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(5 edits) (+1)(-10)

Hey guys! So here we go again:

I would love answers to the following questions, then I’ll leave and never come back. Caribdis, please answer these questions:

-Why is the 0.7 release taking longer than usual to finish?

-Why don’t you give Itch the same attention you do other platforms, such as Patreon and Subscribestar?

-Why don’t you provide the same information on Itch that you make available on the aforementioned platforms. Information such as the amount of progress you have made towards the next release?

If you want to ignore me, block me, then please go ahead. I’m not going anywhere even if you do. Ill stop when I get some answers from Caribdis. It would only take a minute, lets face it.

You might be wondering why I am bothering. Its simple. New people will come along sooner or later, they wont have me blocked yet, so they will see this and maybe they will stop to wonder why. Maybe even consider what I am saying.  Maybe they will even ask the same things. Maybe they will just think I’m an inconsiderate A-hat too. Cool.

For those who might be wondering: I used to love this VN. I even contributed to the creator, Carbdis. financially once through Itch. I think the story is wonderful, the girls are gorgeous in every way. Its a good VN, well worth a look by anyone that cares too give it a try.

But let the buyer beware! The development time is getting longer on each release, the 0.6 release took 6 months to reach public release. I want to know why because as I see it I have invested in the story and as an investor I want more information so I can judge whether or not I wish to make more investments. Well I did before I was ignored by Caribdis and derided by the other fans.

So here’s what I’m going to do next. I’m going to spam this Itch page with this message every day until Carbdis responds to me directly with an answer to my questions. I’m going to leave walls of text so that any newcomer cant miss it. Wont take me long, copy and paste is fun!

So please consider my words, such as they are. All I want are answers.

Thank you for your time.


(2 edits) (-4)

Lol thats actually well done! Good job!

I'll rewrite it a little so its more polite then.

There ya go, I rewrote if so its less demanding.

(1 edit) (+3)

Hey, I like the new nice writing style. I can't promise you'll get an official answer from Caribdis, but I'll try, maybe that's enough.

(EDIT: I'll try answering your questions is what I meant)

1. I'm not sure why this release takes longer but my best informed guesses would be the winter holidays and an increased amount of animations in this release. Also, the releases tend to get larger, so the the development time tends to increase as well.

2 & 3. First of all, some people just want notifications when there's a new release since they're following a lot of devs. To reduce spam, development updates are separated from release updates.

Also, this project is free and entirely financed by donations. As you might now, Patreon subscriptions are generally more expensive than buying the game at value, so as an exclusive extra, you get to be part of the development process. This is another reason why these updates are separated.

Caribdis could put the progress banner on the game page, maybe he'll even do it if you ask nicely. Though the absence of it does act like a reverse-advertisement: If this project interests you, you're encouraged to dig deeper and maybe even get a subscription. Though right now, you can still access it for free anyway on Discord and Subscribestar.

(1 edit) (-5)

I appreciate the gesture but I still want to hear it all from Caribdis. You might be right about all of this. I dont know, I want solid information though, not guesses.

As I have said before I am simply not interested in Patreon or Subscribestar. Thats because I dont like Patreon. I have several reasons for that. One is that I dont like the proliferation of finance platforms, another is that I really dont like Patreon's policies when it comes to what they allow on their platform and what they dont. Since Patreon always take a piece of the money going to any contributor on their platform I refuse to use it because I wont give any money to them, under any circumstances. I dont even want to look at a page on Patreon, I dont want to give them the views.

I understand and agree with the Patreon subscribers getting an extra benefit or two. They pay extra, they get extra benefits. I never once questioned that. What I am questioning is why the release is taking longer than usual. Thats the really important question. I'm pretty sure I know the answers to the other two questions. Would still like to hear the answers from Caribdis himself though.

Someone said to me that the money comes first: I respectfully disagree. The first thing should be the art, the passion. Those give your work soul. Making the money top priority may allow you project to survive, pay the bills, but it also makes you something of a sellout. If you start with beautiful art, like the work Caribdis has done in the past, you will draw fans and they will support you.

So first you get the money, then you get the power and then you get the women... wait no, thats not right... I mean first you build a project on a foundation of passion, then you'll attract fans and they will happily provide what they can. So in my opinion money is a distant third, just enough to pay the bills. Thats all you need.

Last word on your response for now: I'm not asking for your promise. Don't want apologies from anyone either. I am still going to keep spamming this page on Itch, hoping that I'll get a direct response to my questions from Caribdis. If he never responds I'll just keep going. I wont take this anywhere else though, from now on I'll keep my feud right here.


This are not just simple words and questions, when your threatening Caribdis and with spam🥴. I hate people like you. Have you got no life so much that this game is your only interest atm.

Or maybe I'm not looking things right and your just so lonely in life that this chat and getting replies is your only way of having any human contact. 

Making such long posts about this and talking about it so newcomers can see. 

Bro your an idiot if your trying to leave bad reviews and show newcomers this, at the risk of pushing them away. Then you maybe delaying the project longer yourself by taking away support from Caribdis. You may be the cause of the delay with you tarded antics.


And before you say, i know the delay is not the only thing, as you have said patreon blah blah blah. 

To be honest thinking about it. You've probably annoyed him, so he most likely blocked you, if I was Caribdis, I would block you.

(1 edit) (-4)

Fair comment. I'm gonna keep going anyway.

He can always unblock me, if indeed he has done so.

No this is not my only interest. But it has my attention, so I'm willing to make some time for it. 

As far as pushing them away goes: I think newcomers should be informed of the weak points of this creator just as surely as they should be informed of his strengths. Thats something I wish I knew from the start.


So, following past updates, there is usually a statement with release dates by now, but still not quite late for an update just yet.

