The latest animations are very impressive when compared to the earlier ones—not that the early ones were bad, but the newest ones are much more dynamic. I also appreciate the ability to change the camera angle.
Only thing that sticks out like a sore thumb seems to be the lengths gone to in order for MC's face not to be shown lol.
I played both games of Cardibis and I really enjoyed it. I love the personality of the characters he/she created. I wish I am rich enough because I definitely will support the games.
Orion referred to him as "Ex-President Michael Stabb" in his intro monologue tho. Also according to a post Cari made on Discord Mike served 2 full terms as President, so he's either retired or have gone back to his world-hopping/vigilante ways.
Man, I've played both of Caribdis's games and it's hell'a good... I've been checking here for the updates... Eternum is the best 18+ VN that can be played...
It's being released this December (as always, there will be a few weeks of early release on Patreon and Subscribestar, after that, it'll be available for free here)
I recently played (and loved) Once in a Lifetime, their previous game. It was extremely intricate, with great design and near perfect writing. When i learned that they were working on another game, I thought to myself they were only developping a "simple" AVN.
The only thing is, this is not just an AVN. This is a masterclass in writing, character developpement, complete with great humour, refreshing scenes, and the scenario to go with it. The CGI was (imo) the worse thing about OiAL, but every scene in Eternum managed to impress me.
The scenario, at first, seems simple. Imagine Ready Player One if it was a good movie. Good. Put that on steroids. No kidding. You could just play this game for the lore, as it is so deep, managing to strike deep themes while staying unserious, and always keeping you on your toes. Of course, it's an AVN, so the world-building concerning the girls is kinda stereotypical (you're a boy, in school, and find yourself with a motherly figure, """"sisters"""", a childhood female friend, and random horny girls). But the character developpement is incredibly well-done, and Caribdis puts some nice twist on the classic formula.
This is not an AVN. This is not a game. It is a passion project, infused with Caribdis' personality, humour, character, and always maintains the perfect pacing. On more occasions than I would like to admit, I found myself giggling, laughing out loud, nearly jumpscared, touched by some insignificant detail, or one one occasion, on the verge of tears. Some scenes really hit you in the gut, and its a feeling i had never experienced in a bgame, rarely while watching a movie.
No part of this feels rushed, nothing feels slow. Everything down to the last, minute detail, reference, even the music and sound effects feel heavily worked on. The player has time to familiarize himself with the story, the gimmicks, the world-building and, of course, the girls. You WILL find yourself attached to the MC and the girls.
Caribdis, please, for the love of god, get yourself hired in a AAA studio as a creative director and release a mainstream game. I feel like this medium (video game developpement) was made for you. I would happily spend 50$ on a game you made.
OiAL was my first AVN ever, this is one of the few i ever played, and i've loved every part of it. I am honestly thinking about doing a few more playthroughs, not even for the scenes, just for the writing.
The game is still in developpement, but for the time being, it scores an 19.3/20 on my part.
I say this with the highest regards : thank you Caribdis.
And if you haven't played the game, please, play it.
When i extract the files, i can't launch the game did i do somthnig wrong? or it have more condition to run the game? or it simply i didn't know how to properly launch the game. anyone can point this out for me
Man, I'm getting sick of Calypso's "high and mighty"-act. I wish there was a "dark" route in this game. Some of these girls are annoying beyond belief especially dalia and alex with their tough girl attitude.
Well i think its impressive that they manage to include a bit more then just one personality with a great backstory? Honestly i think that attitute is pretty cool.
My brother, this is a case of "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". I think Alex is one of the more complex characters with the shit she's going through, and the last sex scene in her apartment was absolutely top notch. I agree that Calypso has a "high and mighty" attitude about her, but that diversifies the cast, instead of everyone being cute and shy like Luna for example.
