I really shouldn't have deleted the lighter of this game I thought it would take longer to update it So I deleted the file My original plan wasWait for me After forgetting the plot download the latest version and play it again ,Now I have to relive this perfect content again Although I don'tHate but I still regret my behavior
Me having been checking back every week since December and finally getting it... We all know 0.7 is going to be good, it's Caribdis, it's Eternum, it's impossible for it to be bad. But here's hoping it's good. We're due the Nancy, Luna, Penny, and Nova content coming (Scroll back down to like November if you want to see why those four, got a whole 8 paragraph theory of how what scenes occur and are chosen). Plus, if there's a fifth scene in 0.7 it's just bonus at this point... Keep it up, Caribdis, we're all behind you.
Конечно без эротики уже была б не та атмосфера , все казалось бы деструктивно для такого романтика как я поэтому особая дань и честь всей этой любви которая присутствовала здесь в этой игре без нее наверное не имело бы смысла эта игра в этом и заключается суть , видимо с гениальностью автора я точно не ошибся
( дополнение к комментарию ниже, просто сайт сворачивается когда пытаюсь на кого - то ответить )
За всю историю прохождения визуальных новэл я никогда ничего подобного не встречал , мне если честно стало плевать уже на эротические сцены после того как окунулся в сюжет, я не думал что мои ожидания будут настолько несоотвествующе , особенно как логично и без единой ошибки построен диалог ,юмор выполнен довольно изящно , также моменты с хоррором просто безупречны ( бывало потели ладошки и я чувствовал себя Энни , нервно смеясь от всего происходящего и гениальности автора) , все эти ссылки я порой уходил от реальности с этой игрой , мне не хотелось от нее уходить , настолько сюжет великолепный я уже не могу подобрать слов , в общем автор ОЧЕНЬ постарался сделать игру реалистичной и я не сомневаюсь что автор еще пытался таким образом научить кого то приподать урок в целом так как были много затронуто важной философской тематикой и все правдоподобные рассказы с жизни иногда ставят в тупик , В начале этапа игры можно с легкостью забыть что играешь в порно - игру и это не может не радовать для меня такие новые ощущения очень важны . СПАСИБО вам огромное что предоставляете такую возможность прочувствовать ваше остроумие и смекалку , про отрисовку анимации и в целом графику ничего не буду говорить только если одним словом - ШЕДЕВР, очень ждем продолжение игры . Удачи вам мудрец
Дааа очень поддерживаю твое мнение , музыкальное сопровождение тоже восхитительно построена я даже некоторые себе добавил в плейлист ВК , но как по мне по больше бы эротических сцен , хоть баланс был но я думаб никто бы не отказался от еще одной пастельной сцены с Нэнси , самый мой любимый персонаж , ладно это уже конечно дело автора. Если я не ошибаюсь то 0.7 выходит в марте этого года ?
Все верно, уже в марте выходит 0.7; Но первыми испытать данное обновление смогут подписчики Patreon. А публичный (бесплатный) доступ к версии 0.7 скорее всего появится где-то в апреле
The base in the country song just be hitting DIFFERENT. 10/10 game, wont say ive been here from the4 beginning but these last two updates have hit it so far out of the park youd think Saitama was playing. Fucking amazing.
If it does it isn't by an amount that I ever noticed, unless I just didn't play an early enough version to see any "original model". Her current model is perfect thoug
Quite a fantastic game, truly engaging, an absolute masterpiece. But I have a question, is there a chance for DALIA's model to return to its original version? The new model really doesn't suit my taste. Or, is there a possibility in the future to have an option to choose the old model? I really like DALIA's original model
I like how the story rewards the decent choices and penalizes the douchery. The sex scenes are not many, but the end of 0.6 is WOW. I like the linear gameplay - it feels relaxing and it seems that you won't have to choose between all those amazing females. And every FC is just perfect.
