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How many updates will there be in the future? And how long do you expect to work on the project until it's finished?

I'm liking the game so far and I hope you can bring more to the audience. Your previous (Once in a lifetime) is my favorite visual novel, so I hope you can bring something even better in Eternum. Remember to take breaks and take your time :)


I have no idea, I don't want to drag it / rush it because of an update limited, but it'll be more than 10 (the game won't end after 0.9 with a 1.0).
So yeah, that'll take a few years!

(1 edit) (+3)

Absolutely perfect. Eternum is a masterpiece so years are more than enough for me to wait!


Really this version is even better than 0.1. I actually do love the story to this game and that is why I have continued playing it. Can't wait for the next update and keep up the good work!


I will! Thank you so much!


really enjoying the game keep up the good work



Deleted 2 years ago



Just finished [0.2]. The dialog is amazing as always, a hilarious and genuinely interesting story, but the improved animations are next level. It's nice to see the improvements in detail to almost every aspect with this update. Definitely my most looked forward to game, and an easy recommend to anyone reading this that is yet to play.

Keep up the good work, looking forward to the next update and beyond!


Thank you very much!


I tried this game yesterday and i finished it, i love this game and i conno't wait to the next update! :D


I'm glad!


Bro I am addicted to this game 😭. When are you going to release 0.3 (specific month).

BTW Really nice game. Keep up the good work 😇


Can't give a date yet, but I'll work hard on it!


Once again, every game, every update from you is pure perfection. The story is just so involving and immersing, the world is so rich, and your comedy-writing skills are just absolutely incredible. Honestly, never stop making these games, because you are truly the best of the best when it comes to visual novels.


Thank you so much Kolo 😍


So, I'm not very far into the game at all right now. Maybe 10~ minutes in. And I gotta say, Micaela of the Boreal Valley? I'm not kidding when I say I nearly pissed myself laughing. That entire scene was just pure, unadulterated perfection. If this is how you're making your games, please by all means, do not stop. Your writing and comedic timing is absolute mastery, and this is coming from someone who lives and breathes VNs. Keep up your fantastic work, and I would love to see where this game goes in the future. 10/10.


Haha thank you!


Hey Caribdis I've been waiting for 0.2 and have been checking itch every sing day for you to update and I'm so excited to finally play v 0.2 I haven't played it yet but I don't have to to know its amazing. keep up the amazing work your a legend. Ill comment again when I'm done v 0.2. <3


Thanks! Hope you like it


Simply amazing! I almost shat some bricks at Fink's but, a solid 10/10 the plot and the game.

Thank you so much!


Damn 0.2 did not disappoint at all. This is becoming an addiction like Game of Thrones was when it was good. I am so excited to see the next episode but then I am so pissed when it is over and I have to wait lol.  Keep up the amazing work.


I will!
Thank you!

Deleted 2 years ago


Deleted 2 years ago

Nice! 🤩

(1 edit) (+2)

On your Patreon I can't see the progress picture.  Do you know how I could fix this?  It's annoying not being able to see it


I'll fix it

(1 edit)

Thank you so much


The 0.2 update is just WOW. Everyone has already told you how good the update was but i just wanna say that the music really excel. I really enjoy the music and the story. It make me so hype for the next update, almost as hype as watching Re: zero. Thank you for your hard work.


Damn dude... you are getting really good with the animations.

I'm a man of few words, so I'll just say, thanks for pushing the bar with every update!


Already looking forward to 0.3! Amazing characters and story that I can play for dozens more hours.


I have no words Caribdis, just... Thank you for working so hard for this. The way it's written, the humor, the plot, the characters... I love it so much. Keep it up! You're the best


Dude for real its just to good. Love every charakter so far! And boy your humor is godlike came for the fap stayed for the laughs and story keep up the great work. shoutout to Luna father Hernandez such a good/ funny written charakter. Also loved Once in a life time. So my only question is when 0.3? Because me likey


Amazing game. I forgot I was horny.  I want more holy fuck


LMAO same, I played the whole game in just one afternoon, I need more of it

(2 edits) (+6)

4 words for V0.2:
This is amazing!
-The Ending.
-The personality on these characters.
Its all so fucking amazing I can't even put it into words.
I am praying for you to get more supporters and maybe even some help,
I am learning to code and I HOPE I can be as good as you are in the creativity department.
The jokes are spot on.
The refences.
I WISH I could afford to support your work. Unfortunately I am simply not making enough money to sustain myself and support you at the same time.
I hope I can get  a better job in the future and support whatever shenanigans you pull of next.