Holy molly, I can only double down on what others say about "came for porn, stayed for the plot". I hope it's not a spoiler, but I literally cried at the Shostakovich's waltz moment, this is one of my favourite pieces ever, and this game surprised me in so much more intricate ways than just this one (though it was the ultimate peak of all the emotional roller-coaster), have run through unlocking all the scenes, Alex's arc I believe is the best of all (and her scene is something else, the most passionate life-like moment of the entire game I feel), it's a shame it feels a bit shorter than others, or maybe I was just gulping her story in huge bites, idk. For one, I liked this character so much, that I'm going to make another walkthrough when next version comes out, dodging all others and prioritizing just her. "Harem games" they say. To the creator dude: maybe others would hate what I have to say, but this game would have been fire even if you "forgot" to add the sex parts, you have a big talent for writing stories.
I want to make a donation, but I'm really insecure about posting my main card details on this site, and patreon/subscribestar are altogether banned in my country, at least, using my bank's card, but I'll try to figure something out
paypal is banned too, but it accepts crypto, which I don't have either, lol I guess I just have to try to apply for a Kazakhstan card and try smth out this way
if you havnt played their first game look it up. it is complete and of the very same quality....i just bought/downloaded it today and binged the whole game beginning to end.. and i agree the porn/sex is amazing but the plot and story and character development are TOP TIER!
Hey Cari, I just wanted to tell you that when I was replaying Eternum (I've played it like 20 times already) I noticed a reference of Darth Vader's line used by Thanatos when he tried to take the gem from Wagner which is "All I'm surrounded by is.. fear and dead men" and in my opinion I just think that was frickin cool and I don't know why it took me 20 times of replaying to catch the reference. And that's why Eternum is the best Avn ever I just love the story and the characters so much. Aight that's all
Eternum is my first AVN ever, and I think it’s ruined my enjoyment of future ones because it's just so good. You did an amazing job building these characters; all the girls are so different and unique, it’s crazy. I especially fell in love with Luna and Alex. The humor was one of the first things that hooked me, along with the number of funny references—like the Dark Souls 3 one right at the start, and then Thanatos just drops a Darth Vader speech. I had so much fun with this game, it’s unbelievable. It's a game I’d pay for, and I will do so once I’m done with it.
I can officially say that I came for the porn and stayed for the story and characters.
I didn't know how you could top yourself after I played OIAL, but holy fucking shitballs is this incredible.
The characters feel more real than real life 😉, the sound design fits every scene, and the adult scenes, my God did you outdo yourself! Not just the scenes themselves, but the music during the scenes fit PERFECTLY.
I already loved your style before I played this but now I. AM. FUCKING HOOKED.
I can't wait for the next update Caribdis. You make magic.
All I can say after finishing the game is that... I must keep moving forward.
Everything was just perfect. The story is thrilling from beggining to end, the comedy is just pure gold (I actually found myself laughing out loud everytime I sat down to play) and the girls are just fantastic. Honestly, I'm a sucker for horny shit, but this game had me more invested in just developing the relationships with the characters and the world rather than wanting to get into the next cutscene. Truly, marvelous work.
I'm so glad I got into Eternum as the next update is approaching. I can't wait.
I really love the story, how everything happened, and it's not just a sex game, there is a real story behind, and that's make the game just perfect !
I'm literaly dreaming every night about what could hapen next...
I cant wait for the next update ! I just want to see more of all the girls, they're all different but they still all really cute and just fucking kind (I think I'm falling in love with Alex...)
And thanks, really, for make a game so good like this and share it freely, is really nice from you ! <3
thanks to you ! When I finaly get a descent pay, I'm surely going to reward you with a little part of it. Because this is all that you deserve : a lot of love and good things <3
i hope there will be a gallery where you can re visit scenes (unless there already is and im stupid) so far Alex my favorite love me a girl with tattoos and a tough but sweet personality
"Thank you for creating such an amazing game! I've been playing it before months, and the last update was incredible. I check regularly for news on the next one—can’t wait to see what’s coming next!"
Note:I am from a third world country in Africa... I couldn't send a tip (>.<)
Hello, dear Caribdis. Since the interval between the two versions of the game is so long, I would like to contact you to add functions such as cloud - based upload and download storage in the game.Such as<renpy sync>
no known negative effects yet. But Caribdis' last game had a pair of seemingly inconsequential decisions lead to bad ends. So it's totally within the realm of possibility for it to have negative effects down the road.
Consider it a flag. It is not known what result this decision will lead to. It can either save someone in the future, or lead to negative consequences.
