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Another breathtaking journey with 0.7! It strikes a perfect balance between story and lewd scenes, well, at least in my humble opinion.


I appreciated the way you handled Luna in this update—taking it slowly and not rushing Orion's EXcalibur all the way in, while still developing her character. Now that we can see Luna opening up to Orion, I'm excited to see more sides of her in future updates.

Playing Eternum really makes me want to create an AVN myself, although I only have a rough outline of the story, I know nothing about other aspects of creating an AVN with Ren'py and HS2 style. 

After exploring and researching on my own, I find it nearly impossible to create one, at least for now. But I appreciate taking steps and exploring things I don't know. And I thank you for inspiring me to do so, Cari!

And I'm DAMN looking forward for the next update (0.7 ended perfectly, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS A CLIFFHANGER, I THANK YOU FOR THAT).


Happy to hear that!

Thank you so much!

Deleted 153 days ago

Don't close the side, don't open to much tabs after starting the download, don't Pause it,at best just leave it alone

Try downloading with another browser!

(2 edits)

The archive rpa file that I've downloaded from the website has the size of 3.29 gb...ive done everything properly and game works...its got all the saves but i can only play it for about 1-2 minutes approx then it just blacks out and crashes I cant get past a certain point near the ending of the 0.6 version to start 0.7 and i feel like it has something to do with the rpa file being smaller in size could you please help sort this out

If you want to, you can check your rpa file's integrity, see this post from ealier. If you get an identical hash, your rpa file is flawless.

Since I alr finished the latest update I have some theory about the cliffhanger because I remember that the founder of eternum gave you a treasure that revives you with your current inventory each time you die would it be possible that the MC will use it? If not then it's either the MC lives by a stroke of luck or something saves him can anyone reply or atleast confirm if I'm Correct or atleast making sense in really hyped for 0.9

The walkthrough says not to take it so I doubt its even gonna be mentioned.

I guess it'll be some kind of dream or he'll get revived by some kind of magic ig it'll be interesting how the creator can make this work


The game is crashing when trying to load with my previous version saves (0.5) in android, could be the saves, anyone has a save that starts at the version 0.6?


Not the saves, downloaded some from google, the game crashes when I try to load.

Try to load several saves, some will probably work. Saves you made after major scene transitions have a higher probability of working.

Been loving the game so far excellent story, great scenes, but man 0.7 seemed so short in comparison to the rest. How you gonna leave us on such a cliffhanger ugh guess we'll see in a few months time (I'm assuming September ish)

Deleted 132 days ago

Try to load several of them, some will probably work. Saves you made after major scene transitions have a higher probability of working.

Deleted 153 days ago

this game is absolute peak!!!!!


I have tried installing over and over again and it is not working it keeps saying download failed I have tried every single search engine there is to man kind and its always saying download failed no matter how I try I can't seem to download it which is sad because I have been waiting for ages for this update and I can't download it please fix the problem by making it apk or something else thank you and I'm going to keep trying to download it but I don't think it is going to work 

Did you read the guide?

Switching search engines won't do anything, you need to switch your browser. For the rest of the installation, here's a guide for you.

(2 edits)

Umm hello author, i just wanna say that i have some problem and i wish that you could help me. The problem is some scene yk sexual scene and some other scene is somehow broken like it has dialogue and all but it's just black i can only see after the scene ended and most of the time the game crashes. One of the last update wasn't like this so idk what seems to be the problem. It kinds of annoying and kind of ruin my experience.

Edited: i think i knkw what's the problem it's the animation. There's no animation its just bllack

Do you have any audio during the game? (Except the intro when you start up the game)

(1 edit)

I honestly don't know, since i mute all sounds before starting the game.


You should play with sound, it's an important part of the experience. Use headphones if you like. But if I'm right there might not be any sound in your game. Can you check that for me?

Wait for me please, i need to reinstall

Umm.. After reinstalling which takes so long I manage to install and it does not have sound except for the opening logo that's it.

Ok, then your issue is a known device specific bug that you can't do anything about for now. You have to wait until the dev maybe comes up with a solution or play on another device :(

hi, caribdis. im that idiot from 2022 that has tried to... pass away?.. and then has been to the mental hospital during several months, lol. im embarassed to say all of this, but in this way you or some people here may remember me. by the way, my life is going well now. at least i think so... im not sure. im a little bit lost, but a way less than i was in 2022.

so, wrote all of that nonsense just to say thank you for 0.7. this game has brought a lot to my life. how pathetic i am.

thank you, caribdis, you're one of the reasons why I live, breathe, exist right now. people are different. there are scum like me on this planet. take it for granted. take it as gratitude. thank you.

ill pull myself together and write something else here sometime. its psychologically hard for me, but after a year and a half, Im back here again. never left this place, actually.

I hope you are  doing good

(3 edits)

woooooah Bro, i am sooo glad, that you are alive!!!! I read your Message back then and was still thinking about you along the years....  