Obviously Patreon and SubscribeStar actually make Caribdis money, whereas everything he offers on Itch makes him nothing, by his own choice of course. That's capitalism, he's going to give more attention to the platforms that provide him income than he is the platform that isn't. 

(1 edit)

As I have said before I have personally donated money to Caribdis using Itch, so saying he makes nothing fromthis site  is inaccurate. I would agree that he probably makes very little money from this site.

If you double check the release pattern there is usually a changelog and release date announcement, followed by public release approximately a month later. There hasn't been a changelog and release date announcement yet let alone the public release. Following that pattern Caribdis is at least 1 additional month behind.

Now I understand he is nearly done with this one, but that will most likely mean there is about to be announcement for the changes, then roughly a month will pass before the public release.

When artists are rushed to produce art, you get Nickelback. Catch my drift?


1) we last left on a cliffhanger so shit is going down likely more scenes more time to process and make each scene

2) Subscriberstar and patreon you pay to see stuff Itch you do not it is completely free unless you want to pay. plus im sure they dont want to see all these comments from spoiled shits like you

3) see 2

as for everything else programming takes a long time developing takes a long time. grow the fuck up and wait you're being a child


The last update was in 2023 on August 22! So that means there won't be new updates? They stopped the process? Because it's been a while since the last update that's why I'm asking


There will be update very soon, you can see progress on discord, around 2 months till public release and even shorter time for patrons

Then only thing to do is wait? No problem with that thanks for the reply 

I have quick update for you 

Public release - 16 april 

Supporter tier - 10 april 

Master tier - 4 april

Eternumite tier - 29 march

Other tiers can play already 

I wanted to let you know because i don't know if you're on caribdis discord, so only thing is wait for public release if you're not patron

thanks man i appreciate it


hey ... love the story and tbh i wish u put on steam as well since i like all of the my "games" on 1 platform



Do you have an estimate on how many more updates until the game is completed? Is there an ending in sight yet?


Nothing solid but apparently the plot is about halfway done. So we're looking at around 6 more updates, very roughly. Could be more, could be less.




@caribdis love the game, Unlike some people who want to complain. I won't lie I don't pay for patreon or anything. I don't for any VN. Though I understand it's nice to support but...

Sorry for the life story but I genuinely like VN for the more real aspect. And what I mean by that is and movie, anime, series. There can be raunchy scenes ofcourse but it's never explored properly and naturally that's because there not making porn. E.g the difference between hentai and anime. Movies and porn movies. 

pornography is always a separate industry, so its never explored in real life scenarios and fantasies, but these things genuinely do happen in life people are just not open about their sex life because it is ofcourse private but people tend to forget kinks and sexual fantasies are very real and only explored in porn. 

I love VN games for that exact reason the mold between reality, story telling and the lewd that comes with life. 

Naturally I understand eternum is very futuristic but at the same time, with the way VR headsets and A.I are going its not that fair fetched. But anyway life story over. My point is you game is awesome 😂

Thank you very much Ghibli :D


I will not go away until I get answers! I will haunt this page, pestering you all and leaving negative feedback until the end of time! All I want is a direct response from Caribdis. Why is it taking so long for the 0.7 release? Why have a page on Itch if he's not going to keep the information on it up to date? Why is he prioritizing Patreon and Subscribestar? My guess would be the money because its always about the money.


Ignoring me just makes me more angry!


Lol you sound thirsty bro, I wouldn't usually reply to little twerps such as yourself. But your comment p*ssed me off. shut the f**k up. Your complaining about a release. 

If you pay for patreon then just wait for the updates and understand that creating content is not as easy as your little brain might think it is. 

If you don't pay and you just wait for free content then your even more out of line.  You don't pay but feel you have the right to a response when your being rude. Respect earns respect di*ahead. 

Earn your respect and respect the game and it's creators and maybe you might get a reply. But acting like a b*tch, and nagging like an old woman won't get you know where.

This games animations and graphics alone will make updates longer than most games. And on top of this the creator is doing a great job. You have a few games on itch with this level of detail.

stay in your lane and wait like everybody else.

(1 edit) (+1)(-9)

You dont know anything! I have paid for the game, through Itch. I refuse to use Patreon. Also insults are not a good way to calm me down, its only gonna piss me off further!

Also I am vaguely familiar with programming. I know it takes time and effort, expertise way beyond me. That isnt the core of my issue! I want to know why it has taken nearly a month longer than usual and why theres more information on Patreon and Subscribestar than here on Itch.

So Im just gonna keep complaining until Caribdis answers me himself.


Clearly you can't read or you are incapable of understanding. 

FIRSTLY: I may have stated/asked whether you pay for patreon and not specifically paid for the game in general. If you have paid that's your problem when the creator uploads it for free anyway.

Secondly: my insults are not intended to calm you down, there intended to show you that your being exactly what the insults imply.

Thirdly: if you understand even a little about programming or content creation it only stands to make you look worse and less understanding. 

FOURTHLY: if you don't pay for any subs like subscribstar or patreon, then you do not have the exclusive updates and early access (obvious statement) with that in mind. You say it's about money ofcourse its about money, the fans are second but still cared about because it takes money to make money or in another sense the fans are second because the fans are not there in the beginning the popularity needs to grow before the fans are taken into account, so there is always going to an element of money first, to keep projects going.

LASTLY: you said your not going away and will keep posting and giving bad reviews, then you just being an idiot in the hopes that Caribdis will reply to you just to shut you up. Wrong way to go about it. I'm only replying because you have annoyed me but otherwise I don't think he will want to reply, purely because of your attitude so finally I say again, stay in your lane and wait LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE. 

it's a month late wow, who cares, clearly there is more work going into this. Caribdis can easily reply and say it's taking long because I'm putting more work in. But they have to that's what you don't understand, the creator is the creator if they wish to reply and prioritize other platforms that's the creators choice, and if the creator does not want to give you a reason behind that decision, then you don't have a right to question this.


