Hey Caribdis! I'm quite a big fan of your work and the stories you create. I've been looking forward to this upcoming update for a while, can't believe it's right around the corner.
On a side note, I'm all for how the character models look, as I'm primarily used to Koikatsu's variation. What software do you use for your character models and where can it be found? I'm assuming it's a one-time payment service, if that's the case, how much does it cost?
This will be the third time I'm replaying Eternum [0.5], however, I wonder if it is possible to switch the game language to Spanish? I'd like to replay it in Spanish if possible. I am currently learning Spanish and if Eternum has Spanish option, I will probably memorize those basic words really fast lol! I would really appreciate it if such option exists!
Hello Caribdis! I'm curious and would like do ask something, as much as I want new projects from you, I also don't want Eternum to end so quickly TT. So may I ask, is Eternum going to end on 1.0 or not?
Greetings from Turkey. And hello to my favorite game developer. NOT A FCKNG JOKE! You and your goddamn skills are amazing. Dude... You are doing perfect games. Before Eternum, my favorite game was Once in a life time. Im still keeping that game. Humors, LOVE(Which it is really important for me) and ofc sexy Moments. Ngl, I already think Once in a life time is perfect game and no one can pass it. Except you. Ohooo mannnn. If you know how happy I am. Not only have you outgrown your own game, you've combined the same style, the same good humor, and beautiful love stories into one big story. Waow. I enjoyed every second of it. If I make some solid money (and I hope your project is finished before this), I will support you. Of course, in the future; 🗿And I have a request. I know you are doing stoires for every single character, and I cannot know how is it working but, dont forget Luna okey man? Lauren was my favorite, but Luna... A bigger masterpiece. Regardless, I would like to see stories with Luna that are both in love and in abundance. Of course, there are sexy moments, but in love, Luna is also important and valuable. Take care yourself man. Just one of your big fans....
<bdfy-trans data-src="" data-dst="">Will downloading a new version on Android end overwrite the archive of the old version? Will downloading the new version directly overwrite the old version?</bdfy-trans>
Literally the amount of ideas on animations and books I've wanted to make surrounding the world of your games is astronomical. I'm saving up a pc good enough for rendering and qc while looking up animation courses (or even just doing them myself, trial and error and such) and just make animations like how you've made some of yours. Seriously your games are amazing and I've recommended two of them to so many people who I know like vns.
Yo Caribdis I got a question, after you finish making Eternum are you going to continue making games like this? (please say yes) because i would love to see more games just like this.
Greetings from Russia! I already wrote about this, but I will repeat it again. The game is great! The developer surprised me! I would like to ask people or the developer himself. While I'm waiting for an update Eternum what do you recommend to play? Preferably the same genre.It is because of this game that I learned about this genre and these games and now I want to play more. I would be grateful for any advice! We have few communities in Russia with discussions on these games. Unfortunately what they recommend I do not like. Therefore, I want to hear the advice of fans from other countries. In the official Discord, everyone writes in English, unfortunately I don’t know it. In the official Discord channel, everyone writes in English. Unfortunately, I don't know him. The browser has a translator. So this will be easier for me. I want to once again express my gratitude to the developer. You inspired me.
Amazing game, just finished it today, the only thing that would be nice is to have a way to tell if uve gotten all scenes, and i dont mean just the sex scenes but like a % bar that tells if uve gotten all dialogue options and other things like that
Most of the content you could have missed is linked to the girls' paths, so if you have your gallery complete + all the outfits unlocked in the BIOs, you have gotten pretty much all scenes except for some dialogue variations at most :D
ah ok, then ive gotten everything, how often do u guys usually update, i know .6 is like 87% complete? Judging from your .4 to .5 update im guessing like every 3-5 months depending on how big it is
I had problems installing the app, idk if it's the package installer (Although I was able to download the APK ). Everytime I attempt to install the game, it would say "App not Installed". Is it because I do not have enough storage? I still have 4.00 GB available space on my phone though :/
Ever the check in I must make. I love the community as usual. I'm getting closer to that point in my life that I can support dropping a couple 20s every month or so. This message is for Caribdis obviously. 🙂 I'm planning on making you the first person I support with money when I do. I've found more creators like you, but your work is unique and it was the first of it's kind that I came across. It's probably the only reason I stuck around this corner of Itch. See you on the other side of .6, maybe .7. I don't expect to be back for a while.
Absolute masterpiece you've made here Caribdis! This got me completely hooked on visual novels, and I'm very much looking forward to where you bring the story next! I've suggested a friends to take a look as well just for the sake of the story, because it is so enticing, and you really manage to hit on a wide array of genres with the idea. There's laughs, love and even scary moments packed into this game, and I absolutely love it
Anyone who has played Eternum fully, could you tell me something?