You loved the Parts with Luna, right?

I created an account just to reply to you, hope you doin' well? :)

(1 edit)

sorry for replying after 2 months, it's a little bit late, isn't it? xd. nvm, I'm not a frequent guest of itch, I guess. maybe once in a month love for Eternum comes and I come back here. but that's not the point of this dialogue;

in particular, yeah, I'm doing good. for now, I'm ending 2nd year of my IT-university in my country, in fact I've exams (it is called examination session in my country, I dunno where are you from) till July, 6. moreover, I have an exam of discrete math today in 11 hours, xd :) so now I'm preparing for it. I turned Eternum soundtracks on while preparing and I suddenly wanted to come here, therefore I recognized your comment;

so yeah! I'm doing good. I was really surprised that you know who I am and you remember my comment in 2022. I was a little bit shy reading your comment tbh :))) glad you're doing good too, friend! I believe that our dialogue here is more than a common dialogue with random ppl irl. it is smth more than it. at least I think so...

and yeah, I loved Luna. I think you remember it cause of the picture attached to my comment in 2022. It was Luna :) at least from this remark I realized that you really remember who I am..

p.s: sorry for my bad eng, that's not my native language, but I'm trying my best, hope you're able to read my broken english speech xd

Glad you're doing better!

Keep pushing brother <3

(1 edit)

probably literally the only game that is truly so damn good that its worth waiting 6 mos per 10%...hoping to have some serious funds at my disposal by/before 1.0/finish. or at least enough for the first Patreon release for 0.8. Eternum is on a whole nother level. Possibly even better than NLT, which is saying a Lot! But opinions vary. 

Curious how others would rank the girls... my fav is probably 1)Alexandra for her personality, interests and backstory, things i can relate to with my own family. Just by a hair over 2)Nova, those eyes and elite assassin status tho..., 3)Nancy cuz milf+empress is amazing resume, then i guess i gotta go outside the box for 4)Calypso...even if not dateable/main char...that forbidden fruit and mystery idk...5)Dalia, i guess she keeps them curves by eating so much, hard to imagine her staying so curvy how much she works out...6)Penny- though models and that sorta superficial stuff is a turnoff to me, i love that she's not just some dumb blonde that lives only on her looks...7)Annie is a bit tiny and young lookin for my tastes, but who doesn't dream of having something with their childhood bestie of opposite gender, someone to look after and protect, and 8)Look i'm not saying Luna is undesireable, i think they all are, but between the red eyes and the porcelain skin and the odd day of the dead traditions i found a bit odd/creepy...she's the least relateable char to me.  Yet my empathy and visions/deja vu and things like that make even her quite interesting, unique and well thought out.

In summary, Eternum is nothing short of a MASTERPIECE, a work of art, a flawless AVN, 20 out of 10, better than perfect, possibly more imaginative than even my own imagination...what other descriptors..brilliant, hot, compelling.  Are you still reading my boring prattling and gushing about this game? You should be playing or replaying ETERNUM! Dig deep in your pockets, folks. I am broker than broke, but donating every penny i can spare to Caribdis is high on my priorities. I want him to be able to focus full time on this, finish this flawless masterpiece, so we can also see what else he may have up his sleeve next.  If this takes 18 months yet to finish, its worth it. 2 or 3 more years? Still worth it.

Please do not compromise quality or depth for the sake of speed. If you can speed things up and maintain this level of writing and creativity etc, great. Otherwise i shall be waiting patiently to see what is in store for us. Caribdis for President of the United States in 2024! Making AVN's great again! LMFAO

(1 edit)

Haha thank you so much!!

As for me 0.7 is the weirdest part. Almost nothing about the main story, except the ending, all of the information we've already known. But these were the best NSFW scenes ever.  Finally we have the complete scene with Luna and it was incredible

can someone tell me the title of the song when Luna saw her mother in Warthogs server?

That would be "What Is Loving Anymore" by Fiona Harte

love this game so much ughh cant wait for 0.8 bro

Honestly i gave up trying to download it I did what it said all it kept saying is this

And heres proof i did it right


Have you given the Eternum app proper file access permission so it's actually allowed to READ the file?


I give up just tried it five times says the same thing over and over I'm done trying I followed the videos instructions to the T I'm just wait till its a apk again which is probably when I'm dead or something😒

Please tell me what im doing wrong

(1 edit)

write me on Dc _flo.the.first_

I made a tutorial video, it works helped already 4 people.

that discord or something?

Have you copied the rpa into the game folder? All I see is outside it in your photo

then tell me how to do it Imdoing this on a Amazon tablet since my android is broken rn so tell me what I need to do pls😭

because I could play the 0.6 on the tablet aswel

 Because i use zarchiver to download it so pls explain how I'm doing this wrong


keeps glitching me off:/

No need it was my device

Go to documents and Click ixalon Click na "game" folder and paste the archive rpa,


The game us AMAZING but the zip jas alot of problems because some people can't download it and even if you can its bugged

i have seen other games make a part two to the game when that happen so maybe you can do that too and it will be a huge help for everyone on android by making a part two starting from 0.7 till the end


There are issues with the Android version right now but in most cases, the user didn't install it properly.


