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(1 edit) (+3)

11/10 game 💕 the story is so good just finished playing the 0.2 

Woah cant wait for the upcoming update and contents

Thanks for creating this game and merrychristmas to all 😊💕


Glad you liked it!


Damn that cliffhanger hurts.Anyway thank you very much for the christmas gift.


You're welcome!


I know its a lot to ask but is there a timeframe for when you might complete the game? as in to 1.0? im only asking because i played your last game after completion and knowing me leaving off on a cliffhanger or incomplete story isnt good for me especially with the way you write your stories. i know its gonna be a while and i have no problem waiting, i just have some seriously high expectations from once in a lifetime lol. i get the feeling this is gonna be even better and so it deserves a full playthru in one sitting if possible. the temptation to download and play is overwhelming but i dont wanna miss out on getting the full effect of the story in one go


It's gonna take a few years, I'd recommend you to play sooner than that haha

honestly at this point i think ur right. might hold off for another update, but whats the rough play time? like an hour or so?

+3-4 hours right now


i should have expected that knowing what you make lol. right, time to download. i get the feeling ill be leaving another glowing review like my one on once in a lifetime :P


Haha nope, with the two updates together you're looking at at least 4 hours if you go a bit fast, if like me you like to take your time and try multiple options etc i would say it's about 5 to 6 hours (i took a few breaks so it may not be 100% accurate)


awesome thanks bud, imma download that right now


Have fun bro :))

(1 edit)

I personally like to see these as episodes of a series. Caribdis' way of releasing them from cliffhanger to cliffhanger also helps.


0.2... Best christmas gift I could've asked for :0




Even tho this  update didn't have any much lewd scenes, the story...

It's delicious.


Thank you!


Ya la termine y al igual que con la 0.1 quede con muchas ganas de mas. 

Me encanto el avance de la historia y también el avance con las chicas, lo unico que me dejo medio incomodo fue como quedaron las cosas con annie, pero estoy seguro que en la proxima actualización se arreglaran las cosas con ella. 

Felicidades haces un muy buen trabajo y gracias por dejarnos disfrutar de este juegazo. 


I'm livetweeting playing 0.2  on my VTuber twitter if anybody's interested in a laugh 😘


Absolutely perfect for those of us in the world who celebrate on the 24th! Merry Christmas!


Merry Xmas!


YO YO YO It's the moment we've all been waiting for: 0.2 PUBLIC AAAAHHHH *_* Thank you for the best Christmas present ever Caribdis! <3 Fanart here I come!


You're welcome ^^


Eternum ver. 0.2! Let's goooo!

This game is pretty amazing and I am excited for the update!


when the update is coming ??


I'm uploading it

where do u find it?

Мне понравилось, класс!


Caribdis making 0.2: hmmm, what if I made every girl best girl?

but seriously HOLY CRAP, The story is way too good, I can't even put it into words

Thank you so much :D



 whosever u are 

u are very kind this that you are providing this masterpiece for free ..


My pleasure!

When is the update coming??? i can't wait

In about 4 hrs

Nothing, just waiting for the update. 
The game is pog tho,

Snake City - Run Boy Run

im gonna leave it here 


This game is awesome.


This game is fucking amazing for a point and click game. the story is amazing the characters are hilarious the animations is fantastic, everything is done perfectly. Big props to the developers who made this game. Cant wait for further updates on the game 

Thank you very much!



You can  tell this game was developed with love and care. The story, design, and artwork is beautifully done. Reminds me of Ready Player One with a darker tone and adult themes which I love.

Thank you, I appreciate it!



Wow Nice Game, and nice Story great work. 


Thanks ^^


amazing plot! i love the game and looking forward playing the rest of it:)


Thank you!
0.2 will be released for free in just 2 days ^^

(1 edit)

Will there be any pregnancy later down the road? Also amazing work with your VNs, I love all of them!

Yeah, it'll be late game (and optional), but 100%


Great game so far, waiting for 0.2.. and the rest of the game :) Once in a Lifetime was great as well, thanks for doing all this, Caribdis <3


Thank you for playing!



The nightmare part had me jumping out of my chair. Luna scared the crap out of me. The mystery is just 100/100. Masterful use of music for the immersive gameplay. More real than real life.

I would definitely recommend this to any fellow men of culture I see. This should really be a paid game for the graphics. It's rare to see visual novels with actual moving stuff instead of just a PNG. I've not finished the game yet even though I've been playing for ages. The amount of gameplay even though the game is not done yet is insane. 

Good work, keep it up! We all need more watermelons in our lives, wink wink. 




I did, yes! Thanks!