How are the characters described? Annie, Luna, Xang, and all those? The more characters described the better, hehe.
I would love to know what their design is, like hair, eyes, face, body, the clothes they wear, in short.
I had this curiosity today, because I remembered that when I played I didn't remember wanting to know how they were. So who can describe me all or some, I appreciate it!
Orion: He is the main protagonist of the story. He is a foreigner from England and transefered to a new school and is under the care of his old babysitter/nanny "Nancy". Throughout the story he meets and rekindles hearts with many girls including Nova, Alex, Dalia etc; He is a well fit guy with a pretty huge dick, and medium sized brown hair and tends to wear formal clothing.
Nova: Our #1 Hacker! She's one of the characters Orion meets during his stay at Kredon (The main town the story is set in). She is an odd one having never used/had a phone before Orion meets her. She can be both an introvert and an extrovert at times. As said before she plays a big role in the story due her genius skills in her hacking technology. She plays videogames and even makes manga! She personally is my favorite girl in the series so far because of how fun she is and what she brings to the roster and I hope she gets more scenes in the future. She has long curly ginger hair and has an eyepatch covering her left eye. Her body is amazing as to how she has perky breast and an amazing ass. She normally wears casual clothing so nothing too crazy.
Annie: Our soft-hearted scaredy cat<3 This girl is one the main characters in the game so far due to her strong relationship with Orion. She came along to stay with Nancy along with Orion and has been doing perfectly fine in the house. She enjoys playing this games main point..Eternum. She enjoys it so much that she burst into joy whenever someone offers to play with her. She very shy and open hearted. She can also be afraid of things that are scary and has a sexy side that's waiting to be revealed. Throughout the story so far she and Orion try to figure what they really are to each other and go on all sorts pf adventures. Annie is a very petite girl with straight brown hair and often wears normal casual clothing.
Nancy: My favorite Mommy, Nancy is the "Caretaker' of the girls and Orion in the story. Dalia and Penelope are her daughters which are also prominent characters in the story. Nancy is a Hardworking women and cares for her family. She is a very heartwarming nympho that has a strong connection with Orion even right off the bat. Even going so far as to saying that Orion arriving back to Kredon "revived" the family and the house. She's pretty fit and looks way younger than her age. She has short red hair and has One of the best looking bodies in the game!(my opinion) Her ass is huge and her tits are aswell but they compliment each other and the rest of her body well. She wears clothing that compliment her curves and body but also formal at the same time. She also has one of if not the best scenes in the game as of update 0.05. One thing I loved while playing Eternum was that Nancy's scenes are always somewhere risky or public. Me personally I love that and I hope she gets more scenes in settings like those.
Okay I feel like I wrote a bit more then intended but this was from the heart and I hope this helped you out a bit more! If you want to know about the rest I'd be more then happy to let you know! I really love this game and the path its going on right now and cant wait for the next update! The creator really their all into it and it shows! Okay once again happy to help and lmk about anything else<3
Thank you very much! Yes, I would love for you to say more about the other characters!
I've played this game before and it's perfect in every way. But unfortunately, as I don't see, it's hard for me to know what the characters are like. So I really appreciate you telling me how they are! :)
I'll be waiting to learn more about the other characters, especially Luna! Luna Forever.
Hey just thought I would chime in to follow up with some of the others! I'm glad you mentioned the sight thing, I was confused when I first saw your comment, but I will do my best to describe the ones the other post missed!
First some additional details about the previously mentioned characters.
Nova seems to zoom into every scene she enters. She is extremely high energy, and has a kind of manic, nervous energy. Not sure if that was described in the text! Her visible eye is brown, but the eye under the eyepatch is a bright blue. She is the only character with curly hair, and it is quite long. It tends to mound up and drape in front of one of her shoulders, and as she zips around it flies behind her.
Annie is quite small, in both height and presence. She tends to wear rather bright colors, like reds and pinks, and has a face that flips between bright optimism and intense embarrassment. She has bright pale blue eyes (almost more light grey) and her cheeks seem to be perpetually blushing.
The description of Nancy was pretty complete, but I'll add, her straight red hair is the shortest of any character, ending about an inch below her ears all around her head, her eyes are a very noticeable emerald green, and she has a mischievous catlike squint to her eyes. She's unlike most "mother" characters in that from the beginning she always seems to be a trouble maker, despite her maternal responsibilities.
