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Any estimate for when the game will be completed?

should be 1.2,1.3 or 1.4


It's my selfish desire but I hope CARIBIDIS will take longer to finish the game or at least make a second season of it because honestly the game is worth it and the characters grew on me it's really hard for me to part way's with them but that's just my thought and I hope CARIBIDIS see this comment he needs to know how much love we have for the game and how much impact it has on our lives or so I hope at least that the others have the same feelings as me☺️

yeah eternum cant end, im sure he can cook up a great season 2 story and maybe even throw in a new character or two, but def cant remove the old one, especially luna...

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uhm.... So when I gave $200 to CHANG's assistant at warthogs for a Pollyjuice potion.... that wasn't me just pre-buying one?... cuz i thought that that upfront cost was to buy one from their next batch.... but then when they offered it to me later I would have had to pay $900???!?!?!?! how do you even still HAVE that much money by that point in the game???? is there something i missed that gives you a disgusting amount of credits?


Sorry but all your facts are way off, you should replay the segments in question. Obtaining the needed money is possible, though you have to indeed play really well to accumulate that much. Check out this walkthrough and look through the teal colored stripes for all interactions that involve money!

or you can just gamble

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Hey i was wondering if there was a place to leave bug reports? i didnt want to leave it here as it involved story spoilers for 0.8


DAMN, i just finished once in a life time, im so exited, i didnt knew it was in the same universe as eternum, im so fucking happy i loved it all, everyne specially mike,, i cant wait for the next update for eternum, best fucking experience EVER



how can you not download it?




This is my second VN i have ever played.. the first was Once in a Lifetime. The story, visuals ... just ..*chefs kiss*. Cant wait for more.


Okay, but when will the letter be relevent?

When's the the 0.9 Cari?


According to my sad calculations, version 0.9 will be released sometime in the middle of October.

7 months :(


Small price to pay for excellence. 


Seems like y'all be havin' fun, how's it goin'.... Cari cooking something new? I think 0.9 will have Luna's big event... As you guys can see, everyone is conquered... The only one left us the MC's romance... Actually inspired me to learn Spanish... Mi apprender Español inspirado en Eternum... ❤️

I'm waiting for Cinema with Luna and some sick cars in the new racing server 


The ending of the .8 Update gave me COLD CHILLS!!! The .8 update had A LOT more content in it than I expected. It went on so long I forgot it was even gonna end on me, then suddenly ".... And you?" And then the credits roll. What an insane cliff hanger! I'm still on the edge of my seat. I'm so freaking hype for version .9! I seriously can't believe this game. Like seriously, it's gotta be the best VN out right now. The immaculate scenes, the jaw-dropping animations, the unexpected cutscenes, the PERFECT choice of music for woohoo scenes, and the pure character development are insanely good! I don't even know how to give the developer more praise. I'm obsessed with your work on this VN. Coming up with such and incredible story and implementing such passionate scenes... Ugh. I can't stand how good this is! I'm craving more! 

Thank you so much for letting us experience your art work! It's truly a masterpiece!

Привет можно попросить разработчика сделать в игре встроенный мод или встроенное прохождение ещё огромное спасибо тебе за такую прекрасную великолепную игру

I can't seem to trigger Alex's third scene (Quick Splash). I have 3 hearts with her. Anyone have any ideas?

You probably need at least 4

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wow other than luna, all other girls i've got all-1 hearts already. u probably need to reply most of the game then.

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im having issues after installing and deleting the bonus features mod. Can someone help me or lead me to people who can

Might need to delete and re-install the game.

please someone help me get the still waters scene with dalia, im a little slow

does the polyjuice potion even do anything like i did not need it in the slightest but i think i just missed something


It's for some content that hasn't been released yet, I suggest getting it and waiting for the content to drop

Это не порно игра, а шедевр

(1 edit) (+1)

Omg I love the Stanley parable reference in the game. I literally just bought that game and played the hell out of it waiting for this to update.

Does anybody know if the developer uses blender for the animations or if it’s just Studio Neo? I’m making a VN using HS2 myself and I’m curious because Studio Neo is hella limiting for animations and blender could make things easier, so i’d like to know if it’s possible 

You can check out last human that dev talks about Ren’py and Honeyselect2 in their past post.


Can't wait for the next chapter I hope it comes out soon because this is a great game

After the date with Annie, she got jealous over me having multiple girls and her heart progress turned gray. Is that normal or did I fuck up her path?