Can't believe I got killed after clapping my dream girl, smh why...

Fuuuuck. I cant wait for 8.0 that cliffhanger! Urgghh

If someone needs help to install on Android dm on Dc : _flo.the.first_

Someone know if i can transfer my data from android to windows?

You probably can. See this guide, section 3 on how to extract your saves from the game. They then need to go into the "game/saves" directory of your PC version. See the bottom of section 6 for some info about getting these saves to work.



fr fr 😭🙏

0.7 download - fine.   Install - fine.   Game picked up where 0.6 left off.   However, if I try to open older saves (before the very last save), I get the "exception error" message.   I see the save files but I'm not sure why they aren't opening.   Any suggestions.   On Android.

Some saves will work, some won't. Saves you made after major scene transitions have a higher chance of working successfully.

Just a quick heads up, when Nova shoots the first praetorian. the bullet flying out still has the casing on it, the only thing that should be coming out of that barrel is that brass piece in the front, the casing stays in the rifle until it has been ejected.

Yeah, that's 65% more bullet per bullet! A moment before that Nova says: "Also, each bullet is fired with its cartridge, specially outfitted with tracking capabilities and thus allowing the user to teleport to its location."

Blasphemists claim that this text was added afterwards because the dev didn't want to redo the animation.

I came here for a highly rated game and now I'm getting sucker punched by the Luna flash back in the 0.7 update. DAMN YOU CARIBDIS!!! thank you..


My pleasure!

(1 edit) (+1)

You're a hero Tanxui

Thank you! It feels great to be useful.

(1 edit)

I downloaded it (I'm on android). But when I use ZArchive, ever time I try to extract it, it says my file manager needs to be updated but it's already up to date on everything. Is there anything else I need to do?

Can you make a screenshot of that error message? Sounds like your device might be very outdated.

Deleted 153 days ago

it says this

Yeah, looks like you have an old Android version. See if you can get the files with your regular file manager but I doubt it, the data folder might not even show up in there. You probably have to start from the beginning then :(

The new game version also puts your saves into the regular file system, so this shouldn't be a problem in the future at least.

Can someone explAin how I download the zip for Android like get it in app form instead of a file form

Here's a guide for you.

Anyone can tell how I can play on Android?

And also a guide for you.

I wasn't ready for the mage battle and the summoning of PH

Just finished 0.6 and i see 0.7 is finally out while returning to glaze tf out of this game. Honestly one of the best VNs I've ever played. so looking forward to binging 0.7. Love to the work and appreciation to the lord caribdis as always /(_ _)\

1st things first 0.7 was amazing and the whole game has a whole.  But my question is does anybody know the song that plays when you join Dalia by chance?


"Join Dalia" is a bit vague, you'll have to specify.

my assumption is when you load into her private beach server.  I'd Rather Stay on Earth - Cassinello


This would be my guess as well, but I don't want to presume.


It is and i shouldve said that better sorry


I swear eternum only has porn in it to draw people towards caribdis amazing writing

Fuck dude I just finished 0.7

How are your impressions about it?

Without spoiling I'd say it's interesting, more lore and good scenes ofc.

So, this comment is mainly about the cliffhanger from latest update. The suspense in this game is insane thank you for the hard work.

My pleasure!


Omg, the update is so good, luna's scene is the best, I waited 9 months and it was worth it, super worth it. I can wait for the 0.8 update, Caribdis, you're the best!!

Thank you so much!

would it be possible to make it just a file? not mega/google/mediafire? or at least a version that is just the file? this is so that the itch desktop app can download it properly for auto-updates and such.

(1 edit) (+2)

Game is too big for the size allowance in Itch's desktop app

Real shit tho.

spoiler warning btw

The cliffhanger is nuts

Riiiight i was like did I pick the wrong option went back and went ohh DAMMIT CARIBDIS WHY YOU DO THIS 😅

real af

(2 edits)

I really love this game when I'm old enough I'm planning to make a game similar to the eternum game inside the story but not so realistic ofc keep up the good work man ❤️

How is this such a good fucking game and story?! Damn! Also how the fuck do I love every girl? How are you such a great writer and you do porn games?
Keep up this awesome stuff, fuck I think the writing is better than a lot of AAA games at this point!
PS: Once in a lifetime was also amazing!

Thank you!!


Not even a joke anymore but im not even in this for the porn anymore the story is actually pretty interesting lol. Better than mw3s campaign that's for fucking sure

Facts. I play MW3 and this is way better. I love this game I'm so happy that chapter 7 is out!

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