Luna is also my personal favorite. She has dark black hair that stops right before it hits her shoulders. On the sides and back its slightly wavy, and in the front bangs curve onto her forehead. The has very pale skin and striking red eyes. Her eyes have a perceptive gaze that always seems to be fully focused on wherever she's looking. She tends to wear dark clothing, often black, and is often seen in a skirt. She has a quite petite body similar to annie, and she often holds her hands crossed or in a closed off pose. Despite not being as short as annie, her posing and stature makes her seem small. Her father is a tall handsome man who often wears a casual button up with the top buttons undone to reveal his chest. He has a bold physical presence, and when he speaks he shows passionate energy with his wide arm gestures. Despite them sharing alot of the same jokes and gags, out of context they are seemingly opposite characters in appearance, especially with his bright (typically white or light beige) clothing.
Then we've got Penelope. She's a model, and she has her mothers voluminous body. It's tough to give much physical description because she is always changing in appearance, but she has blonde hair, which is done up in a different hairdo every day, and she wears designer clothing whenever she is seen in public. However, around the house she tends to wear very little. She walks and acts with a confident posture, and everything seems to come naturally to her.
Next her sister, Dahlia. Brown hair and brown eyes. Depending on your choices (I think) her long hair is either tied into two braids on the sides, or a loose ponytail with extra hair at the top that falls on her face. Outside of school or Eternum. She exclusively wears athletic wear, typically leggings and a sports bra. She doesn't often make eye contact, and despite her athleticism, her posturing (while steady and dexterous) does have some hidden insecurity. She is often overshadowed by her boisterous mother and sister in scenes where they are portrayed together. While the other family members seem to be openly flirtatious with the main character from the get go, Dahlia appears slow to open up, and other than smiles of appreciation or humor, we don't see her throwing herself on the main character the way the other two do outwardly. And obviously we are seeing that in the plot too. Her body is very athletic, but not really muscular at all, her arms are quite tiny (which honestly kinda bothers me a bit but oh well) she has a pretty large butt, very well shaped, and medium breasts. The body of a classic swimmer or runner.
And last main romantic lead, Alex. She has bright white hair that is short in the back, but it gets longer in the front, and two long strands on either side of her head, with one side longer than the other. That sounds kind of like the stereotypical Karen hair cut, but her hair is wavy and a bit more messed up (but in a purposeful rebellious sort of way). Her eyes are blue green and she typically has either a defiant posture and facial expression, or a cocky sort of suspicious look. She tends to wear combinations of white and black, like a black leather jacket over a small white crop top and black leather pants. In the real world, she also wears a necklace with a big heavy cross on it. She has a rather petite body (despite her foreboding personality), and has tattoos across her forearms, and scattered on her chest back and legs.
As far as side characters go Calypso looks quite like Alex, same hair color and body shape, but she wears elegant light fantasy clothing, has longer hair usually tied into a detailed hairstyle, and just constantly looks annoyed/unfazed by everything going on. It's honestly a miracle she's still a part of the story because she just doesn't look like she cares at all. Chang's, pretty standard male friend, asian face, dark short hair that is styled upwards and voluminous. The chick he's obsessed with is ginormous. Like picture the most oversized muscular character you can, and then double it. Her skin and face seem like they are stretched out by the bulging muscles, and she's like 7 feet tall. Alex's brother is your classic sneaky evil kid. White hair, long hair for a guy that falls roundish around his head. The dad, Mr. Bardot, has dark tan skin, buzzed hair, and is always in a suit. The intro scene NPC, the lady who welcomes the main character to the Eternum, and who asked about the coin flipping wears a revealing black lace dress, gold accessories, and has a white blindfold on. And well that's everyone I can think of! Hope that helps you picture them!
Hello! It was my first experience in such games. And judging by the comments, I apparently started my experience with a very good game. I'm from Russia and I don't know English at all, so I found a game in Russian somewhere. I don't know if this is piracy or not, but thanks to him I now know about you and your games. I don't know if you allowed someone to translate, but I think it's great because your games will be promoted in all countries. Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce your other masterpiece as there is no translation for it. I don't know why, because I don't understand anything about it. But I really want to believe that your games will soon be in different languages and there will be more fans. I wish you good luck in developing your games! Thank you very much! (I write through a translator)
Sorry (insert appropriate nickname), I've had that happen before too. May I suggest playing it over again? I have had the experience just recently that I lost progress in a different game, and I will tell you there is nothing like going back to the beginning with these games.
Just finished playing 0.5. Incredible game. I feel so connected to the characters. The writing is top-notch!
The sound design is amazing as well. Eternum immerses you so much into it's world. There will never be an adult game for me that will top Eternum. It's everything I want it to be and more.
