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Echoing what everybody else has said this game is comedy and story telling gold. 

However I also wanted to mention that the scene with Penelope and the kids in 0.3 had me nearly in tears... 

Glad to hear that!

(2 edits) (-1)




Haha thank you very much!


I really just can't stop, the game is so freaking perfect. I just had to recommend it to some friends, I think one of them is going to play it!


Carbidis if u can pls provide us with a date till which the next update will be available


I'll be able to give an ETA next month ^^

Hello the game is great but i have a question i completed the main story and is it possible that in the future are we going to get and more update in onceinalifetime game?? and in the game i can also see a discord option but when i click on it . it shows me that the link is invalid and my question is that is there any discord server for this game ??

(1 edit)

OiaLt is complete, there won't be more content

My focus is on Eternum now

Sorry but just to "next month" did you mean this June or July?

If you mean the definitive release dates July

An ETA probably this month :D

Thanks for the reply. Hope the development goes swimmingly. /salute

How many hours does it take to finish the game?

I don't have an exact number, but I'd say several.

did you finished it? and how long? just for reference 

(1 edit)

I dont remember so much the time but Maybe 2-3 hours


If you read everything it's impossible to complete the current content in 2 hours, I'd say more like 10-13 hours on average reading speed


yea its 10 hours or up than 10 hours by read the all text,but there some people just to watch the "sex" scene so they use the skip button and by that you can completed the game like 2-6 hours i think


I've been playing since 0.3 and have loved every minute of this game. Of course I came for the lewd parts, however this was the first game to really hook me into the story. 0.4 had my jaw on the floor with the cliffhanger. But while playing through the entire game from start again with 0.5 I had some theories of what may happen. I thought about how npc's may not be npc's, and that some characters might be in mortal danger. I am floored with your story telling and thematic cliffhangers. I'm eagerly awaiting 0.6 and all future releases. This is my favorite Visual Novel ever, and I hope to be as creatively sky-high with my own works. This breaks the boundaries of anything I have ever enjoyed consuming.


Thank you very much!!


This game has made me laugh more than most comedy shows, and it's a fucking porn game. Caribdis you are a comedy GENIUS


Thanks :D


Ive played more than a few visual novels from as a guest, but this is the first one that was so good imo that I made an account just to comment on how good it is AND I've only played through my versions end and not the finished product.

My mouth literally dropped open when my MC started putting the pieces together about the NPCs in Eternum....and then the credits start rolling. What a cliff hanger!!!

Thank you soooo much for taking the time and effort it takes to craft a story and experience like Eternum.

Oh yeah, I personally loved the fact that the first pretorian we see in action at the start, wields the exotic hand cannon "Sunshot" from Destiny.(guilty of thousands of hours put into Destiny. (Currently enjoying iron banner week at the time of posting this)

I could go on and on but I don't wana give spoilers to comment readers. This is such a great game to check out, well worth the time it takes to check out each path and get lost in the narrative, and I'm so looking forward to more.

Thank you very much!


didnt expect to enjoy the- other aspects of this game but its surprisingly rly good 10/10


The sheer flood of comments that this game collects on here nearly every day should be proof enough of how well crafted this game is. It's popularity is very well deserved. One of the greatest games I've played, and I'm not just talking about AVN's I'm talking about it being among the best games I've played period. Don't be afraid to give it a try!

Thank you!!


all story and no fun.


That is just simply not true haha... You must have made some wrong choices along the way


They definitely made some very bad choices then 😂

Unable to save the game

I am unable to update the game via Itch. It's saying that "This title is hosted on an incompatible third-party website." Can anyone help?

You need to download it from the browser

wont open at all?


We are so excited to know when will be the next version is going to release


this is one of the worst games here i saw

you can skip for hours without getting anything out of it

game allow you to make decissions, but if you don't know what to chose you might aswell not play

quiz section is mandatory and if you don't get 1st place retry...


Have you never played a game like this before? This is by far one of the better ones. Not only is it hilarious when it wants to be, its sexy, fun, and has great worldbuilding.


Ye, i think he is only playing for the nsfw and not the plot 🤣

Deleted 171 days ago

game didn't capture my interest in any way

sure fucks, i wanted to play interesting game with sexy fun, but all i get is some story on rails with no fun

also better ones xD i don't wanna see worse ones

you guys think i wanted to be annoyed and dissapointed?

well i often m, but expected something else, i checked the guide and yes you must select exactly best options or quit

and yes stupid quiz is mandatory and you can't fail at it or game move you to the start...

this game is not only aimed at porn scenes and I sincerely sympathize if the presence of a plot is for you, and good is a bad feature of the game.


Dude doesn't know a masterpiece when he sees it

Just say your stupid and move on, most of the questions asked you learned in school, except the Obama and mel Gibson one 💀


I started playing similar games about a year ago and went through a lot of them during that time, but this game is definitely the best! A well-developed plot, very beautiful characters in which it is impossible not to fall in love and that plays no small role-pleasant music throughout the game. Separately, the server in discord deserves attention, there are very interesting discussions and kind users who send their drawings and works on the game every hour, but even considering these very well-drawn works, as soon as I have the opportunity to subscribe, I will do it right away, according to the stories of the subscribers themselves, it's worth the money. Also, the developer himself is very responsive, and a kind person. You can't even imagine the joy I had when I was able to thank him personally for this wonderful game. I advise everyone to play it!