Love, One of your dear fans.


Thank you so much buddy 💗💗💗

This is too scary. It make me feel like I'm playing Outlast again.

(1 edit) (+3)

I don't know what to say other than.. You've done it again.

This was a really solid update. Wasn't too short, (was actually pleasently surprised at how much content you managed to make in such a short time, great job!) Great humor that makes me laugh out loud on multiple occasions, fantastic graphics, (especially the animations this time around, they were even better, and were really fluid), the story was also just as gripping, and that cliffhanger at the end! Only makes me want to come back for more! As other people have pointed out there wasn't many new "sex scenes" in this update, but tbh, even if this is an adult game, it doesn't rely on sex scenes as a drive for the story. (They're a great bonus though)

Only thing I have left to say is, I can't wait for more! ^^


Exactly the way I feel about it, the sex scenes are just a pleasant addition, but the story is actually really good. Nova's "reveal" near the end really gave me goosebumps. It can be a bit cliche some times, like "I'm the one who never misses", but I still love it.


Thank you so much! 😍


Alright. I'm a tough critic. VERY few games, much less adult VNs, can escape a playthrough without criticism. And version .2 of Eternum is almost an exception to that rule. And the only thing I could find to criticize here is so minor; when you click 'return' on a girl's profile it brings you back to the game, rather than the screen that lists all the girls (which I previously referred to as the 'paths screen' but that no longer feels accurate). That's it. That's my only criticism.

Graphics: Great. The lighting is well done, the characters (even the ones who aren't my type) are beautiful, and everyone is so expressive and lively it almost tricks your brain into thinking this isn't a VN.

Story: 0.1 set the foundation, then 0.2 delivers the hook. It's engaging, there's some fantastic character development, and everyone (who matters, at least; certain characters are pretty one-dimensional, like Axel and his mom, but that's perfectly fine) feels like a real character rather than some one-dimensional trope. Eternum has a lot of characters already, and it can't be easy juggling that many without dropping something. Bravo.

Intimate scenes: I have to commend you for forcing me to use this term, rather than 'sex scenes'. Eternum isn't about a bunch of sexy character models boning. It's about the characters and the world around them, and those characters happen to be attractive and occasionally engage in intimate situations. There has only been one full-on sex scene so far, but there is no shortage of intimate moments, and this is exactly how I like my VNs. Boning for the sake of boning has its place, but I'll take realistic relationship development over that any day. The scenes with Luna and Penelope (you know the ones) were some of the most endearing moments I've experienced in a while, and Alex's is probably the quickest I've ever gone from 'she's pretty' to 'if anyone hurts her I will kill them'.

Comedy: I have the same sense of humor as you do, and the comedic scenes are hilarious. I could watch a TV show exclusively about Chang and Nova being Chang and Nova.

And of course, I'd be remiss not to specifically call out my favorite characters, like I did with OiaL. Yes, I say characters, because unlike OiaL there are several. Alex, Nova, Annie, and Luna are awesome and beautiful and if anyone hurts them I will invent a way to bring myself into this game and murder them. 


Thank you Celares 😍 That was a wonderful review
Also, the bug with the return button will be fixed in 0.3!


Damn, dude, I pretty much agree with everything. This game is good stuff. Funny thing is I'm not into VNs at all, the onley ones I play are Caribdis'.


Owkay :) okay.. K..
After scraping a couple of bucks together and pay for the game....and after playing the 2nd part, the only thing i can do is:.... Say: Great game ^^ It makes me laugh out loud. The story interests me and i enjoy it... a lot (even creeped me out a bit here and there). The connection you have with the other people in the game, is really well written...and (as i have grown accustomed too in these kinds of games) the sex isn't the main (selling) point in these AVN's.. it's the story arround it.. So keep it up, and i await patiently the release of 0.3 :) 
Enjoy the hollidays ^^ 


Thank you so much, Link!!!
Happy Holidays!


I just finished playing it. And man, you really did it again. Infact, you did even better than before (not saying the  is bad, I fckn love that game so much!). il start to support you from now on :) keep up the good work man u are legend 10/10 game 


Thank you Edvinas <3


I loved 0.2 but 0.3 made me drop my jaw. Easily one of the most talented game creators ive seen. I look forward to hearing further developments from you in the future

Also, if you happen to see this, what did you use to create this game?