Thank you so much for your work Caribdis, this game is totally awesome and definetely one of my favourites if not the best, keep the good work up and please dont haste the story, keep it as long as you think it needs to be
Keep trying, you'll get it. 😆 I think it's referred to as "eternumite." But really I feel ya. I agree that life does not compare to the true wonder I get from these stories. I too would wish to ascend reality and live in a world of infinite realities.
I greatly admire Caribdis for your excellent work in creating such an amazing game. Without exaggeration, this is the best visual novel I have ever played. It has a captivating story, witty dialogue, excellent characterization, and beautiful CG, all of which are perfect.
Lastly, my English is not very good, I would like to express my gratitude for the Chinese translation you provided, which enabled me to better and more easily immerse myself in the plot.
87% man 13% left imma say 20-30 days until done BUT since the story for each update are super long it would prob be longer than that but I betcha it would be worth it
Always. Even back when Caribdis was doing Once in a Lifetime, every update had me on the edge of my seat waiting. I may not have been there "since the start," but I tell you, Caribdis don't play around with these games. The story is always great and there always seems to be more to add.
100/10 game! I don't play nsfw games and I was recommended this by a friend, but I have to say that this is fantastic. You could take out the nsfw scenes and the game is still a 10. Amazing job!
My only critique is that the bj scenes are kinda gross cuz the dude dick so big they have to stretch their mouths to unlikely sizes to down it. The only 2 that weren't weird af were eva and nova
Great game tho like if you have money give it to them. They deserve it.
Wish I could double like your comment. I've heard few people say Luna best, but really... How can anyone compare to that epic personality. When I first met her in game I knew I wanted her to be my wife.... Yo Caribdis, you don't happen to have a reality portal?
I really like your game(s), also the way, you personally are improving the quality of your work. I have a question regarding the programms you use to create the pictures and the combine them to the novel. Can you tell me which one(s) you use? Sorry if this question was already asked. Thank you for your work :)
I have to say I was quite surprised by Eternum. In downloading it I was expecting your typical masturbation material that so many AVNs turn out to be. I am overjoyed to say that while there is adult content Eternum is so much more. It has an extremely engaging story, two immersive worlds, and interesting NPCs. This would be a worthwhile game even if the adult content weren't included. Very Well Done!
I would almost say the only reason like the scenes anymore is because I feel like I got to know the girls. Caribdis may have spoiled me on this one, but it's hard to enjoy true masturbation material anymore.
Due to the quality of the game (which is better than most vns on here) it takes longer for each part to come out. 0.6 is in the works and looks good on the devlogs on patreon man keep the faith
Same; though I took a much longer break recently, I almost never stop thinking about the games/ creators I support (one day with money I hope/promise).
← Return to game
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Hey Caribdis! I'm quite a big fan of your work and the stories you create. I've been looking forward to this upcoming update for a while, can't believe it's right around the corner.
On a side note,
I'm all for how the character models look, as I'm primarily used to Koikatsu's variation. What software do you use for your character models and where can it be found? I'm assuming it's a one-time payment service, if that's the case, how much does it cost?
I used Honey Select 2 :)
Hello Caribdis, I was wondering whether Dalia will have any more scenes on the 0.6 update. I personally just love her character.
She'll have a lot of content in 0.6 yes :D
Hello Caribdis! Pigrider here again.
This will be the third time I'm replaying Eternum [0.5], however, I wonder if it is possible to switch the game language to Spanish? I'd like to replay it in Spanish if possible. I am currently learning Spanish and if Eternum has Spanish option, I will probably memorize those basic words really fast lol! I would really appreciate it if such option exists!
Unfortunately it doesn't, only official options are English, Chinese and Korean
Ahh it's okay. It doesn't affect the beauty and brilliance of this game regardless!
Hello Caribdis! I'm curious and would like do ask something, as much as I want new projects from you, I also don't want Eternum to end so quickly TT. So may I ask, is Eternum going to end on 1.0 or not?
It won't, there will be more than 10 updates
Damn! 3 years minimum until its done then
Greetings from Turkey. And hello to my favorite game developer. NOT A FCKNG JOKE! You and your goddamn skills are amazing. Dude... You are doing perfect games. Before Eternum, my favorite game was Once in a life time. Im still keeping that game. Humors, LOVE(Which it is really important for me) and ofc sexy Moments. Ngl, I already think Once in a life time is perfect game and no one can pass it. Except you. Ohooo mannnn. If you know how happy I am. Not only have you outgrown your own game, you've combined the same style, the same good humor, and beautiful love stories into one big story. Waow. I enjoyed every second of it. If I make some solid money (and I hope your project is finished before this), I will support you. Of course, in the future; 🗿And I have a request. I know you are doing stoires for every single character, and I cannot know how is it working but, dont forget Luna okey man? Lauren was my favorite, but Luna... A bigger masterpiece. Regardless, I would like to see stories with Luna that are both in love and in abundance. Of course, there are sexy moments, but in love, Luna is also important and valuable. Take care yourself man. Just one of your big fans....