Well, aside some plot holes, there're a few and from my opinion they are insignificant and didn't take me out of the immersion. The story is simple, but so entertaining, you enjoy every reference, every joke is a punchline, you get addicted to continuing reading and reading, I downloaded this game yesterday with no expectations and today I finished it with all the scenes there are. And not to mention the second best in the game is 100% the scenes with the girls, you are keep looking forward to the next scene and then the next. Can I recommend and talk about the game on my channel? It may not be very big, but if you can get to a couple more of supporters, I'd be happy to help. By the way, I see that you don't have the Spanish translation. Don't you have anyone to help you? If you need help with that, just give me instructions on how I can help (Without obligation, by simple will and in good faith).
Finally, the best of the best are the girls, the personality they have, I don't know how the developer managed to make such adorable girls, especially 2 or 3 that are the top in not only this game, in several visual novels that I played. And now, although no one asked for it, my girls' top.Because?Because I can. 1. Nancy: Design ✯✯✯✯✯ - Personality ✯✯✯✯✯ OMFG! A redhead MILF? Man, you're a genius. And bc she was the first to think of that. 2. Nova: Design ✯✯✯✯✯ - Personality ✯✯✯✯✯ Perfection!! The best!! It's only below Nancy because the affection you have for Nancy is not normal. Nova is the perfect girl, if you meet a girl like that IRL, consider yourself lucky. 3. Luna: Design ✯✯✯✯✯ - Personality ✯✯✯✯ It's bc there's very little content about her, but it's of great quality. 4. Annie: Design ✯✯✯✯ - Personality ✯✯✯✯ The cutest!! if only there was more content. 5. Penny: Design ✯✯✯✯ - Personality ✯✯✯✯ At first I thought it was going to be unbearable, but I loved her. 6. Dalia: Design ✯✯✯ - Personality ✯✯✯✯ I prefer Penny's design, but I like her concept more. 7. Alex: Design ✯✯✯ - Personality ✯ If I hadn't finished the game, She'd be below Eva (8th), Maat (9th), and the r4c1$t elf (50th LOL), in that order and only bc Eva and Maat had only one scene (please give me more xd), but after the last scene, "Christened Apartment," it was all the redemption I needed to stop hating her, bc before, every scene with her made me want to gouge out my eyes and prick them with thousands of needles.
Just one doubt... Does pregnancy content come in DLC?Or is it a scam? LOL only a joke, but, seriously, I don't see that content.
based on the previous game, pregnancy comes in the end, basically as a consequence to your character's actions resulting in one of the multiple endings.
This game is amazing but can you please make the downloading in MEGA since i have been trying to re-download this game and it always fails because of my slow internet and in mega it works fine because even if it stops it will resume but from the browser it will fail so PLEASE make it in MEGA you already did it in PC and mac
If you we're to pick between these two options what would you most likely prefer. (1) fast updates but less content added and probably lame story or (2) slow updates more contents and the story given to that update is put more into thought and carefully make the story more entertaining so that the players will expect more on the next update. (endlessly checking when's the next update and being overjoyed that the dev announced the release date of that said update.) But you know what they say "Let the devs cook, I said let them COOK"
Awesome story and I love the way you can navigate trough the choice, (one of) the best ways to implement choice in this type of game in my opinion. Nice balance between sexual content and story and nice build-up to get intimate.
Only one small down side; the girls have really weird pussy's, a small build young girl should have small pussy lips, not this weird wide look.
To everyone who is just looking through the comments to find out if that game is good or not: It is. I can assure you that, and i wish you good luck finding someone in that comment section here, who says something else! (you wont) :)
I have never been so invested in a VN. The story is incredible, I literally called off work to finish 0.6! The anticipation is really getting to me. I hope everyone supports the author in some way.
I LOVE this game its so good. my favorite character has to be luna, I'm sad there aren't as many scenes with her. i do have a question though. was the autistic coding(basically just showing traits without outright saying them) intentional or not? for example her facial expressions, not liking being touched, and introverted personality. Either way i love this game. keep it up
You know i just wandered endlessly searching for a good game here on itch with good storytelling, humor, lovable characters, and possibly great plot and wow just WOW can't believe my braincells just got so sooo addicted to this game. Definitely a 10/10 thanks so so much for making this wonderful piece of art and if a newcomer stumbled upon this i In the bottom of my heart HIGHLY RECOMMEND this. Didn't finish the game yet but I'm close to finishing v 0.6 and maybe after finishing it im gonna put this game to my "Games to comeback list 1 or 2 years or so". Caribdis I'm hoping...NO, Im believing you won't let me down after going back to this masterpiece of a game in the future cause i will be licking the floor clean just to play this game again after so many years.
