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I just wanted to thank you for developing this masterpiece of a game.

Hay...I can't download the Android version of the game... Can you upload it on another media downloader... Like mediafire... Or something like that.. Please

Are you able to get it off the pixeldrain link? That's how I downloaded it and I'm also on Android. It may take a bit longer but it does the job far easier than mega or Google drive


点击那个Chinese translation

My game seems to be glitched, whenever I try to open the gallery it hits me with an error

If you post the error screen here I may be able to help you out.


Here you go

Weird, my error is different

Same for you, make sure you updated the game properly.


I didn't need to update, since I wiped my phone and did a clean install of everything. I only copied my save files from before. The weird thing is it worked before.  Now just "Other girls" work.

The problem seems to be that your game is missing an audio file. Did you update it properly as shown here?

I never updated it, I just downloaded the new version and deleted the old one

I also tried installing your mod but that didn't seem to work

I'm not sure what you did exactly, I recommend you to follow the guide! It's very likely that you forgot to replace your archive.rpa file. Your issue is different than his, my mod can't help you with this one.

i started to think about all of these girl are actually memories from different organs that’s being combined on his body… shit fuck me I don’t want this ending


iv just noticed something during the mermaid part when your trying not to jump it now attracts your mouse to the last jump one it didn't before the last time i did a full play through 10 days ago

the same thing with the look at there buts part not long after

(1 edit)

When this scene comes?...I don't remember... Can you give me some clue?

(2 edits)

near the end when getting the red orb i don't remember the name and you need it to trade for a gem of doom its before that when your on the ship while its at sea and you hear singing and go to the edge of the boat to jump after saying don't jump a couple of times then one comes up with the text JUMP and its large and shaking and your mouse zips to it like the text is a massive magnet, Same with a little bit after when your on a planet with Annie and Luna hunting Xenomorphs and theres a bit when there facing away from you and they are talking about the plan or something and the text LOOK AT THERE BUTS in large bold text and its shaking comes up and also attracts your mouse to it and its very hard go off it and click the other option i spent 10 mins trying not to click jump on the boat part but the look at there butts part i clicked it pretty quick (edit its probably because of the 8.5 update) 

you truly are creating a gem with this game! the story is just soo cool! i am addicted

That one in a million song in 0.3 really stuck in my head till today.

I need help please! (Some spoilers ahead) 

Just started playing 0.8 of Eternum and got to the date with Annie but she said that she was wrong about their relationship and I lost her route. How/why did this happen? Please I don't know how to avoid it! 😭


At what part of the date does she say it? As far as I know the only way to lose her path during the date itself is if you flirt with the waitress.

Yep my stupid brain told me to flirt with her just for fun lol


You flirted with the waitress didn't you?

I did, I had no clue it would result into this!


Never been on a date before, huh?  Annie's def not that kinda gal


Annie is sweet and loveing girl...and this makes her jealous take care of her carefully... don't eye on other girls...😋😋

(3 edits) (+2)

Hey. Just wanted to say i am a big fan of this game. i was so sad when i thought you abandoned it. i have one question, and your answer doesn't have to be exact. but, approximately when is 0.9 coming out to the public, and when to Supporter rank on patreon? It doesn't matter when it is, because when updates are so far apart, i get to play the game all over again, because my memory aint good. Anyways, just wanted to show my support. Thank you so much for making this amazing game, i hope you never stop updating it and releasing new content. Farwell!!


What!!🤯🤯 Is it true?...he abandoned the project?.... please someone tell me he didn't...ASAP...

(1 edit) (+1)

Read what post said again, he said he THOUGHT Cari abandoned the project due to slow update, when in fact he didn't. In fact he's quite hard at work with 0.9 which just entered development last month.

Oh.... Thanks.... That's a relief....I hope the next update will be added amazing as always...