If you have read to the end of the current version, you may have noticed how the purchased trinket helped in a certain situation. If I explain in more detail, it will turn out to be a spoiler)
Also, there we have is very low possibility that Cari himself did not come up with why he offered this to us :D
i have it saved and continued without accepting it, also have a save where i accepted it. Last game had a choice of choosing the book and having two different results....this might be something similar
Are there any actual pregnancy scenes in this one? I LOVED Once in a Lifetime but was slightly disappointed when I didn’t really get to see any pregnant bellies
Based on previous game, that seems unlikely: pregnancy is likely to happen, but separate scenes for distended bellies in the story arcs wouldn't be worth doing even if the dev is as focused on it as you are (and he almost certainly isn't) and the seething unwashed masses, of which I am one, would rise in revolt if any of the girls were made unavailable for late-game missions because of gravid waddling. In game dialogue around the first trimester and closing scenes with kids seem far more likely. Maybe pregnant Eva moving in to the house because MC's magical 100% sperm can cross the line would work, but that's about it.
I didn't expect such a qualitative game. I like to see how the characters, especially the MC, evolved. The game takes quite a long time to finish (in its current state).
I give it a nice 8.5/10 for the moment, very few games of this kind come close to it.
The Discord link works, you just can't access it because it's age restricted. Go to the Family Center in the Discord settings, input your birthday, then try again.
The lowest support tiers don't include wallpapers; read their descriptions.
Is that a no? I know of an unfixable bug that causes this. All you can do in that case is play on a different device. Though I'm not sure, you're not giving me a lot of info.
I hope you never reduce the sexual content just because of some things some people say.
The game is 10/10 but I'm a simple guy, I'm not pretentious, I like the story and the characters but the reason why I don't delete the game after finishing it is the sex scenes, I hope you never change the way you make your games. Just like you did “Once in a lifetime”.
← Return to game
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The latest animations are very impressive when compared to the earlier ones—not that the early ones were bad, but the newest ones are much more dynamic. I also appreciate the ability to change the camera angle.
Only thing that sticks out like a sore thumb seems to be the lengths gone to in order for MC's face not to be shown lol.
I played both games of Cardibis and I really enjoyed it. I love the personality of the characters he/she created. I wish I am rich enough because I definitely will support the games.
Thank you!
bring back stabby mike ❤️
Stabby Mike, stabby mike, stabby mike, stabby mike, stabby mike. Yes brother
Best priest ever!!
Stabby Mike has a country to run! He doesn't have time to be playing Eternum!
Orion referred to him as "Ex-President Michael Stabb" in his intro monologue tho. Also according to a post Cari made on Discord Mike served 2 full terms as President, so he's either retired or have gone back to his world-hopping/vigilante ways.
Since it must be by permission, I think it is OK to mention that Stabby Mike has a cameo in the most recent chapter of Ripples.
Man, I've played both of Caribdis's games and it's hell'a good... I've been checking here for the updates... Eternum is the best 18+ VN that can be played...
I'm so impressed that I even made an edit from this game...
Any new updates about version 0.8 of the game
91% done
It's being released this December (as always, there will be a few weeks of early release on Patreon and Subscribestar, after that, it'll be available for free here)
[THIS IS A REVIEW] TLDR: play this game, 19.3/20
Caribdis is a genius. I am not kidding.
I recently played (and loved) Once in a Lifetime, their previous game. It was extremely intricate, with great design and near perfect writing. When i learned that they were working on another game, I thought to myself they were only developping a "simple" AVN.
The only thing is, this is not just an AVN. This is a masterclass in writing, character developpement, complete with great humour, refreshing scenes, and the scenario to go with it. The CGI was (imo) the worse thing about OiAL, but every scene in Eternum managed to impress me.
The scenario, at first, seems simple. Imagine Ready Player One if it was a good movie. Good. Put that on steroids. No kidding. You could just play this game for the lore, as it is so deep, managing to strike deep themes while staying unserious, and always keeping you on your toes. Of course, it's an AVN, so the world-building concerning the girls is kinda stereotypical (you're a boy, in school, and find yourself with a motherly figure, """"sisters"""", a childhood female friend, and random horny girls). But the character developpement is incredibly well-done, and Caribdis puts some nice twist on the classic formula.