U probably fucked up as it is entirely possible to keep every girl (until now, who knows)


You need to be careful with the choice's you make in the game my friend every choice matter don't just pass it off especially if it's related to the progress of the relationship with the girls and watch out for the heart if you make a right choice it will light red and if it's not then it's grey and this is an advice from me don't skip the prologue or the intro of the game or any game it my contain important key points for the the progress so you have a smooth and enjoyable playthrough well that's all good day to you all 🤗❤️


Try going back and refuse the waitress' offer to go to her room and play eternum. I had the same issue and realized, even if you say yes to the waitress, you never go to her room anyways. So just refuse her. Hopefully that fixes your issue.


The only way Annie is probably pissed at you is because u likely flirted with Lulalie or whatever her name was. I don't think Annie would have a problem with U being in a relationship with girls in our circle

Love your game Dev.  I would love to see this become an open world, multiplayer game. I know that this would take a few years to under take lol but I can dream.

Are other Languages planned ? 
i can help with German if needed




Can someone explain to me why then i open menu some characters are grayed out and i dont really see them and i dont have any sex scenes with them at all (for example i only have annie, penelope and nova left, they are all at 3 or 4 hearts).

I dont know if its meant to be this way and if it is can someone explain whats going on here. Thanks in advance, THIS GAME IS A DAMN MASTEPEACE.


That means that you made some of the wrong choices for their paths. I don't know how far in you are, but it's probably a decent way considering the others are at 3 and 4 hearts. You may have to do another play through depending on how many times you've saved your game. Remember to save in a new slot, and keep an eye on the heart on the top corner, when you're talking to them  you should hear a heart beat and that logo will light up red when you choose the correct dialog option or action. I hope this helps!

Hey thanks for the answer. I saw there a bonus mod that highlights mistakes as red so that you cant mess up relation ship do you know if this works? 
btw i finished it, waiting for 0.9


If you make the right choice, the heart in the upper left corner will beat, and there will be a heartbeat sound effect to indicate that the favorability is increasing. In fact, this game has a perfect route strategy, and you can get the cg of all characters by following the strategy.

Hey man thx for replying and yeah i found my way around, if you just install the bonus content mod (its just before the patreon button), you not only get all the good stuff, but the best choices always show as green and the options that lead to you loosing girl are highlighted in red, so you really cant miss 

this game is one of my fav games ever, like at this point i dont care about sex scenes (witch are the best ive ever seen), but the story and characters are go well done, and luna is by far the best one

Yes buddy, this mod is really useful and it saves you the hassle of cutting out the game to see the guides. As you said, all the characters in this game are charismatic. Luna is great, great in every way, but forgive me, there's nothing more attractive to me than big breasts.

First off all thank you for making this masterpiece. I’ve been playing it since the public release of the 0.3 build and each update made me wanna play it even more but the reason I’m leaving this comment is that I found your game on another platform with an older version and I just wanted too ask if it was you who uploaded it or not since the last time it was updated was June 2024 and I was just a little worried someone else might have stolen your game. 

0.9 版本努力到多少了

Huh, charibdis, I just realized, it was the monster in Odyssey, the Calypso, the use of Greek myth at the heist, damn, I wonder if you listened to Epic the Musical and would've use the reference in the siren scene, I would've lost my mind lmao, kinda did when they said "Full speed ahead" haha, this game is the standard game for nsfw for me


what if micaela is thanatos

Then we will send Chang to fight :)



Hello, there! I want to say you did an Astonishing work! Almost everything is perfect! I would like to participate in development of the Eternum. I am a professional translator in Russian. I think that Russian folk MUST get acquainted with you and your work! I would like to translate or interpret (as you wish) Eternum in Russian. Yes, I've seen your announcement about official translations. The only thing I need for the translation in some kind of text file with the text ;) and I'll provide you with the translation. Call me or text me via Telegram, please ( I'll be happy to help 


this game has set the bar, so high for visual novels man, i cant settle for anything less anymore, idk where to go for a high like this man, what do we have to do to get the rest of the story asap, this is something else man.


