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I am officially dead. Caribdis, you are a master, an artisan, the blacksmith forging a perfect weapon, the god of the arts. 0.8 was absolutely perfect, nay, it was beyond perfect.

Well, the MC definitely got humbled. Serves right to know that nobody is invincible or untouchable. In anyway, that whole pirate adventure part was pretty good, and the last scene where Orion uses his power to trade items with El Coyote faster than he could see was pretty cool. I'm itching to see how Orion's strength is going to evolve: I'm waiting on an epic battle against Thanatos! It could even be a stickman animation, it would still be perfect.

By the way, still on the pirate note, Nova and Nancy's scene was perfect. Also, the Stanley Parable reference was really cool and funny. 

Then we had Annie's date, I loved it. Specially loved to see Annie awaken her inner yandere, I'm a sucker for gap moe. Her scene was also wonderful, and quite romantic by my books. Also, Annie can officially beat Goku: her feat with her ultimate spell was CRAZY. Caribdis, were it not the ren'py engine limiting you, I tell you you have potential in making action RPGs, frfr. On that note, I can't wait to see Orion do crazy stuff too; he's the potential man of Eternum.

There was also Alex's scene. It was also really good, and you madman, you got me when she said she was pregnant. I wonder when the babies will actually start to pile up lol.

And of course, the desert part. I liked it a lot, and seeing Orion and Dalia solo those golem/flesh guards was really cool. Also, Dalia's scene. I loved it, and also really liked that we can be the better man and console Jerry, and get him to better himself and earn his respect. Kudos to you Caribdis; I thought Jerry was just going to be the comedic relief side character, like Kai, but you're managing to make him grow on me.

And, of course, the ending. Jesus Christ, the ending. Calypso is crazy powerful, it seems, and Thanatos is still above Orion's reach. As I said before, I can't wait for an equal footing battle between them. And, lo and behold, they ended up in Calypso's realm! I'm absolutely STOKED for the next version: I can't wait to see what kind of adventure we will have in Hyril'ar, and I'm smelling promise of more Calypso scenes!

Once more, I'll be like Super Boo looking at the clock waiting for the next version, as you ALWAYS manage to make me be. I won't kid you that I'll have to admit Eternum is one of my autistic hyperfocuses. 

Long story short, I loved this new chapter, as always. Can't wait until next one! Maybe by then I'll be earning some money and I'll even be able to support in patreon, who knows!

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Where can I search all of the used ost or music in the game? Like all of it.

right? I need the ost as well if someone could help


I'd just like to report a problem on Android for Google Pixel (I also downloaded through Pixel drain, just in case that helps). It seems that when you try to open the gallery for Nancy, Dalia, and/or Nova, it causes an error report. This also affects the "all girls" option for the gallery.

The other galleries do not seem affected when you open them up on their own. Everything else seems to be working just fine as well!

I hope they will fix this issue, cause my last save was before the ending of 0.7.


This game is just so good, I can't wait a year for the next update I need to time travel !!

Thank you so much for your work <3


I have downloaded the game on Android and have followed the install steps but still get the error message when I start the app up: 

You need to add archive.rpa to the documents/ixalon/com.caribdus.eternum/game directory 

I have done this (see picture but it still doesn't work. Any help would be much appreciated as reading the comments looks like an amazing game.

Is the folder name "game directory"? 

Try renaming it to "game" instead.

See if that works

I decompressed it and it was 5.78g


At this point I don't even know if Caribdis is human with how well crafted this all is. I'm so deeply invested at this point I don't even know what to do until the next update comes out


Thank you so much!


Thanks again for the amazing work sir Caribdis sir, the ending of 0.8 is leaving me wanting for more again. I would gladly wait another year for 0.9.
(i NEED the title of the song in Annie's scene btw) I LOVE YOU CARIBDIS <3<3


Thank you for playing!

It's a custom, commissioned song! You can find it here!

Oh my, thank you so much!


I hope this gem ends up on steam eventually when its finished.

(1 edit) (+1)

Is anyone else's game broken on Android? I cant even see anything in the new part of the update I just get the error screen and when I look at the relationship screen I even started a new game and it's the same 

Have you replaced your archive.rpa file on your game folder with the new one?

When I turn on the game, I start all over again, is there a way to continue?


"Load" button ?

mines broken, it errors

when I updated my Eternum on android, my past saves are already on the new version but it says this "This save was created on a different device. Maliciously constructed save files can harm your computer. Do you trust this save's creator and everyone who could have changed the file?"