Of course she won't be forgotten! No worries :D
<bdfy-trans data-src="" data-dst="">Will downloading a new version on Android end overwrite the archive of the old version? Will downloading the new version directly overwrite the old version?</bdfy-trans>
ansioso para uma versão 0.6 já tem uma idéia de qual dia será lançado em nova versão?
Talvez mês que vem, considerando como está indo a barra de progresso ou no final desse mês.
Tem alguma ideia do que acontece se a photo da personagem fica cinza?
eu tô com um leve receio de avançar por causa disso
Aparentemente você não consegue seguir a rota romântica com esse personagem em questão
Literally the amount of ideas on animations and books I've wanted to make surrounding the world of your games is astronomical. I'm saving up a pc good enough for rendering and qc while looking up animation courses (or even just doing them myself, trial and error and such) and just make animations like how you've made some of yours. Seriously your games are amazing and I've recommended two of them to so many people who I know like vns.
Much appreciated!
Yo Caribdis I got a question, after you finish making Eternum are you going to continue making games like this? (please say yes) because i would love to see more games just like this.
Dunno if you are aware but Caribdis made another game which was completed. It's called 'Once in a Lifetime'.
Oh im aware i have already finished "Once in a Lifetime".
Yes, I will!
Greetings from Russia! I already wrote about this, but I will repeat it again. The game is great! The developer surprised me! I would like to ask people or the developer himself. While I'm waiting for an update Eternum what do you recommend to play? Preferably the same genre.It is because of this game that I learned about this genre and these games and now I want to play more. I would be grateful for any advice! We have few communities in Russia with discussions on these games. Unfortunately what they recommend I do not like. Therefore, I want to hear the advice of fans from other countries. In the official Discord, everyone writes in English, unfortunately I don’t know it. In the official Discord channel, everyone writes in English. Unfortunately, I don't know him. The browser has a translator. So this will be easier for me. I want to once again express my gratitude to the developer. You inspired me.
Thank you!
You can try My Bully is my Lover by Niichan, similar style :)
Fantastic game, I loved Once in a Lifetime but this is even better, wonderful work dev.
I hate that the story cuts out on such a massive cliff hanger. I love almost everything else.
when's 0.6 coming out??
According to Caribdis' accouncement in the Discord a few days ago, 0.6 is 87% complete. My best guess is it shall be out in a month or two.
finally!! can't waiiit!!
Amazing game, just finished it today, the only thing that would be nice is to have a way to tell if uve gotten all scenes, and i dont mean just the sex scenes but like a % bar that tells if uve gotten all dialogue options and other things like that
Most of the content you could have missed is linked to the girls' paths, so if you have your gallery complete + all the outfits unlocked in the BIOs, you have gotten pretty much all scenes except for some dialogue variations at most :D
ah ok, then ive gotten everything, how often do u guys usually update, i know .6 is like 87% complete? Judging from your .4 to .5 update im guessing like every 3-5 months depending on how big it is
Something like 4-5 months yeah
[Android APK]
I had problems installing the app, idk if it's the package installer (Although I was able to download the APK ). Everytime I attempt to install the game, it would say "App not Installed". Is it because I do not have enough storage? I still have 4.00 GB available space on my phone though :/
Ever the check in I must make. I love the community as usual. I'm getting closer to that point in my life that I can support dropping a couple 20s every month or so. This message is for Caribdis obviously. 🙂 I'm planning on making you the first person I support with money when I do. I've found more creators like you, but your work is unique and it was the first of it's kind that I came across. It's probably the only reason I stuck around this corner of Itch. See you on the other side of .6, maybe .7. I don't expect to be back for a while.
That means a lot!
Thank you for your support, Shadows <3
when the new update releases how will I be able to update the game?
On PC, just download the new version, extract, and run it. Doesn't matter where, your old saves will be there.
ok thanks!
What about on android?
Android is always complicated, and it gets more complicated with every update
It should be able to carry over if you kept the old apk installed, although I can't assure you 100%. I don't do the Android port myself
Absolute masterpiece you've made here Caribdis! This got me completely hooked on visual novels, and I'm very much looking forward to where you bring the story next! I've suggested a friends to take a look as well just for the sake of the story, because it is so enticing, and you really manage to hit on a wide array of genres with the idea. There's laughs, love and even scary moments packed into this game, and I absolutely love it
Glad you liked it! Thank you!
when will the new version be released?
its 87% done so it will be soon
Anyone who has played Eternum fully, could you tell me something?