Thank you so much! 💗


The depth in the story line make me emotional more than watching sad movie. WTH


I'm glad ^^


What is the song that plays during your first meeting with Eva?


If you could, can you put the soundtrack in the credits?


it's "no one knows but me" from torii wolf :)

As expected, the quality seen in OiaL remains, but of course, this being only the beggining, it didn't hook me up as much, though it certainly does have a lot of potential. Good job, and do you plan on making any characters from OiaL appear here? As it is the same universe and the game happens not that far from OiaL. Of course i'd like to see brand new characters, but i wouldn't mind seeing Stabby Mike again, since it was mentioned he grew up in the place MC is living. Other characters would of course be harder to fit in, but it certainly wouldn't be impossible, especially since we saw in one of the endings of OiaL that Astaroth was searching for Calypso, so i guess i would be possible to connect both stories, especially considering we have a virtual world so people can meet from across the world. Anyway, looking forward for the next updates, ty for these high-quality games and keep up the good work.


Thank you!
There will be cameos and references, yeah

There is an obvious improvement in graphical fidelity over OiaL (especially for the MC, who looks like a human being rather than a high-functioning coke addict, lol), and the comedy is still here, but this hasn't hooked me as immediately as OiaL did. This could be because of the bugs on mobile (see below), it could be that the longer story has a longer spin-up, it could be that I don't find any of the characters particularly attractive yet, or it could be all 3. I'm not sure. Still can't wait to see what comes next, though.

A couple of things I can address directly:
-The 'hot girl' in the popular group looks like a background character from a no-budget Korean drama. I'm assuming it's because no time was spent on her character model as she is just a background character, but suspension of disbelief is difficult when there's at least 3 women in the class that are way more attractive than her. And at least one of those (Dalia) would be popular herself just for the fact that she's hot and athletic and not rough around the edges like Alex.
-At the end of the .1 story you're hunting the seventh gem, but earlier that day the AI said only 5 had been found, then almost immediately after the CEO announced the 6th had been found. The story seems to imply the "7th" had been in possession of these two for quite a while, so something doesn't add up.
-Blush is applied way too heavily pretty frequently, and is really distracting. It was there in OiaL too, but it was a lot less in-your-face. You could interpret it as makeup in that game, but in Eternum it reads as these girls are constantly embarrassed or horny.

Mobile Bugs:
text/character names don't line up with the text box AT ALL
the rapid scene transitions completely break and just turn black
it takes FOREVER to switch back to the paths screen after tapping one of the girl's pictures, but only the first time after opening the paths screen. Once it finally switches back, it's all perfectly responsive until you close the paths screen and open it again

tl;dr is Eternum is a huge upgrade over OiaL graphically, and shows glimmers of the brilliance OiaL had, but isn't there yet. But this is still version .1, just the tip of the iceberg, so I have high hopes.

Thank you Celares! 
I'll try to improve on those aspects

I definitely agree with the blush. The characters in this game look really real and don't really have any outlandish proportions, but the blush can get offputting.




Sir i am a big fan of your work.

After playing Harem hotel i didn't find any other game to occupy me on this genre or even on story side. 

But god damn, First Once in a lifetime...and now Eternum.

Words can't describe how much i enjoyed myself even if it was a hilarious situation where i just laughed my ass off or a sexual scene with animation, Perfection! and not even once did i feel cringe while playing.

Your first game still my favorite and still sad that the story is over...but i see very much potential on this one as well, like the new animations you made, giving us new content with each update.

KEEP. IT. UP my man! 

Ps: If u ever finish this gem as well and think of going for squeals on either of these games just notify me. I'll even start funding you to keep going. I just can't get enough so don't you dare stop sir! Hands down favorite Creator since i started playing these games. :)


+1 This dude is amazing.

Thank you so much! 😍
I have no plans on stopping, no worries! 😁

Deleted 2 years ago

Indeed! Haha


Wow, I mean, wow wow wow!!

Usually I don't like these kind of games but boredom struck and here I am.. Flabbergasted! I can't wait for the next update, absolutely phenomenal!! Well done

Thank you!!

Absolutely the one of the best games I've ever played, the story, the humour, the plot, the art style just everything about this game is purely amazing.


Glad you liked it, thanks!


Fantastic game! Great characters, great story, sexy girls, and hilarious on top of all that. Two thumbs up!!!

Thank you Shawn 🙏🙏🙏


So excited for the v0.2 ! Keep the great work up mate !

I will, thanks!
0.2 coming soon!


Can't wait! You are the best


Hot damn definitely a step up from the last game. Can't wait for the next update

Thank you!
0.2 will be here soon ^^

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