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Which one should i trust vasil or hasler? Please i don't want to mess up my gameplay cause i have every good choices.


I love thi s game so much!  i've played quite a few games in the AVN genre, and this is hands down the best.   In fact i've been a gamer for quite a few years... and this frankly may be my favorite.. of all time.    Well Done Caribdis!  I had a thought... this would make an amazing short run series.. coincidentally something like Arcane.  It's hard not to fall in love with the characters, the story line. the graphics.    All of it..  Can't wait for more... 

Deleted 197 days ago

Thank you so much, Crowbar!!


I just completed once in a lifetime and I am lost for words, I cannot wait for the ending of Eternum after all I just experienced in once in a lifetime. The ending will be amazing and I just hope for one as sweet and heart warming as once in a lifetime.


Thank you very much! The Eternum endings will be even longer!

Deleted 197 days ago

greetings. i am the blind player from before. apart from the main menu the game is pretty accessible. i love it so far. i will comment here if any issues are found. thanks for the games.

Glad you enjoy it!

drop the link on discord, it doesn't accept me

Your work is the best I've ever seen, I'd love to sponsor it, but I'm from China I don't know how to pay. Of course, I'm looking forward to version 0.8



You'd have to use a VPN, as far as I know!

Thanks in any case!

(1 edit) (-3)

How many total scenes are in game now? Last time i played it was 18,i am not saying i want more scenes, i actually dont want to see any sex scene anymore, i need story more story. Game has been very story based game neglected sexual content alot and boom now its pumping 1 or 2 every time we chose to chill with someone, i think game needs to add a option to go to date with any girl in park, mall, city, house or something just chilling in house date playing video game and talking. Game skips time like 1-2 weeks some times so we can utilise 2-3 days for something 🥺

Deleted 197 days ago

can someone reccomend me more games like this pleaseeee


None like this, as it would work even for vanillas. I am partial to The Headmaster, because I am that sort of perv. This game's predecessor, Once in a Lifetime, is not only great, it is finished, so start there. Ripples is also excellent, even if my old ass can't handle the (accurate) dialogue. I will give a shout to Dreamlink here as well. It will play like a homage to this to start, but it has potential, and does not appear on "games like this" tab, ever, so needs to be searched.

Sadly the headmaster has no android port, I was looking forward to play that :(

There's tales from the unending void as well


burst out laughing when sunshot made a sudden appearance early in the game


Caribdis... i just played through the long-awaited 0.7 and boooyy, what a pleasure! You really upped the quality of the renderings and animations AGAIN, i loved the silly humour, the story is awesome, the girls are lovely as ever, hell even the main character is actually nice. And hell, what a cliffhanger...

Can't wait for 0.8 but PLEASE take your time... bc what i like most is the incredible overall quality. i'm happy to wait as long as it takes. Personally I'd like some more horror content, but I trust that whatever way you go it will be just fine.

This is really one of the most awesome games I played. I haven't paid so far but I got some money now and I'll be happy to let some of it fly you way once 0.8 is out Thanks, dude. Stay healthy and all the best. You rule, man. You FUCKING rule.


2nd this, take ur time. Unbelievable cliffhanger and quality in the latest release.

Deleted 197 days ago

Thank you so much 💗


Also found this lol this is the clip from when Orion's dad was watching football.

Firstly i would like to say great game. Great comedy. Great everything. fr a masterclass. Secondly PLEASE add an option to buy the thing that the guy sells at the dinner with alex to make you able to have sex with the "npc" some of the praetorians are hot asf. especially the two that come with the founder by the fire place after the dinner. would be a great addition and easy excuse for more content.

(1 edit)

Love the game and played through 0.6 all the way to the cliffhanger. Sadly 0.7 is unplayable in Android because the game crashes exactly 1 minute after the main menu loads

(4 edits) (+1)

Eternum is a great game, btw! The girls look great, not so much generic as you see in a lot of the rendered Steam VN games. Very engaging storyline.

Is there a bug with Dalia in Eternum? At the Roman prison you lose her route. I even went into the save file and saw I had six points with her already by then but she gets grayed out. One thing I noticed that it very much seemed as if I got lots more "heartbeats" with Dalia than Nancy, but Nancy had more hearts lit up in her character profile by then. Dalia only showed two and Nancy showed three, in the scene right before Dalia gets grayed out, when Maximus comes to retrieve her from the jail cell. It almost seemed as if some of the points for Dalia aren't being applied properly.

I compared the save right before and right after and just reverted the three  changed variables for Dalia back and afterwards was able to continue normally.


Edit: Went and double checked the "colored" walkthrough by Tanxui. At the prison when you ask for or don't ask for a lewd favor, I still lost Dalia's route. Up to that point I had followed Dalia's choices exactly, according to the walkthrough. I originally assumed it was because Dalia got mad because I asked for a lewd favor, but I went and changed that option  to "ask for nothing" but still lost her route.

Choose Dalia's food in conversation between you, Alex and Dalia in park. It's worked for me

Just finished Once in a Lifetime and man it was amazing. Gonna try Eternum next. Just 1 suggestion though avoid the panel in which Hiromi is selling coke to a minor

Same Just finished Once in a Lifetime been reading Eternum definitely an improvement IMO.

absolutely... OIALT is fine, but Eternum really is awesome...

Why can't I join the author's Discord server?