Thank you so much!
And I use Honey Select 2 ^^


Thank you again Caribdis. Look forward to any projects and updates


Okay, haven't even finished Chapter 2 and I can already say as amazing as your first game was, your writing skills have drastically improved. holy fuck.

The balance of emotional tension from Alexandra to by far the funniest scene with Nova over the phone... Just...
Fuck the porn, This game deserves merit on it's own and you've barely started.
I'm so excited to see what you're able to come up with, not just for this game but all other future projects, consider me a fan!


Thank you!!! 💗

The modelshoot  had me constantly  thinking of this gag from wrestl talk 



I am curious. Do you have all the story planned out or do you write it inbetween each update?


It's mostly planned yeah ^^


yoooo how you are so good at making this, telling this is just "talent" would be insult, because at first sight the effort and hard work you put in making game is stunning, and this update is just amazing, i already said it in my comment a month ago, but renders are beautiful, soundtrack perfect fitting, story just too good and perfect humor, man how are you doing this

Thanks Neko <333

Finally. <3

I finished this update with 5-6 hours left and realize that I haven't given you a comment yet. Great update so far Caribdis, I enjoyed it as well. Keep going with your work!

Thanks Berry! :D

great Christmas gift, already hyped for 0.3, any plans on the release date? i know it's early but i can't wait lol

Can't give a date yet sorry xD

awh :(  i guess ill just keep checking this website till i see a 0.3 release date pop up

(2 edits)

I just finished playing it. And man, you really did it again. Infact, you did even better than before (not saying the OIALT is bad, I fckn love that game so much!).

I dunno if im just forgetting it, but I think this has more animated transitions and quick scenes than OIALT, and I love it! The renders are great!

The you humor is still good imo, it still makes me chuckle a lot, the characters are very likeable and pretty sure I’ll get attached to them like in OIALT (God bless you for making Dalia she’s my favorite so far, can’t wait how their relationships develop)

And ofc I won’t forget to mention Chang. I hope you make more funny scenes with him and become useful in the future like Mike from OIALT. Like there will be this one time where The MC and the others are in trouble then Chang and Micaela arrived to help. Chang is now buffed because of the influence of Micaela and i dunno, make them do a Jojo pose as an entrance lol

overall, I loved it as expected! So ye, keep up the great work! I’ll look forward for the next update! and Merry Christmas!!! ^-^

(1 edit)

Oh, I forgot to mention! That one mission with Luna is scary, i love it! I think it would be great if you still let us choose where to go when everything became dark, and make us find the way to the door quickly as possible because there’s a timer of some sort. If your time run out, we’ll get a jump scare and redo that again.

But meh, it did its job anyways, still very enjoyable and scary.


Thank you very much Umir! 
Glad to hear all that!


I Have Read A Lot Of VN but i never commented on any of them , but when i came across this VN i was stunned , it gives off Ready Player One vibes , It has great renders , great animations , And one hell of a story that can immerse you.. I wish that updates were atleast once a month but i know that it takes a lot of time to create such a beautiful VN. Best Of Luck To The Creator and i hope it will be finished soon :D

Thank you so much!


Yo I dunno if you know this already but, I highly recommend you to play Caribdis’ previous game, its called Once In a lifetime its finished and its as good as this. If you enjoy this, then you’ll definitely enjoy that.

Oh i see, thanks for the reccomendation


I'm not one to write a review about anything but I must say I stumbled across this and it's without a doubt best adult vn I've ever played. Great renders,amazing animations,and one hell of a story that will hit you in feels too. I can't wait to see more, you definitely got a new patreon supporter here. Now I'm going to go check out your other game.Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas,Happy Holidays and a wonderful New Year.


Thank you very much for your support! 🧡


Any idea when you are going to release the next update? Sorry the game is just soooooo good,I can't just wait.Maybe I will go into hiberanation and wake up when the next update is ready ☺


This one was just released, so it'll probably take around 3 months ^^


I love the soundtracks in the game. Do you have a Spotify playlist I can follow? Merry Christmas everyone!


I don't, sorry >_<
But thanks!


If you do end up making a Spotify playlist, I will be the first one to follow in a heartbeat. Just let me know <3

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