I’m really enjoying your game! I finished playing Once in a Lifetime yesterday and started this one today! I love all the subtle jabs at the story for Once in a Lifetime like stabby mike, and the cult of asteroth that you briefly mentioned in the early parts of the story of Eternum. Kinda new to this type of game but it’s relaxing and I find myself enjoying the story you have created, it’s well done! So thank you for the time you spend making them!
the error only pops up when i view the picture of Penelope and Luna on the phone in 0.6 content, i can bypass the scene though, finished the game already, i just thought I'd send it here to possibly get it fixed
Alright but I kind of knew all that already, this is a semi-known issue. Now I want to find out which versions are affected by this, so can you please answer my original questions? Thanks for reporting this!
It's been years since I've been playing this, I have replayed this game for 3 time already, and not once did i notice that the protagonist is named Orion haha, Orion has been my signature nickname for 13 Years, i thought i was going crazy when i saw the memes in the discord😂
I've started playing this game again since I had a really tight and complicated schedule last year. For someone like me who's not really into games, I found this so much fun and interesting, and to my surprise, it is also stress-relieving. The plot is also something you will look forward to, not just the spicy scenes. Great job, Caribdis! It's no surprise that your work continues to receive praise! Looking forward to more of your (and your team, if you have one) successful games!
(A promise is a promise! Thank you for recommending me this!)
I'm suffering from withdraws not playing this game. I need more!!! Such a good ass game down to the story, characters, animations, everything. Keep doing what you're doing! I love it! Especially the story. It's so intriguing and when more lore gets revealed it's always so exciting. Interactions with other characters are great too! Very funny and also heartwarming sometimes. I forget I'm playing an NSFW game. I really REALLY cannot wait to see more!
No if ur on android u will just have to update the apk after the update if pc I think u have to putt the saves from game before in the save files from the updated I think it's in documents renpy_saves of am correct
For the full game I semi calculated it (could be majorly wrong) but i would guess somewhere from may to august next year , but could be longer or shorter. probs longer tho. my most extreme calculation even says January to February 2026.
0.7 will release within a month or perhaps a bit longer
not meant as negative comment btw, but just a calculation, this game is absolutely amazing and i would suggest to just replay it many a times until the full game is finished
Full game will go beyond 10 updates (Cari mentioned somewhere here that he's thinking of gunning for 12-14 total updates by the end) so ain't no way this game is ending next year (or even 2026 for that matter if he ends up gunning for 13-14 updates...maybe late 2026 if he goes for 12 but no earlier than that).
The 0.7 update will arrive soon but the full release he cant say mainly because he doesnt know how many time he can put in the game cause he also has a real life and probably also deals with problems
PS( I ain't no mod or friend of him it's just I follow carabis pretty throughly would love to get mod tho :) )
Just started but I find it quite funny that it starts with him saying he's moved to the UK before showing the most American looking city I've pretty much ever seen in one of these games. I don't mind rly, just gave me a laugh.
I came for the porn and stayed for the plot. this has got to be one of the most intriguing stories I've seen in any game (let alone an NSFW game) in years, the level of detail that must have gone into this is crazy. Everything from the references to the storyline or even just the unique character traits I was fully immersed in this game from start to finish, but the premise of the story itself is what has captivated me.
Now don't get me wrong, the porn scenes are great, the detail is amazing, to the point where you can even see goosebumps on the skin and ridges in the leather seats and much more tiny detail that wasn't exactly necessary but just make it so much more tidy and realistic. I can't imagine how many hours went into animating this whole project.