Love your work guys... Keep it up...❤️❤️


I have never seen Annie that intimidating like she went fire on that waitress it was a pleasure to see her like that lmao

(1 edit)

O jogo em si é maravilhoso, nada a reclamar. Porém nas cenas +18 a animação da câmera trocando de posição o tempo todo acaba pesando bastante, o que faz as cenas travarem muito, e para muitos jogadores essas cenas obviamente são o principal conteúdo. Por mais que trave nas cenas, não chegou a crashar, o que é impressionante. Tanto o Eternum quanto o "Once in a life time" são jogos impressionantes, mas a única coisa ruim do Eternum é essa mecânica, acredito que se houvesse uma opção de deixar as cenas igual às cenas do "Once in a life time" seria maravilhoso, só isso mesmo. Mas lembrando que caso o dispositivo do jogador seja potente, provavelmente isso que eu apontei não fará diferença nenhuma. O jogo é muito bom, recomendo demais. 9,8 🌟 

Cannot launch version 0.8.5 on mac os

  sys.path = [





Failed checking if argv[0] is an import path entry

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'encodings'

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/Users/vmkcom/Downloads/", line 28, in <module>

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '__future__'

This game has a fantastic story , i hope there will be happy ending for everyone.


i know we like to make fun of Jerry but i really admire his resolve and how much he refuses to give up despite how many times he died. Also (spoilers) i would like it more if he gets a win for himself (even on a small scale) instead of being  turned to a fangirl for our MC 


I can't download this game since it's for older model phones


Sorry author, I really wanted to sponsor you on Subscribestar, but I can't complete the payment, I have a hard time figuring out how to pay due to the region, and I hope you will keep up the good work and bring better games.
Awesome gaming experience!

just supported the game ^_^, am in the discord but ill need to sub to patron when i next get some funds. love the game, loved once in a life time as well. im team luna & nova in this but all your characters are awesome, i just feel for both the girls with their back stories and if i had to do an ending choice itd be those two hands down. i do hope luna gets more love in one the next updates to.

missed an opportunity MC shouting PERSONA! in illusion world xD

Oh, Caribdis.. you fucking fuck, you’ve DONE IT AGAIN! Let you be well in all parallel universes <3

Serious part: I am very glad to see the improvements on Annie’s face. The previous update, when you transitioned to newer, more detailed renders, I thought she looked nothing like herself for some reason. But this update you have kept the quality, while bringing her back to her original self.

P.S. Idriel best girl


Please help me the drive is not working or either the others😭


I can't believe it, I just finished it and it left me wanting more. I'm anxious for it to be updated.🔥

I have very high hopes he will don't worry i just finished it today and i felt the same way , it is such an amazing story so far it left me speechless

(1 edit) (+1)

holy i don't even know how to start this comment, and hell i haven't ever considered commenting or so in any H-game in my life but right now, after finishing version 0.8.5 i NEED to do so. I have been playing H-games since maybe about 6 or 7 years now and it has been part of my life and part of my hobbies (just as if i were playing RDR2 or Destiny), enjoying it's characters and personalities and most of the time not even paying much attention to the H-scenes but instead focusing more on the main story of every game, on their characters and every small aspect that the game brings along, although without much results.

I did lost hope in finding any good H-game in here because i've already tried about 20 or 25 games (and some of those with very very long development time and very extense playthrough) and i really didn't enjoy them at all untill i found this masterpiece.I want to express my gratitudes about how this game made me feel, i'll keep it shortly, i have never ever played such a H-game that got me this invested in all of my LIFE, i have never felt as many emotions as i did throughout the playthrough, this game feels as vivid and alive, it feels as if i just bought a neural implant and got teleported inside the game, i love how well developed and polished are the characters inside the story, hell i even felt like they were even real beings, i love how deep the story gets sometimes and i love how from time to time i even forget the main reason of the H-genre games, i love the design of every character in this game and i love how their personalities matches with how they look, how they talk, how i can portrait their voices in my mind even without listening to a real person talking giving them such a characteristic feel to the game that i haven't never felt before, i love absolutely every single detail in this game, from the music (i've noticed how every song lyrics is based in the situation of the H-scene we are in) and i loved how quickly time passed when i was enjoying every single aspect of the game. I can't bring myself to say anything else than, thank you, thanks to everyone in the developing team for bringing such a magnificent game to us and i hope wellness for everyone who was present in the making of this game because they have a lot of talent for immersing people in their creations. Again, thank you Caribdis for creating such masterpiece, and i hope you have a great day/evening/night.