Note: I never used different device it is still the same I just updated the app and overwrite the archive.rpa

Should I continue using that save data? or should I just start a new one, which is hassle :<

That can happen, yeah. As long as you're sure that those are your saves you can proceed.

Just finished 0.8 and oh god that damn that Alex and Dalia scene ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥.

Since Carib doesn't seem active here and I can't ask in discord,Does anyone know how many total versions are planned ? 


I heard there prbly will be 13 in total. Though it's not set in stone.

Can't download pls

just wait the download portals to reset, or just test your luck and spam the download buttons on your preffered sites and there you have it

Other sites ar not safe compared to (I don't know which ones are your favourites so it might be cap) so if you are not sure of a site you just need to be patient.

can't wait for the 0.9 version bro awesome!

Wait another year buddy 💀💀

hahaha yeah 

Why 0.8 delete the choice of language?🥹🥹🥹

Translators haven't completed translating the update yet, you'll need to be a bit more patient :/

Just amazing. Loved the Stan section. And that final part was just WOW. Incredible work.


I need a Chinese translation (crying)

We cannot download a new version 

In Android in Google drive error to download or the Wi-Fi is out but my Wi-Fi is so very high and also in mega error corrupt download and another website too I don't know what his name but I cannot download that too

Too many downloads. Servers crash

hoping pixel drain works for me. Yeah the other ones couldn't finish eh download because of its size.

Even pixel drain is telling me that it has a 6gb limit, and will be throttling the speed for the last 0.28gb

same problem bro let me know if you able too download bro please🙏

cant download whatsoever 🥲  help! (on mac)

Servers crashing...

I can't download it:(

Same can't download the new update. :'(

(1 edit)

Servers srem to have problems


Will there be an updated mac version soon?

Hey guys, Is last Update same with this version ?I need to know guys please tell me

Holly shit. You are fucking legend. I can't even download it even after 5th time. What the hell dude? The same problem just like "Wynspell" or this guy I don't know. 6gb? Holly fucking hell. Any suggestions? 

Can you elaborate more? What type of problem? Download stops halfway?

Servers overloaded


Don't have a Chinese translation patch for 0.85 yet? I can't wait for QAQ


Mega wants you to download their shiny new spyware to even begin the download, and pixeldrain wants to turn it into a 10 hour ordeal after the 6th gig. Oh, and Google Drive is refusing to start the DL for no particular reason other than it seems to be too popular... fingers crossed for mediaflare (although it's not a good sign that they are preemptively trying to get me to DL their "diagnostic tool" to fix my download if they "accidentally"corrupt it) Insane how they want to double-dip your good works...
All that aside... thanks for this! I've been waiting with bated breath...

holy hell caribdis you keep topping every update... i dont even know what to say about the ending of 0.8 except "what the actual hell". damn fine work


A Chinese translation patch. I really need it.

when is 0.9 😔

Probably in a year from now 💀💀

Are there any translations patches? I really need them very much. I hope the author can update them soon

Guys i cannot download from google drive

Server dying

(1 edit) (-3)

Interesting game.   Annie:  "I'm not ready yet for sex, just a finger."  MC:  Don't worry, we can do it when you're ready.   MC:  "I'll surprise with oral"  Annie "NO!  I'm not ready for that either, just a finger!"  MC:  "Trust me, it'll feel good!" Holds her down  "NOM NOM NOM"   Interesting scene without player consent for a game that punishes almost any boundary testing when the player choses.  The concerning part is that I wonder whether the writers recognize the rape or the hypocrisy.  

This was right after the murder mansion sequence where Annie grabs the oreos, or probably in the gallery.

What the hell? You can't just drop that on me! I just got back from work and now ive to replay the whole thing because i build a new pc xD.. Not that im complaining...

I'm unable to open my v0.7 saves in the new version, this screen appears for all saves.I'm unable to open my v0.7 saves in the new version, this screen appears for all saves.

I solve this problem with loading the other saved data, for instance, if you failed to load saved data on page 26, try load some saved data from page 25. It worked for me at least. But this problem won't work with the gallery scene. Some of girl won't load their scene, instead occurred like this.

That's happened to me  from another game you never save the game everyday didn't you if you don't save everyday  completely not run the game that's why everyday me save the game I'm saying that and then I never happened to me again

I have a problem, I can't hear any soundtrack or sound? Is there any way to fix it.

(1 edit)

Try to reload the game, and if you're going to use headphone, earbud or earphone, make sure to attached them before you launch the game. It worked for me, and hope works for you too.

Is there no Chinese translation yet

Yo i have the same problem is there any way to fix it

I restarted and it worked fine


Best 18+ VN game and i stand on that 

On god

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