that TV show featuring Nova and Chang. And we can have one featuring Luna and her family, too.


Thank you Celares! Glad you're still enjoying it

What kinks are in the game and how easy is it to avoid any?


There are no mandatory scenes

I hope you can enhanced the graphics of once in a lifetime matching it with eternum. It's so good too, ☺️


Eternum is actually my first VN experience, I'm still finishing it but it is already a solid 10/10. Looking forward to the update, *looks at you shyly* more seggs?, and I promise I'll donate as soon I have the chance to.



More soon!

You didnt play Leap of Faith my guy

Hey if you don't mind can you please lemme know the folder where the music files of the game are located


audio/music, but it's hidden by default

(1 edit)

I've been playing your game since once in a lifetime and it was so great, I played it a lot I dont get bored when reading it over and over, the scenes were intense hope to see more of it. Thank you for all the effort you put in your game hoping that Eternum has a lot more to offer than once in a life time because the story wasn't enough It felt like I need more of it 😆😆. longer stories more scenes cause this game was way to cool to awasome to beautiful and exciting. I would love to see more of Eternum Sir Caribdis will be waiting. But dont rush things we understand.  Thank you.

Thank you Yuno!

Looking forward to donate to your Patreon soon.

(1 edit)

That means a lot! <3


Hola! Este juego es buenísimo. Al principio tengo que admitir que vine con unas intenciones. Pero la historia del juego es demasiado buena. Tanto que no me importaría que si todas las escenas +18 se fueran! Le doy felicitaciones al creador por este juegazo. Estaría bueno poder cambiar el idioma a español, pero aún así lo seguiría traduciendo mil veces por poder seguir jugando a este juego.

Mis felicitaciones al creador.


Santi :D


Gracias :D

DAMN! Just completed chapter 5 i take back my words earlier as much as i love my pig princess the storyline aint even CLOSE to this one ESPECIALLY the ending scene of chapter 5 where the player character have the flashback and started piecing  it all together! I don't know if yall believe me but it literally shiver me timbers it gave me chills not because I'm scared but because of the HYPE! im SUPER hype for 0.6 and I'm not even gonna lie if this game ever become a pay game i will download it because i know its worth the money, if you released the full version without requiring money i will definitely still donate to your patreon.

Best visual novel I've ever play 10/10 would recommend!

Thank you for your support! 🥰


Wow this story straight up has me hooked. This is by far the best story I have read out of any visual novel so far. 

You have done a extraordinary job and I really look forward to reading to it's completion and then doing it all over again from start to finish. Keep up the awesome work!

Thank you so much!!

(1 edit)

Is there a prefrence for you for someone that wants to subscribe? Patreon or that subscribestar thing? Sorry not really familiar with what the companies percentages are from our subscriptions

(1 edit) (+1)

DUDE!, chang is the stud, chang is the man, chang is the mc, chang has gave me all the lols, i feel myself (the actual mc) and all the other girls like  side characters and chang is taking all the spotlights eachtime and the dev is fooling us into believing we're the actual protagonists but no, everything will turn out to be all about chang in the end, but srsly chang is my fav character in the game


God bless Chang 🙏🏻

(2 edits) (+2)

Amazing just hands down amazing one of THE BEST visual novel I've ever play and it aint even complete yet! And i don't care what the other say the story is just super good its not a dull story yes there arent many sex scenes but theres much more character development AND the sex scenes actually feels special when they come, this game and my pig princess are 2 of my most favorites visual novel adult games for sure! And both of them are also close in version my pig princess v0.6 just got released recently of course my pig princess gonna be updating more frequently because the story aint that long yet(its still good) if i have to rate just purely on storyline im going with eternum but if im rating it as an visual novel adult games then I'd say both are equal(im kinda more biased with pig princess since thats the first visual novel game I've ever play and it updates fast) STILL they're both equal in my opinion

PS: also i believe that Chang is the actual main character and we with our harem are just side characters

Thank you very much :D

i really like this game and i hope in the next update we see luna again


They all appear :)

0.5 was so good! Is there any way to know when 0.6 is coming out, or how much progress you guys made?


Yes, you can check my Patreon, Subscribestar, or Discord. There's a public post with a progress bar. Currently at 81%!

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