Considering Alexandra has a cameo in My Bully is My Lover as well, that wasn't surprising. More of a pleasant surprise, if anything. Does anyone recall whether or not this is the first cameo from another game within Eternum?
WOW, just WOW. I downloaded the game imagining that I will play it for 10-20 minutes and skip to the spicy parts to see how the animation is, but instead I played it for a few days, playing about 4-5 hours a day and reading all the story and dialogue.
The story of the game is addictively captivating, making you forget that the game is actually an adult, erotic type game.
This game should be turned into a movie trilogy or a TV series and I'm not joking.
Now I need to find another game to pass the time until version 0.9.0 will be out and ready to play.
I am in this picture and I like it. Honestly, one of the best visual novels out there. I was happily surprised by a game called Desert Stalker, if you want something similar. It is not as fleshed out and not as extensive as this one, but you can find it on Steam and it was pretty good.
Every update you just keep outdoing yourself! Love it! Very much keep it up! It's always amazing to see the progress of an artist and their craft. Once in a Lifetime brought me so much joy to the point I refer to it when I'm discussing story writing to a few friends.
Only thing I'd like to ask is that I seem to be missing one of Luna's outfits. The one between her Day of the Dead and her military outfit. I'm pretty sure I've not missed any content from her.
I generally don't care to leave a comment on games on here, but this is legit one of the best ones I have played. I have only 3 games that i will 100% keep just to replay. Caribdis is very talented in storytelling and world building for both of his games (Once in a Lifetime being one of the other 2 i would save and replay). The story for this game is honestly fun and contains a really good mix of comedy, horror, romance and nsfw. The characters we come to know all have differing personalities and with it a unique approach to romancing them. I eagerly await 0.9's release and hope we get to learn more about out elven princess.
I have made a comment exclusively to complain that I am entirely unable to download the Android version. Google drive is always not letting me because everyone else has used it, I download it from pixel drain and the file the zip file extracts says there are 0 items in it (even though it's a 6gb plus file) and then every time I try megaupload, I get about 85% done, then it says come back in 6 hours.. or errors out and starts over before it says come back in 6 hours.
Addendum to my previous comment: I got the megaupload to download, though it was the same thing as pixeldrain, an empty 6gb file when extracted on my android; I had to download WinRAR for Android, extract it with that and then the file showed up. This didn't happen with the previous version, not sure if a system update on my device or something different about the file is now.
Love the game by the way, probably the best "porn" game I've played yet. The story doesn't feel rapey and can genuinely stand on its own if you just wanted to skip past all the nudity.
I just want to take a minute to tell you that you have created the best VN i've ever had the chance to play in the last 15 years. Once in a Lifetime was great, but Eternum is the bar that every other VN creator should try to reach! Keep up the good work! Can't wait to see what's comming next :)
Are you looking for a voice actor for any scenes in the near or far future? I just genuinely find interest in the story of this game and I want to do some, I don't want anything, just to add more life to this beautiful world
Too bad! I wanna edit more about Eternum, I just can't find animated scenes for some characters.. or... Maybe I can animate pictures in Alight Motion? Y'know? Make it move?😏
I’m a greedy person,I spent just one night finishing the 0.8 version I had been waiting months for as soon as it was released. As I said,I’m a greedy person,I’m already craving version 0.9
It's not expired, even though that's what the message says, it's just age restricted. Try going to the Discord settings > Family Center and input your birthday when prompted. Then try again.
Juegazo obra maestra, Para mi gusto Caribdis sabe como llevar una historia por el buen camino, estoy encantado con esta version no se como esta persona pude hacer tremenda obra de arte
Play it correctly and you'll understand Annie's logic, which is somewhat explained towards the end of the date.
It's a mutual respect thing which is rather common throughout all adult games, starting with Dating Ariane :D
It's always a bit of a ride on the edge but just like in chess, there are obvious blunders - and flirting with that waitress is one of them ;) Should've been obvious - hence why you save the game before making decisions
This is more of a guess, so please tell me if it works: Try extracting the game files with ZArchiver instead of your default zip extractor and replace the archive.rpa file in your "game" folder. Your default zip extractor might be faulty.
