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Best game I've played in a while, possibly ever. Can't wait for future updates.

(Personally, I think Luna is best girl)


Hello, in what month will version 0.6 be updated?

I'd guess, probably around July/August given that the last couple updates took roughly 4 - 6 months.

Take that info with a grain of salt tho cuz no one will know for sure until the Developer reveals it themself.

(1 edit)

Why does it take so long to 

load on android😭

you have a shit phone kid, U have to be 18

bruh i am 18, you old fossil

Hello! I really love eternum and a few months ago i got banned on eternum discord channel because my account got hacked and i unwillingly sent out spam messages, i was wondering if i could get back in the discord? I would love to receive the updates as soon they come out, please? 

I love this Game the story is way to good and the way you have this relationships is something i never saw before.
(Alex best girl ngl)


More Alex soon!

no we love dalia and penelope, alex is fine but i WANT TO FUCK'EM ALL

You're going to start a war

Alex for sure is one of the best, I agree <3
She just feels so unique in a way.

I do really love Alex, but looking at others, OMG I love  them all. they all feel so real and lovely


honestly an incredible game kinda glad that its not filled with sex scenes cause I feel like it would take away from the story and the fact that you've only started your relationship with most of the girls at the start of the game

That's my approach too ^^

I played OiaLT, then this, and I have to say you're doing a great job. I may end up throwing money around at this rate, which would be a first for me for something porn related :p Honestly it may be worth money even without the sex scenes.

The music has been a (well, one of several) big steps up from your last game. May I humbly suggest you put the music credits somewhere obvious; I found a comment with the link to the youtube page for the soundtrack after a while googling but it was on the second attempt.

Any amount of support helps a lot to the development of the game :D


I made an account for the sole purpose of making a comment here, whoever's behind eternum is a genius, I don't know if it would mean anything coming from a nobody but I really loved the story and the diversity of characters, I enjoyed every bit of it and would love to see more. More power to you mr writer who's name I don't know, keep up the perfect work! 

Thank you very much!

How many months can we expect between releases?

Deleted post

this game makes me shit brick and laugh like a maniac. everything in this game is amazing. 10/10.

Thank you!

Why are some girls greying out even though they're not even being interacted with at all. Like I could be talking to Luna but suddenly Alex becomes greyed out

I'm just gonna say it with the animation and sound effects in sex scenes and the comedy and horror elements, this is one of the best porn games I've ever played


more fuck pls

I didn't get it about Regina scene. When I enter the locker room there is just nothing.

I don't think there is a scene

No there's no scene

there is, I fucked her so hard. you can choose the power and speed + how you fuck her!!

can i know how many horror scene there are in the game (especially v.02 )  . I dont think i can handle it well im a timid person   .  Glad to know about it , to allow me having a  mental preparation before continue playing it.

Hard to tell, in 0.2 there's one and in 0.4 another, although less "scary"

Deleted 1 year ago


(2 edits) (+1)

I've played this game for all the content it has right now and it is something I will never forget. I love this story so much I went and found the creator's previous work and what I like so much about this creator is seeing how they developed their creative skills as time goes forward. They are such an amazing creator and I can't wait to see what they make next. It's truly inspiring. Thank you for such amazing stories Caribdis! 


Thank you very much!

The game is great! Also thank you (dev) very much for optimisation, a lot of my android's games crashed all the time, but not this one, this game is awesome ^_^



let a nigga smash alex 🤦🏾

fr tho

is it suppos to be silent? thought there was sound at one point

no voice actors but definitely other sounds like music 


I can't believe how good the writing and world creation was in this game. Just phenomenal work man. I can't wait for the next update, anxiously awaiting more time with Alex. Keep it up man, this is the best game of this genre I have played to date.


Thank you very much! <3

is there supposed to be an audio file? if there is i think its missing 

Cómo se puede poner en español? Recuerdo o creo recordar que en la versión anterior podía ponerse en español, si me equivoco corrígeme  

Could you add more scenes... you know what I mean

fuxck fuck fuck babbyyy

(1 edit)

Caribdis, you've got an awesome game here. Just curious, do you have an expected timeline on when you hope to finish the game? 


I don't, but it'll take a few years

There's still many adventures and sex scenes to do :]

(1 edit)

dude . im halfway true the game by now and i must say its more then amazing , its one of the best if not the best visual novel i have ever come across both story and characters are magnificent. i did notice at this point though a few graphic flaws you might want to go back and fix up a bit, just to make it more emersive .

- the renders at the photoshoot scenes i believe the boobs are a bit too pale and if i remember correctly there is one picture in particular that has a little bit of a rough edge and is not rounded up perfectly around the left boob.

- also at the phone call scene between orion and nova i believe the headset should be a little less bright purple and needs a little shading done on the left ear.

-there is a transition scene when orion enters eternum where the ai ask him if he wants to join one of the 3 worlds he previously visited. i would have hoped you could at that point choose the world so that you can spawn in with the clothes from that chosen world and not the given one only for some aditional text lines for future replay value.

all in all i am very happy with the lenght of the game, the story , the characters , the mixture of hilarious jokes and horror.

i hope that this world gets expanded into a even longer game potentially a series of eternum 2 and 3 and as much if not ,more contend cause i am hooked.

i hope you get this message and maybe can tell me if there will be more to come and if there is a lot to expect or if you plan to make this not have an equally in lenght sequal? 

p.s : this is not at all critics but a friendly way of trying to help you make it beter then it already is. 


Thanks for the feedback!

There is still a LOT to come, for sure

a LOT of fuck babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy---!""


I've played a lot of AVNs including your previous work and this is still by far my favorite.


why does Dalia go gray on the menu after the jail scene where MC askes about "The Cove"?

