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Deleted 286 days ago

The talking permissions were limited to patrons after a series of bot raids and trolls, sorry about it

Deleted 286 days ago

Sadly, every girl seems to get a new scene every other update, so luna will probably get a scene in 0.7. Next update will most likely have an annie scene, a dalia scene, and an alex scene. Alex is guaranteed based on the progress bar's background.

Heyo, ya should make this game downloadable on the app!

It's not possible, itch has a 4GB limit to upload directly

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holy crap this one is so good i really  enjoy the story /scary/funny the spicy part it's really good  and thrilling fk i have nothing to say my english is bad lol..  

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the 12 hrs of game play was fking worth it damnn


Hi dear sir, may I ask if the upcoming update has new scene for Luna? I'm captivated by her especially her powers and her story line. You sir is a genius, If I can donate money in the future I will do it. But first gotta find a decent job , I can't find any game that can top ETERNUM 😄


i second that my friend haha


I finished this game a few days ago and every single day i find myself coming back to here, the discord, and the twitter trying to see if the next chapter came out. I have been so many of these kind of games and i have never been so interested, nor so upset when i found out it was over. Caribdis you should really consider starting to make like actual games because this is one of the best single player stories i have ever played, truly. I loved every single second of it and i keep trying to find games like it and I just cant. What you made was truly inconceivable. I want to thank you for giving me this experience it was truly amazing <3


i agreed. i do find this game very fancinating and awesome(sorry for my bad english). its like im just so invested in the storyline, so much that the main theme of this game has become a bonus point for me. i cant wait for the next update. ive been replaying over and over again while waiting for the next update.


Thank you so much!


What all these folks have said is true.

 The average game is a sculpture of art but what your have made is of the finest clay were theres is mere play dough while theres is ok yours is miles above thank you for your work

Thank youª!


I honestly don't even know what to say. The story is so incredibly captivating and immersive that sometimes I forgot that I was even playing a porn game. This is an adventure that truly had me absolutely ensnared for the better part of 3 days. The characters, the animations, the jokes, everything is so amazing. Caribdis you glorious bastard, I tip my hat to you for giving me the experience of a lifetime.

And the MC feels likeable, which isn't always the case with these kinds of games

Thank you <3

(1 edit)

Your games are phenomenal. Please never stop making them! I only made this account to leave this comment. If I can find a way to tip you in btc, I'd be happy to do it!

Ps: Nova <3

(1 edit)

Thank you very much!

If you wish, you can do so here! Thank you!!

I loved Once in a Lifetime and can't wait for the finished game of this. Love your stuff!


genuinely one of my favorite games. not just hentai games but game games. it feels like caribdis actually thought about making a proper and enjoyable game rather than a hentai throw away. I loved both games and I cant wait for the next update.

Glad you liked it!


i downloaded for the scenes, stayed for the story...never thought id cry playing one of these games LMAO this story is my favorite story of all, its like they really built a story around the characters and didn't build everything around sex, this is a masterpiece, i dont even comment on games at all, i just had to share this

I cried to his first story after I found out he made it because of how great it is


where i first cried was alex story of finding her prince, it was so sad 


Same, Alex is by far my favorite because of her story 😭

Alex absolute waifu. The backstory is so good. 


Thank you so much <3


Basic Visual Novel gameplay, however.. the story feels refined overtime and i'm loving the characters in the story, sex scenes are nice but the scenes that are exclusive in story is nice as well.

I love the duality of the mc and with the other npc characters, they feel alive in a way that makes it hard to explain.

 Thanks guys for making such a nice looking game, continue the good work!!


Thank you very much!!


No no, Thank you for making a story driven game. I'm looking forward to the future updates, i binged it for 2 days straight hahaha!


You have something man, the comedy is very well implemented, I have never laughed so much with a visual novel, the story is very interesting, the stage designs and characters very well polished.

Excellent work man, you have my respects.

Chang The Goat.

Thanks for the kind words :D

All Hail Chang 🤩


This game is amazing I understand I will have to be patient for the full release but you need to know how amazing of a job this game is. I came to coom and I have found something much more. Thank you and please keep working on it and take your time

I will, thanks!

Is there a way to upgrade when the next release comes out on android so I don't lose my saves?