But the storyline is on another level, I've seen games and films use the premise of virtual reality before but I've never seen them pull off such a unique twist and I've got to say it's such a breath of fresh air, i won't go to into what I like about the story because of spoilers and stuff but man if you haven't checked this game out I would certainly recommend it.
Bravo to the developers, i cannot wait to see where this game goes.
Yes indeed this game is in a class of its own he appriciates the kind world and love all you supporters give if its paid or not i think he carries all of our hopes with him :)
I need this... this feels like I just read the forst handful of chapters of a best selling novel. I'll be joining your Patreon when I have the extra cash for certain!
← Return to game
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hi,and when will the game be released, and will there be Russian voice acting?and can we please have more scenes with Nancy
To hell with that russian, we better need more content with Luna, Nancy, and Alex.
Am gonna die If 0.7 doesn't come out march or April swr to god
it's coming out in this month, March. I been checking everyday for the update lmao
W captain, they aint joking when they said the game was addicting
I really shouldn't have deleted the lighter of this game I thought it would take longer to update it So I deleted the file My original plan wasWait for me After forgetting the plot download the latest version and play it again ,Now I have to relive this perfect content again Although I don'tHate but I still regret my behavior
New update this month on my Patreon and Subscribestar!
It'll be available here for free as always some time later, in April!
Me having been checking back every week since December and finally getting it... We all know 0.7 is going to be good, it's Caribdis, it's Eternum, it's impossible for it to be bad. But here's hoping it's good. We're due the Nancy, Luna, Penny, and Nova content coming (Scroll back down to like November if you want to see why those four, got a whole 8 paragraph theory of how what scenes occur and are chosen). Plus, if there's a fifth scene in 0.7 it's just bonus at this point... Keep it up, Caribdis, we're all behind you.
Конечно без эротики уже была б не та атмосфера , все казалось бы деструктивно для такого романтика как я поэтому особая дань и честь всей этой любви которая присутствовала здесь в этой игре без нее наверное не имело бы смысла эта игра в этом и заключается суть , видимо с гениальностью автора я точно не ошибся
( дополнение к комментарию ниже, просто сайт сворачивается когда пытаюсь на кого - то ответить )
За всю историю прохождения визуальных новэл я никогда ничего подобного не встречал , мне если честно стало плевать уже на эротические сцены после того как окунулся в сюжет, я не думал что мои ожидания будут настолько несоотвествующе , особенно как логично и без единой ошибки построен диалог ,юмор выполнен довольно изящно , также моменты с хоррором просто безупречны ( бывало потели ладошки и я чувствовал себя Энни , нервно смеясь от всего происходящего и гениальности автора) , все эти ссылки я порой уходил от реальности с этой игрой , мне не хотелось от нее уходить , настолько сюжет великолепный я уже не могу подобрать слов , в общем автор ОЧЕНЬ постарался сделать игру реалистичной и я не сомневаюсь что автор еще пытался таким образом научить кого то приподать урок в целом так как были много затронуто важной философской тематикой и все правдоподобные рассказы с жизни иногда ставят в тупик , В начале этапа игры можно с легкостью забыть что играешь в порно - игру и это не может не радовать для меня такие новые ощущения очень важны . СПАСИБО вам огромное что предоставляете такую возможность прочувствовать ваше остроумие и смекалку , про отрисовку анимации и в целом графику ничего не буду говорить только если одним словом - ШЕДЕВР, очень ждем продолжение игры . Удачи вам мудрец
Дааа очень поддерживаю твое мнение , музыкальное сопровождение тоже восхитительно построена я даже некоторые себе добавил в плейлист ВК , но как по мне по больше бы эротических сцен , хоть баланс был но я думаб никто бы не отказался от еще одной пастельной сцены с Нэнси , самый мой любимый персонаж , ладно это уже конечно дело автора. Если я не ошибаюсь то 0.7 выходит в марте этого года ?
Все верно, уже в марте выходит 0.7; Но первыми испытать данное обновление смогут подписчики Patreon. А публичный (бесплатный) доступ к версии 0.7 скорее всего появится где-то в апреле
PLEASEE make that thumbnail with Nova in bed an actual scene! And the one with luna on the cover!
aside from what i read in the description, what kinds of kinks and fetishes are here, and what ones will be added?