Well I care about it being a month overdue for a start. Are your standards so low that you will accept anything without even asking why? Thats all I want to know. Why?

(1 edit) (+5)(-1)

how abt u f**k off and make ur own game and see if you can do it, if u can make a great game fast then i dont rly mind if you are spamming, but I bet u cant cuz you cant even be patient waiting for a update so shut the f**k up.


Thank you @O0fman exactly that, I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks this.

@damalon you said yourself you have a vague understanding of programming*key word vague* so you don't fully understand, like O0fman said, make your own game as detailed as this and make it quicker than Caribdis and I will apologise for all my comments but otherwise like O0fman said shut the f*ck up loool 


AHhhhh this ole argument? So only a fellow programmer can criticize a programmer? Is it also the case that only a police officer can criticize a police officer? Or only a politician can criticize a politician?

Of course not. Anyone can criticize whoever they want.


This is a fully free game, and it hasn't been updated in only 6 months and it's at 90% progress. You don't know enough to judge so early, 0.7 could be 2x bigger than previous versions or Caribdis might've had a really busy time in his personal life so it slowed down the release. We don't have enough information so please learn to be patient.


guys it's all sooo easy, just block him, now after i made fun of him a few times i can enjoy all the noce comments from people appreciating the game


But he's good entertainment. Though I guess that's subjective, depends on whether you like clowns or not.

Sweet! I shall continue to entertain you then!


Lol you imbecile, I'm pretty sure Caribdis already blocked you, and everyone around here should follow suit.


I was greatly perplexed how Dalia's arc was killed/"greyed" after the beach conversation, and judging by a couple other comments I saw, I wasn't alone in this. I was only able to finally figure it out by using a mod (which I also found in another comment) so in case anyone else ends up the same and wondering why, here's a somewhat nerfed spoiler; when given the choice whether or not to make a certain bet "more interesting", not doing that will kill her arc... but only after the beach is it actually greyed out, not immediately after you've made the wrong choice so to speak. Bit harsh I think.


That's fair, I might change that so it greys out earlier!


Huh. Wow. I did not expect an official response; I see there's this other guy commenting a lot, complaining that most the official information is on Discord/Patreon etc. mostly. Personally I can understand why that's the case so I appreciate that even stuff here on itch gets attention. But I'm rambling, what I originally meant to say is thank you for reading and considering feedback, no matter where it's posted.

I just finished the current content a bit less than an hour ago and I think it's great for the most part. Don't think I've laughed anywhere near as much in any other game of this type; particularily the scenes with Alexandra dealing with Axel and Dalia/Penelope's interactions if both are pursued.


I do not reccomend this game for nsfw purposes unless you want to skip 10 trillion cutscenes to get to the actual sex. I’m serious, I tried to skip to a sex scene and ended up in a goddamn space station. I quit playing after that.


I like the mental image of a player who just wants to get to the sex. They've been holding the skip button for quite a while, no idea what tf is happening, getting increasingly annoyed, and none of the last 5 lewd scenes had actual sex.

Yeah, you can't really do that here. Sorry for your bad experience. But the story is really great, I recommend you to try playing the game normally sometime! If any game can change your disposition toward adult games, it's this one.


The focus of my games will always be their characters and main plot rather than sex with no build-up or story


That's why your games are amazing, sex feels like part of the characters and story.




As a Chinese person, I am wondering why you're speaking Chinese here. No offense, just curious. Is it true that you perceive Caribdis as Chinese? which he is not, hahah.

I'm asking this because it doesn't seem like you are a native Chinese speaker. And again, no offense, just a little curious about it.


I love the characters you've created.


Okay man but like, just one more sex scene please?


I had to create an acc just to comment this. I was looking up adult games, trying to find something different, something that wouldn't be 1h gameplay and that's it, somehow ended up getting redirected here, saw the SS on the right and though "how many genres is in this game? Guess I'm gonna take a couple hours to check it out".

I spent a whole day playing, from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to sleep, and still only finished the game the next day. And let me tell you, I haven't had an experience like this in a long time.

I wasn't expecting an adult game to have so much story, laughter, feelings. I laughed so much with the characters, lines, expressions, and references. I held my breath on the "horror scenes" (air quotes 'cause people will say there's no horror there). I loved every single character, even the bad guys (but Luna will always be my #1, sincerely hope to see her more in the updates). I was completely immersed in the story throughout the whole game (yes, even with the summons and other homages, loved them), the effects and soundtrack definitely contributed to that, and all the animations were amazing. Needless to say, every adult scene was completely hot.

Anyway, sorry for the long post, but I had to say how unexpected all this was and how much I loved every minute of it. I haven't joined patreon yet because of my current financial condition and the fact that my country's currency is worth many times less than the dollar doesn't help, but I pledge to join as soon as my situation changes, it'd be a pleasure to endorse and support this game.

Thank you for working hard on this game, and I think I speak for most, if not all, when I say to not rush with the updates, I'm happy to wait and long as needed to see the conclusion of this project. Thank you once more.

(1 edit) (+5)(-1)

Thank you so much, Shintsuge!

I'm really glad to hear that


What he said. Awesome writing, laughs, horror which I am not ashamed to say scared me at times, and an excellent story. 

For me, Annie, Luna, Nova

And to reveal Caribdis's background he was a famous neurosurgeon in East Timor until that tragic day he partied with a bevy of lovely Moroccan babes in Rio which ended with hideous facial burns. Now, He lives iun a cave outside Monaco writing games, protecting the innocent of Monaco from evil and testing out various Amazon products for sponsorship. 

Who are you trying to fool? Everyone knows there are no innocents in Monaco.

What about that baby? Oh, wait, nope.


I finished the game and wow it was breathtaking. And someone knows when update 0.7 is going to be out? it already has a release date?


Not yet, you can check the progress bar on the subscribestar page.