This is not an AVN. This is not a game. It is a passion project, infused with Caribdis' personality, humour, character, and always maintains the perfect pacing. On more occasions than I would like to admit, I found myself giggling, laughing out loud, nearly jumpscared, touched by some insignificant detail, or one one occasion, on the verge of tears. Some scenes really hit you in the gut, and its a feeling i had never experienced in a bgame, rarely while watching a movie.
No part of this feels rushed, nothing feels slow. Everything down to the last, minute detail, reference, even the music and sound effects feel heavily worked on. The player has time to familiarize himself with the story, the gimmicks, the world-building and, of course, the girls. You WILL find yourself attached to the MC and the girls.
Caribdis, please, for the love of god, get yourself hired in a AAA studio as a creative director and release a mainstream game. I feel like this medium (video game developpement) was made for you. I would happily spend 50$ on a game you made.
OiAL was my first AVN ever, this is one of the few i ever played, and i've loved every part of it. I am honestly thinking about doing a few more playthroughs, not even for the scenes, just for the writing.
The game is still in developpement, but for the time being, it scores an 19.3/20 on my part.
I say this with the highest regards : thank you Caribdis.
And if you haven't played the game, please, play it.
Thank you for the kind words, Lzhr 💗
When i extract the files, i can't launch the game did i do somthnig wrong? or it have more condition to run the game? or it simply i didn't know how to properly launch the game. anyone can point this out for me
Here's an Android installation guide
Thankyou but i play this on PC, i forgot to tell
Ok, so you've fully extracted the game, then you're running Eternum.exe, and then what happens?
Sorry for late respond but for now i fix it by reinstall the game when ever i want to play it. I just save the saves file in the different folder.
Okay, but that sounds concerning tbh. I can still help you out if you like.
Bruh i think i have no purpose in my life anymore , I am just waiting for the update since months. Its hard for me.
Dont worry man the gooning lifestyle is hard but rewarding... not really actually its just hard... something else is hard also
everything is hard man but not rewarding
When is update???????
is there a sex scene with calypso
not yet as far as i know but it is likely there is one in the new update. i think it should come in december but not sure.
Man, I'm getting sick of Calypso's "high and mighty"-act. I wish there was a "dark" route in this game. Some of these girls are annoying beyond belief especially dalia and alex with their tough girl attitude.
Well i think its impressive that they manage to include a bit more then just one personality with a great backstory? Honestly i think that attitute is pretty cool.
My brother, this is a case of "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". I think Alex is one of the more complex characters with the shit she's going through, and the last sex scene in her apartment was absolutely top notch. I agree that Calypso has a "high and mighty" attitude about her, but that diversifies the cast, instead of everyone being cute and shy like Luna for example.
Damn. Finally. An objectively bad opinion. I didn't know we had it in us.
p diddy approves this game very highly
Likely XD
Holy molly, I can only double down on what others say about "came for porn, stayed for the plot". I hope it's not a spoiler, but I literally cried at the Shostakovich's waltz moment, this is one of my favourite pieces ever, and this game surprised me in so much more intricate ways than just this one (though it was the ultimate peak of all the emotional roller-coaster), have run through unlocking all the scenes, Alex's arc I believe is the best of all (and her scene is something else, the most passionate life-like moment of the entire game I feel), it's a shame it feels a bit shorter than others, or maybe I was just gulping her story in huge bites, idk. For one, I liked this character so much, that I'm going to make another walkthrough when next version comes out, dodging all others and prioritizing just her. "Harem games" they say. To the creator dude: maybe others would hate what I have to say, but this game would have been fire even if you "forgot" to add the sex parts, you have a big talent for writing stories.
I want to make a donation, but I'm really insecure about posting my main card details on this site, and patreon/subscribestar are altogether banned in my country, at least, using my bank's card, but I'll try to figure something out
i dont know how your country views paypal but its a bit more Anon then just bank details
paypal is banned too, but it accepts crypto, which I don't have either, lol
I guess I just have to try to apply for a Kazakhstan card and try smth out this way
Thank you in any case!