The base in the country song just be hitting DIFFERENT. 10/10 game, wont say ive been here from the4 beginning but these last two updates have hit it so far out of the park youd think Saitama was playing. Fucking amazing.
Very curious about the next content
From what I know, it is a pirate episode with Nova and Nancy, and there are some times with Luna. That's what I got from sneak peeks.
Thanks for info. Can't wait to spend more time with Luna
Just wanted to say because I have the same birthday as Dalia, the MC's thoughts on it are 100% accurate and no one really gets that
Seems like the Mc has a thing for Alex (A REAL THING)
Yo I just redownloaded for the newest version, and read a comment that troubled me. Does dalias ass get smaller or is that just a troll
If it does it isn't by an amount that I ever noticed, unless I just didn't play an early enough version to see any "original model".
Her current model is perfect thoug
Thank you, I would've been genuinely devastated if I got to the 0.6 content and my baby lost her booty
Quite a fantastic game, truly engaging, an absolute masterpiece. But I have a question, is there a chance for DALIA's model to return to its original version? The new model really doesn't suit my taste. Or, is there a possibility in the future to have an option to choose the old model? I really like DALIA's original model
I like how the story rewards the decent choices and penalizes the douchery. The sex scenes are not many, but the end of 0.6 is WOW. I like the linear gameplay - it feels relaxing and it seems that you won't have to choose between all those amazing females. And every FC is just perfect.
Thank you so much!
Well, aside some plot holes, there're a few and from my opinion they are insignificant and didn't take me out of the immersion.
The story is simple, but so entertaining, you enjoy every reference, every joke is a punchline, you get addicted to continuing reading and reading, I downloaded this game yesterday with no expectations and today I finished it with all the scenes there are. And not to mention the second best in the game is 100% the scenes with the girls, you are keep looking forward to the next scene and then the next.
Can I recommend and talk about the game on my channel? It may not be very big, but if you can get to a couple more of supporters, I'd be happy to help. By the way, I see that you don't have the Spanish translation. Don't you have anyone to help you? If you need help with that, just give me instructions on how I can help (Without obligation, by simple will and in good faith).
Finally, the best of the best are the girls, the personality they have, I don't know how the developer managed to make such adorable girls, especially 2 or 3 that are the top in not only this game, in several visual novels that I played.
And now, although no one asked for it, my girls' top. Because? Because I can.
1. Nancy: Design ✯✯✯✯✯ - Personality ✯✯✯✯✯
OMFG! A redhead MILF? Man, you're a genius. And bc she was the first to think of that.
2. Nova: Design ✯✯✯✯✯ - Personality ✯✯✯✯✯
Perfection!! The best!! It's only below Nancy because the affection you have for Nancy is not normal. Nova is the perfect girl, if you meet a girl like that IRL, consider yourself lucky.
3. Luna: Design ✯✯✯✯✯ - Personality ✯✯✯✯
It's bc there's very little content about her, but it's of great quality.
4. Annie: Design ✯✯✯✯ - Personality ✯✯✯✯
The cutest!! if only there was more content.
5. Penny: Design ✯✯✯✯ - Personality ✯✯✯✯
At first I thought it was going to be unbearable, but I loved her.
6. Dalia: Design ✯✯✯ - Personality ✯✯✯✯
I prefer Penny's design, but I like her concept more.
7. Alex: Design ✯✯✯ - Personality ✯
If I hadn't finished the game, She'd be below Eva (8th), Maat (9th), and the r4c1$t elf (50th LOL), in that order and only bc Eva and Maat had only one scene (please give me more xd), but after the last scene, "Christened Apartment," it was all the redemption I needed to stop hating her, bc before, every scene with her made me want to gouge out my eyes and prick them with thousands of needles.
Just one doubt... Does pregnancy content come in DLC? Or is it a scam? LOL only a joke, but, seriously, I don't see that content.
based on the previous game, pregnancy comes in the end, basically as a consequence to your character's actions resulting in one of the multiple endings.