I just finished the current version of the game (0.6) and I am honestly more than impressed! I cam here expecting another typical VN with another cheesy storyline where MC just so happens to find himself in all the right situation for 24/7 fucking. What I found was one of the most immersive and impressing story's I've ever found. All the characters are build with a realistic backstory and relatable reasoning behind their actions and feelings and the relations progress surprisingly natural. I found myself not just coming back to this game for the NSFW scenes like usual but in fact even more for the story.
You did a seriously amazing job with this game and I can't wait for the next version. Keep up the good work mate!


I appreciate it, thank you!!


I wrote a comment before here but now I just finished the game, so I can judge the game fully now.

 I judge fiction rather harshly, but this is on top of my list of fiction I like the most, it has a good well put together story that makes the player experience an abundance of emotions, it also amazes me how you managed to pull off mystery, thriller, action, comedy, drama well together in a single game. This is a harem game, and harem fiction tends to have a skewed view of sex and relationships just like in porn (which i hate), but this game has a quite realistic view. From my old review when I finished 0.3 I take back the bad points I mentioned because they're fixed by 0.6, I don't have anything I didn't like about the game now. The only thing I would want the game to have is more male interactions for example with chang talking about life and girls,  or even brotherly interactions with random male characters since we men tend to get along well with each other even if we met 4 minutes earlier.

Thanks for your work caribdis, as much as I want to play the next version right now I will patiently wait for the updates. I'm broke right now but when I get my money up I'll make sure to buy you a beer or two one day through patreon. Take care bro I'll come back here after 0.7 release.


i agree, but what i love the most about the game so far is the world building, it's SAO but better imo

the Story around the founder and the entire game system is so much more interesting and mysterious and the different servers and worlds are better then the ones in SAO, but it's also interesting how there is an actual underworld in "the game", overall i think it has the potential to become a franchise with an interesting world

hopefully after the game is finished they well continue to make games or maybe even other art works taking place in this universe 


I agree with you, also apart from the world that is in my opinion as interesting as some of the top movies and manga, the relationships and characters are very interesting, and feel like they have a soul and the music amplifies the immersion.

That's why so many people finish this game with an inpatient feeling of wanting more because the world is so captivating and the characters feel real so it's easy to get attached to them or identify with some of the characters.

I wish for this world to become franchised and for the game to get a remake in the form of a movie or series, although it will be hard to find women as attractive as in Eternum lmao. The game has the potential to become mainstream and since it's good, recommending  YouTubers with solid following to play it would be enough to make it even more popular than it is currently.

But it's all up to what Caribdis wants, whatever he does I'm happy with what he chooses. 


Thank you so much, Morlone!



I like the story, the character design especially!, the story and some comedy and suspense!!! I enjoy also the creepy voice and background music. I know it's still incomplete but damn that ending in  0.6 gives me hype! I hope the 0.7 will be released soon.




In 9 days it will have been 6 months since the last Public Release. What is the hold up? Why is there no news? When will the next Release go live?

(1 edit) (-8)

Following the pattern in the Dev log above, there is usually a Changelog & Release Dates notification about a month before the release. By that pattern and the fact that we haven't even seen that yet my guess would be that Caribdis is currently at least a month behind schedule...


Looking at Patreon posts that I can see with not paying into, it seems they are still working on it as of last month (Sneak peaks as of Jan 23) so my guess we see a release later this year, and a dev log in probably like 3 months or so, may be sooner or later. Just my guess.


So over 3 months behind the schedule previously established then. I think I'll only bother with VN when its publicly available. Such a slow production rate deserves no compensation from me.


Not sure. I just know what i saw in the post. I don't pay, I wait for public release also. I see what this has for potential, and I do hope the updates come a little faster, but i is what it is sadly.


For 0.6 he made 1375 new images 50 new animations and 13900 new lines of code and he had to think and come up with story dialogues etc for that version so it's still impressive. 0.7 might have even more content so let's not judge without so much information at hand.


And it took him 6 months to do so! Not that impressive.


13 days ago the chapter was at 83% finished as per discord. I'm not sure why you're being so unpleasant when you don't even follow the release updates. The account before you has inaccurate estimates.


I dont have access to his Discord news. Neither am I obliged to. If he wants my support then he has the obligation to keep me informed, not the other way around. All he'd have to do is post the same information here on Itch...
Copy and Paste is childs play.


1. he is releasing big updates quicker then most developers

2. His updates are bigger then 90% of the VNs that got released in the last 6 months

3. The quality is on another level compared to most other games, there are only a few that are on the same level and they take around as long for updates as this game

4. He has been greatly improving during development which of course means he takes longer and longer for the better quality, just comlare it to his last game, even of i liked it the quality doesn't come close to this game

Also if you think this game isn't worth any support because you're to impatient to wait for the update then you are really stupid, the fact that you don't realize that a game with high quality and big, content rich updates take long to develop is sad


I realize completely how long it takes. I followed the Development of BG3, which took like 8 years.  Heres the thing, being Patient is stupid. Being Understanding is stupid. It encourages laziness. Being impatient is like lighting a bonfire under the devs arse. If he wants my support he'd better pull his finger out or at least keep me informed...

You way is just giving him free money!

I mean lets look at it this way... Starfield took like 8 years too, and that game cost me $120 AUD.  Thats like $1.25 per month of Dev time. I have played over 440 hours of that game. Well worth the investment!

Now If I compare it to Eternum... I get nowhere near the value, especially if I consider its not done yet! If I donate $10 per month per release, then I'm paying like $360 so far! Just following the pattern I've seen so far! Its an absolute rip off!

So why should I pay for this? The Empasis is on Caribdis to provide answer for that since I can just go find another source of entertainment thats just as good if not better than his.