Go to the Family Center in the Discord settings, input your birthday, then try again.


i just finshed the eternum 0.7version game,and i   am looking forward to version1.0,i  could not love it more for 3 to 4 days,i just be addicted to.your game!i wan to support  you,but live in china,i know less about partreon,if possible i would subscribe you!i promise.all in all.thank you for providing the free version!and.please be gentle to Anny.she worth!please.and sorry for my possible rude.

Thank you very much! I've been told you need to use a VPN to be able to support from China, but thanks in any case!

Ига просто супер. Очень захватывающий сюжет, сексуальные девчонки, красивая графика и анимации. Я жду с нетерпением продолжения. Спасибо большое за классную игру!!!!!!

just finished. amazing story Nova is my favorite please give a hint on when the next update is expected im definitely donating

The official Discord server has information that the update is 56% ready (as of 08.08.2024). So according to rough calculations, the public release of 0.8 should be around November

Bro can you make a discord server invite and put it here, the discord server link is expired here also in the game


I just wanted to say that you're the GOAT! Eternum is a fucking masterpiece. The story is literally a chef's kiss and combined with the renders and scenes that keep getting better, its genuinely beautiful. Literally all the characters (especially luna, nova, and alex) have me in a chokehold and i seriously cant believe how good the writing is. I'm really looking forward to 0.8 and even though i wish it could come out sooner, i know this update is going to be BANGER. (i was literally speechless after that cliffhanger broo😭🙏) I will continue to glaze u and this game because this is the best stuff i have ever played. Thank you caribdis my king <3👑


Thank you so much <3

absolutly mastered piece, same to the other, thought could be just full of 18+ content, now found out i was wrong. Amazing plots and stories, big love.

just donated 39.99, hope you can keep it up, grand Mr. Caribdis!

Will the next update be this fall or this christmas? Amazing game 10/10, just wish there was a way to play without getting a girls heart greyed out on the aftection menu (or a way to fix it), i literally said no to going to YOGA with Nancy ONCE at the beginning of the game and now ive missed all of her scenes. Anyway its still 10000% worth the play

The official Discord server has information that the update is 56% ready (as of 08.08.2024). So according to rough calculations, the public release of 0.8 should be around November

I lost a bet and they challenged me to play this game without losing the girls' hearts, I thought it would be something dating style. I think the beginning is a little funny since the game assumes that you are a man and already knows what you are going for, but I was really confused when some tits appeared on my screen, in the same way, the game is simple and fun, it managed to catch me and Its story is fun, I think the songs are a 10, the MC is cute, but I love the design of all the girls, especially Nancy's, Calypso and the Egyptian girl, they are my favorites❤.


Glad you enjoyed it! Thank you!

Deleted 197 days ago

Черт, эта игра действительно хороша. Изначально я думал что это будет очередная тупая порнушка где каждая первая девушка - нимфоманка и шлюха(как это часто бывает в играх подобного жанра), но тут именно есть и сам сюжет и сами анимации сцен довольно хороши, хоть и просто цикличные. Однозначно рекомендую эту игру для "ознакомления".



agreed xD



Deleted 197 days ago

I dowload it butbit says "forbidden" on it and I can't open it

Try downloading with a different browser.




It's amazing! The best game of this type on I was thinking this game will be too boring, or would have too much porn, but it's not!

P.s: I was surprised about Nikolay and his language. It's funny for me, because i can realise that he's talking about)

P.p.s: sorry for mistakes in this text

Glad you liked it! :D

This game is incredible, absolutely hooked the first playthrough, I am dumbfounded by how funny this game was at points actually making me laugh out loud a number of times, as well as excellent storytelling as well as the adult segments, unbelievable experience


Thank you so much!!


Sound design is amazing! As audile I enjoy it

Does anyone know what to do when I am trying to download to PC and it says I can't because its hosted on an unsupported third party site? I have previously played on mobile so I could go back to that but I would prefer to get it working on PC. This is the first Itch game that I've seen do this to me so I'm not sure what to do


You can't download the PC version via the itch client, you need to use an internet browser instead.


Honestly love this!!! Started off with me thinking it would be kinda lowbrow porn game stuff but genuinely laughed at the jokes and honestly love the story so much. Its all so incredibly interesting. Also, I just love how you can tell that the dev just included little references to things they really enjoyed. Stellar work and cannot wait to play the next chapters when they release.

Thank you very much!!!


Dude your games well the 2 of them I am speechless they are not amazing they are fantastic games I mean it is unbelievable and good choice making people make their own future very smart idea whens your next game

After Eternum I'll start a new one :D


The game is amazing 👍👍👍


hi, we are really waiting for the new version, you can ask for a new version with a mod or a multimode to make an android version


At first I just thought this would be a nice little 3D porn game, with a basic story, uninteresting story, and awful attempts at humor.
How wrong I was. Compelling characters, literal Laugh-Out-Loud moments, and a fascinating story line. 

Not to mention great sex-scenes!
Only thing I would like, personally, was that there was more differences between the character-models. Most of the main-ladies are skinny-waisted, big butted, and big tittied 10/10's. Would be nice to have some more taller women, petite women, buff women, chubby women, things like that
But that's personal taste, noting against the creator!

Great Game, 9/10

Glad you liked it! Thank you!


Caribdis, your game is awesome. I love the graphics and the sound choices. The characters are great, especially the humorous moments with Chang and the goofiness of Nova. 

The plot is very nice and the cliffhangers for each updates is very dreadful, I can't sleep for a night thinking about the next version. 

However, we're having audio issues in mobile v0.7. I wanted to playthrough from the beginning again but the audio seems off. Also, can we have a reworked Nancy elevator scene pls? The lighting is off.



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