Thank you again Anarch!


Jokes Aside, in my opinion this is the best game I’ve played in a while. Even though it’s an adult game it’s hella enjoyable and funny and has good story writing and funny moments. I genuinely like this story and the characters. 



Is this game pretty dark?

(1 edit) (+1)

The lighting, maybe, at least for scenes in the game-in-a-game, but if you mean the story, no, not remotely.  It's a really well written, interesting story that's actually pretty funny at times.

Oh nice, thanks for replying🙏. I don't really like to read dark stories but im glad this isnt like that considering how it looks like just from the screenshots😂

i used to play this game on mobile... can i still continue from where i left off on pc? and this is a really good game i actually played it for the plot not the nsfw but its a bonus now 🤣

Mmm probably not, you'll need a fresh play

alright, thanks for responding!

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Easily my top 5 for games on here.


What would be your other 4?

Today I finished the Game and I must say , the Game is really creative, funny and it has a nice Story. I can't wait for Version 0.6. One question I have is, are you going to be able to continue from where the Version 0.5 Ended or are you going to need to start from the beginning? I Hope you're doing Well and I really Like your Game.


you can continue

Thank you! And yeah you can


Eternum is the best game I've ever seen in my life, I recommend playing it with all my heart



still waiting for that 0.6 announcement, love your work man


Uhmm yeah I really really really want to play this game, but when I downloaded it snd started playing when Anne the one who introduced the game in my gameplay is talking about the thing that gonna tell me if I did something wrong or not the game just crashes. I'm on Android. Honor X7a


Actually, this is the beeeest game I've played. I like the character design, story design, graphics, music and so on!! I even want to have a girlfriend like any one in the game(Annie and Nova is better hhh). So I would like to know the progress of the new version 0.6!!!


TYVM! 0.6 is at 70% rn

bro damm you work fast! make sure you don't overwork yourself! :) 

Please may someone reply to this comment with a link to the discord, as the invite above says its expired.

It might be for Patrons/SubscribeStar members only. Don't take my word for it, but don't be too expectant on a public link.

Deleted 1 year ago

even if I cant chat, I would still like to join. Is this possible?


I made an account just to comment here. This game is absolutely incredible and I honestly cannot wait for 0.6. Well done Caribdis.

Thank you!


Im getting so excited, can't wait to [0.6]

This is the most amazing game I've ever play

The plot is amazing not just the plot everything is amazing 

You are the best caribdis keep the good work and stay safe always,:)

Love this game so much<3

Thank you so much :D

Discord plz


Please upload the Korean translation download in a different way


korean author mostly bad influence in adult cause they manage to make NTR in 90 percent of all pornhwa in existent i dont want my new favourite i mean the best adult visual ever to be destroyed. someone need to step up and its me. cant even touch my junk reading pornhwa its stabbing me even though the art is great what a waste. Mr. Caribdis becareful to not be influenced by them love you 


The hell? All they wanted was a translation.


once they play it, they are part of the community and they will spread their ideas. 

What do you think am i being unreasonable? enlighten me 

I just want to download the Korean translation to download it from a Google drive or something, not Mega

This game is good tho overall is the best for this game,btw caribdis can i acces to discord server?


Caribdis, to access the discord server is it necessary to pay in patreon? Because when I try to join I get that the invitation is expired

I am getting the same issur


Please bring Eva back somehow :(


A friend of mine invited me to watch him play this cool new VN he found. The MC looked a bit weird, but the writing was so funny, it almost added to his charm how ridiculous he looked at the same time as being so serious about slutting up his harem. We didn't finish the game together because life had other plans and it got a bit too steamy for both of us to continue and look at each other the same way. I kept playing, he forgot about it, and I've been a fan of you since then, Caribdis. The game, of course, was Once in a Lifetime.
Whenever I thought of "porn games" images of old flash games come to mind. I thought it was simply a means to an end: something to help a person finish off a wank. Once in a Lifetime was the first ever game to make me think of it as a whole other means to tell a story. The age old saying of "I'm (playing) this for the plot" finally won't be a self delusion to many horny people. This led me down the path of looking for games with actual content beside the sex scenes. I found Ripples, The Headmaster, Being a Δik, Leap of Faith, and finally, Eternum.
I thought to myself, "the creator of Once in a Lifetime made this game. This must be as good!". This has been better than Once in a Lifetime was at its peak.

ps. I can't wait for update 0.6 <3
-J.J. Hitchcock


Thank you so much <3

My game keeps crashing at the tutorial part. Please help Dev.


Привет еше раз спасибо за отличную игру да в будуших версиях  добавите больше драк с акселем и еше когда нам ждать продолжения

Almost there for 0.6 can wait to continue... the anxiety is killing me 

By the way Caribdis you are the best and keep a good work and stay healthy which is the most important ;)

Thank you <3


Caribdis, I love you, really. Awesome game like Once in a Lifetime, even better. Please, I'm curious, where do you draw/get these characters/scenarios, which program?


HoneySelect 2 :D

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