They're not behind schedule because there is no schedule. None of the best devs I know of, release on a regular interval. They just work on it until it's up to high standards and release when they're done, often giving small regular progress updates to placate their fans. Before you complain about how fast you get updates, also consider how much you get each time.

There are vague progress updates and even sneak peaks if you'd like, they are just not here. They are on Patreon, Subscribestar and Discord; you see all these big banners up there? It's common practice to separate small progress updates and big releases to avoid unwanted inbox spam.

You don't have to pay anything if you don't want to but I think you're jumping to conclusions way too fast here.


finally someone with the ability to tbink logical

(1 edit) (-8)

This  is not the least bit logical or ok! Why have a presence on Itch and then refuse to offer information on it?! All it would take is Copy and Paste!!!!!

I think Caribdis would learn to follow a schedule if he didn't get paid when he failed to follow one... Just like everyone else with a job...


There are regular dev logs. You can also join discord with a ton of content and regular announcements. Last discord progress announcement was like 13 days ago.

And given the content quality, it's actually a very fast dev time.


exactly and not just the quality it's also the amount of content, most VN i see here are games that only have lile 5-10 animated scenes and 1 or 2 hours of content, just the last update had more content then most of these games


The most recent Dev Log ON THIS PLATFORM is dated Aug 22, 2023. Thats nearly 6 months ago. Why doesnt Caribdis update THIS PLATFORM!?! I refuse to join his Discord!! ALL IT WOULD TAKE IS ONE MINUTE TO COPY AND PASTE A MESSAGE!!


Looks like a civil war broke out in the comments. I'm trying to summarize your all your points now and respond to them. If you still disagree afterwards, so be it.

1. "The dev is behind schedule"
This project works on a "when it's done" basis

2. "We should financially incentivize the dev to establish a schedule"
Noone likes to wait, but all updates so far have ben excellent and plentiful. Why change a working system? The dev is putting out awesome stuff right now, punishing him now would be really inconsiderate.

3. "The dev is working slowly if you do the math"
I completely disagree. If you just take playtime divided by devtime, there are surely faster devs out there. But I'd argue that these playtime hours have a lot of awesome in them. Just comparing the numbers and not the quality isn't fair.

4. "Patreon is really expensive if you sum up the total spending on the project!"
Correct. 5$ per month reaches AAA prices in one year. If you want to optimize your finances, Patreon is not for you. If you just want to pay a one time amount, you can do that! Get Patreon for a month, any amount, and cancel in time. The dev guaranteed that Eternum will be free forever.

5. "Why are there no dev updates here?"
Dev updates are on Patreon, Subscribestar and Discord. Dev updates on Itch would annoy those who just want release notifications.

The dev could put the progress banner on his project page. By not doing it, he encourages people to get deeper into the community and I don't blame him. Just click on the Subscribestar banner an there it is.

6. "The dev doesn't care about his fans, otherwise he'd communicate more!"
Actually, he is quite active in the comments. And he's active on the aforementioned platforms as well.

(2 edits) (-6)

I still disagree. Here is my response:

1. "The dev is behind schedule" This project works on a "when it's done" basis

My Counter point: The pre-established pattern I can see above begs to differ! I see that the most recent update occurred 6 months after the one before that. He can say ‘when its ready’ all he like and I can say ‘Not good enough’ just as much. My purpose here is too push him! Make him understand he can do better, BE BETTER! Because everyone can always be BETTER!! If he gets it doen in 6 months, Ill push him to do it in 5. If he gets it done in 5, Ill push him to do it in 4!!!

Why are you so content with his performance when he did better in the last release?

2. "We should financially incentivize the dev to establish a schedule" Noone likes to wait, but all updates so far have ben excellent and plentiful. Why change a working system? The dev is putting out awesome stuff right now, punishing him now would be really inconsiderate.

My Counter point: Clearly the current system is not working as well as it could consider there is clearly a delay and no communication to explain why. Punishing him is not inconsiderate at all. Its actually entirely appropriate considering he is failing to perform to my expectations.

3. "The dev is working slowly if you do the math" I completely disagree. If you just take playtime divided by devtime, there are surely faster devs out there. But I'd argue that these playtime hours have a lot of awesome in them. Just comparing the numbers and not the quality isn't fair.

My Counter point: Actually its completely fair when you factor in individual tastes. I love the story too but in the end its just a story. There is no real game play element to it, only relationship points used to determine if the player sees a lewd scene or not. There's very little actual choice in the story. It's not all that complicated of a story either, in fact parts of it are copied from other stories such as ‘Ready Player One’.

Now if I compare it to Baldur’s Gate 3, Starfield or Rogue Trader… Which are all real games rather than just Visual Novels… See what I'm getting at?

So its not ‘awesome’. Just good… and now I question even that given the slow rate of production.

4. "Patreon is really expensive if you sum up the total spending on the project!" Correct. 5$ per month reaches AAA prices in one year. If you want to optimize your finances, Patreon is not for you. If you just want to pay a one time amount, you can do that! Get Patreon for a month, any amount, and cancel in time. The dev guaranteed that Eternum will be free forever.

My Counter point: I have in fact given Caribdis a small, one time, contribution. Through Itch, because I refuse to use Patreon. Now I wish I hadn't even done that.

5. "Why are there no dev updates here?" Dev updates are on Patreon, Subscribestar and Discord. Dev updates on Itch would annoy those who just want release notifications.

The dev could put the progress banner on his project page. By not doing it, he encourages people to get deeper into the community and I don't blame him. Just click on the Subscribestar banner an there it is.

My Counter point: No, I refuse to use Subscribestar, I refuse to use Patreon. I refuse to join his Discord.  I want to be updated on Itch. All it would take is a simple message, once a month, to report progress. Also all I want is a Release Notification too… on a timely, predictable rate. When that doesn’t happen I expect a report on why and how long it is estimated to take.