How are the characters described? Annie, Luna, Xang, and all those? The more characters described the better, hehe.
I would love to know what their design is, like hair, eyes, face, body, the clothes they wear, in short.
I had this curiosity today, because I remembered that when I played I didn't remember wanting to know how they were. So who can describe me all or some, I appreciate it!
The girls are hot and the guys are often jackasses. The story is great and free to play so figure it out on your own.
Hmmm, thanks I guess...
Okay so Lets Start from my personal ranking
Orion: He is the main protagonist of the story. He is a foreigner from England and transefered to a new school and is under the care of his old babysitter/nanny "Nancy". Throughout the story he meets and rekindles hearts with many girls including Nova, Alex, Dalia etc; He is a well fit guy with a pretty huge dick, and medium sized brown hair and tends to wear formal clothing.
Nova: Our #1 Hacker! She's one of the characters Orion meets during his stay at Kredon (The main town the story is set in). She is an odd one having never used/had a phone before Orion meets her. She can be both an introvert and an extrovert at times. As said before she plays a big role in the story due her genius skills in her hacking technology. She plays videogames and even makes manga! She personally is my favorite girl in the series so far because of how fun she is and what she brings to the roster and I hope she gets more scenes in the future. She has long curly ginger hair and has an eyepatch covering her left eye. Her body is amazing as to how she has perky breast and an amazing ass. She normally wears casual clothing so nothing too crazy.
Annie: Our soft-hearted scaredy cat<3 This girl is one the main characters in the game so far due to her strong relationship with Orion. She came along to stay with Nancy along with Orion and has been doing perfectly fine in the house. She enjoys playing this games main point..Eternum. She enjoys it so much that she burst into joy whenever someone offers to play with her. She very shy and open hearted. She can also be afraid of things that are scary and has a sexy side that's waiting to be revealed. Throughout the story so far she and Orion try to figure what they really are to each other and go on all sorts pf adventures. Annie is a very petite girl with straight brown hair and often wears normal casual clothing.
Nancy: My favorite Mommy, Nancy is the "Caretaker' of the girls and Orion in the story. Dalia and Penelope are her daughters which are also prominent characters in the story. Nancy is a Hardworking women and cares for her family. She is a very heartwarming nympho that has a strong connection with Orion even right off the bat. Even going so far as to saying that Orion arriving back to Kredon "revived" the family and the house. She's pretty fit and looks way younger than her age. She has short red hair and has One of the best looking bodies in the game!(my opinion) Her ass is huge and her tits are aswell but they compliment each other and the rest of her body well. She wears clothing that compliment her curves and body but also formal at the same time. She also has one of if not the best scenes in the game as of update 0.05. One thing I loved while playing Eternum was that Nancy's scenes are always somewhere risky or public. Me personally I love that and I hope she gets more scenes in settings like those.
Okay I feel like I wrote a bit more then intended but this was from the heart and I hope this helped you out a bit more! If you want to know about the rest I'd be more then happy to let you know! I really love this game and the path its going on right now and cant wait for the next update! The creator really their all into it and it shows! Okay once again happy to help and lmk about anything else<3
Thank you very much! Yes, I would love for you to say more about the other characters!
I've played this game before and it's perfect in every way. But unfortunately, as I don't see, it's hard for me to know what the characters are like. So I really appreciate you telling me how they are! :)
I'll be waiting to learn more about the other characters, especially Luna! Luna Forever.
Hey just thought I would chime in to follow up with some of the others! I'm glad you mentioned the sight thing, I was confused when I first saw your comment, but I will do my best to describe the ones the other post missed!
First some additional details about the previously mentioned characters.
Nova seems to zoom into every scene she enters. She is extremely high energy, and has a kind of manic, nervous energy. Not sure if that was described in the text! Her visible eye is brown, but the eye under the eyepatch is a bright blue. She is the only character with curly hair, and it is quite long. It tends to mound up and drape in front of one of her shoulders, and as she zips around it flies behind her.
Annie is quite small, in both height and presence. She tends to wear rather bright colors, like reds and pinks, and has a face that flips between bright optimism and intense embarrassment. She has bright pale blue eyes (almost more light grey) and her cheeks seem to be perpetually blushing.
The description of Nancy was pretty complete, but I'll add, her straight red hair is the shortest of any character, ending about an inch below her ears all around her head, her eyes are a very noticeable emerald green, and she has a mischievous catlike squint to her eyes. She's unlike most "mother" characters in that from the beginning she always seems to be a trouble maker, despite her maternal responsibilities.