You're breathtaking, sir! It's we who should thank you.
if you havnt played their first game look it up. it is complete and of the very same quality....i just bought/downloaded it today and binged the whole game beginning to end.. and i agree the porn/sex is amazing but the plot and story and character development are TOP TIER!
me also dude, ive just came becouse the game seem to had some nice scenes and wow, the best history that a fucking guy could do
Hey Cari, I just wanted to tell you that when I was replaying Eternum (I've played it like 20 times already) I noticed a reference of Darth Vader's line used by Thanatos when he tried to take the gem from Wagner which is "All I'm surrounded by is.. fear and dead men" and in my opinion I just think that was frickin cool and I don't know why it took me 20 times of replaying to catch the reference. And that's why Eternum is the best Avn ever I just love the story and the characters so much. Aight that's all
Glad you liked it! Thank you!!
Eternum is my first AVN ever, and I think it’s ruined my enjoyment of future ones because it's just so good. You did an amazing job building these characters; all the girls are so different and unique, it’s crazy. I especially fell in love with Luna and Alex. The humor was one of the first things that hooked me, along with the number of funny references—like the Dark Souls 3 one right at the start, and then Thanatos just drops a Darth Vader speech. I had so much fun with this game, it’s unbelievable. It's a game I’d pay for, and I will do so once I’m done with it.
I can officially say that I came for the porn and stayed for the story and characters.
P.S. Chop Chop is the GOAT.
Thank you very much!
If you liked this humour try Realm Invader as well, it's here on Itch, has a lot of the same strengths as Carbidis games!
I didn't know how you could top yourself after I played OIAL, but holy fucking shitballs is this incredible.
The characters feel more real than real life 😉, the sound design fits every scene, and the adult scenes, my God did you outdo yourself! Not just the scenes themselves, but the music during the scenes fit PERFECTLY.
I already loved your style before I played this but now I. AM. FUCKING HOOKED.
I can't wait for the next update Caribdis. You make magic.
Thank you Shay <3
All I can say after finishing the game is that... I must keep moving forward.
Everything was just perfect. The story is thrilling from beggining to end, the comedy is just pure gold (I actually found myself laughing out loud everytime I sat down to play) and the girls are just fantastic. Honestly, I'm a sucker for horny shit, but this game had me more invested in just developing the relationships with the characters and the world rather than wanting to get into the next cutscene. Truly, marvelous work.
I'm so glad I got into Eternum as the next update is approaching. I can't wait.
Thank you so much!!
i have a feeling ima regret buying the polyjuice potion
highly unlikely, as the guide advices to do so.
Your game is just PERFECT !
I really love the story, how everything happened, and it's not just a sex game, there is a real story behind, and that's make the game just perfect !
I'm literaly dreaming every night about what could hapen next...
I cant wait for the next update ! I just want to see more of all the girls, they're all different but they still all really cute and just fucking kind (I think I'm falling in love with Alex...)
And thanks, really, for make a game so good like this and share it freely, is really nice from you ! <3
Same opinion bro. Dev have created a masterpiece.
My pleasure! Thank you for playing!
thanks to you ! When I finaly get a descent pay, I'm surely going to reward you with a little part of it. Because this is all that you deserve : a lot of love and good things <3
i really love the story and music more than anything, i was wondering where you got the music from?
i hope there will be a gallery where you can re visit scenes (unless there already is and im stupid) so far Alex my favorite love me a girl with tattoos and a tough but sweet personality
There is a gallery but not every spicy picture is included. Just actual scenes.
thats what i was looking for lol where can i find it?
The double heart symbol thingy on top left corner of the screen takes you there
"Thank you for creating such an amazing game! I've been playing it before months, and the last update was incredible. I check regularly for news on the next one—can’t wait to see what’s coming next!"
Note:I am from a third world country in Africa... I couldn't send a tip (>.<)
No worries, thank you for playing!
I cant wait for the new Update!!! I felt it so hard when Nova said she Loves Visuel Novals.
This Game is Making me Go Crazy! LOVE IT!
Thank you!!
No problem, thank you for playing!
Hello, dear Caribdis. Since the interval between the two versions of the game is so long, I would like to contact you to add functions such as cloud - based upload and download storage in the game.Such as<renpy sync>
Thank you again for creating such a perfect game.