You probably don't have enough points with her. Check out the walkthrough for more info!


Just wanna share that I made a song inspired by the beach scene with Dal, I hope u like it :p


I dig it bro.


Good stuff! Nice job

so cap, just self promo loser


Got to say, pretty much at the start of the game, when I read the interests and particularly the favorite movies of the different girls, and seeing how much trivia of ancient mythology was built into the game, along with your name, I thought to myself, that I really would like meeting whoever made this! Since we probably won't be able to meet, just wanted to let you know, you've got a rare taste ^^


Haha thanks ^^


Came for the "plot" and now staying for the plot. This deserves some Netflix or HBO money. I want a show on this!


Haha that would be awesome xD 


Hell, I'd watch it!


when is the next update ?


I think this yt channel potentially has some music that could fit in eternum. Tbh one of the songs could already be in it but I don't feel like replaying the whole game to check. Love the game btw. The channel:

I'll check it out, thanks!

(6 edits) (+4)

Pros: Amazing storyline. I never thought I'd be emersed in an NSFW game. Usually in NSFW games, I get bored with the story. But this one was an exception. The protagonist is good, the characters, each of them are cool in their own ways(except Axel and his friends, I guess). Do you want mystery or horror? It's there. Do you want comedies, fun fun references to other games so that you can laugh your lungs out? It's also there for you.  You can feel how much effort the dev in putting to make it a memorable experience while playing it. Just give it a shot to see what I mean. Thank you caribidis for making a special game such as this one.

Cons: although there's not much to say, there is one thing to mention. That is, the android port of the latest version doesn't work. So you have to go for other ports which works, such as the PC. It worked fine for me in windows. But in android, which was the port I tried first, well...... I tried to load my saves from previous version, it crashed, I tried to start a new game,  during Annie's introduction, just after she tells how the heart icon works, it crashed. Not just once, every time at the exact same moment. I went to the preference, it crashed. I tapped on "Credits" and guess what? It crashed even then. It only doesn't crash when I stay in the main menu and do nothing. I don't know if this issue is brought to attention of the caribidis. I don't really see many people talking about it in the comments. I hope caribidis will fix it as soon as he/she can. Until then, I think we better avoid android.


Unfortunately Android ports always give problems, I'm not sure what could cause that

(4 edits) (+2)

Hey, thanks for replying. I know you're probably doing your best and sometimes it's real difficult to find cause of problems. So I won't put pressure on you. Just... If there's a bug that's causing it, when you diagnose it, fix it your own pace. 

Edit: I had to reply from a second account because for some reason I couldn't reply to you from the account with which I originally wrote the comment. It's the same person. So not be confused because of slight difference in name.

Android worked perfectly fine for me. I started a new safe though. If you haven't, I would try doing a clean install of the game


help!!!! I’m trying to play on Linux on a steam deck. The windows install uncludes the .sh and .py files but when I try to launch the .sh on terminal it says the renpy platform is missing on “…/lib/linux64x86” but no such file structure exists on the download? Very confused and don’t know what to do to launch it. 

From what I've read, you should be able to install the app on the steam deck and install the game from there. You'll have trouble running windows versions of things since the steam deck uses a modified version of linux

(1 edit)

i installed the itchio launcher, i extracted the game files on my downloads directory, i add the downloads directory to the download locations list on the itchio game launcher. but no games can be discovered when scanning install location for games. Im very lost

I am noticing that trying to reinstall directly from itchio game launcher client is not possible. An error saying  something along the lines of " it comes from an incompatible website"

Same here. installer can't install it because it's coming from another website (drive, mega...).

Any way to host it on so it can be installed?

Hey @Caribdis what tool do you use to develop your games? Its a engine? if so which? can you share this secret with me?

Deleted 228 days ago

Thank you @CalbDidStuff !!!!

I wanted to know if there will be any translation into Portuguese?


I will keep it short: just AMAZING!!! 

Congrats and i will keep an eye on you hehe

Nearly two years ago, I played your previous work, "Once in a Lifetime," and it really sets golden standard for what an adult visual novel is supposed to be. I have been excited to continue playing through this story you are creating in Eternum and I look forward to see its continued development.

On another note, I am just a tad bummed there will likely be no Charlotte content in this game. I think she looks pretty design-wise and she has the whole popular, but unlikable personality archetype (like Jasmine in OiaLt), but she has the misfortune of having irredeemably saggy tits.


The God of Tits and Ass didn't bless her 😔

That recurring saggy tits dig is funny every damn time it hits, just because she is such a bully's wench from the start, plus how we're led to love and bond with our main crew as well.  Can't wait for the next update!


By far the only visual novel type game I made through the entire story without skipping a single dialogue this game was simply an amazing experience for me and changed everything I once thought about visual novel being not engaging at all and boring. Keep up the good work I really appreciate your amazing work and this master piece you have created. Luna best girl, no debate.

Thank you!


BEST. 10. HOURS. OF. MY. LIFE!!!! You sir are a effing genius, I wish with all of my heart and soul that more game creators of this genre took your approach to creating such a beautiful game such as this. It has Action, Adventure, Humor(God the Humor(Micaela of the Boreal Valley)), Horror. Your game has everything that creates a awesome game. I came for something to waste 1 or 2 hours on, I left with an amazing experience that I'll remember for years to come. I want more, I need more. More Luna, more Mr. Hernandez, more Annie, just more. This is one of the few games that I would spend 100+ Dollars for, that is how much I love this game. I cannot wait for more. When .6 comes out, I'm going to download it immediately and replay through the entire game, I'll replay though .7, .8., .9., each and every version to come.


Thank you very much!!

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