6.  "The dev doesn't care about his fans, otherwise he'd communicate more!" Actually, he is quite active in the comments. And he's active on the aforementioned platforms as well.

My Counter point: I do not and/or will not use any of the aforementioned platforms. He has not responded to any of my posts in the last few hours. Actually I just checked and it has been about 24 hours with no comment from Caribdis.

He has just over a week until the six month anniversary of his last release, which is usually preceded by a 1 month pre-release message. All of this leads me to believe he is at least 1 month behind the pre-established pattern. This demonstrates he doesn’t give a damn about me and since I have been a fan up to this point I believe I am justified in my statement.


Okay, let's disagree then. I still have a lot to say but this thread is too long already, so let's put this to rest. If you find an AVN dev that does meet your expectations, do tell me because they must be absolutely insane. I'm serious, do tell me. :)

Anyway, let's see what the next update brings. Maybe the wait was worth it, maybe it wasn't. We can't judge until we have complete information.

(1 edit) (-3)

The funny thing is that this met my expectations! As I said Eternum was good! Really good. This is just too much for me. Six months+ with no communication is too damned long, I dont care how good the content is. So I'm out. 


I meant an AVN developer that meets your expectations. And again: there were public announcements, freely available with no accounts required! You were just unwilling to access them.


ok bye, have fun apparently doing nothing with your life 


Really good game. I like the pace, the music, the story.

One thing that completly throw me off though is how the dialogues sometimes become crude and NSFW for absolutely no reason. For example, there is a perfectly normal conversion going on and suddently either a female caracter or the MC starts refering to hardcode sex stuff out of nowhere.
I know the game is about sex and I really enjoyed that as well, but when the caracters starts randomly acting and speaking like porn actors it breaks the immersion. Which is too bad since the game is really good apart from that.


Huh, I never found the sextalk to be out of place or "sudden". Would you mind naming a scene that backs up your point?


One that come to my mind is in Warthog school, the potion teacher starts talking very crudely to Penny to showcase the effect of the Veritaserum potion.

I noticed it two or three other situations but I can’t remember the exact scenes.


Hm, ok. I don't agree with you there but thanks for the example. The scene sure is absurd, but meant to be funny. It also gradually gets more hardcore as the scene goes on, it could be a lot more jarring than this.

An even better example that comes to mind would be Elliot from the Collector's mansion. That was quite unexpected. But also kind of mimicing what the player was probably thinking. Yeah, can't share your sentiment here, sorry :P


I found that scene to be quite natural. The potion teacher is a nasty pervert and tricked Penny into drinking the potion so that she can ask her naughty questions and get off on it.


i think it's a you issue because that's how many people talk and joke with each other, i and my friends also sometimes during conversation do jokes or start talking about other topics including hardcore sex sometimes


Hello dear Caribdis. Please tell me, will the Russian language be in the new version(s), or has it been completely removed?


The person who translated it took the link down and now I can't get in contact with them, unfortunately.

I'll upload it again as soon as I have news!


Thank you so much for the reply. I wish you good luck in developing your masterpiece ❤️


i gave you a like simply because i can't in any way understand why someone would dislike your question


It's probably that damalon Benjamin guy. He's angry because he can't afford to use Patreon or Subscribestar, and he's scared of using Discord, so he's not getting progress updates on this platform (itch). Benjamin might end up excommunicated here as well though for spam and harassment, maybe that will revoke all the -1s he's been handing out.


damn, how sad is his life for getting so salty about not getting progress updates, although he can just go to their discord and i don't mean it entirely negative i mostly just think he should seek help because it's definitely not healthy 


Really love the story,the art and music cant wait for more,just asking can you please make or put calypso as one of the main girl love interest on the upcoming updates, not just side girl I really like her,Alex n Penelope too.xd

(1 edit) (+5)(-1)

She'll have more lewd scenes and be super important, so no worries there :)

ooh nice I hope she can be become one of the main girl, keep up the good work


Does anyone know why several unlocked galleries will disappear when I restarting my saved game?


i had the same problem a few scenes are locked even tho i unlocked them, but it is what it is

Deleted 1 year ago




(1 edit) (+1)(-3)

When the adult content is removed this work is still unique, in China is called "锦上添花(icing on the cake)", she is the first in my mind, no one has ever done it before, of course you are welcome to make a "latecomer".

Agreed, you could take out all the sex scenes in this game and it would still be an amazing VN.

(1 edit) (-1)

Do you have the HS2 cards for the characters for people to use or are they private? They look amazing!


To my knowledge, only the OIALT girls are available. I've seen quite a few fan recreations of the Eternum models though, you should join the Discord server.


They will be available in my Patreon eventually, maybe after 0.7!


The only game I have played that comes close to this is "Being a dik" and to some extent "once in a lifetime" of course. 

It is very smart of you to make the setting inherently diverse. Meaning that if you feel like you want to make a sci-fi part you can just do it. As someone who also works in creative fields, that can make the process much more enjoyable.

I'm hope to play it through again before the next chapter. 

(1 edit) (-1)

I have to replay a good bit, did this game have a guide? i don't remember it 

Also I don't remember it well enough, could you reach the last builds end in everyones favour?


Yes, there is an official walkthrough among the game downloads. Right now, it's the 6th option from the bottom. Though if you'd like to play alongside the walkthrough, I would recommend you a walkthrough mod for convenience.

The ending of the latest game version is the same regardless of your choices up to that point.


I mostly want back to the point I was or since I think I made a mistake and I don't know if a mistake ruins the whole relationship.

I have an old save that I found, but I don't have the bathroom scene for example I believe.


There is often leeway for mistakes, though some individual mistakes can ruin a path on their own. The bathroom lewd is not mandatory for Dalia's path. If you got to the end of 0.4 with her path intact, you're probably fine.