Luna and Alex aremy gogo for me x) Was sad that there wasn't more with Luna rn
I am hopeful that more Luna content is coming. And if Alex's content comes similar to that "Christened Apartment", I'd be more than delighted.
This game is amazing but can you please make the downloading in MEGA since i have been trying to re-download this game and it always fails because of my slow internet and in mega it works fine because even if it stops it will resume but from the browser it will fail so PLEASE make it in MEGA you already did it in PC and mac
I play on android btw
Good story
Killer soundtrack
Off the charts visuals
Honestly, hands down the best game I've played in adult genre.
P.S. this is the first time I've liked the soundtrack in adult games.
Thank you!!
if only the wait time between updates would be a lil shorter ahahah
If you we're to pick between these two options what would you most likely prefer. (1) fast updates but less content added and probably lame story or (2) slow updates more contents and the story given to that update is put more into thought and carefully make the story more entertaining so that the players will expect more on the next update. (endlessly checking when's the next update and being overjoyed that the dev announced the release date of that said update.) But you know what they say "Let the devs cook, I said let them COOK"
preach brother preach
amazing game, one of the few games I eep up with and pay attention to the story of. Killer development and can't wait for more!
Anyone knows why the characters come up blank when I click the 2 hearts?
If you're still at the beginning, you haven't met every love interest yet. They get added to the screen when you meet them.
no they're all there just greyed out Annie Luna penny and the mother I forgot her name is greyed out
If they are greyed out that means you've lost their path due to your decisions.
No fucking way I'm running that shit from the beginning 😂
There's a handy 'skip' feature where you can speed through stuff you've already seen to cut down the replay time.
And maybe check a walkthrough to see what choices caused you to loose the girls.
Also, if you want to play with a walkthrough now, I have a mod that can make it more convenient for you.
Awesome story and I love the way you can navigate trough the choice, (one of) the best ways to implement choice in this type of game
in my opinion. Nice balance between sexual content and story and nice build-up to get intimate.
Only one small down side; the girls have really weird pussy's, a small build young girl should have small pussy lips, not this weird wide look.
yeah i guess it looks hotter or something...
To everyone who is just looking through the comments to find out if that game is good or not: It is. I can assure you that, and i wish you good luck finding someone in that comment section here, who says something else! (you wont) :)
0.7 update ?
should be in march as far as i know. Can´t wait to get to see it either!
Last progress update 15 Feb. 89% on discord. about 6% progress every 2 weeks so expect it in the second half of March. Public/free release later.
I have never been so invested in a VN. The story is incredible, I literally called off work to finish 0.6! The anticipation is really getting to me. I hope everyone supports the author in some way.
One of the best visual novels! I can't wait for an update
I LOVE this game its so good. my favorite character has to be luna, I'm sad there aren't as many scenes with her. i do have a question though. was the autistic coding(basically just showing traits without outright saying them) intentional or not? for example her facial expressions, not liking being touched, and introverted personality. Either way i love this game. keep it up
You know i just wandered endlessly searching for a good game here on itch with good storytelling, humor, lovable characters, and possibly great plot and wow just WOW can't believe my braincells just got so sooo addicted to this game. Definitely a 10/10 thanks so so much for making this wonderful piece of art and if a newcomer stumbled upon this i In the bottom of my heart HIGHLY RECOMMEND this. Didn't finish the game yet but I'm close to finishing v 0.6 and maybe after finishing it im gonna put this game to my "Games to comeback list 1 or 2 years or so". Caribdis I'm hoping...NO, Im believing you won't let me down after going back to this masterpiece of a game in the future cause i will be licking the floor clean just to play this game again after so many years.
I’m really enjoying your game! I finished playing Once in a Lifetime yesterday and started this one today! I love all the subtle jabs at the story for Once in a Lifetime like stabby mike, and the cult of asteroth that you briefly mentioned in the early parts of the story of Eternum. Kinda new to this type of game but it’s relaxing and I find myself enjoying the story you have created, it’s well done! So thank you for the time you spend making them!
Thank you for playing!