This was happening to me because I was opening an old version of the game. Despite being an old version of the game, it still showed my most recent saves.
i can't download it form itch app so i try web mode there there is only one latest pc is version available is form pixeldrain when i clicked for download nothing happened and other are mobile version or old version 16th april
Just play through the first Eva scene, it’s total David Lynch-style stuff and I love it so much, the OST is amazing. It’s the first time in a while that I feel so into a game. Thank you so much for everybody’s work to build this game, I appreciate it a lot. Considering the span of the game is so long, am so excited to discover more as I continue playing
← Return to game
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Hey guys did any of you notice that there was "Gwen" from "My bully is My lover"? And in that game they also mentioned eternum. Not to mention Moon.
Considering Alexandra has a cameo in My Bully is My Lover as well, that wasn't surprising. More of a pleasant surprise, if anything. Does anyone recall whether or not this is the first cameo from another game within Eternum?
Does President Stabb count?
Ah yes, Stabby Mike has been everywhere. From Ripples to Once in a Lifetime. Not sure if he's shown up anywhere else. Good call.
Other AVNs currently cameo'd in Eternum: MBML, Fates Collide, Ripples and Chasing Sunsets (each who also contain a matching Eternum cameo)
OiALT and Eternum take place in the same universe only about 13 years apart.
LoL that is peak crossover, alex was also in MBIML, i can't wait to more of there collab
Great update as always.
Here’s a quick script to decorate non-dialog text to better differentiate actions and inner monologue from dialog.
WOW, just WOW. I downloaded the game imagining that I will play it for 10-20 minutes and skip to the spicy parts to see how the animation is, but instead I played it for a few days, playing about 4-5 hours a day and reading all the story and dialogue.
The story of the game is addictively captivating, making you forget that the game is actually an adult, erotic type game.
This game should be turned into a movie trilogy or a TV series and I'm not joking.
Now I need to find another game to pass the time until version 0.9.0 will be out and ready to play.
I am in this picture and I like it. Honestly, one of the best visual novels out there. I was happily surprised by a game called Desert Stalker, if you want something similar. It is not as fleshed out and not as extensive as this one, but you can find it on Steam and it was pretty good.
Thanks for the recommendation, I will try Desert Stalker as well! :)
Every update you just keep outdoing yourself! Love it! Very much keep it up! It's always amazing to see the progress of an artist and their craft. Once in a Lifetime brought me so much joy to the point I refer to it when I'm discussing story writing to a few friends.
Only thing I'd like to ask is that I seem to be missing one of Luna's outfits. The one between her Day of the Dead and her military outfit. I'm pretty sure I've not missed any content from her.
the archive file is giving me problems where to i move that file on android i know theres a walkthrough to fixs this but cant find it
This one?
I generally don't care to leave a comment on games on here, but this is legit one of the best ones I have played. I have only 3 games that i will 100% keep just to replay. Caribdis is very talented in storytelling and world building for both of his games (Once in a Lifetime being one of the other 2 i would save and replay). The story for this game is honestly fun and contains a really good mix of comedy, horror, romance and nsfw. The characters we come to know all have differing personalities and with it a unique approach to romancing them. I eagerly await 0.9's release and hope we get to learn more about out elven princess.
Thank you so much!!
This game truly is a masterpiece, just finished 0.8 and can't wait for the next version.
Thank you for playing!!
by far
your story telling is awesome, and the episodes keep getting better and better!!!
I'v been playing and following since 0.1 and Once in a Livetime ... and man I love your work. cannt wait for 0.9!!!
by the way ... she really is cute!!!
Thank you!!
Legit one of the best NSFW games Ive ever played. Also fuckin terrifying at points lol
pretty hard for me to not give this game a try considering my name is also Orion.
I have made a comment exclusively to complain that I am entirely unable to download the Android version. Google drive is always not letting me because everyone else has used it, I download it from pixel drain and the file the zip file extracts says there are 0 items in it (even though it's a 6gb plus file) and then every time I try megaupload, I get about 85% done, then it says come back in 6 hours.. or errors out and starts over before it says come back in 6 hours.
Addendum to my previous comment: I got the megaupload to download, though it was the same thing as pixeldrain, an empty 6gb file when extracted on my android; I had to download WinRAR for Android, extract it with that and then the file showed up. This didn't happen with the previous version, not sure if a system update on my device or something different about the file is now.
Love the game by the way, probably the best "porn" game I've played yet. The story doesn't feel rapey and can genuinely stand on its own if you just wanted to skip past all the nudity.
I hope one of the updates we get more scenes from Eva! I wonder how Caribdis can add her into more scenes as well as the others
How to change language in 0.8 ? 😭
Next update is gonna focus on our Elf Princess ❤️🔥 Never been more excited. 🎉
meanwhile i done the game the last ending is you soon get killed and lose
i need to get 0.9 RAAAH
Best of its kind! Excellent plot!