That's right, keep both versions of the game, install the old one and then install the new one, it will serve as an "update" and you will have the new content still keeping your progress.


eternum happened to be my first ever "visual novel" type game...i had no idea how spoiled i was.

i stumbled upon this game shortly after the 0.5 release....though at the time i had no idea what that meant. i've never started playing a game that was still in development; in fact, if i knew it was incomplete, i would have never given it a chance to begin with.

yet, here i am, again, months later, eagerly checking back and hoping to see "0.6."

what have i become..?

I've searched far and wide for something..anything that can match the experience of eternum. I've descended to the darkest, most deplorable corners of reddit, downloaded games from questionable sources, and devoted hours and hours playing various other games...alas, nothing seems to scratch that itch.

you should give Superhuman a shot if you haven't already

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never came across that one or recall it being suggested. i'll take a look. don't let me down.

i actually lean more towards the ones with free roam events or side stories / alternative paths (idk if you'd still classify those as a visual novel). besides alternative paths ( (which i didn't notice much difference from the few times i experimented with choosing other options) , eternum doesn't exactly fit this, but i guess it's the story that really peaks my interest.

I recently played deviant anomalies, and really enjoyed the "detective" aspect of the game. the writing wasn't great, or maybe the world was a bit too absurd for me, but there was still an interesting story being told.

i played DIK which i thought was good; packed with free roaming events and other cool features, but the story wasn't really there.

i'd also like to play a full game from start to end. so many are either in development or have been abandoned. There's nothing worse than devoting 40+ hours for really nothing to happen........*cough harem hotel cough* that story took so long to go anywhere and once it started to, the update is over.


Once in a Lifetime, the game Caribdis did before Eternum, it's completed

yeah i did once in a lifetime. story was decent. maybe the art style wasn't my cup of tea.


Desert Stalker is really awesome. so is Ataegina if you like RPG styles.  Once In A Lifetime was super good as well.  Eternum though.. Next Level.

I second Deseret Stalker

(2 edits)

I recommend you two games, Superhuman, there's is a bunch of side stories, and I absolutely love the game, it's my favorite VN, but there are some flaws, the biggest being the art but the creator is working on it, still, mostly in the beginning of the game the artwork is bad, but it becomes much better after the first hour, and the game still is incredible. There is also Halfway House, I can't really think about any flaws of the game, the models are awesome and the story is compelling, with every character being totally unique and having flaws making them almost human.

yeah i started halfway house one night, only for 10 or so minutes but never picked it back up. ima check out superhuman and then go back to halfway house. thanks!

Hey, was going to search for some more games and saw the notification, don't know if you already played superhuman but if so, I hope you liked, and I have another recommendation, just finished playing a VN called Interwined, the characters are well made and the story is fantastic, it resembles Being a DIK a bit, but instead of a freshman at college the protagonist is a highschool senior and at least for me the story was better than Being a DIK, it isn't complete yet but it should take you at least 8~9 hours

nothing like this game thats for sure i started the game in dec so i played the last two drops and ya this game is amazing for sure.  I also really liked the AOA Academy but it got abandoned which sucks, but this dev is on it and im guessing we should have news by the end of june

Please fix android because it has a bug where it kicks you out of the game before actually getting to the gameplay I was actually really interested to try this game out but now I'm really disappointed 

is it me, or is it super hard to get hearts even tho I picked the right choices .

As of right now, max you can get on most characters is 3-4 hearts. I think that's because the game is not finished and you'll only get to max hearts once you get to the end of the game with all/most correct choices


True, honestly it's a really fum fuckin game, chop chop and chang are the best lol.

one more question, when you get back from the trip with lunas dad should you pick fishing sim or something else when she texts you?


I don't know how, but this is the most engaging piece of fiction I've ever read.
I just came to nut and leave but the story and characters are all so incredibly written it's insane.


Thank you! :D

There's no need to thank me man, how you managed to make a story and game stay on track, well written, funny, interesting and even scarry is wizardry.
The ending to v5 sent chills down my spine, and the gas station scene with Luna did too.
Not to mention the animations that are also great.

All that and you still respond to comments? You're either insane or insanely talented.

I can't wait for V6, keep the grind up and good luck.

Boy I'm gonna be mighty disappointed if this next chapter doesn't deliver after waiting so long.


I came to coom, but was put on a riveting adventure about a wacky vr game. At the end of that same adventure, I learned that the real coom was the friends we met along the way.

Commenter above me is a philosopher. Upvote him to karma heaven.

 game is great and do you guys have a official discord channel for oinlt or for Eternum??