I think you mean ol' president Stabb. XD
is this game only M/F? no M/M?
So far its only M/F
I don't know about the other updates I don't think there will be M/M cause It also wasn't in ''Once In A Lifetime the first game caribis created
damn. If I cant make love with chang, whats the point in even playing this smh
Thats a shame this game looks beautiful :'( Thanks for letting me know
Adult games on itch are generally for heterosexual audiences unless the game page or the game's tags say otherwise.
Damn...i suppose that makes sense. Im still new to these games so still figuring it out...thank you for telling me though!
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While loading <renpy.display.im.Scale object at 0x6dc5a4d890>:
File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 670, in execute_call_screen
IOError: Couldn't find file '04/er 21.jpg'.
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "script6.rpyc", line 7031, in script call
File "chat.rpyc", line 211, in script
File "renpy/ast.py", line 2259, in execute
File "renpy/ast.py", line 2241, in call
File "renpy/statements.py", line 342, in call
File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 670, in execute_call_screen
File "renpy/exports.py", line 3345, in call_screen
File "renpy/ui.py", line 299, in interact
File "renpy/display\core.py", line 3579, in interact
File "renpy/display\core.py", line 4172, in interact_core
File "renpy/display\core.py", line 2782, in draw_screen
File "render.pyx", line 492, in renpy.display.render.render_screen
File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render
File "renpy/display\layout.py", line 886, in render
File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render
File "renpy/display\layout.py", line 886, in render
File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render
File "renpy/display\layout.py", line 886, in render
File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render
File "renpy/display\screen.py", line 731, in render
File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render
File "renpy/display\layout.py", line 886, in render
File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render
File "renpy/display\layout.py", line 1339, in render
File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render
File "renpy/display\viewport.py", line 273, in render
File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render
File "renpy/display\layout.py", line 1107, in render
File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render
File "renpy/display\layout.py", line 1107, in render
File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render
File "renpy/display\layout.py", line 1339, in render
File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render
File "renpy/display\layout.py", line 1107, in render
File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render
File "renpy/display\behavior.py", line 944, in render
File "renpy/display\layout.py", line 1339, in render
File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render
File "renpy/display\im.py", line 676, in render
File "renpy/display\im.py", line 330, in get
File "renpy/display\im.py", line 978, in load
File "renpy/display\im.py", line 330, in get
File "renpy/display\im.py", line 1451, in load
File "renpy/display\im.py", line 330, in get
File "renpy/display\im.py", line 803, in load
IOError: Couldn't find file '04/er 21.jpg'.
What operating system are you using? (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android)
I it's Android, did you just install an .apk file or did you have to do more to install the game?
the error only pops up when i view the picture of Penelope and Luna on the phone in 0.6 content, i can bypass the scene though, finished the game already, i just thought I'd send it here to possibly get it fixed
Alright but I kind of knew all that already, this is a semi-known issue. Now I want to find out which versions are affected by this, so can you please answer my original questions? Thanks for reporting this!
I'm operating on Android
Holy shmokes! What an experience!! Can't wait for next update.
Next update this March! After some time of early release on Patreon and Subscribestar it'll be here for free as always!
I LOVE THIS GAME! GREAT JOB! I'd lie if i didn't expect much when downloading, but man i got really invested. Can't wait for 0.7!
Thank you!
0.7 coming up next month!
It's been years since I've been playing this, I have replayed this game for 3 time already, and not once did i notice that the protagonist is named Orion haha, Orion has been my signature nickname for 13 Years, i thought i was going crazy when i saw the memes in the discord😂
Haha that's one hell of a coincidence
I've started playing this game again since I had a really tight and complicated schedule last year. For someone like me who's not really into games, I found this so much fun and interesting, and to my surprise, it is also stress-relieving. The plot is also something you will look forward to, not just the spicy scenes. Great job, Caribdis! It's no surprise that your work continues to receive praise! Looking forward to more of your (and your team, if you have one) successful games!
(A promise is a promise! Thank you for recommending me this!)
Thank you so much! Glad you liked it!