What are you a god or something?
if not then how come did you make such a masterpiece avn.
it is going to be the best avn I'll ever play in my lifetime.
can't wait for 0.9
with all love and support to CARIBDIS❣️❣️❣️
I just want to take a minute to tell you that you have created the best VN i've ever had the chance to play in the last 15 years. Once in a Lifetime was great, but Eternum is the bar that every other VN creator should try to reach! Keep up the good work! Can't wait to see what's comming next :)
Are you looking for a voice actor for any scenes in the near or far future? I just genuinely find interest in the story of this game and I want to do some, I don't want anything, just to add more life to this beautiful world
Whats the song that plays in the scene with Annie room service. Like I need to know
You could've scrolled down a bit:
i thought the update would be release today,but eh i could wait.take as much time to make the update good
Too bad! I wanna edit more about Eternum, I just can't find animated scenes for some characters.. or... Maybe I can animate pictures in Alight Motion? Y'know? Make it move?😏
Nah, too lazy for that...🤦
I’m a greedy person,I spent just one night finishing the 0.8 version I had been waiting months for as soon as it was released. As I said,I’m a greedy person,I’m already craving version 0.9
how can i join the discord ? Link on this page is expired
It's not expired, even though that's what the message says, it's just age restricted. Try going to the Discord settings > Family Center and input your birthday when prompted. Then try again.
Juegazo obra maestra, Para mi gusto Caribdis sabe como llevar una historia por el buen camino, estoy encantado con esta version no se como esta persona pude hacer tremenda obra de arte
It's because Caribdis is insanely talented.
What the hell I lose Annie during the date :/
Here's a walkthrough that can help you figure out what's wrong.
Dude, you didn't really think you'd get away with flirting with the waitress during a date, did you now?
Bro that's too much... Orion already got a Harem that I think every girl from the game will accept...
Play it correctly and you'll understand Annie's logic, which is somewhat explained towards the end of the date.
It's a mutual respect thing which is rather common throughout all adult games, starting with Dating Ariane :D
It's always a bit of a ride on the edge but just like in chess, there are obvious blunders - and flirting with that waitress is one of them ;) Should've been obvious - hence why you save the game before making decisions
Whatever... That's just common sense... You can't really kill 2 birds with 1 shot...
What y'all are forgetting is that there are multiple dates with Annie. You might just have spoiled him a bit.
Please help me , this is what shows after the update
I cant see anything just blank screen and this
This is more of a guess, so please tell me if it works: Try extracting the game files with ZArchiver instead of your default zip extractor and replace the archive.rpa file in your "game" folder. Your default zip extractor might be faulty.
Let me try
thank you for the response
Not working
Same as before
:/ hm, but just to make sure, you did correctly replace the archive.rpa, right? Like it's shown here?
Found it
Take the move the rpa file to documents - ixagon - eternum game directory
But the gallery is same
I dont know what will happen
This was happening to me because I was opening an old version of the game. Despite being an old version of the game, it still showed my most recent saves.
Same for me
whats the song name during anna's last sex scene? :( I searched everywhere pls help
"Good Friends" by... Caribdis I guess, he commisioned it for the game.
Thank you so much!
You can find it here!
Wow wow wow Thank you so much! It is a great song
i can't download the pc version is there any problem
Pixeldrain and Mediafire are the most reliable mirrors imo, try those.
i can't download it form itch app so i try web mode there there is only one latest pc is version available is form pixeldrain when i clicked for download nothing happened and other are mobile version or old version 16th april
Just play through the first Eva scene, it’s total David Lynch-style stuff and I love it so much, the OST is amazing. It’s the first time in a while that I feel so into a game. Thank you so much for everybody’s work to build this game, I appreciate it a lot. Considering the span of the game is so long, am so excited to discover more as I continue playing
What's the name of the song he plays when he finally has sex with Dalia?😭
Hostage (Jane & the Boy)
thank you!!
Take 2, take 2!
better then the 1st one?(wait till the best drops!)
tiene traduccion al español?
First of all, I DID NOT EXPECT ANY OF THIS—I'M STILL FLABBERGASTED BY THE "GAMEPLAY".. Goated game im glad I waited and it did NOT dissapoint
It's not that bad, I'm new to editing...
I'm gonna make one for Nova... It's just that, it's hard to find animated scenes for characters...
oh my gosh it's finally here! well I planned to sleep tonight but plans change
Good game, very entertaining. The stories is soo natural