Sure, you can find a link above Downloads!

do you have only 1 discord channel for both games or you have 2 seprate channels for both game?????

Just 1 server

ok thanks a lot

I was surprised by the quality of the comic made by Nova. I’m curious. Was that made by you? Hired someone or a friend? Or a fanart from a fan?


Hired someone!


OMG, I want to play this so bad but im afraid im gonna loose my shit once i reach the current end of the game, AAAAAAAAH, do you have an approximate of when the full game will be realesed?


Few days ago the creator said its 70% done, even im waiting 😅


The FULL game will still take a few years

Deleted post

Lmao it would increase its quality like crazy for sure, but it wouldn't be that much faster haha

Can't wait for the next update, I love the story and the characters and it's really impressive to see that just one single choice can change a lot in the storyline

Thank you!


Если он и в реале станет сильнее


Йерццо если он станет достаточно сильным в 

Не только в игре но и в реале тогда унего наверно есть шанс


Chang is the goat

Chang the chad

You are the best dev out there man. I really enjoyed Once in a Lifetime already and this game is also really good! I really don't know better visual novels than yours!

Thank you!


Will Stabby Mike make a comeback and defeat the guy whos name sounds like Thanos

Does Ready Player One, the Movie, inspired this game? I see some similarities. 


Echoing what everybody else has said this game is comedy and story telling gold. 

However I also wanted to mention that the scene with Penelope and the kids in 0.3 had me nearly in tears... 

Glad to hear that!

(2 edits) (-1)




Haha thank you very much!


I really just can't stop, the game is so freaking perfect. I just had to recommend it to some friends, I think one of them is going to play it!


Carbidis if u can pls provide us with a date till which the next update will be available


I'll be able to give an ETA next month ^^

Hello the game is great but i have a question i completed the main story and is it possible that in the future are we going to get and more update in onceinalifetime game?? and in the game i can also see a discord option but when i click on it . it shows me that the link is invalid and my question is that is there any discord server for this game ??

(1 edit)

OiaLt is complete, there won't be more content

My focus is on Eternum now

Sorry but just to "next month" did you mean this June or July?

If you mean the definitive release dates July

An ETA probably this month :D

Thanks for the reply. Hope the development goes swimmingly. /salute

How many hours does it take to finish the game?

I don't have an exact number, but I'd say several.

did you finished it? and how long? just for reference 

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I dont remember so much the time but Maybe 2-3 hours


If you read everything it's impossible to complete the current content in 2 hours, I'd say more like 10-13 hours on average reading speed


yea its 10 hours or up than 10 hours by read the all text,but there some people just to watch the "sex" scene so they use the skip button and by that you can completed the game like 2-6 hours i think


I've been playing since 0.3 and have loved every minute of this game. Of course I came for the lewd parts, however this was the first game to really hook me into the story. 0.4 had my jaw on the floor with the cliffhanger. But while playing through the entire game from start again with 0.5 I had some theories of what may happen. I thought about how npc's may not be npc's, and that some characters might be in mortal danger. I am floored with your story telling and thematic cliffhangers. I'm eagerly awaiting 0.6 and all future releases. This is my favorite Visual Novel ever, and I hope to be as creatively sky-high with my own works. This breaks the boundaries of anything I have ever enjoyed consuming.


Thank you very much!!


This game has made me laugh more than most comedy shows, and it's a fucking porn game. Caribdis you are a comedy GENIUS


Thanks :D


Ive played more than a few visual novels from as a guest, but this is the first one that was so good imo that I made an account just to comment on how good it is AND I've only played through my versions end and not the finished product.

My mouth literally dropped open when my MC started putting the pieces together about the NPCs in Eternum....and then the credits start rolling. What a cliff hanger!!!

Thank you soooo much for taking the time and effort it takes to craft a story and experience like Eternum.

Oh yeah, I personally loved the fact that the first pretorian we see in action at the start, wields the exotic hand cannon "Sunshot" from Destiny.(guilty of thousands of hours put into Destiny. (Currently enjoying iron banner week at the time of posting this)

I could go on and on but I don't wana give spoilers to comment readers. This is such a great game to check out, well worth the time it takes to check out each path and get lost in the narrative, and I'm so looking forward to more.

Thank you very much!


didnt expect to enjoy the- other aspects of this game but its surprisingly rly good 10/10

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