Luna is also my personal favorite. She has dark black hair that stops right before it hits her shoulders. On the sides and back its slightly wavy, and in the front bangs curve onto her forehead. The has very pale skin and striking red eyes. Her eyes have a perceptive gaze that always seems to be fully focused on wherever she's looking. She tends to wear dark clothing, often black, and is often seen in a skirt. She has a quite petite body similar to annie, and she often holds her hands crossed or in a closed off pose. Despite not being as short as annie, her posing and stature makes her seem small. Her father is a tall handsome man who often wears a casual button up with the top buttons undone to reveal his chest. He has a bold physical presence, and when he speaks he shows passionate energy with his wide arm gestures. Despite them sharing alot of the same jokes and gags, out of context they are seemingly opposite characters in appearance, especially with his bright (typically white or light beige) clothing.
Then we've got Penelope. She's a model, and she has her mothers voluminous body. It's tough to give much physical description because she is always changing in appearance, but she has blonde hair, which is done up in a different hairdo every day, and she wears designer clothing whenever she is seen in public. However, around the house she tends to wear very little. She walks and acts with a confident posture, and everything seems to come naturally to her.
Next her sister, Dahlia. Brown hair and brown eyes. Depending on your choices (I think) her long hair is either tied into two braids on the sides, or a loose ponytail with extra hair at the top that falls on her face. Outside of school or Eternum. She exclusively wears athletic wear, typically leggings and a sports bra. She doesn't often make eye contact, and despite her athleticism, her posturing (while steady and dexterous) does have some hidden insecurity. She is often overshadowed by her boisterous mother and sister in scenes where they are portrayed together. While the other family members seem to be openly flirtatious with the main character from the get go, Dahlia appears slow to open up, and other than smiles of appreciation or humor, we don't see her throwing herself on the main character the way the other two do outwardly. And obviously we are seeing that in the plot too. Her body is very athletic, but not really muscular at all, her arms are quite tiny (which honestly kinda bothers me a bit but oh well) she has a pretty large butt, very well shaped, and medium breasts. The body of a classic swimmer or runner.
And last main romantic lead, Alex. She has bright white hair that is short in the back, but it gets longer in the front, and two long strands on either side of her head, with one side longer than the other. That sounds kind of like the stereotypical Karen hair cut, but her hair is wavy and a bit more messed up (but in a purposeful rebellious sort of way). Her eyes are blue green and she typically has either a defiant posture and facial expression, or a cocky sort of suspicious look. She tends to wear combinations of white and black, like a black leather jacket over a small white crop top and black leather pants. In the real world, she also wears a necklace with a big heavy cross on it. She has a rather petite body (despite her foreboding personality), and has tattoos across her forearms, and scattered on her chest back and legs.
As far as side characters go Calypso looks quite like Alex, same hair color and body shape, but she wears elegant light fantasy clothing, has longer hair usually tied into a detailed hairstyle, and just constantly looks annoyed/unfazed by everything going on. It's honestly a miracle she's still a part of the story because she just doesn't look like she cares at all. Chang's, pretty standard male friend, asian face, dark short hair that is styled upwards and voluminous. The chick he's obsessed with is ginormous. Like picture the most oversized muscular character you can, and then double it. Her skin and face seem like they are stretched out by the bulging muscles, and she's like 7 feet tall. Alex's brother is your classic sneaky evil kid. White hair, long hair for a guy that falls roundish around his head. The dad, Mr. Bardot, has dark tan skin, buzzed hair, and is always in a suit. The intro scene NPC, the lady who welcomes the main character to the Eternum, and who asked about the coin flipping wears a revealing black lace dress, gold accessories, and has a white blindfold on. And well that's everyone I can think of! Hope that helps you picture them!
Hey, thanks a lot!
These fact characters are well done, I liked every one of them, haha.
You described it very well. I am extremely grateful for that. Now we just have to wait for version 0.6!
Good morning Friend!
Glad I could help, Cheers mate! Yeh, I'll just be twiddling my thumbs till it drops! Have a good one!
Does it have Chinese?
I only know a little about English
Yes, download the patch
I played this game about 7 times now and idk why the mc kinda looks like Arthur Morgan at least the facial structures
I just wanted to say, loudly and clearly to the rest of the world...
Thank you. <3
We've all got our vices. 😊
Hello! It was my first experience in such games. And judging by the comments, I apparently started my experience with a very good game. I'm from Russia and I don't know English at all, so I found a game in Russian somewhere. I don't know if this is piracy or not, but thanks to him I now know about you and your games. I don't know if you allowed someone to translate, but I think it's great because your games will be promoted in all countries. Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce your other masterpiece as there is no translation for it. I don't know why, because I don't understand anything about it. But I really want to believe that your games will soon be in different languages and there will be more fans. I wish you good luck in developing your games! Thank you very much! (I write through a translator)
Glad you liked it, thank you!