I will be eagerly waiting for 0.9 and of course, i will be contributing with my grain of sand in the creation of this game. Thank you

the story and art 10/10 but...why in this update like this? And i can't acces the gallery

I want to download on android but google drive says too many download and the other links i have to pay the app because it exceeds 5gb . Can you reload the google drive one please?


It's same to me

(1 edit)

OMG!! best cliffhanger ever you outdone yourself CARIBIDIS I mean hyril'ar already wow just wow I swear to God you're the biggest tease ever this is pure torture it's unbearably painful but please don't rush the next update I mean Hyril'ar Arc already upon us 0.9 will be a banger and you sir always do an amazing job and you surpass yourself each time thank you for an amazing world I'm in love with the characters they became part of my life words will not be enough to thank you take good care of your health and don't force yourself once again thank you 🙏 ❤️ 

Ps : a quick question before I finish is the game near it's end or is it still going and please if one day we reach the end of this adventure please make a season 2 I know it's selfish of a request but I can't handle parting ways with these amazing characters take care of yourself sir and sorry for the long message Byebye 👋☺️

yo im ngl this game has far exceeded my expectations, the story has hooked me way more than i thought it would, 10/10. 

one thing though, im on my first playthrough and i locked myself out of romancing dalia in the roman prison and didnt realise til way later 😭😭 is there any way to get that option back in this playthrough? or will i have to load a save/do another one? ill probably end up playing though this more than once anyway, i just want to know if i can fix it 😭

U will have to go back a little before the WRE server and fix some choices regarding Dalia. After challenge her to a bet while in the prison 

yeah i realised it was the choice in the bet that locked me out 😭 i was just hoping thered be a way to get the option back somehow haha, but im just gonna play through it again when im done

Good work, looking forward to the sequel.

Love this game a ton but after the segment on the ship and the spicy scene with nova I'm getting ALOT of exceptions and "image not found" errors. I'm only getting text and audio which is a bit irritating. I downloaded off of the pixeldrain link so ig I'll try mega next to see if that fixes it?

Sounds like you didn't follow install instructions and only updated the apk without replacing the archive.rpy file.

Thanks! Looked back in the game file and I still had the old archive.rpa in the folder with the new one. Deleted the old one and it's working great now!


Too bad that the game file's too big for my phone.... But one day I'll definitely download this 


you'll love it

Just downloaded and got an "Unknown Publisher" warning. Please fix so I can play the game without the risk of malicious software.

if your on mac i can help

No, I've got Windows. I appreciate the offer though

well i hope you solve it


Honestly caribdis, you are the best content creator on this site, my quest started with looking for a game to do you know what to, but over time i've gotten so invested into the game that I've started skipping the sex scenes just to continue with the story, you've crafted a complete masterpiece here and I offer my suppprt along the way, I will subscribe on patron and whatever else you got, creators like you deserve more recognition. You finished v0.8 in the perfect way, gameplay is perfect, animations are amazing, story is thoroughly enticing and all of the character models are extremely detailed. A true visual novel which has reached a league of its own. Thank you for creating this and I wish you best of luck in the future.



Look man i love the game, love the story, but fix the crashing... every 4 minutes the game crashes and if i dont save i gotta skip a bunch of text to get to it and save or it will crash again..

Seems like it's a download issue. Not the game's issue. Try uninstalling and reinstalling the game

it does it with every penny game I have played, starting to think it's just an android issue



One question when version 0.9 was out? Around what date?

Just wait NEXT year

It is probably going to be late summer/autumn, at least. But don't worry, the wait is going to be worthy 

Yeah i know thanks for answer

How do I disable this self-voice it's really annoying when I'm playing? "Disable self-voice press V" I play on android

can someone fix the sex scenes being only black screens and after the animations it goes back?, thank you


This game is a kiss to poetry, the writting, characters, sex scenes everything is 11/10. Such an amazing job, the last update 0.8 ending was PEAK!!! Im for sure supporting your patreon now, Gosh such an amazing game i hadnt enjoyed a story in games since years ago. Thank you for making this masterpiece.


Thank you very much!!


The animated ending was Chef's kiss Caribdis. Keep it up.! U are the best. 🙌

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