I'm suffering from withdraws not playing this game. I need more!!! Such a good ass game down to the story, characters, animations, everything. Keep doing what you're doing! I love it! Especially the story. It's so intriguing and when more lore gets revealed it's always so exciting. Interactions with other characters are great too! Very funny and also heartwarming sometimes. I forget I'm playing an NSFW game. I really REALLY cannot wait to see more!
Thank you! New update coming up next month!
how do updates work, will I need to redownload the game or what?
No if ur on android u will just have to update the apk after the update if pc I think u have to putt the saves from game before in the save files from the updated I think it's in documents renpy_saves of am correct
Thank you for your contribution! Your assistance is greatly appreciated and is making a positive impact. Keep up the good work
That was Ai~ But thanks tho!
You have to download the updated game again on PC but don't need to mess with the save files, they are stored locally in the Renpy folder
Hey Caribdis, I was wondering. Do you have any timeframe in mind for when the next update might come or even the full release?
For the full game I semi calculated it (could be majorly wrong) but i would guess somewhere from may to august next year , but could be longer or shorter. probs longer tho. my most extreme calculation even says January to February 2026.
0.7 will release within a month or perhaps a bit longer
not meant as negative comment btw, but just a calculation, this game is absolutely amazing and i would suggest to just replay it many a times until the full game is finished
Can't live that long man
true :/
Full game will go beyond 10 updates (Cari mentioned somewhere here that he's thinking of gunning for 12-14 total updates by the end) so ain't no way this game is ending next year (or even 2026 for that matter if he ends up gunning for 13-14 updates...maybe late 2026 if he goes for 12 but no earlier than that).
The 0.7 update will arrive soon but the full release he cant say mainly because he doesnt know how many time he can put in the game cause he also has a real life and probably also deals with problems
PS( I ain't no mod or friend of him it's just I follow carabis pretty throughly would love to get mod tho :) )
Next update will come out next month! As always first realy release on Patreon and Subscribestar!
Just started but I find it quite funny that it starts with him saying he's moved to the UK before showing the most American looking city I've pretty much ever seen in one of these games. I don't mind rly, just gave me a laugh.
He moved TO the USA from the UK
yh, I realised right after. I was just saying I found it funny. I acc quite like the intro.
I came for the porn and stayed for the plot. this has got to be one of the most intriguing stories I've seen in any game (let alone an NSFW game) in years, the level of detail that must have gone into this is crazy. Everything from the references to the storyline or even just the unique character traits I was fully immersed in this game from start to finish, but the premise of the story itself is what has captivated me.
Now don't get me wrong, the porn scenes are great, the detail is amazing, to the point where you can even see goosebumps on the skin and ridges in the leather seats and much more tiny detail that wasn't exactly necessary but just make it so much more tidy and realistic. I can't imagine how many hours went into animating this whole project.
But the storyline is on another level, I've seen games and films use the premise of virtual reality before but I've never seen them pull off such a unique twist and I've got to say it's such a breath of fresh air, i won't go to into what I like about the story because of spoilers and stuff but man if you haven't checked this game out I would certainly recommend it.
Bravo to the developers, i cannot wait to see where this game goes.
If you haven't yet, check out his other game, it's great too!
Yes indeed its also a master piece if u dont know the name its ''Once In A Lifetime"
Yes indeed this game is in a class of its own he appriciates the kind world and love all you supporters give if its paid or not i think he carries all of our hopes with him :)
Thank you so much!
Caribdis thank you so much this the best novela i had played ever. This character, story, humor and other. WHEN I WILL GET MY CONTINUE????
Soon he is working on it he also has his daily problems and stuff to do have patience and faith that it will come soon
New update next month! After some time of early release on Patreon and Subscribestar it'll arrive here as always!
0.8 was f**king pervect, i didnt even expect that, tnk u for your game, good luck with your live and new updates <3
I need this... this feels like I just read the forst handful of chapters of a best selling novel. I'll be joining your Patreon when I have the extra cash for certain!
He appreciates all the support if its paid or not i think caribis is glad too have you on board :)
Thank you so much for your support!!!