Can someone share a save file for the game for android (v0.5)?, I lost mine, please
Sorry (insert appropriate nickname), I've had that happen before too. May I suggest playing it over again? I have had the experience just recently that I lost progress in a different game, and I will tell you there is nothing like going back to the beginning with these games.
Just finished playing 0.5. Incredible game. I feel so connected to the characters. The writing is top-notch!
The sound design is amazing as well. Eternum immerses you so much into it's world. There will never be an adult game for me that will top Eternum. It's everything I want it to be and more.
Thank you very much!!
Chop-Chop sex scene when?
Lolll we've already seen him nude
Thank you so much for your work Caribdis, this game is totally awesome and definetely one of my favourites if not the best, keep the good work up and please dont haste the story, keep it as long as you think it needs to be
Will do, thank you!
Where is the Chinese setting for Android?
The patch is only for PC
I hope to add Chinese language as soon as possible, and I also hope Eternum will become better and better,(。ò ∀ ó。)
when will the eternum 0.6 be out ?
its around 87% done so itll be soon I hope.
Nice!!!! This is the best game ive ever played so far in my life…no its better than my life!!! Ok bye life from now on ill be an eternal eternumians
Keep trying, you'll get it. 😆 I think it's referred to as "eternumite." But really I feel ya. I agree that life does not compare to the true wonder I get from these stories. I too would wish to ascend reality and live in a world of infinite realities.
I greatly admire Caribdis for your excellent work in creating such an amazing game. Without exaggeration, this is the best visual novel I have ever played. It has a captivating story, witty dialogue, excellent characterization, and beautiful CG, all of which are perfect.
Lastly, my English is not very good, I would like to express my gratitude for the Chinese translation you provided, which enabled me to better and more easily immerse myself in the plot.
Thank you so much <3
87% man 13% left imma say 20-30 days until done BUT since the story for each update are super long it would prob be longer than that but I betcha it would be worth it
Always. Even back when Caribdis was doing Once in a Lifetime, every update had me on the edge of my seat waiting. I may not have been there "since the start," but I tell you, Caribdis don't play around with these games. The story is always great and there always seems to be more to add.
100/10 game! I don't play nsfw games and I was recommended this by a friend, but I have to say that this is fantastic. You could take out the nsfw scenes and the game is still a 10. Amazing job!
My only critique is that the bj scenes are kinda gross cuz the dude dick so big they have to stretch their mouths to unlikely sizes to down it. The only 2 that weren't weird af were eva and nova
Great game tho like if you have money give it to them. They deserve it.
(Luna best girl I had to say it)
Chang is best girl
Thank you :D
Wish I could double like your comment. I've heard few people say Luna best, but really... How can anyone compare to that epic personality. When I first met her in game I knew I wanted her to be my wife.... Yo Caribdis, you don't happen to have a reality portal?
Hi Caribdis,
I really like your game(s), also the way, you personally are improving the quality of your work. I have a question regarding the programms you use to create the pictures and the combine them to the novel. Can you tell me which one(s) you use? Sorry if this question was already asked. Thank you for your work :)
Honey Select 2 and Ren'py
thank you :)
Hi can I find out the approximate time when the game will be ready?
I have to say I was quite surprised by Eternum. In downloading it I was expecting your typical masturbation material that so many AVNs turn out to be. I am overjoyed to say that while there is adult content Eternum is so much more. It has an extremely engaging story, two immersive worlds, and interesting NPCs. This would be a worthwhile game even if the adult content weren't included. Very Well Done!
I would almost say the only reason like the scenes anymore is because I feel like I got to know the girls. Caribdis may have spoiled me on this one, but it's hard to enjoy true masturbation material anymore.
Hi, I just wanted to say this is hands down THE BEST AVN I have ever played by a country mile and I've played dozens! Keep up the amazing work!
Thank you very much! <3
No thank you for making these games the story content is amazing
still no update!? i'm so hopefully every other week when i check back here
Due to the quality of the game (which is better than most vns on here) it takes longer for each part to come out. 0.6 is in the works and looks good on the devlogs on patreon man keep the faith
Join Eternum Discord server to have access to Caribdis’ announcements about updates.
Same; though I took a much longer break recently, I almost never stop thinking about the games/ creators I support (one day with money I hope/promise).
Hello. I have difficulties after Ive unzip the file on my android. What should I do next to install the game?
The Android version is not a zip, it's an apk
Make sure you haven't downloaded the PC version by mistake