If you want to be 100% safe, you should fully replay the game alongside a walkthrough because future consequences & affection point thresholds are still unknowable. Some people fully replay Eternum with each new update!


Okay well I love it, but I can't risk being bored to early if I replay it 100times.  For now I will keep the save then.

Thank you.


idk if its like once in a lifetime that u can "lose" a girl after no doing the right choice...

so im asking before doing anything wrong, can u "buy" or "reachive" girls or scenes or do i have to do it perfectly with the walkthrough?

also Oial and Eternum is super nice as in sexy and cool

sadly good games take ages to update but keep the good work! :D

(Also sorry for my bad English ._. )


You don't have to play perfectly but there are decisions that ruin paths on their own if you mess them up. You can load a save of course, but apart from that it's impossible to regain a path once you lost it.

If you don't like that, I have the perfect mod for you. It can notify you if you just made a mistake, so you don't have to worry about missing out on anything. It's only available for the English version though.


Oh thanks just played the game and remembered that i asked and now looked if its on android too.

just thanks for answering so fast :D


Have you ever thought about remaking Once in a Lifetime?

(2 edits) (+7)

I thought about it, but I'm not a fan of remakes

I'd rather work on new content


Good, OIAL is perfect already. Though I gotta ask, there a chance they might have a crossover? Apart from mentioning them here and there like Pres. Stabb


oh man. I fucking love this game. I've racked up more time in this since I download it than I do with most $60 games I get. 

like many others I was at first averse due to the artstyle, but it quickly dragged me in and made me even enjoy the looks.  the story is just fantastic, so much so to the point that I started wanting the sex scenes to end just to get back to it lol (not that those scenes are bad at all, every part of this is amazing). i don't think i've ever felt connected to characters in anything more than I have here. the only complaint I actually have about the game is that it ended lol (seriously, when I reached the to be continued screen my heart dropped because I was so invested).

Caribdis, I hope the patreon is paying you well (even though I don't have the funds to donate currently) and that you're taking your time working on this game to make the next updates as perfect as can be. I will be looking forward to 0.7 like a 2nd birthday lmao

I honestly can't articulate my love for this game, you should really be proud of yourself Caribdis, we'll all be looking forward to 0.7 and so on!


Thank you so much!!


Hey Caribdis, is 0.7 gonna be a Luna content? Im kinda missing the dark haired, pale skinned, red eyed beauty.

Damn, what did you do to me my guy, this aint me.


There will definitely be Luna content in 0.7. She's even on the development cover.


Well thank god, I like all the girls but there's just something about that that red eyed beauty. Thanks for the info btw.


Thanks for the good news, i kinda missed Luna.


So good I'm willing to even endorse this on main, this games is hands down the best one ive played on here, i quite literally cannot find anything else that lives up to this quality, it feels like iam chasing the high this game brought. So well done Caribdis,  how dare you make something this incredibly good !!!


Thank you very much!

(1 edit) (-1)

I only just started v0.3, but I want to share my opinion on this game, although keep in mind i'm only at v0.3 so I don't know about the story after, also english is not my first language so i apologise if some of my sentences come out messy or hard to understand.

I gotta admit I came here like a total gremlin just to nut and go. I skipped a majority of dialogues to head straight to sex scenes and bust a nut, but through speedrunning the dialogues I actually noticed it's not bad and I realized that it might be a good idea to give the game a second shot. So I started again from the beginning and I got hooked in the story. I don't even care about nutting, I play the game and enjoy the story, and sex scenes too of course but without them I'd still be hooked on the game.

What I like the most about the game:

Characters have depth and are interesting. They have their unique traits, hobbies, problems and interests. The story has a mix of comedy, more serious drama, romance, and it has a bit of thriller and horror. That mix surprisingly came out well and makes it so you experience a vast range of emotions when progressing through the story. The most important part is that the story is not empty, it can leave you with some thoughts. For example one time mc was careful about diving into a virtual reality possibly making you addicted, but he appreciated that he had things to do on the weekend in real life and in that moment it made me think that honestly it's true that if you have stuff to do in real life and you enjoy it you aren't really gonna fall prey to escapism. Also the talk mc had with the blue haired girl when he asked her if she's an npc, which she replied that if he can't notice a difference between her being real or not then does it really matter, if something looks and feels real but isn't real doesn't it still make it real? (i repeated "real" a lot in that sentence lmao) Things like these make the game feel worthy of your time and serve as a conversation between the developer and the player where developer shares his thoughts. I'm telling you even current marvel movies lack that aspect so I really appreciate it if a story has it.

What I don't like about the game:

I know romance and sex in this game serve as a fantasy for men, but I don't really like how relationships with some girls progress. Mc doesn't do anything or possess any traits that make him attractive other than his looks and big dick and it makes some women lust for him and have sex with him in the span of short amount of time after first seeing him which doesn't seem acceptably realistic to me. I liked how it went with alex, at first she was cold but mc gradually started to gain her trust and through his action he showed her his good manly traits and kindness which made her attracted to him. I don't like how it went with Nancy, she went to his room saw his big cock and started to fantasize about her doing it with the mc and the only too simple argument for that is that she hasn't had a man for a long time. It feels as exaggerated as it is in porn. Also I don't like how mc is attracted to these women without any depth, he only likes them for their bodies and sex, this is what i feel about the mc.

In summary
I think this is a good game, I enjoy it a lot and the futuristic virtual reality world is so compelling to me. You have a huge potential, I'm looking forward to the finishing of this game and your next creations. If you keep learning more about how to make better stories, psychology (helps with creating desires, social interactions, behavior etc. of characters) and also if you look for inspiration and gain many life experiences which you can put into your creative work, you will be able to create masterpiece stories. But... this is just my opinion so keep it with a grain of salt. I appreciate your work and wish you the best in your future, never give up on what you want to do and create but take care of your health, relationships and overall well being first so you can keep on creating quality things like this game.