stop making these (a-a-are you sure?!) 0 confidence bitch ass MCs it's a damn mood killer. Make them the dominant asshole that women love or F off with the cuckery. It's sickening you even write in the women calling him spineless for not being the dominant  aggressor they need to have any real respect. you must be like that bitch ass character jerry irl.  That's why you keep writing this risk of cucking content. Every mission has the girls going off with some random MAN. The shit is just you wanting your life in a state of perpetual risk of cuckery.  Drop that pathetic shit and stop ruining the damn writing with a weak ass lack of action MC.  As far as I'm concerned I'd never pay for this story based on the MC not having the BALLS to act with confidence at every opportunity. ITS CALLED BIG DICK ENERGY LEARN TO WRITE IT IF YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE WELL ENDOWED MCs this mess is beyond annoying micro dick cuck energy and it sickens me... BE BETTER IF YOU WANT TO GET PAID! All of them amazing animations and story work go to waste when you kill the mood enough to make me find a place to tell you so.  BE BETTER!!!




well that’s your opinion. But you said (Be better if you want to be paid!) This Dev has near 7,000 Paid Subscribers on Patreon page alone 😂 


Bud if you don't like the characters development than don't play the fucking game stop spewing hatred, the game is perfect and CARIBIDIS is a genius for bringing this masterpiece to life and there is no cucking or NTR content in the game and the girls never humiliated or disrespected the MC all of them like him very much and in the latest version they portraited the love the MC hold's for the girls very well. my friend either you are commenting on the wrong game or you're just jealous of the MC just chill ok anyone have their opinion but don't say random shit especially on this game ETERNUM is the highest rated game in all the AVN game's and ask anyone that play them and they will tell you 

I couldn’t agree more. Don’t change a thing. This game is perfect!


"Be better if you want to get paid"

He gets paid just fine, nerd.


Based on this comment alone I can hypothesize that you call yourself an "alpha male" and that Andrew Tate is your favorite human.

This rant just oozes self projected insecurity.  Lmfao

Hey, is there any way to load a save after updating the game on android? I actually just finished 0.7 and then I went back to the game page and saw that there is a new chapter. So I downloaded it and everything and all my save files were still in the game files, but when I try to load them it doesn't work. I hope there is a way to fix it, but if there is not then I'll still just play through and skip it all as long as I can remember my choices.

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If the game is ever finished in the near future I hope for you CARIBIDIS to make a second season because honestly the game is worth it for it to have a continuation. The story, animation, the sex scenes everything is perfect I hope you have success in your life and career and good health please keep up the good work my friend and I hope my message will reach you 😊❤️


I'll make a new game after Eternum! New characters and story, but same style!

So is there a possibility for a second season or there is no hope just asking 😔 also I wish you success in your future project 😊❤️

I never buy porn games but once this hits 1.0 and all the content is done its the first thing on my list to buy. Its an incredible game so far and i cant wait for it to be completed.

You are a genius. I wish you happiness, long life, and freedom!

una pc no tan buena puede con este juego?

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Una notebook con un celeron antiguo  (Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU N3350 @ 1.10GHz   1.10 GHz para ser específico), SSD de 450  gigas, sin integradas, y con 4 de ram lo corre (es mi equipo xd).

Anda bien, renpy no requiere mucho. Lo único a destacar es que las animaciones en algunas escenas (tantos las de sexo como algunas escenas con movimiento durante la historia) suelen ir trabadas, pero deberia poder correrlo. Aun con eso, es un juego que merece la pena ser jugado sin importar que.

En todo caso podes instalarlo en el celular, pero desconozco los requerimientos, aunque no deben ser muy altos tampoco.

Espero haberte ayudado

Will you ever do anything with teledildonics.

CARIBDIS IM IN LOVE WITH YOU SERIOUSLY, to start this off i played this game a while ago for yknow the p0rn but after this last update i REALLY payed attention i could care less about the p0rn its just a bonus now because the story is beyond what anyone could want. It literally has got me emotional in so many ways i cant express so my dude caribdis write a story or someshit your hella creative and honestly i could care less about the p0rn now and i am so glad you made this free beause when i first played i was poor but if you made it money now i would buy anyways beause of the effort and gameplay in it. I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY but i dont wanna spoil anything for new people reading it but a few ideas id include in the next update is lettig the main charactar take calypso to the new world a straight up duel against thantos hand to hand with natural body and so much more i cant even finish it all . ANYWAYS i feel like im running on and on but words cannot describe this game it is truely beyond comprehension AND CARRABIS I WILL BE DONATING ONCE ITS FINISHED AND IF YOU DO SEE THIS I WOULD GIVE YOU SO MANY IDEAS I HAVE IN MIND AND HELP HOW EVER I COULD! LOVE THE GAMES AND LOVE YOUR EFFORT NEVER QUIT MAKING GAMES !

Is the game story completed?

no but its so good the p0rn and just the game in general the story is amazing beyond amazing

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