When i downloaded the android version of the game on my phone, it didn't work it says that it cant access the file. (Plz help)
Here's an installation guide
thank ya
hey guys. i have a question: if someone plays without sex u got another ending or the same?
The game doesn't have endings yet, it's still in development.
EDIT: Yeah, I guess Twisted's interpretation of the question makes more sense :P
Gonna asume you mean the ending to the latest chapter, it's fixed and happens regardless if you're on the girls paths or not.
I tried no girl path and was saddened that it didn't actually change the outcome.
do i take the amulet from the founder?
yes, why not. immortality isnt bad thing right?
depends if there is any consequences
no known negative effects yet. But Caribdis' last game had a pair of seemingly inconsequential decisions lead to bad ends. So it's totally within the realm of possibility for it to have negative effects down the road.
i havent played it again yet still dunno if i should take it or not lol
Consider it a flag. It is not known what result this decision will lead to. It can either save someone in the future, or lead to negative consequences.
If you have read to the end of the current version, you may have noticed how the purchased trinket helped in a certain situation. If I explain in more detail, it will turn out to be a spoiler)
Also, there we have is very low possibility that Cari himself did not come up with why he offered this to us :D
i have it saved and continued without accepting it, also have a save where i accepted it. Last game had a choice of choosing the book and having two different results....this might be something similar
Luna and penelope MADE ME GO CRAZYYYYY~ Great AVN!!!!
Right? RIGHT??? Great game!!
Are there any actual pregnancy scenes in this one? I LOVED Once in a Lifetime but was slightly disappointed when I didn’t really get to see any pregnant bellies
Based on previous game, that seems unlikely: pregnancy is likely to happen, but separate scenes for distended bellies in the story arcs wouldn't be worth doing even if the dev is as focused on it as you are (and he almost certainly isn't) and the seething unwashed masses, of which I am one, would rise in revolt if any of the girls were made unavailable for late-game missions because of gravid waddling. In game dialogue around the first trimester and closing scenes with kids seem far more likely. Maybe pregnant Eva moving in to the house because MC's magical 100% sperm can cross the line would work, but that's about it.
yeah, makes sense. Game is still great so far, just hope for a little bit more at the end than the last game
AFAIK there is an ending for OIALT where all the ladies end up pregnant in the ending scene
yes, but there are only two visible bellies, and no pregnant hscenes :(
I didn't expect such a qualitative game.
I like to see how the characters, especially the MC, evolved.
The game takes quite a long time to finish (in its current state).
I give it a nice 8.5/10 for the moment, very few games of this kind come close to it.
Eternum discord link is broken, anyone have a new link that I can join? Much appreciated thanks.
Actually im just goimg to join the patreon. Anyone know if i get the wallpapers as basic rank?
The Discord link works, you just can't access it because it's age restricted. Go to the Family Center in the Discord settings, input your birthday, then try again.
The lowest support tiers don't include wallpapers; read their descriptions.
Delete this spoiler.
For real! How is this even allowed?
I took out the insult as soon as I typed it. But I am still thinking it.
I extracted the file according to every step but why is there no sound?
You mean moans? There are none. If you mean sound in general, I have no idea.
ฉากเพเนโลพีกับโนวา ไม่รู้ว่ามีใครเคยเจอบ้างนอกจากฉัน ไม่มีเสียงจริงๆ มีแต่เพลง
I need some help please. In some scenes I have just a Black Screen with Dialogue... what can j do please help. I am on Android
Do you have sound?
Would you happen to have a solution for me ??
Is that a no? I know of an unfixable bug that causes this. All you can do in that case is play on a different device. Though I'm not sure, you're not giving me a lot of info.
sorry I answered already but maybe it got deleted... yes I have sounds.
Does it happen at Alex's apartment? Are you playing on Android and didn't replace the old rpa file with the new one?
Your phone is not good enough.
I hope you never reduce the sexual content just because of some things some people say.
The game is 10/10 but I'm a simple guy, I'm not pretentious, I like the story and the characters but the reason why I don't delete the game after finishing it is the sex scenes, I hope you never change the way you make your games. Just like you did “Once in a lifetime”.