Also do you have any socials? I want to keep track of your work, so when I give you a follow or subscribe to you on social media now, then in a few years if you create something amazing I'll see it.

[edit]: Just finished v0.3 and the rome arc with nancy explained more why she is attracted to the mc and it doesn't feel exaggerated anymore.


Thank you for your opinions!

I'm glad you liked it better after 0.3, as the game progresses you get to learn more and more about the girls and their motivations


Yes, I played it a bit time after the edit I made, and honestly, all the bad points I mentioned are fixed and you are right. Maybe if there was a different build-up where there would be a bit more emphasis on a character noticing another character's qualities in a conversation or after observing an action they do like it was for Alex. But also maybe the fault is on my side and I haven't noticed the things other players did. Overall when going through the game it feels better and better, I appreciate your work.


I had to make an account just to words can describe this game just now after seeing nova as jinx i HAD to say something. I absolutely love this game like i keep getting amazed by how this game is the best game in the world i mean the story, the grafics and everything is perfect. i love all the references from all kinds of genres and themes, i love the puzzles, the QTEs, The Characters, and i fucking LOVE how immersive this world is and that i can CHOOSE my own path instead of just reading i mean the person who made this should get awarded and ill deff. support with my money asap. The only thing that bummed me out was that i missed the very first shower scene somehow and that dilara is locked (help me how and why) otherwhise 10/10


Thank you very much!


Game keeps crashing on android right after the cyberpunk city screen. Help me please


I can't even open the game after reinstalling, what should I do 😥. It worked fine and just started closing after I finished playing once


Wanted to drop in and say I loved OIALT and I'm currently really enjoying Eternum. I really enjoy Luna and Annie and hope they get the happy endings they deserve at the end of this story. Also, I laughed out loud when Ember's Moan made its reappearance. I'd love to see more references to OIALT in future versions! I would love to see Lauren and Judie again even if just as background characters.


TYVM! There will probably be some more nods to OiaLt!



(3 edits) (+2)(-2)

Hell, this game was incredible! Just finished Eternum v.0.6 and of course I regret not playing more slowly. Annie is my favorite!

Characters, music, sounds, eternums story and its servers, high-quality images and animations - 9/10 stars.

Why only 9/10? There are a few points that would make the game even more exciting in my opinion:

- At the beginning we learn a lot background stuff and normal events. Later after Eternum kicked in, those normal scenes are very rare to missing. Eternum looses a bit its fasciniating atmosphere if there aren't any more daily routines. For example, lets visit on a couple more school lessons, how is Chang going and how he's doing with Michaela, is there any deeper meaning into Chop-Chop and will he appear again (as unnerving he is, he probably should), the family's cat seems really nice - she has to become even more attention, Raul + Noah's background... ... you see, exciting/boring side storys are the ones that lacks your story of a bit. Take more time between sex scenes and/or Eternum adventures.

- Texts are easy to understand... but maybe sometimes a little bit repeating. If our MC forms more different sentences, he'll look more intelligent.

- MC shouldn't only be in a good physical state, but come up with an own intelligent idea - I mean, the girls should love him not only for his big appendage

- At the beginning the characters had their own habits, that was just super super awesome!!! E.g. Nova used qualified IT network security knowledge. By the way - no one can imagine something like this without reference - did you research that all on your own... or have you hacker skills yourself? I work in IT and just had CompTIA Security+ curse last month - and I've to say, her vocabular fits absolutly.
Unfortunately, later their are no other IT stuff scene with her. Just the same with Luna, Annie's combat improvements and the scary girls from MCs dreams, the progress of investigating case of Axel's best friend in detail and Ulysses corruption (like you told on the prologue). Other characters habits, like the one from Alex, Calypso and Dalia seem nearly perfect to me already.

- You might consider re-using some music or locations from time to time. They are fantastic. Warthogs, the music from Mr. Hernandez's contest, Andromeda server

- There has to be definitely a special, where MC fucks a Praetorian. Sorry folks, but I had to mention it. The one from the icy server (where they find Calypso) that appeared first were very hot for example... The manipulating cube maybe could taking a role into that part...

- The two Asians from that crazy server MC stumbled escaping with Calypso could provide another sex scene

Final thoughts:

Please don't feel offended by those improvements suggestions, I just said what I had in my mind - the game is very very good already. Plus, I like the parallels to real life things, all that real-existing trades and people and history (hell, even mention of Corona time had its small appearance there). The best is: We all know about some special similarities to "Ready Player One", but it does not destroy it - you found an amazing balance of adapting suggestions from that movie and having your very own story. Congratulations, that had to be the most difficult task ever. And, all the allusions let me laugh almost as hard as the story and its characters itself! And I laughed pretty much playing Eternum.


Glad you liked it!

And thank you for your comments and suggestions! Much appreciated!


Thanks for reading it - maybe you'll find some ideas useful for your next versions :)


Hello.I am Japanese.My question is, is there a Japanese version of this game?I can't read English and I am very confused.


There's not one in the making that I know of, unfortunately

(1 edit) (-2)

Me and my buddy have been playing this game(In separate houses ofc) and we both said "Go for the nut then leave" but the story AND THE MUSIC OMFG all in all I now support the Patreon and always check on the updates great game and I hope to see many more. I even went and played your older one and even that one was awesome :


Thank you very much!!


Can someone invite me or help me cause i cant join the discord it always gives me an error if i try to klick on it here


Discord needs to be sure that you're 18+ years old. Opening the Family Center in the Discord settings prompted me for my birthday, that's how I did it.


Русский язык решили совсем убрать?

Его и не было. Перевод фанатский. И как ты собрался обращаться с претензией к разработчику на русском языке?


shouldn't there be a new update soon?


0.7 is about 83% done so around early spring it should release


This game is sick!! One question though. How do I import my android save to my pc save?

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